Osun Defender - August 19th 2014, Edition

VOL. 9. NO.099 N50 50 50 50 50 TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 www.osundefender.org THE 6TH MOST-VISITED NEWSPAPER WEBSITE IN NIGERIA


Omisore Canvassers In Trouble Over Election Fund . As Failed PDP Gov Candidate Issues Ultimatum For Refund .Osun Mo Dupe - Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola

Transcript of Osun Defender - August 19th 2014, Edition

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VOL. 9. NO.099 NNNNN5050505050TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014


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•The governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola (3rd right); his wife, Sherifat (2nd right); the deputy governor, State of Osun,Otunba (Mrs) Grace Laoye-Tomori (2nd left); her counterpart from Ekiti State, Professor Modupe Adelabu (3rd left); wife of Ekiti Stategovernor, Erelu Bisi Fayemi (right) and member of National Assembly representing Osun Central Senatorial District in the Senate,Senator Sola Adeyeye, during a congratulatory visit to Aregbesola for his victory in the 2014 gubernatorial election at the GovernmentHouse, Osogbo, recently.

- See StoryOn Page 3

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Omisore's Canvassers InTrouble Over Election Fund•As Failed PDP Gov Candidate Issues Ultimatum For Refund

UNIOSUN Students ProtestColleagues’ Death

Front Page Comment

•110 Laptops Stolen

NGF CondemnsPolice, SSS’PartisanshipDuring OsunPolls, Hails INECOsun GovtIntroducesMarathon ToOsun OsogboFestivalLG StaffCelebrateAregbesolaOn His Re-election

The victory of theAll ProgressivesCongress, APC inlast Saturday’sgubernatorial elec-tion in Osun Statereinforces the op-position against aseemingly rampag-ing political train ofPresident GoodluckJonathan

Osun and 2015: The game changerIt was a welcomerelief to the na-tional leader of theAPC, AsiwajuBola AhmedTinubu.Those who sawhim yesterdaymorning as

the result of theOsun State gover-norship poll wasdeclared said theysaw a man greatlyrelieved but rein-forced for thebattle ahead.

Besides being anelixir to the oppo-sition that wasbadly traumatizedby defeat in Ekitia month ago, theOsunvictory actsas a spring forthe

opposition towardsthe 2015 presiden-tial prize that wasbeing considered aforegone booty ofthe ruling PeoplesDemocratic Party,PDP. The messageyesterday

was that 2015 is stillwithin play. Despiteearlier claims by theAPC that the presi-dency was determinedto rig the election infavour of the PDP’sSenator Iyiola Omisore,the outcome of theelection showed the limitto which PresidentGoodluck Jonathanwould go in forcing hiswill on the electorate.

Continue on pg5

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3 News OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014

•A newly-constructed Ejigbo High School under the administration of Governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni RaufAregbesola, as captured by our cameraman, GBENGA ADENIYI, few days ago.


Ebola: Govt Declares Low Key Osun-Osogbo Celebration, Restricts Tourists

TO ensure that the rampaging Ebola disease does notfound its way to the state, Government of the State ofOsun has stated that it would restrict attendance at

all events leading to the grand finale of this year’s editionof annual Osun-Osogbo festival to adherents and residentsof the state only.

The state government hastherefore declared that thisyear’s edition of Osuncelebration would be low-keyed and that, movement oftourists into the state wouldbe restricted during the event.

Addressing a pressconference in Osogbo, the statecapital, the StateCommissioner for Informationand Strategy, Mr. SundayAkere, said the step becamenecessary because of the largenumber of visitors that usuallyattend, especially the grandfinale of the festival, from allparts of the world.

Akere said the state has putmeasures in place, whichinclude meeting the already-identified groups that usuallymobilize in large number to thegrand finale of the festival, toexplain why visitors would notbe allowed into the state duringthe festival.

He said: “Only thetraditional worshippers andwell-wishers, who are residentin the state, would be allowedto partake in the celebration,with a view to minimisingbodily contacts betweenpersons, which is the primarymode of transmitting the virus.

“Government does not inany way intend to deprive thefestival of its glamour or keeppeople away from being a partof the festivity. However,government has a duty to

ensure the safety of lives andgood health for the people,especially in situations ofmortal threats such as the oneposed by the deadly Ebolavirus.

“We are therefore

determined to take all necessarysteps to avert an Ebolaepidemic in our state.Consequently, scaling downthis year as celebration of theOsun Osogbo festival is asacrifice we must make in orderto prevent a crisis that will puthuman lives in jeopardy.”

He therefore appealed to theOsogbo Traditional Council,the Osun-Osogbo FestivalCommittee and otherstakeholders to accept therestriction with understandingas a necessary measure to

preserve Osun as an Ebola-virus-free state.

Speaking in a similar vein,the coordinator of Osunfestival, Mr. Ayo Olumoko,said both Osogbo TraditionalCouncil and adherents of Osunhave been properly educatedon the necessity of action ofthe state government, addingthat whatever step taken bygovernment to prevent thespread of the disease into thestate during the festival faroutweigh effects they wouldhave on the event.

NGF Condemns Police, SSS’ Partisanship DuringOsun Polls, Hails INECTHE Nigeria Governors’ Forum, NGF, has asked the

nation’s institutions and security agencies to borrowa leaf from the Independent National Electoral

Commission, INEC, in the discharge of their responsibilitiesduring elections in the country.

The forum in a statement onFriday by its Director General,Asishana Okauru,congratulated Governor RaufAregbesola of the State ofOsun on his victory in theAugust 9, 2014 governorshipelection in the state andstressed the need forinstitutions and securityagencies to be professional andavoid partisanship in thedischarge of their duties.

It stated this against thebackdrop of the clampdown onmembers of a particularpolitical party before andduring the election.

The All ProgressivesCongress (APC) had earlierstated that about 150 of itsmembers were arrested andharassed by the police andoperatives of the Departmentof Security Service (DSS), on

the eve of the governorshipelection, as well as the electionday.

But the Governors’ Forumargued that the nation’s securityagencies belong to all Nigeriansand should not be placed at thedisposal of a particular politicalparty.

“We urge all other nationalinstitutions and securityagencies to emulate INEC,

eschew partisanship and learnto discharge theirresponsibilities withprofessionalism. They shouldput their services at thedisposal of all Nigerians,irrespective of politicalaffiliations.

“Our security agencies areimportant national assets inwhich all Nigerians have stakesand must not only be fair to allparties during elections, butmust be seen to be so.”

The forum hailed thehandling of the election byINEC, saying its near-perfectconduct of the exercise “gives

us hope that the 2015 electionswould most likely be free, fairand credible.”

It stated further: “We urgethe commission to remainfocused and continue to perfectits processes ahead of theforthcoming elections. We inthe NGF are ever-ready topartner the commission inwhichever way we can toensure that it delivers on itsmandate.”

While saluting the people ofOsun for their conduct duringthe poll, the forum alsocongratulated all the other 19candidates and their parties for

their peaceful conduct before,during and after the election,and for demonstrating a rarespirit of sportsmanship byaccepting the outcome of thepoll.

It added: “We urge them allto work with GovernorAregbesola in taking Osun Stateforward.

“The people of the statehave made all Nigerians proudby demonstrating, again, thatNigerians, on their own, canchoose their own leaders ontheir own terms, in an orderlymanner. The peaceful conductof the election assures us allthat the future of democracy isbright in our country.

The forum called onAregbesola to be magnanimousin victory, as he continued tosavour the joy of his triumphat the keenly contestedelection.

“He should consider theelection as one in which therewas no victor and novanquished. We urge him to putbehind him the acrimony andcontroversies thatcharacterized electioneering inthe state in the past fewmonths and continue to workon his master-plan of givingquality governance to thepeople of the state,” it stressed.

The forum also urged otherco-contenders in the election tobe gallant in defeat anddemonstrate the requisite large-heartedness to warm-up to thegovernor to take Osun Stateforward.


IDU Celebrates Aregbesola ForHis Electoral Victory

MEMBERS of Inisa Descendants Union (IDU),comprising sons, daughters and well-wishers ofInisa town, have felicitated with Ogbeni Rauf

Aregbesola and the good people of the State of Osun for awell-deserved victory at the August 9, 2014 gubernatorialelection.

Speaking in a pressstatement that was jointlysigned by its NationalChairman; John KayodeOlanipekun and NationalSecretary; Usamat Adetunji,the group stated that thegovernor’s re-election didnot come as a surprise.

It highlighted that the

outstanding performancesof the governor since hisassumption of office inNovember, 2010 was arecipe that aided hissuccess at the poll.

The group saluted thecourage, resoluteness andabsolute faith of OgbeniRauf Aregbesola in the

people and God during thecampaigns, election andbefore his emergence as thewinner.

It added that their beliefin the governor wasreported in the delivery ofthe four wards in Inisaduring the election and thewild jubilation thatwelcomed his victory at thepolls.

They wished thegovernor sound health,Godly wisdom and courageto continue servinghumanity with passion, ashe prepared to commenceanother term in office.


Change Of NameI, formerly known and

addressed asBABATUNDE FATAI,now wish to be knownand addressed asBABATUNDE FATAIAYOMIDE. All formerdocuments remain valid.General public shouldtake note.

Change Of NameI, formerly known and

addressed asOYEGBADE IBRAHIM,now wish to be knownand addressed asOYEGBADE IBRAHIMOLATUNDE. All formerdocuments remain valid.General public shouldtake note.

Omisore’s Canvassers In Trouble Over Election Fund•As Failed PDP Gov Candidate Issues Ultimatum For Refund

SEQUEL to his defeat at the August 9, 2014 governorshipelection in the State of Osun, the Peoples DemocraticParty (PDP) gubernatorial candidate in the election,

Senator Iyiola Omisore, has reportedly turned his angeron the party mobilisers across the 30 local governmentcouncil areas of the state.

According to an impeccablesource within the party, the

party flag-bearer was morethan disappointed over the

outcome of the gubernatorialelection in which he was flatlybeaten by the incumbentgovernor of the state and theAll Progressives Congress(APC) candidate, Ogbeni RaufAregbesola.

The source further revealed

that days before the election,Omisore had boasted towhoever cared to listen that theelection was just a mereformality as he had beenassured by the powers that bein Abuja that irrespective of theoutcome of the election, he

would be announced as thewinner.

However, not taken chanceswith the Abuja assurance, thePDP candidate was reported tohave raised a group ofmobilisers from among hisloyalists within the party andsaddled them with theresponsibility of persuadingthe electorate on queue on theelection day with monetarygifts.

To make their jobs easier, thesource revealed that large chunkof money was made availableto the mobilisers withinstruction to disburse the cashat the rate of N10,000 per voterdepending on how strong theruling-APC was in such area.

The mobilisers, according tothe medium’s findings, alsoplayed smart while disbursingthe money on election day, asthe highest amount given to anyvoter that received the cash wasbetween N2,000 and N2,500.

There was however the caseof a particular polling unit inOsogbo, the state capital,where the PDP mobiliser wasobserved to have given moneyto 347 would-be voters on thequeue, while at the end of theexercise, the PDP candidatescored only 55 votes.

Angered by his dismalouting at the poll, Omisore wasfurther reported to have sentout his men to go after themobilisers and retrieve hismoney from them, since by hisown calculation, the votes hegot did not commensurate withthe number of votes he scoredat the end of the exercise.

One of the mobilisers, whois currently on the run, confidedin OSUN DEFENDER that hehad to run away from thoseOmisore sent with members ofhis immediate family, as hecould not actually account forthe money given to him tomobilise votes for his principal.

According to him, heactually distributed cash tosome of the would-be voters

on queue as instructed by theirprincipal but was surprised tosee that the number of votesrecorded by his party candidatedid not commensurate withcash he disbursed at the pollingunit.

All efforts to speak withOmisore’s spokesman, DiranOdeyemi, to comment on thedevelopment proved abortiveas all his known telephone linescould not go through.

It was also gathered thatsome of the mobilisers did notdistribute part of the moneymeant for the mobilisers,banking on the assurance by theFederal Government that theOsun election was a done-dealfor the PDP.

Some of the affectedmobilisers were overheard atAdepele Guest House,Osogbo, few days ago,complaining regretting abouttheir involvement in thedevelopment, vowing that theywould never be part of such anarrangement in their lives again.

“This is about the first timethat a candidate will demandfor refund of election moneyafter such election has beenheld. It is unheard of in my somany decades’ involvement inactive partisan politics. If Godshould see me through thischallenge this time around, Iwill never be involved again.My children should not hearabout the development. It isnauseating. I am not growingyounger”, one of the affectedcanvassers lamented.

The elderly canvasseradvised the other youngercanvassers to go and return theOmisore money as he wouldnot have anything to do withthe situation when it gets outof hand.

Investigation showed thatOmisore has issued anultimatum to the canvasserswho might still be holding onto his money where he lost theelection to pay up or be readyto see the red part of his eyes.

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4 OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014

•Director, Research and Publicity, State of Osun All Progressives Congress (APC), Barrister Kunle Oyatomi (6thright); OSUN DEFENDER Newspaper Editor, Mr Kayode Agbaje (at the back of Oyatomi); Administrative Manager,OSUN DEFENDER Newspaper, Mr Murtala Agboola (6th left) and others in a group photograph during a celebra-tion of declaration of Governor Rauf Aregbesola for 2014 governorship election by the Osun APC Directorate ofPublicity, Strategy and Research, recently in Osogbo.

FG-PDP Met A Tough Competition In Aregbesola - CommentatorBy ABOSEDE AKINPELU

ONE week after the State of Osun gubernatorialelection, so many issues have arisen to highlightsome events that took place during and after the

election.Based on the reports that

the election was not freeand fair in some areas,which has been the bone ofcontention in Osun, a socialcommentator, Mr OlusolaSalami, has stated that theelection, from his point ofview, was a battle betweenthe All ProgressivesCongress (APC) and theFederal Government.

According to him, withthe help of the Federal

Government, the PeoplesDemocratic Party (PDP)came in with all their mightin terms of security forces,money, and the power at thefederal level, all in a bid tosupport their candidate,Senator Iyiola Omisore.

He emphasised that theelection was partially freeand fair, as the FederalGovernment rigged and thestate government matchedthem on a level play-ground.

“The Federal Governmentrigged by providing moneyto buy the people’s votes,even on the election daywhile on the queue.

“They sought todistribute rice and keroseneand also influencing theelection by all means, whilethe incumbent governorencouraged the people tocome out massively to votefor continuity and also forthe electorate not to selltheir votes and conscience.

Although, the PDPsucceeded in some pollingunits, where they were ableto buy the electorate, butthey did not carry the day

and win the gubernatorialelection.

One of the areas, wherethe APC candidateoutwitted his PDPcounterpart, was at the AllProgressives Congressmega rally in Osogbo, wherethe governor laid emphasisto how the electorate shouldfold their ballot papers andfew hours after that, “thePDP claimed that the APChave hired tugs and havesewn police uniform tocreate fake officials.

“The Peoples DemocraticParty are so confident thatthey will emerge the winnerof the election even when

the APC has 20 localgovernments and the PDPhad 4 local governments.”

“I believe what reallyhelped the state governor,is the even development hehas effected in the state.This has actually touchedevery live in the state, ineducation, health, provisionof social amenities,infrastructure, employmentand the peace and securityin the state.

“Another area is that ofhis manifestoes, openness,loyalty, and equal treatmentof all the citizens. Ogbeni

Aregbesola is the people’schoice,” he added.

“If as at today, all theremaining political partiesare rejoicing with theincumbent government andonly the PeoplesDemocratic Party is left out,it signifies the generalacceptability of the electionresult from the INEC.

“Mr. Olusola Salamidisclosed that the numberof votes recorded by theAPC candidate was due tothe people’s love for himand not based on anymaterial gift.

Ijesa-North Campaign Committee Eulogises Osun PeopleOver Aregbesola’s Return

THE All Progressives Congress (APC) CampaignCommittee in Ijesa North Federal Constituency ofthe State of Osun has stated that the re-election of

Governor Rauf Aregbesola has explained the commitmentof the people for continous development of the state.

In a statement jointly-signedby the chairman of thecommittee, Dr WaleBolodunro, who is also theState Commissioner forFinance and the Secretary, MrOlatunbosun Oyintiloye, whois also Senior Special Assistantto the Governor onC o m m u n i t yForum, commended the peopleof the state, especially Obokunand Oriade Local GovernmentCouncil Areas for displayingunprecedented love and totalsupport for the return ofAregbesola-led administration,by voting massively at theAugust 9, 2014 governorshipelection held in the state.

It said that the outcome ofthe election actually reflectedthe wishes of the people, whoare committed to furtherdevelopment of the state,

irrespective of any federalpower.

The statement speciallyacknowledged the support ofchiefs, market women and

traditional council of Obas fortheir elderly advice, guidanceand support to the presentadministration in the state.

It also appreciated variousreligious groups, artisans,labour unions, transport unionsand religious leaders of allextractions for standing firmswith whatever they had toensure his return.

According to the statement,what the people of Osun sawin the first term of Aregbesolathat facilitated their support forhim would be a tip of an icebergof what to witness in his secondterm.

It further reinstated thecommitment of theadministration to again touchall parts of the state during the

By KAZEEM MOHAMMEDsecond term more than what itdid during his first term.

The statement also appealedto party supporters to shunany provocative act frommembers of the the opposition,who were bent on causingtrouble in the state.

It also called for the supportof all and sundry in the secondterm of Aregbesola’sadministration as done before,saying, this would again ensureits success.

LG Staff Celebrate Aregbesola On His Re-electionTHE victory of the State of Osun governor, Ogbeni Rauf

Aregbesola, in the just-concluded election showed thatpeople acknowledged and appreciated the good work of

the present administration.The Chairman, Local Gov-

ernment Service Commission inthe state, Elder Peter Babalola,stated this on Sunday during athanksgiving service for the re-election of the state governorwith all Heads of Local Gov-ernment Administration and alldepartmental directors in thethirty local government councilareas including Ife-East AreaOffice.

Elder Babalola, who thankedall local government staff fortheir support and cooperationduring the election, noted thatthere is a clear winner of the elec-tion but there is no vanquished.

He emphasized that civil ser-

vants should love themselvesand desist from any form of vic-timization, as well as “pull themdown syndrome” in a bid to befavoured by politicians.

According to him, the stategovernor, Ogbeni RaufAregbesola, is a committed andGodly person, who will alwaystreat the citizenry of the stateequally regardless of politicalparty affiliation.

The Local Government Ser-vice Commission boss thenpromised that the promotionexercise for qualified councilstaff for the Year 2013 wouldcommence in September and last

till the end of October.Speaking earlier, the Com-

missioner 1 of the commission,Alhaji Kehinde Olamolu, appre-ciated God for the success ofthe election which was withoutbloodshed.

He also commended the ef-fort of the chairman of the com-mission, Elder Peter Babalola,who he described as an actionman for his doggedness andsupport for Ogbeni RaufAregbesola.

In his address, the PermanentSecretary of the commission,Mr. Dayo Olaluwoye, statedthat the purpose of the gather-ing was to praise God, sayinginspite of the tension and cir-cumstances that surrounded theelection, God made it to bepeaceful and victorious.

UNIOSUN Students Protest Colleagues’ Death

STUDENTS of Ikire Campus of the Osun State University,State of Osun, on Saturday trooped to the street in the ancienttown to protest the death of their colleagues, who died in amotor accident.


Two students of theuniversity on Fridayreportedly lost their lives whilecoming from an excursion witha chartered commercialvehicle.

The protesting studentsbarricaded the ever-busy Ikire-Ibadan Expressway and setbonfires on major streetsbefore the detachment ofpolice dispersed them with

tear-gas in the morning.The major grouse of the

students, according tofindings, was what theydescribed as monopoly of theschool buses by theuniversity management, whodenied students access to thebuses whenever they neededthem.

One of the protestingstudents, Kehinde Akintoye,said: “The students are angrybecause of the neglect of thestudents’ welfare by theuniversity management,which was responsible for thedeaths of our colleagues.

“The only bus belongingto the university communityhas been monopolized by themanagement, as studentsdon’t have access to it at all.That was why we were alwaysforced to hire buses wheneverwe are moving out of theuniversity. Whether thechartered buses are in goodcondition or not, we have nooption”.

However, the president ofthe students’ union, who is inOsogbo campus, could not bereached as at the time of filingthis report, but reports fromIkire confirmed that normalcyhas returned to the town.

Meanwhile, themanagement of the universityhas closed down the Ikire

campus indefinitely.The management, in a

memo, issued by the Registrarof the university, Dr JuliusFaniran, announced theindefinite closure of theinstitution following theprotest by the students.

The Public RelationsOfficer of the institution, Mr.Oladeji Abokede, confirmedthe indefinite closure of theIkire campus.

He said: “The managementhas closed down the IkireCampus due to a violentprotest by the students. Theclosure is indefinite. We willinform them when to resume.”

Commenting on thedeveloment, the provost ofthe college, Professor KizitoFolorusho, said he wassurprised the way thestudents behaved over anauto-accident thathappened outside thecampus.

He said, as a parent, hefelt disturbed over the deathof the student as no fatherwill wish to lose any of hischildren.

Professor Kizito said noapplication for any vehiclefrom the management by thestudents got to his desk assuch could not have beenturned down as studentsfrom other departments have

been enjoying the samefacility with ease.

He said his on-the-spotinvestigation on thedevelopment showed thatthe students wrote anapplication to travel to thesub-dean students’ affairsin charge but were told torewrite it as it was notproperly written, adding thestudents never came back tosubmit any rewrittenapplication.

The provost alleged thatthe crisis was the handiworkof cultists among thestudents as guns, cutlassesand other cudgels werefreely used.

"So many things weredestroyed and stolen by thestudents. Both official andprivate vehicles of theworkers were upturned anddestroyed, glasses ofwindows and doors weredestroyed, offices wereransacked, while the 110pieces of the laptops for theinstitution by HonourableAyo Omidiran, were stolenduring the crisis. It is thatbad", the provost said.

He said it was too earlyto quantify the cost of allthe items destroyed orstolen as at the time of filingthis report.

Osun Govt Introduces MarathonTo Osun Osogbo Festival

THE Government of the State of Osun has introduceda new dimension into the celebration of the UnitedNations Organization for Education, Science and

Culture (UNESCO) adopted Osun Osogbo festival.The Ogbeni Rauf

A r e g b e s o l a - l e dadministration hasintroduced a marathon race,as part of the activitiesheralding the Osun Osogbofestival.

Special Adviser toAregbesola on Tourism andCulture, Mr OladipoSoyode, said theintroduction of marathonrace to 2014 edition of OsunOsogbo festival was aninnovation and animprovement on the lastfestival.

Soyode stated this on

Sunday at the Osun Groove,Osogbo, while addressingthe marathoners and Osunworshippers at the end ofthe marathon race for the2014 Osun Osogbo.

The governor’s aidecommended theparticipants at the race tokeep up and assured thewinners of compensation ata programme later.

The race took themarathoners from Onido ofIdo-Osun palace, down toLameco junction to OsogboStadium, Mandela Park,Ataoja Palace and at Osungrove.

At the end of the race,Jayeade Sodiq came first,Taiwo Osuolale camesecond, while AdeyemiOlaoluwa took the thirdposition.

Present at the event weredirectors and staff ofMinistries of Home Affairs,Tourism and Culture andYouths, Sports and SpecialNeeds and ZeigistsAesthetics.


•110 Laptops Stolen

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Osun and 2015: The game changer Continued from pg2

Overwhelming presenceThe overwhelming presence of security menin the state in the days ahead of the poll didnot impede the electorate from exercisingtheir will on who governs them. Thatindeed, is a reassuring sign for manyNigerians and the international communitythat the 2015 election could be a free andfair election.Indeed, ahead of the polls last weekend, theAPC and its flag bearer, Aregbesola, had inthe face of the strong presence of securitymen around the state betrayed clear signs ofunease. The APC’s national spokesman,Alhaji Lai Mohammed in statements paintedthe impression of the determination of thepresidency to rig the election in a cleardetermination to reshape the politicalconfiguration of the Southwest ahead of thedecisive 2015 election.Such panic caused the opposition party tosummon all its elected office holders andpolitical appointees from across the countryto show presence in Osun State from lastTuesday as a way of boosting the morale ofits supporters in that state.The PDP’s candidate was also lifted by thepresence of strong detachment of thesecurity forces whose presence helped tosuppress whatever advantages the incum-bency factor would have given toAregbesola.Omisore also had his friends from the Senateincluding Senators Enyininnya Abaribe,Ehigie Uzamere and some others to lift his

heart. But the most decisive factors were thevoters on ground who at the end of voting onSaturday showed their preference for theincumbent.The outcome was, however, not a rout as theAregbesola camp had predicted it would bewithout rigging. That underscored the agitationamong some PDP loyalists who had sought foran alternative candidate. Omisore, a formerdeputy governor of Osun State had before thiselection been on the winning side of all thegubernatorial elections conducted in OsunState. He was deputy governor to Chief BisiAkande, strongly supported the immediatepast governor, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola in2003 and 2007, but, however, came short indelivering himself into an office he had in thepast helped others to enter.Though a very lively man with soundeducation, the factors against Omisore weremostly fanned by perceptions about himarising from his trial for the murder of ChiefBola Ige, a former attorney general of thefederation. Omisore who was acquitted ofcomplicity in that murder, however, did littleto clear that perception. Besides, his politicalfoes helped to fan the negative perceptionabout him.Oyinlola, the immediate past governor of thestate who himself had a grudge against thePDP rubbed in the Ige wound on the peoplewhen he questioned why President Jonathanhad surrounded himself with all those who werequestioned over the murder of Ige.“The candidate of the PDP was arrested forkilling Ige. He was arrested and detained. “Thenational secretary of the [PDP], ProfessorWale Oladipo, was also detained in connectionwith the killing. The Minister of PoliceAffairs, Jelili Adesiyan, was also detained.

“The chairman of the party in this state,Ayobami Olaoluwa, was also arrested. So, why iseveryone who was in detention given appoint-ment or put in a position of authority? We needto ask the government,” Oyinlola said.Great minusLinking anyone or party with the death of Igewas a great minus especially given the adorationthat Ige continues to draw from most parts ofthe state. The election was also an opportunityfor political enemies in the Southwest to hit athim. Tinubu had by every indication mounted theplatform of political leadership of the Southwestwith the dominance of his party in five of the sixSouthwest states. After the loss of Ekiti, hispolitical empire was trimmed to four states andthe prospect of losing Osun, had in the last weeksof the campaign become an exciting lure forTinubu bashers in the region.Internal dissentIt was especially so, given that Aregbesola wasgenerally considered the closest of the APCgovernors to Tinubu.The internal dissent to Tinubu in the Southwestwas especially fanned by vestiges of Afenifere,the socio-political organization through whichTinubu, himself emerged as governor of LagosState in 1999. But the former governor’s allegedrole in splintering Afenifere after his emergenceas governor helped to create animosity thattoday irks many Yoruba leaders.Even though many Afenifere leaders did notcome out openly to antagonise Tinubu andAregbesola ahead of the election, some of themwere enthusiastically waiting to celebrate thedownfall of the APC in Osun.Celebrating the downfallAPC leaders who learnt from their laxity in Ekitiwere well prepared for Osun and went out of theway to woo known and unknown enemies. PDP

on the other hand did not help its candidatewith the clear animosity towards rebels in theparty. The treatment of Oyinlola and anotherformer governor of the state, Senator IsiakaAdeleke subsequently proved to be one of themajor problems for the PDP on Election Day.Though Oyinlola did not muster enough votesto win his booth, Adeleke’s grip on Ede, one ofthe largest towns in the state helped to firmlydeliver the town to the APC. After being luredinto the PDP gubernatorial contest, theformer governor was allegedly forced out bywhat he claimed to be impediments put on hisway. That was the beginning of his defectionto the APC, a move the PDP would now regretnot to have stopped.One APC source revealed that Adeleke was thecandidate the party feared most could troubleAregbesola. But even after he withdrew, thePDP hierarchy in the state failed to soothehim giving him room to defect. Tinubu, theAPC national leader and the many presidentialaspirants in the party would be very gleefulwith the outcome of the polls. Yesterday, asource said Tinubu was himself very bouncy ashe saw the result as a vindication against theaspiration of his internal foes in the South-west. For the presidential aspirants, theoutcome of the election gives hope that theirpermutations of forging a Southwest andNorthern alliance against the PDP remainsfeasible.For President Jonathan, the permutation mayhave been that whatever loss of support hemay have suffered in the North would begained in the Southwest. Now, it is back tobasics.By Emmanuel Aziken, Political Editor

Ayegbaju Market: Creative Access To WealthI salute your effort in the

area of informationdissemination, most

especially, your honest andaccurate reportage ofactivities, events andprogrammes concerning thegiant strides of OgbeniAregbesola in the State ofOsun. I remain one of yourmost regular readers. Ifound out long ago thatgetting committed to a tasklike you have at hand couldnot have been possiblewithout the spirit of courageand patriotism. By the graceof God, your strength,courage and intellect willnot diminish.

I have been observingwith keen interest for closeto two years now;particularly when OgbeniAregbesola laid thefoundation stones of threeseparate markets withinOsogbo metropolis. Themarkets are the AyegbajuMarket, the Aje Market andthe International Market atDagbolu. At that time ofinception, I was wonderinghow those gigantic projectscould be funded tocompletion stage, not to talkof how they could solve theproblem of poverty plaguingour society. To be direct, Ifelt that siting markets

around had nothing tocontribute to solving ourproblems.

Now, I know better. Withthe recent completion andofficial commissioning ofthe new AyegbajuInternational market, I beginto view the State of Osun asa fulcrum of trade,commerce and industry. Ibegin to visualize Osogbo,the state capital beingrestored to its old place of

glory as the commercialnerve-centre of the O’oduastates.

I watched the programmeof official commissioning ofthe market live on television.When I saw the marketwomen raining prayers andencomiums on Ogbeni, hisfamily, life endeavours andhis administration, I came toa conclusion that thosepraises and prayers aredeserved. This is becausehe has removed the veil of

obscurity from many ofthem and brought them tolimelight.

Locating a market of thatstatus in Osogbo at a timelike this is like fulfilling anagenda of bringing Osogbofully up to the status of astate capital. Not only that,Osogbo is fast becoming astate capital with adifference in the entirenation. By extension, theState of Osun is beginning

to find its foot as a land ofprosperity. In other words,by the time Ogbeni’s agendafor commerce, industry andcooperatives comes into fullswing, poverty andunemployment would havebeen completely banished,in fulfillment of one of thetenets of his Six-PointIntegral Action Plan.

I foresee Osun as a statethat offers equal, brighteropportunities to all citizens.The traders displaced due

OSUN DEFENDERPublisher – Moremi Publishing

House Ltd.

Managing Editor – Kola Olabisi(0803-392-7286)

Editor – Kayode Agbaje (0803-388-0205)

Lagos Editor – Kola Odepeju(08023191891)

Production Editor – Pet-Kola Taiwo Ibitowa

Senior Reporter – Sola JacobsSenior Reporter – Kazeem Mohammed

Magazine Editor – Niyi Olasinde

Reporter – Kehinde AyantunjiReporter – Francis Chukwuma

Photographer – Oluwagbemiga AdeniyiPhotographer – Olushola Aderinto

Admin. Manager – Murtala Agboola

Computer Operator – Saheed AfolabiComputer Operator – Mary AkintolaAssistant Computer Operator – Lukman Oseni

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing HouseLimited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guarantee Trust BankGTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun.All correspondence to the above mail address.ISSN: 0794-8050Telephone: 0803-392-7286, 08033880205Website: www.osundefender.com/index.phpe-mail: [email protected]

to ongoing transformationprojects in roads and urbanrenewal can now heavesighs of relief as theybecome permanently settledat decent, serene, dignifyingand vantage marketcomplexes. Petty anditinerant traders can nowbroaden the scope of theiroperation by accessingcredits at the new OsunMicro Credit Scheme. Nowthey have state-of-the-artmarket places where theycan daily display theirwares conspicuouslywithout harassment or risksof auto accidents. Youngunemployed school leaverscan now safely venture intovarious trading enterprises.Above all, employmentopportunities of sorts arebeing created for the peopleof the state.

In sum, the State of Osunis set for the skies, itsstarting limits, as regardsgrowth and development. Icall on all citizens to rallyround the incumbentadministration so as toattain success in all itsefforts at fully transformingthe state.

Osun a dara o!

•FEMI JAYEOLA, Ogo-Oluwa Area, Osogbo, Stateof Osun.

OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014

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PoliticsVictory At Last!

Electoral contests have been the standard modalities of emergence of political leadership presiding over theaffairs of modern societies in all spheres. This civilized practice of electing leaders has come to stay as one of theintegral imperatives of democracy. The recently-held Gubernatorial Election in the State of Osun may have comeand gone; yet its imprints are replete with lessons, glad revelations and pieces of bitter truth for and to all stake-holders. Central to this is that as second timers in particular, contemplating election into public offices shouldhenceforth be predicated on solid concrete achievements that touch and impact the lives of the citizenry positively.On this note, OSUN DEFENDER Magazine congratulates Ogbeni RAUF ADESOJI AREGBESOLA and the All ProgressivesCongress (APC) for trail-blazing this trend. We as well congratulate the people of the state in general for the victorywe had; and appreciate them for their doggedness, courage and determination. For some who were first-timers inthe contest, we wish they could pick their cues from the way the contest played out. The stark revelation is thatelectoral victories are not won with Greek gifts and antics of do or die. The taste of NIYI OLASINDE’s pudding liesin the eating.

Osun 2014 Gubernatorial Elections:

OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014

•(L-R) National Commissioner, Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Ambassador Muhammed Wali; Secretary of the Commission, Mr Oladapo Oladipo; ActingDirector, Legal, Mr. Ibrahim Bawa; Governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola and Deputy Governor, Otunba (Mrs) Titi Laoye-Tomori, at the presentation of Certificateof Return to Governor Aregbesola and his deputy at INEC headquarters, Osogbo, State of Osun, recently.

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7 OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Osun Divisional Conference Of Obas In Osun Central Senatorial District Paid ACongratulatory Visit To The State Of Osun Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, InOsogbo, Last Thursday.

•The governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola (6th left); the Akirun of Ikirun, Oba Rauf Adedeji (5th left); the Olokuku of Okuku, Oba Samuel Oluronke (6th right); theAragbiji of Iragbiji, Oba Rasheed Olabomi (3rd left); the Owa of Otan Ayegbaju, Oba Lukman Fadipe (5th right); the Olobu of Ilobu, Oba Ashiru Olaniyan (4th left); the Elerinof Erin-Osun, Oba Yusuf Oyagbodun (4th right) and other prominent obas, during the congratulatory visit to Governor Rauf Aregbesola in Osogbo last Thursday.

Former All Progressives Congress (APC) Acting National Chairman, Chief BisiAkande Hosted The State Of Osun Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, On His VictoryAt Chief Akande’s Resident In Ila-Orangun, Recently.

•(R-L) The governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola; former interim National Chairman, All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Bisi Akande and member, NationalAssembly, representing Osun Central Senatorial District, Senator Sola Adeyeye, during the governor’s visit to Chief Akande in his resident, Ila-Orangun, recently.


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8 OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014 PHOTOTALK

Governor Rauf Aregbesola Paid A Courtesy Visit To Members Of Nigeria NationalShurah Hotably In Ilorin, Kwara State, Last Friday.

•A cross section of Aregbesola’s supporters during the jubilation.

•Governor Aregbesola (with mic), addressing Islamic faithful during the courtesy visit.

•(L-R) Governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola; members of Nigerian National Shurah Hotably, Ustaz Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah; Dr Monsoor Rahman and UstazAbdullah Jamiu during the courtesy visit.

Jubilation For Declaration Of Governor Rauf Aregbesola For 2014 GovernorshipElection In Osun Recently. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

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9 OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014PHOTOTALKBirthday Ceremony Of Senior Special Assistant (SSA) To The Governor Of The StateOf Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola On Community, Mr Olatunbosun Oyintiloye AtAregbesola’s Campaign Office, Ibokun, Last Saturday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

•Tunbosun Oyintiloye (4th right) in a group photograph with some traditional rulers in the state during the programme.

State Of Osun Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, Turned Sod For Mini-Bus FactoryBuilding At Free Trade Zone, Ede, State Of Osun, Recently.

•Governor Rauf Aregbesola (2nd right); Otunba (Mrs) Grace Titi Laoye-Tomori (2nd left); the Timi of Ede, Oba Munirudeen Lawal (left); Alhaji Oladosu (3rd right); SpecialAdviser to the Governor on Commerce, Industry, Cooperatives and Empowerment, Dr Olalekan Yinusa (right) and other dignitaries, during the turning of sod for mini-busfactory building at Free Trade Zone, Ede, State of Osun, recently.

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State Of Osun Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, At Osogbo Central Mosque ForHis Re-election’s Thanksgiving On Friday.

•Governor Aregbesola (arrowed), acknowledging cheers from his admirers.

•The governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola (on top of a jeep), acknowledging cheers from his admirers after the thanksgiving on his re-election, during Jumat prayer,at Osogbo Central Mosque, Osogbo, on Friday.


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11 OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014 MAGAZINE

Victory At Last!AN event occurred which nearly set the stage for a

Matinmas summer for the State of Osun and itspeople. That event began to unfold in early August,

as preparations reached the climax for the grand-finale ofthe political rallies of the leading opposition party in thestate – the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). The party holdssway at the federal level; and as such, the National Leaderof that party, who doubles as the incumbent President, Dr.Goodluck Ebele Jonathan was being expected in the statefor the afore-mentioned occasion. Naturally, it was expectedthat if such a dignitary is being expected in any part of thecountry, advance team of sorts, comprising security details,protocol and other retinues. In view of this fact, thedevelopment under reference should not have, ordinarilybeen a serious cause for worry. More so, the 2014Gubernatorial Election was barely a week away! But therewas more to the event than was pleasant to the eye.

Following the Gubernatorial Election which held in EkitiState on June 21, the leadership of the Peoples DemocraticParty (PDP), apparently spurred by euphoria of victory atthat election made a declaration that it was about to mounta close-down on Osun, whose turn it was to elect a governor.There was much wonder as responses trailed thatdeclaration from various quarters. But just as we were alltaking it for granted that the declaration was made in theheat of passion, indications began to appear that the party,through the instrumentality of the Federal Government itheads was actually set for a close-down or something closeto it in the State of Osun.

On the evening of Thursday, July 31, I was appointed tomeet a junior professional colleague at the popular Oke-FiaRoundabout. I arrived at the scene promptly as appointedand waited by. While still laying in wait, an activity caughtmy attention. A peaceful political rally was going on just bythe roadside at the shoulder of the roundabout. I guessedfrom the contents of the political talk I overheard that itwas a political rally put together by Ward 4 of OsogboLocal Government, in solidarity for the governorshipaspiration of the incumbent governor, Ogbeni RaufAregbesola. Participants at the rally sang, danced, madespeeches and brandished their brooms with ecstasy anddexterity. It became a centre of focus for all passers-by. Itwas a pleasant sight to behold.

The venue of the occasion is the moderately spaciousarc adjoining the State of Osun Government House Annexe.That arc is set on a triangular space stuck in the clef ofIlobu / Government House Road and the Iwo Road end ofthe roundabout. It is directly overlooked by the projectorplaced conspicuously at the centre of the turning point.The rally went on peacefully. It thus became spectacularfor anyone who cared to stay by and participate or listen tothe contents of the proceedings.

The first inkling I got about what would happen nextwas prompted by a phone call from the colleague I waswaiting for. He called to tender an apology for the delay inhis arrival. He hinged the delay on a traffic gridlock whichcaught him all the way from Ogo-Oluwa axis through OlaiyaJunction down to Alekuwodo. Eager and perplexed to themarrow, I asked him if that excuse was tenable in a place likeOsogbo where we both reside. Then he opened up that ahuge number of masked security operatives, all dressed inblack and armed to the tooth had besieged the streets in along convoy; shooting sporadically into the air. Then Ibegan to wonder why that could be happening as I waited

to witness the show of power if it should come to Oke-Fia.In the fullness of time, it did! On arrival at the junction,

several gunshots were released to the air. I was expectingthem not to have done that, most especially as they hadsighted the political rally being held few metres away. Astrained security operatives deployed on assignment tosecure lives and property, duty demands that they shouldnot demonstrate any act that could provoke violence andpublic unrest. But they shot the bullets on and on. Theresponse to that event took various forms.

For the participants at the rally, they intensified theirsinging and dancing; frantically waving their brooms. Theydid all these fearlessly. Some hordes of passers-by andstreet hawkers who are less courageous withdrew from thescene as early as they could. I was amazed at the degree ofcourage demonstrated by motorists, cyclists and motor parkconductors who defied intimidation and just watched andmarveled at the reason for the unfolding scene.

Some of the motor park men accosted some elitist peoplearound, my humble self inclusive, and asked what the fusswas intended to create. The elderly among them expressedshock and disappointment that this kind of event wasunfolding under a democratic dispensation. They went asfar as citing the various rounds of elections they hadwitnessed in the country, all of which were bereft of suchbrazen shameless show of might. On top of it, they chippedin the suggestion that the powers at the top and their mightshould direct their show of power to Boko Haram-ravagedstates instead of dissipating needless time and energy inOsun where peace, tranquility and harmony are a creed.They never knew that they were giving a reportorialassignment to a willing pressman who would report theiroutcry purely as it is. But it gladdened me that people arebecoming more vibrantly aware of the numerous acts thatare out of place in our polity.

Earlier than the arrival of these security operatives, thesame masterminds of intended hostage had constitutednuisance to public peace by mounting illegal road closures,indiscriminate blow of sirens, violation of traffic regulationsand attack on members and supporters of other politicalparties in the state. They had as well been loud and noisyin their gaffe that they were going to win the upcomingelections by all means and at all costs. They went furtherthat an election result would be declared in Abuja; if theState Headquarters of the Independent National ElectoralCommission (INEC) should fail to declare them winneragainst majority demand indicated by actual results of theelection.

OSUN DEFENDER Magazine had bared several factson the atrocities perpetrated by the leading opposition partyto secure fraudulent victory at the polls. These includesharing of Greek gifts like cash, rice and kerosene, massivepurchase of Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) from electorateand reports on how the party had been conductingclandestine voting ahead of the actual voting.

Above all these, it was as clear as daytime that theFederal Government favoured the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) in all things at the prejudice of other parties. Forinstance, when that party’s governorship candidate, IyiolaOmisore discovered that the Resident ElectoralCommissioner (REC) for the State of Osun, AmbassadorRufus Akeju did not succumb to his dirty deal, he hammeredfor his deployment, which was granted. That caused thetemporary redeployment that brought the Resident Electoral

Commissioner (REC) for Kogi State, Mr. Olusegun Agbajeto the scene.

Another instance in hand unfolded on the eve of theelection. Vigilant and eagle-eyed youth of a community inObokun Local Government Council Area of the statecaught a van loaded with already thumb-printed ballotpapers. They acted lawfully well by handing the van andits ferry-men over to the police authorities at the State PoliceHeadquarters at Osogbo. It was reported that the leadershipof the state headquarters of Independent National ElectoralCommission (INEC) had owned up that one of its staff, anelectoral officer of a local government was among thearrested ferry-men of the impounded van. The FederalGovernment, through the Nigeria Police authoritieshurriedly effected a change in the police hierarchy in thestate; obviously to cover their tracks in the electoral crime.Mr. Maishanu who had been the State Commissioner ofPolice was transferred to give way for Mr. Mbakaboko,who obviously was an odd-jobber on assignment to act ascript. Mr. Mbakaboko’s first (and probably the only)assignment was to address a press conference where hetold the whole world that no vehicle was ever arrested byhis command. So, the culprits were let off the hook!

There was also this reported case of illegal purchasersof Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) apprehended by eagle-eyed patriots at Ajegunle Area of Osogbo, the state capital.The apprehenders acted on tip-off by vigilant members ofthe public; and they acted promptly. The culprits werereported to be card acquirers of the Peoples DemocraticParty (PDP); and as such; they were having a free day withan air of impunity! As a matter of fact, aside the fact that nomembers or supporters of any other political party coulddemonstrate such lawlessness; they dared not, as therewere no immunity to give them defenses against the longarms of the law. So the story went: the culprits were handedover to the police authorities upon apprehension. Beforelong, their sponsors at the “almighty” federal seat got thenews. The next line of action on their part was to get theState Commissioner of Police on phone and havingconfirmed the account, ordered him to effect their immediaterelease and get the case closed for good and all! Not onlythat, as the time of day was evening, they ordered the policeboss to feed their sacred cows to aid their recuperationupon release as they must have been famished. The officerof the law found himself helpless; his arms being tied. So,he was left with no better option than to sacrifice his mealfor that day’s break of fast as the time of occurrencecoincided with the holy Moslems’ month of Ramadan.

It was this police boss who did the biddings of his mastersabove who was summarily redeployed on the eve of thegovernorship election. He then got replaced with anotherone who was given a hurriedly-prepared script to act. Inever considered that the job of policing could be sorubbished! I guess that it was shame that prevented thenew police boss from gracing the events at the electioncollation centre with his presence. His seat was vacant onthat night and so it remained all through the night. Menand officers of our forces need greater touch ofprofessionalism. The President should also ensure thatthose appointed to man political leadership of ministriesare experts and professionals of relevance to respectiveministries. Much of our problems stems from putting squarepegs into round holes.

•The governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola (arrowed), showing his appreciation to his suppoters after the INEC declared him the winner of the 2014 governorshipelection last Sunday at Nelson Mandela Freedom Park, Osogbo, recently.

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OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014 MAGAZINE 12

Victory At Last!

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Another account which the afore-cited van arrest atObokun Local Government substantiated is the widespreadrumour making the rounds prior to the elections that thevotes for so and so local government council areas hadbeen cast. The first inkling of that that I got derived fromthe newspaper account I read of a man in Ekiti State; amember of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), who gaffedabout that his party’s victory in the yet-to-be-conductedelection, was a long-settled case! There was much to thataccount than could be entertained in this edition. But theconfirmation came when on the eve of the OsunGubernatorial Polls a van filled with thumb-printed ballotpapers was impounded within the precincts of Obokun LocalGovernment. If we did not confirm the earlier reports andrumours, that incident alone confirmed that those atrocitieswere truly committed and with the covering of the powers-that-be at the federal level.

THE Gubernatorial Elections which held penultimateSaturday all over the State of Osun has ended with a noteof victory on the part of the incumbent governor, OgbeniRauf Adesoji Aregbesola and his political party, the AllProgressives Congress (APC). The victory has put finalrest to fears and apprehension nursed in some quartersthat the election and its aftermath could spell disasters ofgrave proportions for the state and its people.

Declaring the results of the elections in the wee hours ofSunday, the state returning officer, who doubles as theVice Chancellor of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife,Professor Bamitale Omole premised the delay in the releaseof the results which dragged all through the night on thelong distance which some collation officers and otherelection personnel had to travel to Osogbo, the state capitalto turn in the results they had.

In his declaration, the governorship candidate for theAll Progressives Congress (APC), Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesolapolled a massive figure of three-hundred and ninety-fourthousand, six-hundred and eighty-four (394,684) votes todefeat the leading opposition Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) candidate, Senator Iyiola Omisore, whose totalnumber of votes was two-hundred and ninety-twothousand, seven-hundred and forty-seven (292,747). Thewinning margin in the polls presented a clear difference ofone-hundred and one thousand, nine-hundred and thirty-seven (101,937).

In the breakdown of election results, Ogbeni RaufAregbesola of the All Progressives Congress (APC) polleda rousing majority; making him the winner in twenty-twolocal governments. These local governments includeOsogbo (39,983 votes); Olorunda (26,551); Iwo (20,827);Ilesa East Local Government Council, the home of thegovernor (16,106); and Ilesa West (15,427).

Others include Irewole (18,328); Ifelodun (17,447); Boripe(12,723) and others like, Oriade, Ifedayo, Ede North andSouth, Atakunmosa East, Atakunmosa West and a host ofothers.

The winning areas of Senator Omisore of the PeoplesDemocratic Party (PDP) include his home local governments,Ife Central, Ife East and Ife South; Isokan, Ife North,Boluwaduro, Odo-Otin, and Ayedire.

The Chief Returning Officer appreciated God and thepeople of the state for a hitch-free election; though somepockets of hitches were reported in Ward 11 of Boripe Local

Government Council Area, Ward 5 of Ila local GovernmentCouncil Area and one other unit each in Atakunmosa Eastand Ejigbo local governments, where petitions trailing thepolls reported elections irregularities like over-voting whichnecessitated the results to be cancelled. On the whole, theGovernorship election was adjudged to be overwhelminglysuccessful.

Displaying the score sheets for the results, the ChiefReturning Officer, Professor Bamitale Omole showed thesecurely sealed forms EC 8D and EC8 E, which addedcredence to the credibility of the exercise.

In attendance at the results collation and declarationceremony which held at the open arena of the State of OsunHeadquarters of the Independent National ElectoralCommission (INEC), Gbongan / Ibadan Road, Osogbo wereNational Supervisor INEC, Ambassador M.A. Wali,National Commissioner INEC, Engineer Nuru Yakubu andthe Resident Electoral Commissioner of Kogi State, whodoubles as the Acting Resident Electoral Commissioner ofState of Osun, Mr. Olusegun Agbaje.

Others present at the event are directors from INECheadquarters, Messers Oladimeji and Telma, H.O.D.Operations for the State of Osun INEC, Alhaji A.W.O. Azeez,resident electoral commissioners for Ondo and Ekiti states,academic icons who doubled a collating officers partyagents, security operatives and members of the press.

On hand to comment on the exercise were the State ofOsun Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Mr.Sunday Akere, the Director of Information and Strategy forthe State of Osun Chapter of the All Progressives Congress(APC), Barrister Kunle Oyatomi and the State Chairman forthe National Conscience Party (NCP), Honourable WaheedLawal. In their separate comments, the trio lauded thecredibility of the entire exercise, though they noted thatlots need be improved in the conduct of elections in thenation.

It was however noticed that the agent for the PeoplesDemocratic Party (PDP) absconded from signing thenecessary results sheets, a development which wasconsidered in many quarters to be a sign of discontent ofthe party against the results, even in spite of the prejudicesit received from the Federal Government during the contestthat brought about the results.

THE entire communities in Osogbo, the State of Osuncapital city stood still penultimate Saturday as theGubernatorial Elections were held all over the state. Earlieron Friday, the State Government had culled out a holidayto get voters adequately prepared for the exercise, especiallyin getting to their various towns of registration before theoutset of the restriction of movement ultimatum, whichlasted between 6:00 p.m. on Friday and 6:00 p.m. onSaturday.

At various polling units visited by our reporters, votersand election personnel had been spotted on site as early as7:00 a.m. The turn-out of voters in particular was remarkablyimpressive as they were found on queues, their PermanentVoter Cards (PVCs) in hand, ready for accreditation.

At the polling units lying between Oke Onitea and OldGarage axis of the city, the turnout was quite indicative thatthe outing of the day would bring great success for Nigeria’selectoral process. At St. Michaels Primary School, AgoWande / Oke Onitea, through BCGA area, people were foundin their large numbers, comporting themselves in peaceful

manner ahead of actual voting exercise.From Old Garage through Olaiya Junction to Ogo-Oluwa

area, the streets were bereft of the usual hustle and bustleas traders, motorists and residents in their entirety tooktheir time out that day to stay at home to perform theirstatutory civic duty of voting.

At various strategic locations in the town, armed militaryofficers and officers of other security apparatus could besighted mounting road blocks in order to provide addedsecurity for the .election exercise.

Roads and streets were deserted, save for few motorvehicles moving on election duty. However, people wereseen moving in occasional droves, in attempt to locate theirvoting units. As at 8:00 a.m. it had become crystal clear thatthe security scam and apparent pressure intended tointimidate voters and create apathy would not deter peoplefrom trooping out to vote their leaders in the capacity ofgovernor and deputy governor.

At the Station road / Oja Oba / Ilesa Road axis of thestate capital, the same trend of encouraging turnout wasrecorded. At the Ataoja Palace / Central Mosque area, thepeople of that core area trooped out massively. The trendwas replicated along Oke Baale and Isale Osun where peoplewere sighted in large numbers at their polling units, readyfor their work of franchise.

The mood was quite encouraging at Omo West; Ikirun /Offa Road up to Ota Efun and Kobo N Gbodbo E area wherepeople moved out massively to perform their civicobligations within the statutorily stipulated time frame.

At Testing Ground / Kola Balogun area, the stage wasobviously set for a good day of prospective move towardthe consolidation of sound democratic culture. In all theareas mentioned, politicians across various divides wereseen moving from house to house to mobilize voters to goout for the all-important assignment.

The early morning drizzle was not a deterring factor. Inspite of absence of means of mobility, voters who had longdistances to transverse from their places of abode to theirvoting units set out early enough. They were encouragedby the fact that they found out that they were not alone inthe trek.

At the various polling units, orderly conduct prevailedall through the exercise. At United African Primary School,adjunct to former Fakunle Comprehensive College, Gbongan/ Ibadan Road, two polling units were located; peace anorderly conduct prevailed throughout the exercise.

Even though there were earlier speculations of plans bythe Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to use armed thugsdressed in military uniform to snatch ballot boxes and replacethem with already stuffed ones, the way things played outwas entirely different as voting went on smoothlythroughout the exercise.

At the end of the exercise, the results were flawless atthe two units, as voters were all engaged in the process ofloud counting. Recording was done in the full glare of all,and this added to the credibility of the entire exercise. Voterseventually dispersed fully satisfied as the results and theirmanner of counting were fair to all.

On the overall, the final results of the State of Osun 2014Gubernatorial Election as released by the IndependentNational Electoral Commission (INEC) are as presentedbelow:

•(L-R) Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) in Osun, Mr Olusegun Agbaje; Vice Chancellor, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Professor Bamitale Omole; SupervisingNational Commissioner, Ambassador M.A Wali and INEC National Commissioner, Engineer Nuru Yakubu during the announcement of the 2014 governorship election resultat INEC headquarters, Osogbo, State of Osun, recently.

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13 OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014MAGAZINE

Victory At Last!Contiuned from page 11 THOUGH come and gone, the results and aftermath of

the Osun 2014 Gubernatorial Elections are filled withrevelations, pieces of bitter truth, lessons and assessment

of progress made so far in our democratic adventure. Theantecedents to and play-out of events during the polls also havemuch to lend to our future and the sustenance of our democraticculture. Lots have been said and discussed during the electioncampaign period. The discussions, conclusions and forecast madeare not a closed case. Day-in, day-out, lessons are bound to belearnt. Whether one likes it or not, realities of lessons we fail tolearn are bound to unfold in their due seasons. To shy away fromdrawing analysis and inferences and from taking proper cuesfrom lessons from an event or from a process is to be guilty ofbad fate.

For good and all, the period of attempting to entice voterswith Greek gifts has gone. The pilferers of our collective fortuneshave stolen so much that the owners have discovered. Havingdiscovered, the owners have begun to consider any Greek giftsoffered to them as a stylish way of returning to them thoseprecious wealth earlier stolen from them. So, any politician whocomes out at the approach of elections, doling out Greek giftsdoes so as effort made in the line of redistribution of income. It isbetter to use every opportunity that avails itself to provideamenities that add value to the lives of the citizenry than takingthe people for granted that they could be bought over with one-shot inducements – financial, material or any other form.

The administration of the winner of the election, Ogbeni RaufAregbesola of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has taught usthat the most potent and vibrant tool for winning and sustainingthe trust and confidence of the people is to provide amenities,infrastructure and facilities that touch lives and turn them aroundpositively now; and that would remain as lasting legacies forgenerations unborn. Also through the Aregbesola school of thought,we have come to the realization that the greatest asset topoliticians and statesmen alike is the people. Human resource isthe greatest wealth of any society. It is therefore demeaning anddehumanizing to take for granted the intellectual faculty, mentalreasoning, conscience, pride and dignity of a people. As a matterof fact, it is a crime against humanity. This is a lesson for all thosewho shall henceforth be aspiring to lead us as a people in theseparts. We are not a people to be bamboozled with fake, unrealisticpromises or dumb-driven or tempest-tossed as if we have noconscience.

People have often blamed much of our predicaments in theline of successfully nurturing our democratic culture on lengthyyears of military rule. But our democracy is now almost sixteenyears old, yet there has been no remarkable improvement. Weneed to examine what is being done wrong and make properamends. Our political leadership at the centre us currently handledby a civilian. By this, I mean that President Goodluck Jonathanwas never a military man. In spite of this, it appeared as if thedisposition of his administration on election matters has a benttowards winning empires by all means! As surprising as this is, itdoes cannot help our democratic culture. People should be allowedto have the final say on the choice of who leads them and managetheir resources for them.

President Jonathan appears to be too desperate in therealization of his ambition – that of succeeding himself next year.He tends to be doing that without measuring up to beingcompetent and able to provide solutions to our numerousproblems. The enormous financial resources wasted on thefortunes of his party’s candidate in the just-concluded State ofOsun Gubernatorial Election alone could have gone far in fixingall federal roads that criss-cross our territory. If he had done that,people would have become ingrafted to him without force orintimidation.

OSUN DEFENDER Magazine also reasons that the hugesecurity apparatus deployed to the state during the last polls hasbetter task to carry out in the core North area where the dreadedBoko Haram is dealing fatal blow on citizens of this country.Security matters during an election are what the police can handlewithout reinforcement. More so, the State of Osun has fared wellin security matters under Governor Aregbesola. Since 2010 whenthe incumbent administration came on board, crime wave has soreduced that the state has been ranked as one of the most peacefulin the country. This feat was achieved internally withoutreinforcement from anywhere. How then has reinforcementbecome necessary during an election; save for the reason thatsomeone somewhere is desperately bent toward favouring aparticular candidate above others. Before the elections and nowthat the elections are concluded, the governor remains the chiefsecurity officer of the state. How then is it that during election,someone somewhere wanted to usurp that responsibility fromhim?

Before it is too late, President Goodluck Jonathan should getrid of bad eggs in his cabinet. The likes of Musiliu Obanikoro andJelili Adesiyan are misfits who have no value to add to anyadministration. Their ignoble role in Ekiti and Osun is a clearattestation to this. If nothing about their antecedents is sufficientto convince anyone, their roles in these recent outings should dothe convincing.

Here we are! The collective will of the majority of our peoplehas prevailed. In spite of harassment, intimidation, provocationand threats, we have all won at last! It remains indelibly true thatthe people’s will is mightier than the force of arms. The resolveof the people is irrepressible. In vain was the guard and spies. Wehave fought and won in spite of all antics and machinations of ourcollective foes. Congratulations, Osun.


Page 14: Osun Defender - August 19th 2014, Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014 14FOR THE RECORDS


I Dedicate My Victory To The PeopleBeing the text of the acceptance speech by the governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola,

on the occasion of the presentation of certificate of return by the Independent National ElectoralCommission (INEC) as the winner of the August 9, 2014 gubernatorial election in the state.


I say without equivocation that those,on whose behalf, I receive thecertificate of return, are the great

people of Osun, who against all odds,stood by us and made this possible.Otherwise, if the wish of powerfulforces prevails, we would have by nowbeen eased out of the GovernmentHouse, even though it is illegal by lawbecause our tenure will end byNovember. Glory be to God and thepeople of Osun, who sacrificedeverything; who risks everything, tostand and support us. I dedicate thiscertificate to you. I thank you. Throughyou, God delivered this to me, not bymy might, not by my strength, not bymy power, it is solely because of yourzeal, commitment and total sacrifice andamazing support, under the direction ofGod, that I am happily today qualified toreceive this certificate of return. I thankyou.

I thank the leadership and membersof my party all over Nigeria, mostespecially in Osun, for their support anddiligence displayed before, during andafter the election. Inspite of evil forces,you were determined to survive the willof the people. I thank all our partyfaithful and sympathizers across theglobe; the human rights organizations,progressives in general, international andlocal observers, including but not limitedto African Union (AU) and also toIndependent National ElectoralCommission (INEC). I congratulate youfor the successful conduct of theelection.

I have said it before and I will say itagain, that we must not fail to remindINEC the obvious lapses, which couldhave marred the election. Without doubt,I scored INEC 75%. However, INECmust in future elections, take seriously,the security of election materials. Please,it is still right and appropriate to be extra-vigilant with election materials. We werevictims of the similar poor managementof election materials, which is morereason it is important to emphasize this.In 2007, the current Speaker, Rt.Honourable Najeem Salaam fromEjigbo, Honourable Abiodun Awolola,from Egbedore, and current DeputySpeaker, Honourable AkintundeAdegboye, from Osogbo, were victims.In 2007, the election that was conducted,without any sin, had to be voidedbecause of the compromise of somejunior staff of INEC, who werecustodians of those election materials.Some unscrupulous elements influencedthem to tamper with the electoralmaterials, which led to the loss ofelectoral mandate. A recentreoccurrence happened in 2011, whenHonourable Nathaniel Agunbiade wasalmost denied of his position, but for thewisdom of the judges, who refused theirtricks. He still retains the office becauseduring the examination of the factsavailable, it was discovered that someunscrupulous elements in INEC voidedsome of the ballots after election, butGod caught them. The ones they voideddid not match the serial numbers of theones they originally used during election.

Otherwise, there would have been arerun in that constituency. That is whywe are appealing to INEC to please tobe on alert, extra-vigilant and moredetermined to secure the electionmaterials. If you do not guard thosematerials, they are open to all sorts ofmanipulations. If the integrity of theorganization, as important to us as it isimportant to you, you should be able toprotect the materials. I trust that youwill do your best to prevent compromise,manipulation and tampering of electionmaterials.

The election was largely successful,with the exception of some wards in IfeFederal Constituency, where by our ownreports, a large section did not even haveany election at all. Except theseinadequacies, you have conducted asuccessful election. I congratulate myopponents, who participated in theelection. I thank them for the spirit withwhich they contested the election. It ismy belief that electoral process is anexpression of a democratic process, sowe must commend those who took thepains, who made the effort to strengthenour democratic process. I pray that inthe same spirit of Olympic, in which theyparticipated in the process, let them allcome to us to advance the interest ofour state and provide to our people, abetter life. For those who chose legaloption, we are not in any way inducingthem not to pursue to any length thelitigation of the election, but we are soconfident that such process will further

convince them beyond any doubt thatwe won the August 9, 2014gubernatorial election fair and well. Buteven as they pursue the litigation, letsus all come together to advance thecause of our people by guaranteeingpeace for our people, progress for all ofus and ensure development.

I have no reason, since 2004, to beinvolved in this process, if not for theprogress and development of black manon earth. It is my zeal and passion touse my God-given talent to give meaningto the black race, which today isunderdeveloped internationally. I believeI can use my God-given talent, withinthis small pace, to make a difference inleadership. That is why since 2004,when I have privilege and opportunitythat will make the world to know thatthe blacks are capable of effectiveleadership and I am proud to say thatour 44 months in power hasdemonstrated what purposefulleadership could do. Who would everthought that school children of close300,000 could be eating delicious mealseveryday? Who could have ever thoughtthat 40,000 unemployed youths could betaken off the streets and made to servetheir communities and yet get someremunerations or who could have evertaught that schools worthy of highly-wealthy children, could be built forchildren of ordinary people? Who couldhave ever thought that Osun couldguarantee buses for our students andsubsides the buses? Could anybody

imagine that elderly persons, who arevulnerable, without fear, will get fromgovernment, monthly stipends? Whocould have thought that every communityin Osun will have sufficient governmentattention to make them feel that theyare part of government? Who could havetaught that farmers will need not toworry about money to buy agriculturalinputs? Who could have taught thatevery child in our public schools will havetheir data on a computer base that willbe permanent? Who could have everthought that Osogbo, the state capital,will be gradually turning to be the Dubaiof Nigeria and by 2018, by the grace ofGod, Osogbo will be so muchtransformed that any visitor, who hasbeen away for a year, will certainly missroads and this will not be limited toOsogbo alone; we are working on anambitious nine-city urban renewalprojects. US Habitat told me that thereis no place in the world, where anygovernment had ever embarked on theurban renewal of the size we areembarking on. We are not onlydeveloping Osogbo, we are doing Iwo,Ikire, Ede, Ila, Ilesa Ikirun and Ejigbo.Because of the predominance of Ejigbopeople in French countries, that is whywe take special interest in Ejigbo inaddition to whatever support we aregetting from the UN habitat. Also in Ile-Ife, and when I talk about Ile-Ife, besidesurban renewal, there is an historicalassignment we must do in Ile-Ife.

Ile-Ife is the source of all Yorubasacross the globe, and there are over 33million in the world. As the origin of ourrace, we are because of this rebuildingIle-Ife. We will trace the history ofYoruba 500 years back before thecontact of white men, and we are goingto project where we want to be in thenext 500 years. This historic assignmentwill be called Yoruba InternationalHeritage City. We are going to start theproject. There is no way we cancomplete it in four years, but with this,we are going to show the people of Ile-Ife that we are not parochial; that weare committed to the development of Ile-Ife, and we are going to see Ile-Ife inits historic and cultural context. We allgo to Mecca, we all go to Jerusalemand in no distant time, we are going tohave Ile-Ife that we will be proud of. Atthe same time, we are not going to relentin our efforts to meet other essentialneeds of our people. Our six-pointintegral action plan still stands to ensurethat peace and harmony reign supreme;that we sustain sound health, qualitativeand functional education.

We are grateful to God that we wonthis election and we want to assure ourpeople that whatever we have done orwe have seen is just the foundation ofwhat is coming in the next four years.As I was saying, we want all, who aregenuine in their profession; who aregenuine in their commitment; who aregenuine in their vision for Osun, to cometo us, to collaborate with us to makeOsun a model of progress, a model ofdevelopment, a model of dignity. I thankyou for your time. I pray that by thetime we will be handing over again in2018, there will be every reason to thankGod.

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15OSUN DEFENDER Tuesday, August 19, 2014 PHOTOTALK

State Of Osun Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, At Osogbo Central Mosque ForHis Re-election’s Thanksgiving On Friday.

•Governor Rauf Aregbesola acknowledging cheers from his well-wishers and supporters on his way back from Jumat service last Friday.

Page 16: Osun Defender - August 19th 2014, Edition



By TUNJI ADEGBOYEGATWO weeks before, I had

made a case for thereelection of Governor Rauf

Aregbesola of Osun State in the(then) forthcoming governorshipelection in the state billed forAugust 9. I mentioned some ofAregbesola’s many achievements inless than four years, and in spite offinancial limitations. As I said then, such campaign would have beenunnecessary as Aregbesola’sachievements should have spokenfor him. But we have entered a dangerous era inour political development where achievementsalone no longer speak. That much was learntfrom the June 21 governorship election in EkitiState in which the incumbent Governor KayodeFayemi of the All Progressives Congress (APC)lost to his Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)challenger, Ayo Fayose.

Mercifully, the Osun election result wasdifferent. Although Osun people took ‘politicalnotice’ of the nuisance value in Aregbesola’schallenger, they rewarded performance byretaining Aregbe (APC) as governor with 394,684 votes against Iyiola Omisore’s (PDP)292,747. It would have been tragic to haveallowed unserious people and impostors to takeover another state in a pace-setter region like thesouth-west. It was not that they did not try;they did, but the people’s eternal vigilance andGod made it impossible for them to carry outtheir satanic desire. This is why I find it soridiculous to laud President Goodluck Jonathanfor deploying troops to Osun as he did in Ekiti.Only that in the former, we saw not only genuinesoldiers but also suspected fakes; both hoodedand hoodless.

Moreover, the motive for sending the soldierswas not altruistic. An account had it that at apoint, the soldiers were reminded of the ‘patrioticduty’ not to disappoint their C-in-C in Osun.But everyone who should know ought to haverealised that Nigeria is one of the very few placeswhere President Goodluck Jonathan could be apolitical asset. A situation where the presidentwould have thrown his hat into the ring shouldhave been avoided instead of allowing him to dothat only to start looking for security agents toensure his party was rigged in. Moreimportantly, soldiers would have had nobusiness in elections if the ruling party had donewhat was required in the police force all theseyears. Why should soldiers take up police dutieswhile duty calls at Sambisa Forest?

It baffles me that despite what happened inthe Western Region in the ‘60s and ‘80s, somepeople still had the effrontery to want to rigelection in the region so barefacedly like the PDPtried even in Osun on August 9. But, as we allknow, if history is always to repeat itself, theremust be people to make that happen. Renegadesthere always will be. They were there even inChief Obafemi Awolowo’s time. With every 12disciples, there must be a Judas. I mean sons ofperdition will always be sons of perdition, nomatter what.

But, it is good we continue to remind suchpeople that they rig election, especially in thesouth-west, at their own risk. This is not a clarioncall to arms. And even if it is, it is nothing to beapologetic about. After all, John Kennedy in1962, it was who said, “Those who makepeaceful revolution impossible will make violentrevolution inevitable.” This is forever true,whether in Kennedy’s America or anywhere forthat matter. America will not experience violentrevolution today simply because politiciansthere would not attempt to subvert the will ofthe people blatantly as our politicians do at thepolls. Elections are supposed to be sacred andthose who desecrate that sacredness are likepeople who cause rain to fall. Unfortunately,they did not reckon that when the rain starts,

the possibility of its being accompanied bythunderstorm is high. Yet, they do not wantthunderstorm.

One of the reasons why Africa is in a shamblestoday is because people who do not deserve tolead have forced their way into positions ofauthority in many African countries. And theyalways want to stay put even when it is clearthat they have outlived their usefulness. Whenundeserving people sit tight in power, it hasimplications not only for today but also fortomorrow. It is people’s future; people livesand people’s progress that such usurpers arrestfor every minute that they stay in power.

Anyway, having driven away those whowanted to reap where they did not sow in Osun,it is time to tell the progressives some hometruths. Posterity would not be kind to them ifthey give people who have nothing to offer theopportunity to fish for ridiculous excuses whypoliticians who perform cannot be reelected, thus

throwing the people into perpetual lamentation.All over the democratic world, performance iskey. We should resist the attempt by non-performers and vagabonds who are lurkingaround, waiting to exploit minor weaknesses ofsome of the region’s performing politicians. Wehave passed that stage in our political evolutionwhere achievements would take the back seat;we should not allow the PDP to reduce the regionto its base standards.

I say this because if truly Omisore scored the292,747 votes that INEC said he scored in theAugust 9 election, then, the value system thatwe used to hold dear in the south west is beinggradually eroded. And this is dangerous. In thepast, no one in Yorubaland would touch Omisore,not even with a long pole, given his antecedents.His acquittal over the murder of Chief Bola Igemight have had the force of law, but it wouldhave lacked the force of votes in the south westbecause the people’s court too used to count.Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey, in one of his

evergreens it was who sang that ‘ka tofi’yan j’oye larin Egba, o ni lati je’ni rere’(before anyone is given chieftaincy titleby the Egba people, such a person mustbe worthy of it). Ekiti people say theirland is ile iyi; (land of honour); but this isnot true of the Ekitis alone, it used to belike that all over Yorubaland.

Yes, the PDP might have fieldedOmisore, not necessarily because of what

he has to offer, but, as a source put it, because itwanted people who have an infinite capacity tocause trouble; still, the Yoruba people wouldhave rejected him resoundingly at the polls. Ihear the ruling party also sponsored anothercandidate in the region because, again, as thesource said, ‘he get craze for head’! These are,trying times for the south west; indeed tryingtimes for Nigeria!

But, the point is, if the Yoruba people wereready to insist that their votes count in the 1960s,breaking their rediffusion sets which they sawthen as the roguish government’s tool ofpropaganda in the process; and if they wereready to do same even in 1983, then there mustbe a reason why they think such struggle is nolonger worth it today when robbed of their votes,even in broad daylight. Agreed, as Hans J.Morgenthau argued ‘… all politics is a strugglefor power’ but not all struggles for power arestruggles for people’s development. If politiciansin Nigeria devote only 30 percent of the energythey give seeking power into governance, thingswould never have been this bad. Indeed, as wesaw in the First and Second Republics, and aswe must have seen so far after more than 15years of PDP rule, the struggle for power haslargely been a struggle for personalaggrandisement. “If someone spent eight yearsin power, I should be able to beat that record”.“If someone who entered the GovernmentHouse in bathroom slippers is able to come outin golden shoes barely a week after, I should beable to do same in two days”. This may seemmore of exaggeration, but that is the spirit amongmany of our public office holders now.

Without doubt, the PDP would not mindallowing people who want to ride Okada fromLagos to Ibadan on the Lagos-IbadanExpressway kill themselves if that would fetchit votes. It is ready to return Nigeria to the StoneAge, provided that would bring in votes. Such isits desperation. And it is understandable; that isthe only way it can get gullible people to stillreckon with it in spite of its monumental failuresince 1999, especially at the centre. I am notarguing that the south west should fall to suchbase standards, because the region has alwaysbeen a pace-setter, but the political leaders inthe region have to learn to sell their programmesto the electorate instead of putting up a ‘know-all’ posture or being arrogant or messianic indoing things. And, when like all mortals, theyfind they are wrong, they should not hesitate toreverse themselves. That is one sure way tokeep the predators at bay.

All said, the progressives family has to call ameeting where they have to tell themselves thebitter truth. As I argued earlier, if the Yorubapeople were ready to go the whole hog like theydid in 1966 and 1983 when roguish politicianssubverted their electoral choice, then somethingis missing if they cannot take a similar risk todayin the face of a rampaging ruling party that hasnothing to offer and yet wants to ‘capture’ morestates in the country, particularly in the south-west. Like the biblical missing axe, it is thatmissing link that the progressives must find tomake the difference in 2015.

•Culled from THE NATION

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank GTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun. Allcorrespondence to the Managing Editor, KOLA OLABISI, Telephone: 08033927286 ([email protected]); Editor, KAYODE AGBAJE, Telephone: 0803-388-0205, E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]. ISSN: 0794-8050.Website: www.osundefender.org.

Beyond Aregbe’s Victory


For the progressives, it’s time for introspection

“If the Yoruba people were ready to insist that their votes count in the1960s, breaking their rediffusion sets which they saw then as the roguishgovernment’s tool of propaganda in the process; and if they were ready todo same even in 1983, then there must be a reason why they think suchstruggle is no longer worth it today when robbed of their votes, even inbroad daylight... Like the biblical missing axe, it is that missing link that theprogressives must find to make the difference in 2015.”