OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our...

181 Queen St. East, Brampton, ON L6W 2B3 Canada PHONE (905) 454-4143 TOLL-FREE 1-800-720-5318 FAX (905) 459-4911 www.staffedge.com The Staffing Edge offers a comprehensive package of services for the temporary and contract staffing market in Canada. Whether you are an established Canadian staffing firm, a foreign agency looking to expand into Canada or an entrepreneur looking to start your own firm, we have the tools that allow you to focus on sales and service while we take care of the back office. OUR SERVICES FINANCING CANADIAN EXPERTISE PAYROLL COMPLIANCE TECHNOLOGY “Success in business today involves a team. That team should complement your own unique ability. My forte is sales and I complement myself with strong service teams and The Staffing Edge. In ten years since its inception, Liberty Staffing Services has grown to a level of $24 million in annual sales. Without The Staffing Edge I couldn’t have done it—it is that black and white.” BRUCE STOKES, PRESIDENT, LIBERTY STAFFING SERVICES

Transcript of OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our...

Page 1: OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our bank account, and remit all relevant taxes. The Staffing Edge completely removes the

181 Queen St. East, Brampton, ON L6W 2B3 Canada PHONE (905) 454-4143 TOLL-FREE 1-800-720-5318 FAX (905) 459-4911 www.staffedge.com

The Staffing Edge offers a comprehensive package of services for the temporary and contract staffing market in Canada. Whether you are an established Canadian staffing firm, a foreign agency looking to expand into Canada or an entrepreneur looking to start your own firm, we have the tools that allow you to focus on sales and service while we take care of the back office.






“Success in business today involves a team. That team should complement your own unique ability. My forte is sales and I complement myself with strong service teams and The Staffing Edge. In ten years since its inception, Liberty Staffing Services has grown to a level of $24 million in annual sales. Without The Staffing Edge I couldn’t have done it—it is that black and white.”


Page 2: OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our bank account, and remit all relevant taxes. The Staffing Edge completely removes the

181 Queen St. East, Brampton, ON L6W 2B3 Canada PHONE (905) 454-4143 TOLL-FREE 1-800-720-5318 FAX (905) 459-4911 www.staffedge.com

KEY POINTS•LegislationDueDiligence








We are more than back office solutions. We are an integral part of your company’s day-to-day success. You didn’t get into this business so you could spend all your time keeping up with the changes in Canadian government policy and market fluctuations.

With The Staffing Edge you don’t have to. We have experts fluent in the intricacies of human resources, corporate accounting, legal challenges, and the ever changing government legislation. We also offer counsel to those foreign firms looking to expand into the Canadian marketplace and offer them solutions on best practices keeping both government requirements and their company’s success in mind.

We are familiar with all aspects of the contract staffing market across every province in Canada. We truly give you the freedom to focus and the tools to achieve.

We are the experts in the complexities of Canadian temporary and contract employment across every province. We offer a comprehensive solution that encompasses payroll, human resources, government legislation, workers compensation and everything in between. We ensure your meet your due diligence in each of these areas while keeping your company’s success in mind.


“The ‘back office support’ provided by The Staffing Edge is so efficient that I don’t have to think about it. I can just depend on it. It means I’ve been able to focus my time and energy on growing ABLintothesuccessful,multibranchstaffingcompanythatitistoday.TheStaffingEdgeisakeycomponent to that success.”


Page 3: OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our bank account, and remit all relevant taxes. The Staffing Edge completely removes the

181 Queen St. East, Brampton, ON L6W 2B3 Canada PHONE (905) 454-4143 TOLL-FREE 1-800-720-5318 FAX (905) 459-4911 www.staffedge.com

“My original expectations of The Staffing Edge were for back office support for things like payroll, insuranceandWSIB.ButastimehasgoneonIhavelearnedthatTheStaffingEdgeisanintegralpart of my day to day operations. There is not a situation that comes up that the team at The Staffing Edge has not already experienced so their advice is invaluable.”


KEY POINTS•Worker’sCompensation

Cost & Case Management

•AppealsandTribunalSubmissions and Representation




•CompleteHealth& Safety Manual


The Staffing Edge will guide you step-by-step through the often cumbersome process of ensuring your business complies with the myriad of government regulations and insurance requirements while still appreciating the day to day operations of a staffing agency. These compliance programs are designed for companies who want to focus on growing their bottom line.


Managing non-core functions can be a strain on your business. The Staffing Edge manages workers’ compensation and insurance on your behalf while leveraging the buying power of a much larger group. This reduces your costs while providing you with greater levels than you would qualify for on your own.

WhenitcomestoHumanResources,thegovernmenthas a slew of rules and regulations by which you must abide. What exactly those are and how they affect your business is not always clear and few companies have theexperienceorresourcestoperformtheirownHRfunctions effectively. The Staffing Edge will guide you through the often cumbersome process of ensuring your business complies with the myriad of both federal and provincial employment laws.

We not only offer guidance but provide you with all the various manuals, posters, forms and sign-offs ensuring you have met your due diligence when it comes to ministry of labour requirements.

Page 4: OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our bank account, and remit all relevant taxes. The Staffing Edge completely removes the

181 Queen St. East, Brampton, ON L6W 2B3 Canada PHONE (905) 454-4143 TOLL-FREE 1-800-720-5318 FAX (905) 459-4911 www.staffedge.com

“In addition to providing a number of mission critical services including employer and international payrolling, their consultative approach and valuable insight into employment law, credit, financing and collections has been invaluable. They truly live up to their mission statement by providing the tools to succeed.”


KEY POINTS•WorkerClassificationProgram



The Staffing Edge designs programs to protect our members and your clients from the risks associated with use of contract labour including workers classification, and co-employment. The misclassification or weak controls of defining these workers can result in increased tax liabilities and penalties. These liabilities are only the outer edge of a deeper problem that has the capacity to collapse your business.

Many employers do not know what processes are in place for classifying their workers and while some basic steps can be taken to ensure appropriate classification, understanding the complexity of worker classification is generally not a core competency of many businesses. The Staffing Edge has developed a worker classification programthattakesintoaccount:FederalandProvincialGovernment Guidelines for the classification of employee and self-employed workers.

We are so confident in our worker classification process that we will guarantee it and assume any financial responsibility related to any audit or penalty as a result of a misclassified worker.

Organization’stalentpoolsconsistofagency-suppliedtemporarylabour,full- and part-time employees, service providers and self-employed workers. Understanding the differences between these worker groups is extremely important when setting up your relationship with a worker and in the creation of your contracts with a self-employed person.


Page 5: OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our bank account, and remit all relevant taxes. The Staffing Edge completely removes the

181 Queen St. East, Brampton, ON L6W 2B3 Canada PHONE (905) 454-4143 TOLL-FREE 1-800-720-5318 FAX (905) 459-4911 www.staffedge.com

“We have been very fortunate to have the flexibility of The Staffing Edge to enable us to take on some large scale volume temporary accounts at a moment’s notice (I had no idea how valuable until we had an opportunitytoincreasetempstafffromafewtowelloverahundredinamatterofdays!).Havingaccessto unlimited payroll is an enormous advantage!”


Concerned with meeting payroll while you wait on receivables? We offer unlimited payroll financing with no personal liability. Grow to you company’s true potential.

Ourservicebeginswhenyouaresourcingnewclients.Asyou gather prospects, we check the credit on the client toensureyourtimeiswellspent.Onceyourtemporary /contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our bank account, and remit all relevant taxes. The Staffing Edge completely removes the obstacle of capital and takes it one step further by being fully responsible for all administration as well. This differs from traditional factoring as you do not have any administration involved in handling payroll and making government payments.

Nextwecreatetheclientscustomizableinvoiceanddeliverit to them in their required method. The entire finance and billing process is handled by The Staffing Edge giving you the freedom to concentrate on sales and service.

Ourcollectionsrepresentativeactsasanextensionofyour customer service team inquiring on the account status while preserving your client relationships. Invoice payments come to us, are processed and are reported to you on a weekly basis along with your margin payment. If your client defaults on payment you can rest easy knowing that our receivables insurance protects your investment.

The Staffing Edge financing process simplifies your own bookkeeping which can save you expensive fees with an accountant. Like our other services, our aim is to provide you with more time to grow your business.


KEY POINTS•UnlimitedPayrollFinancing











Page 6: OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our bank account, and remit all relevant taxes. The Staffing Edge completely removes the

181 Queen St. East, Brampton, ON L6W 2B3 Canada PHONE (905) 454-4143 TOLL-FREE 1-800-720-5318 FAX (905) 459-4911 www.staffedge.com

“I had been toying with the idea of adding a temporary division as a service to my retail customers, but I must admit, all the time and details of setting up the business and then managing the ongoing administrationleftmeprocrastinating.ButaftermeetingwithTSE’sownerLou,andchattingwithotherStaffingEdgemembers,Iwassoldontheperfectwin-winsituation!Bybeingabletoprovidestaffinotherways than just permanent placement, our client’s now see us as a 1 stop shop for all their staffing needs.”


It starts with getting everyone paid correctly and on time every week. Then wetakeittoanewlevelencompassingHRadvice,legislativechangesandalladministration, anywhere in Canada. Your payroll headaches are over.

It’s not enough that your temporary workers can change from week to week but the legislation required to payroll them is in constant change as well. Keeping up with these payroll changes across Canada is a never ending task that youdon’thavetimefor.Ourmanyyearsofexperienceinthe contract and temporary staffing market make us the experts in these rapidly changing work conditions that regular payroll systems are not built for. We ensure that everyone gets paid correctly, on time, every time.

Whether you are providing temporary employees or independent contractors, we ensure that compliance is met in all aspects of payroll legislation and the employment standards act. We take care of all the administration: direct deposits, paystubs, T4’s, ROE’s,employeedeductionsandallgovernmentremittances.

The Staffing Edge does more than payroll your contract andtemporaryworkers—weareyourHRdepartmentandlegalresourceteam.Foreverythingfromworkplaceinjuries,termination and benefits we can give you clear answers to all of your questions and help you avoid costly litigation. New legislation and how it impacts your business will be delivered to you without asking. We can connect you with respected legal professionals in extreme cases and be right by your side in the case of a government audit.

We are your one-stop full-service outsourcing company.


KEY POINTS•CompletePayrollProcessing



•HumanResourcesAdvice andAssistance




•PointofContactfor GovernmentAgencies

•DirectDepositand Emailed Paystubs


Page 7: OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our bank account, and remit all relevant taxes. The Staffing Edge completely removes the

181 Queen St. East, Brampton, ON L6W 2B3 Canada PHONE (905) 454-4143 TOLL-FREE 1-800-720-5318 FAX (905) 459-4911 www.staffedge.com

“I have to tell you that since we met I have had a renewed interest in Star Personnel Inc. as a whole. I had gotten caught up in working my own desk and had been letting the business run the way it always has. The support we get is phenomenal. The staff, in all departments, is always ready to answer our questions and help in whatever way they can. I believe that we wouldn’t be around today if it wasn’t for The Staffing Edge.”


The Staffing Edge evolves in the world of technology tokeepyouaheadofthecurve.Ouraward-winningproprietary software, Stafftrak, not only gives you the ability to track orders, clients and candidates, but track company performance and staff productivity as well. This web based system can be accessed anywhere, anytime even from your mobile device and can be linked to your own website for online registration and job posting.

EDGEConnectCanadaisanetworkofstaffingfirmsdoing business in the Canadian marketplace. This online networking site allows you to become full service to your client no matter the job or location allowing you to partner withotherfirmsacrossthecountry.EDGEConnectCanadais not just for members of The Staffing Edge but for all staffing firms looking for growth opportunities.

Sign up for free at www.edgeconnectcanada.com.

Forbothoftheseoutstandingsystems,weownthetechnology and employ the expertise to continually enhance their capabilities based on your needs, the needs of your client and the changes in the industry.

Technology changes the speed at which you get the job done. The Staffing Edge has developed Stafftrak to handle everything from online registration to financial reporting. Wecancustomizereportinganddelivercontentdirectlytoyourcustomer.Wecontinueto develop innovative solutions to the changing marketplace.


KEY POINTS•WebbasedATSSystem









•SystemCustomizedto Your Needs

•WeOwntheTechnology and Employ the Experts

Page 8: OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our bank account, and remit all relevant taxes. The Staffing Edge completely removes the

181 Queen St. East, Brampton, ON L6W 2B3 Canada PHONE (905) 454-4143 TOLL-FREE 1-800-720-5318 FAX (905) 459-4911 www.staffedge.com

Some of our clients include:


Page 9: OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our bank account, and remit all relevant taxes. The Staffing Edge completely removes the

181 Queen St. East, Brampton, ON L6W 2B3 Canada PHONE (905) 454-4143 TOLL-FREE 1-800-720-5318 FAX (905) 459-4911 www.staffedge.com



LOU DUGGAN, PRESIDENTAvisionarythinkerbynature,Lousetstheoverallvisionanddirectionofthebusiness and has witnessed first-hand the many, major successes of the independent entrepreneursweservice.Forsevenyearsrunning,multiplemembershavecelebratedProfit100andFastestGrowingCompanyawards.TheStaffingEdgeitselfhasbeenawardedtheeCustomerWorldGoldenAwardforInnovativeCustomerSolutionsaswellasOutstandingBusinessAchievement.

RAY GONDER, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENTRay’sexpertiseincludesthecreatingofstrategicbusinessplans,industryforecasting,andtechnologydevelopment.Rayalsoheadsupourbusinessdevelopmentdepartmentas he has the unique ability to understand the needs of the staffing entrepreneur from concept to success.

VICTOR WINNEY, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICERToday business owners are confronted with a significant amount of red tape, rules and regulations that take them away from growing their bottom line. Victor works with our members to navigate through the daily obstacles that business owners are confronted with and truly provides our members with the freedom to focus and the tools to achieve their growth strategies.

KATHY ROGERS, CONTROLLERKathy understands corporate accounting from start to finish. She not only oversees the finance and payroll functions here at The Staffing Edge but often counsels our members on how to simplify and streamline their bookkeeping processes.

Continued on next page…

Page 10: OUR SERVICES - The Staffing Edge · contract staff starts working, we pay the employee from our bank account, and remit all relevant taxes. The Staffing Edge completely removes the

181 Queen St. East, Brampton, ON L6W 2B3 Canada PHONE (905) 454-4143 TOLL-FREE 1-800-720-5318 FAX (905) 459-4911 www.staffedge.com

KAREN MCMULLEN, MEMBER RELATIONS MANAGERKaren’s expertise in project management proves invaluable to members when they have out-of-the-box situations. Karen has the unique ability to dissect a situation and get to the heart of the matter, discuss the pros and cons and move forward to develop and carry out a logical plan of action.

LARRY LACOMBE, CREDIT AND COLLECTIONS MANAGERLarry has the ability to creative innovative solutions for members and their clients by using his skills in payroll, invoicing, systems, and finance. Larry thrives on challenge & change and enjoys leading his team in constantly improving cash flow, while increasing levels of customer service and self-development.

CHRISTINE BEAUDRY, RISK MANAGEMENT MANAGERChristine actively works with corporate legal counsel and outside consultants to ensure all HealthandSafetyandWorker’sCompensationlegislationismet.Sheisinstrumentalinimplementing health and safety policies and procedures and oversees all claims and early and safe return to work programs for injured workers on behalf of our Staffing Edge members.

This is really us. We have come together to offer you one thing — a commitment to provide you the most intelligent counsel and professional services that will be instrumental in your success.