Osteoarthritis: recent advances in diagnosis and management · 2015-12-02 · n DRUG REVIEW 26 z...

n DRUG REVIEW 26 z Prescriber 5 November 2014 prescriber.co.uk CPD questions available for this article. See page 34 O steoarthritis (OA) is the commonest form of arthritis and is a clinical syndrome of joint pain and functional limita- tion. OA affects 8.5 million people in the UK, with almost three quarters of these individuals reporting constant pain. OA is the reason for two million GP consultations per year in the UK 1 and is the 11th highest contributor to global disability. 2 Advancing age and obesity in our population are important risk factors for developing OA and therefore the prevalence and burden of this syndrome will certainly increase. 2,3 OA represents a failure of joint tissue repair and the ability of cartilage and bone to effectively dissipate load. The loss of joint homeostasis results in ‘whole joint failure’ with varying degrees of cartilage loss, bone remodelling, synovial inflam- mation and joint instability with muscle atrophy. Pathology in a number of these tissues contributes to peripheral nocicep- tive drive and OA symptoms. The phenotype and natural his- tory of joint OA depends on the extent of this joint failure and hence varies broadly between individuals in terms of pain, functional loss and reduced quality of life. This review will focus on recent advances in the diagnosis and management of OA, given recent updated evidence-based guidelines from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), 4 the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), 5–7 NICE 8 and the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI). 9 Diagnosis EULAR and NICE guidelines recommend that OA can be diag- nosed clinically with appropriate symptoms, clinical findings and age at onset. 6–8 Patients over the age of 45 with activity- related joint pain and with less than 30 minutes of morning joint stiffness can be considered to have OA without further investigation. The presence of risk factors for OA incidence also increases the likelihood of a diagnosis of OA. In general Osteoarthritis: recent advances in diagnosis and management Andrew Barr MRCP and Philip Conaghan PhD, FRACP, FRCP Osteoarthritis represents a failure of joint tissue repair and can be diagnosed accurately by symptoms and clinical findings. Our Drug review discusses diagnosis and management, including holistic assessment and pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment, followed by sources of further information and an analysis of the prescription data. SPL

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CPD questions available for this article. See page 34

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the commonest form of arthritis andis a clinical syndrome of joint pain and functional limita-

tion. OA affects 8.5 million people in the UK, with almost threequarters of these individuals reporting constant pain. OA isthe reason for two million GP consultations per year in the UK1

and is the 11th highest contributor to global disability.2

Advancing age and obesity in our population are importantrisk factors for developing OA and therefore the prevalenceand burden of this syndrome will certainly increase.2,3

OA represents a failure of joint tissue repair and the abilityof cartilage and bone to effectively dissipate load. The loss ofjoint homeostasis results in ‘whole joint failure’ with varyingdegrees of cartilage loss, bone remodelling, synovial inflam-mation and joint instability with muscle atrophy. Pathology ina number of these tissues contributes to peripheral nocicep-tive drive and OA symptoms. The phenotype and natural his-tory of joint OA depends on the extent of this joint failure andhence varies broadly between individuals in terms of pain,functional loss and reduced quality of life.

This review will focus on recent advances in the diagnosisand management of OA, given recent updated evidence-basedguidelines from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR),4

the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR),5–7 NICE8

and the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI).9

DiagnosisEULAR and NICE guidelines recommend that OA can be diag-nosed clinically with appropriate symptoms, clinical findingsand age at onset.6–8 Patients over the age of 45 with activity-related joint pain and with less than 30 minutes of morningjoint stiffness can be considered to have OA without furtherinvestigation. The presence of risk factors for OA incidencealso increases the likelihood of a diagnosis of OA. In general

Osteoarthritis: recent advances in diagnosis and managementAndrew Barr MRCP and Philip Conaghan PhD, FRACP, FRCP

Osteoarthritis represents a failure of joint tissue repair and can be diagnosedaccurately by symptoms and clinical findings.Our Drug review discusses diagnosis andmanagement, including holistic assessmentand pharmacological and nonpharmacologicaltreatment, followed by sources of furtherinformation and an analysis of theprescription data.


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these risk factors include increasing age, obesity, female sex,postmenopausal state, a family history of OA, joint injury andoccupation- or recreation-related usage. Clinical findings atspecific joints, eg knee crepitus or Heberden’s nodes in thehands, may also increase the accuracy of the diagnosis (seeFigure 1). X-rays and laboratory tests of blood and synovialfluid are not required for the diagnosis of OA. However, if atypical features such as prolonged morning stiffness of morethan one hour, rapid worsening of symptoms or a hot swollenjoint are present, such tests may be used for differential diag-nosis of inflammatory arthritis, septic arthritis or malignantbone pain.8

A normal joint radiograph does not exclude osteoarthritisThe utility of X-rays in diagnosing OA is limited due to theirinsensitivity in detecting structural pathology. In adults overthe age of 50 years with normal knee X-rays, up to 89 per centhad evidence of OA on knee magnetic resonance imaging(MRI).10

There is also a poor correlation between the extent ofradio graphic structural disease and the severity of reportedclinical symptoms.11 Consequently few tests are usuallyrequired for the clinical diagnosis of OA.

ManagementInitial holistic assessmentThe management of OA should be tailored to the needs of theindividual and should begin with a comprehensive assessmentto ensure a robust and personalised management strategy isachieved. A patient-centered multidisciplinary approach witha package of interventions, including self-management, isassociated with better pain and functional outcomes.5 Thebaseline physical status assessment should describe theseverity and distribution of joint involvement and body massindex. The involvement of multiple joints and concomitant obe-sity is common and confer a worse prognosis.12 Functionalability assessment should detail the consequences of the jointproblems on activities of daily living and employment. Healthbeliefs, health-education needs and impetus for self-manage-ment determine the individualised strategy required to teachand encourage the importance of exercise and lifestylechanges.

The treatment of OA consists of nonpharmacological andpharmacological interventions, often used in combination.Table 1 summarises recent recommendations.

Nonpharmacological interventionsOA management guidelines unanimously recommend provid-ing health education and to encourage self-management. Anindividual with OA should understand the nature of their arthri-tis (a repair process usually arising due to several joint insults),their personal aetiological factors and their prognosis. Thisinformation should be reinforced at subsequent reviews andwith written and electronic resources. Every patient with clin-ical OA should be offered advice on exercise focusing on localmuscle strength first, then general aerobic fitness.

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Exercise programmes should consider the severity of the presenting problem and start with an exercise that anindividual can perform and at a level the individual can tol-erate. For example, a patient unable to do a straight leg raisewith knee OA pain is unlikely to benefit fully from walkingwithout quadriceps strengthening first; walking laps in aswimming pool or other low-impact exercises such as exer-cise bike are good starting points for people with consider-able muscle weakness. The exercise ‘dose’ should be titratedup according to the individual’s capability. Dietary advice ora dietitian review should be provided for those overweight orobese individuals. Appropriate footwear includes thick shock-absorbing soles with adequate plantar arch support and noheel elevation.

This combination of self-management, education and exer-cise should include setting achievable goals with regular re-evaluation and encouragement to maintain the necessarylifestyle changes.5

Pharmacological interventionsWhen selecting pharmacological treatments for an individualwith OA, their age, existing medications, likely adherence andco-morbid gastrointestinal and cardiovascular risks shouldbe considered. Issues such as dosing regimen including drughalf-life should then be considered. Topical NSAIDs andparacetamol remain the first-line pharmacological treatment,although paracetamol may be a less effective analgesic thanpreviously thought in OA,13 with more toxicity than is generallyappreciated.14 After taking either paracetamol or ibuprofenthree times a day for 13 weeks, 20 per cent of participantswith knee OA in a randomised control trial lost over 1g perdl of haemoglobin.

Topical capsaicin is generally recommended as an adjunctin the treatment of hand and knee OA. Oral NSAIDS, selectiveCOX-2 inhibitors and then opiates can be considered there-after, acknowledging the increased risk of toxicity particularlywith increasing age and co-morbidities. Nutraceuticals (glu-cosamine or chondroitin products) are generally not recom-mended due to the lack of certainty of clinically importantanalgesic benefits. Intra-articular corticosteroids are usefulfor moderate to severe OA pain, and may be useful for short-term pain reduction in order to facilitate muscle strengtheningor exercise. The evidence supporting the use of duloxetine islimited to knee OA; however, the OARSI and ACR guidelinesrecommend its use in multijoint OA and knee OA respec-tively.4,9 This is a licensed treatment for musculoskeletal painin the USA but not in Europe.

The NICE guideline does not recommend the use ofhyaluronic acid; this contrasts with the ACR guideline, whichconditionally recommends its use but only in people over theage of 74 with knee OA that is refractory to standard pharma-cological treatments. There were some differences in themethodology involved in both guidelines, with the more recentNICE guideline (2014) informed by a systematic literaturereview and meta-analysis that incorporated 20 more clinicaltrial papers than the ACR guideline (2012).

Referral for consideration of joint surgery Arthroscopic lavage and debridement are not recommendedas part of OA treatment, unless a person with knee OA has aclear history of true mechanical locking. The clinical outcomesare not improved by such surgery even with symptoms of ‘giv-ing way’ (usually a symptom of muscle weakness) or radio -graphic evidence of loose bodies.8,13

Should an individual with OA suffer persistent debilitatingsymptoms despite the medical interventions described above,joint surgery should be considered. A clinician should considera referral for joint surgery, predominantly joint replacement,once the existing management and prospective surgical inter-vention have been discussed with both the individual with OAand the surgeon. The individual with OA should be providedwith information to appreciate the benefits and risks of surgi-cal and nonsurgical options including the implications of post-surgical rehabilitation. This ensures an individual hasautonomy and their views and preferences are respected. Thisreferral should not be precluded by co-morbidities, age, obe-sity, smoking and gender. Any such referral should be madebefore severe pain and an established functional limitationoccur.8

Follow-up and review In a novel recommendation, the recent NICE guideline sug-gested that individuals with symptomatic OA should be offeredregular reviews. This is particularly important if the individualhas refractory and problematic joint pain, more than one symp-tomatic joint, more than one co-morbidity and for those takingregular medications for OA (eg blood pressure monitoring andoccasional monitoring of haemoglobin and renal function forthose on NSAIDs). The timing of reviews should be agreedbetween the individual and clinician and should include mon-itoring the symptoms, joint involvement, impact on functionand quality of life and overall progress in managing the OA.

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Figure 1. OA can be diagnosed clinically with appropriate symptoms, clinicalfindings (eg Heberden’s nodes in the hands) and age at onset


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The individual’s insight into their OA along with their beliefs,concerns and expectations should be regularly assessed,together with the tolerability and efficacy of their treatments.Achievable goal setting and self-management should also beencouraged.

Structure modificationAttempts have been made to slow or stop the structural dete-rioration of knee cartilage in a number of trials. Randomisedplacebo controlled trials of chondroitin, glucosamine sulphateand strontium have reported slowing of radiographic joint

space narrowing. However, there are methodological limita-tions in these trials and strontium has recently been associ-ated with an increase in acute coronary syndrome. NeitherOARSI nor NICE recommend nutraceuticals therapies for struc-tural modification.8,9 Currently there are no licensed structural-modifying therapies.

ConclusionThe diagnosis of OA can be accurately made on the basis ofsymptoms and clinical findings without the need for radio -graphs and laboratory tests. These tests can be used to iden-tify co-existing inflammatory arthritides when atypical featuresare present.

The management of OA should include a holistic andbiopsychosocial assessment with a patient-centred packageof pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventionsincluding self-management to achieve better symptomatic out-comes and improvement of an individual’s ability to participatein valued activities.

References1. Arthritis Care. OANation 2012. www.arthritiscare.org.uk/LivingwithArthritis/oanation-2012.

Guideline NICE OARSI OARSI EULAR ACR ACR ACR2014 2014 2014 2013 2012 2012 2012

Site of OA all sites knee multijoint knee and hip hand knee hip

exercise/physiotherapy (water and land based) + + + + NE + +education, self-management + + + + (+) (+) (+)weight loss in obesity + + + + NE + +thermotherapy (eg hot packs/spa) + NR (+) NE (+) (+) (+)acupuncture - NR NR NE NE (+) NEtranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation + NR - NE NE (+) NEaids, adaptations, braces, footwear (site specific) + (+) (+) + (+) (+) (+)paracetamol + (+) + NE NE (+) (+)topical NSAIDs + + NR NE (+) (+) NRoral NSAIDs (lowest possible dose) + (+) (+) NE (+) (+) (+)topical capsaicin +a (+) NR NE (+) - NEopioids (for refractory pain) (+) NR NR NE - (+) NRglucosamine and chondroitin sulphate - NR NR NE NE - -duloxetine NE NR + NE NE (+) NRrisedronate NE - - NE NE NE NEstrontium - NE NE NE NE NE NEintra-articular corticosteroids + (+) + NE - (+) (+)intra-articular hyaluronans - NR - NE - (+) NRsurgery – lavage/debridement -b NE NE NE NE NE NEsurgery – TJR/arthroplasty (site specific) (+) + NE NE NE NE NE

this is not a head-to-head comparison of the guidelines but a summary of the recommendations; each guideline addresses different anatomical sites + treatment is unconditionally recommended; (+) treatment is conditionally recommended; - treatment is not recommended; a excluding hiposteoarthritis; b unless there is a clear history of mechanical knee locking; NR = no recommendation for treatment despite reviewing the evidence; NE= treatment not evaluated; TJR = total joint replacement

Table 1. A summary of the latest evidence-based guidelines


n OA can be accurately diagnosed based on symptoms andclinical findings without radiographs and laboratory tests

n A normal joint radiograph does not exclude OA

n Every patient with clinical OA should be offered advice onexercise focusing on local muscle strength

n Currently there are no licensed structural-modifying therapies

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2. Cross M, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2014;73(7):1323–30. 3. Bijlsma JW, et al. Lancet 2011;377(9783):2115–26.4. Hochberg MC, et al. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken)2012;64(4):465–74.5. Fernandes L, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2013;72(7):1125–35.6. Zhang W, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69(3):483–9.7. Zhang W, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68(1):8–17.8. NICE. Osteoarthritis care and management in adults. CG177http://guidanceniceorguk/cg177. February 2014.9. McAlindon TE, et al. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2014;22(3):363–88.10. Guermazi A, et al. BMJ 2012;345:e5339.11. Bedson J, et al. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2008;9:116.12. Belo JN, et al. Arthritis Rheum 2007;57(1):13–26.13. Zhang W, et al. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2010;18(4):476–99.

14. Doherty M, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2011;70(9):1534–41.

Declaration of interestsNone to declare.

AcknowledgementsDr Barr is funded by Arthritis Research UK

Dr Barr is a clinical research fellow and Philip Conaghan isprofessor of musculoskeletal medicine, Leeds Institute ofRheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine, University ofLeeds and NIHR Leeds Musculoskeletal BiomedicalResearch Unit

Prescription reviewIn 2013, GPs in England wrote 15.5 million prescriptions forNSAIDs (for all indications) at a total cost of £77.4 million.This continues the gradual fall in volume (down 4 per centover 2012) and cost (8 per cent) of the past six to sevenyears.

Other trends continue. Following a 15 per cent increasein prescriptions since 2012, naproxen has now overtakenibuprofen (28 per cent market share) and diclofenac (15 percent) as the most frequently prescribed NSAID, accountingfor 42 per cent by volume.

Naproxen is also one of the cheapest NSAIDs (thirdbehind meloxicam and ibuprofen) even though its averagecost is inflated by liquid specials at £200–£300 per prescrip-tion. The plain and enteric coated generic 250 and 500mgtablets of naproxen are the least expensive, but the generic375mg enteric coated tablets cost almost as much as thebranded alternative.

No. scrips NIC NIC per (000s) (£000s) scrip (£)

aceclofenac 16 165 10.10

celecoxib 335 9 104 27.15

diclofenac 2 318 12 485 11.69a


etodolac 167 2 717 16.26

etoricoxib 375 9 024 24.05

flurbiprofen 10 146 14.34

ibuprofen 4 286 13 788 3.22

indometacin 225 1 314 5.84

ketoprofen 38 807 21.13

mefenamic acid 370 1 394 3.76

meloxicam 701 1 222 1.74

nabumetone 54 448 8.24

naproxen 6 513 23 709 3.64

piroxicam 36 520 14.63Table 1. Number and cost of prescriptions for the treatment of OA,England, 2013; a potassium salt; b sodium salt


GuidelinesAmerican College of Rheumatology 2012 recommendations forthe use of nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies inosteoarthritis of the hand, hip, and knee. Hochberg MC, et al.Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 2012;64(4):465–74.

EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis ofhand osteoarthritis: report of a task force of ESCISIT. Zhang W,et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68(1):8–17.

EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis ofknee osteoarthritis. Zhang W, et al. Ann Rheum Dis2010;69(3):483–9.

EULAR recommendations for the non-pharmacological coremanagement of hip and knee osteoarthritis. Fernandes L, et al.Ann Rheum Dis 2013;72(7):1125–35.

Osteoarthritis: care and management in adults. CG177. NICE,February 2014.

Osteoarthritis – management. NICE Clinical KnowledgeSummaries. http://cks.nice.org.uk/osteoarthritis.

Prescriber articlesUpdated NICE guidance on OA: emphasis remains the same.Hardcastle S, et al. Prescriber 19 May 2014;25(10):5–6.

NSAIDs for RA, osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. ChaplinS, et al. Prescriber 19 June 2011;22(12):26–29.

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For each section, one of the statements is false – which is it?

1. OA is a clinical syndrome that:a. is associated with pain in one quarter of people with OA in

the UK

b. is more likely to affect people with advancing age or who areobese

c. represents a failure of joint tissue repair and the ability of cartilage and bone to effectively dissipate load

d. involves cartilage loss, bone remodelling, synovial inflamma-tion and joint instability with muscle atrophy

2. When diagnosing OA:a. a diagnosis can be made in a patient >45 years old with

activity-related joint pain and <30 minutes of morning jointstiffness

b. X-rays are necessary to confirm the diagnosis

c. in a patient with atypical features, the differential diagnosisincludes inflammatory arthritis, septic arthritis or malignantbone pain

d. there is a poor correlation between the extent of radiographicstructural disease and the severity of reported clinical symp-toms

3. Nonpharmacological interventions for OA should:a. encourage self-management

b. include exercise that focuses first on local muscle strength

c. include education about the nature of OA, personal aetiologi-cal factors and the prognosis

d. be provided at diagnosis but discontinued when drug treat-ment is established

4. In the pharmacological treatment of OA:a. Topical NSAIDs and paracetamol are the first-line treatment

b. paracetamol may relieve pain less effectively than previouslythought

c. drug selection should take into account likely adherence

d. a drug’s half-life is therapeutically irrelevant

5. In the pharmacological treatment of OA:a. topical capsaicin may be recommended for knee OA

b. there is insufficient evidence to recommend glucosamine orchondroitin

c. opioids should not be prescribed

d. intra-articular corticosteroids may be useful to facilitatemuscle strengthening or exercise

6. When considering other management options for OA:a. clinical outcomes can usually be improved by arthroscopic

lavage and debridement

b. referral for surgery should be made before severe pain and anestablished functional limitation occur

c. referral for joint surgery should be considered for an individ-ual with persistent debilitating symptoms despite medicalinterventions

d. NICE does not recommend hyaluronic acid

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