Oruxmapsmanual En

Quick start Maps Tracks/Routes Wpts or Pois Map viewer Creating tracks Creating maps Manual: all buttons and components. o Main Screen o Map viewer Buttons Dashboard Menus-Manage o Statistics o Radar o Integration with OruxMaps NEW 4.4

Transcript of Oruxmapsmanual En

Page 1: Oruxmapsmanual En

Quick start



Wpts or Pois

Map viewer

Creating tracks

Creating maps

Manual: all buttons and components. o Main Screen

o Map viewer




o Statistics

o Radar

o Integration with OruxMaps

NEW 4.4

Page 2: Oruxmapsmanual En


The first time you run OruxMaps, requires creating (automatically) a few directories on

the SD. If not, then you have to create them by hand, or select other directories in the

'Settings' of OruxMaps.

The easiest, once installed, is to start with online maps. In the main application screen,

select 'Map Online’, then select a map. The maps available online are configured in the

map directory: oruxmaps/mapfiles/onlinemapsources.xml


You should see an online map. If you want to know your position, button ‘Tracks’—

‘Start GPS’. After receiving a first position, either from network (if enabled in the

settings of android) or the GPS itself, the map focuses on your current position.

Do you want to zooming? Then you have three ways to choose, fully configurable in


With the buttons on the buttons bar. Combined zooms: if it is a layered map OruxMaps

first try to switch to a new layer, if there is no new layer (you are in the upper or loyour)

then will do digital zoom.

Using the screen multitouch (pinch to zoom): By default only zooming betyouen layers.

Using the volume buttons: By default, only digital zoom at current layer.

All images that you downloaded online, are stored in an internal database for later use

offline, much faster than if you have to go looking again at the respective server, or

when you are without data coverage.

Do you want to start recording a track? Then use the button ‘Tracks’—‘Start Rec.’.

From this moment, you will see much more information on the dashboard. What you

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are seeing and how, you may change it in 'Settings'. If you move, a path will be painted

in red.

Do you want to add a Point of Interest? Press the button ‘Wpts.’—‘Create’ and give

name and type. If you want to see its details, click on it on the screen.

Have you completed the track? Again click on the button ‘Tracks’—‘Stop Rec.’ and

the track will be stored in an internal database.

Do you want to see the statistics of our track? Two ways the most immediate, button


From here, turn to study the manual. OruxMaps does many many things, has many

settings, menus, .... We cannot explain it all on one page!

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OruxMaps uses a proprietary format maps. This is due to the limitations of a mobile

device in the management of large images.

A map is a folder with the name of the map which contains:

1. Ever, a file with. otrk2.xml with calibration data.

2. A file with a. db or a series of folders with images of the map.

What you need to copy to the maps folder is the folder above OruxMaps underlined.

Two types of maps.

1. Layered Maps; each zoom level is actually a new map. It has the advantage that

the details (text, line weights ...) will be well, be clearly defined in each layer.

The downside is that changing the layer, load the new images will take a few

tenths of a second.


One layer Maps; there is only possibility of digital zoom. The advantage is that

digital zoom is immediate, the downside is that if it zooming up/down too much,

the details will not be visible. Another drawback: When you zoom out,

OruxMaps has a limit of images that can be displayed simultaneously, so that

from 60% sure that the map does not cover the entire screen. This is NOT a

mistake, is a limitation. However, this level of digital zoom the details are

completely lost, it is only useful for viewing at 100% the shape of a track/route.

The zoom on maps.

With multi-layered maps you can make two types of zoom: from layer to layer and

digital zoom on a layer.

OruxMaps supports both, even in combination, and beyond, allows zooming to jump

between maps, if exist at the upper/lower for those who are zooming.

It can be a little confusing at first, but as soon as you do with it, quite useful.

The zoom is fully configurable. You can use three mechanisms to zoom:

1. With the buttons on the toolbar: Combined zooms by default: if a map layer (all

the online maps are multi layer maps) first try to switch to a new layer, if there is

no new layer (you are in the top layer or bottom) will do digital zooming.

2. Using the screen multitouch (pinch to zoom): By default only zoom between


3. Using the volume buttons: By default, only digital zoom on any layer.

The configuration of the zoom (combined, only between layers, only digital) can be

done in the 'Settings' of the application.

Similarly, if you do not care that you can zoom between maps (jump to another map)

you can disable this feature in settings.

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To quickly zoom between layers of 5 on 5 levels, long press on zoom screen buttons in

the button bar.

Autoloading maps.

By default the application, when you leave a map, look if there is another in the new

area to move forward, and display it. OruxMaps should find the one with the closest

zoom level to the one you leave; if there are several, will ask you to choose. It is how

we call 'when leaving the map'. There is another way to load a little heavy for the

system, especially if you have many maps, which is 'always', which means all the time

looking for the most detailed map (larger scale) in the current position.

Management maps offline.

At the end of this document explains the ways to get offline maps, here we describe

what we do with them.

In settings a parent directory for all maps must be defined (do not worry, it is created

automatically the first time, default on the sd: oruxmaps/mapfiles/).

Inside this folder you can create subdirectories, and within these, other subdirectories.

The goal is to organize the maps in folders, for families, scales, fonts, ... whatever you

want. This makes it easy to enable/disable OruxMaps entire folders to keep in mind

(when zooming, jumping from one map to another, show listings, ...) or ignore those

folders. This is done from the map selection screen, a long press on a folder should

enable/disable that folder and all contained within.

Theoretically, when you add/remove new maps, OruxMaps updates its internal

databases, but sometimes he does not know (for example, if you change a map with

another with the same name). For these cases the button 'Reset map sources' in the map

selection screen, to force the update of the lists of available maps. Use it if you lack in

listings a map.

Management of online maps.

A set of maps available online, you can switch to online maps offline at any time.

The maps are configured in a xml file, onlinemapsources.xml, found in the maps folder.

This file can be modified with a text editor (remove sources that do not interest you, add


Each map in this file has the following structure:

<onlinemapsource uid="0"> <!--uid unique for each map-->

<name>Google Maps</name> <!—map name-->




{$s} server, this value is replaced with one of the values added in <servers> tag

{$l} current locale, for example 'es_ES'

{$x} x image pixels

{$y} y image pixels

{$z} zoom level

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{$q} quad encoded, from x,y,z-->


<!--min. zoom-->


<!--max. zoom-->





<httpparam name=""></httpparam>

<!--not in use-->

<xop></xop><!--operations with x allowed: 1-->

<yop></yop><!-- operations with y allowed: 0, 1-->

<zop></zop><!-- operations with z allowed: 1-->

<qop></qop><!-- operations with q allowed: 2-->

<sop></sop><!-- operations with s allowed: 3-->

<!-- operations:

0: (2^z - 1 - y)

1: (val + 1)

2: add '/' each 6 characters

3: (x + y ) mod num_servers -->


From here everyone look for sources of interest. Beware of licenses for each site! There

will be respected.

Note that OruxMaps uses an internal cache to store images of online maps used. All that

browsing online, is available after offline. If an image is available in the cache, no

longer will goes to Internet to find it.

This cache is not eternal. It operates in two ways:

From the main screen OruxMaps, 'menu-delete' cache allows us to eliminate from the

cache maps from any source (or all). This is useful for those maps that expire after a



Auto Clear: By passing a certain threshold size, 512MB default (configured in 'Settings-

maps') there is an automatic erasure of the early twentieth downloaded images (the

oldest) until the cache is reduced to a certain size (Settings configurable) default 256MB

New formats:

1. .rmap free: Now it is possible to use some .rmap maps.

a. Copy the maps inside a folder, in your oruxmaps/mapfiles/ directory

b. „Restart map sources‟. If your map uses an unknown datum, OruxMaps

will ask you to select manually the datum for each unknow datum.

2. Vectorial maps from http://code.google.com/p/mapsforge/

WMS: OruxMaps gives basic support to this type of online sources. And you can add

new sources of wms, there are thousands around the world.

OruxMaps supports WMS online connection to permit to be invoked with WGS84 lat /

lon (the majority). For example SIGPAC.

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More on WMS:


WMS en España

WMS en el mundo

If you want some examples, copy this file into oruxmaps/mapfiles/ folder:


You can add new WMS in the file editing with new WMS, you need to know:

The base url of the WMS.

Putting a unique uid.

Determine the zoom levels on request.

WMS layers you want to search.

The image format to ask.


You can start from a url where the WMS can be found; SIGPAC, for

example: http://wms.marm.es/wms/wms.aspx?

There are many online wms viewers. You can use them to test the

wms, and find the layers: WMS en España

First you have to download the Capabilities file. You have to

add 'request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS' to the wms url:



It is a xml text file, you can open it with notepad, firefox,


Important tags:







<OnlineResource xlink:href="http://wms.marm.es/wms/wms.aspx"/>





From here you get the wms url (add a ‘?’ to the end of the url):


And the type of images you can ask for: image/png ó image/jpeg

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Below you can find the available layers.


EPSG:4326 EPSG:32627 EPSG:32628 EPSG:32629 EPSG:32630 EPSG:32631

EPSG:4258 EPSG:25827 EPSG:25828 EPSG:25829 EPSG:25830 EPSG:25831

EPSG:4230 EPSG:23029 EPSG:23030 EPSG:23031


Those are supported coordinate systems. You must see: EPSG:4326.

If not, OruxMaps probably will not be able to open the wms.

<LatLonBoundingBox SRS="EPSG:4326" minx="-18.1705"

miny="27.6374" maxx="4.3169" maxy="43.7722"/>

The world area from which the wms will serve maps

The layers:

<Layer queryable="1" opaque="0" noSubsets="0">




a) <Name> element is what you have to put in OruxMaps

configuration file.

b)opaque="0" tells you that it is a transparent layer. You can

paint it over other layers. opaque="1" the layer is opaque, you

can use it as backgroung.

You have all what you need. Take this template:















Map name, what you will see in OruxMaps


An integer, unique for each map, use high values.

3.-<desc>bla bla bla</desc>

Description, not in use.


The url.


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Zoon levels, try with different values, from 0 to 20.


The layers you want to see in the map, comma separated, the last

one, the opaque layer.


Image format

The WMS:




<desc>bla bla bla</desc>










Copy-paste inside the wms_services.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>





<desc>bla bla bla</desc>











Finally open ‘online maps’, ‘reset map sources’.

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A Track/Route consists of track points (represented with a colored line connecting the

points) and points of interest (represented by a pin or similar). A Point of Interest has

coordinates, type, description, and may have attachments that can be images, videos,

audios and texts. In turn, a track/route can be divided into segments, which are a set of

consecutive track points, creating a line.

In OruxMaps you managed two concepts, which are basically the same, tracks and

routes. The map viewer can be handling simultaneously a Track and a Route.

For OruxMaps a TRACK is alive, opened in the display for edition. It can change

(added more track points, add/remove points of interest,...).

OruxMaps can create a track in two ways:

With GPS signals, thus starting the 'Recording track' mode. Using the button

‘Tracks’—‘Start Rec.’ starts the recording of the track. As mentioned, a

track can be broken down into segments. Thus, when you want to stop (a

break, restart the next day a track, ...) just use the button to stop and restart,

using the same button. There are three options if there is a track loaded in the

map viewer:

o Start a track from scratch, a new track. Clears the current screen,

along with POIs (but not from the database!).

o Start a new segment, but belonging to the current track (is


o Continue with the last segment of the current track. I personally do

not recommend doing this, it is better to split the track in logical

units, segments, each with its own statistics.

With the button ‘Tracks’—‘Create’. Select a rectangle of desired zone to

download, then ok.

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A ROUTE is static, you load it in the viewer to see it, or follow while creating a new

track. Like a track, a route consists of track points (represented by a line joining them)

and/or Wpts / POIs.

Routes can be loaded into the viewer in various ways.

Directly from a file GPX/KML. If you use the button ‘Routes’—‘Load File’ opens the

file selector. If you have a compatible file manager (the best OI File Manager) allows us

to select/navigate through your file system.

Based on a track/route previously existing or imported in the database of the

application: Since the map viewer‘Routes’—‘Manage’ select a track, 'load as a route'

From a set of POIs: From the map viewer, ‘Routes’—‘Manage’, select a set of POIs,

and then button for loading as a route.

Once you have a route in the viewer, as well as see it, you can 'follow' it. This is done

using the button ‘Routes’—‘follow’. It is necessary to have GPS enabled to make it

really useful that way. In the dashboard, if you have them on, you will see information


Distance to the end of the route.

% done.

ETA, ETE (estimated time to arrival, or en routing)


And if you want to make a route in reverse, then simply use the button , ‘Routes’—


If you want is to go from POI to POI on the route, and not above the track, you can

activate the ‘Routes’—‘navigate wpts'. In this mode the guidelines in the control panel

(target distance, ETA, ETE) are relative to the next POI.

ALARMS: When you are in 'follow route' OruxMaps can trigger an alarm that tells you

if you left the route of xx meters. To activate this option, use the button ‘Routes’—

‘Alarm XX’.

Where can you find tracks?

There are hundreds of different formats in which tracks can be saved. Each builder

program has their own format. OruxMaps uses the two more standard both: KML, GPX.

If you have tracks in another format, you can always convert them to KML / GPX using

GPSBabel application.

There are many websites from which you can download gpx / kml for use in OruxMaps:





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From OruxMaps can import / export tracks directly to some of these sites, see below,

under 'Integration'

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You can create points of interest for later use. If you begin to create POIs, and no track

started, these POIs not belong to any Track. If you have a track started on screen, or

start one, the POIs are linked to the current track.

Working with POIs

To create them:

From the map viewer, use the button ‘Wpts.’—‘Create’. If you want to create a POI in

another point on the map, 'long press' on that point over the map.

OruxMaps propose the coordinates of the center point of the map, but you can change


You can create a POI from the central point of the map, knowing a bearing and distance.

Or add additional information using the geocoding capabilities offered by Google.

You can also attach images/videos/audios / text to the POI, is what we call 'extensions'.

Other ways to create POIs:

Photo-POI: Long press the to create POIs, open the camera or gallery, which allows you

to select an image.

Automatic creation of POIs: OruxMaps will assign a generic name to POIs. Then you

can edit it later, you can do that by clicking the button will create the POI without

asking for more data. Select this option in 'Settings-Waypoints'.

Automatic creation of start/end POIs. The highlight is that the final POI is associated

with the statistics of the segment, inside the description of the POI. Select this option in


With the POIs can play in different ways:

Creating a route from the list of POIs.

Navigating to a POI.

POIs navigation.


You can enable an alarm that will alert you when you are near the POI. You can use a

standard 'beep' sound, or attach custom sounds to your POIs

You can use Google Navigator application to reach to a POI.

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Map Viewer

The buttons:

The upper buttons bar can be configured in two different ways:

--The new one (Recomended): Bar fixed with four buttons (Tracks—Wpts—Routes—

Maps—More) and a second level for each ones, with more options.

It will grow up in the next versions.

Buttons bar

Status bar



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--The old one: All the buttons in a movable bar.

4 buttons bar can be used, top, bottom, left and right. By default, all the buttons are in

the upper bar. The buttons bars can be configured in ‘More’—‘Settings’—‘User


It is possible to automatically hide the bars after 10 seconds (push on the part of the

screen where the bar should be located to make it appear again).

Buttons bar : It's the page to configure the buttons bars. By default, all the buttons are

in the upper bar, but by using this application you can put the buttons where you want


The cursor:

By default it is located in the middle of the screen, BUT you can position it in the lower

part of the screen, very useful when using the different map modes (see further down)

„Compass oriented‟ or „Direction up‟.

Moreover you can use different icons. There are a few ones provided by default. To use

other icons, just copy the desired .png images in the application's folder



Shows the information that you want, depending on the mode (gps on, recording a

track,...). Possible items to display are coordinates, zoom level, ...

There are currently two types, large or small

With the larger you can play with the background color, white/black and the colors of

the letters: orange/white/black

You can configure this item in ‘More’—‘Settings’—‘User Interface’—‘Dashboard’.

It can be hidden automatically after 15 seconds (click on the bottom of the screen to

reappear. You can also make them active/hidden with a click on the dashboard itself (or

its place when you want to see again).

There is a secondary dashboard panel on top. Allow it to include two/three elements in

it. Is set in 'Settings-User Interface-Dashboard'

Status bar:

It is a set of icons that tell you current mode:

0 gps map scroll off

1 gps on

2 recording track

3 gps power save

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4 gps fast

5 alarm on

6 heart rate monitor on

7 live tracking with mapmytracks.com

8 route loaded in the map viewer

9 following a route mode

10 track loaded in the map viewer

11 wpt. navigation mode

12 compass (rotating icon)

View Angle: It is a yellow triangle, which is active with the compass if you want, and

shows us on the map what you see at this moment. If you bother it, you can turn it off.

Map modes: The default map shows pictures as they are. But you can:

1. Keep oriented with the compass.

2. Address above, requires that the GPS is on.

3. North-up: useful if the maps are drawn.

This is configured in ‘More’-‘Settings’-‘Maps’-‘Map mode’.

Pseudo3d: You can change the perspective from which you can see the map in two

ways. If you have a multitouch screen, two fingers moving in parallel on the screen.

Also directly if you have no multitouch screen, using 'menu-settings-pseudo3d'.

Long press on the map, offers you many options on this point:

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At the moment you activate the GPS button ‘Tracks’—‘Start Gps’, the centre of the

cursor will mark your position. If you move the map with your finger, this feature is

disabled for a time (configurable) and after a while, the GPS restarts the movement of

the map. When you activate the GPS, but not recording a track, if you abandon

OruxMaps, the gps is turned off, this saves battery.

The next stage, using the button ‘Tracks’—‘Start Rec’ is to start/stop recording a track.

When you are creating a track, the GPS is not turned off when you leave OruxMaps, so

be careful, because you spend a lot of battery! Upon receiving the GPS signal, the map

will paint the track you made, and the dashboard will display the information associated

with the current track. If no track started, starts one automatically. If you had one loaded

on the screen, OruxMaps asks whether you want to continue (new points are added to

the last segment of the track), start a new segment, or if you want to start a new track.

It's time to talk about saving battery:

In the settings of GPS, play with three parameters:

1. minimum time between GPS measurements. The higher, lower battery


2. minimum distance between measurements.

3. maximum precision to record the received position.

While setting these parameters you can adjust how fine you want, there is a button that

allows quick selection of three modes:

Normal (use the values selected in the settings)

Fast, takes a lot of GPS measurements, but uses a lot of battery.

Power saving, set GPS to 30 seconds and 80 meters. Which will extend quite the battery


If you want to stop recording, press the button ‘Tracks’—‘Stop Gps’ again and stops

recording track. To continue, you can use the same button, and you will see three


1. Start a track from scratch, a new track.

2. Start a new segment (is recommended, if it is the same travel/track).

3. Continue with the last segment of the current track. I personally do not

recommend doing this, it is better to split the track in logical units, segments,

each with its own statistics.

Every time you finish, the track will be recorded in the internal database. You can see

the tracks with ‘Tracks’—‘Manage’. The one above is the current one.

If you have a track on the screen in the status bar icon appears telling us that. To clean

the screen and remove the track (on the screen, not the database) is the button


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And if you continue a track (ie one that includes several days of trekking, one segment

per day) you can go to ‘Tracks’—‘Manage’, select the one you want to continue, then

'continue the track'.

Live tracking: If you have an account in MapMyTracks.com, you can send signal

directly to that server. Configure your account in OruxMaps, then start recording a

track, then start 'live tracking'.

External GPS: You can use a external bluetooth gps, for this you must set it to ‘More’-

‘Settings’-‘GPS’. To enable external GPS instead of internal, there are a specific button.

IMPORTANT: If OruxMaps loses contact with the external gps, and you are recording

a track, will try to restart the internal gps, to avoid loosing the track.

Heart rate monitor: Currently OruxMaps is compatible with the Bluetooth brand

Zephyr and the brand POLAR.

After configuring 'Settings', HRM is only possible in 'Recording track' mode. You have

to do a press on the button ‘Tracks’—‘Rec HRM’.

If you have properly configured the control panel, it will display the current pulse,

maximum, minimum, average and battery status of heart rate monitor.

When you save the track, HRM is stored with the track. And if you upload the track to

MapMyTracks.com, you will see your BPM information.

When you export the track in GPX, are also exported records heart rate monitor.

Automatic creation of start/end POIs: Set in ‘More’-‘Settings’-’Waypoints’. What it

does is create a POI automatically signaling the start/end point of each segment.

Automatic creation of segments. For some activities it is interesting to statistical data

every XX miles, or every XX minutes. That's what this functionality does, which is set

in ‘More’-‘Settings’-‘Tracks/Routes’. If this option is combined with the above, you

will have added to the end POI description, all the statistics of the segment.

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There are three basic ways to get your maps into OruxMaps for offline use.

MOBAC: It‟s an excellent application you can use to create offline maps from

multiple sources. Here you may find more information… ¿???


1. Use preferently „OruxMaps Sqlite‟ format.

2. Use the Map Size maximum value possible in MOBAC settings. Don‟t leave

the Map Size default value, it may produce viewing errors later in OruxMaps.

3. Don‟t use drag&drop to copy maps created in MOBAC into OruxMaps,

instead, copy into the Android card the complete folder named after the name of

the map you just created.

OruxMapsDesktop. For your existing maps already callibrated for Ozi, .kap,

.tiff, .tfw, or simply an image file, use OruxMapsDesktop.

OruxMaps. Simply with OruxMaps you may get offline maps.

o Open an online map

o Push ‘Maps’—‘Create’ button.

o Select, with a single click, one corner of the area to download.

o A second click to select the second corner.

o Push OK Button (or CANCEL to cancel, or CLEAR to restart the


o Select the layers to download. Name the map. The maximum size of the

map is 1 GB. (For larger maps, use another tool, like MOBAC)

o Download begins. In case of problems (loss of connectivity for exmaple)

download stops. You may keep the incomplete map or discard it.

o An incomplete download of a map may be later resumed. In the

download view, use „menu-continue‟, select the map to complete.

OruxMaps will check for the missing images and download them.

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Main Screen

"Map offline", a dialog appears that allows you to choose a map to display,

chosen from among those found in the maps directory (/oruxmaps/mapfiles/ default, in

SD). Long press to open best offline map at current position.

"Maps Online" Requires internet connection. Now Available Google,

Microsoft, OpenStreet, WMS, ... Open an online map. Long press to open last recently

used online map.

"Trip Computer",

.-"Settings" Configure all in OruxMaps.

"Tracks" Opens the list of tracks from the database. Initially is empty. From

here you can manage your tracks (see below).

"Managing Waypoints" Opens the list of wpts from the database. Initially

is empty. From here you can manage your wpts. (see below).

Since android menu, go to:

Quickstart tutorial, with the main functions of the main screen.

Help (this help)


Clear the cache: Deletes the internal cache tiles of maps online (map to map, or

all together).

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Manage profiles: A profile is a new set of settings (buttons, directories,…).

Save preferences: Save all your profiles to the sdcard.

Restore preferences: Restore previously saved preferences.

User Interface


o Buttons builder. Select which buttons and which bars (top, bottom, sides)

are going to see the buttons.

To remove a button from a bar, click on it.

To add a button to a toolbar, select it in the bar centarl, use the

arrow indicates one of the bars.

'clean' to clear all the bars.

To exit, android 'back' button.

o Buttons old style. Use the buttons on a scrollable top bar (not


o Large buttons: It presents a set of buttons larger, easier to use.

o Vibrate buttons. Vibrates when using the buttons.

o Hide buttons. By default, the buttons are always displayed, if you want to

hide after 10 seconds, to make more visible map, use this setting. To

display two options: touch the screen where they were, or use the

trackball/pad with one click.


Create new profile

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o User Interface: Name map, route, coordinates, zoom, ... are different

elements to view. Are stacked bottom-up, left-right and are repositioned

by rotating the screen.

o Hide Dashboard. Checking this box, the dashboard (position,

velocity,...) will hide after 15 seconds. To view them again, you will

touch the screen at the bottom.

o Dashboard hide/wake up. This option allows you to hide/show the

dashboard with a click on it, or the site it occupies.

o Entire track. Select if the control panel are the total values of the entire

track, or the last segment of track.

o Alternative dashboard. Use the new/old dashboard.

o ntrols box the control panel select large (by default).

Fund Table H: Select the background color of the box

Alt Text Box: Select the text color of the box.

o Top dashboard. Display the dashboard. Shows the upper control



o Cursors directory. Now you can use any png image as cursor, simply

place your cursor in this directory, and will appear as selectable.

o Cursor mode used by default.

o Cursor down. Place the cursor at the bottom of the screen, useful for

when you have the map oriented.

o View angle. When 'on' the compass, displays a triangle pointing to

where you are looking on the map.

Colors The colors of letters, ...


Miscelaneous UI

o ...


Skip main screen. If activate, the next time you enter the application does not

show the startup screen. You can return to it, there is an option under

'OruxMaps' icon.

Force locale. Force a language.

Led ecomode. It uses a flashing LED to tell us that you are so 'Recording track'

when the screen is off.

Always on. It does not turn off the screen when you are 'Recording track'.

Watch the battery!

Display brightness. When in 'always on' mode.


Night mode. Brightness of the screen when you select night mode.

Scroll Trackball. Turns off the map scroll with the movement of the trackball.


Maps directory. Whre you have to put your maps.


o Zoom level. Loading maps with a prior level of digital zoom.

o Zoom autoloading. Looks for a new map up/down layers in the current

map, and not exist next layer.

Page 23: Oruxmapsmanual En

o Go to the center. It can occur in a map layer, a layer below or above does

not contain the current point from which zooms. If this box is checked,

move the map to its center, otherwise, make digital zoom.

o Volume keys. Select type of zoom done with volume keys.

o Pinch to zoom. Type using multi-touch gesture.

o Buttons screen.

Map mode. The map can be rotated or not (normal).

Delay GPS movement. When you are with "GPS on" (the GPS moving map) if

you move a finger on the map, turn off the automatic movement of the GPS map

during the seconds configured here.

Auto-loading of maps. There are three positions: ALWAYS, in every

movement with either your finger or with the GPS positioning, look for more

detailed map (larger scale). ON, if you get out of the margins of a map, search

the next. If there are multiple possible maps, ask to choose. OFF does not load

automatically maps.

Mapas online

o When you are navigating online maps, maps are stored in a database that

is located in the oruxmaps/mapfiles/oruxmapscacheimages.db file.

This file is important because it will grow as you navigate online. You

have to set a maximum size of the database (default 512MB). When it

exceeds this value, OruxMaps will alert you.


Routes/Tracks Directory. The directory where logging is stored. Since version

2.0 up, tracks are stored in a sqlite3 database, named oruxmapstracks.db. This

file is found int oruxmaps/tracklogs directory.

Auto kml. Automatically export the track in a .kml file into the tracks directory

when a track is finished.

Auto gpx. Automatically export the track in a .gpx file into the tracks directory

when a track is finished.

Auto-Segment time. Sets the interval time in minutes for automatic segment

creation. The track segments itself every xx minutes.

Auto-Segment distance. Sets the interval distance in km for automatic segment

creation. The track segments itself every xx km.

Auto Save. Sets the interval time in minutes for the application to perform

saving of the track in the database.

Track Backup. Sets the interval time in days for performing a backup copy of

the database, preventing data loss in case of data corruption or similar..


GeoCaches Directory. Sets the directory where geocaches are stored.

Waypoint Sorting. Sets the default sort order in the waypoints list.

Auto Waypoint Creation. When creating a waypoint, saves you from naming

it. Automatically use WPT999 name scheme

Don’t use icons. Shows a circle instead of a pin.

Create first/last Waypoint. Creates an special waypoint for the start and end

of the track when starting and stopping track recording.


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Minimum time. Sets the interval time in seconds between GPS measures.

Android may decide to disconnect GPS in the mean time, to save battery.

WARNING. Some Android devices may not correctly support this interval, as

they take too long to reinitiate GPS, in this case, set the value to zero.

Minimum distance. Sets the interval distance in meters between GPS measures.

OruxMaps will discard the measure if the location has not moved at least xx


GPS log precission. Sets the mimimum GPS precission for OruxMaps to keep

the position as a track point. We recommend a value of 50 meters with a

Minimum Time of 2 minutes, so you only record precise positions.

NMEA altitude correction. Enable/disable NMEA altitude correction over the


Height Correction. Manual correction of the height provided by GPS over

WGS 1984 ellipsoid, and adjust if to the Geoid. With Android 2.0+ devices, this

correction is automatic.

External GPS (Android 2.0+ only). Use an external bluetooth GPS. To use is,

follow this steps:

o Pair your GPS with your Android, use the standard menu settings.

o Select your GPS from the list of paired bluetooth devices.

o To use the external GPS instead of the internal one, press a long click on

the map viewer button.

Units Measure units to use.

Activar TTS (Avisos por voz). Activa los avisos por voz, que se producirán

cada xx Unidades de distancia (ver siguiente punto). Los avisos dependen

del estado:

o Grabando track:

Distancia recorrida


Velocidad media

o Siguiendo ruta/Navegación por Wpts

Distancia al objetivo


o Pulsómetro activo:


Pulsaciones medias

Por encima/debajo del umbral de pulsaciones (si hemos

activado que nos avise, ver más abajo).

Distancia para TTS. Unidades de distancia a las que se producirán avisos

por voz. Si usamos ‘kilómetro’ como unidad de distancia, seleccionando ‘2’

en este ajuste, recibiremos avisos cada 2 km.

Maximizar volumen. Maximiza el nivel del volumen para dar los avisos por

voz/tonos de las alarmas.

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Zoom con volumen. Activa/desactiva las teclas de sonido para usar como


Alarma wpt, audio. Si está activo, y el wpt tiene asociados sonidos, sonarán

estos sonidos en vez del típico „beep‟.

Alarma Wpt. Distancia mínima que tenemos que estar cerca de un Wpt de una

Ruta, para que salte la alarma sonora/vibración. Para ello habremos tenido que

cargar una ruta, activar en el menú 'Rutas'--'Seguir Ruta (ON)' y luego activar la

alarma en menú 'Rutas'--'Alarma Wpt (ON)'. IMPORTANTE: Este valor indica

también la distancia a partir de la cual, cuando estamos navegando de wpt. en

wpt., la aplicación toma el siguiente wpt. como referencia.

Alarma proximidad Wpt. Tono a utilizar como alarma de Wpt.

Alarma de ruta. Fijamos la distancia a partir de la cual, si nos alejamos de la

ruta que estamos siguiendo, suena la alarma.

Distancia apagar alarma. Distancia a partir de la cual, la alarma deja de sonar.

Alarma lejos ruta. Tono para la alarma de alejamiento de ruta.

Alarma GPS externo: Sonido a utilizar para avisar que se ha desconectado el

GPS externo.

Aviso 1º señal Gps: Aviso sonoro/vibra con la primera señal del Gps, si estamos

grabando un track.

Sonido aviso 1º señal: Sonido a usar

Aviso fallo Gps: Alerta sonido/vibra si no se recibe señal Gps por más de xx

minutos (mínimo 2 minutos).

Sonido fallo Gps. Tono para utilizar si falla el GPS.

Activa min/max alarma (pulsómetro). Para recibir avisos si estamos por

debajo/encima de los umbrales min/max de pulsaciones, definidos en la

configuración del pulsómetro.

Sonido para pulsómetro. Tono a utilizar para la alarma anterior.

Text to Speech/Sounds.

Enable TTS. OruxMaps will alert you:

o Track logging:


Elapsed time

Average speed

o Folowing a route/Wpt. Navigation

Distance to target


o Heart rate monitor:


Average Bpm

Distance for TTS: Distance units for TTS. For example, if your distance units

are kilometers, and you select „2‟, Then OruxMaps will read TTS messages each

2 kilometers.

Page 26: Oruxmapsmanual En

Maximize volumen. Use maximun value of sound fot TTS and alarms.

Volume keys for zoom. Use volumen keys for zoom, instead of volumen


Waypoint Alarm Sound. When active, and in case the waypoint has sound

associated, the waypoint alarm uses the associated sound instead of the default


Waypoint Alarm. Sets the distance threshold in for alarms when location is

approaching a Waypoint. For alarm to work, you need to load the route, activate

the menu „Routes-Follow Route‟ and activate the alarm in menu „Routes-

Waypoint Alarm‟.

Ringtone Wpt. Alarm. Select the ringtone for Wpt. Alarm.

Route Alarm. Sets the distance threshold for alarms when location is moving

away the route.

Stop route alarm. Distance for stopping the alarm sound.

Ringtone route alarm. Select the ringtone for route alarm.

Retry connection: Retry the connecion with external GPS if lost.

Alarm external GPS: Ringtone used when connection lost.

1º Gps position: Notify first GPS position fix, when in track logging mode.

Ringtone 1st fix: Ringtone for 1º GPS position fix

Notify no GPS signal: Notify if gps fails to adquiere GPS position fixes.

Ringtone no GPS.

Enable heart rate max/min alarm.

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Ringtone for heart rate max/min alarm.

Integration For uploading and downloading routes on several sites or by email.





Layars: If you have defined layars, input them here, separated by commas. You

may later open them directly in Oruxmaps..

Heart Rate Monitor Zephyr HxM and Polar bluetooth. OruxMaps allows to record

the data from a pulsimeter: Heart Beats, current, maximum, minimum, average, and

battery status (Battery status is not yet available for Polar bluetooth). The pulsimeter

information is stored in the .gpx when you export the track to .gpx format. You may

perform live tracking if you choose to upload the information into your

MapMyTracks.com account.

When purchasing the Zephyr HxM, use the ORUXMAPS coupon. You‟ll save $5, and

you will help OruxMaps as well. Zephyr HxM


Pair your pulsimeter with Android, use the standard configuration menus in you


Select the pulsimeter from the list of paired bluetooth devices.

To use it, make a long click on the start tracking button. Or use the specific

button in the new button bar.

Select the components you want to watch in the viewer while the pulsimeter is

active. Heart Beats, average, maximum, minimum and battery status.

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Map Viewer

Buttons (not all)

GPS on, From that moment, when OruxMaps receives a signal, the GPS will

control the map and monitor the position in it. If you scroll the map with a

finger, is disabled positioning for XX seconds (see application configuration).

Long press to activate the external gps (android 2.0 +) which you have

previously configured.

GPS Mode, Three options

-->Default: according to the settings that you have preferences.

-->Fast: Keep a GPS point every 5 meters, keeping the GPS always on.

Useful for short time activities.

Button bar




Page 29: Oruxmapsmanual En

--> Power Saving: Saves a signal every 80 meters and 30 seconds. For when you what

to do a long activity.

‘Recording a Track’

Create a new WAYPOINT.

Display WAYPOINTS list.

ZOOM IN. Long press will jump 5 steps.

ZOOM 1:1

ZOOM OUT. Long press will jump 5 steps.

ROUTE: Manage route options.

Move map to.

Analyzator, Display track/route statistics.

Clean current track from the map viewer (but not delete it from tracks


Select a new map online or offline.

Page 30: Oruxmapsmanual En


Open Gps Status.

Measurement mode. Allows you to meause distances.

Scroll the map by hand/GPS.

New offline map at current position.

Map creator. Available only with online maps. Download maps for offline


Open Layar application. You have to introduce the layars (comma

separated) you want to see in „Settings--Integration—Layar‟.

Radar view.

Create a track by hand.

Inverse geocoding search.

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The new toolbar includes more buttons, plus a text explaining the function.


Display position information, course, speed, ... As you have configured the application

(see settings).


Course (true North, from gps information)

Course (true North, from compass sensor)

Track Made Good. Works in wpt. navigating mode.

Bearing to target. Works in wpt. navigating mode.

Altitude. From GPS information.

Cumulative increase of altitude in the current track.

Cumulative decrease of altitude in the current track.


Average speed

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Maximum speed

Velocity Made Good. Works in wpt. navigating mode.

Distance traveled

Distance to target. Works in wpt. navigating mode, or following a route.

Time traveled

ETA. Estimated time to arrival. Works in wpt. navigating mode, or following a


ETE. Estimated time enrouting. Works in wpt. navigating mode, or following a


Delay. Useful when you are 'following a route', and the route has time stamps

at each point. It indicates the time delay that you respect time when the route was

originally done. The value is negative if you are ahead over the original time.

Percentage of route completed.


Sunrise. You can choose between civil/nautical/astronomic dawn/dusk times.

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Beats per minute

Maximum Bpm

Minimum Bpm

Average BPm

Heart rate battery status, if available.

GPS accuracy

Zoom level

Target wpt.

Current route

Current map

ETE to Destination Wpt. (Wpt. Navigation)

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ETA to Destination Wpt. (Wpt. Navigation)

Distance to Destination Wpt. (Wpt. Navigation).

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Android Management views

WAYPOINTS (only if you use the old style button bar, in the new button bar, you

find a new button Waypoints->Management)

Waypoints management view. IMPORTANT: if you have initated a track in the map

viewer, you will only see the waypoints associated to the track.

In the upper bar, you have four shortcut links. Select first the waypoints with the

checkbox on the right side.

1. See on map.

2. Create a new route with the selected waypoints and see on map.

3. Export as gpx/kml

4. Remove

In the Waypoints menus, you have the following options.

„Sort‟. Sorts the list according to the selected criteria.

„Find‟. Find by name. Enter a word, full or partial.

„Filter‟. Selects a subset of the waypoints currently in the list. Choose the

selection criteria using the checkboxes. The „Invert selection‟ checkbox shows

all the waypoints that are not currently selected, effectively reversing the


„Reset Filter‟. Removes all the filters and shows the complete set of waypoints.

'Import waypoints‟. Imports the waypoints in a .gpx or .kml file into the


Once you select a Waypoint, you see a view with the following options:

„Edit Properties‟ Allows you to change the waypoint name, type and


„Erase from Database'. Removes the waypoint from the data base.

„Details‟. Shows the complete waypoint data. You may click on any attached

picture to open the image viewer.

„See on map‟. Loads the waypoint in the map viewer and centers on its location.

„Navigate to the waypoint‟. Loads the waypoint in the map, activates the

tracklogging and navigation mode to that waypoint.

„Up‟. Moves the waypoint up in the list.

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„Down‟. Moves the waypoint down in the list.

„Remove from list‟. Removes the waypoint off the list.

TRACKS (only if you use the old style button bar, in the new button bar, you find

a new button Tracks->Management) Track Management.

Quick menus (select first checkbox tracks):

In the android menu, you have the following options:

'Import Track' Imports a .gpx or .kml file as a new track into the database. You

may find and download routes from sites like everytrail.com, searching for

distantce, type of route, time…

„Sort‟. Sorts the list using the selected criteria.

„Filter‟. Selects a subset of the tracks listed tracks. First, select the appropiate

checkbox for every filter to apply. The „Invert selection‟ checkbox shows all the

tracks that are not currently selected, effectively reversing the selection.

„Reset filter‟. Resets the applied filters, so it shows all the tracks in the database.

In the upper bar, you have two shortcut links. Select first the tracks with the checkbox

on the right side.

1. Export as gpx/kml

2. Remove

Once you select a track, you can see a new view with the following options:

„Edit properties‟ Allows you to change the track name, type and description.

„Erase from Database'. Removes the track from the data base.

„Statistics‟. Shows all the track statistics.


Delete Merge

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„Resume track‟. Load the track in the map viewer and allows to resume and

continue adding new segments and waypoints.

„Open as route‟. Moves the current track to display as a route. Activates

“Route” button with all its options.

'Export as GPX'--> exports the track as a gpx file in the Tracks directory.

„Export as KML'--> exports the track as a kml file in the Tracks directory.

„Everytrail upload‟. Uploads the tracks, and associated pictures if any, to your

everytrail.com account.

„Mapmytracks upload‟. Uploads the tracks to your mapmytracks.com account.

„GPSies upload‟--> Uploads the tracks to your gpsies.com account.

„Trainingstagebuch Upload‟. Uploads the tracks to your trainingstagebuch.com


„Send by email‟. Sends the .gpx.

„Waypoints List'. Shows all the Waypoints in the track.

SETTINGS GPS: selects GPS working mode (normal, battery savings, quick).

Map Recalibration

3D perspective .

NIGHT MODE. Dims the screen. Adjust the desired % in PREFERENCES.

DATUM. Change datum used in current map.


DISTANCE MEASURE. Activates the distance measurement mode in the


AREA CALCULATOR. Provides area measurement of the terrrain inscribed in

the current track or route.


Gps Status

Layar (you need to include your layars in settings-Integration-layars).

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Tracks and routes analyzer

Analyzator shows, for each segment of the track, the data extracted from the current

track or the current route. „menu’—‘select segment’. For each segment, it shows the

height in an time graph.

WARNING: GPS is not very accurate in height measurement, specially if you move on

a flat surface, it may show as a slightly rolling terrain.

New 4.0.1 version: Click 'Partial' to see information about each km/mile.

Export statistics in html format: ‘Menu’—‘Export’. A zip file + a folder with the track

can be found in oruxmaps/tracklogs/ directory.

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Three tabs:

1. Data, long press to change displayed value.

2. Artificial horizon. Tap/Long press to set/reset to zero.

3. Graphics + data. Tapo ver the graphic to select a different one.

Start recording track Create a Wpt.


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OruxMaps Integration

OruxMaps may open gpx/kml files

Intent i=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); i.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File("/mnt/sdcard/test.gpx")),"text/xml"); startActivity(i);

OruxMaps may show a route composed by a set of points or waypoints.

//Mapa offline en posición actual

//Intent i = new Intent("com.oruxmaps. VIEW_MAP_OFFLINE ");

//Mapa online

Intent i = new Intent("com.oruxmaps.VIEW_MAP_ONLINE");


double[] targetLat = {33.4,8.3,22.2};

double [] targetLon = {33.4,8.3,22.3};

String [] targetNames = {"point alpha","point beta"};

i.putExtra("targetLat", targetLat);

i.putExtra("targetLon", targetLon);

i.putExtra("targetName", targetNames);

//Track points

double[] targetLatPoints = {33.43,8.32,22.24};

double [] targetLonPoints = {33.44,8.35,22.37};

i.putExtra("targetLatPoints", targetLatPoints);

i.putExtra("targetLonPoints", targetLonPoints);
