Our Comenius Pro-

Last month, Ekin College hosted a group of students from our sister school , Bouche Schule, in Ger- many. Mrs Gabriele Schöttler , the mayor of Treptow- Copenhagen, ac- companied by a group of German stu- dents visited the mayor of Menemen, Mr Tahir Şahin, in his office. The German group also paid a visit to the Vocational School in Menemen. The trip was held to develop the cultural awareness of the students during the annual ‘’Awareness Week’’ project in our school. After the visit Mrs Gabriele Schöttler said that she liked the pottery products very much. She added she was very much influenced by the work of women in that center. In the evening, after a dinner reception in Me- nemen munici- pality restaurant, Mr Tahir Şahin presented gifts of pottery made in local art shops to the German guests. Our Comenius Pro- ject meeting was held in our school between the dates of 1th - 7th of June with the participa- tion of Romanian, Italian and Spanish partners. While the first meet- ing took place in Romania, the next meeting was de- cided to be held in Italy in 2012. In addition to our pro- ject activities, the guests were intro- duced to our educa- tional system along with our students’ activities, some city tours and sightsee- ing. They also praised stu- dents’ drama, dance and music perform- ance. In turn, they per- formed some of their own songs and dances for our students. Romanian group singing a song in both their language and Turkish. (top) Spanish group singing a Span- ish folk song and then a Turkish song. (left) Italian group singing a traditional song of their culture. (top) Weekend city tour (right)

Transcript of Our Comenius Pro-

Page 1: Our Comenius Pro-

Last month, Ekin College hosted a group of students from our sister school , Bouche Schule, in Ger-many. Mrs Gabriele Schöttler , the mayor of Treptow-Copenhagen, ac-

companied by a group of German stu-dents visited the mayor of Menemen, Mr Tahir Şahin, in his office. The German group also paid a visit to the Vocational School in Menemen. The trip was held to develop the cultural awareness of the students dur ing the annual ‘’Awareness Week’’ project in our school . After the visit Mrs Gabriele Schöttler said that sh e liked the pottery products very much. She added she was very much influenced by the work of women in that center. In the evening, after a dinner reception i n Me-

nemen munici-pality restaurant, Mr Tahir Şahin presented gifts of pottery made in local art shops to t h e G e r m a n guests.

Our Comenius Pro-ject meeting was held in our school between the dates of 1th - 7th of June with the participa-tion of Romanian, Italian and Spanish partners.

While the first meet-ing took place in Romania, the next meeting was de-cided to be held in Italy in 2012.

In addition to our pro-ject activities, the guests were intro-duced to our educa-tional system along with our students’ activities, some city tours and sightsee-


They also praised stu-dents’ drama, dance and music perform-ance. In turn, they per-formed some of their own songs and dances for our students.

Romanian group singing a song in both their language and Turkish. (top)

Spanish group singing a Span-ish folk song and then a Turkish song. (left)

Italian group singing a traditional song of their culture. (top)

Weekend city tour (right)

Page 2: Our Comenius Pro-

The world’s first chocolate-powered race car was de -

signed and developed by scientists at the Universit y of

Warwick in the United Kingdom. This vegetarian car has

been designed to

compete in the

Formula 3 class.

It’s powered by a

biodiesel engine.

The engine is

powered by waste

chocolate and

vegetable oil. It

has a steering

wheel made from recycled carrots, and potatoes were

used to help produce the bodywork. It has the top s peed

of 200 km per hour.

According to Project Manager James Meredith, a re-

searcher in WMG at the University of Warwick, “It’s been

very exciting working on the project and important for our

team to develop a working example of a truly ‘Green ’ mo-

tor racing car. The World First project expels the myth that

performance needs to be compromised when developing

the sustainable motor vehicles of the future.”

• Reptiles have 6,000 species crawling in their habitats; and more are discovered each year.

• There are over 70,000 types of spi-ders making their webs in the world.

• There are 3,000 kinds of lice.

• Mammals are the only creatures that have flaps around their ears.

• It’s been 4,000 years and no new animal-species hav e been domesticated.

• Bears have 42 teeth.

• A lion’s roar is so loud that it can be heard from a distance of five miles.

• Only the male Asian elephants have tusks.

• The largest giant squid ever found weighed 4 tons. It was discovered in the North Atlantic in the year 18 78.

On 29th April Prince William married in Lon-don. The son of Queen Eliza-beth went to the marriage, too. Even Elton John and the Pope where

invited to the marriage. After the ceremony was over, Prince William and Kate went on a horse cart around London and celebrated their nuptials.

One more trophy for Taylor Swift to add to her impressive col-lection! The singer won the title of The Enter-tainer of the Year at the Academy of Country Music Awards. This award is the only category that is voted on by the fans. "This is the first time that I've ever won this and I'm just losing my mind," Taylor said. "The fact that this is from the fans makes it so spe-cial."

1. When dolphins are s l e e p -ing, they don’t close one eye.

2. On the 18 February 1979 it was snowing in the Sahara Desert.

3. Polar bears are left-handed.

4. Giraffes can’t swim.

5. 80% of a human brain is water.

6. A neat has got 4 stomachs.

7. The human brain weighs 1,36 Kg.

8. An adult person breathes 23.000 times in a day.

9. An owl can only see blue col-oured things.

10. Turtles can breathe from their backsides.

11. Bamboos grow 90 cm every day.

12. Giraffes haven’t got vocal cords.

13. There are no rivers in Saudi Arabia.

Page 3: Our Comenius Pro-

This year’s English Drama Club per-formed another successful musical , the Snow Queen.

Prince Crispin and Princess Cristina (left) who help Gerda in finding her foster brother Kay. The show received very big applause from the audience.

JMUN club students who attended the Global Classrooms JMUN conference , UNA-USA, in New York City this year . They had another fruitful experience.

DI students and this year’s competitions which took place in Istanbul. Our stu-dents came the 2nd and 3rd in those competitions in two different categories.

Page 4: Our Comenius Pro-

9 3 2 5 6 8

5 8 9

8 4 3 5

2 7 8

5 6 9 7

5 3 6

3 4 9 6

1 5 3

2 9 3 7 1 5

A veterinary student (Jacob Jankowski ) abandons his studies after his parents are killed, and joins a traveling circus as their vet. The owner of the circus learns his education is about veterinary and he employs him to care for animals. He meets Rossie in the circus.

Even in a world where love is deemed an impossi-ble luxury two people’s love unfolds.

Breaking Dawn is one of 2011’s most awaited films. This film is the last (fourth) film of the Twilight series. In this film Bella and Edward are married and Bella has a baby girl, but some vampires don’t want this baby and try to kill the baby, starting a war.

-Teacher: Maria please show America on the map.

-Maria: Here it is.

-Teacher: Good. So, chil-dren, who discovered America?

- Class: Maria did , teacher.

- Andy: Aren’t you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?

- Berg: Yes I am, because I married the wrong woman .

- “Am I the first man you have ever loved?” John asked.

-“Of course,” Linda answered “Why do men always ask the same question?”.

-Child pushing himself next to his grandfa-ther.

-Granddad, will you close your eyes?

-Why should I close them, child?

- B e c a u s e mummy and daddy said, if Granddad just c loses h is eyes, we will

be very rich.

Don’t eat so fast...

The Host is a science fiction and romantic novel by Stephenie Meyer. An interna-tional version of the novel was released in many countries on April 2, 2008 . It was also translated into many other lan-guages. The earth has been invaded by a species

that takes over the minds of their human hosts while leaving their bodies intact, and most of humanity has succumbed. Wanderer, the invading ‘soul’ who has been given Melanie’s body, knows about the chal-lenges of living inside a human: the overwhelm-ing emotions, the vivid memories. But there is one difficulty Wanderer doesn’t expect: the for-mer tenant of her body refusing to let go the possession of her mind. Melanie fills Wanderer’s thoughts with visions of the man Melanie loves – Jared, a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body’s desires, Wanderer yearns for a man she’s never met. As outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off to search for the man they both love.