Our 12 VITA Coaching Foundations - static.laylamartin.com

VITA Coaching PRE-COURSE Essential Foundations #1 Our 12 VITA Coaching Foundations

Transcript of Our 12 VITA Coaching Foundations - static.laylamartin.com

VITA Coaching


Essential Foundations #1 Our 12 VITA Coaching Foundations

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


Our 12 VITA Coaching Foundations This is the “why” behind all of the tools and techniques of the VITA Coaching Method. This is the foundational philosophy behind each transformative technique. 

You don’t have to adopt these, but I highly recommend that you try them on!! It will allow you to see the heart of our coaching practice…. And if you discover that they work for

you, then keep them 🐲

VITA Foundation #1:

Love is the key to all successful transformation

If a lack of love is always the source of the problem, love is always the solution. It's that simple.

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


VITA Foundation #2:

Love and truth create thriving

If someone is supported inside and out with love and truth, they become empowered to create thriving inside and out.

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


VITA Foundation #3:

Everyone is perfect and whole at their core

True coaching is about supporting someone to express and know their authentic self, not fitting them to a perceived box of societal perfection.

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


VITA Foundation #4:

Authentic transformation removes conditioning and pain from the past

The obstruction to a new way of being always has a component of belief systems, limiting fears, and/or pain from the past and those must be accepted and integrated in order to transform.

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


VITA Foundation #5:

Presence heals and ecstasy heals

The compassionate loving presence of a space holder creates a powerful healing container and natural ecstatic states provide a healing empowerment that returns us to wholeness.

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


VITA Foundation #6:

Transmission is more effective than tools or philosophy

Transmission means that you have embodied and integrated the truth of the tools or philosophy you are sharing and can hold it as a resonant frequency when you coach or teach. This is far more powerful than sharing tools that you have not fully embodied or parroting wisdom that other people have told you is true. Discover for yourself and teach from that embodied space!

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


VITA Foundation #7:

Your wholeness = your power

Inner power is needed to achieve our desires and highest personal potential. Real inner power comes from embracing and integrating all parts of ourselves while making empowered choices about what we express. Disempowerment happens when we reject parts of ourselves and try to repress “unacceptable” pieces of our being based on judgment or beliefs from others.

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


VITA Foundation #8:

Returning to our authentic sexuality is essential for reclaiming our power

Our sexual nature is our core power as human beings. Repressed sexuality creates the horrific shadow sexuality of the world and repressed sexuality creates disempowerment on a neurological and physiological level. Reclaiming our authentic sexuality restores our original power.

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


VITA Foundation #9:

Physical, emotional, and mental safety and freedom lead to wellness

Safety and freedom on all levels support inner health and wellness.

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


VITA Foundation #10:

Authentic transformation address the whole body, mind, and spirit

Lasting transformation must address and involve the body, emotions, sensations, mind, energy, and spirit. True transformation is a whole body and whole being experience that includes and accepts all parts of the human experience.

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


VITA Foundation #11:

Effective coaching eventually leads to recognition of inner truth

People can subconsciously get addicted to always being in a cycle of transformation as a way to avoid their inner truth and power. The VITA tools and approach is always pointing people back to their own inner truth and power, not the transformative process.

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

VITA Coaching Pre-Course Essential Foundations


VITA Foundation #12:

Aliveness is our goal

We’re always optimizing for aliveness in life, sexuality, and relationships. Our goals and desires can be an invitation to transform and evolve in ways that create ever-increasing levels of aliveness and engagement with life.

What does this mean to me?


Copyright 2019, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.