
~Organization~ Webster’s Dictionary “To form parts into a functioning whole” It’s a Big Business………


~Organization~. Webster’s Dictionary “To form parts into a functioning whole ” It’s a Big Business………. Locker. How does your locker look? If it’s a mess it sets the tone for the year, it’s very frustrating when you can’t find what you’re looking for! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of ~Organization~

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~Organization~Webster’s Dictionary

“To form parts into a functioning whole”

It’s a Big Business………

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How does your locker look? If it’s a mess it sets the tone for the year,

it’s very frustrating when you can’t find what you’re looking for!

What can help you to maintain a clean, organized locker? Organize weekly or whenever needed


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Part of being organized is knowing your goals Be realistic, break large goals into mini-


Write them down and look at them daily – this should be a highly visible place for you!

Writing down your goals make them concrete and motivates you to keep working towards them

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Student Planner/Agenda

Use a planner that works for you, but ones that have pocket folders, dividers & calendars are ideal

What has worked for you in the past?

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Using One Calendar is Best….

Use one calendar to plan all your activities for school & personal activities

Using more than one risks scheduling conflicts and missed appointments

“A man who wears two watches, never knows the correct time”

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Try color-coding similar class notebooks with folders and post-its

This also works well with your calendar; highlight test dates with yellow, assignments with orange, social activities with pink

Staples carries post - its with statement already printed on them Study

On Test, etc.

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Write it Down

When you learn about an upcoming test, event or anything you must attend or do, write it down immediately in your planner

Don’t wait until later ~ you might forget about it…..

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Effective Study Area

Determine where your study area is. It should be: Quiet, well-lit and away from distractions:

No TV, etc.

Hang a “Do not Disturb “ Sign!

Study at a desk or table; Don’t be comfortable it may make you tired

If studying at home doesn’t work, try the library/ find a place that works for you

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Break Up Your Study Time

Determine how many study hours you need & schedule your study time in your planner

If you need six hours to study for a test, break that up into six separate sessions, one hour each

Choose the days and mark it in your planner

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Schedule Consistent Study Times

Set aside time every day for studying & make it consistent

For example, set a certain time of the day and be consistent ~ 4pm to 6pm every day

The objective is to avoid last minute studying and cramming

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Break It Up

Break up big tasks into smaller ones

Break up chapters & study sections at a time or a chapter every day

If you have to work on a project, break it down into three or four stages.

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Wake up early & give yourself plenty of time to arrive at school with time to spare

If you need 30 minutes to shower & get dressed give yourself 45 minutes

Place your alarm clock at the opposite side of your bed so you have to physically get up out of bed so you don’t turn off your alarm clock!

Prepare your outfit the night before – Ironing is a wonderful thing!!! So is wrinkle release!!

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Avoid Clutter

At the beginning of the school year you don’t have any clutter

Be careful not to build clutter as the year progresses

Create separate folders for school announcements, papers that have to be signed, graded tests, etc.

As papers become outdated, throw them out immediately.

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Avoid Overload

There are many activities that are available at school

Don’t take on too many activities!

Determine how much study time (etc.) you will need

Choose one or two activities/sports you like

Make “To Do Lists” Give yourself time to prepare this list everyday for the next day. You will know exactly what tasks you have to accomplish the next day

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Get Your Beauty Sleep

Get a good night’s rest!! This will ensure you’re alert and ready to

learn the following day

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Try to Eat Healthy

3 meals a day, or smaller ones throughout the day

Don’t overload on Sweets; it makes many people feel tired

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Do your most difficult homework

first Do the most difficult and time consuming

assignments first, everything else will be easier & therefore more enjoyable

GET ASSISTANCE If you don’t understand a lesson,

immediately ask for help, don’t go to the point of no return!!

Ask a friend, sibling, parent, or teacher

National Honor Society can help too!

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What if I get Off-Track?

Take a few deep breaths & get yourself together!

Put things in perspective….

Do/tackle the hardest things first, you’ll better and more confident

DON’T GIVE UP You most likely won’t get far behind


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Rewards ~ YaY!

Reward yourself when you have successfully completed your goal!

The rewards will be different for all of you

Rewarding yourself with help keep you motivated throughout the year