Ottomas Family Values: Two

Ottomas Family Values Two: “Now he has girl germs!”

Transcript of Ottomas Family Values: Two

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Ottomas Family Values

Two: “Now he has girl germs!”

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Last time...

Samantha Ottomas got divorced and decided to start herself a new family – she would never be lonely if she had twenty-six kids! She promptly got started and had Annabelle with a townie named Juan. Then she had Buttercup with Jason Menon. She then fell pregnant with the baby of Joe Graham, and proposed to Jason. They got married, and baby boy Cinna was born. He also grew into a toddler at the end of the last chapter, and Samantha got knocked up with baby D by Neil Chalmers.

On with the chapter!

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Samantha was always on the look out for fathers, and decided that her fifth baby would belong to Cyd. Of course, she hadn't given birth to the fourth yet, but there was nothing wrong with having plans.

“I just felt the baby kick!”

“Uh huh. And who is the father of that one?”

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Pretty soon, Samantha went into labour with her fourth child. No matter how many times Samantha went through this, it hurt every time.

And every time, Jason was at work.

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Samantha gave birth to a baby girl, named Darcy, who at first glance seem to take after her father more than Samantha.

Only time could tell that, though.

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It was also decided that Cinna was cute, in his own way. He took after both his parents in a more obvious way than in his siblings.

He was an interesting child, and like his older siblings, Cinna enjoyed dancing to the radio.

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Buttercup, instead of dancing and spending time inside, found lots of things to do outside. Such as swinging, hunting butterflies and using the telescope.

This had its downsides, though.

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“It's a little chilly out!”

With the season being late winter, it was just too cold for any child to spend excessive amounts of time in the garden. Buttercup was sent to her room to warm up, which she did.

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Just in time for another birthday. This time it was a triple birthday, shared between Annabelle, Cinna and Darcy.

Annabelle went first, because she was the oldest.

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Annabelle grew up to be very pretty in a unique way – she had qualities from both her parents.

She rolled fortune, with the lifetime want of becoming the Law.

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Annabelle had the duty of bringing Cinna to his birthday cake while Samantha took Darcy to hers, as Jason wasn't due home for a few hours.

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Cinna grew into a pretty cool young man-

“I'm not 'pretty cool'. I'm awesome!”

- who was bound to keep Buttercup company now that Annabelle was too old.

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Darcy was almost completely like her Dad when it came to appearances, she even had his nose – making her the first of Samantha's brood not to have her nose.

Darcy ended up being the shyest of her siblings with a personality of 6/1/5/5/8

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A few nights later when the winter was over and the evenings were starting to turn warm again, Samantha had started showing signs of another pregnancy, Annabelle had a few moments alone.

She used the time to her advantage, and called the Matchmaker to find her a boyfriend.

“Fingers crossed for a cute one!”

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Annabelle's date was a boy named Orlando, who she find out she liked, and the pair of them decided to spend some together on the deck at the back of the house.

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“Why is Annabelle allowed friends over this late?” Buttercup demanded – she was watching the young couple from the bridge with Cinna.

Cinna laughed, “They're holding hands! Now he has girl germs.”

“Girls don't have germs, stupid.”

“I think they spotted us!” Cinna said, hurriedly.

“Duck!” Buttercup exclaimed.

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“Do you think they saw us?” Buttercup asked, in a whisper.

“I hope not,” Cinna glanced at the deck, “they're not even looking this way.”

“Oh! That's good!” Buttercup grinned.

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“If that's what happens when you grow up, I hope I never grow up.” Cinna told Buttercup, who nodded in agreement.

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“Ugh, Cinna, you're right! Let's never grow up!”

Neither of them realised that Annabelle knew they were there, and was grossing them out on purpose.

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Once Orlando had left, Annabelle started stargazing as her younger brother and sister wandered inside, bored of watching.

Some alone-time, mission success.

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Darcy wasn't unlike her siblings in her enthusiasm for dancing, but she danced in a very different way.

A very scary glitchy way.

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While the kids mostly get along, there are a few upsets. Mostly between Buttercup and Cinna – they usually get along, but it only takes one game of rock, paper, scissors to go sour and they're teasing each other again.

Like many brothers and sisters.

“Ha ha, Mum married my Dad and never phoned yours back!”

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Pretty soon, Darcy grew into a child. Samantha and Jason agreed it was time to call the head master and get the kids into a private school.

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Of course, Samantha went into labour when the house was full of people and with the headmaster, Korey, who she decided was going to be the next baby father.

“Is this where babies come from?” Darcy asked.

“I should be worried, but I'm smiling about it!” Annabelle answered.

Samantha gave birth to a boy, who was named Edgar – whose picture has gone mysteriously missing.

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Buttercup grew up that night as well, and she appeared to have taken more of her father's genes than originally thought.

“Annabelle, why didn't you tell me how cool this is?”

She rolled knowledge, with a lifetime want of becoming the Hand of Poseidon.

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Big families mean there was always company for the kids. The four eldest kids decided to spend the weekend together while Jason was at work and Samantha got knocked up by Korey Jitmakusal (the headmaster).

“So I said to Orlando-” Annabelle laughed.

“Are you going to talk about Orlando all day?” Cinna asked, bored.

“Yes, she is,” Buttercup answered, “but I want to hear the details, so shut up. I'm very interested in dating all of a sudden.”

“Come on, Darcy, let's go fishing. It's boring, but it's more entertaining than Orlando.”

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It didn't take long for fishing to go wrong, either.

“Ouch!” Darcy cried, “Who was stupid enough to suggest fishing?”

Cinna ignored Darcy's question - he was having much more luck at not falling down, but he hadn't managed to catch a fish.

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“Look guys, I caught a fish!” Darcy exclaimed, cheerfully, “Whoever said we should go fishing had the greatest idea ever!”

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Later that day, Samantha returned home, after managing to go to work for one day.

“Look, family! I went to work, and I'm not pregnant! A rare sight!”

Jason paused behind her, “Honey, you are pregnant. It's just not showing yet...”

“Shh! Let me have this golden moment!”

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Later on, the ignored baby Edgar grew into a toddler, which meant he was old enough to demand attention now.

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Like most of his siblings, Edgar took a lot of qualities from his mother.

“Fit hand in mouth!”

Edgar has a personality of 3/5/6/5/10 – great. He's freakishly nice.

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Just because Edgar was old enough to demand attention didn't mean he was going to get it.

The family had much better things to do – Samantha had to get pregnant and line up a series of fathers, while Jason read books lounging on Annabelle's bed.

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And the other kids had the job of hanging out and growing up.

Sometime with additional responsibilities such as making a mess, or cleaning the fish tank.

Cinna, meanwhile, grew into a teenager.

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His facial structure didn't really change, it remained unique and fairly awkward-looking.

He rolled romance.

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This left Darcy as the only child, which made her feel a tad lonely. For some reason, the children no longer wanted to play with the toddlers, they either tagged around with each other, or followed the teenagers.

Darcy, however, found a doll house in the nursery that no one had actually used.

“How come this family doesn't have twenty-six babies? In fact, why don't they have any babies?”

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Samantha had enjoyed a rather peaceful and uneventful pregnancy, which came to an end on the deck at the back of the house.

She gave birth to a baby boy, who was named Ford. His picture also went mysteriously missing.

This meant Samantha's house was now full – she would have to wait until the teenagers left before she got pregnant again.

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Just because the family wasn't growing didn't mean her kids weren't. Edgar grew out of being a quiet and ignored toddler into a quiet and ignored child.

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It wasn't that nobody liked him, it was just...

Okay, maybe nobody really liked him.

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On the same night as Edgar's transition into a child, Ford grew into a toddler, looking rather unique facial-wise – he still had elements of his mother, but many of his features were taken from his father.

Ford had a personality of 8/1/9/10/2

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Now look at him and tell me he's not awesome. I love him as much as I love the first four kids!

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It also gave Edgar someone to talk to and hang out with.

“Can you say Edgar?”

“Gar? Rawr!”

“Sure, we'll go with that.”

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So that's it for this chapter!

Join me next time for more babies, and the teens leaving.

Thanks for reading!