Orientation to correlational research erwin r. saputra 6 a

Orientation to Correlational Research Methodology By Erwin Rahayu Saputra 6A – 102122032 1



Transcript of Orientation to correlational research erwin r. saputra 6 a

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Orientation to Correlational Research Methodology


Erwin Rahayu Saputra

6A – 102122032


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References Ahira, Anne. Trik Membuat Landasan Teori Skripsi. [Online]. Available.

http://www.anneahira.com/landasan-teori.htm [April, 5th 2013] Annisa, Witri. (2010). Metode Penelitian Korelasional. [Online]. Available.

http://bintangkecilku.wordpress.com/2010/10/30metode-penelitian-korelasional-2/ [April, 5th 2013]

Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Nesama, Eka. (2011). Cara menulis Latar Belakang Penelitian. [Online]. Avaiiable. http://ekagurunesama.blogspot.com/2011/04/cara-menulis-latar-belakang-penelitian.html?m=1 [April 5th 2013]

Robert. Research Problem. [Online]. Available. http://nmmu.ac.za/robert/resprobl.htm [March, 26th 2013]

Sarwono, Jonathan (2006). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Schmidt, Stephen R. Research method. [Online]. Available. http://capone.mtsu.edu/sschmidt/methods/correlational.html [April, 4th 2013]

Smith, Scott (2012). Research Problem : 5 Ways To Formulate Research Problem. [Online]. Available. http://www.qualtrics.com/blog/research-problem/ [March, 26th 2013]


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Correlational Reseach Arikunto (2010:4) says that correlational research is a

research that is done by the researchers to find out the degree of relation between two or more variables without a change, addition, or manipulation to the existing data.

She adds that there are two kinds of correlational research, they are :

o Equivalent correlation;o Causal correlation


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Schmidt : Possitive correlation Negative correlation No correlation

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Determining Research Problem According to Arikunto (2010:69), problem is a part of

someone’s need to be solved. Sarwono (2006:31) states some guides to find out the

problem, they are:o Problem should formulate the relation of two variables or

more;o Problem should be stated clearly, unambigous and mostly

formulated in form of question;o Problem should be able to be tested with empirical

methodo Problem do not represent the moral and ethic position


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Considerations of choosing the problem (Sarwono, 2006:36)Able to be doneThe range of the researchCorrelationTheoretical valuePractical value


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1 Is the problem of current interest?  Will the research results have social, educational or scientific value?    

2 Will it be possible to apply the results in practice?    

3 Does the research contribute to the science of education?    

4 Will the research opt new problems and lead to further research?    

5 Is the research problem important?  Will you be proud of the result?    

6 Is there enough scope left within the area of reseach (field of research)?    

7 Can you find an answer to the problem through research?   Will you be able to handle the research problem?    

8 Will it be pratically possible to undertake the research?    

9 Will it be possible for another researcher to repeat the research?    

10 Is the research free of any ethical problems and limitations?    

11 Will it have any value?    

12 Do you have the necessary knowledge and skills to do the research?  Are you qualified to undertake the research?    

13 Is the problem important to you and are you motivated to undertake the research?    

14 Is the research viable in your situation?  Do you have enough time and energy to complete the project?    

15 Do you have the necessary funds for the research?    

16 Will you be able to complete the project within the time available?    

17 Do you have access to the administrative, statistic and computer facilities the research necessitates?    



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Writing Research Background

Background is the overview of the whole research report content

According to Nesama (2011), background should consist of:Phenomenon/the newest issueIdeal condition supported by the newest theoriesEmprirical conditionProblem findingResearch reason


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Formulating the Research Problem

Arikunto (2010:89) says that formulation of the problem can be done by formulating the title as complete as possible.

Smith (2012) states 5 ways to formulate research problem. They are: Specify the Research Objectives Review the Environment or Context of the Research Problem Explore the Nature of the Problem Define the Variable Relationships The Consequences of Alternative Courses of Action


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Formulating the aims of the research

Arikunto (2010:97) states that the aim of the research is a sentence formulation that shows something got after doing the research.

She adds that it is the same with the desired answer of the problem, but different on the formulation


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Something’s asked


Answer that is got

Aim of The Research

Answer to be found

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Generating Theoretical Background

Ahira says that landasan teori merupakan sebuah ulasan atau penjabaran kembali teori-teori yang telah ada tentang suatu hal yang sedang diteliti.

Hal penting dalam landasan teoretiso Teori yang diulas harus berkaitan dengan isi penelitian;o Ditulis oleh pakar di bidangnya;o Harus saling mendukung dan melengkapi (sehingga harus dipilah

dan dipilih dengan cermat)


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According to Ahira, Landasan teoretis dalam penelitian kuantitatif

sangatlah penting, karena penelitian berangkat dari teori yang ada

Landasan teoretis dalam penelitian kualitatif tidak sebegitu penting seperti pada metode kuantitatif, karena dipandang sebagai pegangan atau tongkat yang membantu penelitian berjalan


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Dtermining Research Procedure (correlational)

According to Annisa Penentuan Masalah

Sukardi (2004:27) dalam Annisa menyatakan bahwa dalam penelitian korelasi, masalah yang dipilih harus mempunyai nilai yang berarti dalam pola perilaku fenomena yang kompleks yang memerlukan pemahaman.

Variabel yang dimasukan dalam penelitian harus didasarkan pada pertimbangan teoretis dan nalar, bahwa variabel tersebut mempunyai hubungan


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Peninjauan masalah atau studi pustaka

studi kepustakaan akan menjadi pijakan untuk memperoleh landasn teori, kerangka berfikir dan penentuan dugaan sementara

Rancangan penelitian atau metodologi penelitian

penentuan subjek penelitian yang relatif homogen (agar mudah mendapatkan korelasinya)


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Pengumpulan data

dalam penelitian korelasional, pengukuran variabel dapat dilakukan dalam waktu yang relatif sama

Analisis data

dalam penelitian korelasional, analisis data dilakaukan dengan mengkorelasikan hasil suatu variabel dangan yang lainnya.


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analisis data penelitian korelasi biasanya dilakukan dengan teknik bivariat (Syamsudin and Vismaia, 2005:25 dalam Annisa)


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merupakan hasil analisis deskripsi dan pembahasan tentang hal yang diteliti


penyusunan laporan agar penelitian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui oleh orang lain


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