Our Town December 31, 1927

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Transcript of Our Town December 31, 1927

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 31, 1927



    Fireside Edi tor Tells AboutHoliday Parties and. Guests.

    ENTERTAIN CHILDRENOn Tuesday afternoon, Decembe r 27, the P res ident and Execu

    tive Board of the \Vomen ' s Community Club of Narberth entertained about (if) children and 30mothers at a Christmas party.Molly Flynn, original Bed-TimeStory broadcaster for \VFI, tolda s tor y about how we c am e t o u set ins el on the Christmas t ree. Mrs.Evere tt Hunt , o f Swarthmore College faeul ty. p layed several pian.lsolos and later accompanied IVI issF lynn , who r ec it ed poems fromA. A. Milne's "When \Ve "'er;:Very Y ou ng ." Ic e cream andlady fingers wer e t he n s er ve d t othe young guests.

    TO HOLD BENEFIT. The arberth Sub-Junior sect io n o f the \\Tomen's CommunityClub under th e supervision of:Hrs. Parker Miller. is c o m p l e t i 1 l ' ~arrangements for a benefit to be~ h ' e n a t the Narberth Theater inIh e n ea r f ut ur e.\Va tc h f or t he a nnounc em en ts')f the date in "Our Town."

    Narberth, Pa., Saturday, December 3J, 1927

    'II. s. Hot"3neNt' t Na.rberth A30 Na.rbertb t

    Nearly Quarter Million CardsMailed from LocalOffice.

    CHRISTMAS MAIL !MERCURY FALLS WHEN STRONG COMMITfEE ITURKEY ~ ; ; A ~ O ; : : : E A R S AGO IEN1ERTAINMENTS _BREAKS RECORDS WINTER MAKES DEBUT OV.ER BOY SCOUTS = " , i i " i ~ - . ! : : . ~ ~ ! E I AND VISITS MANYhousekeeper have quoted tOday.\Vin ter made its formal entrance sible sunshine that there could have G.roup of Citizens Organized 1877 1927last Thursday , and in keeping with been was exact ly n ine hours and 19 for Act ive Work Next ~ : i ~ ~ r i l o ~ ~ ~ n ~ .. : : : : : : : : : $ : ~ g $: ~ g : ::8the spirit of the th ing the thermom- minutes. The sun rose at 7.20 6 ~ i ~ W n . P ~ g ~ l g d .:::::::: :tg ::g: : : t . d' t I b t f II A \ 1\,r I t P M Year. Lard. pound . . . . . . . . . . .14 .14- .18e er Imme Ia e y egan 0 a. f . lV.L. all( se t a 4.39 . . b aae . p"und 16 .40I f d Scraop,e. pound 07 .14OW temperature 0 29 egrees was The precipitation for last week. ANTICIPATE PROGRESS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ; ~ d P ~ : . : : : : : : : ~ ~ _ .05 :ijg_ .10 OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE.WAS HANDLED QUICKLY reached by the mercury on Thurs- \Veatherman Decker reported , was s. potatoes. !2 pk 20 .40day, according to Charles Decker. small-"too smal l to measure." The ~ ~ : ~ t ~ r ~ : ~ ~ :J

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 31, 1927








    o o ( ~







    NARBERTH 2845hones

    Ti,e Sign of the Best Meats

    2106 MARKET STREETOpposite Erlanger Theatre

    Rittenhouse 7070

    J1 Happy New Year

    -T o Wish YouA

    Happy New Yea,.DAVIS'

    Open Friday Evenings from 7 until 9 o'Clock

    O N E New Year's resolution that shouldnever be broken is the resolve to eatplenty of good mea t, B ra dl ey 'sMarke t h as it. Phone us your meato rder s. Del ive ries twice dai ly to theMain Line.


    The world honors rich mell llot f01'their riches, but for the thrift,brains and industry that madethem,dch.


    And by th e time this young 1928 ha s grownto be a m an m ay y ou l oo k b ac k wi th p l ea santmemories on th e d ays o f his y ou th an d exclaim, "There was a Year!"

    May t he t hr ee genii-Health, Wealth an dHappiness-attend you; ma y you h av e m an yjoyous d ay s a he ad a nd m an y loving f ri ends t oshare them.

    May th e New Year approaching be a timefo r th e fulfillment of your fondest hopes, yourgreatest expectations!

    OUT Wish lOT YOUT New YeaT

    wishes to ex tend i t s thanks t o t he people of Narberthfo r an unpa ral le l ed Christmas patronage, an d t o w is he ac h o f t h em

    The Narberth Hardware Company, Inc.

    The Narberth National Bank


    NARBERTH 3675

    The Oldest Stol ' e in Narbelth224 Haverford Avenue " Phone Narberth 4035


    I . ~ I


    Taxi Cab Co.Narberth

    215 Haverford Ave.


    FANNY H. LOOSPiano TeacherStudio Over Garage at,117 HAVERFORD AVENUE1'1':1... 1110:.... : NAIUIFiUTI l 21102

    REPLATEBRASSY WORN -OFFBath Room FaucetsBrassy Auto Parts, ReOectors,With Pure SilverUSE

    FOUXJ )-A wa tc h. I n qu i re 4001 NorthNarberth avenue.

    It Silver-Plates. Use It as a PolishLOOK LIKE NEW!Yz Pint, $1; Pint, $1.65

    FOR SALE BY LOCAL DEALERSandHanse'l Bros, Service Stationl\lontgomer)' A'e. bel. Narberth A'e.

    1I0l\[AID CAlCES-Noodles, sand-tarts,80c lb.; angel food, $1.25 lb. Mrs . S . P.Duncan, 6 S ab in e a ve nu e. N ar be rt hPhone Narber th 4112-M.

    CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSRat es : 2c per word" additional consecutive insel'tions of same advertisement, 1c per word. Minimum charge1)er week, 80c.SUNNY UOOi\ l for g e nt l eman o r b u si ne ss woman. Private famlly. Convenient to station. Phone Narberth 4161.SEWIXG MACIIINES-All makes reop ai re d. L ib e ra l allowances on old ma chines f or n ew S in ge r. Phone Merion1458.M. (tf)1I0i\n;i\ lAOE cakes an d fudge. CallNarberth 3791-3. after 3.30. (tf)SEWING MACinNES-New an d used,Libera l a llowance on old machines. Guaran te rd repa i rs on a l l makes . Phone Narberth 3907-M. ( T. F .)FOR UENT-Very desi rab le fu rnishedor unfurn ished room in private home.Fine location. Phone Narber th 3879-W.I,OST--8mall black evening bag, cont a in i ng b l ue enameled pencil. Reward,

    Phone Narber th 3881-R.

    I ,OST-B lack lea the r pocketbook con-,talnlng money a nd l at ch keys. Returnt o Na rb er t h Nat io na l B an k and receiveI reward." I ,OI"T -Bar p in, nea r the station. Reward. Call Narberth 4022-R after 6P. M.

    219 Haverford AvenueNARBERTH 4005

    BAKED GOODSFor the Whole Bloomin' FamilyWhy? Well, fo r one t h ing , our baked goods ar efor Mother, She will enjoy their q ua li ty a ndeconomy, bu t more than that, sh e will appreciate th esaving of he r t ime and strength.Fo r Dad !-Infinite variety, sterling quality an dhourly f reshness a re apparent when ou r baked goodsar e served. They will mak e h is m ea ls m or e e nj oy able.Fo r t h e Ch i ld r en-Need we say it, Good breadis a child's best food, an d wholesome cakes form anutritious an d looked-forward-to dessert.


    Phone Hilltop 1062-Wl \ ~ A I N L INE P IANOSERVICEP la n o Tun l n"

    R ~ p a l r l n g ofUpr:ghtsPlayers andGrands,ExpertReproducingPlanoan d AmpicoSerVice22 East Marthart AvenueHOI'TB AROMORE, PA,"l1'e Tune for fhe World'sGI'('(/fesf .4 rtists."


    - - - - - - - - _ . . --. , ---.::::::.=THE BAIRD APARTMENTSAn artist's conception of Narberth's largest apartment house nownearing completion on Essex avenue. It contains 72 rooms, made upinto three- and four-room apartments.

    TAXI SE R V IC EP . F . DONAHUEResidence, Station,Narberth 4031 Narberth 4007Baggage Called for and Delivered


    Elizabeth :\ ne 11 ewes Tames B. /! l a 'd e tt J r. , J ack l\IOtlI;. "Elizabethi'vIoOil. Frank JIcAdams. MarionParsons and Barbara Dud ley.

    1\1 r. and 1\1 rs. Francis S. McAdams, Jr.. are being congratulatcd, l l l the b I rth o f a daughter. Dccemher ~ ! Anne Louise. l\I r s. Mc Adams will he rcmembered as:'Iliss Lillian .I. A. Redifer.Mr. a nd Mr s. E. G. Schmidhci se r. o f Haverford, formerlv 'of'Na.rberth. a ~ recciving congratul at io ns o n b Ir th o f a daughter , theday before Christmas. at th e BrynMawr Hospital. .Miss Christine Mah\, of arb rook Park. en te rta in ed at lunch eo n o n Tuesday. He r guestswere the Misses Ann e a nd Rut hWilbur, P e g ~ ' Y Waltcr, RosalieS haw, A de la id e Marsh andBlanche Sonnefeldt.



    Saturday,D ecember31, 1927

    Published by theLIVINGSTON PUBLISHING 00,PHlLIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, EditorTHOMAS A. ELWOOD, ABst EditorOffice, 258 Haverford AvenueNarberth 2545SUBSCRIPTION PRIOEOne Dollar and Fifty Oents Per Year IIIAdvance-------------'

    Entered as second class matter, October 18,1U14. at the Post Office at Narberth, Pa. undertile Aet of March 3, 1879.---_....:-:::-------i'"' FIREC'lIDE Essex Avenue Building Is Narberth 's\Jl1ye C ) Singing and Spec ial F i lm Ma rk A f fa ir Largest.Saturday. .. The new apartment recently( '' ' ' ' '1"1:''\1 ':0 ) o ' H O ~ 1 TIm FJltRT PAGE Last Saturday af ternoon \\ Il-l C ' f I e rc ct ed on t he c as t sidc o f E ss ex, ,. , f ' d . . lam rOZIer, manager 0 t lef ~ I . I ' \ . I , a \ , ( : . I ~ u e , .IS, v ~ s ~ t ~ n ~ n,:n s 1111 arberth Thcater, e n i c r t a i n c ~ 1 t he a \' en ue h etween 1-1 aver fo rd andI I t t ~ I ~ ~ l 1 " , h U\ Cl : \C \ \ car s. T children of the commun i ty . Some \Vindsor a\cnues. is a typiutl. ~ l 1 s s Dorothy D ~ r b l 1 ~ ..o.f North, i!OO of thcm laugh cd and cheered: \ a r b ~ r t h avenue, IS .vlsltlng her :ll the program especially sclcctcd ,, 'cst Philadelphia "modern effi- Iaunt m New Vork thIS week-end. f I '11 I" I' ciency" apartment amI wi ll be I ; J ! i " 5 i : ! . 5 i : ! 5 2 : . s c . S C ; ! i ' 2 . . ! i 2 5 i C 5 C 5 ~ : ! . 5 i : ! 5 2 : . s c . 5 C ? ~

    1\1 ' E I' I Iv! . f 300 or t lem. ley Istc11ee first to a 1- on< ay The picturc selectcd by Mr, telcl>hone scn'ice, di11nettes and I Jobbing Carpellter(' cnlllg at her ~ 1 , e e t l l l g I-fouse Crozier for the al1'air was "laclane apartmc,nt. I ~ 1 0 s e present and t he Be an S l; dl ,, " is 1 J e i l l ' ~ n.' kitchenettcs, The basemcnt has ImPAIRS and ALTERATIONS\",ere ~ \ I r s . I 'rank kccgan, 1'11'> ceil'cel with much ~ u s t o and au- ~ ) e e ~ l a ~ T a n g e d not only to afford 103 Dudley Avenuel' arv :'II. Bro\\'n. Mrs. l\lary r ~ I' ll , ' . , . . . , .: . . . . 1 ..1. JanItor s quarte rs . h ea ter , mete r(' '11' 1\1' E c' 'I ' l ( I J Csl,.,ns ot .tppl Cll,ltlU11 >\ thI' I I . I PHONE' NARBERTH 4129,; .s, IS . ' ,:all ,,,,trect. .\ l ~ . eg- 'oun" folks. All in a ll e \, cl :"one was 1111g anc e rY1l1g rooms, >t1 I .l1urrell anel 1 \ 1 1 ~ Frances ))1Clmond , i . . I I also two l ar gc lockcr rooms S\. f>U< ......", ' . . . . ., . . . . . . " ......' W 1\\ r. E. A. I,ei th former se.l:me< to cnJoy t le party ane ,t o that tcnants mO\'ing f rom large : ZENITH I"anager of t he Lyo n" lhrdware I ~ I I ~ I I u I the af ternoon, Santa \\:as l i \ ' i n ~ ' quartcrs ma\ ' h av c ample :r:Store, recently purchased by the a, .. le ~ I EI' 1 I I E I I low. a ll d a n athe:st," is a worker in. I.SS :. Iza >et 1 .

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 31, 1927




    -"Serv ice . "

    Supplee-Wills-JonesMILK and CREAM

    Walker-GordonAcidophi lus MilkMAIN LINE BRANCHTelephone: B1'yn Mawr 882

    758 Lancaster Ave.Bryn Mawr-


    Authorized Dealers

    CYNWYD 662

    --._--------_.- "



    The Link Between Forest and Home29 Bala Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd

    Shea's Drug StoreRIGHT AT THE STATION

    Where the Apothecary Has Held ForthFor the Last QUa1tf.r-CenturyTelephones: Narberth 28-38 and 28-39


    Majestic A an d B Eliminators310 Dudley Ave. Phone, Nar. 3868-M

    On e of the grea tes t enemies a ma n h as t o overcome is th e temptation t o b e satisfied with whath e h as already accomplished.W h at w e did yesterday c an ne ve r j u st i fy us fo rtoday. Complacency is achievement's greatestfoe. If we would succ ee d ou ts t and ing ly wemust resolve however well we di d yesterday todo e ven bet t er today,

    Our wish is that the N ew Y ea r will bring toyo u a full measure of Prosperity an d Happiness.Only through your pa tr ona ge in 1927 a re w eable to be more useful to the community in1928.

    Metal Radiator FZll'nitllre of EnduringBeauty

    Just imagine how much more at tract ive your home wouldbe with harmonious beautiful cabinets, instead of unsightly bareradiators IImagine the satisfaction of seeing walls and draperies freshand clean, instead of smudged by the dust carr ied by air currentsrising upward from uncovered radiators.

    A. & G. BOHEM, Inc.18th & Washington Ave. Philadelphia

    Shull Lumber Company

    Ad d to these advantages the healthful benefits of improvedcirculation of the hea t and you will see why your home shou ldbe equipped with Bohem Radiator furniture.Bohem Radiator Shields and Cabinets are obta inable in. cream, walnut or mahogany grained f in ishes. I t wil l p ay y outo get our estimate.

    Delivering a Night-Mareone in Ardmore and one inI\Vynnewood, but that ' s all.Church road is more difficult.There's one in Ardmore . S t. Davids , Devon and Bryn l\'1awr . notto mention Church street in BrynMawr.Haverfor rl roads may be foundin Narberth. Haverford townshipand Haverford. Lower Merion.

    S t r ~ e t s .With Similar NamesMakeO(JR'rOWN

    He drove a del ivery . tr uck for aPhiladelphia depar tment s tore. Onhis head was a neat cap. On hisfor eh ead were wrinkl es . T he caphas n ot hin g to d o w ith t he story .but the wrinkles have a lot to dowith it."Could you p le as e t el l m e. " h einquired, "if this is the r ight BrynMawr avenue? I 've atready takenth is b lamed package to Bryn Mawr 'i): ra venue in Ardmo re Park, Bala- Cynwyd, Narberth and Bryn Th e General Drafting Co. Mawr, and it doesn't belong at a ny : 1935 Chestnut Street :

    of those places. The cllstomer S. G. Coates :Ilhoned, told the order clerk to send : Registered Architect Bell Phone: :it C. O. D. : s aid she was calling Rittenhouse 0928 _ from out on the Main Line, and ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~that she wanted the goods delivered , to her home on Bryn Mawr avenue. She h un g up w it hou t sayingwhich one.

    "I st ill h av e Radno r a nd \VestManayunk to try. . . .. Do yot!know a Mrs. Timothy Jones inWest Manayunk? \Ve ll , I 'l l lookfor her t he re an d in Radnor, andthen cal l it a da y. Too had t hepeople o ut h er e c ou ld n' t g et together when they named theirroads. . . ."He d ro ve off, w ith a harassed

    bnt determ ined look on his face. ~ i ! S i ! S l ! i a S i i ! 5 i ! S l ! i a S i i ! S 2 r u i 2 S i ! 5 2 S ~ J i - !5a5C.5i2Si!S2:!R!iC5i!2!!ilS'm!5'a!ii5ii!5i52!i'Qseeking yet ano ther Bryn Mawr -avenue.But h e e xa gg er at ed . Vvhysingle out--or r ather , s ex tup leant-Bryn M aw r avenue? H adhe sought someone residing somewhe re on an i ndef in it e Chestnutavenue on the Main Line, he

    might have sought in Narberth. rQArdmore, Ardmore Par k, o r even ~ I 1 ! 2 : ! i 2 S C 5 i ! 2 : S ' 2 . 5 ~ ! 5 2 ! i 2 5 C 5 i ! 5 2 ! i 2 S i : ! 5 2 5 2 . S i 2 5 i ~ S 2 . 5 " 2 S i : ! 5 2 . ! ! i C . 5 ' 2 . 5 C ! 5 2 . ! i 2 5 i i ! 5 2 5 2 S i ! S P ' ' 'in Strafford or Paoli, before f ind- ~ ~ : n : : : I [ ' q J : : : : n ; : : i l = l ~ : : : : i ) : ; : R ~ J : : : l ) : : ; l ~ ~i ng t he g eo gr ap hi ca ll y correct I; ~ Q ~ ~ J ~ ) = b " ' ~ ) ; . ~ A ~Chestnut avenue, and it might "Made in Philadelphia" Ihave been Chestnut l an e, al l t het ime, which i s in Bala.As for Pembroke-well, therea re Pembroke r oa ds i n Cynwyd,vVynnewood, Bryn Mawr, Brookline and \Vavne : Pembroke avennes in \Vvi1l1ewood a nd ' Ve st q!\Janayunk. ~ n Pembroke streets itin Bryn Mawr and Haverford. f1Call up the Ardmore, BrynMawr or Uala-Cynwyd f ire company in the dead of n ight , has ti lyexclaim that the hou se i s on firc.an.d that-oh, yes, it's on Pembroke avenue-and there's no telli ng whe re t he fire engines will go- -ullless directions arc explicit.Be ca us e Mai n L in e fire companies and Philadelphia deliveryservices I 'ave ex' er ienccd trouble ;"with s im ilar '" named streets andr oa ds , Lowe 'r Mer ion t ownsh il>

    autho ri ti es ha\' e for some timesonght to prevent further inconvcnience. fohn S. G. Dunne. ULower ~ I e l : i o n ' s \'eteran Superin- tttendcnt o f H ig hway s, is now aworking- in conjunc tion wi th the UTowm-hip Building Department, Uto make sure that no new roads nare given names similar to oldones already in exis tence ill ornea r t he t o \ ~ ' n s h i p .Builders opening up new tractsin Lower Merion a re n ow askedto ohserve this new ruling innaming- the st reets which connedtheir de\ 'elopments w it h t he re stof the township 's highway system. Old roads, however , retaintheir "resent names. 'rhe following a"re among the duplicationsnot ic ed in the names of MainLine roads:Ardmore r oa d? You 'l l find i t inHaverford, Lower Merion, or elsein Ha\'erford township itself. Orperhaps in Merion Square, orBryn Maw r. Or perhaps yOl