Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She...

9/23/2013 1 It’s a spinoff from the TV show Meet The Press Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? As of this moment, the SCSC has raised $3,209.74 towards its goal of $10,686.87 which is roughly 28%. Nine people have contributed thus far. While this is an excellent start, it is only a start. We must continue to build interest and momentum if we are to get across the goal line. Remember Razin will deliver donuts to the leading work area after the campaign is over. So if you want a visit from our mascot, think about helping SECA help others.

Transcript of Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She...

Page 1: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



It’s a spinoff from the TV show Meet The Press



are excited

can’t you


As of this moment, the SCSC has raised

$3,209.74 towards its goal of $10,686.87 which

is roughly 28%. Nine people have contributed

thus far.

While this is an excellent start, it is only a

start. We must continue to build interest and

momentum if we are to get across the goal line.

Remember Razin will deliver donuts to the

leading work area after the campaign is over.

So if you want a visit from our mascot, think

about helping SECA help others.

Page 2: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



This is Roscoe and he

is a friend of Razin’s.

He is taking a break

from his SECA training.

He has been working

the past couple of

weeks getting ready to

help the SCSC cross

our goal line. He has

learned about SECA,

the over 1,000 charities

and is ready to do his

part to walk in

someone else’s shoes,

or paws as it may be.

Now for the moment you have been waiting

for. We have asked for photos and bios for

pets, and we have gotten numerous entries.

Their photos and a little bit about them are in

this power point. Voting will be starting

Wednesday 9/18. If you go to lunchroom you

will find containers for each pet. If you want

to vote for the pet each vote costs $0.50. We

had to change the rules a bit to accommodate

the large number of entries. Remember ALL

proceeds benefit SECA.

Page 3: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



Now entering the

stadium are SCSC pets

who have entered the


competition. Would

you give them a round

of applause? Over the

next several weeks

you will get to know

more about them, and

hopefully you will vote

for your favorite.

Meet Wicket who is a 3

year old Yorkie/Silkie mix.

He is aptly named after

the Ewok character from

Star Wars: Return of the

Jedi. His favorite food is

apples. He also is a

member of the small dog

big attitude club. He loves

taking his blue blanket

everywhere dragging it

much like Linus in the

Peanuts cartoon.

Page 4: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



This is Ozzy, and he is

named after Ozzy

Osborne. He is a 3 ½ year

old Chocolate Lab. He can

be a Houdini of sorts. He

can unlock doors and let

himself outside. He has

been known to lock his

owners out of the house.

He also does not like

motorized items such as

the lawn mower or

vacuum. His favorite food

is steak or whatever you

are having.

This is Sable, a 6 year

old RatCha (Rat


mix). Sable is quite

the shopper and

fashionista. She barks

to have clothes put on

her, and picks out her

own outfits. She will

also point out new

outfits that catch her

eye at the pet store.

Her favorite food is


Page 5: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



This is Gracie a 3 year

old Soft Coated Wheaten

Terrier. She may look

like a princess, but she

can be the complete

opposite. She loves

tormenting her brothers.

Her favorite food is

string cheese and ice

cubes, and Coke of


This is Sadie, she is a

13 year old Labrador

Retriever mix. The

senior citizen of our

group, she has bad hips

so she doesn’t get

around very well. Her

favorite food is

Twizzler’s licorice. She

is terrified of

thunderstorms, and is

the only time she is

allowed on the family

bed, although she can’t

jump up anymore and

needs a boost.

Page 6: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



This is Penny. She is a 3

year old Boxer Shepherd

Mix. She was one of 11

puppies and the owner

was going to kill the

mother and all the pups.

The organization

“Homeward Bound”

rescued them, and the

rest as they say is

history. Penny’s favorite

food is Alpo Lamb and

Rice canned food.

She is our SECA mascot’s

assistant handling his mail

and requests for

appearances. She is a 9

year old Papillion whose

favorite food is baby

carrots. She suffers from

reverse sneezing, every

time she takes a drink she

sneezes. She also boasts

of interesting eating habits

taking a mouthful of food,

running off and then

studying it before eating it.

Page 7: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



Zeke is a 4 year old

Black Labrador

Retriever. He is an

early riser, waking up

at 5 am. He knows

where to stand to bang

his tail on the bedroom

furniture for maximum

effect. This has earned

him the nickname “The

Little Drummer Boy.”

His favorite foods

include chicken, steak

and salmon.

Meet Kiley a 7 year old

Soft Coated Wheaten

Terrier. She is quite the

princess, sleeps in her

bed, sits in her chair,

and lets you know if you

are there by mistake.

She is a retired grand

champion show dog. Her

favorite food is meat,

meat and more meat.

Page 8: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



Another Sadie. This is a 5

year old Yellow Lab. Her

favorite food is Buddy

Biscuits. She loves to hear

the phrase “Wild Hair Dog.”

Whenever someone utters

that phrase, Sadie will

hunker down, arch her back

up, put her ears up and hop

around the house like a pig

going crazy. She loves to

give doggie kisses right on

the lips.

This is Elvis. He is an

11 year old American

Short Haired. As you

can see he like his

fruits and vegetables.

He also enjoys Friskies

Surf and Turf food.

Elvis was abandoned

in the middle of a very

cold January, but has

done very well for


Page 9: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



This is Meara and she

is a 6 year old Soft

Coated Wheaten

Terrier. She is the

lovable one of the

family who loves to

greet people with

kisses. Don’t let that

fool you though

underneath that soft

coated exterior is a

sweet and lovable

personality. Meara’s

favorite food is pizza.

Rocky is a 1 year old Yellow

Lab. He loves to pick up all

kinds of items and put them

in his mouth. Items like big

rocks, sticks of firewood and

other items that you are

using. A few days you will

find them laying in the yard

somewhere. Rocky’s favorite

food is anything that hits the


Page 10: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



Kitten is not a

kitten, she is a 9

year old cat. She is

described as a lazy

cat, but when she

wants in or out, she

pounds on the door

repeatedly with her

paws. Her favorite

food is Meow Mix.

Maida is an 11 year old

Black Lab. Her favorite

foods include chicken,

cheese, steak and

salmon. She is a heavy

breather with

something in her mouth

and has been lovingly

nicknamed “Darth

Maida.” She is a trained

assistance dog as well

a certified therapy dog

and loves visiting

nursing homes.

Page 11: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



This is Leroy. He is a 8

year old Lab-Boxer mix.

His favorite food is cheese

curls. He will snatch them

out of the air if you throw

them. You can tell when

Leroy is happy, because

he prances around like a

baby deer. When he’s done

something bad he runs to

you with his tail between

his legs. He also

specializes in home

demolition ripping up

drywall and steps after

being put in the


Cloie is an 8 year old

Manchester Terrier. Her

favorite food is anything.

She has a blanket that

she has had since she

was a puppy. It literally

looks like Swiss cheese,

because she has chewed

so many holes in it. She

is a rescue dog.

Page 12: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



This is Connor and he

is a 3 year old Soft

Coated Wheaten

Terrier. He is

described as a big

goofy loveable boy

who refuses to

outgrow his puppy

traits. He loves to take

his paw and bat it at

you when you have

something he wants.

His favorite food are

cookies and ice cubes.

This is Perry (aka The

Wonder Dog). He is a 1 ½

year old Lab

Retriever/Desert Devil

Dog. Perry loves to climb

high things and launch

himself. He seems to

think he should have the

ability to fly. He can also

eat concrete, climb

telephone poles and use

his paws like human

hands. His favorite

actual food is Fruit.

Page 13: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



Buster is a 3 year old

Pomeranian/Japanese Spitz

mix. He has a quirky

behavior in that he eats one

piece of dog food at a time,

which he takes from his dish

and carries it to the other

side of the room before he

eats it. Buster is very

protective of his master

thinking he is a vicious

guard dog. His favorite food

is slices of steak.

This is Albert a 1 year old

Maine Coon Cat. He enjoys

eating potato chips or

whatever falls on the floor in

the kitchen area. He shares

the home with three kiddos

who tend to use him as their

personal fluffy pillow. He also

enjoys watching whatever

Real Housewife show is

airing on Bravo each night.

Page 14: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



Jim is an 11 year

old cat. He thinks

his owner must

always be hungry,

because he brings

them a rodent on a

daily basis. His

favorite food is mice

and he has quite a

track record of

killing rodents.

Pepper is an 8 year old

Pit Bull mix. Her favorite

food is blueberry muffins

and raw squirrel. An

usual trait is that she

sneezes when she gets

excited. Asked to

describe her personality,

her owner responded

“shock and awe.”

Page 15: Our mascots are excited can’t you tell? · Manchester Terrier. Her favorite food is anything. She has a blanket that she has had since she was a puppy. It literally looks like Swiss



Because of the number of entries, we have changed

how we are going to do things just a little bit. The top

16 vote getters this week will advance into the bracket

round which will start next week and continue for four

more weeks until the PAWS MADNESS champion is

crowned. In the lunchroom you will find jars for each of

the contestants along with their picture. Their number

is associated with the order they have appeared in this

power point. You have until next Wednesday 9/25 to

vote in the first round. The winners will then advance.