Othello Act II - English with Mrs....

Othello Act II

Transcript of Othello Act II - English with Mrs....

Othello Act II

Othello Act II scene iCyprus vs. Venice = order vs. chaos - notice the storm

Othello will replace Montano as governor. What does Montano think?

What news does the messenger bring? Is this surprising?

How can we tell that Othello is respected in Cyprus?

Iago is sexist and racist. Evidence?

How does Shakespeare reveal Iago's character in this conversation?

Cassio: "You may relish him more in the soldier than in the scholar"

Othello Act II scene iWhat will Iago do to Cassio? Why?

Whom does Othello greet first? Isn't he supposed to put the war first?

Othello and Desdemona are in harmony. Who plans to ruin this?

Iago uses people. How does he plan to use Roderigo now?

Does Iago really think Othello's stories are lies, or does he just say so?

Why does Iago want Roderigo and Cassio to fight?

Iago's soliloquy - "nothing can or shall content my soul till I am even with him wife for wife"

Othello Act II scene iiAren't short scenes nice?

There is going to be a party! What will they celebrate?

Othello Act II scene iiiA few hours later, a party begins.

Whom does Othello trust to watch the party while he is with his wife?

Didn't Othello say that lust would not get in the way of his leadership?

Why does Iago want to get Cassio drunk?

Iago chooses a song about class. He is insulting Cassio.

What rumors does Iago spread about Cassio? Why?

Cassio looks like a fool. Iago looks like a hero. Do you see a pattern?

The marriage is likely not yet consummated. Othello scolds his men.

Othello Act II scene iiiIago gets promoted! What is his title now?

Reputation, reputation, reputation...

Iago and Roderigo, Iago and Cassio - Iago is the worst. friend. ever.

Shakespeare usually saves soliloquies for tragic heroes. Why Iago?

Several scenes end with Iago sharing his plans with the audience.

What does he plan this time? Do you think it will work?