Our People Strategy 2014 19 - Sussex Community People Strategy 2014–19 Introduction Page 3 of 26...

Our People Strategy 201419 Introduction Page 1 of 26 Our People Strategy 2014–19 December 2014 Version 10

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Page 1: Our People Strategy 2014 19 - Sussex Community People Strategy 2014–19 Introduction Page 3 of 26 Contents Introduction 4 Why does Sussex Community NHS Trust (SCT) need a People Strategy?

Our People Strategy 2014–19

Introduction Page 1 of 26

Our People Strategy 2014–19

December 2014

Version 10

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Our People Strategy 2014–19

Introduction Page 2 of 26

Version Date Author Comments

0.1 05/11/14 Penny Emerson Outline framework

0.2 10/11/14 Penny Emerson More advanced draft

0.3 14/11/14 Penny Emerson Modifications to layout of text/First draft to CEO/ HRD/Chief Nurse

0.4 17/11/14 Paula Head Changes throughout the document

0.5 17/11/14 Penny Emerson First draft to executive team

0.6 17/11/14 Penny Emerson Conversion into ppt format and additions

0.7 18/11/14 Penny Emerson Additional changes with exec additions

0.8 18/11/14 Penny Emerson Chair/CEO amendments and modifications and additions

0.9 19/11/14 Penny Emerson CEO/HROD further amendments and modifications

0.10 04/12/14 Caroline Beardall Updated post Trust Board

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Our People Strategy 2014–19

Introduction Page 3 of 26


Introduction 4

Why does Sussex Community NHS Trust (SCT) need a People

Strategy? 4

SCT vision, values and strategic goals 5

SCT vision and strategy for 2019 6

SCT in 2019 - what this means for our communities and people 7

I. Integrated care and support for adults 7

II. Children and families integrated care and support 7

III. Specialist community care and wellbeing 8

IV. Organisational design 8

Our current context 9

Our people in 2014 – where we are now 10

I. Workforce Numbers 10

II. Age Profile 11

III. Banding Profile 11

IV. Vacancy rate and voluntary turnover 12

V.Sickness absence and turnover 12

VI. Bank and agency usage and vacancy rate 13

VII. Comparative levels of engagement 14

VIII. A summary of the current workforce 15

Staff satisfaction and survey results 16

External drivers for change 17

Workforce ambitions 18

The components of our People Strategy 19

I. Maximise productivity via efficient workforce and infrastructure without

compromising quality. 20

2. Ensure workforce skill mix and profile Deliver our Clinical Care

Strategy 21

3. Future proof workforce through competency, effective education &

training 22

4. A culture of excellence through continuous improvement via Living

Room to Board Room cultural and transformational change programme


5. Ensure healthy workplace via effective employee engagement &

wellbeing inc. best possible HR support 24

How our People Strategy will support delivery of the Trust’s Goals 25

Monitoring and review 26

I.Trust Board 26

II. Quality Committee 26

III. Annual Service Line Workforce Plans 26

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Our People Strategy 2014–19

Introduction Page 4 of 26


Why does Sussex Community NHS Trust (SCT) need a People Strategy?

As an employer of around 4,600 people, our People Strategy is a key document that relates all that we are doing with our workforce

to realise our vision of excellent care at the heart of the community.

It represents strategically all the Trust can do to recruit, retain, reward and support its people to operate as effectively as possible in

a culture of excellence through continuous improvement.

The People Strategy has been developed with our teams planning their future, in consultation with staffside and the clinical

executive, all contributing to a document that represents the ambitions of our staff for the trust and our patients.

We know that our people are vital to the delivery of our vision and strategies and so our People Strategy is designed to create an

organisation in which every person we employ can deliver excellent care and feel supported, engaged, well-managed, healthy and

happy at work. Equally the leadership of the Trust pledges to work to values and behaviours that make sure the environment in

which they work is the best it can be for staff.

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Our People Strategy 2014–19

SCT vision, values and strategic goals Page 5 of 26

SCT vision, values and strategic goals

Our vision, values and strategic goals shape what SCT wants to be and do. The Trust will need to ensure that it has an appropriate

workforce to support their delivery. The values show the behaviours that the Trust expects its staff to adopt in their working


Figure 1 - Vision Values & Strategic Goals

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SCT vision and strategy for 2019 Page 6 of 26

SCT vision and strategy for 2019

Our strategy is to deliver excellent personal care within local communities through being a strong NHS organisation that is led by

excellent people.

Figure 2 - Vision & Strategy for 2019

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Our People Strategy 2014–19

SCT in 2019 - what this means for our communities and people Page 7 of 26

SCT in 2019 - what this means for our communities and people

I. Integrated care and support for adults

In five years care will be combined around each individual

linked to local communities such as towns, drawing on the

natural resources within the community to reinforce wellbeing

and independence.

This will require a workforce that:

Works within multi-professional and multi-agency teams, responding to the shift of services from acute to community settings and integrating social care.

Uses new technology, is capable of learning new skills to match the demand and demonstrate an attitude of continuous improvement.

Works across a diverse range of partnerships, joint ventures and collaborative ways of working.

Works according to protocols but can also be autonomous.

Demonstrates the highest levels of personal and professional conduct.

Increases the competence of our unregistered staff whilst ensuring appropriate supervision, allowing for more focused deployment of registered workforce.

Builds effective preventative services that support patients to remain well, helping take the burden from primary care freeing them to deliver.

II. Children and families integrated care and support

In five years our children and their families will be at the heart

of all choices about their care with everyone involved joined

around the needs of the child.

This will require a workforce that:

Is more flexible, more mobile and has greater confidence to develop new clinical practice and maximise new opportunities, partnerships and collaborative ways of working.

Includes advanced practitioners within our children’s services.

Provides responsive services when and where needed.

Demonstrates strong clinical governance & confidence to manage greater levels of complexity and risk in the community.

Recognises the importance of early year’s intervention and the needs of the child and family for lifetime benefits.

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Our People Strategy 2014–19

SCT in 2019 - what this means for our communities and people Page 8 of 26

III. Specialist community care and wellbeing

In five years much more care will be provided in the

community and our specialist clinical teams will deliver

comprehensive services in the community to help avoid the

need to go to hospital, so improving wellbeing.

This will require a workforce that:

Supports the team to deliver the whole integrated pathway and understand the contribution to the whole system.

Actively uses prevention and early intervention techniques to improve the wellbeing of the people we care for.

Works with proactive care teams for adults and children & families offering signposting and support to continue improvement in wellbeing, accessing & delivering care outside of the formal health and social care sector.

Works with a range of commissioners and providers to build effective preventative services that support patients to remain well.

Works smarter on the things that really matter to deliver the best possible value for our patients.

Is aligned with social care & third sector services to develop joint approaches to information advocacy, advice and early intervention and wellbeing hubs.

IV. Organisational design

In five years we will have the right people, governance,

technology and processes in place to achieve our vision.

This will require a workforce that:

Is proud to work for SCT, and proud of the excellent services we provide.

Is motivated and inspired to continuously improve.

Is fully engaged in shaping the future of the Trust and committed to working according to the Trust’s values.

Has more opportunities to participate in educational development and research.

Has confidence in systems that support best clinical practice.

Has the appetite to use technology for the benefit of patients and service efficiencies.

Works in estate that meets the needs of the local communities within which they are based

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Our current context Page 9 of 26

Our current context

SCT was formed in October 2010 when West Sussex Health, the provider arm of West Sussex PCT, joined with South Downs

Health NHS Trust, a standalone NHS community trust, to create our new organisation.

Our first few years were characterized by executive and board instability, poor performance and significant staff dissatisfaction. The

arrival of a new chair and the appointment of a permanent chief executive helped the executive leadership team and board to


Quality and financial performance are consistently improving and there is evidence of increasing staff satisfaction and improved

stakeholder engagement. There still remain challenges to realise the Trust’s vision of excellent care at the heart of the community,

but the Trust now has strong leadership, a clear clinical care strategy, improved processes and structures all combined with staff

committed to delivering its strategic goals.

The Trust provides a comprehensive range of community services to 1.1 million people of West Sussex and Brighton & Hove

spread over 2,000 square km with around 8,000 patient contacts per day.

The health of the people we serve is generally better than average but there are significant areas of deprivation and variation. In

West Sussex, the population aged 65+ is higher than average and is increasing, resulting in the dependency ratio being over 10%

higher than the England average. Across our area we need to address a range of health trends:

Ageing population in West Sussex in particular, need for investment in integrated health & social care services, ensuring

people are looked after in their homes for as long as possible.

Cancer, circulatory diseases & respiratory diseases as primary causes of death for both West Sussex and Brighton & Hove.

Higher than average young population in Brighton & Hove with issues around alcohol, smoking, drugs and sexually

transmitted diseases (STDs).

Need to provide community services in West Sussex to address above average obesity levels.

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Our People Strategy 2014–19

Our people in 2014 – where we are now Page 10 of 26

Our people in 2014 – where we are now

The following section of the People Strategy sets out a summary analysis of where we are now, focusing on some key workforce

indicators and concluding with a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. This is important so that we

can understand what needs to change over the coming years to ensure that we meet our vision.

I. Workforce Numbers

Figure 3 - Workforce Division by Type of Worker

Figure 4 - Workforce Division by Clinical or Non-Clinical

Our overall workforce numbers have decreased over the last 12 months in line with our plans, with a reduction of 62.8 whole time

equivalent/109 headcount from November 2013–October 2014. The proportion of clinical staff against non-clinical has increased

over the last 12 months with 74.75% of our staff working in clinical roles at October 2014.

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Our people in 2014 – where we are now Page 11 of 26

II. Age Profile

21% (headcount 933) of our workforce was aged 56 or over

as at October 2014. In one year 24% (headcount 1,075) will

be aged 56 or over, rising to 38% (headcount 1,695) in five


III. Banding Profile

With regard to Agenda for change banding, the majority of

staff are employed on bands 6, 5 & 3.

Figure 5 - Age Profile

Figure 6 - Pay Band

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Our people in 2014 – where we are now Page 12 of 26

IV. Vacancy rate and voluntary turnover

Staff turnover increased by 2% in the last 6 months of 2014 to 11.85% against at target of 12% which is within the range expected

during periods of planned change.

Figure 7 - Sickness Rates and Staff Turnover

V. Sickness absence and turnover

Sickness absence levels fluctuate seasonally and focus remains on supporting the wellbeing of staff as well as targeting resolution

of long term sickness and key hotspots. The SCT target is below 5%.

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Our people in 2014 – where we are now Page 13 of 26

VI. Bank and agency usage and vacancy rate

Reducing the use of agency staff is a top priority of our workforce transformation programme. One of the main drivers of agency

usage is the vacancy rate, which is why these indicators are considered together. Our plans to address these issues include

introducing a master vendor contract which is a primary agency that brokers all our requests for agency staff through a supply

chain to control costs and provide quality and safety assurance. We also are actively increasing the supply of bank staff in both

clinical and non-clinical services, which is expected to reduce our reliance on agency staff. These plans include improved

incentives, targeted recruitment and developing Staff Direct –

our internal bank service. We recognise that such fundamental

changes in practice will take time to implement fully and will

require investment, senior executive action and support and

operational management commitment to deliver.

As a Trust we are confident we will make these vital changes to

our working practices.

We aim to reduce the number of vacancies and improve the

recruitment process to shorten the time taken to fill vacancies.

This too is a key workstream within the workforce

transformation programme currently being implemented.

Figure 8 - Agency and Bank Usage and Vacancy Rates

Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-13

Agency £530,290 £649,875 £574,615 £708,085 £402,557 £513,079 £436,405 £451,601 £561,341 £440,661 £531,922 £406,299

Bank £398,841 £469,635 £355,298 £444,403 £509,012 £424,306 £420,373 £496,760 £412,273 £518,635 £400,311 £368,710

Vacancy Rate %

11% 11% 10% 10% 10% 11% 8% 9% 9% 10% 9% 9%

Grand Total

£929,131 £1,119,510 £929,914 £1,152,489 £911,569 £937,384 £856,778 £948,360 £973,614 £959,295 £932,233 £775,010

Figure 9 - Agency and Bank Usage and Vacancy Rates Table

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Our people in 2014 – where we are now Page 14 of 26

VII. Comparative levels of engagement

The table below sets out the results of the annual NHS staff survey 2013, comparing SCT scores with other community trusts. Our

levels of staff engagement are above average and demonstrate that we have done considerable work to engage staff which we will

continue. This will form part of the planned work of our Human Resources and Communications team.

Engagement Type Category SCT Average

Community Trust Average

SCT staff engagement score 70% 67%

I would recommend my trust as a place to work Advocacy 62% 56%

If a friend of relative needed treatment, I would be happy with the standard of care provided by this Trust

72% 68%

Care of patients/service users is my Trust’s top priority 71% 67%

I am able to make suggestions to improve the work of my team or department Involvement 81% 78%

There are frequent opportunities for me to show initiative in my role 75% 71%

I am able to make improvements happen in my area of work 64% 59%

I look forward to going to work Motivation 56% 53%

I am enthusiastic about my job 71% 69%

Time passes quickly when I am working 81% 79% Figure 10 - Comparative Levels of Engagement Table

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Our people in 2014 – where we are now Page 15 of 26

VIII. A summary of the current workforce

The SWOT below has been completed using the data presented in the previous section, coupled with local intelligence.

Strengths and opportunities

Out of hospital strategies in Sussex provide opportunities for SCT to grow.

Demonstrable ability to deliver new service initiatives, evidenced by our admission avoidance teams.

SCT is a national pilot site for the care certificate for HCA development, following the Cavendish Review.

High number of student nursing placements to help meet future recruitment.

Staff recommend the Trust as a place to work or to receive treatment.

Competitive tendering and AQP removes barriers to entry for some services.

Relationships between chair & permanent chief executive have given the executive leadership team and board stability and a clear vision for future.

Whole system service improvement provides opportunities to develop new roles and ways of working that will enable the Trust to retain and develop existing staff.

Joint partnerships with other local providers and Sussex-wide workforce planning.

Weaknesses and threats

Management of expenditure on agency staffing urgently requires greater control.

The recruitment of some staff groups such as District Nurses and some specialist nurses remains difficult.

Further work needed to grow middle management competencies and confidence.

Clinical quality & service delivery improvements must cope with increasing demand & expectation with reducing resources.

Electronic rostering not yet implemented.

Lack of a co-ordinated workforce planning process to align with operational need, service development and finance.

A reliance on an aging workforce, which relates to the local demography.

To attract the right calibre of new recruits the Trust needs to improve how it markets and promotes itself and its services, and the locality, ensuring consistent & effective branding.

Competition from other local providers in a growing out of hospital care market & the potential for loss of existing business if service quality and productivity of staff are not continuously improved.

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Staff satisfaction and survey results Page 16 of 26

Staff satisfaction and survey results

Despite the challenges that exist in the system and in recruiting sufficient staff to achieve safe staffing levels, SCT has much to be

proud of.

We rank in the Health Service Journal’s (HSJ) 100 best

places to work in the NHS in England list. This achievement

reflects the feedback from staff in the confidential NHS staff


Our staff engagement and staff satisfaction measures have

gone up each year since we were established in 2010 – and

are significantly above the average for all trusts in England.

Over the survey as a whole we have exceeded the average

for all NHS organisations in 25 of the survey’s 29 key findings.

Given our intensifying workload and the scale of the

challenges we face this is a strong indication of the

commitment of our staff to the NHS and their jobs at SCT.

Our highest staff survey scores in 2014 are in the following


Able to contribute to improvements at work.

See effective team working.

Get good support from your immediate managers.

Are satisfied with your job.

Indicator for

improvement Actions we are taking

Staff working extra hours

Working with commissioners on addressing capacity and demand Encouraging use of bank and developing paid overtime

Pressure to attend work when unwell

Healthier workforce group Employee assistance programme Developing mindfulness training

Perceptions of people not feeling promoted

Equality policy refreshed with action plan Value based appraisal introduced with talent management programme

Staff experiencing bullying, harassment or abuse from patients’ relatives or the public

Additional advanced conflict resolution training Lone worker Skyguard introduced

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Our People Strategy 2014–19

External drivers for change Page 17 of 26

External drivers for change

The tables below summarise the key external drivers for change and the impact that these are likely to have on the workforce.

These external drivers are important considerations for the action that we need to take in shaping our workforce.



Five Year Forward View

Cavendish Report

Freedom to Speak Up in response to Francis (although

this was February 2015)

Kings Fund Research on Collective Leadership (May


Kings Fund Community Services – how they can transform

care (February 2014)


Better Care Fund Plans and expectations for move of activity into the community supported by the 5 communities plans from the CCGs in the north of West Sussex.

Closer integration around general practice in Coastal West Sussex.

Frailty pathway in Brighton & Hove will mean realignment of workforce.

Local CQUIN requirements

Increasing competition from other providers.

Financial challenges faced by health economy.

Partnership and whole system working.

Single point of access for Social Care, Mental Health, Continuity.

Integration in delivering urgent care. Impact on the workforce

Closer working with primary care teams

A shift in the workforce into community and integrated care pathways initially increasing the workload of current staff.

Partnership working between organisations and professions.

Increase in the workforce and changes in the skill mix needed in community nursing services.

Fluctuation in demand for services provided by staff groups such as physiotherapy, podiatry.

Greater 24hour/7day working presence for the majority of staffing groups requires greater use of flexible working options.

A requirement for a responsive agile workforce and flexible recruitment processes enabling rapid response.

Insufficient capacity and capability due to high vacancy rates and an over-reliance upon agency/temporary staff could lead to poor quality care for patients, an unstable service provision and the risk of lack of organisational memory.

Greater opportunity for career diversity in community settings as work moves from acute to community.

Working in multidisciplinary multiagency teams gives greater satisfaction to staff and patients.

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Workforce ambitions Page 18 of 26

Workforce ambitions

Set out below is a summary of the key characteristics of the workforce that will change over the next five years. This ambition is

underpinned by our people strategy objectives set out in the following section.

Figure 11 - Workforce Ambitions

More productive and efficient

Skill mix meets patient needs

Competent, well trained amd future proofed

A culture of excellence through continuous improvement

Delivered with and within local communities

Staff engaged and committed to delivering vision, values, and strategic objectives

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The components of our People Strategy Page 19 of 26

The components of our People Strategy

Figure 12 - Components of our People Strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to drive a

flexible, highly skilled & well motivated

workforce operating within a culture of

excellence through continuous improvement

to deliver the Trust’s vision.

Our People Strategy sets out five core

objectives & associated plans, aligned to and

assisting the achievement of the Trust’s three

strategic goals and the five year strategic

objectives, outlined in the Clinical Care

Strategy and Integrated Business Plan.

It is crucial to recognise that all of the

objectives set out in the People Strategy

impact upon ALL of our strategic goals and

the underpinning organisational strategic


The workforce data, the analysis of strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats and

the identification of the external drivers have

formed the basis for deciding what needs to


The pages that follow explain each of the five

components of our people strategy in turn.

A Culture of

Excellence through


improvement, aligned

to Trust values, with

capability & capacity

to deliver trust


1. Maximise

productivity via

efficient workforce

& infrastructure,




2 Ensure workforce

skill mix and profile

Deliver Clinical

Care Strategy

3 Future proof

workforce through


effective education

& training.

4. A culture of

excellence through



5. Ensure healthy

workplace via

effective employee

engagement &

wellbeing inc. best

possible HR


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The components of our People Strategy Page 20 of 26

I. Maximise productivity via efficient workforce and infrastructure without compromising quality.

We will further develop management and leadership capability across the Trust to deliver high quality services to staff, which

maximises productivity. We will establish a programme of work to optimise the organisation of the clinical workforce across the

Trust, moving toward 24 hours a day, seven day a week services.

Strategic Objective Deliverables Outcome Measurements Maximising productivity by having the most efficient workforce and infrastructure to support productivity without compromising quality. Aims:

To make more effective use of staff resource

To encourage more innovation in working practices and service delivery

Year 1

Achieve Workforce KPIs & compliance targets

Increase the number of staff having timely appraisals

Address workforce element of integration programme

Develop systematic approach to performance review

Continue people management workshops

Reduce sickness absence

Develop and implement staff performance management

Roll-out Leadership Development Programme, targeting senior and middle managers

Implementation recruiting for values Year 2

Create succession planning and development programme with NHS Elect

Maintain levels of appraisal

Embed robust workforce data analysis

Embed staff performance management framework

Achieve further reductions in sickness absence Year 3-5

ESR training & report writing

Develop employee relations activity and trend-spotting database

Promote greater accountability and responsibility amongst managers for local staff and service decisions

Year on year delivery of workforce CIP without compromising quality as assessed by QIA.

Workforce benchmark indictors for al community trusts - Top Quartile (year 3) Top (Quintile Year 5).

Appraisal rates reach 90% by Q4 Year 1.

Maintenance in appraisal rates year on year.

100% of appraisals are assessed as good quality in an audit of a representative sample.

Sickness absence reduction to below 5 %

Audit shows that all appraisals are based on values and in line with staff performance management framework.

Introduction of new practitioner roles across trust to deliver new models of care.

Figure 13 - Maximise productivity without compromising quality

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The components of our People Strategy Page 21 of 26

2. Ensure workforce skill mix and profile Deliver our Clinical Care Strategy

We will ensure that our business plans are inclusive of workforce and education planning, including reviewing skill mix and

examining opportunities for role re-design. Workforce development will be focused on delivering our strategic priorities, including

achieving our objectives. We will promote inter-professional learning and support multi-disciplinary teams to develop and implement

team objectives to meet service transformation.

Strategic Objective Deliverables Outcome Measurements Ensure workforce design supports delivery of the clinical care strategy. Aims:

To have management and leadership capability that is agile and adapts continuously and quickly to the changing environment

To have a flexible workforce which is responsive to the changing needs of its services, including seven day services and partnership working

The skill mix of our workforce responds appropriately to changing need within the diverse populations of Sussex

Year 1

More rotational posts across community

Develop HCA roles in line with Cavendish review

Produce annual workforce plans & corporate training needs assessment

Develop workforce transformation plans to support transformation programmes

Review use of nurse specialists to optimise organisation of clinical workforce

Ensure unregistered clinical workforce high quality & consistent training programmes Year 2

Implement workforce changes to deliver transformation programme

Anually review leadership & management needs

Develop new staff career opportunities

Develop careers escalator

Deliver seven day services & extended day working where needed.

Improve workforce planning capabilities & capacity

Review current information systems Years 3 -5

Review size/ configuration of nursing workforce &

address safe staffing guidance

Increase Internal Bank/decrease agency staff

Workforce plans signed off annually by Chief Operating Office to agreed standard.

Annual capability audit shows majority of staff operating flexibly to meet demands of delivery of integration and the strategic plan.

Workforce profile matches proportion of profile of local population.

Introduction of multi skilled generic workforce.

Corporate training delivers greater than 80% of annual training needs assessment.

Delivery of safe staffing levels.

Community nursing numbers increase to planed levels

Agreed skill mix ratios achieved

Figure 14 - Workforce design that support strategic plan

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The components of our People Strategy Page 22 of 26

3. Future proof workforce through competency, effective education & training

We will maintain partnerships with University of Brighton/University of Surrey to sustain current training placements: 420

undergraduate nurses & AHP trainees & 56 postgraduate nurses & AHPs. We will ensure staff are competent, appropriately skilled

& developed to fulfil their roles, and work with local education providers to design, develop & deliver a workforce capable of

delivering sustainable improvements in health & well-being in Sussex.

Strategic Objective Deliverables Outcome Measurements Future proof competent workforce through effective education and training Aim:

The Trust is a recognised centre of excellence for multi- disciplinary education and training, with established close links to Surrey University and Brighton University, as well as the Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs).

Staff are competent and appropriately trained to carry out their role

Year 1

Commit to three year learning agreement and commission Education in line with service need

Increase training attendance Identify new training & build on SCT’s reputation as education provider of excellence

Continue Trust Board development programme, against value based leadership (end Q2)

Implement career development solutions for middle management

Begin competency assessment for lower bands Year 2

Move to value based education

Introduce Board assessment for governors

Increase profile of HR as valued internal partner

Roll our competency framework to higher bands

Increase under-represented groups within workforce

Deliver NHS Elect development programme

Deliver Trust Leadership development Programme

Review induction/ mandatory training Years 3 -5

Increase numbers of e-learning packages & staff utilisation

Increase work with partner universities so staff can access pre-registration education programmes

Workforce plans signed off annually by Chief Operating Office to agreed standard.

Annual capability audit shows majority of staff operating flexibly to meet demands of delivery of integration and the strategic plan.

Workforce profile matches proportion of profile of local population.

Introduction of multi skilled generic workforce.

Corporate training delivers greater than 80% of annual training needs assessment.

Delivery of safe staffing levels.

Vacancy rate meets targets

Figure 15 - Effective education and training

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The components of our People Strategy Page 23 of 26

4. A culture of excellence through continuous improvement via Living Room to Board Room cultural and

transformational change programme

We will further develop our culture of excellence through continuous improvement through the implementation of Living Room to

Board Room Programme.

We will increase the impact of staff engagement and partnership on improving service delivery and decision- making. We will also

implement work-based initiatives to promote the physical wellbeing of our staff.

Strategic Objective Deliverables Outcome Measurements A culture of excellence through continuous improvement via ‘Living Room to Board Room’ cultural change programme. Aims:

To deliver the four staff pledges

To improve patient care as consequence of organisational culture of excellence

To only recruit staff with demonstrable behaviours, who share our organisational vision and values

To fulfil our obligations as a local employer and contribute to corporate citizenship

Year 1

Improve staff engagement in delivery of internal appeals more closely e.g improving uptake of staff survey and flu vaccines

Increase communication about staff survey

Identify leadership and management competencies at every level of the organisation

Develop leadership and management programme

Implement Staff Friends and Family test

Implement key principles & values of cultural change programme Year 2

Collect qualitative & quantitative feedback from staff about internal communications, use results to develop improve

Increase number of staff completing annual staff survey & communicate actions resulting from findings

Embed staff recognition programme

Use staff performance management framework outcomes for selection in Talent Management & Management of change

Ensure staff have clarify of team functions, form, focus and fit in Trust Years 3-5

Encourage local staff support schemes i.e new starter ‘buddies’ & coaching/mentoring network

Delivery of annual Training needs assessment

Vaccination uptake in upper quartile for community based trusts

Culture audit demonstrates a culture of excellence through continuous improvement and pride in the organisation

100% Value based recruitment implemented

Assessment in real time demonstrates compassionate care in > 90% of cases

Figure 16 - Develop a culture of excellence through 'Living Room to Board Room' cultural change

Page 24: Our People Strategy 2014 19 - Sussex Community People Strategy 2014–19 Introduction Page 3 of 26 Contents Introduction 4 Why does Sussex Community NHS Trust (SCT) need a People Strategy?

Our People Strategy 2014–19

The components of our People Strategy Page 24 of 26

5. Ensure healthy workplace via effective employee engagement & wellbeing inc. best possible HR


Modern, flexible and supportive employment practices play a key role in motivating staff, sustaining morale and encouraging

retention. We will strive to become the local employer of choice, attracting and retaining well- motivated and talented staff.

Strategic Objective Deliverables Outcome Measurements A healthy workplace with effective employee engagement and wellbeing. Aim:

To become an organisation with a reputation as an excellent employer, offering attractive employment & genuine career development opportunities

Excellence in HR & OD management

To value and promote equality & diversity, whilst recognising the differences that exist between individuals and groups and how they contribute to how we have shaped the Trust’s service and workforce decisions

Workforce well informed & proud to contribute to SCT strategic plans

To demonstrate investment in improving staff health & wellbeing and safety assurance

Year 1

Deliver initiatives set out in Healthier Workforce Strategy

Deliver programme of workforce policy review, reflecting legislative changes

Promptly tackle areas of weakness arising from findings of staff survey

Provide skill mix, new ways of working, managing attendance & performance training to middle managers Year 2

Improve sickness absence management & put strategies in place to reduce the level year on year to target

Develop and promote support mechanisms to help staff to be effective at work and maintain work lift balance, such as flexible working opportunities

Promote the “experience” events for local potential employees

Promote apprenticeships and career development activities for young people within the local community Years 3-5

Utilise equality data to ensure composition of SCT continues to reflect local population and staff and patients recognise SCT as a fair and reputable employer

Staff Friends and Family tests are benchmarked as top quartile for similar trusts Staff survey results show that they are proud to work for the Trust:

In top 20% of all trusts for family friends test and staff survey.

Figure 17 - Ensuring effective employee engagement and wellbeing

Page 25: Our People Strategy 2014 19 - Sussex Community People Strategy 2014–19 Introduction Page 3 of 26 Contents Introduction 4 Why does Sussex Community NHS Trust (SCT) need a People Strategy?

Our People Strategy 2014–19

How our People Strategy will support delivery of the Trust’s Goals Page 25 of 26

How our People Strategy will support delivery of the Trust’s Goals

Trust Goal Some workforce developments to support delivery of the Trust


Maximising productivity without

compromising quality

Workforce skill mix & profile

Education & Training

Cultural development

Healthy work place – employee


We will provide excellent care every time to improve wellbeing and independence

Prevention and early intervention techniques to improve the wellbeing of the people we care for.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Working with our partners we will personalise services for the individual

New clinical practice to maximise new opportunities, partnerships and collaborative ways of working.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

We will be a strong and sustainable business grounded in our communities and led by excellent staff

Leadership Development Programmes targeting senior and middle managers. Full implementation of national mandatory training framework; Commissioning of education to develop new and flexible roles

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Figure 18 - How our people strategy will support the Trust's objectives

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Our People Strategy 2014–19

Monitoring and review Page 26 of 26

Monitoring and review

Review of our people strategy objectives and deliverables will take place annually to ensure their continued relevance to our

business. Throughout each year of this five year strategy, we will monitor our progress against these objectives and deliverables.

This will ensure delivery of the strategy. We will achieve this through a range of mechanisms including:

I. Trust Board

Who will receive regular reports on progress against our workforce objectives, deliverables and key performance indicators as part

of the integrated performance report.

Annual Workforce Action Plan.

Regular exception reports and papers.

II. Quality Committee

Which will review the HR KPIs and oversee the development of annual action plans and manage risk to implementation.

More detailed deep dive into aspects of our People Strategy and workforce.

III. Annual Service Line Workforce Plans

Through the annual business planning round, workforce objectives will be developed and progress against these will be tracked.

These workforce objectives to include an annual training needs assessment and an annual workforce plan to be agreed by the

Trust Board.