Our Anniversary Divorce

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Transcript of Our Anniversary Divorce

  • 8/11/2019 Our Anniversary Divorce


    Our Anniversary Divorce

    Written by Reece Ran

  • 8/11/2019 Our Anniversary Divorce


    Our Anniversary Divorce/Ran

    Kevin gets out of the cab and approaches the door to the restaurant. Today is him and his

    wife's anniversary. Kevin can't wait to show the ring he bought for his wife, Kelly.

    "So how many years is it for you guys?" The cab driver says from afar.

    "Oh, it's been ten years." Kevin says.

    "Wow, and so young too. Make it count buddy."

    "Thanks I will, and thanks for taking it easy on me with the fee.

    "No problem buddy, it's rare to see a young couple like yourselves still going strong.

    Kevins smile shrinks after the driver said that. He knows things haven't been the way

    they should be with Kelly and him. However, the story of how they meant always reminds him

    that his marriage to Kelly was meant to be. They both meant at a gay bar of all places. Kevin was

    doing his routine inspections for the establishment, and Kelly was there with a few of her friends.

    Kevin dropped his tablet after he bumped into her.

    "Oh you okay?" Kelly says.

    "Oh yeah, I'm good. Sorry about that." Kevin says.

    "Here, don't want you breaking that."

    Kelly handed Kevin the tablet back. But Kevin couldnt seem to take his eyes off Kellys

    lovely face. "Oh man shes fine.Kevin thought. Too bad she's a lesbian." Kelly however,

    noticed Kevins handsome face and amazing physique. Hmm, hes cute. Kelly thought. Too

    bad hes gay. All the cute ones are.Despite their assumptions about the others sexually, they

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    continued to talk. Not long after, they both exchanged phone numbers. Kevin and Kelly had a

    cool chemistry together. They both loved to exercise, and eat a lot of Chinese food. Kevin

    listened to Kelly when she wanted to express herself, and Kelly supported Kevin s personal

    decisions. The two of them had been friends for six months before they both realized the other

    was straight. They figured that out when Kelly invited Kevin to her apartment to chill and watch

    soap operas. Oh my God, Jason was so wrong for doing that. Kelly said, chomping down on a

    blow of chips.

    Well, Sandra had it coming. Kevin said. She never should have gotten with my boy.

    Your boy?

    Yeah, he went after that booty like any man should. Not his fault, he was doing his


    Uh no, no, nah, he knew she was emotionally unstable, he never should have taken

    advantage of her.

    And she knew he was unstable down there, come on Kelly you know.

    No, she- you suppose to be on my side on this one.

    Naw, you should be on my side.



    Kelly hits Kevin in the arm. No. She says, giggling. Kevin pushes Kelly away. Yeah

    He says, laughing. They both go back and forth, pushing each other. The punching turned to

    wrestling. Kevin grabs Kelly shoulders and pushes her whole body to the ground. Kelly rolls

    over Kevin, and tries to pin him to the ground. Kevin releases his hand from Kellys grip and

    grabs her breast. Oah. She says. Kevins catches himself, but he notice that Kelly doesnt

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    remove his hand or herself from the situation. He gently squeezes it and caresses it. Kellys eyes

    rolls to the back of her head, enjoying the sensation. Kevin reaches up and kisses her on the lips.

    Both of them embrace each other with unexpected passion.


    After lying in her sweaty bed, she asked Kevin the mind blowing question. So youre

    not gay? Kevin was equally shocked that he managed to pull this off. But learning that Kelly

    wasnt a lesbian became an added bonus.

    Uh no. Kevin said. Youre not either?

    No. Kelly said.

    . Cool

    Kevin and Kelly managed to pull out a second round of sex from their bodies, after the

    discovery. From that point on, it was peaches and cream for them both. After two years of

    dating, Kevin proposed to Kelly and they both tied the knot. May 12, 2037, the day Kevin would

    never forget, until work came along.

    Kevin has exhausted all of his excuses for not showing up for dinner or buying Kelly a

    gift for their anniversary. Kevins hectic schedule has put a huge strain on their marriage. He

    knows that. Thats why; he is making sure this day goes exactly right. He enters the restaurant

    lobby, passing the bright chandlers shinning high upon the ceiling, the violinist playing on the

    small stage in the back. He approached the front desk.

    Hello, how may I help you? The receptionist says.

    Yes, I had a reservation of two. Kevin says. It should be under the name, Kennedy.

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    Hollows attention.Oh my, who is that beautiful looking blossom stomping out of here?

    Hollow says. Some idiot had the guts to stand up a bombshell like that? Kevin looks and

    notices its Kelly in her red dress. Kelly? Oh man, sorry Mr. Hollow I gotta go. Kevin says.

    Kevin catches up with Kelly and stops her before she can exit the restaurant. Oh, wait a

    minute Kelly. Kevin says Im here. Look I know Im late. Okay, come on; lets go back to the

    table. Im sorry again. Kelly makes it a mission to avoid making eye contact with Kevin. But

    she allows herself to be guided back to the table with his commanding grip. Kevin tries to be a

    gentleman and pull Kellys seat out for her, but he pulls it out a little too far, almost causing

    Kelly to fall to the ground. She looks back at him with disdain. Oh sorry honey. Kevin says.

    The couple both takes their seats at the table.

    So what are we having baby? Kevin asks.

    I already ate my dinner. Kelly says.

    What, without me?

    Yeah, you know this place has a timetable for people to eat here. Its always packed.

    And once again you managed to show up late.

    Look, look, I know it looks bad; but I was late, because I wanted to give you this.

    Kevin pulls out the ring from his pocket. Kelly leans forward to look at it. See, this is

    me asking you to renew our vows this time next year. Kevin says. Kelly frowns at the ring

    Kevin is so proud to present to her. But her negative reaction to the present makes Kevin uneasy

    and soon after, annoyed.

    Oh God, what now? Kevin says.

    Thatring is broken. Kelly says.


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    Kevin looks at the ring, but doesnt see any flaws in it.

    What are you talking about? There isnt anything wrong with it.

    Yes it is Kevin, I see it from here.

    Oh come on, where, where do you see whatever you thinkyou see Kelly? Where, please

    show me. Maybe Ive been staring at the computer screen too long.

    First of all, you dont have to get smart with me, and its right here.

    Kevin focuses on the area of the ring Kelly is pointing at. She directs him to the small

    crack on the upper side of the ring.

    Are you kidding me? Its small, you cant even see it. Kevin says, handing Kelly the


    Well, I can. Kelly says.

    Look, Im trying to make this work babe; I know Ive missed the last-

    The last eight years. You missed eighty percent of all the time we were supposed to

    have an anniversary.

    Oh come on, I havent missed that many.


    No, no I didnt.

    Yes, yes you did.

    Kevin and Kellys bickering catches the attention of the other guest in the restaurant.

    Look, Im trying to have a good time with you Kelly. Kevin says. I mean you notice every

    little thing I do wrong, or dont do. So I had hoped that today, you would notice this big thing

    that Ive done for you.

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    Oh please, taking me out to dinner and giving me a busted ring is a quote, unquote, big

    thing? Kelly says.

    Okay, this place Kelly. Yeah, this place cost me over six thousand dollars to get a

    reservation. Six thousand dollars Kelly, thats money I could have used to pay down the

    mortgage on the house. But nooooo, I used it for you, for you Kelly.

    Okay, first of all, I didnt make you buy that house. You wanted all that space. I told you

    we didnt need it. Its only the two of us living together, and June.

    Look is we going to talk about the house? Or are we going to eat and have a good time

    Kelly, your choice.

    Youre the one that brought it up. And I told you, Ive already eaten. Once again, you

    cant hear, you cant listen, you cant learn from the past ten years, and you sure as hell cant see

    the difference between a real gold carat ring and a fake one someone sold off the street.

    Kelly swats the ring out of Kevins hands. The ring flies across the restaurant landing in

    another customers meal. No, you did not just smack that ring out of my finger woman. Kevin

    says. You know what? Youve got to be the most ungrateful piece of meat Ive ever been with. I

    cant believe I put up with your garage for a decade.

    The employees and the rest of the customers become disconcerted, due to Kevin and

    Kellys shouting. The manager approaches their table. Sir, miss, I am going to have to ask you

    both to lower your voices or leave. Kevin and Kelly continue to argue, ignoring the manager.

    A piece of meat? Kelly says. Is that what you called me? With your mullet head

    looking self.

    Hey, I like my mullet okay. I like it. Kevin says. And I liked you better when I

    thought you were a dyke.

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    Okay, you two are going to have to leave now. The manager says.

    Kelly gets up from the table. Oh yeah, well Im going to make it easy for you, since you

    prefer that. I want a divorce!

    Kevin halts his insults, unable to do or say anything. Bet you didnt expect to bump into

    that, did ya? Kelly says. She takes her purse and storms out the restaurant, leaving Kevin

    perturbed. After seeing what just transpired, the manager tactfully approaches Kevin.

    Sir, Im going to have to ask you to leave. The manager says. We need this table for

    our next guest. And here is the check.

    Kevin, unable to speak, grabs the check, and realizes how much he screwed up. I think I

    did see that crack in that ring now.