OSCE and Clinical Skills Handbook 2nd Edition

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Transcript of OSCE and Clinical Skills Handbook 2nd Edition

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  • OSCE Hurley Front CoverTOCIntroductionCommunicationBad NewsMedical HxDocumentation-SOAPPnemonicsCh 1- CVSS/S of CVS disExamination skillsApproach to MurmurJVP examinationBlood PressureClaudication ExamHTN Hx & PEHypercholesterolemiaPalpitation Hx, PEHF Hx, PEPericarditisMI Hx, PE, ECGSample checklistsAortic StenosisMSMRMVP2ndery HTN Hx, PESample Checklist

    Ch 2- RespS/SResp Sys HxExaminationsAsthmaAcute Asthma PESOB Hx, PESOB on exertionCough Hx, PEHemoptysis Hx, PESample ChecklistCXR interpretationSolitary Lung NodulePleural EffusionPneumoniaPneumothoraxSample Checklist

    Ch 3- GITS/SAbd Pain HxAbd PELiver PESpleen PEHernias PEDREAscites PEDysphagia HxHematemesis HxDiarrhoea HXExtrahepatic s/s of liver diseaseRLQ pain Hx, PERUQ pain Hx, PEEpigastric Pain Hx, PELLQ pain Hx, PELower GI Bleeding Hx, PESample ChecklistConstipation HxSteatorrhoea HxSample Checklist

    Ch 4- GUS/SKidney ExaminationSplenomegaly Vs. KidneyProstate PETesticle PEUrinary Incontinence PEPainless Hematuria HxFlank Pain & Hematuria Hx, PEUTI Hx, PETesticular Pain Hx, PESample ChecklistHesitency Hx, PEPenile Ulcer Hx, PE

    Ch 5- NSS/SHeadache HxSeizure HxCranial Nerves PECoordination, Cereballar FnSpinal Cord FnUMN vs LMN lesion PESeizure HxTemporal Arteritis Hx, PEFacial Droop Hx, PESample ChecklistAltered LOC HxStroke HxNeuropathic Pain HxComa PESpinal Hx, PECauda Equina Syndr Hx, PEHead Injury Hx, PESample Checklist

    Ch 6- MSKApproach to MSK pain HxApproach to MSK pain PECx Spine PEThx Spine PELumber Spine PEShoulder PEElbow PEWrist PEHand PEHip Joint PEKnee PEKnee HxCTS PEAnkylosing Sp PESample Checklist

    Ch 7-DermS/SApproach to skin PEAcne Hx, PEEczema Hx, PEPapulosq Eruption Hx, PEHives Hx, PEErythema Nodosum HxLeg Blisters Hx, PEAnkle Ulcer Hx, PEDrug Rash Hx, PENonmelanoma Skin Malignancy Hx, PEMelanoma Hx, PESample Checklist

    Ch 8-HematoS/S, PEAxillary LN PEBleeding Disorder HxEasy Bruising, Nose Bleeding HxConstitutional Symptoms HxAnemia Hx, PEDVT Hx, PEPulm Emb Hx, PESample ChecklistLymphoma PELeukaemia Hx, PESample Checklist

    Ch 9-EndocrineS/SThyroid PENeck Lump HxOsteoporosis HxDM Hx, PEHyperthyroidism Hx, PEHypothyroidism Hx, PECentral Obesity Hx, PESample ChecklistHirsutism HxGalactorrhea Hx, PESample Checklist

    Ch 10-PsychS/SApproach to Psych AssessmentMSESuicidal Ideation HxMania HxAnxiety HxPsychosis HxSample Checklist

    Ch 11-Women's HealthApproach to ObGyn HxBreast PEBreast Lump HxAmenorrhoea HxPID Hx, PESample ChecklistPregnancy Hx, PEPainless 3T Bleeding Hx, PEPreterm Hx, PEBreastfeeding Difficulties Hx

    Ch 12-PaediatricsApproach to Paed Pt. Ears & Throat PEEye PEDDH in NewbornImmunization HxMalaise & LymphadenopathyDiarrhoea Hx, PEAsthma Hx, PESore Th+Fever Hx, PEResp Distress Hx, PEFebrile Seizure Hx, PEHeadache & Fever Hx, PERoutine Neonatal ExamNeonatal Jaundice HxVomiting in Infant HxEnuresis HxSpeech Delay HxLimping HxEye Swelling Hx, PERecurrent Abd Pain Hx, PESample Checklist

    Ch 13- GeriatricsGeriatric HxMMSEWeakness HxFall HxConfusion- Delirium, Dementia & DepressionAbuse & Neglect HxSample Checklist

    Ch 14- Ethics End of Life CareWithdrawal of CareInformed ConsentDecision Making & Decision to forgo RxConfidentiality, Consent and Mature MinorBrain Death & Organ Donation

    Sample OSCE caseIndex