Osh State University

Osh State University Osh State University was founded on 24 May 1951 as Osh State Pedagogical Institute.It achieved status of the University on 17 june 1992.The city of Osh provides a unique setting for the urban campus of OshSU. At the heart of this picturesque city lies the OshSU administrative campus, with the remaining departments located throughout the city.OshSU is the leading educationl, cultural and scientific center of southern Kyrgyzstan.The faculties of the University prepare specialists to respond to all the region's needs. The University sows the seeds of science and domocracy that will bloom throughout the country. Today,Osh State University in figures. Students ............................................................................41,000 Teachers...............................................................................2502 Faculties...................................................................................20 Institutes...................................................................................9 Educational,Scientific Research Institutes......................................18 Educational Campus...................................................................23 Hostels.....................................................................................9 Decree of the President Decree of the President, Republic of Kyrgyzstan About reorganisation of the Osh State Pedagogical Institute to Osh State University.Considering necessity of acceptance of additional measures on Socio-economic and to cultural development of the south of the Republic Kyrgyzstan,increasing requirements of this region for the preparation of highly qualified specialists and the scientific staff, I decide: 1. To reorganise the Osh State Pedagogical Institute to the Osh State University. 2. To the government of Republic of Kyrgyzstan,till 1st july 1992,solve organisational and financial questions in relation with reorganisation of Osh State Pedagogical Institute to Osh State University. President, A.Akaev Republic of Kyrgyzstan Bishkek city. Government house 17 June 1992 No. VII - 202



Transcript of Osh State University

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Osh State University


Osh State University was founded on 24 May 1951 as Osh State Pedagogical Institute.It achieved status of the University on 17

june 1992.The city of Osh provides a unique setting for the urban campus of OshSU. At the heart of this picturesque city lies the

OshSU administrative campus, with the remaining departments located throughout the city.OshSU is the leading educationl,

cultural and scientific center of southern Kyrgyzstan.The faculties of the University prepare specialists to respond to all the

region's needs. The University sows the seeds of science and domocracy that will bloom throughout the country.



Today,Osh State University in figures.

Students ............................................................................41,000




Educational,Scientific Research Institutes......................................18

Educational Campus...................................................................23


Decree of the President

Decree of the President, Republic of Kyrgyzstan


About reorganisation of the Osh State Pedagogical Institute to Osh State University.Considering necessity of acceptance of


measures on Socio-economic and to cultural development of the south of the Republic Kyrgyzstan,increasing requirements of this


for the preparation of highly qualified specialists and the scientific staff, I decide:

1. To reorganise the Osh State Pedagogical Institute to the Osh State University.

2. To the government of Republic of Kyrgyzstan,till 1st july 1992,solve organisational and financial

questions in relation with reorganisation of Osh State Pedagogical Institute to Osh State University.



President,                                                                                                    A.Akaev

Republic of Kyrgyzstan                                                                              Bishkek city.

Government house

17 June 1992

No. VII - 202

History of Medical faculty

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History of formation and development of the Medical

Faculty, Osh State University 

      In 1992, considering need of acceptance of additional measures for social and economic and cultural development of the

South of the republic, increasing need of this region for training of highly qualified specialists and scientific professionals, the Osh

state pedagogical institute was transformed to the Osh state university (The decree of the President of KR No. VII - 202 of

17.06.92; No. 20/4 MONIQUE CR'S Order of 02.06.92).

      The management of the Osh state university headed by the rector, professor B. Zh. Beshimov with support of the chief of

regional Management of health care and administration of the Osh area got down to big preparatory work on registration of

demanded documentation in the Ministry of Education, sciences and cultures of KR for creation of medical faculty. It required a lot

of effort and energy for the organization of new faculty from the university management and also prominent representatives of

practical health care, such, as

Dr.Risaliyev D. D.,

Dr. Toychuyev R. M.,

Dr.Dzhumabayev ,

Dr. Shaynazarov T.Sh.,

Dr. Atakhanov K.A. ,

Dr.Maksimbekov I.N. ,

Dr.Jeenbayev J.J. ,

Dr.Baysalov A.B. and also head of health department of Osh region.

In 1992, based on the documents submitted by university, the decision on opening of medical faculty on the basis of the Osh

state university (The resolution of the government of KR No. 552 of 5.11.92 is made; the order of Ministry of Health of KR No. 324

of 17.11.92,). Professor Dr.Jeenbayev J.J was appointed dean of the medical faculty. He contributed much for opening and the

organization of this faculty. Regional chief of the health care management Dr. Risaliyev D. D. supervised the medical faculty.


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The first batch of students was admitted in 1993 consisting of 115 young boys and girls (100 - on the budgetary form of

education, including "General Medicine" - 50 students, "pediatrics" - 50 students and 15 students on the specialty "General

Medicine" - on contract form of education). Educational process was carried out by two chairs - chair Biochemical disciplines

(Head department Dzhunusov А.J. ) and chair of morphological disciplines with office of a Clinical course (Head department Prof.

Zhaparov B. Zh.) .


Classes took place on the 4-storeyed building, With transition of students to the second year and introduction of new disciplines

the chair of clinical disciplines was opened also. The clinical base of faculty included 17 hospitals, laboratories, the centers and

other treatment-and-prophylactic institutions. For improvement of educational process, teaching improvement of quality, the

faculty supported close connections with other medical institutions worldwide.

      So, annually for lectures were invited known Scientists and experts from other higher medical institutions like:

Dr.V. Lyamtsev (Pathological Anatomy),

Dr.I. Kalyuzhny (propaedeutics of internal diseases),

Dr.M. Moldobayeva (internal diseases),

Dr. R. Tukhvatshin,

Dr. B. Raimov (pathophysiology),

Dr. G. Kozhakmatov (traumatology),

Dr. J. Nurmanbetov (the general surgery),

Dr. K. Kozhonazarov (pediatrics),

Dr. O. Zhumagulov,

Dr.Ch. Seydakhmatova (eye diseases),

Dr.A. Raimzhanov (hematology),

Dr. V. Gabitov (operational surgery) and

Dr. I. Kasym-Hodzhayev,

Dr. R. Yunusov (operational surgery and Topographical anatomy),

Dr.Sh. Kadirov (normal physiology),

Dr. T. Abdurakhmanov (pharmacology), etc.

The first Convocation took place in 1999.

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92 young specialists graduated from the Medical Faculty, Osh State University, 14 of  which were from the foreign countries

like: Pakistan, India, Syria, Peru, Nepal.

10 graduates received honors degrees.

 In 1998 Professor Risaliyev D. D. who made a big contribution to opening and formation of medical faculty of Osh State

University was elected as dean of the faculty. Taking into account reforms of health system, the specialty "General Medicine" and

"pediatrics" were united in one specialty "General Medicine" for training of general practitioners. Over time new specialties -

"stomatology", "health care management", "medico-preventive", "pharmacy" were open.

Training of specialists on clinical internship was started. Scientific work occupied main focus in faculty activity. At the initial stage

of development the faculty was engaged in research work on the subject "Influence of a Monoculture of Cotton and Tobacco on

Health of the Population of the Southern Region in the conditions of Agro-industrial Transformation". The solution of a scientific

task was carried out on 5 blocks: Epidemiology, immunology, virology; microbiology and health care organization; clinical

disciplines; chemical and biological disciplines; morphological disciplines; sector of young scientists and SNO.

The head of the first NIR block was MD, professor Risaliyev D. D. Within this block work on subjects was performed:

"Development and improvement of the production technology of a neurofabric anti rabies vaccine "Lissavak"; "Justification of

improvement of system of primary medical and sanitary help to inhabitants of rural areas in the conditions of health care

reorganization"; "Economy and the mechanism of management of system of financing of rural health care (on Kyrgyz Republic

Osh area materials)"; "Tuberculosis epidemiology in the Osh area in modern conditions". Researches conducted Candidate of

Medical Sciences associate professors I. Taychiyev, A. Shamshiyev, A. Abdullaeva, To. Atakhanov, senior lecturers: T.

Mamayev, K. Kudayberdiyeva, K. Amatakhunov, assistants B. Orozbekova, A. Baygaziyeva.

The second NIR block was headed by Professor Mamasaidov A.T. , performed work on subjects: "Studying of immunogenesis

and development of methods of immunodiagnostics at rheumatologic diseases"; " treatment of the combined fractures of long

tubular bones"; "Modern methods of diagnostics and diphtheria treatment in children"; "Comparative studying of the Clinico-

morphological and epidemiological characteristic of patients with broncho-pulmonary pathology and diseases of a gastrointestinal

path in conditions the Tobacco producing regions of the Osh area"; "Geographical and climate features of bone regeneration and

healing of wounds, methods of their stimulation at extreme situations". Performers were: MD, professors Y.Dzh. Dzholdubayev,

Zh.M. Mamanazarov, к.м.н. associate professors A. Bekmurzayev, T. Shaynazarov, Z. Nuruyeva, A. Razzakov, assistants G.

Baymurzayeva, I. Sulaymanova, A. Zakirov, M. Shermatova, E. Absamatov.

      The head of the third NIR block was MD, professor Zh.A. Chotoyev. Under its guide to subjects: "Synthesis and studying of

properties of new connections and the amino acids with biometals of transitional elements"; "Interspecific contacts of small

mammal southern slopes of Alay ridge"; "Research and development of laser methods of a data recording"; "Influence of

fertilizers on a crop and quality of tobacco and a cotton on typical gray soils of the South of Kyrgyzstan"; "Dynamics of changes of

activity of enzyme Creatinine Phosphokinase in serum of blood of patients with a craniocereberal trauma in age aspect";

"Compensatory and adaptive molecular mechanisms of muscles of heart on hypoxia" conducted the researches: Candidate of

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Medical Sciences associate professors A. Zhunusov, N. Abdyganyev, M. Ergeshbayev, A. Nuradiyeva, assistants A. Mataipova,

K. Sagynbayeva.

      Under the leadership of Professor Zhaparov B. Zh. the fourth NIR block conducted researches on the following subjects:

"Studying of influence of monocultures of cotton and tobacco on a morpho-functional condition of a stomach, system of mother-

placenta-fetus"; "Anthopometrical features of anatomic development of children and teenagers of the southern region in the

conditions of a cotton and tobacco monoculture at agro-industrial transformation"; "Research of features of very tectonics of

various fields of a brain in various anatomo-physiological aspects". Performers: Candidate of Medical Sciences associate

professor Shatmanov S. T. assistants Berkmamatov Sh. T. Baygazakov A.T.

Within the fifth NIR block which was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences associate professor I.T. Taychiyev performance of

various subjects by young scientists and scientific student's organization (SNO) of faculty was coordinated. Systematic works with

graduate students on preparation and delivery of candidate examinations were carried out, the Provision on faculty SNO is

developed, its Council is created, scientific student's conferences were annually held. Performers were Sakibayev K.Sh. Groshev

S. A. etc.

Indicator of certain achievements in scientific work of faculty is successful protection of doctoral and candidate dissertation. It is

enough to note defense of doctoral dissertations by D. Risaliyev in 1997 in scientific research institute of epidemiology,

microbiology and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan and Zh. Zheenbayev in 1998 in the Moscow Medical

academy named Sechenov. Defense of the master's thesis by Karikmov A.K. took place. in 1998 and Baygazakova A.T. in 2000.

10 more graduate students and competitors of faculty actively worked over the scientific researches. Big help to them was given

by the senior mentors.

International relations are established also. The faculty cooperated with Akmolinsk medical institute, the Krasnodar medical institute, medical faculty of university Ankara, Turkey, the New York Academy of Sciences (USA). Also on implementation of development of the production technology of a nerve-fibre antirabies vaccine "Lissavak" there were scientific communications with Merie Pasteur's Institute in France (doctor Henry Tsiyant, the WHO expert), Institute biological Standards in Denmark (doctor F.H. Meslin), Institute of poliomyelitis and viral encephalitis of the Russian medical academy (professor M. Selimov), the Kyrgyz state medical academy, KKNIEMG, NAN KR.If in 1993 the staff list was submitted by 1 PhD doctor and 8 candidates of science on 2 chairs, in 2001 10 PhD doctors and 40

candidates of science worked at 13 chairs:  morphological disciplines;  chemistry and biology;  biochemistry, physiology and

pharmacology;  pediatrics No. 1;  pediatrics No. 2;  surgery No. 1;  surgery No. 2;  internal diseases No. 1;  internal diseases No.

2;  stomatology and Operational Surgery with Topographical Anatomy ;  traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery;

epidemiology and general hygiene;  organizations of health care and Sexual Medicine. 

Since 2002 the faculty was headed by Professor Dzholdubayev Y.Dzh.  under its management a lot of work on reconstruction of

the 4-storeyed educational building was carried out on the address street I. Razzakova, 21.  Capital repairs of heating systems in

the main building of faculty are carried out, Protection fence was constructed.  As a result of carried out large construction and

rescue and recovery operations and works on improvement in 2004 the 500-seated lecture halls, 100-seated reading rooms and

the sports grounds were put into operation.  Contracts with administration of regional and city clinical hospitals, and also regional

treatment-and-prophylactic establishments of area for their use as educational bases were signed. 

Two computer classes, the ACS center equipped with modern computers and office equipment, the Internet center were


For improvement of research, educational and methodical activity of chairs, and also for preparation of a highly qualified scientific

personnel and leading scientific researchers were attracted from higher medical educational institutions of CIS countries like,

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Professor Belekov Zh.O. (surgery), professor Esekeev B. S. (urology), professor Tulekeev T.M. (anatomy), professor

Zhumabayev A.R. (oncology), Arstanbekov M. A. (stomatology), They are working till date.

Contracts on cooperation with leading medical schools of CIS countries are signed. In 2003, in honor of the 10 anniversary of

medical faculty, the international scientific conference where the best scientific, educational and methodical achievements of

faculty were presented was held. By then, in connection with discovery of almost all specialties on preparation of medical

professionals, at faculty 19 chairs at which 15 professors, 42 candidates of science, 35 senior teachers and 190 teachers worked

functioned. In 10 years of operation the professorial teaching structure developed more than 100 educational and methodical

grants, 5 monographs on applied subject are published. The faculty actively participated in performance of state programs "The

healthy nation", "Immunoprophylactics", health care reforming "Manas", the national Tuberculosis programs, on AIDS and

Hepatitis prevention.

In October, 2003, according to the petition of the dean of medical faculty Dzholdubayev J. the rector of Osh State University, the

academician B. M. Murzubraimov made the decision on transformation of medical faculty of Osh State University to medical

institute of the Osh state university. (The order of the rector of 23.09.03, the solution of the Academic Council of Osh State

University of 14.07.03, the protocol No. 10). Professor Dzholdubayev Y.Dzh was appointed the director of this institute.

At the initial stage of formation of management as his deputies worked associate professor Kamalov Zh.K. (at 1-3 courses) and

professor Taychiyev I.T. (at 4-6 courses). In the subsequent, for the purpose of further improvement of administrative and

managerial activity and optimization of educational process, at medical institute three faculties were open: medical (deans: at first

professor Zheenbayev Zh.Zh. then by results of a competitive choice - associate professor Rayymbekov O. R.), stomatologic (the

dean: associate professor Arstanbekov M. A. )  and faculty of postdegree training (deans: at first prof. Zheenbayev Zh.Zh. then -

professor Zhumabayev A.R. ) .

In 2006 the director of institute it was appointed Candidate of Medical Sciences Associate professor Arstanbekov M. A. By then

from the date of functioning of institute it was defended 8 doctoral and 17 master's dissertations, including 3 of them - graduates

of institute, and also in a completion stage there were about 10 dissertation works of competitors. Since 2003 the institute was

included in partnership with the CAR, cooperates with AMSZ, medical institute of the Southern Florida. In 2007-2008 the position

of the director of institute was taken up by Professor Tulekeev T.M. During this period, in connection with cardinal state reforms in

an education system, In this regard many students of higher education institutions were transferred to medical faculty of Osh

State University. In structure of management deputy directors - deans of faculties as whom worked were defined. associate

professor Rayymbekov O. R. (dean of the I medical faculty), MD, professor Taychiyev I.T. (dean of the II medical faculty), MD,

professor Sulaymanov Sh. A. (dean of small specialties). Under the leadership of professor T. Tulekeev subjects of the scientific

directions of faculty are systematized. In particular, the following scientific directions are defined: "The organization, management

and epidemiological researches at the present stage of development of health care of the Kyrgyz Republic"; "Optimization of the

surgical help among children's and adult population, improvement of new methods of diagnostics and treatment"; "Morpho-

functional aspects of studying of structures of an organism, influence of ecologically adverse factors on a reproductive condition

of inhabitants of the South of Kyrgyzstan"; "Development of physical and chemical bases of synthesis of new substances and

studying of their properties". Widely practiced development of perspective scientific programs and grant projects carrying out by

chairs of research works. 

It should be noted that the main part of carried-out research work was initiative, and three subjects were financed GANISom, in

particular: "The antimonial biogeochemical region Kadamdzhay – morphological aspects of reproductive health". Head: MD,

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professor Tulekeev T.M. ; "Development этиопатогенетически reasonable methods of diagnostics of multiorgan insufficiency at

patients with sepsis among the population of the South of Kyrgyzstan". Head: к.м.н. associate professor Turatova T.D.;

"Research of a condition of reproductive potential of girls - teenagers in rural areas". Head: к.м.н. Israilova Z.A. In 2003 Osh on

the basis of medical faculty of Osh State University at the initiative of professor Sh. Sulaymanov was carried out the 3rd National

Congress by diseases of respiratory organs. Besides plenary and section sessions, within the Congress took place School of the

pulmonologist (with the participation of the European Respiratory society) and Competition of young scientists, Center of

postgraduate medical education Osh and Osh state University medical institute. Materials were published in the Central Asian

medical magazine.

Within "Week of science"  at medical institute Osh State University was annually held scientific and practical conference of

students, young scientists and employees. After plenary session section reports according to the following sections were heard:

fundamental sciences - morphological, medicobiological and humanitarian; microbiology and infectious diseases; organization of

health care and medicine history; therapeutic and surgical diseases; obstetrics, gynecology and children's pathologies. Students

acted with scientific (25-30) and bench (8-10) reports. During carrying out "Weeks of science" it was created a corner exhibition of

creative works of students – preparations, illustrations, etc. In recent years a number of students - Toktosun to. Ayperi,

Anarbayeva A., Akmatov B., etc., took prizes and are awarded by Certificates of honor of the rector of Osh State University and

management of medical institute.

By then on 16 chairs of medical institute more than 240 employees, from them worked:  15 doctors and 49 candidates of medical

sciences, honored doctors, excellent students of health care.  In postgraduate study 11 graduate students were trained:  6 –  on

internal and 5 – on tuition by correspondence.  More than 30 employees are competitors.  Since the beginning of functioning of

institute were successfully defended 6 doctoral and 20 master's dissertations, including 6 of them - graduates of medical institute.

In a completion stage there are about 5 dissertation works of graduate students and competitors. 

Employees annually published over 200 articles in the international collections, including 35-40% - the central and 60-65% - in

local editions. 

Scientists of institute conducted close cooperation with leading higher education institutions of the near and far abroad: KGMA

(Bishkek), KRSU (Bishkek), National academy of Sciences of KR, the Andizhan state medical institute (Uzbekistan), KAZGMU of

Asfendiyarov (Alma-Ata), KAZGMA (Astana), MMA of Sechenov (Russia), the Krasnodar medical institute (Russia), the New York

academy of Sciences (USA), University of Georgia (USA), University of Athens (USA), Medical faculty of Ankara university


At medical institute over 2500 students, including students from the foreign and neighboring countries were trained: Pakistan,

Nepal, India, Iran, Turkey and from CIS countries. Training of students of medical institute was provided in the educational and

clinical bases located in treatment-and-prophylactic city institutions and area. Opening of office of a nuclear magnetic resonant

tomography (nuclear magnetic resonance) on the basis of the Osh regional children's clinical hospital became big plus for many

students, and especially for inhabitants of area.

In 2008 the medical institute was transformed by the decision of the Academic Council of Osh State University to medical faculty.

Following the results of competitive elections Professor Sulaymanov Sh. A. was elected the dean of faculty. which directed faculty

till appointment as his director of the Osh interregional joint clinical hospital. Under the leadership of professor Sulaymanov Sh. A.

in the new course works on optimization and further improvement of educational and pedagogical, scientific and methodical and

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organizational and educational activity of faculty began. The coat of arms and flag of medical faculty is approved. A number of

standard and legal documents on settlement of educational process was updated or again created. For the organization of work

of dean's office the legal document with release of newsletters on the weekly work of faculty in the Kyrgyz language was entered.

The Center of information technologies equipped with modern computer and office equipment was organized. The electronic

database in number of more than 3000 names of books on medical literary educational sources was created. 

Rescue and recovery operations on registration of a facade of the 4-storeyed educational case, with gardening of the adjacent

territory were carried out. 

In 2009, in connection with appointment of professor Sh. Sulaymanov as the director of the Osh interregional joint clinical

hospital, to a position of the dean Professor Zheenbayev Zh.Zh. was appointed. which fulfilled duties of the dean till December,

2011. During work as the dean of faculty, professor Zh. Zheenbayev, put considerable efforts for improvement of activity of

faculty. On his initiative and under its management the medical faculty moved to the new educational campus – the Campus of

OSh State University which is located on the river bank of Ak-Buura in a southeast zone of Osh. Despite a number of the

objective and subjective reasons which were available in the republic, it persistently defended a question of construction of own

medical clinic of faculty with which drawings, it acquainted all staff of faculty. Serial replenishment of a library stock of faculty

which almost conforms to standard requirements was adjusted. The Center of medical information technologies which actively

promotes introduction in faculty activity AVN system is again organized. Many chairs were equipped with modern multimedia

devices, the computer equipment and other TSO.

For optimization of educational process work on restructuring of chairs of a surgical, therapeutic, pediatric and stomatological

profile, and also theoretical disciplines are begun. A number of new profile chairs is created. Within the Concept of development

of Osh State University for 2011-2015 it is offered to create training centers on development of practical skills by internal

diseases, pediatrics, surgery and obstetrics. In December, 2011 following the results of the basis of competitive elections the

dean of faculty it is elected Professor Arstanbekov M. A. which actively continues to work for the faculty benefit.


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Today medical faculty, being one of the main structural divisions of Osh State University, has image of solid educational

institution, It became the educational, scientific and cultural center for the southern region.  The medical faculty of Osh State

University trains students on 4 specialties:  "General Medicine", "pediatrics", "stomatology" and "medico-preventive". 


The faculty is adequately equipped with educational and clinical base. Fundamental medical disciplines are taught in the separate

educational campus equipped with educational classes, laboratories. At high scientific and methodical level the newest

technologies of training are used. Students of older years, since the 3rd course, get medical education on the clinical chairs

equipped according to modern requirements located on the best clinical bases of a therapeutic, surgical, stomatologic and

pediatric hospitals.

The basic structurally making elements of faculty are chairs. Today at 21 chairs of medical faculty works 21 doctors of science, 17

candidates of science. Among the faculty there are honored doctors (Shaynazarov T.Sh. Zheenbayev Zh.Zh. Nuruyeva Z.A.

Arstanbekov M. A. Sulaymanova I.S. Abdymomunov T.S. ) excellent students of education and the health care, awarded by

awards and medals. At medical faculty 4549 students, including 1051 students from foreign countries and 210 students from the

neighboring countries (from Pakistan, Nepal, India, Iran, Turkey and from CIS countries) are trained. For visitors of students good

living conditions are created, rooms are arranged at the rate on 2-3 people in a 4-storeyed hostel located in the downtown.

Nearby there is a regional library with reading rooms. In a hostel the dining room and buffets function.

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The staff of medical faculty conducts research work on the priority directions of the scientific researches approved by councils of

the Osh State University and the medical faculty. Total number of scientific subjects - more than 20 directions in which

development teachers, research associates, students and graduate students of all chairs and research laboratories of faculty take

part. On a number of subjects of research are conducted by intercathedral and interlaboratory groups.

Material security of faculty corresponds to the state standards, is available corresponding lecture (12 halls) and classroom fund

(the 184th miss.  )  .  Now on chairs multimedia projectors, TVs, Slidescopes, LCD projectors, a complex of CD disks, scales

medical, microscopes, microtomes, centrifuges, video cameras, videorecorders are used.  Possibilities of multimedia library and

university Internet hall are actively used.  Classes are given on bases of leading treatment-and-prophylactic city institutions and


Many young specialists, having gained degrees, fruitfully work in the sphere of practical health care, giving highly skilled medical

help to the country population. The clinical specialization is open for continuous training at university on post-degree training.

Celebrating 60-year anniversary of the Osh state university, the staff of faculty is adjusted on creative activity and intellectual

search, and we clearly realize that the future of Kyrgyzstan depends on efforts, professionalism and responsibility of each of us.

Medical faculty Osh State University today


Medical Faculty, Osh State University has been training foreign students since 1993. During the years of its existence the Medical

Faculty,Osh State University has trained foreign students from more than twenty countries. At present 2751 students are studying

at Medical Faculty including about 600 students from other countries like

Pakistan,India,Nepal,Palestine,Syria,Turkey,Iran,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan and other countries.The medium of instruction is

English and Russian. Foreign Students have a choice to study in English medium or Russian medium. So, Foreign students don't

have to study at preparatory department, They get admission directly into first year M.D in English medium. All the subjects are

taught in English language.

On the completion of course,degree of M.D is awarded, valid and recognized all over the world. Medical Faculty, Osh State

University is accredited,recognised and listed with WHO (World Health Organisation) world directory of Medical Schools, Medical

Faculty,Osh State University is accredited,recognised and listed with Education Comission for Foreign Medical Graduates,USA

(ECFMG) FAIMER International Medical Education Directory IMED.

This gives right, Graduates to take USMLE and continue Postgraduate education or Ph.D in America.Medical Institute,Osh State

University is Accredited and recognised by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council PMDC,Medical Council of India MCI,Medical

Councils of Syria,Nepal,Turkey,Saudi Arabia,Iran,Bangladeesh,Sudan,Palestine ,and Medical Councils of CIS countries.Medical

Graduates having degrees of the Medical Institute,Osh State University are eligible to take screening tests of Pakistan Medical

and Dental Council PMDC,Medical Council of India MCI,and work in all countries of the world.Medical Institute,Osh State

University has hired foreign teachers alongwith local faculty members to teach foreign students in English medium more

conveniently.Teachers are very experienced .Most of them are either Doctor of Medical Sciences (Ph.D) or Candidate of Medical

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Sciences.Many outstanding scientists worked at the Medical institute and contributed much to the rapid development of the

Medical institute as a powerful scientific medical and educational center in the southwestern kyrgyz repulic.

At present the physicians with OshSU degrees are working in different countries of Asia,Africa,Europe and America.It shows wide

recognition of the medical institute all over the world.high qualification of its graduates are connected with the brilliant

constellation of scientists who worked at the Medical Institute,Osh State University.All clinical hospitals are equipped with

modern facilities to train students at a higher scientific and professional level. In particular, all types of diagnostics, thermovision,

angiography, endoscopic technique, highly effective means of treatment by hyperbaric oxygenation, laser therapy, modern

efferent methods of de-toxication and many others are widely used here.students of the Medical institute,Osh State University can

have a rest in sports and health recreation camp on the picturesque Issyk-Kul lake.at branches of the Faculty of extracurricular

education, art and sports club or student's theatre.

Modern diagnostic and treatment fascilities.244 highly qualified teachers are working in 19 Chairs.18 are Doctor of Medical

Sciences Ph.D,51 are 

Candidate of medical sciences.175 highly qualified teachers including many state honoured doctors.Institute has its own library

with 32178 medical books and international scientific Journals.Medical Institute OshSU is known for maintaining the very highest

standards of academic honesty and institutional integrity.Medical Institute,OshSU's students come from more than 20 different

countries around the world. The campus offers a stimulating, multicultural atmosphere and an opportunity to meet and learn from

students from diverse cultures and countries.In short, we believe that the Osh State University offers an exciting alternative to

students in this region. 

Number of teachers :- 244 

Doctor of Medical Sciences Ph.D.18 

Candidate of medical sciences. :- 51 

Postgraduate and specialist teachers :- 175

library with 61,378 medical books and international scientific magazines

Medical Institute OshSU prepares medical professionals in specialities of General Medicine and Pediatrics.Teaching hospitals are

well equiped,with 

Chairs - 19




Hospitals affiliated with Osh State University


Medical Institute OshSU is affiliated with educational and clinical institutions. Teaching hospitals are well equiped,with modern

diagnostic and treatment facilities to train students at a higher scientific and professional level. In particular, all types of

diagnostics, thermovision,angiography, endoscopic technique,MRI, CT scan and  highly effective means of treatment by

hyperbaric oxygenation, laser therapy, modern efferent methods of de-toxication and many others are widely used here.students

are trained at best diagnostic centres and hospitals of the city.such as-;

Osh Provincial Clinical Hospital 

Osh city territorial Hospital

Osh InterProvincial Clinical Children Hospital 

Perinatal Centre

Provincial Materinity Home

Medical Centre"ZAMAT"

Osh InterProvincial Centre of Oncology 

City Hospital of Infectious diseases

HIV-AIDS prevention Centre

Page 12: Osh State University

Message from the RectorParent Category: medical faculty Last Updated: 04 July 2014 Created: 22 June 2011 Hits: 2304





Dear Contemporaries.

The world is becoming increasingly complicated now a days and it requires an individual to possess high level of education and

skills.Entering a higher education institution is typically considered as a tool of getting a promotion and high profits.However

Education is much more than preparation for creer.Good eucation enriches one's life.and improves one's understanding of the

world.It also enables to learn to evaluate it critically.making positive changes.

Now a days kyrgyzstan takes the leading part in the area of education among Central Asian Republics.Osh State University being

a leader of higher education in the southern kyrgyzstan,meets the new challenges of the time.It's the only university in kyrgyzstan

that trains students not only in pedagogic specialities but also in Medicine,Law,Theology,Music,Fine Arts,Agriculture and Social

Work.There are many options open to you.

Osh State University has sufficient innovative potential for effective introduction of new teaching technology into academic

process.To integrate the world educational 

community,Osh State University develops international cooperation with more than 30 educational and research institutions

abroad.The university is a participant of various international programmes.

Numerous employees of our university are ready to serve you providing with our immense intellectual and material resources.We

welcome everybody who seek for developing the potential of a free individual with democratic values.



Professor Dr.Isakov K.A.



Message from the Dean


Page 13: Osh State University



Dear Students.

The decision to become a doctor is an important one demanding a high degree of intellectual ability and personal commitment.It is a matter of

considerable pride that our university is recognised as being at forefront of basic and applied research in the health related disciplines.

Through our courses,we we seek to pass on the fruits of our knowledge directly to our students.I am very pleased to inform you that the medical

institute,osh state university is training students in General Medicine,Pediatrics and specialization studies in various fields.University life will

involve you not only in aquisition of a formal qualification valued in society but also in the excitement of investigation,research and satisfaction that

comes from applying knowledge.

Osh is a modern city with an ancient past.and opprtunity to enjoy students life to the full in the lively atmosphere of a friendly city.I can say that

with confidence that Osh State University is a great university because of the many approving comments i hear from those with an interest in who

we are and what we do.Osh State University is a world class university with a broad base of enrollment of International students.



Professor Dr.Arstanbekov M.A.

Dean of the medical faculty

International Relations


Page 14: Osh State University

Osh State University has a diverse profile of international activities in both research and education. Medical Institute stays in

contact with many medical institutes of the world.Scientists and students of the Medical Institute,Osh State University actively

take part in International seminars,conferences and joint research with scientists of other universities.Our students go to partner

universities in seminars and joint courses conducted by partner universities every year.Medical Institute,Osh State University has

agreements of mutual cooperation with many institutes such as-:

Medical Faculty,Ankara State University,Turkey

" State University of Georgia,USA

" Moscow State Medical Academy,Russia

" Kazan State Medical University,Russia

" Krasnodar State Medical University,Russia

" New York Academy of Science,USA

" Andijan State Medical Academy,Uzbekistan

" Kyrgyz State Medical Academy,Bishkek

" Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University,Bishkek

" Kazakh State Medical Academy,Astana

" Kazakh State Medical University,Almata

" From year 2003,Institute is partner of tSAR,Cooperates with AMCZ and with

" Medical institute of South Florida,USA



International Affairs Office of Osh State University was opened in October, 1996. It is one of the significant steps of Osh State

University education policy in integration into the world standards.


to develop OshSU international cooperation in the framework of educational, research and cultural programs and projects.


• Establishing and developing of prospective cooperation with various educational institutions all over the world, international

organizations, foundations and centers; 

• Assisting the Osh State University students and teachers to study and to have internships in abroad countries; 

• Developing and managing projects in the framework of international educational programs; assisting Osh State

University faculties and other departments to attract more grants and investments for infrastructure development and technical

equipment improvement; 

• Recruiting foreign teachers and professors to work in Osh State University ; 

• Recruiting international students to study at Osh State University ; 

• Providing Osh State University international students and teachers to process visa registration documents.


• From May to September 2005 the IAO staff has conducted the courses for Osh State University junior teachers on English,

German and Project Design. The project was supported by Osh State University and the Center for American Studies affiliated to

IAO. Target group: students and teachers of technical departments of Osh State University .

• From 14th to 28th of August 2005 the Summer School was organized by the IAO project “The German Language in the

Ferghana Valley”. The project was financed by DAAD and the German Embassy in Kyrgyzstan. 30 students of non-linguistic

departments from various higher educational institutions of the Ferghana Valley, participated in the project. Project Managers:

Ganybaeva S., Tashybaeva A., IAO coordinators.

• In September 2005 the program of Soros-Kyrgyzstan Foundation “Ethnic Development” supported the initiative of Public Fund

“Ethnic Turk” and IAO staff members. The title of the project is Development of poly-cultural knowledge and education in locality

of ethnic groups in poly-cultural regions (in particular the ethnic Turks of Uzgen region of the Osh oblast). Managers from OSU

part: Kim E., IAO coordinator; Nazarov B., Osh State University member; trainers of OSU laboratory “Critical Thinking”.

•Osh State University participated in the TEMPUS program (UM_JEP - 25085 University cooperation with ?925 production):

System of entrepreneurship support in higher education: Central Asian pilot organizational model. Partners: Saarland university

(Germany), Aliquante university (Spain), St. Petersburg Electro-technical university (Russia), Osh State university (Kyrgyzstan),

Tashkent Financial institute, Proprietors Union in Tashkent, Andijan Engineering Economical institute, Andijan Department of

Page 15: Osh State University

External Economic Relations, Andijan’s Chamber of 

Commerce and Agricultural institute of Andijan. Manager from OSU part: A.Saipbekova, doctor of physical and mathematical

sciences, head of IAO.

• From 23rd to 24th of September 2005 scientific-practical seminar was held in Osh State University . The title of the seminar

“Innovations in higher education of Central Asia: cumulative experience, perspectives of its application and demands of changing

communities of the region”. The seminar was organized with support of Moscow office of the Ford Foundation in coordination with

the partner project “System of higher education in social development of Central Asia” together with Research Center “Internal

Asia” (Irkutsk, Russia), higher educational institutions of Ferghana Valley and IAO. Manager from OSU part: A.Saipbekova,

doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, head of IAO.

• From 25 to 28 September 2005 School of Young Scientist was held in OSU. Trainers: V.Dyatlov, professor of Irkutsk university;

S.Panarin editor of “Eurasia” journal.

• In October 21-22 2005 IAO workers organized international scientific-practical seminar “Higher educational institutions of

Ferghana Valley integration into European educational space: problems and perspective of education system modernization”.

The project was financed by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). Project initiator: S.Ganybaeva, IAO coordinator.

• Virtual conference with the University of East Carolina (USA). Theme: Intercultural communications. Organization managers:

Center for American Studies and IAO.

• In 2005 Osh State University Law Faculty together with the Law College of Montana, the USA started realization of partner

program on legal education and clinical training. Duration of the project is 3 years. Grant amount is 240,000 $ US. The project

involves teachers exchange program, development of innovative educational courses and assistance in reforming the legal

education and legal knowledge of the teachers of Osh State University Law faculty. In coordination with this project, 3 teachers of

OSU Law faculty had two-month internship in Law 

College of Montana.

• In October, 2005 Center for American Studies received a grant from the Peace Corps in the amount of $2,000 (US dollars) for

the purchase of equipment (including 2 computers, printer, modem) and Internet access for 1 year. Moreover, 250 books were

donated by Peace Corps to the Center for American Studies. The project was initiated by Lawrence Tweed, Peace Corps

volunteer, together with IAO staff.

• In 2002, Osh State University in partnered with Cleveland State University and Hiram College (???/USA) and received a grant from US State Government via NISCUPP program in the amount of 200,000 US dollars to develop “Public Administration” educational course and introduce it into curriculum. The project is aimed to develop the course by means of academic exchange. Since 2002, several Osh State University teachers have interned at Cleveland State University and Hiram College for one semester. In the framework of the project Summer Seminars for Osh teachers were held each year. As the project was planned for three years, in 2005 the new course titled “Public Administration” is planned to be introduced into the Osh State University Faculty of International Education Integration curriculum.

Indian Center

Indian Center and activities:The Indian center was opened in 1997 on the initiative of the rector of Osh State University professor Beshimov B. Zh. and the

Ambassador of India in Kyrgyzstan Mr. Ram Mukija.It was one of the first real steps in establishment of international relations of

Osh State University with India and Indian institutions.

The ancient Indian civilization, the centuries-old history, the richest culture, original philosophical traditions, modern achievements

of science, equipment and high technologies, community of interests, old historical links define interest to this great country.

Opening of the center gave ample opportunities for training of students at the rate "Indian civilization", assuming studying of

history, culture, various aspects of life of modern India; developments of knowledge of youth about India; strengthening of friendly

communications between our people.


Page 16: Osh State University

Rector Osh State University Professor Bakyt Beshimov and Ambassador of India  


Degree in Indian Civilization:Training of students in the center is conducted according to the curriculum developed by the Indian experts under the direction of

the head of the national center of arts of a name I. Gandhi madam Kapilla Vatsayan. All course "Indian Civilization" is calculated

on three years' training.

In the course of training students get acquainted with history, philosophy, culture, art, literature, architecture, modern

achievements of India and other aspects of the Indian history and reality. 

Lectures, practical, seminar training and other types of works are conducted in English by the highly qualified specialist from India

- the expert of ICCR. As a rule, it is professors from various leading universities directed for work in the Indian center for 1-3

years. So, in 1997-1998 professor of Delhi university of distance learning named after Indira Gandhi Mr. Pandit worked.

In 1998-2001 - professor of Patna university Ruby Roy, From 2001 to 2004 Dr. Jiotsna Bakshi from institute of strategic research

and the analysis of New Delhi fruitfully worked. The new impulse to work of the center was given by professor of political science

and the international relations, Dr. Goutam Kumar Basu from university of Calcutta, fruitfully fulfilled in Osh State University from

2007 to 2009. From October, 2009 to June, 2010 in the Indian center professor of Goa university (India) Mr. Badruddin


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Local students of Indian Center with Professor Badruddin of Goa University



Upon completion of training, to the students who have successfully passed examinations and interview, OSh State University

degree is issued. Practice shows that graduates of the Indian center of Osh State University find a job without special difficulties,

thanks to good level of preparation and knowledge of English and general knowledge and knowledge of international relations

and international current affairs.

The best students (2-3 people) have opportunity according to the petition of the Indian center annually to pass one - two-three-

months training in India according to the ICCR and ITEC programs. Also to be trained in Postgraduate departments of leading

Indian universities. Besides educational process various out-of-class work is conducted also. The state holidays of India - the

Independence Day (on August 15), Day of the republic (on January 26) are annually celebrated.

Began good tradition to arrange and for national holidays – Care, Divali, holidays of spring, a crop and Indian cuisine. 

Pass reader's conferences, literary musicales on life and Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Jawaharlal Nehru's creativity,

Abul Kalam Azad, Indira Gandhi, etc. In the center there are the amateur performances. Students learn the Indian national songs,

dances and speak at various actions.

Students show traditions of the Kyrgyz and Indian people.


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Students of Indian Center of Osh State University presenting cultural show


The center is equipped with the latest computer hardware and software equipments, necessary library which totals about 600

names of books, grants, magazines in the English, transferred from India. There are also educational, scientific popular videos

and the audio material, some periodicals and documentaries on India.

Activity of the Indian center is shined in the publication - the newsletter. It includes messages from the Indian center, acquaints

students and readers with news from India and contains articles of students on various parties of the Indian reality and history.

issued in the Russian and English languages.

The newsletter extends by means of Embassy of India in KR on all large higher educational institutions and the interested

organizations of our country, and also go to universities of India, council for cultural ties (ICCR). Close working connection with

many faculties and chairs of universities Osh, with higher education institutions of Batken and Jalalabad areas is established.

Scientists are familiar with work of the center from universities of Fergana Valley - Andizhan, Fergana, Namangan and Hodzhent.

There are contacts with the Indian cultural centers in Astana, Tashkent, Dushanbe and Mahatma Gandhi's club in the Bishkek

humanities university.

In the center for several years the photo exhibition "The invitation to India" which is visited actively by school students and

students of higher education institutions of the city of Osh constantly works. The salon of the Indian movies operating at the

center enjoys a great interest of the youth in videos and films.

Page 19: Osh State University

All aspects of activity of the Indian center and communication of Osh State University with the Indian party periodically find the

reflection in mass media and on TV.


on the opening of annual exhibition THE INVITATON TO INDIA at India center of Osh State Univer

Friendship and mutual understanding visits


For all the time of functioning of the Indian center of Osh State University, a number of eminent political, public figures and

cultural figures and formations of India visited it. Mr. Rajmohan Gandhi, the member of parliament of India, the grandson of

Mahatma Gandhi who met the faculty of university was the first distinguished guest and he transferred to the Indian center,

complete works of his grandfather from 99 volumes.

Madam Kapilla Vatsayan took part in development of the training program of the Indian center - the head of the national center of

arts of. Indra Gandhi university. The Osh state university was visited by Mr. Himachal Som – the director general of the Indian

council for cultural ties of the government of India (ICCR). It allocated for necessary books, audio and video training materials,

gave opportunity annually to direct on training and study in Postgraduate departments of universities of India of young specialists

and the best students of Osh State University.


Page 20: Osh State University

Visit of Indian delegation to Osh State University



Mr. V. Ramaya took part in the opening ceremony of the Indian center – the minister of commerce of the government of India.

Professor of Delhi university of Jawaharlal Nehru Mr. Varyam Singh held presentation of his book on translation of the Kyrgyz

epos "Manas" on Hindi, at Osh State University. 

Madam Kapilla Vatsayan in the Indian center, Work of the Indian center examined professor K. Varik – the head of the Himalaya

cultural and research fund, the chairman of the center for researches Southern, Central and South East Asia of university of

Jawaharlal Nehru and professor Devendra Kaushik – the chairman of executive council of Institute of Asian researches of Abul

Kalam Azad with which the administration of Osh State University signed the memorandum of cooperation.

Also Indian center accepted the military attache over the countries of Central Asia of Embassy of India in Kazakhstan colonel

Sharma, the representative of the EDURITE company (Bangolor) - the producer of electronic training materials professor R. K.

Verma. Repeatedly scientists of Delhi universities of professor of Nirmal Joshi and Ratch Rein using services of the Indian center

assembled of materials on culture, traditions of the people of Fergana Valley visited the center. With assistance of the Indian

center assembled necessary 2007 of publication the book "On that the legend parties. Cultural distinctions of India and

Kyrgyzstan. " Representatives of the Indian Embassies in Tashkent and Astana examined more than once activities of the Indian


In 2009 the center was visited by the Indian scientists from different universities of India and group of engineers of the city of

Bangolor – the technological center of India - concerning opening on the basis of Osh State University of the modern Kyrgyz-

Indian center of new technologies. 

Page 21: Osh State University

By ICCR invitation (the Indian council for cultural ties) India was visited also by heads of Osh State university – professor

Beshimov B. Zh. academician Murzubraimov B. M., dean of faculty of the Russian philology professor Salakhitdinova N. K.

director of the Indian center Omorkulov B. K. I took part in the international conference: "Central Asia: 10 years of independence".

Mission of Indian Center OshSU

 Omorkulov Bakyt - In 1997 passed language training to Hyderabad (NISIET) and from that time to the present is the director of

the Indian center of Osh State University. All activity of the Indian center was carried out under its management.

The ancient Indian civilization, the centuries-old history, the richest culture, original philosophical traditions, modern achievements

of science, equipment and high technologies, community of interests, old historical links define interest to this great country.

Opening of the center gave ample opportunities for training of students at the rate "Indian civilization", assuming studying of

history, culture, various aspects of life of modern India; developments of knowledge of youth about India; strengthening of friendly

communications between our people.


Director of Indian Center, Osh State University

With Optimism in tomorrow

Today the Indian Center of Osh State University - a concrete example of International cooperation between our countries in the

fields of education and culture.

Effective and fruitful activity of the center for last years, the great experience, stable keen interest of the Kyrgyz youth in the

Indian culture speak well for that it is necessary to undertake joint efforts on increase of the status of the Indian center, on further

expansion of its educational functions. The Indian center seeks for extension of exchange programs, conducting joint scientific

development and dissertation researches. Recently we bring up a question of possibility of creation on the basis of the center of

institute of the Indian civilization at Osh State University Or Kyrgyz Indian faculty. These questions demands more attentive and

thorough discussion with the Indian party, as defines one of priorities of International relations of Osh State University with the

Indian Embassy in Kyrgyzstan and with the Indian council for the cultural relations (ICCR) on the near-term outlook.

with the support of Indian Embassy

The Embassy of India from the very first days of creation of the Indian center shows interest and gives full support. The

ambassador and other responsibles of embassy have been in continuous contact with Osh State University management, meet

teachers and students and participate in various joint actions.

The first Ambassador of India in KR Mr. Ram Mukija was the initiator of creation of the Indian center in Osh State University. It

helped to improve the relations of Osh State University with the Indian party, created center library, presented to the center a

photo exhibition "The invitation to India", consisting of 60 photographs, supported idea of the center about carrying out days of

culture of India in Osh and region which took place in 1998 and made a great success. Arrival of actors from India promoted lifting

of good-neighbourhood in the field of culture.


Page 22: Osh State University

The ambassador of India Mr. Om Prakash supplied the center with computers and the printers, approved a center initiative about

carrying out annual scientific conferences under the general name "India and Kyrgyzstan. Interaction of civilizations", become for

a short time very authoritative and considerable event in scientific life of the region and Fergana Valley. Mr. Om Prakash together

with the Indian council for cultural ties gave opportunity to two assistants and the best students of the center annually to be

trained in Postgraduate departments of India.

The ambassador of India Mr. Appunni Ramesh paid much attention to the activity of the Indian center.  Periodically visited the

center and Osh State University, met teachers and students of Osh State University, heads of the region and the city, sent the

interested scientists to Osh, filled up a library stock of the center. 

In February, 2004 the Embassy of India with active participation of the center and the regional state administration held to KR in

the city of Osh a photo exhibition about life and Mahatma Gandhi's activity and a film festival of modern Indian cinema. Active

help to the center was given by the ambassador of India in Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Pande. He visited more than once Osh State

University, met the university management, allocated to the center new computers and supported idea about creation in Osh

State University, Kyrgyz-Indian center of new technologies.

On March 14-15, 2011 Osh State University was visited by the new ambassador of India in Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Pkhunchok

Stubdan who examined work of the Indian center, discussed prospects of further cooperation with the management of Osh State

university and expressed readiness in active expansion of mutual cooperation of the Indian party with Osh State University.

Training and study in India

The first training of the expert from Osh State University was organized in 1997 by Embassy of India in the Arts department. Osh

State University lecturer Mr.Omorkulov Bakyt was directed on six-months language training to Hyderabad, Andra Pradesh

according to the ITEC program.  In the next years with active support of Embassy of India in Kyrgyzstan, the Indian council for

cultural ties (ICCR) departure of experts of Osh State University to India considerably became more active. 

According to the petition and the direction of the Indian center about 20 young teachers and the best students of the center

passed training and training in Postgraduate departments of the Indian universities.  Ms.Ypysheva Nurgul and Toytukov Chinar of

English language department of faculty of the Russian philology received training at university of Varanasi in 1998.  In the same

university there passed training in 1999 young specialists Abdiyev Sultan and Zairov Dastan.  In 2002 at the central institute of

English and foreign languages Hyderabad the manager of journalism chair associate professor Bekmukhamedova N. H. got

training.  In the center of American studies of OSh State University the graduate of the center Osmonaliyeva Nurzada hastily

works, having passed special training in New Delhi in 2007. 

With big desire our young specialists are trained in Postgraduate departments of India. So, in a Postgraduate department of

Panjab university of Chandigar since 2001-2004 graduates of the center Mamarasulova Louise and Momunaliyev Rasoul were

trained. Here in 2002-2004 Aitmatova Fareed was trained.

The first graduate of the Indian center Aytibayeva Aynura in 1999 finished Postgraduation, then in 2007 - postgraduate study at

Delhi university named after Jawaharlal Nehru. In 2006 in a Postgraduate department of Hyderabad institute of English and

foreign languages Smadyarov Kanat, Sartayeva Ayzhamal and Tagayeva Aygerim successfully completed training. Arynova

Zhyldyz was trained in a Postgraduate department of Delhi university on specialization "the international relations". In 2007

successfully completed at Postgraduate department of Hyderabad central institute of English and foreign languages. All of them

in different years worked as assistants to the Indian center of the center.

In July-August, 2005 three students of the Indian center Isakova Ayzhamal, Tolosheva Tamara and Zairova Gulnura passed

training in the Delhi center of high technologies. 

From January to April, 2012 young teachers of faculty of the Russian philology  Bilbayev Gulzat and Amiraliyev Semetya

according to the ITEC program passed training in Hyderabad at the central institute of English and foreign languages. 

The Indian center had close connections with such leading universities of India as Delhi university of Jawaharlal Nehru, Islamic

university to New Delhi, University of distance learning of a name I.  Gandhi to New Delhi, Universities of the cities of Chandigar,

Varanasi, Patna, the Central institute of English and foreign languages Hyderabad. 

Young teachers and the best students of the Indian center with support of Embassy of India in KR will be and to pass further

training and to be trained in Postgraduate departments of leading universities of India according to the ICCR and ITEC programs.

Conferences by Indian Center of Osh State University

Page 23: Osh State University



The Indian center carries out active purposeful work on the organization of scientific conferences, round tables on various aspects

of studying of the Indian civilization and its interaction with other cultures with broad participation of scientists, experts and


For formation of interest of students to India, development of their creative abilities and research work the round table conference

is carried out twice an academic year : "My discovery of India" where students convey in English the messages on various

aspects of the Indian culture. The best works are published in the Indian center newsletter. The great interest in students is

caused by a quiz "Who knows about India" more. Since 2001 on the initiative of the Indian center in common and with financial

support of Embassy of India in Kyrgyzstan the international scientific conferences under the general subject are held: "India and

Kyrgyzstan. Interaction of civilizations". They were devoted:

in 2001 - to the 140 anniversary since the birth of Rabindranath Tagore;

in 2000 - to the 10 anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Kyrgyzstan and India.

in 2003 - to the 2200 anniversary of the Kyrgyz statehood;

in 2004 - to the 135 anniversary since the birth of Mahatma Gandhi,

in 2008 - to Ch. Aitmatov's 80 anniversary.


The ambassador of India to the Kyrgyzstan Mr. Ramesh regularly took part in the international conferences of Indian Center of

Osh State University. 

Ambassadors of India took part and spoke at all conferences with a welcoming speech.  In the conference scientists, experts from

all higher education institutions of the southern region of the republic and Bishkek, border universities of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan

and foreign countries - India, Turkey, the USA, and also representatives of NGO and the international organizations participated

and made reports.

Materials of conference were published in special issue of "Osh State University Bulletin" in the Kyrgyz, Russian, Uzbek and

English languages. Materials of conferences sent to HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of Kyrgyzstan and the interested

organizations of India.

Conferences: "India and Kyrgyzstan. Interaction of civilizations" became traditional and considerable events in life of scientific

community of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Pakistan Center Jinnah

Manas Jinnah Foundation Osh KyrgyzstanPakistan Center Jinnah

Manas Jinnah Foundation is an organization responsible for administration of Pakistan Center Jinnah located at main campus Osh State University.It was established in 2001.The Pakistan Centre Jinnah was inaugurated by the Ambassador of Pakistan to Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Habib-ur-Rahman. Manas Jinnah Foundation is highly respected by the University Rectorat and city administration. 

Page 24: Osh State University

Pakistan Center Jinnah organizes various activities for Pakistani citizens like Pakistan Day, Independence Day, Eid festival and

other ceremonies and urdu poetry competitions, sports activities like organizing Cricket tournaments.

Ambassadors of Pakistan to the Kyrgyz Republic have been frequent visitors of Pakistan Center Jinnah.On the iniative of

Pakistan Center Jinnah, Ambassador of Pakistan to the Kyrgyz Republic Mr.Alam Brohi visited Osh State University and was

chief guest of the Annual convocation of foreign graduates in 2005 and 2008.

Ambassador of Pakistan Mr.Alam Brohi alongwith city mayor of Osh inaugurated the road in Osh city named after Muhammad Ali

Jinnah, First Governor General of Pakistan.


Eid Celebrations organized by Pakistan Center 2003

Eid Celebrations organized by Pakistan Center 2003


Page 25: Osh State University

Pakistan Independence day

2003 Nepali students on Eid celebrations 2003

Page 26: Osh State University

Traditional dance by Pakistani students 2003

Pakistan day 2003

Page 27: Osh State University

Quaid day 2003

Ambassador of Pakistan was chief guest on Annual convocation 2008

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Ambassador of Pakistan Mr.Alam Brohi was chief guest

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Ambassador of Pakistan Mr.Alam Brohi on convocation 2008

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Ambassador of Pakistan attended Annual Convocation 2008 as Chief guest

Page 31: Osh State University

Graduates with Ambassador of Pakistan 2008

Why osh state university

Why Osh State University ?


¢ Study Medicine at the Medical faculty,Osh State University-English Medium for Foreign Students.

¢ High standard professional Medical Education.

¢ Medical faculty OshSU Follows the European / Russian curriculum of MD.

Page 32: Osh State University

¢ Degree of MD(Doctor of Medicine) is awarded,a widely recognized and accepted degree in most countries including USA, European union, Japan Etc. as compared to MB or MBBS degree.

¢ Recognised and accredited by Education Comission for Foreign Medical Graduates,United States of America (ECFMG)(FAIMER).Which gives right,Graduates to take USMLE and continue Postgraduate education or Ph.D in America.

¢ ¢ Graduates of the Medical faculty,OshSU are eligible to take Screening test by Medical Council of India,Pakistan Medical and Dental Council. Graduates are eligible to work in India,Pakistan,Europe,America,Japan and other countries.

¢ An affordable tution fees.

¢ An ideal academic environment.

¢ Comfortable Hostel is provided.

¢ Osh-second largest city of kyrgyzstan,a beautiful mountaneous city,located in the heart of historically famous Ferghana Valley.

¢ Osh-A modern city with an ancient background.An ideal climate and weather.

¢ A city with an economical and affordable living conditions.

¢ a lot of places for extracurricular and refreshment activities.Swimming pools,Indoor-Outdoor sports centres,Night Clubs, Cinema,Theatre,Winter sports tracks etc.

Osh at a glance


Osh at a glanceOsh has been a student city,a centre of education,science and technology for the last one thousand years.Osh,a mountaneous

city located in heart of the historically famous FERGHANA VALLEY. the second largest city in Kyrgyzstan.Osh, is administrative

centre of the southwestern Kyrgyzstan,and capital of the osh province,near the border with Uzbekistan. It is separated from

Bishkek by high mountain ranges.

Osh sits on a major highway from Bishkek through Dushanbe and Khujand in Tajikistan.Coal, lead, and zinc mines surround the

city,There are several flights a day between Bishkek and Osh - There is also the spectacular Bishkek-Osh highway - and then

continues past the Toktogul reservoir and hydroelectric power station.The Ak-Buura river runs through the city North to South,

and to the west is mountain 'Sulaiman Too' ("Sulaiman's mountain"), which dominates the city.At the top is a flagpole and a

mosque built in 1497 by the 14 year old Babur who had been recently crowned the King of the Ferghana Valley - and later went

on to become the founder of the Mughal dynasty in India.and Babur's house on the top of the mountain.This is a small oriental

style house that was built by the emperor Babur,Also worth visiting ,the 16th century built Rabat Abdul Khan Mosque - which is

one of the main mosques and knows about 1000 constant visitors everyday.And CENTRAL IMAM AL-BUKHARI MOSQUE.one of

the largest and oldest mosques in the Central Asia,

There are a lot of places for refreshment activities.a sports stadium,sports centres,swimming pools,billiard clubs,winter sports

centre with skiing tracks and other winter sports.a number of cinemas with latest English,Russian and Indian movies.Spare time

can be spend in Night clubs,disco bars,drama theatres,concerts of famous Russian and uzbic singers are often held at concert

halls of the city.There are a lot of café,restaurants in the city,with fast food,Italian,Russian,uzbic,Chinese,Pakistani and Indian

cousine.As osh is a mountaneous city.a hill station.summers are very beautiful.people come from other cities to osh to spend their

vacations and enjoy the beauty of nature. Weather in osh is continental with temperature in summer ranges from +15 C to +30 C

and in winter ranges from - 5 C to +15 C. There are the boulevards and parks with lots of trees.

The Russians came into the region during the 19 th century, and after that life style in osh is heavily influenced by the Russian

way of life and Soviet architecture.People in osh now prefer to live in apartments.There are multi storey buildings with apartments

in the city.about 80 percent population is living in apartments and 20 percent in private houses called Dacha.

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The city is especially famous for its bazar,which is about 2000 years old and ever since has been on the same place on the

two sides of Syr-Darya river.There you find just everything,from the vegetables, fruits and nuts the Ferghana valley is so famous

for, over food, to clothes, household,souvenirs and so on.Just go searching!Osh is definitely a city where you could walk around

for hours, just to get to know the culture and try to feel it yourself. Reputedly three thousand years old., Osh is one of the oldest

city in Central Asia.In the middle ages Osh was a point of intersection for commerce from India and China to Europe.One of the

branches of a Great Silk Way- the Major Trade of an old age passed through the city connecting East with West.Other important

page of a history of city Osh is connected with a name of the representative of Timurid's dynasty Zaheriddin Muhammad Babur

(1483-1530.)Babur knew the city Osh well and had left many flatter lines about it.He built a mosque in Osh and his house is still 

present today.He was born in Andijan (45 KM away from the Osh) In the middle ages,with Bukhara and Samarkand,Osh was the

largest and advanced city of the Central Asia, and in 1762 it joined the Khanate of Kokand and became on of the six trading

centres with the Khanate. Assimilated into Tsarist Russia, the city expanded onto the left bank of the river and European style

houses started to appear.In short,Osh is a modern city with an ancient background.

We invite You to study at the Medical Institute,Osh State University.We'll be glad to see You in our picturesque city.

Kyrgyz Republic


Welcome to the Kyrgyz Republic:

General information : 


A country of striking beauty and towering peaks, Kyrgyzstan became independent with the collapse of the Soviet Russia in 1991.

Kyrgyzstan is a mountaineous country located on north-east of Central Asia in the Tian Shan and Pamir mountain

range,Kyrgyzstan borders Kazakhstan on the north and northwest, Uzbekistan in the southwest, Tajikistan in the south,and China

in the southeast.

Kyrgyzstan proclaimed its independence from the Soviet Union on Aug. 31, 1991.

On Dec.21,1991,Kyrgyzstan joined the Commonwealth of Independent States.The country joined the UN and the IMF in 1992

and adopted a shock-therapy economic program

.Kyrgyzstan is the continental mountain country with a large variety of landscapes The territory of Kyrgyzstan is 199.9 thousand

sq. km, from which 5.5% of the area is engaged by woods, 4.4% by water, 53.5% by agricultural.T

here are 1923 lakes in Kyrgyzstan, the common area of a water surface of which is 6836 sq km."Issyk-Kul Lake, the second in

world on depth high-mountain lake with area of a water surface 6236 sq km; Height of territory of Kyrgyzstan varies from 401 up

to 7439 m above a sea level. About 94% of its territory is on a height of more than 1000 m above sea level, from which 40 % is

higher than 3000 m above a sea level ,and has significant potential for development of tourism.

The Kyrgyz, a Turkic-speaking pastoral people, Kyrgyz 64.9%, Uzbek 13.8%,Russian 12.5%, Dungan 1.1%, Ukrainian 1%, Uygur

1%, other 5.7%,Kyrgyz and Russian are both official languages.Literacy rate: 99% (2006 est.)

As a result of its varied and turbulent history, the country throughout the centuries became a real melting pot of nationalities: The

ethnic group of the Kyrgyz makes up only a bit more than 50% of the population. The two other important ethnic groups are

Russians and Uzbeks, both with about 15 % of the population. The Russians came into the region during the 19 th century, and,

is heavily influenced by the Russian way of life and Soviet architecture. The Uzbek people lives to its biggest part in the south of

the country, close to the border to Uzbekistan . Other people out of those more than 80 nationalities and ethnic groups living in

Kyrgyzstan are European ones like Germans or Ukrains, muslim nations like Dungans and Uighurs, as well as Tatars.

Although there are so many different people living in the region, whose lifestyle and traditions sometimes differ a lot, they all have

one thing in common: The typical Central Asian hospitality, that can in no way be compared with the way guests are greeted in

the western world.Never you will come across a yurt without being invited for a cup of the national drink and a snack,never you

Page 34: Osh State University

will be invited into the house of locals without facing a table, completely full of delicacies already before the main dish is

served.Nontheless, gastronomy is only one way where hospitality is shown:

The warmth and openness of the people can be felt already when you first get acquainted, and at the second meeting you're very

often already considered as a family member!

Kyrgyzstan has deposits of antimony, gold, molybdenum, tin, coal, tungsten, mercury, uranium, petroleum, and natural

gas.Industries include food processing, sugar refining,nonferrous metallurgy, and the manufacture of agricultural machinery,

textiles, building materials, appliances, furniture, and electric motors.

The leading exports are cotton,wool, meat, tobacco, metals (particularly gold, mercury, uranium, and steel), hydropower,

and machinery; chief imports are grain, lumber, industrial products, ferrous metals,and fuel.Major trading partners:

UAE,  Russia,China,Kazakhstan,Switzerland,Turkey.

In 1998,Kyrgyzstan became the first former Soviet Russian Republic to join the World Trade Organization




International Graduates of Medical Faculty Osh State University Annual Convocation 2014


International Graduates Annual Convocation 2014.

International graduates of Medical Faculty Osh State University received their degrees on Annual Convocation held here at main

campus Osh State University,  Later they had city tour of Osh and had dinner and celebrated.


Latest News Indian Ambassador visited Osh State University

International Graduates of Medical Faculty Osh State University Annual Convocation 2014

Osh Cricket Festival

Daisaku Ikeda, SGI president, has been honoured Professorship by Osh State University

Festival in Osh State University

Universities ranking, Osh State University the best university of the Kyrgyz Republic

Osh State University has been declared most popular university of the Kyrgyz Republic

Indonesian Ambassador visits Osh State University

International Red Cross committee jointly with Osh State University opens the first IHL resource center in Ferghana


Consul General to Osh Wu Yingqin Attends the First New Year Gala by Confucius Institute at Osh State University

United Nations conference on sustainable development

USAID supports Osh State University

60 years of Osh State University


cooperation between osh state university and university of north dakota USA

osh state university participates university for peace programme.

IV International festival of documentary films on human rights held in Osh State University

Page 35: Osh State University

Osh State University and USAID education loan

Collabration with university of Montana USA

Bologna process

Welcome to the FrontpageMedical Faculty, Osh State University

Medical faculty,Osh State University has been training foreign students since 1992.During the years of its existence the Medical

faculty,Osh State University has trained foreign students from more than twenty countries.At present 2751 students are studying

at Medical faculty including about 600 students from other countries like

Pakistan,India,Nepal,Palestine,Syria,Turkey,Iran,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan and other countries.The medium of instruction is

English and Russian.Foreign Students have a choice to study in english medium or russian medium.so,foreign students don't

have to study at preparatory department,they get admission directly into first year M.D in english medium.all the subjects are

taught in English language.on the completion of course,degree of M.D is awarded.,valid and recognized all over the world.

Medical faculty,Osh State University is listed with WHO (World Health Organisation) global database of medical schools,



Medical faculty,Osh State University is listed with Education Comission for Foreign Medical Graduates,USA (ECFMG) FAIMER

International Medical Education Directory IMED.

This gives right, Graduates to take USMLE and continue Postgraduate education or Ph.D in America.

Medical faculty,Osh State University is Accredited and recognised by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council PMDC,Medical

Council of India MCI,Medical Councils of Syria,Nepal,Turkey,Saudi Arabia,Iran,Bangladeesh,Sudan,Palestine ,and Medical

Councils of CIS countries.

Medical Graduates having degrees of the Medical faculty,Osh State University are eligible to take screening tests of Pakistan

Medical and Dental Council PMDC,Medical Council of India MCI,and work in all countries of the world.

Medical faculty,Osh State University has hired foreign teachers alongwith local faculty members to teach foreign students in

English medium more conveniently.Teachers are very experienced .Most of them are either Doctor of Medical Sciences (Ph.D) or

Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Many outstanding scientists worked at the Medical faculty and contributed much to the rapid development of the Medical faculty

as a powerful scientific medical and educational center in the southwestern kyrgyz repulic.

At present the physicians with Osh State University degrees are working in different countries of Asia,Africa,Europe and

America.It shows wide recognition of the medical faculty all over the world.high qualification of its graduates are connected with

the brilliant constellation of scientists who worked at the Medical faculty,Osh State University.

All clinical hospitals are equipped with modern facilities to train students at a higher scientific and professional level. In particular,

all types of diagnostics, thermovision, angiography, endoscopic technique, highly effective means of treatment by hyperbaric

oxygenation, laser therapy, modern efferent methods of de-toxication and many others are widely used here.students of the

Medical faculty,Osh State University can have a rest in sports and health recreation camp on the picturesque Issyk-Kul lake.at

branches of the Faculty of extracurricular education, art and sports club or student's theatre.

We invite You to study at the Medical faculty,Osh State University. We'll be glad to see You in our picturesque city.



Page 36: Osh State University



Osh State University maintains an open door admissions policy and constantly strives to provide programs beneficial for students. Applicants are considered for admission without regard to race, religion or national origin.Osh State University welcomes application from foreign students. Medical Institute OshSU is strongly committed to increase opportunities for students, including through and individual consideration of each applicant during the admission process.


For First Year Applicants :


For processing admission into the Medical Institute OshSU the following documents should be sent to the Admissions Office by fax or scanned in E-Mail.-

photocopy of first 4 pages of Your national passport;

copy of Secondary School Certificate;

Filled application form

and invitation / visa processing fees paid in the name of the Coordinator of the institute for foreign students. According to this information we will send You the invitation for studying.


For Migration / Credit Transfer Applicants:


Students with Migration / transfer of credit hours are accepted from other institutes,keeping in view the subjects studied at previous institute and the curriculum of MD at Osh State University.For processing admission into the Medical Institute OshSU the following documents should be sent to the Admissions Office by fax or scanned in E-Mail.-

copy of first 4 pages of Your national passport;

copy of Secondary School Certificate;

Academic transcripts with detail of subjects studied at previous medical institute.

and invitation / visa processing fees paid in the name of the Coordinator of the institute for foreign students. According to this information we will send You the invitation for studying.


Contact Us Form

Page 37: Osh State University

Living conditions



It won't be long before you find that Osh State University is a place where academic and personal growth go hand in hand. The

majority of our 

students seek activities outside the classroom in student organizations, intramural sports, theater, band, student government, or

residence hall 


Osh State University is located in the heart of the city and there are perfect connections to all parts of the city.The student

population is 

drawn from more than 20 different worldwide countries: India, Turkey,Pakistan,Palestine,Syria,Iran,Nepal,and CIS countries etc.

Osh State University has been active to help students make the necessary adjustments to university life.Osh State University

provides reliable faculties for students to express fully their intellectual and scientific capabilities.gymnasium and a Cultural Center

offer brilliant opportunities for students to be active in sport and 

participate in the cultural life (theater, folk etc. sections)

A well-developed student exchange and summer school program is a must for the overall development of students.If you haven't

already visited Kyrgyzstan,you have a lot to look forward to.

Kyrgyzstan is a country for everyone, catering for all tastes and cultures.Osh is beautiful city.There's an abundance of historic

sites so, you can busy yourself with sightseeing or a vast selection of galleries, museums, theatres and exhibitions.

Osh State University has 9 hostels.The Institute will provide the students with the hostel .Books and other study material are

available for the students.The students are not only busy with their studies,they can do the scientific research work and they can

also manage to find time for sports -football,swimming,tennis,Cricket etc.

students of the institute can have a rest in sports and health recreation camp on the picturesque Issyk-Kul lake.at branches of the

Faculty of extracurricular education, art and sports club or student's theatre.

Cricket Tournament is organised every year in april for international students.Eid and Holi are prominent festivals.



Tuition fee





Tuition fee is paid in local currency Kyrgyz Som.Tuition fee adjusted with US dollar / Kyrgyz Som exchange rate is given below.


Tuition Fees per year ( English Medium ) .................................................... 2,200 US $Tuition Fees per year ( Russian Medium ) ................................................... 1,830 US $Hostel ( per year )......................................................................................     200 US $However at first time of admission,a fee package is offered to the students which includes invitation and visa processing charges,Admission fees,and other expanses.for more information,Please contact us at

[email protected]

[email protected]

Postgraduate Department

Page 38: Osh State University

In accordance with its mission Medical Faculty, Osh State University is dedicated to pursuing the highest quality of patient care

and graduate medical education.  Medical Faculty, Osh State University recognizes as one of its major responsibilities the

provision of organized educational programs. This responsibility includes guidance and supervision of the resident while

facilitating the resident’s professional and personal development and ensuring safe and appropriate care for patients.

In fulfilling these responsibilities, the administrations, Hospital Boards, and  Staff of Medical Faculty, Osh State University are

committed to supporting quality graduate medical education programs and excellence in residency training and research.

Furthermore,  Medical Faculty, Osh State University commits itself to providing adequate funding of graduate medical education

to ensure support of its faculty, residents, ancillary staff, facilities, and educational resources to achieve this important mission.

Finally,  Medical Faculty, Osh State University will ensure that all of its graduate medical education programs meet or exceed the

Institutional and Program Requirements promulgated by the Accreditation Councils for Postgraduate Medical Education.

Currently offering Specialization in following specialities and sub-specialities.


Medicine Specialities.

General Medicine




Infectious diseases








Family Medicine




Surgical Specialities:


General Surgery

Gynecology and Obstetrics






Emergency Medical Aid

Page 39: Osh State University

Traumatology and Orthopedics


Cardiac Surgery



Pediatric Specialities:

General Pediatrics

Pediatric Gaestroenterology

Pediatric Hematology

Pediatric infectious diseases

Pediatric Neurology

Pediatric Neurosurgery

Pediatric Urology

Pediatric Nephrology

Pediatric Cardiology

Pediatric Anesthesia

Pediatric Orthopedics

Pediatric Psychiatry

Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric endocrinology




Official Representatives:



Dr.Bhupendra Kumar Magarde

Jabalpur, Madhya Pardesh, India


Dr.Kishor Saste

Page 40: Osh State University

Universal Educational Consultants.Opposite Ajit Bakery,Ajni Square, Wardha Road,Nagpur-440015Maharashtra, India4&5, Paul Commercial Complex,



Mr. N. Ravi Varma

Adress: Vijaypuri colony, Taranaka,Hyderabad, India


Dr. Jai Kishan Godara

38, Vivekanand Nagar , Pal Road,Basni Bai Pass Road,Near C.H.B Police Station,Jodhpur ( Rajasthan) India,



Mr. K.Bhagat

Federal Global ServicesH1/103 Garg Tower, Netaji Subhash PlacePitampura, Delhi -34,India


Mr. Vaibhav Chandra Kumar

RHEMA Educations International15-18 Agrawal Estate, SV RoadJogeshwari (W) Mumbai, India - 40010


Mr. K.C. Devraj

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SIMAS Consultancy221 Irutipalayam Sathy T.K Erode DTIndia


Dr. H.K. Dhiman

Dhiman Institute of Pharmaceutical SciencesIndia


Mr. Dinesh Kumar

Apex EnterprisesIndia


Mr. Ramesh Chaudhry

Rukmani Overseas Educational ServicesJaipur, India



Mr. Vijay Alreja

Page 42: Osh State University

SEED – Sustainable Education and Economic Development

Head Office:

A-99A, Lajpat Nagar – II, New Delhi - India

Branch Offices:


KOCHIN:F4, Heavenly plaza, Civil Station Road,Padamukal, Kochin

KOTTAYAM:2nd Floor, Cappil building, Opposite Municipal Stadium,Pala

CALICUTT:Illam Arcade, Temple Road,

PALA:Safa Building, Opposite Atlas Jewellery behindSishak Sadan.


BENGALURU:1st Floor, # 728, B- Sector EWS,Yelahankar, New Town, Banglore


KOLKATTA:"Kamala Vila"156/B/3C/1, B T Road, Kolkatta

CANADA:12 Hilldowntree Road, Toronto, ONM9A 2Z5


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CHENNAI:51/1, Rakiappan Street, Behind City Center Mall,Mylapore, Chennai

# A45, 3rd Avenue, Anna Nagar East,Near Roundana, Chennai

COIMBATORE:14-1, Thenvadal, Street # 3, Muthuswami Colony,Selvapuram, Coimbatore




PAKISTAN:For admissions please contact on these numbers.




Lahore:Golden Future International,Flat # 706, 7th floor Gold Center31, Commercial zone Liberty Market, Gulberg 3,Lahore, Pakistan


Rawalpindi :

Systeme’ LEGALSuite # 1, 2nd Floor, Al-Harmain Plaza,Opposite Ogri Camp, Murree Road,Rawalpindi-46000Pakistan.



Dr.Asad AliAllied Hospital, Jail Road FaisalabadDHQ Hospital, Chiniot

Page 44: Osh State University



Mr. A.B. Sarker

STUDYWAY INTERNATIONAL2/10 Progoti Sharoni, Merul Badda,South Baridhara,Dhaka – 1212,Bangladesh


Md.Masud Alam

Consultant office: Abroad Admission Care (AAC)Adress: 42-kha/1West Tagtury Bazar,Farm GateDhaka,Bangladesh


Md.Abdul Kaiyum

Jahanara EduExpressConcord Regency (In-front of Square Hospital)19/1 North Dhanmondi, Kalababan, Suite-233, 1st Floor,Dhaka – 1205, Bangladesh





Dr.Jagarnath Shah,Multitech Consultancy,Kathmandu Nepal


Contact us






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