Origin-linked Quality: a tool for sustainable Development? · origin-linked labels : Morocco ....

Origin-linked Quality: a tool for sustainable Development? Morocco, Brazil and Guinea present their experience Publications and projects developed 1

Transcript of Origin-linked Quality: a tool for sustainable Development? · origin-linked labels : Morocco ....

Page 1: Origin-linked Quality: a tool for sustainable Development? · origin-linked labels : Morocco . 2008-2011 : Optimization of Taliouine saffron with a specific quality sign . Tunisia

Origin-linked Quality: a tool for sustainable Development? Morocco, Brazil and Guinea present their


Publications and projects developed


Page 2: Origin-linked Quality: a tool for sustainable Development? · origin-linked labels : Morocco . 2008-2011 : Optimization of Taliouine saffron with a specific quality sign . Tunisia

Technical cooperation projets


Page 3: Origin-linked Quality: a tool for sustainable Development? · origin-linked labels : Morocco . 2008-2011 : Optimization of Taliouine saffron with a specific quality sign . Tunisia


Country Dates Purpose

Morocco 2008-2010 Support for the development and implementation of a recognition system for specific quality signs and

origin-linked labels

Morocco 2008-2011 Optimization of Taliouine saffron with a specific quality sign

Tunisia 2008-2010 Support for the development and implementation of a control system for origin-linked products

Tunisia 2008-2010 Development of a national strategy: “Promotion of the strategy to optimize quality products”

Lebanon 2009 Evaluation for development of an origin-linked quality strategy for the labneh value chain

Bhutan 2009-2010 Establishment of a national strategy for the development of quality signs, focus on yak products

Argentina, Brasil,

Chile, Costa Rica,

Ecuador, Peru

2010-2012 Support for optimization of products of origin-linked quality through capacity-building at national and

regional levels and support for a pilot case in each country

Ukraine 2010 Assessment of the potential of products of origin-linked quality in Ukraine

Mexico 2010 Local evaluation for the development of a specific standard for Cotija cheese

Croatia 2009-2012 Support for the development of products of origin-linked quality to strengthen links among stakeholders

in the value chain and between public and private sectors

Mali 2009-.. Support for the identification of characteristics and qualification of the Dogon Plateau shallot

Guinea- Bissau, Mali,

Senegal Sierra Leone 2009-..

Identification of terroir products in the four countries and development of an optimization process with

the NGO Slow Food International

Guinea 2012 Inventory of products of origin-linked quality in the Kindia region and support for establishment of


Cambodia, Laos,

Thailand, Vietnam 2012-1015 Support for establishment of GIs at the regional and national levels

Page 4: Origin-linked Quality: a tool for sustainable Development? · origin-linked labels : Morocco . 2008-2011 : Optimization of Taliouine saffron with a specific quality sign . Tunisia

Regional seminars


Page 5: Origin-linked Quality: a tool for sustainable Development? · origin-linked labels : Morocco . 2008-2011 : Optimization of Taliouine saffron with a specific quality sign . Tunisia

CASE STUDIES Some 23, in relation with regional seminars


GUIDE Linking people, places and products: a guide for promoting quality linked to geographical origin and sustainable geographical indications 2009, 2010

METHODOLOGY Identification of origin-linked products and their potential for development. A methodology for participatory inventories, 2012

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Linking people, places and products.

A guide for promoting quality linked to geographical origin and sustainable GIs

Linking People, Places and Products: a guide for promoting quality linked to geographical origin and sustainable geographical indications

Published in Chinese, English, French, and Spanish; shortly to be available in Croat, Portuguese and Serbian

Page 7: Origin-linked Quality: a tool for sustainable Development? · origin-linked labels : Morocco . 2008-2011 : Optimization of Taliouine saffron with a specific quality sign . Tunisia

Case studies 1. Queso Turrialba, Costa Rica. 2. Café de Colombia 3. Cacao Chuao, Venezuela 4. Limón de Pica. Chile. 5. Chivito criollo del Norte Neuquino, Argentina 6. Queso Cotija, México. 7. Cacao Arriba. Ecuador. 8. Maíz Blanco Gigante de Cuzco, Peru.

9. Kampong Speu Palm sugar, Cambodia. 10. Tea Darjeeling, India 11. Kintamani Bali coffee, Indonesia 12. Uvs sea buckthorn Mongolia 13. Jinhua Ham, China

14. Saffran de Taliouine, Maroc 15. Chestnut of Troploje, Albanie

16. Ham of Uzice -Užićka Goveća Pršuta, Serbia. 17. Livno Cheese - Bosnia and Herzegovina. 18. Bean of Tetovo - Tetovski Krav, FYROM

19. Thé du Rwanda 20. Riz de Kovié, Togo 21. Violet de Galmi, Niger 22. Miel de Casamance, Sénégal 23. Echalote du Pays Dogon, Mali

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Methodology of identification and inventory


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Web tool on identification


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All available on line:

www. foodquality-origin.org