Our Resource is the Gospel, and our aim is...

1 G G r r a a p p e e V V i i n n e e FEBRUARY 2017 ISSUE 488 Mission Statement The Diocese of Lincoln is called by God to faithful worship, confident discipleship and joyful service. Vision Statement To be a healthy, vibrant and sustainable church, transforming lives in Greater Lincolnshire 50p

Transcript of Our Resource is the Gospel, and our aim is...

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GGGrrraaapppeeeVVViiinnneee FEBRUARY 2017 ISSUE 488

• Mission Statement

The Diocese of Lincoln is called by God to faithful worship, confident discipleship and joyful service.

• Vision Statement To be a healthy, vibrant and sustainable church,

transforming lives in Greater Lincolnshire


Bolingbroke Deanery

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I am writing this letter to you on a cold and wintery January afternoon. This year, the Church’s calendar gives a relatively long gap between Epiphany and the beginning of Lent, and I have a real sense of being in an ‘in between’ time.

Being ‘in between’ can be an uncertain and even challenging thing – we may be in between jobs, in between school and university, in between work and retirement, in between surgery and recovering to full health. Our nation is also in between, as we wait for outworking of last year’s vote to leave the European Union.

Being in between one place and another can be a time to rest and take stock; but it can also be a time of fear and disorientation as the hopes and dreams that have motivated or even driven us thus far – doing well in our last job, getting into university or safely through an operation – no longer apply. We can find ourselves without direction as we wait passively for the next stage to begin.

W.H. Auden, reflects on this in his Christmas oratorio ‘For the time being’:

But, for the time being, here we all are, Back in the moderate Aristotelian city Of darning and the Eight-Fifteen, where Euclid’s geometry And Newton’s mechanics would account for our experience, And the kitchen table exists because I scrub it…

The Time being is, in a sense, the most trying time of all…

In the meantime There are bills to be paid, machines to keep in repair, Irregular verbs to learn, the Time Being to redeem From insignificance.

Redeeming the ‘time being from insignificance’ is the challenge of living life in between: in between the various stages and conditions that come our way; in between the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and his coming again.

As Christians, we believe that we do not remain ‘in between’ forever. We believe that in the fullness of time God calls each person, and in fact the whole of creation, into his Kingdom. We redeem the ‘time being from insignificance’ by asking God to maintain and nourish us on our journey, and to provide us with all that we need to take us on the journey from being in between, to being with God in his Kingdom. Bishop Christopher

Bishop’s Letter

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Group Registers:

Funerals: Spilsby Cluster Ivor Neville Bogg 61 years Spilsby died 20.10.16 Eric George Taylor 67 years Halton Holegate died 05.12.16 Marlene Ann Gibson 79 years Spilsby died 26.12.16 Mary Elizabeth Alice Bennison (Moyra) 83 years Spilsby died 26.12.16 Betty Blakey 84 years Hundleby died 08.01.17 Marden Hill Cluster Roy Cornall 81 years Toynton St Peter died 20.12.16 Margaret Ann Galley 67 years West Keal died 04.12.16 Christine Ann Gosling 62 years Hagworthingham died 30.12.16 Partney Cluster Frank Timothy Sumner Wilson 76 years Candlesby died 19.12.16 Stickney Cluster Sidney John Coultan 79 years Stickney died 28.11.16 Bernard John Stewart 81 years Stickford died 14.12.16

GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE All copy for next month’s issue to be with the Editor

by the 14th of the month.

The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF

Tel: 01790 752526 (Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm)

Email: [email protected]

Grape Vine Advertising Prices per year 1/8 page - £40 1/4 page - £60

1/2 page - £90 Full page - £160

Please contact Jane Howsam on 01790 752526 (Mon-Fri, 1pm-5pm) for further details or email [email protected]

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Principal Service

Sunday 5th February 4th Sunday before Lent (Green)

First Reading Isaiah 58.1-9a [9b-12]

Psalm/Canticle Psalm 112.1-9 [or Psalm 112]

Second Reading 1 Corinthians 2.1-12 [13-end]

Gospel Matthew 5.13-20

Sunday 12th February 3rd Sunday before Lent (Green)

First Reading Deuteronomy 30.15-end

or Ecclesiasticus 15.15-end

Psalm/Canticle Psalm 119.1-8

Second Reading 1 Corinthians 3.1-9

Gospel Matthew 5.21-37

Sunday 19th February 2nd Sunday before Lent (Green)

First Reading Genesis 1.1-2.3

Psalm/Canticle Psalm 136 [or Psalm 136.1-9, 23-end]

Second Reading Romans 8.18-25

Gospel Matthew 6.25-end

Sunday 26th February Sunday next before Lent (Green)

First Reading Isaiah 9.1-4

Psalm/Canticle Psalm 27.1, 4-12 [or 27.1-11]

Second Reading 1 Corinthians 1.10-18

Gospel Matthew 4.12-23

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Dates for the diary February 1st East Keal APCM, 2pm, in the Village Hall 3rd Home Communions 4th St James church clean, 10am 6th Hundleby APCM, 2pm, in church 7th Ruckland APCM 8th Deanery Synod, 7pm , Franklin Hall Conference Room 9th Rota meeting, 7pm Vicarage 13-18th PANTO WEEK 13th Marden Hill Cluster meeting, 7pm Vicarage 16th Tetford APCM 20th Team Worship meeting, 2pm Vicarage 20th Sausthorpe APCM 21st Home Communion at The Old Rectory 21st West Keal APCM, 10am at Spilsby Vicarage 22nd Toyntons APCM, 7pm Methodist Chapel Room 23rd Rural Dean’s meeting 23rd Chapter meeting 24th Langton APCM, 7pm in the Village Hall 25th St James, ‘Little Helpers’ Training, 10am 28th Pancakes & Coffee, St James 12-1pm 28th South Ormsby Group AGM March 1st Ash Wednesday service with Soup and Roll lunch in St Luke,

Stickney 1st Ash Wednesday service, East Keal, 7pm 3rd Home Communions 6th Skendleby APCM, 7pm in the Old School 7th Old Bolingbroke APCM, 7.30pm in church 8th Little Steeping APCM, 3pm in the Village Hall 8th Stickney APCM 11th Lusby APCM tbc


Wednesday 8th February

Franklin Hall Conference Room



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13th Aswardby APCM, 7.30pm at Aswardby Hall 14th Stickford APCM 14th Dalby APCM, 2pm at Dalby Hall 14th Tetford APCM, 7.30pm 16th New Leake APCM 17th Ashby APCM tbc 19th Firsby APCM tbc 20th Hagworthingham APCM, 2.30pm 21st Home Communion at The Old Rectory 21st Raithby APCM, 7pm in the Village Hall 24th Hagnaby APCM tbc 24th East Kirkby APCM, 7pm, Village Hall 25th Scremby APCM, 10am at Scremby Manor April APCM dates 2nd Hareby after 9.30am service 3rd Partney, 7pm at John Hudson’s 4th Halton Holegate, 7.30pm in church 7th Great Steeping tbc 24th Mavis Enderby, 7pm at Phil Woodgates 25th Candlesby, 7pm at Candlesby House 26th Spilsby, 7pm at Spilsby Vicarage Please check with your church to confirm Annual Parochial Church Meeting’s date, time and venue.

Don’t forget to complete your ‘Statistics for Mission’ and ‘Return of Parish Finance’ forms. Hard copies can be found on the Diocesan Website.



or if you are registered online

http://parishreturns.churchofengland.org/ YOU NEVER HEAR IN A CHURCH…

Hey! It's MY turn to sit on the front pew!

I love it when we sing hymns I've never heard before!

Since we're all here, let's start the worship service early!

Vicar, we'd like to send you to this Bible seminar in the Bahamas.

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Thank You Can I say just how much each of you is appreciated for the Gift you give of yourselves for the work of the “Kingdom of Heaven” as Matthew puts it. In a world that more and more seems to be preoccupied with the things that benefit the self you have chosen to be part of God’s outreach, the adventure of life that reaches out to the other. In particular your generosity enables us to work together as Christ’s Body, the Church, in the world. Each of our Parishes across the Team has many people who in so many ways contribute both to the life of that Church and to the wider work across the Diocese and World. In our annual reports we will list so many things that are simply down to you. Let us not take them for granted but say a real heart felt thank you for what has been, what we have and look forward to what we can achieve in the future. Our plans are for growth; for Schools work, for Invitation and for Hospitality to help our work to grow. In this we will welcome our new Priest, we will have new ways of working as well as doing what we are already doing. For this we will need to grow our resources and under God that will depend on you and me. Therefore, I would like to encourage us all to review what we give as we start out on a new year. I have found Bp. David Courts’ 10 Giving “Commandments” a helpful way of realising why we do what we do.

Why we Give:

1. As a response to God’s Goodness – to us and all people.

2. As Disciples we are called to follow – to use what we have in his


3. As necessary for the work of God to happen – who else is

responsible to see it happens but us.

4. As a means of receiving God’s blessings – how else will worship be

offered and things paid for?

5. Because what we have is God’s – we give back only what we have


6. As positive people - Cheerfully – how much better we are when we

give than when we keep to ourselves.

7. As a first response – by planned, regular and proportionate giving.

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8. As a costly gift – sacrificial generosity as in the widow’s mite.

9. With a guide of a tenth, a tithe, in whatever way we see that,

cumulative giving, time, talents etc.

10. As a statement of what is important in our lives and for the future

world and eternity.

Together we will flourish. Yours Fr Peter ‘The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible.’ -- George Burns

Second Sunday at 6

Little Steeping Village Hall

Sunday 12th


Raithby Village Hall

Tuesday Coffee Morning

7th February 2017

10.30am – 12noon

George Ball Fund

Any person who will be 70 years of age or over on 10th February 2017

and who has been a resident of Hundleby Parish for one year or more

is eligible to apply in writing to Don Holmes, 20 North Beck Lane before

12 noon on Saturday 4 February 2017 for inclusion in the distribution of

funds. Proof of age may be required on first application. Money may

not be the same for all applicants.

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Family Service

The Journey of Life was the theme for the Family Service on New Year's Day. It was a wet day but the loyal congregation turned out to support the Team. Reverend Joan Thornett led the service with the assistance of Jane Parker, who read the lessons and Margaret Cook, who was playing the organ for the first time after its renovation. Elizabeth and Martha were acolytes and took the collection. The activity for the children was finding the way through a maze (on paper) and telling the congregation about different journeys they had made and the journeys made by different people in the Christmas story. Margaret explained about the organ pipes having been on journeys to Worksop and Lincoln during the renovation. Reverend Joan took everyone on an imaginary journey to her daughter's house in Harrington. On that journey there are cross roads, forks in the road, a roundabout and pot holes which is very much like our journey in life. We have to make decisions as to which road to take; we may meet danger and sometimes seem to go round in circles. But we must remember we have our personal sat nav within us and should turn to God to seek guidance as to the correct route to take. The next Family service will be on February 5th when the theme will be Black and White. Everyone will be made very welcome.

Brass Cleaners Wanted

If you can spare a little time and would like to be involved with the brass

cleaning at St James Church, Spilsby - then we need you!

Cleaning will be on a rota basis, training will be given if needed.

If you are interested please contact Joan Dennett on 01790 753338

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Spilsby Primary Academy Year 3 & 4 WOW Event We went to St James’ church to look at and listen to the organ, electric organ

and the bells. Miss Cook played the church organ as we arrived. This was a

lovely welcome.

Miss Cook explained all about the

two organs and how they worked.

She played a tune on the electric

organ and then added backing

instruments so we could hear the

difference. This made it sound totally


We found out that William Hill made the church organ and is also on a

window near the organ – this was his son’s idea so he could be remembered.

Miss Cook showed us how the church organ worked and some of us had a

go. You need long legs to reach the pedals.

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We also had a go at ringing the bells they were really heavy. Mr Ford, Edward and Sally showed us the different bells. One was so heavy it would lift us right up to the bell tower. We listened to the bells ringing as we walked back to school. It was a great morning. We learnt lots of different things. Thank you to everyone who taught us about the instruments in the church. We would love to come again!!!! Reporters – Phoebe, Bailey and Imogen

Halton Holegate 100 Club December winners

Mrs E Skinner Spilsby Mrs J Moore Halton Holegate Mrs Mavis Bourne Spilsby M Tong Spilsby

January Winners

Mrs I Clayton Halton Holegate Mrs M Blyth Halton Holegate Mrs J Moore Halton Holegate Mrs M Sewards Halton Holegate

Marden Hill Group January Lottery Winners 1st No. 6 Mrs J A Hall 2nd No. 28 Mrs Dee-Anne Lingard 3rd No. 1 G E Bamford

Toynton All Saints January Lottery Winners 1st No. 84 Mrs M Bolton 2nd No. 52 Mrs J Cammack 3rd No. 57 Mrs P Pape Once again...very many thanks for all your support for the last and forthcoming year.... Alf, Organiser

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Rev’d Fran’s Words of Wisdom As I write this I am making the final preparations to go away to Launde Abbey for a retreat. The retreat is called “Exploring the Labyrinth of Life” and it is described as …”an opportunity for each of us to explore a prayer labyrinth – and see how we enter it, we journey along its paths, reach its centre, and then return to where we started.” This is opportune, because in May we have booked one of the Diocesan Labyrinths which will be put into New Leake Church. I am hoping to find out, during my week away, how a labyrinth can help develop spirituality. At the moment, I can do no better than the following from the Labyrinth website: The Romans adapted the ancient labyrinth symbol as a decorative floor pattern, and the Christian artists and thinkers of early medieval times developed the Roman pattern into a new and beautiful form which was used as a feature in many medieval cathedrals. It was marked out on the floor in coloured stone or tiles and usually between 10 and 40 feet in diameter. A range of designs were explored, but the pattern used at Chartres Cathedral in northern France is the archetype and perfection of all medieval labyrinths. Fortunately it has been well-preserved, and in recent times pilgrims have taken to travelling to Chartres specifically to walk it.

Whilst we cannot be exactly sure what the labyrinths were used for, they were clearly a symbol of the Christian way, representing the path of the soul through life. Medieval pilgrims re-enacted this, following the path of the labyrinth in the cathedral on their knees as a means of prayer, or to symbolize the journey to Jerusalem, or as a ritual to mark the end of a pilgrimage. People walked it on the eve of their baptism or confirmation, as an aid to contemplative prayer in Holy Week, and as an illustration both of the life of the Christian and of the life of Christ. But after medieval times the spiritual uses of labyrinths were forgotten, and they fell into disuse. Many were destroyed between the 17th and 19th centuries.” So, I am going on a pilgrimage. I am not sure I will be journeying on my knees – after all, the labyrinth at Launde Abbey is outside, muddy during winter, and I am really not sure I would get up again, if I got down. But I am preparing to begin my pilgrimage – and who knows where it will end up. It reminds me of this quotation from T S Eliot’s poem “The Four Quartets”:

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“We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.”

Happy exploring – look out next month for an update.


Down in the south of the Deanery we have been exploring prayer in its many

different forms. We have had a series of sermons looking at prayer walking,

meditation, using the Bible in prayer and other such topics. And each week

we have been set a task to complete giving us food for thought, particularly

about the way God answers prayer. This is all in readiness for the “Thy

Kingdom Come” initiative which will take place in the Novena between

Ascension and Pentecost. (Although, if I am honest, we did not know about

the initiative when we started the series – that is how God works!).

The dedicated website (http://www.thykingdom.co.uk/) says this:

“In May 2016 the Archbishops of Canterbury and York invited people to join a

wave of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost. This is traditionally a time

when the church focuses on prayer, just as the first disciples gathered after

they had watched Jesus ascend into heaven, it says in Acts 1. 14 “They all

joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the

mother of Jesus…” The response in May 2016 was overwhelming as

hundreds of thousands joined in from churches of many denominations and

different traditions around the UK and across the world.

For 2017 the vision is even bigger. The hope is to see at least 80 per cent of

Church of England churches and cathedrals taking part as well as many other

denominations and the churches of the world-wide Anglican Communion.

Leaders from the international Methodist church, the Free churches, the


Next meeting

Wednesday 8th February

Franklin Hall, Spilsby at 2pm

Talk by ‘The Half Cut Theatre’

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Roman Catholic Church, Pentecostal churches and several of the Eastern

and Oriental Orthodox churches in the UK have all signalled their support.

This is not a CofE thing, it's not an Anglican thing, it's a Christian thing!”

So… who will you pray for? And who will you pray with?

It is really good, in my experience, to form ‘prayer triplets’. Find two friends (or

acquaintances who will become friends) and invite them to meet with you

once a week to pray – it may be for only 10 minutes or so, with a coffee and

biscuits afterwards. It is possible to take part at any time of the day or night.

Why not start now – and then commit to doubling your effort during the week


Our Lent Course this year will give us much to pray for. We will be using the

USPG Course ‘LIVING AN AUTHENTIC LIFE’ in which we will be

encouraged to seek to live being true to ourselves, true to those we meet,

and true to God. The resources are available to download at

http://www.uspg.org.uk/lent/discipleshipintro/ but if you are unable to access the

internet, contact the Parish Office and we will provide the resources for you.

There is so much going on. Please do join in and get involved. Prayer

changes things – and possibly even you!












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Stickney Church of England Primary School

On Tuesday, 20th December the children, staff and parents attended a Carol Service in St Luke’s Church. Here is a photograph of some Year 6 children telling the congregation why Christmas is special to them.

This photograph shows three children from various classes helping Rev. Fran with her talk. They were holding pictures relating to Christmas and how these items can prevent us from seeing the true meaning of Christmas.

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ERESBY NEWS The residents enjoyed the Christmas outings and activities and are now back into the routine of the New Year. Jane Parker and Margaret Cook took a short Carol service in January and the residents enjoyed talking about their memories of Christmas when they were children. They also laughed about the various activities that took place in the winter in the school playground especially the slides when it was very icy and the beautiful patterns on the windows when it had been very frosty. These are never seen now because of central heating. On January 10th Pat Bourn and her team of volunteers helped the residents with their flower arrangements. The theme was Winter and some beautiful arrangements were done using twisted willow, greenery and white chrysanthemums. It stood on a board covered in foil and decorated with cotton wool snowballs. The Craft group are working on various things to celebrate the Chinese New year on January 28th. Lanterns, butterflies and fans are being made. 2017 is the year of the Rooster. It is hoped that there will be a Chinese meal for the residents to enjoy. A number of residents enjoy going into the Eresby Arms once a month for a drink and the men enjoy playing dominoes although John seems to win nearly every time. Iwona and Margaret are rarely successful!

St Andrew’s Church, Little Steeping COFFEE MORNINGS

7th February 21st February

at Basil & Sheila Harwood’s, ‘The Steepings’


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January Winner:

‘I think you’re super Grandad.’

Congratulations – Jenny Williams


Please send your captions,

by 14th February to

‘Caption Competition’

The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF

or email to [email protected]

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"Curiouser and Curiouser"

Some of you, many years ago, may have enjoyed reading Alice in Wonderland. There is a particular passage that caught my attention:

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

We might identify with that on a personal level, but there are also times when we look at the world and it seems to be quite "mad", and no longer seems to make sense. We live in times that can appear as if nothing were certain anymore, only unrest.

The new President of the United States appears to have upset the majority of the world, whilst only having been in office for a very short time indeed, with unprecedented levels of unrest which have ensued since his inauguration. Before we start to feel too smug though, there are also serious problems in our own country, with the NHS, growing unemployment, and of course there is Brexit, the list seems endless. Curiouser and Curiouser!

Be assured though, not everything is in a state of flux. As Christians, we are aware, no matter how dark and gloomy things may be, that there is always a light, the light of Christ in the darkness. It is so easy in today's world to lose sight of that. We all have good intentions: we go to church and believe all that we hear and say, but when we get home and "real life" kicks in, it is all too easy to focus on the problems rather than on the hope that is offered to each one of us. There is hope, that no matter what situation we may be in right now; whatever "madness" we are caught up in, through God's grace it can always change.

Be comforted, that if life is particularly hard for us at the moment, with God, change will happen. It may not always be how we planned it or what we hoped for, but God himself will be in the midst to guide us through. There is the sure and certain hope that this life is not all there is; we have the words of Jesus himself when he said:

" I am the light of the World. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

If we keep our focus on him, he will guide us down a safe path so that we find ourselves following his plan for our lives and ultimately for his world. Blessings Teresa

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RNLI's Quiz Evening and fish and chip supper to be held in Raithby Village Hall

Friday 24 February 2017


Cost per ticket £10.

To book please telephone 01790 752068 after 6 pm.

The Spilsby RNLI Committee need new members - if you are interested in joining the Committee please contact the above number.

Spirit of Sutterby

Saturday 11th


The Reformation & the English Village

An illustrated talk by Dr Jack Cunningham from Bishop Grosseteste University.

Franklin Hall, Spilsby 2pm

£4 to include a slice of themed cake..

All welcome

A chance to consider the effect of the Reformation on ordinary

villagers. Years of religious practice swept away - saints and

services revered for generations removed and replaced.

What did this mean for the priest and congregation of small village

churches? A time of cataclysmic change the impact of which is

perhaps difficult for us to comprehend.

For more information contact Geoff Wheatley on 01790 754079

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Fairtrade Afternoon Tea

All welcome to our Fairtrade Afternoon Tea in the Parish Rooms, Hundleby. Saturday 25th February at 3pm – 4.30pm. No charge. Also browse our Traidcraft stall, with chocolate galore. Hope to see you there! Further details please contact Jean Coates on 01790 752526.

Drive, cycle or walk round the South Ormsby Group of Parishes

to see the wonderful displays of snowdrops by the roadside.

Start at Brinkhill Church and pick up your map of the trail

(50p), then return for soup, homemade rolls and cake.






2 TIL 4.30

Fancy… …lending a hand …having a go …learning more …being more involved? …Come and Join Us

Saturday 25th February, 10am St James’ Church

If you would like to help with preparing the church for worship, helping at weddings/baptisms/funerals or just interested in learning what needs to be done please come and join us. We are holding a ‘training’ session looking at the role of the churchwarden, welcomers and sacristan; from lighting candles to preparing the bread and wine; from welcoming to reading; from using the sound system to brass cleaning.

Give as much or as little time as you can…many hands make light work!

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A demonstration by Julie Pagram of Scentiments Floral Designs

Learn how to make a stunning floral table decoration




Julie's arrangement will be raffled at the end

To book your tickets call

Barbara, Beth or Carrie on 01790-754453, 754184 or 752933


~ Pancake Day!!

Come and join us at St James, Spilsby for a pancake and tea/coffee.

Tuesday 28th February

12 noon to 1pm Who’s the chef…come and find out!!!

Every Wednesday

from 8th

March to 29th


Compline ~ 6.30pm - St Mary’s, Hundleby

Eucharist ~ 7.30pm

- venues to be arranged

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Due to unforeseen circumstances the organ recital by Colin Walsh, organist

of Lincoln Cathedral, will now take place on Friday 30 June 2017.

More details to follow nearer the time.

Please put this date in your diary as it will be a

very special occasion.

Don’t forget the Open Afternoon on Saturday 13th May, 2-4pm, for anyone who is interested in the newly renovated William Hill organ in St James. Come and have a go!

A minister was walking to church one morning when he passed one of his members working in his garden. "Can't you hear those bells calling you to church?" asked the minister. "Eh, what's that?" said the member. "Can't you hear those bells calling you to church?" "I'm afraid you'll have to speak a little louder!" said the member. "CAN'T YOU HEAR THOSE BELLS CALLING YOU TO CHURCH?!" shouted the minister. "I'm sorry," said the member, "I can't hear you because of those darned BELLS!"

Please note

the new date

Heritage Lincolnshire Open Days 2017

Thursday 7th September to Sunday 10th September

Theme: Freedom, Justice and Equality

For more information go to:


Register your event by 10th February 2017

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East Keal, East Kirkby, Hagnaby, Hagworthingham, Hareby, Mavis Enderby, Miningsby, Lusby, Old Bolingbroke, Toynton All Saints, Toynton St. Peter, West Keal



5th February West Keal 9.30am Holy Communion

4th Sunday Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Holy Communion

before Lent Toynton All Saints 11.15am Morning Prayer

East Kirkby 3.00pm Holy Communion

12th February East Keal 9.30am Holy Communion

3rd Sunday Hagworthingham 11.15am Morning Prayer

before Lent Toynton St Peter 3.00pm Evening Prayer

19th February Mavis Enderby 8.00am Holy Communion

2nd Sunday Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Morning Prayer

before Lent Toynton All Saints 11.15am Holy Communion

West Keal 11.15am Morning Prayer

East Kirkby 3.00pm Evening Prayer

Hagworthingham 6.00pm Holy Communion

26th February East Keal 8.00am Holy Communion

Sunday Next before Lent

Toynton St Peter 3.00pm Holy Communion

Marden Hill Cluster Meeting

Monday 13th February

Spilsby Vicarage 7.00pm

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Ashby by Partney, Aswardby, Candlesby, Dalby, Langton w Sutterby, Partney, Sausthorpe, Scremby, Skendleby



5th February Partney 11.15am Family Service

4th Sunday Partney 11.45am Holy Communion

before Lent Scremby 3.00pm Evening prayer

12th February Aswardby 9.30am Morning Prayer

3rd Sunday Skendleby 11.15am Holy Communion

before Lent

19th February Candlesby 9.30am Holy Communion

2nd Sunday Dalby 9.30am Holy Communion

before Lent Sausthorpe 11.15am Family Service

Partney 6.00pm Evening Prayer

26th February Langton 11.15am Holy Communion

Sunday Next before Lent

Skendleby* 6.00pm Evening Prayer

* Please note Skendleby services will be held in The Old School until further notice.

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Eastville, Midville, New Leake, Stickford, Stickney


5th February New Leake 11.15am Cluster Communion

4th Sunday before Lent

12th February Stickney 9.30am Morning Worship

3rd Sunday Stickford 11.15am Holy Communion

before Lent New Leake 3.00pm Evening Worship

19th February Stickney 11.15am All Age Worship

2nd Sunday before Lent

26th February Stickney 9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday Next Stickford 11.15am Morning Worship

before Lent New Leake 3.00pm Holy Communion

Morning Prayer

every Thursday morning at 9.30am

at St Luke's, Stickney

followed by a coffee morning

Tuesday 21st February


Holy Communion at the Old Rectory Care Home

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Bag Enderby, Brinkhill, Calceby, Driby, Farforth, Harrington, Haugh, Ketsby,

Maidenwell, Oxcombe, Ruckland, Salmonby, Somersby, South Ormsby, Tetford & Worlaby.


5th February Brinkhill 10.30am Holy Communion

4th Sunday before Lent

12th February Somersby 10.30am Holy Communion

3rd Sunday before Lent

19th February Brinkhill 10.30am Holy Communion

2nd Sunday before Lent

26th February Tetford 10.30am Holy Communion

Sunday Next before Lent

Morning Prayers

every Wednesday at 10.00am

St Philip’s Church Hall, Brinkhill

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St James Spilsby, St Mary Hundleby, Holy Trinity Raithby, All Saints Great Steeping,

and the three St Andrew’s: Halton Holegate, Little Steeping & Firsby http://lincoln.ourchurchweb.org.uk/spilsby/


5th February Spilsby 8.00am Eucharist 4th Sunday Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist before Lent Spilsby 10.00am Family Service

Halton Holegate 6.00pm Evening Prayer Raithby 6.00pm Eucharist

7th February Firsby 10.30am Eucharist

12th February Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist 3rd Sunday Hundleby 9.30am Morning Prayer before Lent Halton Holegate 11.15am Morning Prayer

Great Steeping 3.00pm Eucharist Little Steeping 6.00pm 2nd Sunday @ 6

19th February Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist 2nd Sunday Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist before Lent Raithby 11.15am Morning Prayer

Firsby 3.00pm Evening Prayer Halton Holegate 6.00pm Healing service

26th February Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist Sunday Next Hundleby 9.30am Morning Prayer before Lent Little Steeping 9.30am Eucharist

Halton Holegate 11.15am Eucharist Great Steeping 3.00pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 5th February - Family Service ~ ‘Black/White’

Daily Prayer: 8.00am Daily at St James Spilsby

Wednesday: 10.30am St James Eucharist

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More Newhome thoughts on Computers.

Well Happy New Year to you all. Lets hope it is going to be a good one for us all. If you are like me it feels as though a large whole has appeared in the bottom of my wallet. So on with the computer news. This year on 11th April Microsoft will stop supporting Windows Vista. That means that there will be no updates issued to stop hacking attacks. This is the same as what happened to XP a few years back. It does not mean that the computer will stop working or no longer go on the internet. It does mean that going on the net will become increasingly risky as any new faults will not be patched. The best way to visualize your Windows operating system is like a building made of straw and mud. It’s warm inside and works well enough as a house, certainly better than no house. The trouble is that the house is built in an area where lots of rats live. They keep gnawing at the walls until they get in. So you have to have two defences to protect yourself. One is the 'cat ant rat poison' that we call our antivirus programme. This is clearly a good defence as any rats that get in are killed smartish. The other defence is that the builder (Microsoft) keeps sending you some more mud and straw to patch up the holes that have been found in the building. With out this extra patching work then it is clear that eventually even the best cats will get overwhelmed by rats coming in through unpatched holes. That is why updates are important, a pain but important. All of this leaves those of you with a Windows Vista based machine looking forward to needing to replace it in the near future. We certainly do not recommend that anyone spends money on one if it goes wrong. In fact we would recommend that you start planning to copy off to a USB memory stick all of the things that you want to keep. For those of you who are thinking, “I wonder if it can be upgraded to Windows 10”. The answer is “no not officially,” the free upgrades were for Windows 7 and 8. This has now finished through the Windows update system. In practice this is also not a good idea either as Windows 10 does not work very well with the older hardware. There is very often wireless network connection problems amongst other things. Still you now have 6 months to plan for your replacement but please don't be tempted with some of the very cheap laptops. Yes it's cheap and looks pretty, but inside it is an old style slow speed processor stuck onto old style equipment. We know you won't be happy with it one month after

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you buy it. Do get help and advice if you need it. Remember to send any general questions to [email protected] for us to answer in next month’s edition. Steve and Mark

18th March

Holy Trinity, Raithby will be holding a folk evening at Raithby Village Hall. Full details to follow, supper will be provided.

25th March HOP’s event for Mothering Sunday, 2-4pm in the church and Parish Rooms. More details to follow.

17 April East Monday

The Olive Tree is our local Christian bookshop which you will find up on Kirkby Hill, Old Bolingbroke, PE23 4HP. They serve refreshments too, which is a bonus as you browse. On Easter Monday, 17 April 2017, you are invited to a Resurrection Party from 12noon – 4.00pm. Bring a picnic lunch, and musical instruments for the praise celebration. More details next month – but put the date in your diary.

22nd April The Sax Works Saxophone Quartet Concert St James Church, 7pm

9th June Louth Male Voice Choir Concert St James Church, Spilsby, 7pm

13th May Open afternoon, 2-4pm, for anyone who is interested in the newly renovated William Hill organ in St James. Come and have a go!

30th June – 2nd July

Music! Music! Music! Celebration weekend for the organ renovation To include an organ recital by Colin Walsh, flower festival, choral evensong, singing and music of all sorts. Refreshments throughout. More details to follow. If you would like to take part please contact Jane at the Deanery office.

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Kids Kidney Research is the only charity in the UK, which solely provides funding for vital research into prevention and cure of kidney disease in babies and children. This research takes place at the Institute of Child Health/Great Ormond Street Hospital, and also paediatric nephrology units nationwide. There is no cure for renal failure, which many forms of kidney complaints can result in, only respite in the form of dialysis, or if you are lucky, transplantation. So much is still unknown about the causes of kidney failure, and it is the basic research into kidney disease which desperately needs financial support. KKR is a voluntary organisation, with no office overheads, allowing on average 95% of all contributions received to finance this important research.

Hello my name’s Dan Francis and I’m running the London Marathon on April 23rd in aid of Kids Kidney Research and would like to ask you would you be willing to sponsor me? My wife’s niece had a kidney transplant as an adult a couple of years ago and maybe with more research like this she could have received treatment earlier in life and prevented the need of a transplant. Any sponsorship received via this Grapevine article my wife and I have decided to personally match and donate 25% of the total received to St James Church.

To donate please contact us with a pledge at 35 Woodlands Ave Spilsby PE23 5EL or Tel. 01790 752121 or text 0793 1347150 or visit http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/DanFrancis which is my online donation page. Every little helps.

St James’ Church, Spilsby


Every Tuesday from 7

th March to 4

th April

Come and join us for soup and a roll

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Local Builder/Decorator Over 30 years experience

in the building trade

All aspects of Property Maintenance



Telephone: 01790 753253 or 07875 643 851



73 Halton Road Spilsby Lincs

PE23 5LD

Julia’s “Happy Feet”

Foot Health Practitioner Dip.FH. MCFHP. MAFHP

Free Initial Consultation

Routine Foot Care Finger & Toe Nail Trimmings Health Advice Ingrown Toe Nails Diabetic Foot care Athlete’s Foot Vascular & Neuro Assessment Cracked Heels Corn Removal Callus Reduction

Providing care in the comfort of your own home Book for appointments with Julia Moore

Tel: 01790 753161 07900 914897

Advertising space available

Please contact the


Partney Victory Hall

Caretaker required at Partney Victory Hall. Nice Cottage to go with the job. If you would like to know more give John Hudson a call on 01790 752566 or drop him a line at Park House, Partney, Spilsby.

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Domestic-Commercial-Agriculture 24Hr Electrician

All Electrical work undertaken Check us out on

www.wds-electrical.co.uk, Facebook or Yell.com

For a friendly and reliable service Call Blake on 07534262216-07496837860 Or Email us at [email protected]



FEBRUARY 15th – 18th A Chorus of Disapproval by

Alan Ayckbourn. A Playgoers production presented by the Lincoln Company.

25th New London Opera Company

return to Louth and present their Spring concert.

MARCH 10th Nicola Farnon – celebrated

Jazz Singer who combines her talented voice with her swinging bass playing.

Box Office 01507 600350 www.louthplaygoers.co.uk

Now booking on line

Massage Therapist Tel: 07500 946611

Full Body Massage/Deep Tissue Massage

Back, neck & shoulders massage

Head, neck & arm massage

Seated Acupressure chair massage

Indian Head Massage

Thai foot massage

Facial Rejuvenation

Hot Stones

Spa wraps

Any treatments can be tailor made

to fit requirements

Email: [email protected] The Lodge, Partney.Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4PF

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~ painting ~ ~ wallpapering ~

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07432 563722 01205 480434

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Any size jobs considered

Free no obligation quote

BTEC Level 2 Painting and Decorating



Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Theories

Mobile: 07978 837769

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KBM Foot Health “Beautiful are the feet…”


Foot Health Practioner

01790 763794

0748 4800110

BED & BREAKFAST near to Spilsby

Own entrance and own sitting room Fridge, microwave

TV, Free Wi-fi Tea/coffee facilities

Use of garden Contact Jean

Tel: 01790 752500 Mob: 07786 450165

Let your cat stay in the comfort of its own familiar surroundings when you are away from home.

“The Cat Lady” will visit your home daily while you are away and attend to your cat’s needs.

Less stressful for your cat and cheaper for you than cattery fees

Phone Sally, “The Cat Lady”, on 07793 551380 or 01790 754000

to discuss your cat’s requirements.

Jacky & Simon welcome you to





Tel: 01790 754970

Mobile: 07958 650927

Halton Holegate is a good (Ofsted

2014) school with a friendly, family

atmosphere, encouraging children to

reach their full potential.

We are proud of our whole school

community and invite you to make an

appointment to look round and have a


Head teacher – Sarah Addison


Station Road, Halton Holegate,

Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5PB

01790 752 575

[email protected]

or visit our website:


Halton Holegate

Church of England

Primary School

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Ray Ford Carpentry & Joinery


Mob: 07776 288639

Tel: 01790 754006

9 Winston Road, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5HJ

Eresby Hall is situated in Spilsby providing residential care for older people offering high quality long and short-term care and flexible day care in a homely environment. Our tea room is open: Thursdays 10am–11.30pm Sundays 2pm–4pm

Please contact Donella Savage on 01790 752495 for more information.

Registered charity no 1048355

Horncastle McTimoney Chiropractic Clinic Chiropractic, Ultrasound, Remedial Therapy + Massage Treatments for:

Back Pain Neck Pain Joint Pain

Sports Injuries

Daytime, evening and weekend appointments available

Lesley Rolfe DC, BSc, MMCA, MRCoC Established 25 years

Tel: 01507 527 085 37 High St, Horncastle LN9 5HP General Chiropractic Council Registered No 00029

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Telephone/Fax: 01790 753101

Mobile: 07774 661017

Email: [email protected]

Est. 1973 – Time served City & Guilds

Tradesman serving the area for forty






The Compleat

Gardener Ltd

We are professional, qualified

gardeners working for domestic

and commercial clients

throughout the area.

We have established an enviable

reputation for our work and can

offer you a quality service backed

by garden design expertise

We are also able to provide a

total lawn-care package to give

you the emerald green lawn you

have always wanted.

For further information and a free

estimate – without obligation,

please call

Mark Fort on 01790754479

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NHS and Private Eye Examinations

Includes Digital Retinal Imaging

Budget to top designer frames

Single Vision spectacles

from £19.95 complete

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from £59.95 complete

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Tel: 01507 526527

[email protected]


Peter Atkin Dip TCFCP (NCFE Approved)

Mobile Foot-care Practitioner

Treatment and advice relating

to: Corns, Calluses, Bunions,

Hard skin, Verrucae, Ingrown

nails, Fungal/Hard nails, Nail cut

& file, Diabetic foot recognition,

Foot massage and General foot-

care advice

Contact me on:

01205 481427 or 07960 460746


C.J.S Established 1990

Painting and decorating Tiling Property maintenance (internal and external) Phone Chris on 01790 754808 or 07904 276695

Free estimates. Good rates for senior citizens.

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Julia M. Holliday Visiting Chiropody/Podiatry


by Health & Social Care Professions Registered Practitioner. H.C.P.C Reg No 5859

Practitioner has 35+ years experience as a Chiropodist/Podiatrist in:- * NHS, * Industrial * Private Practice * Care Homes

and with all types of client base including:- * Learning disabilities & challenging behaviour * Diabetes * High Risk Patients

Receipts recognised by most major Health Insurers.

Prices & availability on application. Tel; - 01507 527551


Book our historic village hall for your private function or for a meeting,

lecture, or regular classes.

Full kitchen facilities, crockery and glassware with seating and tables for

up to 50-60 people.

Disabled facilities

Our rate is just £7.50 per hour, with special weekend rates for weddings

and reduced rates for regular bookings.

Contact Hall Manager Jennifer Little

on 01790-754317, 754453 or 754145

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Your local suppliers of

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White Cottage, Mill Lane, Keal Cotes, Spilsby. PE23 4AJ

Tel: 01790 763791 Mobile: 07814 444533

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R & P Decorating Services

All Painting and Decorating work undertaken.

Over 10 years experience. For advice or quotation

Ring Rob – Office 01790 756877

Or Mobile 07950 244219

NNNeeeiiilll HHHeeeyyyeeesss EEEllleeeccctttrrriiicccaaalll NICEIC Approved Registered Company

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For all your electrical needs, phone me on:

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Planning a wedding, a party or just a family get together?

Looking for a venue?

Look no further


available for hire up to 120 catered for excellent kitchen facilities fully heated.

For charges and to book call 01790 754020 or 01790 752249

or find us on Facebook

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ICB Fencing & Groundworks

All types of fencing work undertaken

Ian Blackamore 07932 057580

Post & Rail, Picket, Close Board & Stock Fencing, Equine fencing and ménages. All types of timber gates supplied & fitted.

Manor Farm House, Main Road, East Keal, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4AS


Carpentry & Joiner, Brickwork, Block Paving, Flooring,

Tiling, Fencing & Roofing.

Time served apprenticeship

For a Free Quotation - Tel: 01790 754382 Mobile 07949539591 Email [email protected]

Roy Harness. The Briars, Hall Lane, West Keal, SPILSBY LINCS PE23 4BJ

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Family run independent company providing a personal memorial as a lasting tribute to a loved one in everlasting granite, slate, marble and stone

Visit our showroom: 110 Horncastle Road, Boston PE21 9HY Call us for a brochure: 01205 362652

or visit our website at: www.williamkent.co.uk

COUNTY LINX RADIO The local online radio station www.countylinxradio.co.uk If you are organising a local event in 2016 and you would like the online radio station to broadcast from your venue please log on to www.countylinxradio.co.uk and email [email protected]

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MNM Pest Management

NPTA Accredited Technician

Problem with wasps, ants or flies

moles, rats and mice?

Prompt, affordable, service, covering the Coast and Wolds in

Agricultural, Commercial and Domestic Premises

Contact your local Technician, Mick Dales (RPPT) on:

01754 890637 or 07904 170033

Please call for any help and advice


LINCOLNSHIRE PE23 4DB Manor Care Home is a converted country house on the edge of the Lincolnshire

Wolds. Constantly upgrading, we are able to offer the following:-

Residential care & Dementia Friendly, caring staff

Respite and holiday care Day care

Hairdressing and Chiropody service Aromatherapy

Local library facilities Weekly craft afternoons

Good home cooking with special diets catered for

Single, double and bed sitting rooms available

Fortnightly church service

For further information, or to call in for a coffee and an informal chat, contact

The Manager on 01790 763381

email: [email protected]

Visitors always welcome Our Philosophy is: “To treat each resident as an individual; to care for with respect, privacy and

dignity. To carry out tasks for that resident in the manner that, if able, they would do so for


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Product displays Our own chef

second to none prepared ready meals Finest quality meats Creative cuisine for

from local farms dinner parties Award-winning pies Personal service

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Tel: 01790 754543 Market Street, Spilsby www.simonsbutchers.co.uk Lincs PE23 5JT



Fine Foods

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Old Bolingbroke Home Salon

or will do mobile

Tel: 01790 763557

Mob: 07955 038815


Hairdressing Services

Highlights Multimedia

Family Films & Videos to DVD

Indoor & Outdoor Sound System (on site engineer/operator/announcer available)

Wedding and Social DVD Production

Video & Sound Media Production,

Presentation and Technical Services.

Harold Houldershaw

01205 481364

[email protected]

PARKER’S FUNERAL DIRECTORS For personal, caring and sympathetic service.

Family business established over 100 years.




Choice of Prepayment Plans – Private Chapels of Rest – 24 Hour Service.

16 St. John Street, Wainfleet, Telephone: 01754 880334

4 Church Street, Spilsby, Telephone 01790 754700

And 1, Sea Road, Chapel St Leonards, Telephone 01754 873035


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GM Electrical

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For a friendly & professional


Clothing/blankets etc. for

the Salvation Army

The collection for clothing and

blankets for the Salvation Army will

cease until further notice. We will

advertise again when it


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CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE bostonelectrics.co.uk



IN OUR EXTENSIVE SHOWROOM WE HAVE ON DISPLAY over 100 fridges and freezers over 40 washing machines and dryers over 40 cookers and over 40 ovens and hobs. vacuum cleaners microwave ovens cooker hoods all colours of kettle and toaster food mixers and fryers table lamps and light fittings




lots of different sorts of lamps including pearl light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and fittings

salt for water softeners

cooker hood filters and

spares for washing machines

plus lots of unusual bits and pieces


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BOLINGBROKE DEANERY MINISTRY http://lincoln.ourchurchweb.org.uk/spilsby/

The Bishop of Lincoln

The Rt. Rev. Christopher Lowson

Tel: 01522 50 40 90 or 01522 534701

Office: Edward King House, Minster Yard,

Lincoln LN2 1PU

email: [email protected]

Archdeacon of Lincoln

The Venerable Gavin Kirk

01522 504039

[email protected]

The Rural Dean of Bolingbroke

The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates

The Vicarage, Church Street,

Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF

Tel: 01790 752526

email: [email protected]

South Ormsby Group

Tel Deanery Office 01790 752526

Assistant Curate

The Rev’d Teresa McLaughlin

Tel: 01790 753158

Bolingbroke Deanery Group

Team Ministry

Marden Hill, Partney,

Spilsby & Stickney Clusters

Team Rector

The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates

(address as above).


Team Vicar

The Rev’d Fran Jeffries

The Rectory, Horbling Lane,

Stickney, Boston, Lincs. PE22 8DQ

Tel: 01205 481183

email: [email protected]

Assistant Curate

The Rev’d Jean Coates

Contact via The Vicarage, Spilsby

email: [email protected]

Deanery Synod

Joint Chairmen:

The Rural Dean and Lay Chair

Mr. Bill Rose

Bolingbroke Deanery Administrator

Jane Howsam

The Vicarage, Church Street,

Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF

Tel: 01790 752526

email: [email protected]

Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm

Retired Clergy

The Rev’d. Joan Thornett

93 Boston Road, Spilsby, PE23 5HH

Tel: 01790 754151

email: [email protected]


Mr. Frank Richardson

8 Ashby Meadows,

Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5DN

Tel: 01790 753510

also Community Chaplain

Mr Paul McLaughlin Tel: 01790 753158