Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com ›...


Transcript of Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com ›...

Page 1: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables

Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”


Worship Service (8:45) - 78

(11:00) - 107


Flowers: In loving memory of Lois Banks. Given by Jenny & Bill Summers.

Pulpit Assistant: Dr. Barbara Johnson

Sound System: (8:45) Larry Hinson (11:00) Darrell Pluff

Ushers: (8:45) Chuck Radford, J im Gee, Kar in Gee

(11:00) Nancy Hufford, Dwight Bradham, Bob Page, Anita Page


Flowers: In Celebration of Alex W illiams' 9th Birthday. Given by his parents,

Kelli and Doug Williams

Pulpit Assistant: Rev. Er in Morgan

Sound System: (8:45) Billy Ward (11:00) John Kelly

Ushers (8:45): J im Marra, Haley Cooper , Sue Haberkost, Connie Mack

(11:00): Bob Armstrong, Shirley Colburn, Phil Lockard, Emily Lockard

Dr. Christopher Crotwell, Pastor and Head of Staff: Office 648.9574 Ext. 104

Rev. Erin Morgan, Associate Pastor for Youth and Outreach: Office 648.9574 Ext. 106

Allison Kelly, Dir of Young Children and Family Min: Office 648.9574 Ext. 105 Cell 803.336.9540

Phillip Hare, Director of Music: 648.9574

Scott Chappell, Organist: 648.9574

Tracie Bryant, Financial Manager : 648.9574 Ext. 103

Denise Underwood, Secretary: 648.9574 Ext. 100; [email protected]

Michelle Lorio, Kindergar ten Director : 648.9895 Ext. 107

Cissy Kelley, Assistant Kindergar ten Dir / Childcare Coordinator : 648.9895 Ext. 110 Cell 270.5808 Church Office: 648-9574 Fax: 803.648.7972 Web Site: www.southaiken.org

Page 2: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables

Welcome to worship! We are glad that you are here and have chosen to join us on this

the first day of Holy Week, the time period in which the church walks the stony road

with Jesus to the light of Easter.

This morning’s service will allow us to remember two pieces of the story of Christ as

found in the Gospel According to Luke. First, we will remember the story of Jesus’

triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem where he was received with joy by the

crowds. Second, we will also recall how those same crowds turned on Jesus and led

him to his death on a cross just a few short days later. Since we are remembering both

of these events, today’s service is called, Palm and Passion Sunday.

In particular, note how the “Palm” story will be especially referenced in our Call to

Worship and in the Processional Hymn that will feature the entrance of our choir and

the waving of palms as we sing “Hosanna!” (Save us, we pray!).

Also observe that the “Passion” narrative is referenced in our printed prayers, but is

especially lifted up in our choral anthem and in our second and third hymns. Note the

refrain of our third hymn is directly taken from Luke 23:42, “Jesus, remember me.”

Again, we are glad you are here today and invite you to further join us as we move

through the upcoming Holy Week Services and Easter Celebrations. A full listing of

these services is found on page… in this bulletin.

Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Let us worship God.

PLEASE NOTE: If needed, large print hymnals and sound amplification devices are

available in the Narthex. Please see an usher for assistance in obtaining these items.

Page 3: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables


Saturday, March 26th @ 9:00 a.m.

The hunt is on!! The annual Easter egg hunt activities will be held

at SAPC on Saturday, March 26th starting at 9:00 a.m. The

morning will begin with a snack and a story time. The egg hunt will follow. In the

event of rain, the egg hunt will be held inside. In preparation for the big day, we are

asking for donations of plastic Easter eggs filed with wrapped candy. Non-candy treats

may also be used in the eggs. Please make sure the eggs do not contain candy or items

that present a choking hazard to small children.


Maundy Thursday: Service at First Presbyter ian

7:00 p.m.

Childcare provided.

Good Friday: Service at SAPC at 7:00 p.m.

Easter Vigil: Service at SAPC at 7:00 p.m.

Easter Sunrise: Service at SAPC Memorial

Garden at 7:30 a.m.

Easter: Services at SAPC

8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Childcare Provided

South Aiken Presbyterian Church



March 20, 2016 8:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

(Please stand, if able, when indicated by an *)


Prelude Scott Chappell, Organist/Pianist

Chiming of the Hour (11:00)


Signing of the Friendship Register

Choral Introit Hosanna Randy Edwards


*Call to Worship (Responsive)

One: Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem.

All: Hosanna! Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!

One: The people laid down their garments and praised God.

All: Hosanna! Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!

One: If the people keep quiet, even the stones will cry out.

All: Hosanna! Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!

One: Let us worship God.

*Prayer of the Day (Unison)

To you, O God, we cry: Hosanna! Lord, save us! Let this be our constant prayer

as we dance among the palms, as we sit around the table, as we kneel before the

cross, as we bow our heads in sorrow. To you, O God, we cry: Hosanna! Lord,

save us! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Page 4: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables


Hymn #196 All Glory, Laud, and Honor

*Prayer of Confession (Responsive)

Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you. The lips that sing,

“Hosanna!” are the same that shout, “Crucify!” The hands that wave palm

branches are the same that prepare your cross. Forgive us, God of grace. Look

upon us with mercy. Our lives are in your hands. Save us, by your steadfast

love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Time for Silent Confession)

One: Turning towards the Lord of the cross, the people said,

All: Amen.

*Assurance of Pardon

*The Gloria Patri Hymnal Page 581

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Ghost;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

world without end. Amen, amen

*Passing of the Peace (11:00) (Responsive)

One: Since Christ has extended to us the peace of God, let us, as his disciples, spread his

peace to others. The peace of Christ be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Let us exchange signs of Christ’s peace with one another.

Children’s Moment (11:00) Rev. Erin Morgan


Remember those math story problems you had in

school? Well, here’s an easy one.

Take 2 happy children receiving their very own

books to take home and keep for summer reading.

Add 12 more children and you have a WHOLE

classroom of smiling faces. Multiply that by 5 more

classes and you almost have a WHOLE school of

smiling faces! What would it take to see that many

smiles? Maybe some books to have of their very

own. What would it take to get those books in the

hands of children? Subtract any amount you wish

from your checking account and write a check to

SAPC with Greendale books in the memo section.

The smiling faces will reappear this May! We have

collected over $600 to date and have a goal of $3000.

You do the math. It’s that easy!


The Sanctuary is so lovely on Easter Sunday when it is

filled with lilies! Please consider donating a lily (or two)

for this Easter season. The cost per plant this year is

$18.50. To order, simply complete the order form en-

closed with today’s bulletin and drop it in the offering

plate along with your payment. Please make checks out to

SAPC with Easter lily in the memo line. Or, you may ei-

ther mail or drop your order form and payment off at the

church office by March 21st.

Page 5: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables




The Parables of Jesus

Stories for Life in God’s World


Join us in exploring these timeless stories that have continued to intrigue and transform people’s

lives since Jesus told them. They continue to help us understand God’s will for us today.

The program will be held in the Family Life Center (Gym). From 6:00 to 6:15, the youth will

present an inter-generational program to introduce the parables to all those attending.

Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables According to Dr. Seuss in the

library from 6:15 to 7:00.

Rev. Erin Morgan, our Associate Pastor for Youth, will lead youth 6th through 12th grade.

Nursery care is provided.

5:30 – 6:00 Dinner

$5.00 for adults and FREE for children under the age of 16

Menu: Barbecued Chicken Prepared by Robert and Cheryl Glance of Mouth of the South Caters

6:00 – 7:00 Programs

Program: Parables of Treasure Matthew 13:44-46 and Luke 15:11-32

Led by Steve Stine

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal Page 35

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory forever. Amen

Prayer Response My Savior’s Love David Schwoebel


Prayer for Illumination

Gospel Reading Luke 19:28-40 Pew Bible Page 83

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Anthem When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Arr: Gilbert M. Martin

Gospel Reading Luke 23:1-49 Pew Bible Page 88

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “When the Sound Drops”

Page 6: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables


*Hymn #222 Rejected and Despised

*Affirmation of Faith, “The Apostles’ Creed” (Traditional) Hymnal Page 35

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord;

who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, dead, and buried;

he descended into hell;

the third day he rose again from the dead;

he ascended into heaven,

And sitteth on the right hand

Of God the Father Almighty;

from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost;

the holy catholic church;

the communion of saints;

the forgiveness of sins;

the resurrection of the body;

and the life everlasting. Amen

Offering of Tithes and Gifts


*Doxology Hymnal Page 606

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

praise him, all creatures here below;

praise him above, ye heavenly host;

praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

*Prayer of Dedication

March 20, 2016: Passion/Palm Sunday Lenten Bites:

5:30-7:30 p.m. Gym/Youth Room

Lenten Conclusion: Labyrinth

March 26, 2016 -

9:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt:

(Youth help hide eggs)

March 27, 2016: Easter Sunday

No Youth Program

April 3 & 10, 2016

No Youth Program (Spring Break)

Upcoming Summer 2016 Events:

June 19-24, 2016 Mission Trip-w/

DOOR Atlanta

July 11-15, 2016 - VBS

Montreat Youth Conference It’s That Time Again!

(July 17-23, 2016)

This is a unique gathering of rising 9th

graders through graduated seniors from

all over the country. Participants will

enjoy a week of study, worship, and

recreation. Activities include morning

energizers, music, keynote, small groups,

recreation, and worship. College students

may participate as “Work Crew”

members. Total cost p/p is $275-300.

See Rev. Morgan to register.

Graduated payment schedule:

Register by March 15: $275

Register by April 15: $285

Register by May 15: $295

Final registration - June 1: $300

No exceptions!

A non-refundable deposit of $50 is due

at registration. You can register by form

or online. If paying in installments, you

may pay $50 with the balance due by

July 1st. If you need financial assistance,

please see Youth Elder Jim Marra or

Rev. Morgan.

Dinner and Dr. Seuss

Please join us tonight for dinner in the SAPC gym at 5:30 p.m.

After dinner, children and parents are invited to the library for our

final program exploring how the stories of Jesus show up in the sto-

ries of Dr. Seuss . The program will explore Green Eggs and Ham,

How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, Horton

Hears a Who and the Gospel.. Childcare is provided.

Page 7: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables

We welcome new SAPC

member Sue Schreiber!

MORTGAGE BURNING CEREMONY Easter Sunday @ 9:45 a.m.

On Easter Sunday, everyone is invited to meet on the Family Life Center (Center)

steps (Silver Bluff Road side of church) at 9:45 a.m. for a special ceremony to cele-

brate the final payment on the mortgage for the Center. The final payment was made

on March 9, 2016. As we acknowledge this significant milestone, let’s take a mo-

ment to look back at the history of the Center and it’s importance to SAPC.

The Center was constructed in response to the rapid growth of the congregation in the

1980’s and 1990’s. The groundbreaking ceremony took place in May 1994. Pastor

Olin McBride and John Callan turned the first shovel of dirt. The cost of the project

was approximately $1.1 million. Construction began soon after the groundbreaking

and took almost a year to complete. During the weekend of March 18-19, 1995, the

Center was dedicated , which coincided with the 40th anniversary of SAPC’s found-

ing. The newly constructed Center featured a gymnasium with a stage, staff offices,

pastor’s conference room, choir/music room, fully equipped kitchen and pantry,

classrooms and storage rooms. Over the years, these facilities have been used by the

congregation and the community for countless activities and events.

The Center is a testament to the dedication of the SAPC congregation over the past

22 years as they worked diligently to pay off the mortgage and reflects the many

blessings given to SAPC and the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.


*Hymn # 227 Jesus, Remember Me

(Sing Four Times)


Choir only

Congregation only

All will sing


*Congregational Response Christ Be Beside Me Gaelic Melody

Christ be beside me; Christ be before me;

Christ be behind me, King of my heart.

Christ be with in me; Christ be below me;

Christ be above me, never to part.


Page 8: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables

Current Prayer Concerns

After one month, names will be removed from the Prayers for Members, Families and Friends

List. Please contact the church office - 648.9574 ext. 100 - if you wish to add or remove a

name from any list.

Those Serving in the Military:

Daniel Bartlett

Grandson of Ron & Sandy Bartlett

Kris Cloud

Son of Ed & Robin Coward

Ian Fields

Husband of Tracy Kelly-Fields

Robert Kocis

Son of Andrew & Jodi Kocis

Tom Kocis

Nephew of Andrew & Jodi Kocis

Stephan Kraus

Husband of Valorie Vance-Kraus & father of

Abigail & Hannah Kraus

Ben McCullough

Son of Lisa McCullough

Andrew Radford

Son of Chuck & Pat Radford &brother of

Chris Radford

Chris Radford

Son of Chuck & Pat Radford & brother of

Andrew Radford

Louis Wilson

Son-in-law of Brenda Martin Morgan

Prayers for

Members, Families & Friends

Dave Isiminger

Jack Smith


Bring the Lenten season to a beautiful

close by decorating a cross to celebrate

Jesus' resurrection and the new life we

have in Him! We will place a large

cross in front of the church on Easter

Sunday. To participate, please bring

fresh-cut spring flowers with you to

Easter services and adorn the cross for

"flowering of the cross."

Sunday, March 20 8:45a - Palm Sunday Service (SAPC Sanctuary) 9:45a - Sunday School (Campus) 11:00a - Palm Sunday Service (SAPC Sanctuary) 5:00p - Nominating Committee Meeting (PCR) 5:30p - FFT Meal (Gym/Kit) 5:30p - Youth Join FFT for Meal & Activities 6:00p - FFT Program (Gym/Library/Nursery)

Monday, March 21

7:30a - Morning Glory Bible Friends (Gym) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground/Nursery) 1:00p - Membership Committee Meeting (PCR)

Tuesday, March 22

7:30a - Morning Glory Bible Friends (Gym) 11:00a - Kindergarten Music Class (FH) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground/Nursery) 6:00p - Girl Scouts (F207/F209/F212) 7:00p - Boy Scouts (F205) 7:00p - M’Aiken Music Rehearsal (Choir Room)

Wednesday, March 23

7:30a - Morning Glory Bible Friends (Gym) 8:45a - Kindergarten Music Class (FH) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground/Nursery) 7:00p - Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

Thursday, March 24

7:30a - Morning Glory Bible Friends (Gym) 8:45a - Kindergarten Chapel (Sanctuary) 9:30a.- PW Knitters (Library) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground/Nursery) 1:30p - Karate (FH) 7:00p - Maundy Thurs. Joint Service (First Pres.)

Friday, March 25

7:00p - Good Friday Service (SAPC Sanctuary)

Saturday, March 26

9:00a - Easter Egg Hunt, Snack & Story (SAPC) 6:30p - Session Meeting with Confirmands 7:00p - Easter Vigil (SAPC Sanctuary) 8:00p - Easter Vigil Reception


MARCH 28th

7:00 p.m.

The book Club will meet on March 28th

from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Library. This

month’s selection is:

behind the beautiful forevers

By: Katherine Boo

Lent in a Bag


Lenten Devotional Guides

We are currently offering two items to

enhance your devotions during the Lenten

season. First, “Lent in a Bag" is a once-a-

week devotional that you may take home

and use collectively or individually as we

prepare for Christ's life, death, and

resurrection. Second, we have a Lenten

devotional guide written by Aiken's Rev.

Brian Coulter and illustrated by Bess

Reynolds that you may use during this

season. Both items can be found in the

back hallway and in the Narthex.

Page 9: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables

Current Prayer Concerns

After one month, names will be removed from the Prayers for Members, Families and Friends

List. Please contact the church office - 648.9574 ext. 100 - if you wish to add or remove a

name from any list.

Those Serving in the Military:

Daniel Bartlett

Grandson of Ron & Sandy Bartlett

Kris Cloud

Son of Ed & Robin Coward

Ian Fields

Husband of Tracy Kelly-Fields

Robert Kocis

Son of Andrew & Jodi Kocis

Tom Kocis

Nephew of Andrew & Jodi Kocis

Stephan Kraus

Husband of Valorie Vance-Kraus & father of

Abigail & Hannah Kraus

Ben McCullough

Son of Lisa McCullough

Andrew Radford

Son of Chuck & Pat Radford &brother of

Chris Radford

Chris Radford

Son of Chuck & Pat Radford & brother of

Andrew Radford

Louis Wilson

Son-in-law of Brenda Martin Morgan

Prayers for

Members, Families & Friends

Dave Isiminger

Jack Smith


Bring the Lenten season to a beautiful

close by decorating a cross to celebrate

Jesus' resurrection and the new life we

have in Him! We will place a large

cross in front of the church on Easter

Sunday. To participate, please bring

fresh-cut spring flowers with you to

Easter services and adorn the cross for

"flowering of the cross."

Sunday, March 20 8:45a - Palm Sunday Service (SAPC Sanctuary) 9:45a - Sunday School (Campus) 11:00a - Palm Sunday Service (SAPC Sanctuary) 5:00p - Nominating Committee Meeting (PCR) 5:30p - FFT Meal (Gym/Kit) 5:30p - Youth Join FFT for Meal & Activities 6:00p - FFT Program (Gym/Library/Nursery)

Monday, March 21

7:30a - Morning Glory Bible Friends (Gym) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground/Nursery) 1:00p - Membership Committee Meeting (PCR)

Tuesday, March 22

7:30a - Morning Glory Bible Friends (Gym) 11:00a - Kindergarten Music Class (FH) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground/Nursery) 6:00p - Girl Scouts (F207/F209/F212) 7:00p - Boy Scouts (F205) 7:00p - M’Aiken Music Rehearsal (Choir Room)

Wednesday, March 23

7:30a - Morning Glory Bible Friends (Gym) 8:45a - Kindergarten Music Class (FH) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground/Nursery) 7:00p - Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

Thursday, March 24

7:30a - Morning Glory Bible Friends (Gym) 8:45a - Kindergarten Chapel (Sanctuary) 9:30a.- PW Knitters (Library) 12:15p - Bible Friends (FH/Playground/Nursery) 1:30p - Karate (FH) 7:00p - Maundy Thurs. Joint Service (First Pres.)

Friday, March 25

7:00p - Good Friday Service (SAPC Sanctuary)

Saturday, March 26

9:00a - Easter Egg Hunt, Snack & Story (SAPC) 6:30p - Session Meeting with Confirmands 7:00p - Easter Vigil (SAPC Sanctuary) 8:00p - Easter Vigil Reception


MARCH 28th

7:00 p.m.

The book Club will meet on March 28th

from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Library. This

month’s selection is:

behind the beautiful forevers

By: Katherine Boo

Lent in a Bag


Lenten Devotional Guides

We are currently offering two items to

enhance your devotions during the Lenten

season. First, “Lent in a Bag" is a once-a-

week devotional that you may take home

and use collectively or individually as we

prepare for Christ's life, death, and

resurrection. Second, we have a Lenten

devotional guide written by Aiken's Rev.

Brian Coulter and illustrated by Bess

Reynolds that you may use during this

season. Both items can be found in the

back hallway and in the Narthex.

Page 10: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables


Saturday, March 26th @ 9:00 a.m.

The hunt is on!! The annual Easter egg hunt activities will be held

at SAPC on Saturday, March 26th starting at 9:00 a.m. The

morning will begin with a snack and a story time. The egg hunt will follow. In the

event of rain, the egg hunt will be held inside. In preparation for the big day, we are

asking for donations of plastic Easter eggs filed with wrapped candy. Non-candy treats

may also be used in the eggs. Please make sure the eggs do not contain candy or items

that present a choking hazard to small children.


Maundy Thursday: Service at First Presbyter ian

7:00 p.m.

Childcare provided.

Good Friday: Service at SAPC at 7:00 p.m.

Easter Vigil: Service at SAPC at 7:00 p.m.

Easter Sunrise: Service at SAPC Memorial

Garden at 7:30 a.m.

Easter: Services at SAPC

8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Childcare Provided

South Aiken Presbyterian Church



March 20, 2016 8:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

(Please stand, if able, when indicated by an *)


Prelude Scott Chappell, Organist/Pianist

Chiming of the Hour (11:00)


Signing of the Friendship Register

Choral Introit Hosanna Randy Edwards


*Call to Worship (Responsive)

One: Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem.

All: Hosanna! Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!

One: The people laid down their garments and praised God.

All: Hosanna! Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!

One: If the people keep quiet, even the stones will cry out.

All: Hosanna! Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!

One: Let us worship God.

*Prayer of the Day (Unison)

To you, O God, we cry: Hosanna! Lord, save us! Let this be our constant prayer

as we dance among the palms, as we sit around the table, as we kneel before the

cross, as we bow our heads in sorrow. To you, O God, we cry: Hosanna! Lord,

save us! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Page 11: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables


Hymn #196 All Glory, Laud, and Honor

*Prayer of Confession (Responsive)

Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you. The lips that sing,

“Hosanna!” are the same that shout, “Crucify!” The hands that wave palm

branches are the same that prepare your cross. Forgive us, God of grace. Look

upon us with mercy. Our lives are in your hands. Save us, by your steadfast

love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Time for Silent Confession)

One: Turning towards the Lord of the cross, the people said,

All: Amen.

*Assurance of Pardon

*The Gloria Patri Hymnal Page 581

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Ghost;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

world without end. Amen, amen

*Passing of the Peace (11:00) (Responsive)

One: Since Christ has extended to us the peace of God, let us, as his disciples, spread his

peace to others. The peace of Christ be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Let us exchange signs of Christ’s peace with one another.

Children’s Moment (11:00) Rev. Erin Morgan


Remember those math story problems you had in

school? Well, here’s an easy one.

Take 2 happy children receiving their very own

books to take home and keep for summer reading.

Add 12 more children and you have a WHOLE

classroom of smiling faces. Multiply that by 5 more

classes and you almost have a WHOLE school of

smiling faces! What would it take to see that many

smiles? Maybe some books to have of their very

own. What would it take to get those books in the

hands of children? Subtract any amount you wish

from your checking account and write a check to

SAPC with Greendale books in the memo section.

The smiling faces will reappear this May! We have

collected over $600 to date and have a goal of $3000.

You do the math. It’s that easy!


The Sanctuary is so lovely on Easter Sunday when it is

filled with lilies! Please consider donating a lily (or two)

for this Easter season. The cost per plant this year is

$18.50. To order, simply complete the order form en-

closed with today’s bulletin and drop it in the offering

plate along with your payment. Please make checks out to

SAPC with Easter lily in the memo line. Or, you may ei-

ther mail or drop your order form and payment off at the

church office by March 21st.

Page 12: Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”storage.cloversites.com › southaikenpresbyterianchurch › document… · Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables




The Parables of Jesus

Stories for Life in God’s World


Join us in exploring these timeless stories that have continued to intrigue and transform people’s

lives since Jesus told them. They continue to help us understand God’s will for us today.

The program will be held in the Family Life Center (Gym). From 6:00 to 6:15, the youth will

present an inter-generational program to introduce the parables to all those attending.

Allison Kelly will lead children 3 years and up with Parables According to Dr. Seuss in the

library from 6:15 to 7:00.

Rev. Erin Morgan, our Associate Pastor for Youth, will lead youth 6th through 12th grade.

Nursery care is provided.

5:30 – 6:00 Dinner

$5.00 for adults and FREE for children under the age of 16

Menu: Barbecued Chicken Prepared by Robert and Cheryl Glance of Mouth of the South Caters

6:00 – 7:00 Programs

Program: Parables of Treasure Matthew 13:44-46 and Luke 15:11-32

Led by Steve Stine

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal Page 35

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory forever. Amen

Prayer Response My Savior’s Love David Schwoebel


Prayer for Illumination

Gospel Reading Luke 19:28-40 Pew Bible Page 83

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Anthem When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Arr: Gilbert M. Martin

Gospel Reading Luke 23:1-49 Pew Bible Page 88

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “When the Sound Drops”

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*Hymn #222 Rejected and Despised

*Affirmation of Faith, “The Apostles’ Creed” (Traditional) Hymnal Page 35

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord;

who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, dead, and buried;

he descended into hell;

the third day he rose again from the dead;

he ascended into heaven,

And sitteth on the right hand

Of God the Father Almighty;

from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost;

the holy catholic church;

the communion of saints;

the forgiveness of sins;

the resurrection of the body;

and the life everlasting. Amen

Offering of Tithes and Gifts


*Doxology Hymnal Page 606

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

praise him, all creatures here below;

praise him above, ye heavenly host;

praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

*Prayer of Dedication

March 20, 2016: Passion/Palm Sunday Lenten Bites:

5:30-7:30 p.m. Gym/Youth Room

Lenten Conclusion: Labyrinth

March 26, 2016 -

9:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt:

(Youth help hide eggs)

March 27, 2016: Easter Sunday

No Youth Program

April 3 & 10, 2016

No Youth Program (Spring Break)

Upcoming Summer 2016 Events:

June 19-24, 2016 Mission Trip-w/

DOOR Atlanta

July 11-15, 2016 - VBS

Montreat Youth Conference It’s That Time Again!

(July 17-23, 2016)

This is a unique gathering of rising 9th

graders through graduated seniors from

all over the country. Participants will

enjoy a week of study, worship, and

recreation. Activities include morning

energizers, music, keynote, small groups,

recreation, and worship. College students

may participate as “Work Crew”

members. Total cost p/p is $275-300.

See Rev. Morgan to register.

Graduated payment schedule:

Register by March 15: $275

Register by April 15: $285

Register by May 15: $295

Final registration - June 1: $300

No exceptions!

A non-refundable deposit of $50 is due

at registration. You can register by form

or online. If paying in installments, you

may pay $50 with the balance due by

July 1st. If you need financial assistance,

please see Youth Elder Jim Marra or

Rev. Morgan.

Dinner and Dr. Seuss

Please join us tonight for dinner in the SAPC gym at 5:30 p.m.

After dinner, children and parents are invited to the library for our

final program exploring how the stories of Jesus show up in the sto-

ries of Dr. Seuss . The program will explore Green Eggs and Ham,

How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, Horton

Hears a Who and the Gospel.. Childcare is provided.

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We welcome new SAPC

member Sue Schreiber!

MORTGAGE BURNING CEREMONY Easter Sunday @ 9:45 a.m.

On Easter Sunday, everyone is invited to meet on the Family Life Center (Center)

steps (Silver Bluff Road side of church) at 9:45 a.m. for a special ceremony to cele-

brate the final payment on the mortgage for the Center. The final payment was made

on March 9, 2016. As we acknowledge this significant milestone, let’s take a mo-

ment to look back at the history of the Center and it’s importance to SAPC.

The Center was constructed in response to the rapid growth of the congregation in the

1980’s and 1990’s. The groundbreaking ceremony took place in May 1994. Pastor

Olin McBride and John Callan turned the first shovel of dirt. The cost of the project

was approximately $1.1 million. Construction began soon after the groundbreaking

and took almost a year to complete. During the weekend of March 18-19, 1995, the

Center was dedicated , which coincided with the 40th anniversary of SAPC’s found-

ing. The newly constructed Center featured a gymnasium with a stage, staff offices,

pastor’s conference room, choir/music room, fully equipped kitchen and pantry,

classrooms and storage rooms. Over the years, these facilities have been used by the

congregation and the community for countless activities and events.

The Center is a testament to the dedication of the SAPC congregation over the past

22 years as they worked diligently to pay off the mortgage and reflects the many

blessings given to SAPC and the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.


*Hymn # 227 Jesus, Remember Me

(Sing Four Times)


Choir only

Congregation only

All will sing


*Congregational Response Christ Be Beside Me Gaelic Melody

Christ be beside me; Christ be before me;

Christ be behind me, King of my heart.

Christ be with in me; Christ be below me;

Christ be above me, never to part.


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Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ”


Worship Service (8:45) - 78

(11:00) - 107


Flowers: In loving memory of Lois Banks. Given by Jenny & Bill Summers.

Pulpit Assistant: Dr. Barbara Johnson

Sound System: (8:45) Larry Hinson (11:00) Darrell Pluff

Ushers: (8:45) Chuck Radford, J im Gee, Kar in Gee

(11:00) Nancy Hufford, Dwight Bradham, Bob Page, Anita Page


Flowers: In Celebration of Alex W illiams' 9th Birthday. Given by his parents,

Kelli and Doug Williams

Pulpit Assistant: Rev. Er in Morgan

Sound System: (8:45) Billy Ward (11:00) John Kelly

Ushers (8:45): J im Marra, Haley Cooper , Sue Haberkost, Connie Mack

(11:00): Bob Armstrong, Shirley Colburn, Phil Lockard, Emily Lockard

Dr. Christopher Crotwell, Pastor and Head of Staff: Office 648.9574 Ext. 104

Rev. Erin Morgan, Associate Pastor for Youth and Outreach: Office 648.9574 Ext. 106

Allison Kelly, Dir of Young Children and Family Min: Office 648.9574 Ext. 105 Cell 803.336.9540

Phillip Hare, Director of Music: 648.9574

Scott Chappell, Organist: 648.9574

Tracie Bryant, Financial Manager : 648.9574 Ext. 103

Denise Underwood, Secretary: 648.9574 Ext. 100; [email protected]

Michelle Lorio, Kindergar ten Director : 648.9895 Ext. 107

Cissy Kelley, Assistant Kindergar ten Dir / Childcare Coordinator : 648.9895 Ext. 110 Cell 270.5808 Church Office: 648-9574 Fax: 803.648.7972 Web Site: www.southaiken.org