Our lord jesus Christ, King of the universe...Segunda lectura Apoc 1, 5-8 Hermanos míos: Gracia y...

Our lord jesus Christ, King of the universe November 25, 2018 Volume 2, Issue #51 Celebrants: Father Victor Ray Associates: Father Martin dePorres Father Robin Whitlock The good news we celebrate today is that we have a king who, unlike the kings of this world, pays attention to us and helps us not only when we are needy and disadvantaged, but especially when we are needy and disadvantaged. To call Christ our king is simply to recognize that all power and authority and all glory belong to him. To call Christ our king is to give up our claim to power and authority and glory. We take credit for nothing, except for our sins. To call Christ king is a call of praise and trust and pledge of obedience to Him. It has absolutely nothing to do with politics and crowns. It has absolutely everything to do with faith, humility and worship. The challenge for us today is to forget our own needs for love and happiness and to reach out in love to make someone happy who maybe in greater need. For whatever we do to the least needy children of God (sisters and brothers) we do to Jesus Himself. Father Victor Ray Wisdom From Father Victor Ray

Transcript of Our lord jesus Christ, King of the universe...Segunda lectura Apoc 1, 5-8 Hermanos míos: Gracia y...

Page 1: Our lord jesus Christ, King of the universe...Segunda lectura Apoc 1, 5-8 Hermanos míos: Gracia y paz a ustedes, de parte de Jesucristo, el testigo fiel, el primogénito de los muertos,

Our lord jesus Christ, King of the universe

November 25, 2018 Volume 2, Issue #51


Father Victor Ray Associates:

Father Martin dePorres

Father Robin Whitlock

The good news we celebrate today is that we have a king who, unlike the kings of this world, pays attention to us and helps us not only when we are needy and disadvantaged, but especially when we are needy and disadvantaged. To call Christ our king is simply to recognize that all power and authority and all glory belong to him. To call Christ our king is to give up our claim to power and authority and glory. We take credit for nothing, except for our sins. To call Christ king is a call of praise and trust and pledge of obedience to Him. It has absolutely nothing to do with politics and crowns. It has absolutely everything to do with faith, humility and worship. The challenge for us today is to forget our own needs for love and happiness and to reach out in love to make someone happy who maybe in greater need. For whatever we do to the least needy children of God (sisters and brothers) we do to Jesus Himself.

Father Victor Ray

Wisdom From

Father Victor Ray

Page 2: Our lord jesus Christ, King of the universe...Segunda lectura Apoc 1, 5-8 Hermanos míos: Gracia y paz a ustedes, de parte de Jesucristo, el testigo fiel, el primogénito de los muertos,


• Lectio Divina, Prayer Experience - Every Sunday at 9:15 am in Room 107. Break During the

Advent Season.

• November 25, Sunday, 10:30 am, Mass – The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the


• December 2, Sunday, 10:30 am, Mass – First Sunday in Advent

• December 4, Tuesday, 7:00 pm, House of Ministry Meeting in the Narthex

• December 5, Wednesday, 5:30 – 7:00 pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation, by Appointment

• December 7, Friday, 7:00 pm, First Friday Mass- Novena to Sacred Heart with Adoration

• December 7, Friday – National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

• December 9, Sunday, 10:30 am, Mass – Second Sunday in Advent

• December 11, Tuesday, 5-8 pm, FDC Package Wrap Night at the Firehouse

• December 16, Sunday, 10:30 am, Mass – Third Sunday in Advent

Let’s Pray For:

Futch, Rich

Hartwig, Bill

Hickman, Bp. Peter

Judi and Larry

Kovar, Lyn

Lanham, Bill

Little, Ron

Marx, D.A.

Meeks, James

For all of our Parishioners

that follow us through

Electronic Media. Prayers

for your specific request that

you have sent us.

For all those that need a

Prayer, Raise, your Right

Hand Toward Heaven and

know that the Parish of Saint

Teresa of Calcutta Catholic

Community is beside you in

your Prayer.

The Daily Prayer of Saint Teresa

Dear Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with your spirit and

love. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of You.

Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Your presence in

my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus. Stay with me and then I shall begin

to shine as you shine, so to shine as to be a light to others. Amen.

Obuchowski, Essy

Ray, Father Victor

Retke, Wayne

Spano, Dee

Talboom, Mark

Villafana, Ivy

Wilhelm, Birgit

Page 3: Our lord jesus Christ, King of the universe...Segunda lectura Apoc 1, 5-8 Hermanos míos: Gracia y paz a ustedes, de parte de Jesucristo, el testigo fiel, el primogénito de los muertos,

This Weeks Chuckle

Upcoming Celebrations



For all those Celebrations that I have missed, Forgive Me and I sincerely hope they were all Wonderful. Wishing you all the Happiness and Repeat of your Special Day!

For more detailed Church information, read the STOCCC Gazette which is found on the

Website: www.stoccc.org or the APP: Saint Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Community












Dennis Giddens 11/7

Roger McCormick 11/14

Dee Spano 11/15

Bishop Peter Hickman 11/15

Anthony Villafana 11/25

Al Metzger 11/28

Lynne Foster Matthews 11/28

Se’tanta Grimm 11/30


Rev. Robin and Ann Whitlock 11/28

Please follow along with the Mass by viewing the Blue

Booklet found in the Pew Pocket in front of you.

Page 4: Our lord jesus Christ, King of the universe...Segunda lectura Apoc 1, 5-8 Hermanos míos: Gracia y paz a ustedes, de parte de Jesucristo, el testigo fiel, el primogénito de los muertos,

Celebrate outreach schedule LECTIO DIVINA is held each Sunday at 9:15AM in Room 108 (the room just beyond our fellowship

room). This is a spiritual and prayerful experience that uses centering prayer techniques to reach a

point of quiet in our hearts and minds where the Holy Spirit speaks. If you wish to be part of quiet

prayer time, with a focus on Sunday’s scripture readings, please join us. More Information: Barb

Fichter, [email protected], 727-457-6143

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Reading 1 DANIEL 7:13-14

As the visions during the night continued, I saw one like a Son of man coming,

on the clouds of heaven; when he reached the Ancient One

and was presented before him, the one like a Son of man received dominion, glory, and kingship;

all peoples, nations, and languages serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion

that shall not be taken away, his kingship shall not be destroyed.

Hear what the spirit is saying to the church. Thanks be to God

Responsorial Psalm PSALM 93:1 , 1-2 , 5

R. The LORD is king; he is robed in majesty.

The LORD is king, in splendor robed; robed is the LORD and girt about with strength.

R. The LORD is king; he is robed in majesty.

And he has made the world firm, not to be moved. Your throne stands firm from of old;

from everlasting you are, O LORD.

R. The LORD is king; he is robed in majesty.

Your decrees are worthy of trust indeed; holiness befits your house, O LORD, for length of days.

R. The LORD is king; he is robed in majesty.

Reading 2 REVELATION 1:5-8

Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.

To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, who has made us into a kingdom,

priests for his God and Father, to him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.

Behold, he is coming amid the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him. All

the peoples of the earth will lament him. Yes. Amen.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, " says the Lord God, "the one who is and who was and who is to

come, the almighty."

Hear what the spirit is saying to the church.

Thanks be to God


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Gospel JOHN 18:33B-37

Pilate said to Jesus, "Are you the King of the Jews?"

Jesus answered, "Do you say this on your own

or have others told you about me?"

Pilate answered, "I am not a Jew, am I?

Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over to me.

What have you done?"

Jesus answered, "My kingdom does not belong to this world.

If my kingdom did belong to this world,

my attendants would be fighting

to keep me from being handed over to the Jews.

But as it is, my kingdom is not here."

So Pilate said to him, "Then you are a king?"

Jesus answered, "You say I am a king.

For this I was born and for this I came into the world,

to testify to the truth.

Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice."

This is the Gospel of the Lord

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

Question of the Week:

In what way is Jesus king of my heart? How

do I live in this world while living for God’s


Alleluia MARK 11: 9, 10


R. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that

is to come!

R. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

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Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo

Primera lectura Dn 7, 13-14

Yo, Daniel, tuve una visión nocturna: Vi a alguien semejante a un hijo de hombre,

que venía entre las nubes del cielo. Avanzó hacia el anciano de muchos siglos

y fue introducido a su presencia. Entonces recibió la soberanía, la gloria y el reino.

Y todos los pueblos y naciones de todas las lenguas lo servían.

Su poder nunca se acabará, porque es un poder eterno,

y su reino jamás será destruido.

Segunda lectura Apoc 1, 5-8

Hermanos míos: Gracia y paz a ustedes, de parte de Jesucristo, el testigo fiel, el primogénito de

los muertos, el soberano de los reyes de la tierra; aquel que nos amó y nos purificó de nuestros

pecados con su sangre y ha hecho de nosotros un reino de sacerdotes para su Dios y Padre. A él la

gloria y el poder por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

Miren: él viene entre las nubes, y todos lo verán, aun aquellos que lo traspasaron. Todos los

pueblos de la tierra harán duelo por su causa.

"Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, dice el Señor Dios, el que es, el que era y el que ha de venir, el


Evangelio Jn 18, 33-37

En aquel tiempo, preguntó Pilato a Jesús: "¿Eres tú el rey de los judíos?" Jesús le contestó: "¿Eso

lo preguntas por tu cuenta o te lo han dicho otros?" Pilato le respondió: "¿Acaso soy yo judío? Tu

pueblo y los sumos sacerdotes te han entregado a mí. ¿Qué es lo que has hecho?" Jesús le contestó:

"Mi Reino no es de este mundo. Si mi Reino fuera de este mundo, mis servidores habrían luchado

para que no cayera yo en manos de los judíos. Pero mi Reino no es de aquí".

Pilato le dijo: "¿Conque tú eres rey?" Jesús le contestó: "Tú lo has dicho. Soy rey. Yo nací y vine

al mundo para ser testigo de la verdad. Todo el que es de la verdad, escucha mi voz".

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When we take communion, it symbolizes the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. The wine and

the bread in communion represent the blood and body of Jesus that was poured out and broken as a

sacrifice for our gift of salvation.

Just like some gifts will always remind us of where we were when we received them, communion

reminds us of where we were when we met Jesus. Communion is a time when we collectively reflect

on the covenant that binds us together. It’s also a time to individually reflect on the price Jesus paid

for us to be in a relationship with Him.


Think back to where you were when you asked Jesus into your life. Where were you? What


What are two ways that communion is a great reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made on your


What’s one way you can show gratitude for the gift of salvation?


Played by Kaleb Brasee

Nothing But the Blood

Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed

Rock of Ages

Jesus Paid It All

Nothing But the Blood reprise

At the conclusion of Communion we will sing the POST COMMUNION SONG.


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He Is The Lord

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Please join us for Fellowship.

Have a Blessed Week!

Bulletin Submissions due by Thursday at Midnight.

Email to: [email protected] or by calling Bill Schwartz at PH: 727-350-3778