OTech E-Hub Email Hygiene and Encryption Service Overview

Slide 1 Consolidated Email Hygiene and Encryption Service E-Hub

Transcript of OTech E-Hub Email Hygiene and Encryption Service Overview

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Consolidated Email Hygiene and Encryption Service


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• E-Hub Service Overview

• E-Hub Benefits & Features

• E-Hub Rates and Implementation

• Microsoft FOPE Hygiene Overview

• Demo

• Microsoft FOPE Encryption Overview

• Demo

• Questions



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Current Environment

• E-mail hygiene – a variety of solutions are in production throughout the state

• Inter-departmental e-mail is exposed to the public Internet (sent clear text)

• E-mail is scanned as potential spam at each department• No consistent e-mail audit capabilities exist to monitor

confidential and inappropriate e-mail transmissions by state employees (i.e. SSN, HIPAA & credit card data)

• No consistent e-mail encryption solution in the state for sending confidential information to citizens, businesses and partners

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E-Hub Purpose

Secure and protect the State’s inbound, outbound, and inter-departmental e-mail by implementing a highly available e-mail hygiene solution with a rich tool set and additional capabilities including e-mail encryption and content filtering while preserving departmental autonomy to create and manage email security and compliance policies.

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E-Hub Benefits

• Establish base level e-mail security settings to protect all state e-mail systems

• Consistent security practices that will improve incident response

• Compliance with regulations such as HIPAA, FTI, and PCI-DSS

• Statewide reporting capabilities on e-mail volume as well as agency level reporting

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E-Hub Functions

• E-mail Hygiene (anti-spam & anti-virus)

• Inter-departmental e-mail no longer traverses the public Internet in clear text

• E-mail content filtering capability

• Outbound e-mail encryption service as an option

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• Rates are per mailbox per month

• Encryption is an add on to Hygiene

* Rate if agency holds a Microsoft Enterprise Client Access License (ECAL)

E-Hub Rates


Hygiene $0.56

Hygiene with ECAL * $0.13

Encryption (optional) $1.08

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OTech Internal Process for Customer Migration to E-Hub

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Online Services Help Meet Email Challenges

“… it is time for organizations to explore how a software-plus-servicesstrategy can help them be better at and smarter about running their businesses.”

IDC, Microsoft Online Services: Giving Businesses a New Choice for Productivity Tools , July 200814

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Microsoft Online Services

Real-time threat preventionLayered anti-spam and antivirusCustomized policy enforcement

Gateway, policy-based e-mail encryptionNo public and private key managementFull e-mail encryption

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Forefront Online Protection for ExchangeMultilayer spam and virus protection and policy enforcement

End User Quarantine








Inbound FilteredE-mail

About 90% ofE-mail is junk


Outbound FilteredE-mail

Also incorporates Also incorporates technology fromtechnology from……

Junk E-mail


e B



External Senders / Recipients

Exchange Server

** EncryptionEncryption

* Requires additional Exchange Hosted Encryption License

Active Directory

EHS Directory Synchronization Tool

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Rapid E-mail Delivery(Average delivery commitment

of less than 1 minute)


Network Uptime



Against all known e-mail viruses



Of all inbound e-mails


False Positive Ratio

Filtering Network Filtering Network PerformancePerformance

Spam and VirusSpam and VirusFiltering EffectivenessFiltering Effectiveness

*Terms and conditions apply. Please visit

Forefront Online Protection for Exchange SLAs

• FOPE provides a comprehensive set of SLAs covering network performance and spam and virus filtering effectiveness

• Each SLA is backed by a financial commitment from Microsoft

http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=138884Please contact your reseller or Microsoft Account Manager if you wish to view terms or have questions prior to signing up for the service.

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Global Network InfrastructureNetwork infrastructure helps deliver reliability and


• Services provisioned across a global network infrastructure

• Fully redundant and load-balanced architecture

• Scalability to handle all message volume variations

• Processes 2 - 4 billion e-mails on average per day

• E-Hub traffic routed through US data centers only

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E-Hub Statewide Policies

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E-Hub Statewide Service Settings

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So How Well Does It Work?

• Total Messages Inbound: 10,218,225• Delivered: 1,576,010 (15%)• Spam: 8,642,215 (85%)

– Blocked at Edge (DirSynch): 278,334

• File Scanned: 1,587,726• Virus: 3,047 (.03%)• Quarantined: 1,221 (.01%)• Total Message Volume in GB’s: 263 GB’s

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Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) –Breakthrough in Cryptography

• IBE - proposed 20 years ago as next generation encryption– In 1984 Adi Shamir, co-inventor of the RSA Algorithm, challenged

cryptographers to invent IBE

• IBE solution is created 2 decades later in 2001– Research funded by DARPA (DoD research)– Boneh-Franklin Algorithm published at Crypto 2001 – An award-winning breakthrough in security and usability

• Industry acceptance– Over 1000 scientific publications on IBE/Pairings– Dan Boneh awarded 2005 RSA Conference Award for Mathematics

• Standardization Efforts– IBE being standardized by IEEE 1363.3– Invited by IETF to form new extension to S/MIME– Voltage Toolkit FIPS 140-2 certified; Common Criteria EAL2 certified

(one of the only secure email solutions to have this)

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The “Secret Sauce”:Identity-Based Encryption

Basic Idea: Public-key Encryption where Identities are Public Keys

• IBE Public Key:

[email protected]

• RSA Public Key:

Public exponent=0x10001Modulus=13506641086599522334960321627880596993888147


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How IBE Works in Practice:Alice Sends a File or Message to Bob


[email protected]@corp.com

[email protected]

key request +


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Corporate Network

Recipient Network




Encrypt Rule






Global Data Center Network Secure Replyvia ZDM

FOPE EncryptionPolicy-based e-mail encryption for the enterprise:

• Policy-based encryption from sender to recipient - Policy-based encryption consistently and automatically encrypts messages at the gateway based on policy rules.

• IBE Technology uses a common ID for Public Key

• Web-based decryption and encrypted replies - The Zero Download Messenger enables Web-based decryption and encrypted replies for any recipient of encrypted messages with no end user training or software installation.

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Lessons Learned

• Make sure you work with your IPM to implement your initial policies

• Do bring your policies from existing on premise email hygiene systems

• Don’t bring your ‘white’ & ‘black’ lists, let the service work first and then determine if you need to add allow or reject exceptions

• If you have Microsoft Premier Support make sure you notify your TAM that you’re moving to EHUB

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For answers to additional questions related to the E-Hub contact your OTechCustomer Service Representative to schedule a meeting.

Customer Delivery Division

[email protected]

(916) 454-7225