Ouachita telegraph (Monroe, La. : 1865) (Monroe) 1886-07-31 [p ] · 2017. 12. 12. · y raih n i e...

Ohlelal Journal ot the Cit3 o rMonroe. BATURDAY, JUllY IaiL dq. Blusineos conthoues dull. Rev. WVma. Elwag w "il pr1ie at lin Presbyterian church to morro,.- fea.d Judge Ganby's adildresa on the firal page of this paper. CInail erabl aickness 'f. i nom'trial type i prevailing in itwn.o Theo opinanti scems it lie gainttini prountei (ht Gov. McEncry will not he a c kndidato for ro-nomiistiko",. A conmuniictllon from ITUnitton falls under I III ban ol proeriptrlo t baertiuse it war nri aceoTnmpanild by the author's Dr. M. I. liownvat hied at iir resie deice ikusc Iogluwa, .hi purih, yea.. lenhay 'imirtin mllt 4 o'clowk ?ind wes buriedtil ynlerdny .evenii, A Eiil'deor inool .imJ.il:- for rise hfar tccu~rredl in the river nl tImit poutI intii r. It. I,", a ,,"!tTl th . gitpo r kning yI-, .l..by afleiron WaS a fq'td 0 illeism MrW .t. L, nurbin, tniler ol. Irane lation nA f ihe V, S. & 1'. antI V AT bi. rmllrndel, uis "nin a is resiggn. lin. lo Aine Supirintinldentl Bon.al TO -akeTo 'lil lt-uenhrrow, AIugust 1st, liantnal, mged soi aV years, tirlinl I titneilr of Mr. T. Wrd, l'd a't hin r,9ldiuiico bell,,w aosn Tuo iy light i . Wh burriedi' Ii Ike ol coEirr .11 . W,11aki ni g. ith Teineriplht ,,xlenda IE his yflh~t siei ut. Mi. Witsl Mit, -tk muE Ktlin Ir ther InRs of thmir iaugiitlir Jlerji bl wirt doeIr 11ýt Thurol"y evrnin, -i 1 I'elack, mrie wal i lir t lirjifiy:, r i'he int-mI t,,ii pliiae yeitorliry tryirnr wVlk .. nI Iir I .r.. r- I.. ,TkIi rastoN.,hneaireol Wiprtogrrsing f.v'nrilty, Tie Irain, work of wiri 1iml7o No. I,Ita ai wnll (Mral i, .coli-. |ilti1 nar IIIt hulgo oulchiiiEry is in'iig pitlttal in [ritiitmi nt fuel ui the lanmnliinr tf nuci il y11 lity1 - of rroll will IlIttit . t ... L lit_ . ute Patidnl rg Cottiii rdind Li.ni*ttf <if titn ma 9 iItyil: "Tho LIw slat r I hI:myl' IrlilhtulonTew, in O1 ul&c.it;i 1 river, i to ber a clipper. rih will prob tly Ibe built by ilf-kjI <r lrinugl on :i,? Mnontiralb, ahe will b .r I:o ieuin, live fLt _cld, wl.. t . rn ... iower iI etrnompos with llut' .skIa. lBrothir MIhnngiui I the la!tl[3kll licaetsn, whiu is-H over here inst week Cii t havtoe b.een k truck"' will' tie hEw rdier of Iinng(4 InI M'tiuro. ill gial courIS of ann artlcl, en li 4 iTI he liBae Ball, lutmer boasts of a base ball club Icallt The Raeblk the membera o hilch, excepting two, are nd. 20 years of age, yet thdy claim the ,, am- pionslhip of that parsh., Perhape the jinior club of Mnroro might get . game tiflh themi,. At the base ball iArk last Wednes day thoe U•n Tiar of (•lnorn l and e. Mir'a uf thin city crwaed lags, and the Uniiihon' were atimul co.implslc ly trabt oul, t ie scro slandi•i to a Ih1 fiavor of the Miro's, Ith Bon To.n be. ilg whitewitahed tix oat of niun in.: in.ga and the Miro'sa playinbg only Seighti ilnings. The lMir club la the juntor tinae-or rtller ise 'a.eond nine" Iof tihe Mblroere n Ball Club LUp to Zast Monday the Detroit club held the Irad for the aae ailt leagu Iropity, having wo 1T gal• er amd lost I i Unleago is setonred with 4I0 ganes wun anil 15 galie lost. I. Ithe Aiso- elation Lcaguo lie rov wI of St. Louis have Ii. lead, having won 52 za.nis anId lsIt orm The Monrie Baso .all Clun, and the Mir's will ploy th Prark Mondayu evrinit, tl. litory tf he art in beI/ig barred. WT. uideretnnl ihey ly for a pierea, of e. we are Informeid thai the Otlbtaland -lub will come dolwn o play thu M•iruo' beotwen l tl3th ansd 1Ith of August. iro. ,BAo utley f tITL DiljnaldIonvile. Cie-f sayiing tlat ItI LIe i. f Dermodtl nlonrillocli Utplay Viearburg, Auist 1, L anil id wi. l Came on t. i Vot mro . . on tlui l.i and play buIe s our local .hais batllts rnay arrnn.e. We ore ,amtured that uIe treas are a g.oda tuam ind vll viT of ci o spert may aitlciali sotI,- flu pliayIng. We want to see our visiling frienda we 'iead ty a lIare turn erot at the iPark. Tile lveyri of bus. liE I ahiould fortver ithank Copi. riIeus fr Ilioe ilortoe lie FiLE made to hlvre acm., ititercating sIlyiniI here IhiSiilglnaJ, Lie hts scant reiiarklially siersfr|l aml we expect tu. 9e1 Maunroe in lee leogme 1x y.ear IH...provcnct of thuniatellitk. If there is oOe 'Wgilics, more than atnoltLer, that inh pMopti of lheOua-' chilEi V.l ty are IntercetEld it, it 1I the iInIpriverrtt of thi i.avIghtiok' or ihe Ot(Aahita linvr. Last ietirudy hruugh boals tro n Nuw a Orienn were ianpetlteJ and o thnt lay or ,t Auy or two forwitainrds Wrritht over Ihe Vik'harl Irtbr veporlt i".d Picld Jclionlcaybo Wit, vcee veral Wi of thye Vnal'y wait river nabvig - lfo0i amEd ciumpetitiomi willt tthe railroad !i I(isyoer round and irn'st have ir. Onils 'wy to got itis to have a reprco scaalrive 'i Colgres. who knows the iportlace of tus measure to the people of the Valley and who baa tie influeneeiand abililylo iInduce Coegrtsa ito, ioij 1 0rloto It a1u1 of money large 74ettbr of the Exeeitite CooinaiiteF. The ParidE xectnive ConhlnIe of the Dinoerntls partl l the rirlab ao Oulii.. aro l rgently tequlteild to nomeat the Co.urt Ho.. oil Thrdey, August s6k, for the trammeluon of Inl- F. . H IUAo Chairn,• . Ward .- A. ll. Sitflh.0. hIlaLip. W. Ward2-J. 1. uax. (removel freIji waHd.) Waed a--P. ironad, ( esokvad trom ward), a. kRmal. D. A. Ba . Jr.. A. Sr-or, W. a. o. (dreoe.Al 'ani 4Fýlil wstklBB. A. A. mice, . Ward 5--o bt appolsut.O Ward BI-U. 0. Huaria, (rumord friTuI Ward I -S. M. hoyJrnta. vTaeantie whlIh av our r hio I. 1el resparlive wards on IhWl uomllttee. since the last parIJsh eouveftilon Ward 2, P. Trot.rd ; Ward 3. J. F: Box 1 , J. 0. Loian; Ward 5, Urlati Mil]saps; Ward 6, W. H. Anders; WVard 8, A Myao,. .. I'Thisus. 'he Caldilwell Watcmunan hI. thei fol. Lauwg rogerding a well known young ma o this citlly. His rienldi hlere Join lat the well wisters o thu Watch. mana Mr. . P. ltohardson, who has bite clerkltg Ior W. L. WaVoetn & Sonr, e- cured I poailton on the MlsaloksLppl Vlley rIllraid as A1t age.1, Itfro New Orlewns to Motrpeli, aid hba geOn to take charge. We wish him. isarfs't . The west bound alJgh Itrain oun Ith V. S. 1 P. & ,. It, wa. Ie dly wrcked ektweye lhltughin alld rlioaln Tres- lhy night, seven cnrs loaded with gin 'ta'ind', machloory, whiskey allt gB"- oral mIrchandleo being thrown down it onalihkul menl, the eratS hning almost compllotlory decoilshied. Mr. Miller, b'riceasnan,,w seovorly but not dn- gaeroily heurt ad was taken o. Allen's iil irt.uary In Shrevepork. First Bal[e ofl Ltten. the followinu very imrlrnent reh mnins of o1I 1be elta numineral .nr appljl'.tbli tl uil ections (if the cotton bell: it a silralingetbthat phnitlr cannoit see Ihu rijurioui. oalbet of rehorling b all1 kinds of mnthods for til pske of the very doubtful noltortly of liavlueg -be ftrea bale of cttor n I. nmarket. \Vhten by rlyly plaultin, faein the lgrowth adi opcninl. which can be done by dfliercMt pit , lanter l lfchle Ihe doubtful protlnen~e of being ote tlrLt to lave it bale in market, ho gives lhe firal hlpulse to the boarts In U matrket. It l atL once eada that this earLy ball i, hIe Indition11 trat the picking will be early ae d the crop a large one. At al1 evelib it will be used for all that It Is worth by those whost literen it is oe dererasend ause tihe iuatkeot iloopeu low. It al very crtailn that the leuorail trop will tnut le an exlraordIiarIly Iarly oie, indoeed through l very large part of tll best cotton prodluelog oun- try UhKe itdiecatlui lire row for rather A uoaet deplorable acrldent befell Mr. James U. Colvla. of our tIowD "faerLe.y moirunli. I. company with Allen Noellon he left town about 7 o'ctoak In a buggy for Mr. War. Wit- soD's frrm, frl milesl ftmna town, to join several others (orn towtn in ai bird •tuil. At Mr. Jesos McLaiu's panta-: tllo, three a .lLl Ion. town, he gol out of his bggy tlook for some birds I. Mr. Meutil's t id. 4Not fladtn! .my. Ihe returad to lhi btagy, Allen tiNe.Io belog Rome distance off, got Il the buggy ant I turning the hole bi gunt alipped and In filllng one ba. .el was dicharged and the entire con- tent a i d• throug, hl. h left ar- mid- way bltwoe. the lbow alnd shboaldff orlshing ith bone cand icrrihs the flelh rfetaflly. He w•as cserrled to Mr. Me-. Lains, rejdence antd Dirs. Null andt saurence at once summoned, who on arriving found It ectonry 10 ampu- twle thn limb eloer up to the shounilder After the operatlotn was ptrfkormed, Which is said lo have been a very aIInUIt ure, Iho t Te fe .rlery broke lo0 ad cul nout ho aotteu rolid of egain. Dr. Mcormlck was sent for, and the thraee eurcrlied in takiig up the artery, but ralmot Imnroodlato]y afterwards the poor fellow brelthed his lal. iH, boore his misfortiie hero. eicly to the last.-Rf.don &iz CaIU'rs. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. riWihueik kl tea . a u f s-lchool, Steat rosoo . Adr Mi a .. Wnu Ltnll. La. July Mto, l h e-1 eM. Moniroe tenettry- Ini lrio H to tpwo funds to |»t lit al Ian lddit on to tm comut ery For ioriaiations , O e 2S W oodrotwl la tint lleoraed to e1 ,otuJlinra itr th o-Monroe rubic Schoos " or = Ihe on.ttlig lO I tglbtwl S bitoun t tll hatc.. 1wishal etgc tonolioisfor ttB willto chiool, ali twoor three to irh jr Ith olord hoolrt. W n io l nd onae < Itnusl toae t<rir rOf th I wlato Bloole alt tIe itthlrot in or t rftiR0-tlir ty il b. 5 OnfUe , l i it .a. |l tit I li; a 1h le y raih n e l pl• r s i a n ana d urjowai t t in, - "l l Two.h r g t tll Hu 's lIii (lie a tI leorokn eo rt . eaisw . orth ir t i. taci 1r. `ia ba nroiietant Ii mathitiadt- ___tenot il _ _mployed or intri apply- II etiThor p.r1lonl. addre.. by bllr in iraobi ltwen 1 i 0 a ir 5140 i., il . itlb 'lol I it n o M.,i ttuii . I0 Wouud at Mir, ia , , c la m . lt i rtt o, i t I A, I or hntu I. iisaor . Lii., isad I S' on 'Sfti Dist et r i t tei, I l1t t ab ovo IiItitl miiL radn at't, IaVO soizd td ttin ta i Il and ty It tlllH IIt PitO 1i l~lll i I, w l 6 iy r. J o at lie t orili tiiiur t n. |u ti lty 0r Monroe, LI.I. Oil Sjiturdy. 21 'las r of'g1T II I. ti roI awln iis I.rlbu ]i ornplt io S o.. TA Iotii lo t or riund Two i .aIth - elno . rrto, ICA., Icrfttlil ao LliI Vilthll titt., rilur or in asli t| tn i nil l lut iin ni or loes onl tiounld >tr ?t,. AIo tieitlitr 1 t l .NW ADVERTIateffi'rL. e V.&A. oRI , IraCO. _1 VI Aoy A. .l r V. 4' A. MEYER 4 CO., S- iMONROE - STOREIl- Merchantq and Cotton Buyers, No. 8 DeSiard Street. (l'otlen s •rhlg or Shr i•p i lea (on:siqni. rh ti o1 r Net, Ortlnlas Hole e, ars , r s:, •T•., , ii EITC. ---- -- SJ'OTIfN GOODflS Oil AIl, KINDS.- a r soS us a i/t irjiesrntied or e"t'iJ rerwned. *Si a ny. R4LL. , ,i Gractand a , IAourn , £0. July ITT. litis.-]y. ,U.. TIUTTIHDAL1. J. H. TOUstPAfll. TROUSDALE BROTHERS, V. . 13 ThIA4D yWktKK .M; MOfRO, IA. -- IEAAlEll I.N -- FAMILY k" FANCY GROCERIES, FARMING IM•I'L ENTS, ETC. an I/i llhI rPIItIW tAIl. 31 \Mrt&IKTR PRODUWI.. . nly ]7I it.--ly J. G. HEBELER, -A iAornilSiil - -o tail arooriresn, orr-- GlI ICES, CANDIEA, SODA AND MINERAL NWATER8. .3. 1' lesrhiil treet. l .konii, La.. 1UiRE 5f'JtYK cSD 0AND S.1 1'E&'A,'J'Y lIii, ttctlu oLnm l L ioin Lllis , n i. tlid i, t io flnI lt t hi 4 s in nnlty LI nmaulte iI my own o* L:,lIlliohim nt.tm |ala qeior in tuiiitv ty I ii, tm ktnlitlilyillurdT d Ln list siutilB, t|!( 'iIt ,,riaign li r Iliythi~nl III y lIne will rrniMie tirniniik a ttenlt n. ERNEST FUDIOKAR, stloaillk ltvaii nl itilhr';s , - - - - m aharkxn , Xk jti. - - - 4.Ili [N - Choico Family Grooeries, Wines, Liquors, CIGARS, TOBACCO GENERAL ASSORTED MERCHANDISE. i.. I , IT Nd,.-1-I iliw si -.. 'ri irlnMluaneoa ha t ra -for e tlo IntF fr oatli tInllon iNovu•ui1 l ca1 ml l I a r r Toba early Iewtoitrr>s, it Monri,, wit Hii icri (mu. ICing has been In Con- curly a period must be tho retsult of ,',--h i;twr, l IMkll MONROE RAKEiRV Sy +J. ro hoooulI .i..t t.,nm a a g,. iil yearly a ppropratlonalit have artilel i manpulat.Ion and .nnolt be a u . the t IaTl .ra l o .cru.rt '. . I arrl lly i t >u , n itilli tlm~i.;tt[TriL. Tir; boon n ade wllii, T slorianboald r n ai t aen ak prtie e of i earlys• - h l' . ral ll l'o1;' Wil..r. W idt WnI. . Ml EiIn E , - . - - - . Proprietory. skave now o11 fcl rsny, :nlertn e ' Willr tLll ytru, h n r IIf qirlun . i Also Ia llel irourim N,. 4-3. .ll n SIo)d , nJL ir'Nblitu. .'1lN t t. iA. r,1ll will ,,r Iavt a .ompras'' s,,, frittered away upon tit river hero A tIhe sal e.heo wever, Itnlol' Ie t hlAei 1 h ;, ai >li,. c1 ,ill ill-r..,lull t l . ihe 11 iot"ir. !. llauM tf M . h a. I ~- ird e ac;;ally d'lity lore 'lara - lan ds li e nrie, f tho lo l tton e n i nl v n-o.ai rc h ll t W"k f relio l In . . o h I, re .. 'rhi. . .. .. 'et 'ne etwt,.,o all sl4 :ii t Val .. tI. tlei], kept him, fI'or istd ut ... er. R O BCR T.o" Unit. 1'. 0. Ulitnto' rtctur' l -tim We woirti say ti> rhie lolipto of ho the aiort clock on hannl, tiae hnticipn- n Notarl." "ittmk ' 1 (tit , Ha veriN i I _ fri Irnuutl, .'nmnui, teliiy 'lly cLot Judi mlui r hearl ion of lly rlking will Ilathen out u 1 llh l Fancy Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, ilu r.,,,e •+,te ,,W , h t .. , tnlg , l ,,,la ,tul tr,,d ,in ,he ttnro'men ofwilt c,,n be Ie, , I . 1 .. N) i a., te, I lj Fruits, Confections, etc, ltl lia f, nily and ici d, l is9 yet fri lire river Init lim dipthin if euli -owing tie a.... , ,,Iio, ,,, m r c s, , ,1 .l.. (,,or liit rIml or tile. river I t "urt t ,hal sie GRO ER D GOO S EMPORIUM ! lewiltnror, - in of tit maitc OW- K SA ENMALL PROFITS! an,,le.tlilllleist, h.i-sl. i.e 'a tove If 'it iUIc sent , rul f tieK SAItEI S! SMA1'. (PRO14US IIla n ipr f nC 'urruin i- r .al- lie ha1 mn ad a tl ep study o n piaotrs I kh follnn . iellin i le itreatr oitrw-ll" n hring IWilr rgoo i .11 il hH. ]iobcl 11ti .Iit will bu rentbtbrild menlratudoptll by tlmptin W. J. Mn u, At the i ollI-KnoIwn andit ll I , iong-Estaiblit ' i ed Standi of ol " ier an i Irt.ah Tn, d i|~i eo, ciltth nWbiut a yIearirgn liIT wne tho audr r ',rrtnte. b h W . a. r ,, ,o,. M.t.i... At the W,0 Stand of Miunron thi we . ek. :ita f I.i e op"e if lie v t hii y i in t hia Clali on I sappoled o irlu d ahir atIl Mr,. 1. k, . 1 li., i t Io lui -l ti . liort- 1I- a tr ht by tlalhe bite i a ' i i thte i I it- Mis. Judge It. W. fi-Ir,ihriirn in'r int ofli uri 3eo witl, favor hi.' ,,,- mt Q it diio c *reass, t o 11 Jet - •It" ....... Tud0, I.", .. .. G Io La, I c ,I t hti Co rs 1 ll-, li..t i - " "I l'r U-.ir own [ ,icu ri d l a d i leltia Ihek i tu.-lvt:eli>A , en. Th~obai sml Dr~. !. . .1 l , It er l h y f av org J u "y' we diTerina deaod ni, en- No. 27 and 29 DeSiard St., Monroe, La. T lJtt|u. were i I town "t .rilo*- rI tin tdllH y [t r CIeIiigrt Iia t ens. . i we ith• very sa.litil whil pifm . p- i willeoi .I uIn~, and likes greully. We had it'- iplevatio f inirlt;nIg I)r. -JorinuillIt.Tiut*,. oin lea nd in 5000 seralclil .f ttnd the Brooks of Foilk, vi, in r,, T a rI I pimple ,ilcharges a thin yellow nultter B.....day .r. .I(l ti", t. P. Mo,.e baa je.•ied rn ,, Ior , nut p ori .ROC.R DR Y GOODS EMPORIUM da~y- *' elieulu tonal Culri ,it the I borti 11uller, mcu,,. tli nit.d i.trd tu Iho siz IT I. SS CR0 CT ERDVGOD LV I IiORHE LBOSS GMRI. henry linI haI r.d.i.nest ." li 1,i . etrorrut»e at il uwceded by Jilge a mnitnt. shoul B hatl . a BARGAINS, YOU BET! LOWEST PRICES YET Sn rirngR. I. it in I Ii w 'ivu kl t RjOii lk , wiru i alcso proprietor of lile w ilt incs, imrBtc- int h ua l centre of lihntll a. l H.iritAl'. I. e ,oal. We e ot.oaId Ioarthing i.r e rt' I ti trl d a ., i' o BAE YnllOTC i Judrge A. A. ;.t, .l .In ,1 2 .. it,,t,. itai, l..nImnl welcome to Jtidge J ". . uine A .i . auhefate d .i.t.. 1 i2rtk i onft li.ping tie Ntrli Inld tismtu ltrE!P alill., (ipi r ipe l'istumpion of hciricuil, Laomniunin. fi-ulnoeng themn uo wIith . f alrng. botlevitiig [tint lt will gracm it ls lie baiimges anl remind ru i vfaen as "'On-c intlre UltII lll' bli iclt, dleilt'i'itit , 1111ni'1 illi] - I tin ; o. l nillt ; Itea r)y aind lla Capt. . 11. 111 i Cu 'll-, I n III IT' l reaty gr-icul is,. bncit and hatos I two b te , l i' ,. F i er as lit I at. t town tie first of ttr wi> i rvIl. i t a r f k tw21 0 1u us . iv on e l or Groceries taid. Dry Goods, *l*i -l fr 1Ih t, i.ol t-ink l tH t k l1 Wi tl rleI Ito..0n-. John urdo.k, ... r ' arind o - i I; u i ' k dn t l * n 110 t f ii t - i:: r lI I V l iidI Il shiver the feelOgrapl ilt a.ppl ris ltl vtiit I ik to r,-cat Iie k eurnhing wit' ilo Iot <t'ill i lt l-gal i it'lkll1'r. nlr uta y. IIr..Mu.tri,,,, ,..d W% rigrt to annis1T*, %1 ,tire . l i ke.i trtl.-i us very agrenIly by hio 0. niTlTrk i * i alol Il ll me Dil'ly Shaievtin Jiiuran l. I nl ,r| 0, Thoinpo, tniaer Gof tI t t all td pucnnn runnur. 'I wh.k a wkelnrIn-.dl ,.,,lo.r.,lgvgior County ber.icroy, wa toun dead Mn y prices mueet mni deial! I. .hi- ionei . The Journal Cqimany elv iad i thI WIlo lrtii nur in SNet w-* lio. IT . T . H llfIt l-.,i., 0 .i l , ioww, er, publlii i wacky Iend V1oek' city on tle morning of h aIt 2thi I ain w idUe ail ake, Moiro lie firs I ii wetk. I r . . I in;, IIu wairily 7 years Ild, ibut Wa i .- . * , PellieralaI voryrr-.,ly,. " y a'irn in (liota . poli;,m i ,ican l a w r AIVTtti * l wqttt terfo Iv molt i- It T .r >tk noir -, .,.ri t 3li..... kl ..-.... I o" iToII T. lit was oncer a inetintrr ii\ ,11.,. Fl 1, It, I'' ''I' ttrmny E withdlrw It.in IIns i I. . r. r G.t... cI t FrIov l. .T1 'I 1. i [ 1 i- .t Tk ilT .ll bol t ti1scJ tit salt it In y 1" i *t lTo bo. hItiif il t . J't*iir * -, .. Pr coin.i `6 1 L4.-t j aorl lb- hft tyiii I Ji li.., -1aeI RtE 'IR - I. N.E LSO N 'S.

Transcript of Ouachita telegraph (Monroe, La. : 1865) (Monroe) 1886-07-31 [p ] · 2017. 12. 12. · y raih n i e...

Page 1: Ouachita telegraph (Monroe, La. : 1865) (Monroe) 1886-07-31 [p ] · 2017. 12. 12. · y raih n i e a r n l pl• ana s d urjowai t t in , - "l leorokn l g eo Two.h . rt r eaisw t

Ohlelal Journal ot the Cit3 o rMonroe.


Blusineos conthoues dull.

Rev. WVma. Elwag w "il pr1ie atlin Presbyterian church to morro,.-

fea.d Judge Ganby's adildresa on thefiral page of this paper.

CInail erabl aickness 'f. i nom'trialtype i prevailing in itwn.o

Theo opinanti scems it lie gainttiniprountei (ht Gov. McEncry will nothe a c kndidato for ro-nomiistiko",.

A conmuniictllon from ITUnitton fallsunder I III ban ol proeriptrlo t baertiuseit war nri aceoTnmpanild by the author's

Dr. M. I. liownvat hied at iir resiedeice ikusc Iogluwa, .hi purih, yea..lenhay 'imirtin mllt 4 o'clowk ?ind wesburiedtil ynlerdny .evenii,

A Eiil'deor inool .imJ.il:- for rise hfartccu~rredl in the river nl tImit poutI intii

r. It. I,", a ,,"!tTlth .gitpo r kning yI-, .l..by afleironWaS a fq'td 0 illeism

MrW .t. L, nurbin, tniler ol. Iranelation nA f ihe V, S. & 1'. antI V AT

bi. rmllrndel, uis "nin a is resiggn.lin. lo Aine Supirintinldentl Bon.al TO-akeTo 'lil lt-uenhrrow, AIugust 1st,

liantnal, mged soi aV years, tirlinl Ititneilr of Mr. T. Wrd, l'd a't hinr,9ldiuiico bell,,w aosn Tuo iy light

i .Wh burriedi' Ii Ike ol coEirr.11 .W,11aki ni g.

ith Teineriplht ,,xlenda IE his yflh~tsiei ut. Mi. Witsl Mit, -tk muE Ktlin Irther InRs of thmir iaugiitlir Jlerji bl wirtdoeIr 11ýt Thurol"y evrnin, -i 1

I'elack, mrie wal i lir t lirjifiy:, r

i'he int-mI t,,ii pliiae yeitorliry tryirnr

wVlk ..nI Iir I .r.. r- I.. ,TkIirastoN.,hneaireol Wiprtogrrsingf.v'nrilty, Tie Irain, work of wiri

1iml7o No. I,Ita ai wnll (Mral i, .coli-.|ilti1 nar IIIt hulgo oulchiiiEry isin'iig pitlttal in [ritiitmi nt fuel ui the

lanmnliinr tf nuci il y11 lity1 - of rrollwill IlIttit .

t ... L lit_ .ute Patidnl rg Cottiii rdind Li.ni*ttf<if titn ma 9iItyil: "Tho LIw slat r IhI:myl' IrlilhtulonTew, in O1 ul&c.it;i1

river, i to ber a clipper. rih will probtly Ibe built by ilf-kjI <r lrinugl on:i,? Mnontiralb, ahe will b .r

I:o ieuin, live fLt _cld, wl.. t . rn ...

iower iI etrnompos with llut' .skIa.

lBrothir MIhnngiui I the la!tl[3klllicaetsn, whiu is-H over here inst week

Cii t havtoe b.een k truck"' will' tiehEw rdier of Iinng(4 InI M'tiuro. illgial courIS of ann artlcl, en li 4 iTI he

liBae Ball,lutmer boasts of a base ball club

Icallt The Raeblk the membera ohilch, excepting two, are nd. 20

years of age, yet thdy claim the ,, am-pionslhip of that parsh., Perhape thejinior club of Mnroro might get .game tiflh themi,.

At the base ball iArk last Wednesday thoe U•n Tiar of (•lnorn l and e.Mir'a uf thin city crwaed lags, andthe Uniiihon' were atimul co.implslc ly

trabt oul, t ie scro slandi•i to a Ih1fiavor of the Miro's, Ith Bon To.n be.ilg whitewitahed tix oat of niun in.:in.ga and the Miro'sa playinbg only

Seighti ilnings. The lMir club la thejuntor tinae-or rtller ise 'a.eondnine" Iof tihe Mblroere n Ball Club

LUp to Zast Monday the Detroit clubheld the Irad for the aae ailt leagu

Iropity, having wo 1T gal• er amd lostI i Unleago is setonred with 4I0 ganeswun anil 15 galie lost. I. Ithe Aiso-elation Lcaguo lie rov wI of St. Louishave Ii. lead, having won 52 za.nisanId lsIt orm •

The Monrie Baso .all Clun, and theMir's will ploy th Prark Mondayuevrinit, tl. litory tf he art inbeI/ig barred. WT. uideretnnl iheyly for a pierea, of e.

we are Informeid thai the Otlbtaland-lub will come dolwn o play thu M•iruo'

beotwen l tl3th ansd 1Ith of August.

iro. ,BAo utley f tITL DiljnaldIonvile.Cie-f sayiing tlat ItI LIe i. f Dermodtlnlonrillocli Utplay Viearburg, Auist

1, L anil id wi. l Came on t. i Vot mro ..on tlui l.i and play buIe s our local.hais batllts rnay arrnn.e. We ore

,amtured that uIe treas are a g.oda tuamind vll viT of ci o spert may aitlciali

sotI,- flu pliayIng. We want to seeour visiling frienda we 'iead ty alIare turn erot at the iPark.

Tile lveyri of bus. liE I ahiould fortverithank Copi. riIeus fr Ilioe ilortoe lie

FiLE made to hlvre acm., ititercatingsIlyiniI here IhiSiilglnaJ, Lie hts scant

reiiarklially siersfr|l aml we expecttu. 9e1 Maunroe in lee leogme 1x y.ear

IH...provcnct of thuniatellitk.

If there is oOe 'Wgilics, more thanatnoltLer, that inh pMopti of lheOua-'chilEi V.l ty are IntercetEld it, it 1I theiInIpriverrtt of thi i.avIghtiok' or iheOt(Aahita linvr.

Last ietirudy hruugh boals tro n

Nuw a Orienn were ianpetlteJ and othnt lay or ,t Auy or two forwitainrds

Wrritht over Ihe Vik'harl Irtbr veporlt

i".d Picld Jclionlcaybo Wit, vcee veral

Wi of thye Vnal'y wait river nabvig -lfo0i amEd ciumpetitiomi willt tthe railroad!i I(isyoer round and irn'st have ir.

Onils 'wy to got itis to have a reprcoscaalrive 'i Colgres. who knows theiportlace of tus measure to the

people of the Valley and who baa tieinflueneeiand abililylo iInduce Coegrtsaito, ioij10rloto It a1u1 of money large

74ettbr of the Exeeitite CooinaiiteF.

The ParidE xectnive ConhlnIe ofthe Dinoerntls partl l the rirlab aoOulii.. aro l rgently tequlteild tonomeat the Co.urt Ho.. oil Thrdey,

August s6k, for the trammeluon of Inl-

F. . H IUAo Chairn,• .

Ward .-A. ll. Sitflh.0. hIlaLip. W.

Ward2-J. 1. uax. (removel freIji waHd.)Waed a--P. ironad, ( esokvad trom

ward), a. kRmal. D. A. Ba . Jr.. A.Sr-or, W. a. o. (dreoe.Al'ani 4Fýlil wstklBB. A. A. mice, .Ward 5--o bt appolsut.O

Ward BI-U. 0. Huaria, (rumord friTuI

Ward I -S. M. hoyJrnta.

vTaeantie whlIh av our r hio I. 1elresparlive wards on IhWl uomllttee.since the last parIJsh eouveftilon

Ward 2, P. Trot.rd ; Ward 3. J. F:Box1 , J. 0. Loian; Ward 5, UrlatiMil]saps; Ward 6, W. H. Anders;WVard 8, A Myao,.

.. I'Thisus.

'he Caldilwell Watcmunan hI. thei fol.Lauwg rogerding a well known young

ma o this citlly. His rienldi hlereJoin lat the well wisters o thu Watch.mana

Mr. . P. ltohardson, who has biteclerkltg Ior W. L. WaVoetn & Sonr, e-cured I poailton on the MlsaloksLpplVlley rIllraid as A1t age.1, ItfroNew Orlewns to Motrpeli, aid hbageOn to take charge. We wish him.isarfs't .

The west bound alJgh Itrain oun IthV. S. 1 P. & ,. It, wa. Ie dly wrckedektweye lhltughin alld rlioaln Tres-lhy night, seven cnrs loaded with gin

'ta'ind', machloory, whiskey allt gB"-oral mIrchandleo being thrown downit onalihkul menl, the eratS hning almostcompllotlory decoilshied. Mr. Miller,b'riceasnan,,w seovorly but not dn-gaeroily heurt ad was taken o. Allen'siil irt.uary In Shrevepork.

First Bal[e ofl Ltten.

the followinu very imrlrnent reh

mnins of o1I 1be elta numineral .nrappljl'.tbli tl uil ections (if the cottonbell:

it a silralingetbthat phnitlr cannoit seeIhu rijurioui. oalbet of rehorling b all1

kinds of mnthods for til pske of thevery doubtful noltortly of liavlueg -beftrea bale of cttor n I. nmarket. \Vhtenby rlyly plaultin, faein the lgrowthadi opcninl. which can be done by

dfliercMt pit , lanter l lfchleIhe doubtful protlnen~e of being otetlrLt to lave it bale in market, ho giveslhe firal hlpulse to the boarts In Umatrket. It l atL once eada that thisearLy ball i, hIe Indition11 trat thepicking will be early ae d the crop alarge one. At al1 evelib it will beused for all that It Is worth by thosewhost literen it is oe dererasendause tihe iuatkeot iloopeu low.It al very crtailn that the leuorail

trop will tnut le an exlraordIiarIlyIarly oie, indoeed through l very large

part of tll best cotton prodluelog oun-try UhKe itdiecatlui lire row for rather

A uoaet deplorable acrldent befellMr. James U. Colvla. of our tIowD

"faerLe.y moirunli. I. company withAllen Noellon he left town about 7o'ctoak In a buggy for Mr. War. Wit-soD's frrm, frl milesl ftmna town, tojoin several others (orn towtn in ai bird•tuil. At Mr. Jesos McLaiu's panta-:tllo, three a .lLl Ion. town, he golout of his bggy tlook for some birdsI. Mr. Meutil's t id. 4Not fladtn!.my. Ihe returad to lhi btagy, AllentiNe.Io belog Rome distance off, got Ilthe buggy ant I turning the holebi gunt alipped and In filllng one ba..el was dicharged and the entire con-tent a i d• throug, hl. h left ar- mid-way bltwoe. the lbow alnd shboaldfforlshing ith bone cand icrrihs the flelhrfetaflly. He w•as cserrled to Mr. Me-.Lains, rejdence antd Dirs. Null andt

saurence at once summoned, who onarriving found It ectonry 10 ampu-twle thn limb eloer up to the shounilderAfter the operatlotn was ptrfkormed,Which is said lo have been a veryaIInUIt ure, Iho t Te fe .rlery broke

lo0 ad cul nout ho aotteu rolid ofegain. Dr. Mcormlck was sent for,and the thraee eurcrlied in takiig upthe artery, but ralmot Imnroodlato]yafterwards the poor fellow brelthedhis lal. iH, boore his misfortiie hero.eicly to the last.-Rf.don &iz CaIU'rs.


riWihueik kl tea .a u f s-lchool, Steatrosoo . Adr Mi a .. WnuLtnll. La.

July Mto, l h e-1 eM.

Moniroe tenettry-Ini lrio H to tpwo funds to |»t lit al Ian

lddit on to tm comut ery For ioriaiations

, O e 2S W oodrotwl

la tint lleoraed to e1 ,otuJlinra itrth o-Monroe rubic Schoos " or = Ihe on.ttlig

lO I • tglbtwl S bitoun t tll hatc..1wishal etgc tonolioisfor ttB willto chiool,

ali twoor three to irh jr Ith olordhoolrt. W n io l nd onae < Itnusl toae t<rirrOf th I wlato Bloole alt tIe itthlrot in

or t rftiR0-tlir ty il b. 5

OnfUe , l i it .a. |l tit I li; a 1h ley raih n e l pl• r s i a n ana d urjowai t t in , -

"l l Two.h r g t tll Hu 's lIii (lie a tIleorokn eo rt . eaisw . orth ir t i.taci 1r. `ia ba nroiietant Ii mathitiadt-___tenot il _ _mployed or intri apply-

II etiThor p.r1lonl. addre.. by bllrin iraobi ltwen 1 i 0 a ir 5140 i., il .

itlb 'lol I it n o M.,i ttuii .I0 Wouud at Mir, ia ,

, c la m .lt i rtt o, i t I A, Ior hntu I. iisaor . Lii., isad I

S' on 'Sfti Dist et r i t tei, I

l1t t ab ovo Ii Ititl miiL radn at't,IaVO soizd td ttin ta i Il

and ty It tlllH IIt PitO 1i l~lll i I, w l 6

iy r. J o at lie t orili tiiiur t n. |u tilty 0r Monroe, LI.I. Oil

Sjiturdy. 21 'las r of'g1T II I.ti roI awln iis I.rlbu ]i ornplt io S o..

TA Iotii lo t or riund Two i .aIth - elno .

rrto, ICA., Icrfttlil ao LliI Vilthll titt., rilur orin asli t| tn i nil l lut iin ni orloes onl tiounld >tr ?t,. AIo tieitlitr 1 t l

.NW ADVERTIateffi'rL.

e V.&A. oRI , IraCO. _1 VI Aoy A. .l r


Merchantq and Cotton Buyers,No. 8 DeSiard Street.

(l'otlen s •rhlg or Shr i•p i lea (on:siqni. rh ti o1 r Net, Ortlnlas Hole e,

ars , r s:, •T•., , ii EITC.----


a r soS us a i/t irjiesrntied or e"t'iJ rerwned. *Si

a ny. R4LL. , ,i Gractand a , IAourn , £0.July ITT. litis.-]y.



-- IEAAlEll I.N --


anI/i llhI rPIItIW tAIl. 31 \Mrt&IKTR PRODUWI..

. nly ]7I it.--ly

J. G. HEBELER,-A iAornilSiil -

-o tail arooriresn, orr--

GlI ICES, CANDIEA, SODA AND MINERAL NWATER8..3. 1' lesrhiil treet. l .konii, La..

1UiRE 5f'JtYK cSD 0AND S.1 1'E&'A,'J'Y

lIii, ttctlu oLnm l L ioin Lllis , n i. tlid i, t io flnI lt t hi 4 s in nnlty LI nmaulte iI my owno* L:,lIlliohim nt.tm |ala qeior in tuiiitv ty I ii, tm ktnlitlilyillurdT d Ln list siutilB,t|!( 'iIt ,,riaign li r Iliythi~nl III y lIne will rrniMie tirniniik a ttenlt n.

ERNEST FUDIOKAR,stloaillk ltvaii nl itilhr';s , - - - - m aharkxn , Xk jti.

- - - 4.Ili [N -

Choico Family Grooeries, Wines, Liquors,CIGARS, TOBACCO


iliw si -.. 'ri irlnMluaneoa ha t ra -for e tlo IntF fr oatli tInllon iNovu•ui1 l ca1 ml l Ia

r r Toba


Iewtoitrr>s, it Monri,, wit Hii icri (mu. ICing has been In Con- curly a period must be tho retsult of ,',--h i;twr, l IMkll MONROE RAKEiRVS y +J. ro hoooulI .i..t t.,nm a a g,. iil yearly a ppropratlonalit have artilel i manpulat.Ion and .nnolt be a u .the t IaTl .ra l o .cru.rt '. .I arrl

lly i t >u , n itilli tlm~i.;tt[TriL. Tir; boon n ade wllii, T • • slorianboald r n ai t aen ak aý prtie e of i earlys• -h l' . ral ll l'o1;' Wil..r. W idt WnI. . Ml EiIn E , - . - - - . Proprietory.skave now o11 fcl rsny, :nlertn e ' Willr tLll ytru, h n r IIf qirlun . i Also Ia llel irourim N,. 4-3. .ll n SIo)d , nJL ir'Nblitu. .'1lN t t. iA.

r,1ll will ,,r Iavt a .ompras'' s,,, frittered away upon tit river hero A tIhe sal e.heo wever, Itnlol' Ie t hlAei 1

h ;, ai >li,. c1 ,ill ill-r..,lull t l .ihe 11 iot"ir. !. llauM tf

M . h a. I ~- ird e ac;;ally d'lity lore 'lara - lan ds li e nrie, f tho lo l tton e n i nl v n-o.ai rc h ll t W"k f relio l In . . oh I, re ..'rhi. . .. .. 'et 'ne etwt,.,o all sl4 :ii t Val .. tI. tlei], kept him, fI'or istd ut ...er. R O BCR T.o"Unit. 1'. 0. Ulitnto' rtctur' l -tim We woirti say ti> rhie lolipto of ho the aiort clock on hannl, tiae hnticipn- n Notarl." "ittmk ' 1 (tit , Ha veriN i I _

fri Irnuutl, .'nmnui, teliiy 'lly cLot Judi mlui r hearl ion of lly rlking will Ilathen out u 1 llh l Fancy Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars,ilu r.,,,e •+,te ,,W , h t .. , tnlg , l ,,,la ,tul tr,,d ,in ,he ttnro'men ofwilt c,,n • be Ie, , I . 1 .. N) i a., te, I lj Fruits, Confections, etc,

ltl lia f, nily and ici d, l is9 yet fri lire river Init lim • dipthin if euli-owing tie a.... , ,,Iio, ,,, m r c s, , ,1 .l.. (,,or liit rIml or tile. river I t "urt t ,hal sie GRO ER D GOO S EMPORIUM !lewiltnror, - in of tit maitc OW- K SA ENMALL PROFITS!

an,,le.tlilllleist, h.i-sl. i.e 'a tove If 'it iUIc sent , rul f tieK SAItEI S! SMA1'. (PRO14USIIla n ipr f nC 'urruin i- r .al- lie ha1 mn ad a tl ep study o n piaotrs I kh follnn . iellin i le itreatr

oitrw-ll" n hring IWilr rgoo i .11 il hH. ]iobcl 11ti .Iit will bu rentbtbrild menlratudoptll by tlmptin W. J. Mn u, At the i ollI-KnoIwn andit ll I , iong-Estaiblit ' i ed Standi ofol " ier an i Irt.ah Tn, d i|~i eo, ciltth nWbiut a yIearirgn liIT wne tho audr r ',rrtnte. b h W .

a. r ,, ,o,. M.t.i... At the W,0 Stand of

Miunron thi we . ek. :ita f I.i e op"e if lie v t hii y i in t hia Clali on I sappoled o irlu dahir atIl Mr,. 1. k, . 1 li., i t Io lui -l ti .liort- 1I- a tr ht by tlalhe bite i a ' i i thte i I it-

Mis. Judge It. W. fi-Ir,ihriirn in'r int ofli uri 3eo witl, favor hi.' ,,,- mt Q it diio c *reass, t o11 Jet -

•It" ....... Tud0, I.", .. .. G Io La, I c ,I t htiCo rs 1 ll-, li..t i - " "I l'r U-.ir own [ ,icu ri d l a d i leltia Ihek i tu.-lvt:eli>A ,en. Th~obai sml Dr~. !. ..1l

, It erl hy favorg Ju "y' we diTerina deaod ni, en- No. 27 and 29 DeSiard St., Monroe, La.T lJtt|u. were i I town "t .rilo*- rI tin tdllH y [t r CIeIiigrt Iia t ens. . i we ith• very sa.litil whil • pifm

.p- i willeo i .I uIn~, and likes greully.We had it'- iplevatio f inirlt;nIg I)r. -JorinuillIt.Tiut*,. oin lea nd in 5000 seralclil .f ttnd the

Brooks of Foilk, vi, in r,, T a rI I pimple ,ilcharges a thin yellow nultterB.....day .r. .I(l ti", t. P. Mo,.e baa je.•ied rn ,, Ior , nut p ori .ROC.R DR Y GOODS EMPORIUMda~y- *' elieulu tonal Culri ,it the I borti 11uller, mcu,,. tli nit.d i.trd tu Iho siz IT I. SS CR0 CT ERDVGOD LV I IiORHE LBOSS GMRI.

henry linI haI r.d.i.nest ." li 1,i . etrorrut»e at il uwceded by Jilge a mnitnt. shoul B hatl . a BARGAINS, YOU BET! LOWEST PRICES YETSn rirngR. I. it in I Ii w 'ivu kl t RjOii lk , wiru i alcso proprietor of lile w ilt incs, imrBtc- int h ua l centre of

lihntll a. l H.iritAl'. I. e ,oal. We e ot.oaId Ioarthing i.r e rt' I ti trl d a ., i' o BAE YnllOTC i

Judrge A. A. ;.t, .l .In ,1 2 .. it,,t,. itai, l..nImnl welcome to Jtidge J ". . uine A .i . auhefate d .i.t.. 1 i2rtk i onftli.ping tie Ntrli Inld tismtu ltrE!P alill., (ipi r ipe l'istumpion of hciricuil, Laomniunin. fi-ulnoeng themn uo wIith . falrng. botlevitiig [tint lt will gracm it ls lie baiimges anl remind ru i vfaen as "'On-c intlre UltII lll' bli iclt, dleilt'i'itit , 1111ni'1 illi] - I tin ; o. l nillt ; Itea r)y aind lla

Capt. . 11. 111 i Cu 'll-, I n III IT' l reaty gr-icul is,. bncit and hatos I two b te , l i' ,. F i er as lit I at. ttown tie first of ttr wi> i rvIl. i t a r f k tw21 0 1u us .iv on e l or Groceries taid. Dry Goods, *l*i -l fr 1Ih t, i.ol t-ink l tH t k l1 Wi tl rleI

Ito..0n-. John urdo.k, ... r ' arind o - i I; u i ' k dn t l * n 110 t f ii t - i:: r lI I V l iidI Il shiver

the feelOgrapl ilt a.ppl ris ltl vtiit I ik to r,-cat Iie k eurnhing wit' ilo Iot <t'ill i lt l-gal i it'lkll1'r.

nlr uta y. IIr..Mu.tri,,,, ,..d W% rigrt to annis1T*, %1 ,tire . l i ke.i trtl.-i

us very agrenIly by hio 0. niTlTrk i *ialol Il

l lme Dil'ly Shaievtin Jiiuran l. I nl ,r| 0, Thoinpo, tniaer Gof tI t t all

td pucnnn runnur. 'I wh.k a wkelnrIn-.dl ,.,,lo.r.,lgvgior County ber.icroy, wa toun dead Mn y prices mueet mni deial!I. .hi- ionei . The Journal Cqimany elv iad i thI WIlo lrtii nur in SNet w-*

lio. IT .T .H llfIt l-.,i., 0 .i l , ioww, er, publlii i wacky Iend V1oek' city on tle morning of h aIt 2thi I ain w idUe ail ake,Moiro lie firs I ii wetk. I r . . I in;, IIu wairily 7 years Ild, ibut Wa i .- . * ,PellieralaI voryrr-.,ly,. " y a'irn in (liota .poli;,m i ,ican l a w r AIVTtti * l wqttt terfo

Iv molt i- It T .r >tk noir -, .,.ri t 3li..... kl ..-....I o" iToII T. lit was oncer a inetintrr ii\

,11.,. Fl 1, It, I'' ''I' ttrmny E withdlrw It.in IIns i I. . r. r G.t... cI tFrIov l. .T1 'I 1. i [ 1 i- .t Tk ilT .ll bol t ti1scJ tit salt it In y 1" i *t lTo bo. hItiif il t . J't*iir * -, ..Pr coin.i `6 1 L4.-t j aorl lb- hft tyiii I Ji li.., -1aeI RtE 'IR - I. N.E LSO N 'S.