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  • To accommodate individuals with disabilities, this material will be made available in alternative formats such as large print, Braille or cassette tape upon request. If you need auxiliary aids or services in order to participate in or attend a district activity, call your local school or the school district at least seventy- two (72) hours in advance (two-week notice preferred). Members of the public can view and download School Board meeting notices and regular meeting agendas and materials from the district Web site, www.district279.org , under “About Us School Board.”

    Agenda Independent School District 279 School Board

    Regular Meeting Educational Service Center - Board Room,

    11200 93rd Avenue North, Maple Grove Tuesday, June 4, 2013

    8:00 PM

    Our mission is to inspire and prepare all students with the confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams; contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning.

    Agenda Items

    Call to Order and Roll Call

    1. Pledge of Allegiance

    2. Additions to Agenda

    3. Acceptance of Agenda

    4. Audience Opportunity to Address the School Board

    5. Superintendent's Report

    6. School Board Reports

    A. 6/3/13 Property Committee Report

    B. Other Reports

    7. Consent Agenda

    A. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 21, 2013 3

    B. Minutes of the special meeting of June 3, 2013 9

    C. Personnel 10

    D. Student Trips 13

    E. Fundraisers 14

    F. Acceptance of the 2012-2013 Mandatory Coordinated Early Intervening

    Services Grant in the amount of $9,728 and authorize an expenditure

    and budget appropriation in the amount of $9,728.


    G. Recommendation for Approval, Don Pascoe to act as the Local Education

    Agency (LEA) representative in reviewing and filing the school plans for

    school year 2013-2014. The LEA Representative will ensure that the

    school district (LEA) will maintain compliance with the appropriate

    federal statutes, regulations, and procedures and will act as the

    responsible authority in all matters relating to the administration of this

    improvement plan.

    H. Resolution: Termination of Probationary Teachers 17

  • To accommodate individuals with disabilities, this material will be made available in alternative formats such as large print, Braille or cassette tape upon request. If you need auxiliary aids or services in order to participate in or attend a district activity, call your local school or the school district at least seventy- two (72) hours in advance (two-week notice preferred). Members of the public can view and download School Board meeting notices and regular meeting agendas and materials from the district Web site, www.district279.org , under “About Us School Board.”

    I. Contract for Services

    People Incorporated contract for school-linked mental health services for

    access to services in the community.


    J. Bid Award: Exterior wall rehabilitation to Sunrise Specialty Contractors 22

    K. Contract for Services

    Contract by and between ISD 279-Osseo Area Schools (District) and

    Success for All Foundation, Inc. (Consultant) for professional

    development coaching training at Zanewood Community School during

    fiscal year 2014. The contract is not to exceed $13,360. The contract is

    funded by Title I.


    L. Resolution accepting the resignation of James Hill 35

    8. Action Items

    A. Gifts to the District totaling $21,958.16 38

    B. Approval of 2012-2013 Q Comp MDE Annual Report and Continuation of

    the ISD 279 Alternative Teacher Professional Pay System (ATPPS) for

    2013-2014 - Judy McDonald


    9. Informational Items

    A. Announcements

    1. A School Board Work Session will be held immediately following this

    Board Meeting tonight, June 4, 2013, in room N-10 at the Educational

    Service Center. The topic will be Superintendent Evaluation. This

    meeting will be Closed to the Public pursuant to Minn. Statute 13D.05,

    subd. 3a.

    2. A School Board Work Session will be held on Tuesday, June 18, 2013

    at 6:00 PM in the Forum room at the Educational Service Center. This

    meeting is Open to the Public. The topic will be Final FY 2014 Budget

    and Planning FY 2015 Budget.

    3. A Regular School Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June18,

    2013 at 8:00 PM in the Board Room at the Educational Service

    Center. This meeting is Open to the Public.

    10. Adjournment

  • Minutes of the Regular Meeting

    Independent School District 279 School Board Maple Grove, MN

    May 21, 2013


    A regular meeting of the Independent School District 279 School Board was held on Tuesday, May 21, 2013, in the Board Room at the Educational Service Center. Chairperson Henke called the meeting to order at 8:02 PM.


    The following members were present: Board members Dean Henke, Tammie Epley, Jim Burgett, Teresa Lunt, Jacki Girtz, Linda Etim and Superintendent Dr. Kate Maguire.


    The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, led by Chairperson Dean Henke.


    Motion by Chairperson Dean Henke, seconded by Director Tammie Epley, to accept the printed agenda.

    The motion carried unanimously.


    The following individuals addressed the Board during Audience Opportunity to Address the School Board:

    1. Jessica Barnard shared concerns about recess at Edinbrook Elementary.

    2. Aaron Kuyack shared concerns about changes at Edinbrook Elementary.

    3. Michael Gray shared concerns about student behavior and programs at Edinbrook Elementary.

    4. Kenny Anderson shared concerns about communication at Edinbrook Elementary.


    Superintendent Kate Maguire shared that a regular part of her report is to share points of pride. The points of pride celebrate students, staff and community members who are contributing to the accomplishment of our mission which is to inspire and prepare ALL students with the confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams, contribute to community and engage in a lifetime of learning. Accomplishments related to student confidence, courage and competence, achieving dreams, contributing to community, life-long learning and mission-driven employees were noted.



    Superintendent Maguire shared information on the MN legislative session and how Osseo Area Schools will be impacted. Legislative leaders held public education as a priority; the end result is a slight, less than inflation, increase in the basic formula. Maguire reported this is not enough of an increase to maintain current people, quality of programing and class sizes that our District is used to; which means the request for additional local revenue through a levy request next fall will be critically important. Secondly, Maguire reported due to legislative changes our District will be able to provide full day Kindergarten for the 2014-2015 school year. Additionally, new legislative language related to developing the work force will require MN schools to focus more resources on the persistent and unacceptable gaps between Caucasian students and students of color. Kate Maguire shared the great news that Park Center Senior High has increased the graduation rate of black students by 22% over the past five years, the highest rate of increase of any high school in MN with at least 50 black students in the graduating cohort. Superintendent Kate Maguire reported that work has begun on the information campaign regarding two school funding requests that will be on the ballot in November. The operating levy will continue progress in increasing student achievement and avoid significant budget cuts for the 2014-2015 school year. The technology levy is for the purchase, installing and maintaining of software and to improve technology for school instruction.


    Director Teresa Lunt reported the following from the May 13, 2013 Property Committee Meeting: The property committee of the school board met on Monday, May 13, 2013. School board members Teresa Lunt and Dean Henke were present. School board member Linda Etim was not able to attend. Portions of the meeting were closed to develop or consider offers or counteroffers for the purchase of property for a bus facility. The agenda included discussion of potential sites for a school district bus facility. The board reviewed the characteristics of each site being considered and identified three preferred sites. The property committee gave direction on moving forward on the potential purchase of the bus facility. Director Tammie Epley reported the following from the May 14, 2013 Policy Committee Meeting: The School Board Policy Committee met at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at the Educational Service Center. The policy committee members, Tammy Epley, Jim Burgett and Jacki Girtz attended. Also



    attending were Superintendent Kate Maguire, General Counsel Margaret Westin along with student observers. The committee reviewed the revision of Policy 423: Employee-Student Relationships and Policy 419: Tobacco-Free Environment and recommended them for First Reading at the May 21, 2013 School Board meeting. In addition, the Board discussed potential requirements of training for school district volunteers. The next Policy Committee meeting is scheduled for September 10, 2013. Director Teresa Lunt reported the following from the May 21, 2013 School Board Work Session: At this evening’s School Board Work Session, the Board heard information about the Teacher and Principal Growth and Evaluation Systems. Recent changes in Minnesota statute define specific requirements for both teacher and principal evaluation. Although Osseo Area Schools has had teacher and principal evaluation systems in place, new legislation mandates new requirements. Superintendent Kate Maguire designated a district team to attend training workshops throughout the year hosted by the Minnesota Department of Education. Members of this district team worked with other stakeholders to lead the development and revision process in order to ensure that the teacher and principal evaluation systems met District interest and mandates required in statute. The Board began the work session by learning about the status of the Teacher Growth and Evaluation System that will be implemented during the 2014-15 school year. Members from four different sub-committees shared the work that has been done throughout the year to ensure that the new required components where added to the existing plan. Board members also learned about the status of the Principal Growth and Evaluation System. The process was developed collaboratively with principals and District administrators. The new system will be implemented next year with lead principals.

    PRESENTATION: RECOMMENDED 2013 – 2014 PRIORITY RESULTS – Kate Maguire; Tim Wilson

    Superintendent Kate Maguire and Chief Technology Officer Tim Wilson presented recommended priority results for the 2013-2014 school year. The priority results are built upon recommendations developed from the annual core planning team. This team consists of over thirty people, including community members, parents, school volunteers, business owners, staff and students. The priority results set the agenda for work and priorities in the coming school year. The priority results and action steps are then presented by administration to the School Board for Board approval; upon approval it sets the commitment for the areas of work to be done in the 2013-2014 school year and into future years. Kate Maguire shared information on the


  • PRESENTATION: RECOMMENDED 2013 – 2014 PRIORITY RESULTS – Kate Maguire; Tim Wilson

    new strategies and strategies currently in place. These strategies are the result of student data studied by the core planning team. Recommendations of multiple advisory groups are also taken into consideration by the core planning team through the development process. Maguire presented the action steps that administration will be asking for the Board to approve at tonight’s meeting.


    Motion by Chairperson Dean Henke, seconded by Director Teresa Lunt, to approve items in the Consent Agenda as follows:

    Minutes of the special meeting of May 7, 2013

    Minutes of the regular meeting of May 7, 2013

    Financial reports for the month ended April 30, 2013

    Electronic wire transfers for the month of April 2013

    Payment of bills for the month of April 2013


    Resolution: Termination of Probationary Teachers


    Acceptance of the 2012-2013 Title I Grant Amended Submission in the amount of $3,286,343 and authorize an expenditure and budget appropriation in the amount of $3,286,343.

    Contract for Services – Steve Dunn This is a contract between ISD 279 – Osseo Area Schools (District) and Steve Dunn (Consultant) for consultation and training at the Summer Literacy Institute to be held June 2013. This contract not to exceed $12,000. The contract is funded by the Title I Grant.

    Contract for Services – Public Education & Business Coalition This is a contract by and between ISD 279 – Osseo Area Schools (District) and Public Education & Business Coalition (Consultant) for consultation and training at the Summer Literacy Institute to be held June 2013. The contract not to exceed $11,600. The contract is funded by the Title I Grant.

    The motion carried unanimously.


    Motion by Chairperson Dean Henke, seconded by Director Jacki Girtz, to approve the Gifts to the District totaling $72,817.49. The motion carried unanimously.


    Motion by Chairperson Dean Henke, seconded by Director Tammie Epley, to approve the 2013-2014 Priority Results. The motion carried unanimously.



    Motion by Director Tammie Epley, seconded by Director Linda Etim, to approve the Terms and Conditions of Employment between the Independent School District 279 School Board, and Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2014. The motion carried with a 5 to 1 vote, with Chairperson Dean Henke voting no.


    Motion by Chairperson Dean Henke, seconded by Director Tammie Epley, to approve the Memorandum of Agreement, Amending the Terms and Conditions of Employment between the Independent School District 279 School Board, and Osseo Principals Association effective July 1, 2013. The motion carried unanimously.


    Motion by Chairperson Dean Henke, seconded by Director Teresa Lunt, to approve the Memorandum of Agreement, Amending the Terms and Conditions of Employment between the Independent School District 279 School Board, and Management Personnel I-M effective July 1, 2013. The motion carried unanimously.


  • INFORMATIONAL ITEMS – Margaret Westin

    Policy Report

    1. First Reading of the following School Board Policies: Policy 423 – Employee-Student Relationships – NEW Policy 419 – Tobacco-Free Environment – REVISED

    2. Repeal of current School Board Policies: 433-Assignment and Transfer 438-Student Teachers 439-Summer School Teachers 444-Teacher Meet and Confer 445-Public Employee Rights and Obligations 446-Military Leave 449-Teacher Transfer Policy


    1. A School Board Work Session will be held immediately

    following this Board Meeting tonight, May 21, 2013, in the Forum Room at the Educational Service Center. The topic will be Superintendent Evaluation. This meeting will be Closed to the Public pursuant to Minn. Statute 13D.05, subd. 3a.

    2. A Negotiations Strategies Meeting will be held on Monday, June 3, 2013 at 6:00 PM in room N-10 at the Educational Service Center. This meeting is Closed to the Public.

    3. A Regular School Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 8:00 PM in the Board Room at the Educational Service Center. This meeting is Open to the Public.


    At 9:06 PM, motion by Director Teresa Lunt seconded by Director Tammie Epley to adjourn the meeting.

    The motion carried unanimously.

    ______________________________ Dean Henke, Chairperson


  • Minutes of the Special Meeting Independent School District 279 School Board

    Maple Grove, Minnesota

    Monday, June 3, 2013 MEETING A closed special meeting of the School Board was held on Monday, June,

    3, 2013 in conference room N10 of the Educational Service Center. Chairperson Henke called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.

    ROLL CALL The following School Board members were present: Dean Henke, Teresa

    Lunt, Tammie Epley, Jim Burgett, Jacki Girtz and Linda Etim. The following Administrators were present: Laurel Anderson, Judy McDonald, Janet Thomas-Bouyer, Kim Riesgraf, Margaret Westin and Superintendent Kate Maguire.

    PURPOSE OF The meeting was held for the purpose of labor negotiations. A tape MEETING recording will be available to the public after all labor contracts are signed

    for the current budget period. ADJOURNMENT At 8:02 p.m. Chairperson Henke adjourned the meeting.

    Dean Henke, Chairperson


  • Personnel – Tuesday, June 4, 2013

    Licensed Personnel Returning from Leave 1. Katherine Burns, Maple Grove Junior, Counselor, full-time, effective 5/22/13 2. Pamela Hennen, Maple Grove Senior, Science, full-time, effective 5/21/13 3. Justin Passmore, Osseo Junior, Science, full-time, effective 5/20/13 4. Amanda Reinschmidt, Maple Grove Senior/OALC/OSTC, Psychologist, full-time, effective 5/21/13 5. Sarah Seldon, Osseo Senior, Counselor, full-time, effective 5/20/13 ADD 6. Carli Andersen, Park Center, Social Worker, full-time, effective 5/29/13 ADD 7. Heather Beavens, Edinbrook, Grade 1, full-time, effective 5/28/13 ADD 8. Kathleen Brown, ESC, Licensed Coordinator, full-time, effective 5/20/13 ADD 9. Josephine Johnson, Maple Grove Junior, Behavior Intervention, full-time, effective 6/3/13 ADD 10. Angela Kettner, Rush Creek, Grade 2, full-time, effective 5/29/13 ADD 11. Jaclyn Otto, Park Brook, Grade 5, full-time effective 5/31/13

    Leave of Absence 1. Andrew Harne, Weaver Lake, Grade 2, full-time, effective 4/30/13 ADD 2. Anne Bonow, Park Center Senior, Math, full-time, effective 5/17/13 ADD 3. Kathleen Brown, ESC, Licensed Coordinator, full-time, effective 5/6/13 ADD 4. Angela Kettner, Rush Creek, Grade 2, full-time, effective 5/14/13 ADD 5. Julie Knight, Crest View, Special Education, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 6. Jill Knutson, Maple Grove Senior, Social Studies, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 7. Mary Weiland, Rush Creek, Grade 4, full-time, effective 4/29/13

    Employment 1. Tracey Garrido Rausch, Zanewood, EL, .5 FTE, part-time, effective 8/26/13 2. Shannon Hebner, Edinbrook, Grade 3, full-time, effective 8/26/13 3. Laurel Hundley, Edinbrook, Grade 5, full-time, effective 8/26/13 4. Joan Joseph-Mahanna, Palmer Lake, Special Education, .6 FTE, part-time, effective 8/26/13 5. Kendra Kuhlmann, Willow Lane/Rice Lake, Social Worker, full-time, effective 8/26/13 6. Kyle McHugh, Maple Grove Junior, Science, full-time, effective 8/26/13 7. Nicholas Schreiber, Woodland, Grade 5, full-time, effective 8/26/13 8. Erica Schweikert, Zanewood, Title I/Pre K, full-time, effective 8/26/13 9. Carrie Stanek, Palmer Lake, Phy Ed/DAPE, .4 FTE, part-time, effective 8/26/13 10. Brian Weaver, Maple Grove Junior, Social Studies, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 11. Jeff Benning, Birch Grove, Grade 5, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 12. Jill Beuch, ECSE-WL, Occupational Therapist, .7 FTE, part-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 13. Matt Detloff, Maple Grove Senior, Social Studies, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 14. Terra Favilla, Crest View, Vocal Music, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 15. Sarah Gorski, Edinbrook, Grade 4, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 16. Laura Greenspan, Park Center Senior, Social Studies, .4 FTE, part-time, temporary, effective 8/26/13 ADD 17. Matthew Hendrickson, North View Junior, Science, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 18. Jill Love, Edinbrook, Grade 5, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 19. Megan Meyer, Oak View, Grade 6, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 20. Nicole Molinaro, Crest View, Grade 1, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 21. Dawn Pettit, Achieve, Special Education, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 22. Kathryn Quesada, Zanewood, EL, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 23. Catherine Rawitzer, Fair Oaks, Grade 3, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 24. John Schetinski, Maple Grove Senior, Business Ed, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 25. Jennifer Schmidt, Edinbrook, Grade 3, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 26. Sarah Thurm, Crest View, Grade 5, full-time, effective 8/26/13


  • Personnel – Tuesday, June 4, 2013 ADD 27. Bridget Trom, Fernbrook, Kindergarten, .5 FTE, part-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 28. Bo Vue, Edinbrook/Birch Grove, Social Worker, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 29. Sarah Zollars, Edinbrook, Grade 3, full-time, effective 8/26/13

    Change of Status

    1. Justin Passmore, Maple Grove Junior, Science, .8 FTE, part-time to 1.0 FTE, full-time, effective 8/26/13 ADD 2. Kate Braton, Crest View, Hourly, part-time to Grade 6, full-time, effective 8/26/13

    Position Ending

    1. Linda Foster, Rush Creek, Instructional Assistant, part-time, temporary, effective 6/7/13

    2. Lois Hehn, Rush Creek, Grade 2, full-time, temporary, effective 6/7/13

    3. Dawn Hoeft, Rice Lake, Grade 1, full-time, temporary, effective 6/7/13


  • Personnel – Tuesday, June 4, 2013

    Nonlicensed Personnel Retirement 1. Carol Knutson, Park Center Senior, Second Shift Custodian, full-time, employment date 5/6/85, effective

    8/7/13 ADD 2. Correction: Ardyce Egorenko, ESC, Bus ESP, part-time, employment date 1/26/04, effective 1/2/13 ADD 3. Judith Foss, Zanewood, Title I ESP, part-time, employment date 8/29/84, effective 6/6/13 ADD 4. Alice LaGrano, Maple Grove Junior, EL ESP, part-time, employment date 1/4/93, effective 9/30/13

    Resignation 1. Coralyn Vail, ESC, Bus ESP, employment date 10/20/09, effective 5/30/13 ADD 2. Keenan Jones, Crest View, Library/Media ESP, part-time, employment date 3/4/13, effective 5/30/13

    Change of Status ADD 1. Jill Knutson, Area Learning Center, Administrative Assistant, full-time, effective 6/10/13

    Returning from Leave 1. Shana Dobie, North View Junior, Instructional ESP, part-time, effective 5/20/13 2. Amber Hemingway, Osseo Junior, Special Ed ESP, part-time, effective 5/20/13 ADD 3. Vicki Albrecht, Crest View, Assistant Nutrition Manager, full-time, effective 6/3/13 ADD 4. Kantila Somaiah, Crest View, Title I ESP, part-time, effective 5/28/13

    Employment ADD 1. Jennie Chapman, Palmer Lake, School Nutrition Assistant, part-time, effective 5/29/13 ADD 2. Andrea Lilleberg, CBVAT, Special Ed ESP, part-time, effective 9/3/13 ADD 3. Sandra Olsonoski, Brooklyn Junior, School Nutrition Assistant, part-time, effective 5/28/13 ADD 4. Shannon Sinkel, Woodland, RN, full-time, effective 8/27/13

    Leave of Absence ADD 1. Tammyle Wayman, Park Center, Laundry Worker, part-time, effective 4/29/13


  • Our mission is to inspire and prepare all students with the confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams; contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning.

    TO: Bob Perdaems FR: Joan Bowman DATE: May 23, 2013 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PROPOSED EDUCATIONAL TRIP The following educational trip has been approved by the Division of Leadership, Teaching, and Learning and will be on the school board agenda for June 4, 2013. School OSH Sponsoring Organization OSH Choirs Adult Advisor Andrew Beard Destination Duluth, MN Departure Date 11/1/13 Return Date 11/2/13 Assistant Superintendent approved 5/22/13 Board approved Will be on the School Board agenda for June 4, 2013 c: Advisor – Andrew Beard


  • Our mission is to inspire and prepare all students with the confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams; contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning.

    TO: Building Principal Business Manager Activity Advisor FR: Joan Bowman Division of Leadership, Teaching, and Learning DATE: May 23, 2013 RE: APPROVED FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES The following request has been approved by the Assistant Superintendent of Leadership, Teaching, and Learning. The fundraising request will be on the next School Board agenda. School Advisor Event Date(s) Approved OSH A. Beard Bagging groceries (Cub) 5/26 & 7/1/13 5/23/13 Osseo Choirs





    Special Funded Project Information

    Date: 5/14/2013 Fiscal Year: 12-13

    Award Amount: $9,728.00 Finance Code: 429

    Mandatory Coordinated Early Project Title: Intervening Services Project Coordinator: Kathy Bushman

    Type of Submission

    I X I New Submission I !Amended Submission

    Expenditure Budget Summary Exoense Category Existing Amount Less: In Kind Costs New/Amended Amount Total Expenditure

    1 09_- §_alaries and wages ---- -----

    -I - ---

    200- Emplove(3_ ~~nefits - - - -300 - Purchased Services

    ----- - .. : .. ·-··· I 9,132.00 9,132.0Q_ 400 - Supp_l!~~- -~_nd Materials - - 452.00 I ··--···-·-··-··· 452.00 500 - Capital Expendi~u_r~~ - - - ------ - ----Other Expenses - - 144.00 144.00

    Totals $ - $ . $ 9,728.00 $ 9,728.00

    Revenue Budget Source Description of Source Revenue Code Existinn Amount New/Amended Amount Total Revenue

    Local . - -----State . - .


    Federal MDE Grant Award - - -·· . I· - 9,728.00 9,728.00 --- _____ ,,_ --·" Olher - - -

    Totals $ . $ 9,728.00 $ 9,728.00 {Total Expendtture and Revenue must equal)


    I 7 DATE

    Distribution of Copies:

    Original- Board of Education Approva!JFiscal Officer

    Copy- Project Coordinator, Assistant SuperinlendenUO!rector, & all cc'd Individuals

    F AI. Ill (Revised July 2011)




    Expenditure Budget Detail The following account codes are to be used for the expenditures incurred under this a rant.

    Account Code Description Existinu Amount New/Amended Amount 01-006-422-429-303-000 Contracted Smv!_~e-~ >$25,000 - 75.00

    ' .... 01-006-422-429-367-640 Staff Dey~_19pment - 8,134.0Q ~-... . 0 1-006-422-429-368-640 Out of State Travel - 923.00 01-006-422-429-490-000 Food - 452.00 01-006-422-42 9-895-000 Indirect Cost - 144.00

    - ------ -- -- ---- -- - - - -- ---- - -

    - .. : ....•. -- -- -- - - ---- --- --- -- ----- -- -... --- - -- --- --- -- - --- -- ------ ----- ---- -

    Total $ - $ 9,728.00 $

    Procedures to be followed: A) All payments made to district employees must be paid through payroll.

    Hourly rated pay should be requested on a BA 8 Time Report Form.

    The project coordinator must approve all transactions relating to this project.

    Total Expenditure

    75.00 8,134.00

    923.00 452.00 144.00 -- - ----- ----

    ---- --






    .: -·· ----------





    C) Existing requisitioning and purchasing procedures will be followed. Use a BA 9 Voucher Request Form for only those items not practical to procure on a purchase order basis (i.e. consultant fees). It is important that all requests are identified as belonging to this project. The originator of the request should indicate the proper account code on the form.



    Reporting -All reporting is the responsibility of the Project Coordinator and Student Services Accountant.

    Cut-off Dates: Orders against the 2012-13 school year should be issued after July 1, 2012. Invoices eligible for reimbursement for the 2012-13 fiscal year are those dated July 1, 2012 or after, for which the goods/services and invoice have been received and processed by June 30, 2013.

    *IMPORTANT"" Purchase orders must be cancelled If delivery is not received and the invoice can not be processed by June 30, 2013. Purchase orders should contain notations to that effect. All requisitions must be submitted by April15, 2013.

    cc: Kim Riesgraf Kelly Benusa Cindy Brown

    Mike Hueller Anne Ramsey Emily Woolsey



    BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District 279, that, pursuant to Minnesota

    Statutes 122A.40, Subdivision 5, the teaching contract of the following probationary teachers in Independent

    School District 279 are hereby terminated at the close of the current 2012-13 school year:

    Mitchell Benson

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written notice be sent to said teacher regarding termination and non-renewal of

    his/her contract as provided by law, and that said notice shall be in substantially the following form:

    You are hereby notified that, at a regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District

    279 held on June 4, 2013, a resolution was adopted by a majority roll call vote to terminate your contract

    effective at the end of the current school year and not to renew your contract for the 2013-14 school year. Said

    action of the board is taken pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, Subdivision 5.

    You may officially request that the School Board give its reasons for the non-renewal of your teaching

    contract. However, such request should be received in the office of the Superintendent of Schools within ten

    days after the receipt of this notice.


  • To: Kim Riesgraf, Assistant Superintendent

    From: Kate Emmons, Assistant Director for Student Services

    Date: May 14, 2013

    RE: Contract for School-Linked Mental Health Services

    Please find the attached proposed contract for services for People Incorporated to extend the School-Linked Mental Health Services provided to school district students at district schools. These services are provided at no cost to the district since People, Inc. bill the student’s private insurance and MA for covered services.

    People, Inc. therapists have been able to provide services to underinsured and non-insured students as well as consult with counselors, teachers and other school personnel through a grant from Hennepin County. This grant is coming to a close after three years. There is a possibility of another grant becoming available but not in time to provide uninterrupted services to Osseo students. The purpose of the contract is to defray costs incurred by People, Inc. in providing services to students until such time as funds from the next grant become available. In the event that another grant does not become available in a reasonable time frame or People, Inc. are not awarded the grant, the services of People, Inc. therapists will either be renegotiated or come to a close at the end of December 2013. The School-Linked Mental Health program provides on-site mental health services to students who would otherwise not be able to access these services in the community, and offers a wide range of comprehensive mental health services. During the tenure of the grant a total of 376 students were served.

    Some of the goals of the mental health services are to keep issues from affecting emotional, intellectual, and/or physical development, improve school performance and personal relationships with family and friends, increase classroom attentiveness and positive peer association and provide interventions that are sensitive to student/family culture. In addition to the services counselors and social workers provide in our schools, these therapeutic services are a critical component of the continuum of services we are able to offer to our students and families.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the attached contract.


  • 19

  • 20

  • 21

  • May 29, 2013

    To: Dr. Kate Maguire, Superintendent

    ISD 279 Board of Education From: Dale Carlstrom, Director of Facilities and Transportation Operations Re: Bid Award Exterior Wall Rehabilitation ISD 279 conducted a sealed bid opening on May 28, 2013 for exterior wall rehabilitation at Edinbrook Elementary. Bids were received from four contractors with the combined bids ranging from a high of $248,900 to the low of $217,303. The approved project budget is $221,000. The design engineers have had a good working relationship and positive outcomes with Building Restoration Corporation, the apparent low bidder. Inspec has found Building Restoration Corporation to be the low responsive, responsible bidder and recommend that ISD 279 award the exterior wall rehabilitation accordingly. The Inspec recommendation and bid tabulation are attached. Administration recommends that the ISD 279 school board approve that award of exterior wall rehabilitation to Sunrise Specialty Contractors for a total of $217,303.


  • 23

  • 1

    Contract Number: 101200

    2013/2014 Reading Renewal Contract

    Contract Number: 101200


    The SUCCESS FOR ALL FOUNDATION, INC. (the "Foundation"; Federal Employer Identification Number 52-2061820), a Maryland not-for-profit corporation, located at 200 W. Towsontown Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21204, and Zanewood Community School (the "School/District"), located at 7000 Zane Avenue North, Brooklyn Park, MN, 55429, have executed and delivered this Agreement for Services (the "Contract") as of 7/1/2013 ("Effective Date").

    WHEREAS, the mission of the Foundation is to develop and disseminate certain educational programs, materials, and/or services to schools and other educational institutions to help students achieve at the highest academic levels;

    WHEREAS, the School/District wants to engage the Foundation for the provision of certain educational programs, materials, and/or services;

    NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises set forth below, the parties agree as follows:

    1. The Engagement, the Work, the Terms and Conditions. Subject to the terms and conditions setforth in this Contract, the School/District engages the Foundation to carry out the work (the "Work") described in the attached Exhibit A – Professional Development Services. The Work includes all services and materials the Foundation has agreed to provide (together, the "Program") in the time frame that the Foundation has agreed to complete the Work.

    2. Contract Term. The term of the Contract shall begin as of the Effective Date and end on6/30/2014, unless terminated sooner by the parties as provided in this Contract.

    3. Payment. Costs for Program Participation and Payment Terms are set forth on Exhibit C. Anychange in services or materials must be pre-approved in writing by the Foundation and the School/District.

    4. Compliance with Applicable Law. (i) The parties shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations in connection with this Contract. No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the proceeds of, or be subject to discrimination in the performance of this Contract on account of age, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, disability, religious creed, ancestry or national origin. (ii) The parties shall comply with Attachement A.


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    Contract Number: 101200

    5. Returns; Damaged or Missing Materials

    (i) Returns. Materials properly ordered by and delivered to the School/District may be returned to the Foundation within ninety (90) days of receipt for a restocking fee equal to 25% of the order plus a 10% reshipping fee. All returns must be unused, in original packaging and accompanied by a Foundation issued return authorization number.

    (ii) Damaged or Missing Materials. Any defective, damaged or missing materials should be reported to the Foundation Customer Service Department within ninety (90) days of receipt and replacement materials will be provided without charge.

    6. Termination; Renewal

    (i) Termination for Cause. This Contract may be terminated by either party for cause, provided that written notice containing a detailed description of the cause has been afforded to the other party at least sixty (60) days prior to the termination date, and further provided that during the sixty (60) days following the written notice, the party alleged to have breached the Contract shall have failed to remedy the alleged breach. On termination of this Contract, the Foundation shall retain all payments previously made, and shall be paid promptly for all services performed and products ordered through the date of termination.

    (ii) Termination for Lack of Funding. Should funding for this contract be discontinued, the School/District shall have the right to terminate the Contract immediately upon written notice to the Foundation. Such termination shall not relieve the School/District of any liabilities already incurred for services rendered or for materials delivered.

    (iii) Termination by Mutual Agreement. The Foundation and School/District may mutually agree to terminate the Contract with ninety (90) days notice. Such termination shall not relieve the School/District of any liabilities already incurred for services rendered or for materials delivered.

    (iv) Renewal. This Contract will renew automatically for one (1) year terms following the expiration of the initial term unless either party gives the other party notice of non-renewal at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the initial or any subsequent terms. Services for each renewal term shall be negotiated in good faith and mutually agreed upon by the parties, as evidenced by the contract planning form for the renewal term.

    7. Subcontracts; Assignment

    (i) The Foundation will not delegate nor enter into any subcontract for any work described within this Contract without the prior written consent from the School/District not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The Foundation shall have the right to assign this Contract to successors to the Foundation or to substantially all of the Foundation’s business.

    (ii) The School/District shall not assign this Contract or its rights and obligations, in whole or in part, to a third party without the prior written consent of the Foundation.

    8. LIABILITY. The maximum aggregate liability of the Foundation under this Contract for any claim or matter, no matter what theory of liability, is expressly limited to the amount paid to the Foundation by the School/District under the Contract. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS CONTRACT, THE


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    Contract Number: 101200


    9. Indemnification

    (i) Except to the extent the School/District is required to indemnify the Foundation under Section 9(ii) below, the Foundation shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the School/District and its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, principals, shareholders, members, employees, agents, legal representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns from and against all liabilities, damages and costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising from any third-party claim (a) that the authorized use by the School/District of any materials provided by the Foundation under this Contract infringes a third-party’s trademark or copyright rights; or (b) for which it becomes legally liable as a result of any negligent act or omission committed by or on behalf of the Foundation in the course of providing services under this Contract. No settlement which does not provide the School/District with a complete release may be made without the prior written consent of the School/District.

    (ii) Except to the extent the Foundation is required to indemnify the School/District under Section 9(i) above, the School/District shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Foundation and its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, principals, shareholders, members, employees, agents, legal representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns from and against all liabilities, damages and costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising from any third-party claim for which it becomes legally liable as a result of any negligent act or omission committed by or on behalf of the School/District in the course of receiving services under this Contract. No settlement which does not provide the Foundation with a complete release may be made without the prior written consent of the Foundation.

    10. Insurance

    (i) The School/District shall, at its own expense, procure and maintain the types and minimumlimits of insurance as required by state and local laws and regulations. The School/District shall provide to the Foundation, upon request, a certificate of insurance.

    (ii) The Foundation shall, at its own expense, procure and maintain the types and minimum limits of insurance covering the performance of services as follows: (a) Workers’ Compensation including Employer’s Liability at statutory limits; (b) General Liability insurance limit of liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate; (c) Automobile Liability insurance limit of liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence; and (d) Professional Liability insurance limit of liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence. The Foundation shall provide to the School/District, upon request, a certificate of insurance evidencing the above insurance limits.

    11. Confidentiality; Student Records

    (i) Confidential Information. Each party (the "Receiving Party") agrees not to use or disclose toany third party any confidential, nonpublic, competitively sensitive, private, and/or proprietary information ("Confidential Information") disclosed to it by the other party (the 'Disclosing Party') for any purpose other than as contemplated by this Contract and to protect the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information with at least the same degree of care it uses to protect its own Confidential Information,


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    Contract Number: 101200

    but at a minimum to use commercially reasonable efforts. Although certain of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information may be labeled 'Confidential' or 'Proprietary' (or with some similar wording), or identified orally as such, unlabeled information shall also be treated as Confidential Information to the extent the Receiving Party should reasonably construe it to be confidential or proprietary under the circumstances. These confidentiality obligations shall not apply to Confidential Information to the extent that the Receiving Party can prove through credible evidence that such information (a) was lawfully received by the Receiving Party from a third party free of any obligation to keep it confidential; (b) is or becomes publicly available, by other than unauthorized disclosure; (c) is independently developed without any reference to the Confidential Information, as evidenced by contemporaneous written records of the Receiving Party; or (d) is required to be disclosed by law, regulation or court order; provided that, with respect to the foregoing clause (d), the Receiving Party shall give the Disclosing Party prompt notice prior to such disclosure. Upon termination of this Contract for any reason, the Receiving Party shall promptly destroy or return to the Disclosing Party, at the Disclosing Party’s sole option, any Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, including but not limited to electronic copies thereof.

    (ii) Student Records. The Foundation shall keep in strict confidence any and all records and information, in whatever form or format received, pertaining to the School/District’s individual students, including but not limited to any academic or grade information, attendance, truancy, discipline, receipt of special education services, social security or public benefits, or information as to race, ethnicity or disability. The School/District represents and warrants that it is duly authorized to transmit such student records to the Foundation for the purposes of the Foundation providing the services under this Contract.

    12. Intellectual Property

    (i) All right, title, and interest in and to all intellectual property rights in all materials, Programcomponents and other items made available or provided by the Foundation shall remain the exclusive property of the Foundation and/or its licensors. All components of materials provided to the School/District are copyrighted materials held by or licensed to the Foundation, which is the only distributor of the materials to support these programs. The Foundation possesses all rights necessary to license the Program to the School/District under the terms of this Contract.

    (ii) The School/District is granted a license to use the intellectual property solely for the purposes of implementing the Program at the specified school(s) during the term of this Contract. The School/District is not permitted to resell the Program or to sublicense any of the rights to the intellectual property granted by this Contract or use any of the materials to create derivative works. All right, title, and interest in and to any suggestions provided by the School/District as it relates to the Program shall be the exclusive property of the Foundation and/or its licensors. The School/District is forbidden to duplicate any copyright protected materials provided without the express written permission of the Foundation. The School/District shall cooperate in the protection of the intellectual property rights by promptly notifying the Foundation of any infringement or other unauthorized use of the intellectual property rights licensed to the School/District. Upon any termination of the Contract, the School/District will cease to use the Program and, upon the Foundation’s request, will return or destroy all of the materials provided in connection with the Program.

    13. Conflict of Interest. The Foundation represents, warrants and covenants that it has no public orprivate interest which does or may conflict in any manner with the performance of this Contract and


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    Contract Number: 101200

    that neither it, nor any of its officers, employees or subcontractors has or shall acquire any such interest. The Foundation shall promptly and fully disclose to the School/District all interests which may constitute such a conflict.

    14. Applicable Law. This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws ofthe state of Maryland, without reference to any principles regarding conflicts of law.

    15. Severability; Survival

    (i) If a court holds any term, covenant or condition of this Contract invalid, such holding shallnot affect or impair the validity of any other terms, covenants or conditions of this Contract, which the Foundation and School/District hereby deem severable and which shall remain in full force and effect.

    (ii) Any and all provisions of this Contract which contemplate performance by the Foundation or School/District after the expiration or termination of this Contract shall survive and be enforceable after such expiration or termination, including without limitation, provisions relating to intellectual property and indemnification.

    16. Independent Contractor. The School/District has engaged the Foundation as an independentcontractor to carry out the work described within this Contract. Neither the Foundation nor any of the Foundation’s agents, employees or subcontractors shall in any way or for any purpose be deemed agents or employees of the School/District.

    17. Notices. Any notices to be given under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be delivered byeither (a) registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or (b) overnight messenger service that provides a receipt for delivery.

    Notices shall be addressed as follows:

    To the Foundation:

    Success for All Foundation, Inc. Attn: Roger Morin, CFO 200 W. Towsontown Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21204 Telephone: (800) 548-4998

    To the School/District:

    Zanewood Community School Attn: Carol Rowan 7000 Zane Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55429 Telephone: (763) 561-9077


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    Contract Number: 101200

    18. Order of Precedence. The parties have attached the following Exhibits to this Contract, each ofwhich the parties have agreed to incorporate and make part of this Contract.

    Exhibit A Professional Development Services Exhibit B Materials (if applicable) Exhibit C Program Participation Fee and Payment Terms

    In the event of conflict between any Exhibit and another Exhibit, or this Agreement for Services, the following order of precedence shall apply: first, this Agreement for Services, second, Exhibit A and B.

    19. Waiver. No waiver by either party of any right under this Contract shall be deemed to be either awaiver of any other right or provision or a waiver of that same right or provision at any other time.

    20. Entire Agreement. This Contract, including all and any Exhibits (which are incorporated byreference herein), constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral and written agreements and statements. This Contract supersedes any course of conduct, performance or dealing between the parties. No amendment or modification changing this Contract’s scope or terms shall have any force or effect unless executed and delivered in writing and signed by both parties.

    21. Counterparts. This Contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute anoriginal, including by facsimile, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

    In witness whereof, the parties, have executed and delivered this Contract as of the day and year set forth above.

    SUCCESS FOR ALL FOUNDATION, INC. Zanewood Community School

    By:___ _____


    Roger Morin/Chief Financial Officer


    Date: ____April 15, 2013_____________

    Date: ______________________________

    Osseo Area Schools

    By:________________________________ Name/Title

    Date: ______________________________


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    Contract Number: 101200


    The following professional development services are provided as part of this Contract:

    On-Site Professional Development Total # of Days

    Coaching & Support for Zanewood Community School 4.0

    Training for Zanewood Community School 2.0

    Total 6.0

    Professional Development days will be scheduled by mutual consent. Cancellations of on-site days within 15 days of scheduled dates will be subject to cancellation fees.

    Experienced Sites Conference Registrations 2.5 day Conference for Experienced District and School Leadership Teams and School Teachers

    Total # of Attendees

    Total 2

    A separate advance conference registration will be required for each conference participant. Conference registrations cancelled within 21 days of scheduled conference date will be subject to cancellation fees.

    Technology Support and Other Services Technology Support includes unlimited access and use of the Success for All Member Center, Resource Centers, and Data Tools Other Services includes

    Goal-focused achievement planning and progress monitoring with quarterly student progress summaries

    Frequent telephone contact for informal support


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    Contract Number: 101200


    The following pages specify the materials to be provided as part of this contract (if applicable):


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    Contract Number: 101200


    The School/District shall pay the Foundation the following fees for the Work described in Exhibit A and materials included on the attached materials quotations:


    Total On-Site Professional Development Total Experienced Sites Conference Registrations Total Technology Support Fee

    Total Costs

    $12,000.00 $1,360.00




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    Contract Number: 101200


    Materials Payment terms: Invoice as Shipped $0.00 included in contract

    Materials are invoiced as they are shipped. Purchase orders are required before materials will be shipped. Payment is due within thirty (30) days of invoice date. Materials amount includes both shipping/handling and sales tax (CA, NC & WA only).

    Technology Support Payment Terms: Invoice by October 15th Waived Technology Support is invoiced at the start of the school year or with your first professional development invoice. Payment is due within thirty (30) days of invoice date.

    Professional Development - Payment Options (select one): ( ) Option A: As Services Rendered $13,360.00 total amount

    Invoice monthly for services as rendered. Payment is due thirty (30) days from invoice date.

    ( ) Option B: By October 15th – 3% Discount $12,959.20 discounted amount

    If Payment in full is received by October 15th, a 3% discount will be applied to all Professional Development.

    Purchase Orders and Invoicing:

    SFAF requires purchase orders before materials will be shipped. If a purchase order is required by your district for professional development, SFAF will not begin services until the purchase order is received. Please indicate your district’s purchase order requirements below:

    Training Yes ( ) No ( ) Conference Yes ( ) No ( )

    If yes, does your district require an invoice before generating the Purchase Order? Yes ( ) No ( )

    Billing Information:

    Please send invoices to the following address: Please list a contact for invoicing questions: ___________________________________ Name ________________________________ ___________________________________ Phone ________________________________ ___________________________________ Fax __________________________________ ___________________________________ E-mail _______________________________________


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    Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the School Board of

    Independent School District No. 279, Osseo, Minnesota was held on the 4th day of June 2013, at

    8:00 p.m.

    The following Board members were present:

    and the following were absent:

    Board Member introduced the following resolution

    and moved its adoption:



    WHEREAS, James Hill (“Hill”) is employed as a principal by Independent School

    District No. 279, Osseo, Minnesota (“the School District”); and

    WHEREAS, Hill submitted a written resignation from his position as a principal in the

    School District effective June 3, 2013.

    BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District

    No. 279 as follows:

    1. That Hill’s resignation from his position as a principal in the School District

    effective June 3, 2013 be and hereby is accepted.


  • 2. That the Chair and the Clerk of the School Board be and hereby are authorized,

    on behalf of the School Board, to execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate Hill’s


    3. That a Notice of Acceptance of Resignation, together with a copy of this

    Resolution, be forwarded to Hill by mail or served personally, at the discretion of the

    administration, and that an affidavit of same be placed in the personnel file of Hill, together

    with a copy of the Notice and Resolution.

    The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Board

    Member __________________ and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor


    and the following voted against the same:

    whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.




    I, the undersigned, being the fully qualified and acting Clerk of Independent School District No. 279, Osseo, Minnesota, hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a full, true and correct extract of the minutes of a meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 279, duly called and held on the date therein indicated, so far as such minutes relate to a Resolution Accepting Resignation of James Hill, and that said resolution included therein is a full, true and correct copy of the original thereof.

    WITNESS MY HAND officially as such Clerk this 4th day of June, 2013

    By: Clerk of the School Board Independent School District No. 279 Osseo, Minnesota


  • Gifts to the District 6/4/13

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    Gifts to the District totaling $21,958.16

    Lifetouch - $95.67 to be used at the discretion of the principal for staff and student needs at Birch Grove Elementary School for the Arts. Minnesota Community Foundation / CTAM Foundation - $1,425.00 toward salary for director of the elementary musical production at Birch Grove Elementary School for the Arts. Elm Creek PTO - $3,098.00 for two smart boards at Elm Creek Elementary. Kottemann Orthodontics - $100.00 for lyceums for grade K-6 students at Elm Creek Elementary. Families of Garden City School - $5,985.98 for volunteer coordinator salary and supplies and teacher supplies and student needs at Garden City Elementary. Brooklyn Park Traveling Basketball Association - $210.00 for the replacement of basketball rims at North View Junior High. Brooklyn Park Basketball Association - $210.00 for the replacement of basketball rims at North View Junior High. Oak View PTO - $825.00 for fourth grade students bowling program at Oak View Elementary. Wells Fargo Community Support Program - $460.01 for technology needs at Rush Creek Elementary. Rush Creek PTO - $50.00 for daycare costs for the OASIS program in District 279-Osseo Area Schools. Birch Grove PTO - $50.00 for daycare costs for the OASIS program in District 279-Osseo Area Schools. Kottemann Orthodontics - $300.00 for technology needs at Rush Creek Elementary. Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign - $191.67 for classroom support and for the Media Center at Weaver Lake Elementary: A Science, Math & Technology School. Nancy & Mark Carpenter - $50.00 for courtyard and planting projects in the science garden at Weaver Lake Elementary: A Science, Math & Technology School. Kenneth Pengelly - $250.00 for courtyard and planting projects in the science garden at Weaver Lake Elementary: A Science, Math & Technology School.


  • Gifts to the District 6/4/13

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    Henry’s Café - $430.25 for courtyard and planting projects in the science garden at Weaver Lake Elementary: A Science, Math & Technology School. Kottemann Orthodontics - $100.00 for support staff salaries; supplies and technology needs at Woodland Elementary. Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign - $141.06 for support staff salaries; supplies and technology needs at Woodland Elementary. Wells Fargo Foundation – Employees Gifts - $159.64 for strategies classroom supplies and technology needs at Edinbrook Elementary. Alerus Financial / Dan & Jessica Barnard - $100.00 for technology needs at Edinbrook Elementary. Lifetouch - $226.77 for technology needs at Edinbrook Elementary. Wells Fargo Foundation – Employee Match - $25.00 for strategies classroom supplies at Edinbrook Elementary. Brooklyn Park Rotary - $200.00 for Park Buddies at Park Brook Elementary. Midwest Dairy - $100.00 for physical education staff development at Palmer Lake Elementary. Boston Scientific - $320.00 for Gregg Tietz Memorial for iMovies and Color Splash for the Media Center at Palmer Lake Elementary. Palmer Lake VFW - $200.00 for sixth grade field trip costs for students at Palmer Lake Elementary. RF13 Foundation (Memorial Scholarship Fund) - $3,000.00 for two student scholarships at Osseo Senior High. Community Shares – Lynn Rynders - $109.61 for miscellaneous general gift fund for Osseo Senior High. Baxter – Donation of miscellaneous office supplies for staff and students at Osseo Senior High. Family & Friends of Marty Schriner - $2,550.00 to help assist a student from Marty Schriner’s class pursue his/her educational dreams as a remembrance of Marty and his love of teaching at Park Center Senior High.


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    Midwest Dairy Association - $200.00 for cost of teacher substitute & bus cost for FUTP60 Training Camp for staff at Basswood Elementary. AAA Minneapolis - $450.00 for bus/parking lot safety supplies, safety vests, jackets and crosswalk signs for the Willow Lane Early Childhood program. Early Childhood Special Education PTO - $59.50 for purchase of items for Family Fun night Spring Social at Willow Lane Early Childhood. Early Childhood Special Education PTO - $285.00 for purchase of music CD’s for ECSE students to use over summer break.


  • To: Members of the School BoardSuperintendent Maguire

    From: Judy McDonald, Executive Director of Human Resources

    Date: June 4, 2013

    Re: ATPPS (Alternative Teacher Professional Pay System)/Q Comp

    Action Item:

    Approval of 2012-2013 Q Comp MDE Annual Report and Continuation of the ISD 279 Alternative Teacher Professional Pay System (ATPPS) for 2013-2014 – Judy McDonald

    This year marks the completion of our seventh year of implementation for the Alternative Teacher Professional Pay System (ATPPS). The Alternative Teacher Professional Pay System is a rigorous teacher performance and appraisal system that includes multiple components all focused on the professional growth of teachers and the resulting positive impact to student learning.

    Osseo Area Schools is currently the largest Minnesota school district to participate in the Q Comp program. Our ATPPS system is supported through funding from the state and is regarded by MDE as a ‘model’ system that has been shared on multiple occasions with other Minnesota school districts. Our plan also closely aligns with the new legislative requirements regarding teacher performance and appraisal that will be in effect starting with the 2014/2015 school year. However, for next school year no modifications of the current system will be required.

    Each year we are required to submit a report to the Minnesota Department of Education and to reach mutual agreement between the School Board and Education Minnesota – Osseo to continue the plan for the upcoming school year. The report serves a dual purpose: It serves as the MDE required annual report and it serves as a quality measurement tool for ongoing assessment and improvement of our program.

    Attached to this memorandum is the Q Comp Annual Report for your review. We have been notified that Education Minnesota –Osseo members voted on May 7th and 8th and an overwhelming majority voted to continue the plan for the seventh year.


    The following attachment accompanies this memorandum:

    • Q Comp Annual Report 2012-13


  • Q Comp Annual Report 2012-13

    Please provide the following District Identification Information.

    District Name:

    District Number:

    Date Presented to the School Board:

    Please provide an update on the district Q Comp program that includes the summary of findings and recommendations from the annual board report as required under Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.414, subdivision 3(a). Each question should be addressed with a brief summary of no more than 2-5 sentences. Attachments or additional materials are not required but may be provided at the discretion of the school district.

    Please provide the following information regarding performance awards and salary schedule movement, based on the results from the 2011-12 school year.

    1. Schoolwide student achievement goal(s):

    a. What percentage of all licensed staff members in the district earned performance pay for meeting the schoolwide student achievement goal in the 2011-12 school year?

    b. What school sites (organizational units) in the district met the schoolwide student achievement goal(s) in the 2011-12 school year?

    c. What school sites (organizational units) in the district did not meet the schoolwide student achievement goal(s) in the 2011-12 school year?


  • 2. Measures of student achievement:

    a. What percentage of all licensed staff members in the district earned performance pay for meeting the measures of student achievement in the 2011-12 school year?

    b. What percentage of licensed staff members at each school site (organizational unit) in the district earned performance pay for meeting the measures of student achievement in the 2011-12 school year?

    3. Teacher observations/evaluations:

    a. What percentage of all licensed staff members in the district earned performance pay for meeting the expected standard of performance on the annual teacher observations/evaluations?

    b. What percentage of tenured licensed staff members in the district earned performance pay for meeting the expected standard of performance on the annual teacher observations/evaluations?

    c. What percentage of probationary licensed staff members in the district earned performance pay for meeting the expected standard of performance on the annual teacher observations/evaluations?

    4. Vertical movement on the salary schedule or an increase in base salary:

    a. What percentage of all licensed staff members in the district earned vertical movement on the salary schedule or an increase to base salary?

    b. What percentage of tenured licensed staff members in the district earned vertical movement on the salary schedule or an increase in base salary?

    c. What percentage of probationary licensed staff members in the district earned vertical movement on the salary schedule or an increase in base salary?


  • Please provide the following information regarding the results of the Q Comp Program through the 2012-13 school year.

    1. How has the Q Comp program improved classroom instruction within the district?

    2. How has the Q Comp program improved student achievement within the district?

    • How has the Q Comp program helped the district to close achievement gaps between various student populations?

    3. What other impact has implementing the Q Comp program had on teaching and learning in the district?

    4. What changes might be needed to make the district Q Comp program more effective in improving classroom instruction?

    5. What changes might be needed to make the district Q Comp program more effective in improving student achievement?


  • • What changes might be needed to make the district Q Comp program more effective in closing achievement gaps between various student populations?


    AgendaConsent AgendaMinutes of the regular meeting of May 21, 20135 21 13 Minutes.docx

    Minutes of the special meeting of June 3, 20136 3 13 Negotiations Minutes.docx

    PersonnelPersonnel 6-4-13.docx

    Student TripsExtended Educational Trip Approval OSH 11-1-13.doc

    FundraisersFundraising Approval OSH Bagging GroceriesCub.doc

    Acceptance of the 2012-2013 Mandatory Coordinated Early Intervening Services Grant in the amount of $9,728 and authorize an expenditure and budget appropriation in the amount of $9,728.Mandatory Coordinated Early Intervening Services Grant 6-4-13.pdf

    Resolution: Termination of Probationary TeachersResolution to terminate probationary teachers 12-13.doc

    Contract for ServicesPeople Inc memo to Kim R.docxPeople Inc. Contract for Services.pdf

    Bid Award: Exterior wall rehabilitation to Sunrise Specialty ContractorsWall Rehab awardFY14.docxBid Tabulation - EB Ext Wall Rehabilitation.pdf

    Contract for ServicesMNZanewood_RNWL_041213_LP.pdf

    Resolution accepting the resignation of James HillSB Resolution (2).pdf

    Action ItemsGifts to the District totaling $21,958.16Gifts to the District 6-4-13.docx

    Approval of 2012-2013 Q Comp MDE Annual Report and Continuation of the ISD 279 Alternative Teacher Professional Pay System (ATPPS) for 2013-2014 - Judy McDonaldATPPS Board Action Items 6 04 2013.docx.pdfQ_Comp_Annual_Report_2012-13-extended1.pdf

    Enter date presented to the school board: June 4, 2013Enter districe name: Osseo Area SchoolsEnter district number: 279How has the Q Comp program helped the district: The Q Comp program has helped close achievement gaps between various student populations. We set student learning goals with our PLC and use the data team process to specifically hone in on those students who are proficient, close to proficient, far to go but likely and intervention. By analyzing specific learning groups and research based instructional practices we are able to identify who and which group is making adequate progress. Our district also is creating transformation system change to ensure equitable student achievement by having courageous conversations, seeking diverse perspectives and initiating culturally responsive instructional practices to ensure equitable gains.How has the Q Comp program improved: Classroom instruction has improved due to the Q Comp program. All staff receives performance feedback a minimum of three times a year. These observations provide staff members the opportunity for deep reflection and conversations with an instructional coach focused on student learning, instructional practices and professional growth to improve student achievement. Q Comp has created a new norm for professional conversation district wide with the 8 day cognitive coaching training all instructional coaches participated in. Our coaches provide consistent delivery of feedback, resources, and professional development across the school district. Q Comp provides individual, small group, and building wide support to all our licensed staff. Through Q Comp implementation we have engaged over 1,550 teachers to change their focus from teaching to learning. Data shows growth and collaboration. Teachers are trying different strategies and collecting data on these strategies. How has the Q Comp program improved student: Q Comp has improved student achievement within the district. There is more teacher dialogue and collaboration regarding classroom instruction with grades, departments, and across schools. Conversations continue to dissect amongst Q Comp components and collaborative PLC/Data Teams. The alignment between site goals, student learning goals, professional growth plans and the work of PLC/Data Team is tight. Competitiveness and the acceptance of low results are fading as our increased sense of commitment to ALL kids in ALL buildings becomes a core value for ALL employees.Percentage of all licensed staff earned vertical movement: 99.8%=1526/1528percentage of all licensed staff in district: 99.8%=1525/1528Percentage of all licensed staff in the district earned performance pay for observations/evaluations: 99.8%=1525/1528Percentage of all licensed staff member: 100%Percentage of licensed staff at each school site (organizational unit) in the district: All sites were 100% with the exception of:1 curriculum specialist2 teachers at Basswood3 teachers at ParkbrookPercentage of probationary licensed staff earned vertical movement: 100%Percentage of tenured licensed staff annual teacher observations/evaluations: 99.8%=1525/1528Percentage of tenured licensed staff earned vertical movement: 99.8%=1526/1528Ppercentage of probationary licensed staffannual teacher observations/evaluations: 100%School sites that did not meet goals: NoneSchool sites that met goals: All school sites in the Osseo Area Schools met the schoolwide student achievement goal.What changes to make the district Q Comp more effective closing achievement gaps: We need to continue having courageous conversations. All staff members need to be trained in "Beyond Diversity". Building leaders need to promote an environment of equity by educating staff members through literature groups including the following texts: Courageous Conversations, Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning, and The Grace of Silence to name a few. We are just starting our journey and need to keep it on the forefront by recruiting and hiring staff members that reflect the student body we serve.What changes to make the district Q Comp more effective student achievement: We need to incorporate PLC/Data Team time during the work day across all sites in our school district. Some sites have done so successfully, but it needs to become the norm and not the exception. We also need to continue our work with student self-assessments and common formative assessments. If students are able to articulate what they know, what they don't know and what helps them learn, we will be able to improve student achievement.What changes to make the district Q Comp more effectiveclassroom instruction: Teachers need more time creating and selecting common formative and summative assessments. Teachers also need additional time to align standards with their curriculum, curriculum mapping, selecting research based instruction and interventions that meet the needs of children in their classroom. We also need to articulate vertically across the district. Do the elementary teachers know what the junior high teachers are expecting, and so on.What other impact has implementing Q Comp had on teaching: Classroom instruction has improved due to the Q Comp program. All staff receives performance feedback a minimum of three times a year. These observations provide staff members the opportunity for deep reflection and conversations with an instructional coach focused on student learning, instructional practices and professional growth to improve student achievement. Q Comp has created a new norm for professional conversation district wide with the 8 day cognitive coaching training all instructional coaches participated in. Our coaches provide consistent delivery of feedback, resources, and professional development across the school district. Q Comp provides individual, small group, and building wide support to all our licensed staff. Through Q Comp implementation we have engaged over 1,550 teachers to change their focus from teaching to learning. Data shows growth and collaboration. Teachers are trying different strategies and collecting data on these strategies.