Our Expertise and Commitment – Driving your Success Actualize Consulting Management Training...

Our Expertise and Commitment – Driving your Success Actualize Consulting Management Training Offices in New York and Northern VA Offices in New York and Northern VA

Transcript of Our Expertise and Commitment – Driving your Success Actualize Consulting Management Training...

Page 1: Our Expertise and Commitment – Driving your Success Actualize Consulting Management Training Offices in New York and Northern VA.

Our Expertise and Commitment – Driving your Success

Actualize Consulting

Management Training

Offices in New York and Northern VAOffices in New York and Northern VA

Page 2: Our Expertise and Commitment – Driving your Success Actualize Consulting Management Training Offices in New York and Northern VA.



Management Responsibilities

– Direct Reports Responsibilities

– Client management

– New business development

– Communication

– Professional development

Performance Review Process

– Pay for Performance philosophy

– Goal setting

– Review process

– Mentoring

Page 3: Our Expertise and Commitment – Driving your Success Actualize Consulting Management Training Offices in New York and Northern VA.


Career ProgressionAs a manager at Actualize Consulting, you may have direct reports assigned to you. Your

job is make sure that each one of your direct reports understands growth opportunities and

the career path for progression. Below is a sample, high level organizational chart of the


Sr. Manager/ Manager

Principal / Director

Senior Consultant Senior Consultant Consultant

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Direct Reports – Checklist

Responsibility Task

HR • Distributes marketing materials (portfolio, pen, notepad)• Review goal-setting form within 1 month of start date (work with HR if May or

November since late in the 6-month period)

Manager • Conduct in-person meeting within 2 weeks of start (if in-person not possible, phone conversation is acceptable as an alternative)

• Perform goal-setting• Ensure easy transition into the firm Successful at client Understands Actualize business Familiar with all policies and procedures

Responsibility Task

Manager • Formal 6-month goal setting process (see performance review section for additional details)

• At least monthly check-ins with each direct report

• Ensure direct reports are utilizing performance management tool SuccessFactors to

track goals and make progress updates as they go

• Communicate any issues related to performance, compensation, etc.

New Hires

All Direct Reports

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Client Management: Performance Reviews• Measurement: Customer satisfaction is the best way to measure employee performance.

• Check-ins: You are encouraged to gather feedback on a regular basis rather than wait until the end of

the 6-month period to ensure the client is satisfied and your direct reports are meeting expectations.

• Process: There is a formal client satisfaction survey to obtain results

Certain companies prohibit formal customer satisfaction surveys; therefore you will need to seek

alternate, informal channels to gather feedback on each of your direct reports

For clients that permit feedback, use your discretion on how to gather data to align with customer

preferences (e.g. electronic survey, discussion).

If you are not at the client site of your direct report, determine if it is appropriate for you to conduct

the customer satisfaction or defer to another Actualize manager located at the client site.

It is your responsibility to ensure that each of your direct reports has sufficient customer

satisfaction results to measure performance. For senior consultants, it is 75% of their bonus, so it

is very important to gather feedback.

For each direct report, check-in monthly at a minimum to assess if the client is satisfied with our work

and if there are any other opportunities for Actualize (reference sales training to ensure you are familiar

with our strategy, services and qualifications)

If you have questions, please contact your supervisor.

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Client Management

Expanding Client Relationships As a manager within the firm, one your main responsibilities on engagements will be to expand the client relationship. Your goal will be to develop a positive relationship with the client, and identify additional opportunities where the firm may provide assistance on current and future projects. While working to expand a client relationship, it is important to continue to focus on your project work to ensure that it is of the highest quality.

Establishing additional contacts (outside of current project)

Another responsibility is to establish additional contacts outside of your current project. Your goal will be to identify other potential opportunities where Actualize Consulting may provide assistance on current and future projects. This can be accomplished by:

- Attending local networking events - Keeping active with your school alumni association or other venues of potential clients- Keeping in contact with past employers and colleagues

Actualize periodically sponsors client-specific social events which we encourage you to attend. Typically, we have happy hours, sporting events and other activities but other suggestions are welcome.

Gift Limits• Most clients have a limit on gift giving by consultants; know those limits. For example, a limit may

be $100 for taking the client out for lunch, dinner or drinks but know the specific limits of the client since they are held to it.

It is imperative that potential business opportunities be communicated to the overall account lead and/or management team as soon as possible after each event so that sales leads can be cultivated.

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Sales Incentives

Example (Actualize Employee Staffed on Project)

Hourly Rate $125

Minus 10% overhead $12.5

Employee expense $48.56

Payout Hourly Rate $63.94

5% of Profit (Hourly Payout) (up to $500K in cumulative sales)


Number of hours (2 people/1 year) 4,000

Sales incentive $12,800

Cumulative Sales Existing Clients*

New Clients*

0 - $500,000 5% 15%

Between $500,000 and $1.5 million

7.5% 16%

Above $1.5 million 10% 17%

* Percent of net income.

Note: A new client is defined as projects won at that client for the first year of business. After one year, additional projects at that client will be considered an existing client.

The percent incentive will be divided among employees involved in that referral.

Garnering new business is key to the firm’s growth and success. As a manager, you can help by leveraging your existing relationships you may have with former colleagues or employers. The potential opportunity can be financially rewarding. Any employee or group of employees who refers Actualize to a new client or leads a sales proposal that results in a contract will receive the percent denoted in the table below of net income (revenue less client expenses and overhead allocation). Sales will be cumulative to account for multiple sales throughout the year. Therefore, once you reach $1.5 million in sales, the sales incentive increases to the next level.

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CommunicationAlert your manager to the following situations

New sales opportunity

Client issues and successes

Direct report issues, concerns and successes (i.e., workload, compensation)

Personal fulfillment

Actualize Management Philosophy

Open door policy

Enabling you to make the right decisions

Open communications

Information transparency

Meetings to attend

Sales meetings for your client

Company meetings and trainings

Social events (mandatory for managers and above)

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Professional Development

Attending external leadership/management and industry training

By utilizing the training guide coupled with your own personal interests, strive to

attend one external event/training in each 6 month period.

We expect that you and your direct reports to fully utilize your $2,000 training budget.

Leading by example

As a manager within the Firm, your actions will be a way for others to see your

leadership attributes. Your personal successes and leadership will been seen and

mimicked by your staff.

Please be aware that missing deadlines or not responding to requests in a timely manner

does not set the best example with your direct reports and management.

Be sure to maintain a positive attitude.

Know Actualize business and qualifications to be able to speak about the firm.

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Performance Review OverviewActualize Consulting wants the performance review process to be

beneficial to all levels of the firm and include the following:


• Performance review process is an ongoing cycle rather than an isolated event.

• Employees should be involved in the performance review process all year by having regular

meetings and providing real-time feedback.

• It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure that all goals are updated in SuccessFactors and to

conduct frequent check-ins regarding goals (at least quarterly).


• Managers must give feedback in a way that leads the way to behavior change. This includes

celebrating successes and encouraging improvement!

• Managers must work with employees to set goals and objectives that challenge employees to

grow, provide success metrics and add value to the organization and themselves.

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Performance Review ProcessActualize Consulting operates on a 6-month schedule of setting new goals and evaluating

past performance

Goal setting and reviews take place during the months of June and December

Bonus is paid out on the 7/15 and 12/31 pay checks

Managers work with their direct reports to set goals for the next 6-month period and evaluate

on past 6-month performance.

Actualize has a formal goal setting and review form in which the following areas are

measured for bonus assessment (Note: reference goal setting form for percentages that align with each area based on level):

Client Satisfaction

Internal Initiatives

Corporate Performance

Manager’s input

Suggest high, medium or low raise at year-end

Provide feedback on percentages for internal initiatives and client satisfaction

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Pay for Performance PhilosophyActualize Consulting’s philosophy is to pay employees for performance and those

who most contribute to the business and demonstrate the most effective leadership

behaviors will receive the greatest rewards

Actualize Consulting offers competitive salaries

Annual bonuses historically have been up to 25% of base salary (received pro-rated on a bi-

annual basis)

Non-standard pay provides compensation opportunities for employees working

consistently over 40 billable hours per week


As a manager at Actualize Consulting, you are privy to sensitive information concerning

employees salaries, bill rates and other things of this nature which must be treated with the

utmost confidentiality.

Failure to do maintain confidentiality will result in a performance issue and will be

reviewed by management for recourse.

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Goal SettingPurpose: To ensure that all employees are striving towards bettering their

career as well as progressing in the firm, as desired

Goal setting should be a collaborative exercise in which the employee

states goals and the manager provides guidance to ensure those are the

appropriate goals for career progression

Direct reports submit goal via sharing forms via Google Sites with their

Manager, HR and Partners. Managers review goals with the employee.

Finalized goals must align with employee and manager visions as well as

corporate strategy

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Goal Setting GuidelinesBy setting specific targets/desired outcomes, employees are able to

– Define priorities

– Establish direction

– Identify expected results

– Enhance teamwork

– Improve individual performance

– Clarify expectations

Well-set goals are SMART

– Specific

– Meaningful and Measurable

– Agreed to and Attainable

– Reality-based

– Time-bound

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Review ProcessIn June and December, managers should schedule review meetings with all direct


Direct reports provide initial assessment and then each a manager provides their

assessment as well and works with management to obtain feedback to incorporate

into the review:

1. Client Satisfaction –ratings obtained from client, as available, and for those on the bench

obtain from operations for any special project work

2. Internal Initiatives – gather feedback from operations on direct report contributions

3. Corporate performance – management funding of bonus

Work with direct reports to ensure they are meeting expected criteria

At year-end, provide feedback on recommendation for high, medium and low raises and

promotions for direct reports

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Writing AssessmentsReview your employee’s self-assessment

List the specific actions taken and results achieved relative to each business


Explain the degree to which each goal was met, missed or exceeded



Unusual circumstances: Consider why some objectives might not be met (e.g. change in

priorities, unrealistic objectives, unusual circumstances, etc.)

Utilizing appropriate direction and assistance

Going above and beyond

Continuing education

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Conducting AssessmentsSchedule time with no distractions

Determine main points of discussion

Go over process and major sections

Ensure approach is respectful and listen with care

Clarify and reinforce “+” outcomes; share your own perceptions on their performance

Summarize key employee strengths

Ask employee to summarize their perceptions of performance

Ask what could have gone better; any difficulty, concerns or where shortfalls occurred in

meeting objectives

At mid-year, provide percentages allotment for bonus and at year-end, provide percentages for

bonus and raises in high, medium and low categories (numbers to follow in written letter)

Ensure that all forms are signed submitted to Operations for records

Work with Operations in order to provide any assistance needed on writing the reviews

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MentoringIt is important to regularly meet with your direct reports to access progress

towards goals, answer any questions or concerns and build a relationship

Building a relationship with your direct reports will ensure that we are

aware of any issues or concerns and our employees feel included and


Encourage mentoring relationships so that Actualize employees are

comfortable having a mentor outside of their direct manager

I'm slowly becoming a convert to the principle that you can't motivate people to do things, you can only demotivate them. The primary job of the manager is not

to empower but to remove obstacles." --Scott Adams,

American cartoonist

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Appendix 1: Sr Manager Roles & ResponsibilitiesArea Required Additional

Client Service • Lead engagement to ensure high quality work product is provided on engagement and all team members integrate into client environment

• Establish expectations regarding project milestones/deliverables, timing, and resources by developing detailed project plans and/or other planning materials

• Monitor and obtain resources requirement for engagement completion

• Balance client service workload with other activities

• Maintain active communication with client about status

• Coach/mentor other team members

• Provide constructive feedback to team members

• Review (as necessary) key project deliverables

• Lead engagement team meetings

Sales & Marketing • Lead Account Planning team for current client• Identify and communicate potential cross-sell opportunities• Assist in developing proposals• Participate in project planning meetings

• Identify potential leads from networking activities and personal contacts

• Perform research on new potential clients as needed• Participate in networking events

Recruiting • Communicate skills or experience needed to HR for additional project needs

• Perform interviews• Understand and communicate Actualize Consulting’s business model

• Respond to needs by referring appropriate candidates• Maintain personal networks

Internal Initiatives • Participate in internal events such as training, company meetings, and events

• Lead or participate in committees• Participate in company meeting

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Appendix 2: Manager Roles & Responsibilities

Area Required Additional

Client Service • Ensure high quality work product is provided on engagement• Ensure all team members integrate into client environment • Establish working relationship with appropriate levels (peers) within

engagement• Monitor and obtain resources requirement for engagement completion• Coach/mentor other team members• Provide constructive feedback to team members• Ensure clients expectations as to deliverables and timeframes are met

Sales & Marketing • Participate in account planning team for current client• Identify and communicate potential cross-sell opportunities

• Identify potential leads from networking activities and personal contacts

• Perform research on new potential clients as needed• Participate in networking events • Assist in developing proposals• Participate in project planning meetings

Recruiting •Communicate sales or experience needed to HR for additional project needs• Understand and communicate Actualize Consulting’s business model• Perform initial candidate screenings

• Perform general or technical interviews and summarize feedback

• Respond to needs by referring appropriate candidates• Maintain personal networks

Internal Initiatives • Participate in internal events such as training, company meetings, and social events

• Participate in or lead training initiatives • Participate in or lead committees

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Appendix 3: Senior Consultant Roles & Responsibilities

Area Required Additional

Client Service • Provide high quality work product

• Integrate into client working relationships

• Establish working relationship with appropriate levels (peers) within engagement

• Identify and communicate need for additional skills/knowledge for completion of work product

• Balance client service workload with other activities

• Participate in engagement team meetings

Sales & Marketing

• Identify and communicate potential cross-sell opportunities • Participate in networking events• Perform research on new potential target clients as needed• Assist in development of proposals

Recruiting • Maintain current resume • Maintain personal networks• Perform interviews with candidates

• Deliver selling messages to potential recruits• Respond to needs by referring appropriate candidates• Understand and communicate Actualize Consulting’s business model

Performance Management

• Participate in own goal setting• Solicit feedback

Internal Initiatives

• Participate in company meetings, surveys and feedback requests, as assigned.

• Participate in training initiatives• Participate in or lead committee• Participate in events as applicable.