Order Of WOrship - fumcpdx.orgfumcpdx.org/Bulletin_PDFs/2013/Bulletin-08-04-13.pdf · organ Prelude...

Order Of W Orship Portlands First United Methodist ChUrCh 1838 SW Jefferson Street, Portland, Oregon 97201 Living aVibrant Faith Believing Thinking Acting www.fumcpdx.org learning Jesus’ higher math Matthew 18:12-22

Transcript of Order Of WOrship - fumcpdx.orgfumcpdx.org/Bulletin_PDFs/2013/Bulletin-08-04-13.pdf · organ Prelude...

Page 1: Order Of WOrship - fumcpdx.orgfumcpdx.org/Bulletin_PDFs/2013/Bulletin-08-04-13.pdf · organ Prelude Adagio (Concerto in A) Pietro Deiro (1888-1954) Jonas Nordwall, organist ... Bulletin,

Order Of WOrship

Portland’s First United Methodist ChUrCh1838 SW Jefferson Street, Portland, Oregon 97201

Living a Vibrant FaithBelieving � Thinking � Acting


learning Jesus’ higher math Matthew 18:12-22

Page 2: Order Of WOrship - fumcpdx.orgfumcpdx.org/Bulletin_PDFs/2013/Bulletin-08-04-13.pdf · organ Prelude Adagio (Concerto in A) Pietro Deiro (1888-1954) Jonas Nordwall, organist ... Bulletin,

The Order Of WOrshipSunday, August 4, 2013

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Congregational portions of prayers and responses are in bold type. To avoid disturbing other worshippers, please silence cell phones and pagers. � Please stand, if standing is comfortable. For hymns, please stand at the beginning of the last line of the hymn introduction. Carillon Chorus

organ Prelude Adagio (Concerto in A) Pietro Deiro (1888-1954) Jonas Nordwall, organist organ Chimes

living and growing in Faith Cheryl Bittle, Lay Leader sharing the PeaCe oF Christ

Choral introit From All That Dwell Below the Skies Gordon Young

Call to worshiP Cheryl Bittle, Lay Leader We are centered in the promises of God, Caught in the web of grace, Spun in a dance of joy, Welcomed into the house of blessing, Woven into the fabric of trust, Lifted up as children of God, Surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, And moved by a chorus of praise.

� hymn no. 139 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

a Conversation with our Children Megan Jones Children’s story

Prayer ... and all God’s children said, “Amen.”

Congregational Joys and ConCerns Cheryl Bittle, Lay Leader

Page 3: Order Of WOrship - fumcpdx.orgfumcpdx.org/Bulletin_PDFs/2013/Bulletin-08-04-13.pdf · organ Prelude Adagio (Concerto in A) Pietro Deiro (1888-1954) Jonas Nordwall, organist ... Bulletin,

Congregational Prayers Rev. Dick Storment Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your Holy Name. Through Christ our Lord we pray, Amen. moment oF silenCe

Pastoral Prayer Rev. Dick Storment the lord’s Prayer (H!"#$% N&. '()) Choral amen Amen Josh Hauser

Choral anthem At the River Aaron Copland (for text see Hymn No. 723) The Summer Choir Erick Lichte, conductor

introduCing the sCriPture Rev. Lowell Greathouse sCriPture Matthew 18:12-22 reFleCtion Learning Jesus’ Higher Math

The Rev. Dr. Lowell Greathouse, preaching

��hymn no. 2238 (The faiTh We sing) In the Midst of New Dimensions

Presenting our giFts

oFFertory Prayer Rev. Dick Storment oFFertory musiC Ride on King Jesus! Spiritual arr., Burleigh Benjamin Bell, soloist Ride on, King Jesus! No man can-a hinder me. I was but young when I begun, No man can-a hinder me. But now my race is almost done, No man can-a hinder me. Ride on, King Jesus! No man can-a hinder me. King Jesus rides a milk-white horse, No man can-a hinder me. The river of Jordan He did cross, No man can-a hinder me. Ride on, King Jesus! No man can-a hinder me. Ride! Ride! Ride!


Page 4: Order Of WOrship - fumcpdx.orgfumcpdx.org/Bulletin_PDFs/2013/Bulletin-08-04-13.pdf · organ Prelude Adagio (Concerto in A) Pietro Deiro (1888-1954) Jonas Nordwall, organist ... Bulletin,

the saCrament oF holy Communion

the invitation This is the table, not of the Church, but of the Lord. It is to be made ready for those who love God and want to love God more. So come, you who have much faith and you who have little; you who have been here often and you who have not been for a long time; you who have tried to follow and you who have failed.We come to this table because God has invited us and wants to meet us here.

remembering the story

:KDW�ZH�GR�KHUH��ZH�GR�LQ�LPLWDWLRQ�RI�ZKDW�&KULVW�¿UVW�GLG��7R�KLV�IROORZHUV�in every age, Jesus gave an example rooted in the experience he shared with his disciples in an upstairs room in Jerusalem. On the night on which he was betrayed, as they were sitting at a meal together, Jesus took bread, blessed it and broke it and gave it to his friends saying, “This is my body, broken for you. Do this to remember me.”

Later, after they had eaten, Jesus took a cup of wine and said, “This cup is the new relationship with God made possible because of my life. Drink this, all of you, to remember me.”So now we do as Jesus did. We take this bread and this cup. In these, -HVXV�KDV�SURPLVHG�WR�EH�SUHVHQW��WKURXJK�WKHVH�&KULVW�FDQ�PDNH�XV�whole.

Prayer oF thanksgiving

The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.It is indeed right, for you made us and the world we inhabit. All that is spectacular, all that is plain have their origin in you; all that is lovely, all who are ORYLQJ�SRLQW�WR�\RX�DV�WKHLU�IXO¿OOPHQW��$QG�VR�ZH�MRLQ�RXU�YRLFHV�ZLWK�WKH�VRQJ�RI�the Church in all times and places:Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Page 5: Order Of WOrship - fumcpdx.orgfumcpdx.org/Bulletin_PDFs/2013/Bulletin-08-04-13.pdf · organ Prelude Adagio (Concerto in A) Pietro Deiro (1888-1954) Jonas Nordwall, organist ... Bulletin,

We are a Safe Sanctuary for children and vulnerable adults. Visit www.fumcpdx.org for more information.

blessing the Feast

Gracious God, send now, in kindness, your Holy Spirit to settle on this bread and juice. Fill them with the fullness of Jesus Christ. And let that same Spirit rest on us, to convert us from the patterns of this passing world, until we conform to the shape of him whose food we now share. Amen.

sharing the Feast

(All persons are invited to share the bread and the cup, as the ushers indicate.)

Prayer oF resPonse

Lord Jesus Christ, you have put your life into our hands; now we put our lives into yours.Take us, renew us and remake us. :KDW�ZH�KDYH�EHHQ�LV�SDVW��ZKDW�ZH�VKDOO�EH��WKURXJK�\RX��still awaits us.Lead us on. Take us with you, we pray.Amen.

� hymn no. 707 Hymn of Promise

(Please be seated for the benediction and the choral response.)

benediCtion Rev. Lowell Greathouse Choral resPonse Go in Peace Dale Wood Postlude Bouree Wallace Sabin (1869-1837)

TKH�DOWDU�ÀRZHUV�WRGD\�DUH�JLYHQ�WR�WKH�JORU\�RI�*RG and provided by Dixee Partee and Polly Holbrook, in memory of Alton and Dorothy D. Partee.

Greeters Clare & Rosalie Humphrey, Nancy Muir, Katie Schmidt, Carrie Saito, Al Abe

Coffee Hour Phyllis Leonard & Friends

Lay Leaders Richard Allan, Allison Anderson, Cheryl Bittle

Page 6: Order Of WOrship - fumcpdx.orgfumcpdx.org/Bulletin_PDFs/2013/Bulletin-08-04-13.pdf · organ Prelude Adagio (Concerto in A) Pietro Deiro (1888-1954) Jonas Nordwall, organist ... Bulletin,


August 4-10, 2013

IRST CHURCHFSUNDAY, AUGUST 4 8:30 AM Collins AM, Collins Hall 9:00 AM Healthy Summer Eating, 110 9:00 AM Christianity in a Changing World, 202 9:00 AM Church Child Care, Nursery 9:15 AM Church Library Open, Library 9:30 AM Summer Choir, Sanctuary 10:00 AM Summer Choir, Chapel 10:30 AM Sunday Worship, Sanctuary 10:45 AM SS Pre K to First Grade, 206 10:45 AM SS Second to Fifth Grade, 133 11:30 AM Commons in Collins Hall 12:00 PM Visitation Team, 110

MONDAY, AUGUST 5 9:00 AM Tabitha Sewing Circle, Offsite 10:00 AM Library Volunteers, Library

TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 11:00 AM Bridge, 202

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 6:30 PM Dream Group, 110

THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 8:00 AM Shovel & Rake Gang, 110 10:00 AM Shovel & Rake Gang Coffee, 110

We extend a special welcome to our visitors. Portland First United Methodist Church declares that we

will be an advocate for peace in our local communities and world.

As a Reconciling Congregation, members of this congregation have pledged to welcome and support all

who want to worship with us, regardless of race, gender, class or sexual orientation.

We encourage all of you to note your attendance on the enclosed

Communication Card.

Page 7: Order Of WOrship - fumcpdx.orgfumcpdx.org/Bulletin_PDFs/2013/Bulletin-08-04-13.pdf · organ Prelude Adagio (Concerto in A) Pietro Deiro (1888-1954) Jonas Nordwall, organist ... Bulletin,



TODAY, FOLLOWING WORSHIP ... +� Join us for Coffee Hour, hosted today by “Phyllis Leonard and Friends.” Stop by after worship and thank them for the goodies!

+� Coffee Hosts Needed. See Mark at the Outreach Table today after worship to sign-up for this important Hospitality Ministry. +� Pictorial Directory Church Sign Ups today! We have now added dates in September!

+ The August School Supply Drive is underway. Please bring new school supplies and place them in the boxes in the narthex.

+ Stephen Ministry will be offering a training in September. Stop by their table in Collins Hall to discover this helping ministry.

+ Volunteer In Mission Trip info for both trips to Kenya and Cambodia are available at the Outreach Table.


+� Intergenerational Bible Study and Breakfast on Sunday, August 18 at 9:00 AM in Collins Hall. Topic: The Body of Christ

+� Pop Up Worship Outdoors on Sunday, August 18 at 5:00 PM at a local park.

+� Children’s Sunday School Teacher Orientation and Safe Sanctuary Training on Sunday, August 25 at noon in Room 202.


August 4Healthy Summer Eating with Sonja Connor, OHSUDietary Department

These classes meet at 9:00 AM in Room 110.August 11 & 18 Suicide Prevention with Debby Fisher



Page 8: Order Of WOrship - fumcpdx.orgfumcpdx.org/Bulletin_PDFs/2013/Bulletin-08-04-13.pdf · organ Prelude Adagio (Concerto in A) Pietro Deiro (1888-1954) Jonas Nordwall, organist ... Bulletin,

CLERGY AND STAFFSenior PastorThe Reverend Donna Pritchard, [email protected]

Minister of DiscipleshipThe Reverend Jeremy Smith, [email protected]

Minister of Pastoral CareThe Reverend Dick Storment, [email protected]

Director of Children, Youth, & Family MinistriesMegan Jones, [email protected]

Coordinator of Volunteers, Hospitality & Outreach Mark Ohlson, [email protected]

Church Administrator Christine Meyer, [email protected]

Administrative Assistant David Jenkins, [email protected]

Facilities Manager Dwight Dragoo, [email protected]

Manager of Communications & Marketing Kendall Martin, [email protected]

Nursery Staff (503.228-3195) ext. 216 Michelle Green, Emily Kunkel, Samantha Cerling, Patty Seward, Megan Scott

Custodians (971.563-7820)Robert Ramirez, Charles Siegfried, Wort Evinger, Seth Giandomenico, Adrienne Nelson, Michael Uriarte

MUSIC STAFFExecutive Director of Music Kelly Qualls, [email protected] Artistic Director of Music & OrganistJonas Nordwall, [email protected]

Chancel Choir Conductor Erick Lichte Handbell Director Nancy HascallChancel Choir Section Deborah Benke, soprano Leaders Carol Young, alto and Assistant Director Mark Woodward, tenor Benjamin Bell, bass

First United Methodist Church, 1838 SW Jefferson, Portland, Oregon 97201

Phone: 503/228-3195 Fax: 503/273-8711(PDLO��RI¿FH#IXPFSG[�RUJWebsite: www.fumcpdx.org

Copies of Sunday sermons are DYDLODEOH�LQ�WKH�FKXUFK�RI¿FH�RU�RQ�our website.

Bishop Bishop Grant Hagiya

Columbia District Superintendent The Reverend Dr. Lowell Greathouse

Goose Hollow Family Shelter Brandi Tuck, Executive Director503/915-8306 /www.pdxhfs.org

Children’s Choir Directors Nancy Nordwall, Cherubs (pre-K-grade 2)

Ronnee Edwards, Sound Seekers (grades 3-5) Karin McDonough, Genesis Ringers (grades 3-5) and juBELLation (grade 6 - young adults)

visit our website at:www.fumcpdx.org