Order in Council 11/1903

//J &ecukie rotincrirlamie", 94dopirl en 14th rhy ey( January, , /903. 'VY- 4 dronoutaa (sit de nueri o GA. .! GA GA aft. 1 a /4 ireommen,Ztion alfOnoutalg The Minister of Mines. anef mat ae /antm:tiona of 140041,101 5' g'Aila 136: R.3. Ka je.out /We -ilatenantf- ca%vetnnt Auks, Fo4miia, 6 , and u'c (1 4 gaciT 14 ( execrdive guinea: eeeld oat a4 A gfeJ.' that Mr: J. A. Fraser, Gold Commissioner of Sim o Atlin Lake Mining Division, Cassiar District, be, and is hereby 4 authorized to issue to the undermentioned, a lease each of certain mining ground, situated in the said Division, and more particularly described in their respective applications, hereto attached, for the \% ,c4 purpose of creek diggings, subject to the terms and conditions mentioned APPROVED AND ORD ERED THIS In the accompanying Report of the Minister of Mines. _AAR24._ Locality. Henry E. Young. James D. Lumsden. Elizabeth Williams. John Fountain. A. 3. Cross. Geo: Coutts. N. C. Wheeling. Owen F, Conley. Harold W. E. Canavan. John Fountain. Mary E. Young. Dixie Creek. 1 u Feather Creek. Elate Creek.

Transcript of Order in Council 11/1903

Order in Council 11/1903‘'VY-4 dronoutaa
The Minister of Mines.
Ka je.out /We -ilatenantf- ca%vetnnt Auks, Fo4miia,
6, and u'c (14 gaciT 14 (execrdive guinea: eeeld oat a4
AgfeJ.' that Mr: J. A. Fraser, Gold Commissioner of Sim
o Atlin Lake Mining Division, Cassiar District, be, and is hereby
authorized to issue to the undermentioned, a lease each of certain
mining ground, situated in the said Division, and more particularly
described in their respective applications, hereto attached, for the
purpose of creek diggings, subject to the terms and conditions mentioned
_AAR24._ Locality.
i. 4
k ll
anlaveyino, riticti.•
few e .40161144$ die 1,nott1 fa 10all Al de ean.laialion
°e4 Wo eddeAawing • 'that applications under the "Placer Mining Act" have been received from the undermentioned for a lease each of half a mile of certain creek diggings situate in the Atlin Lake Mining Division, Cassiar District, and more fully described as follows:-
Name. Locality. Henry E. Young • Dixie Creek.
James D. Lurasden •• II II Elizabeth Tilliams • it I. John Fountain • ge l• A. S. Cross • l• II Geo. Coutto • Is l• N. C. Wheeling* II le
Owen F. Conley. •• it Harold I. E. Canavan • Feather Creek. John Fountain . Slate Creek. Mary E. Young . II 1,
zna/ ta leeci/m/inenrl //a/ inasmuch as the Gold Commissioner of the
District, )1r. J. A. Fraser, strongly recommends that these appli-
cations be granted, he be authorized to issue to the applicants
a lease each of the ground applied for, for a period of twenty
(20) years, at an annual rental of Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) ,
and a yearly expenditure on develorment work of not less than One
Thousand Dollars, and further subj ect to a survey being made by a
Provincial Land Surveyor of the ground, and a Certificate furnished to the effect that it does not conflict with anu existing lease or placer claim.
.91,eiaisf (3/4,15.rerw4e (teooffla
.0: --
3E, (a '6/17' 1
the holder of Free Miner's Certificate No. 4..33 371-so , issued at
hereby apply for . ie) 2,41 4'‘. LeP.,e of PLACER MINING GROUND as shown on the
plan on the back hereof.
L The locality of the said ground is (el) 'zee- 2)--c-4Le...c.- e-vz_A—A- Ce...oleis-0-44 4:Af
-14' eZ , A, V ff--Y s...4..df". •--6,--e, c.,-.--,....e-e ---..-.7.9 ....eye
e: ..--..r.... , " " -
72,4 ..-41---te-
and is situate in el#''ee-44.."----7)/-: .Alining Division.
2. The quantity of ground is (e) 11(4 4.1 . ewe'te e i 6 eut. et/a A ed , 'eel e 1 ,z47,<<",(7 114 „/ /
/ 3. I desire the said lease for the term of (f) 1.1 tAt---ilet (//,'.9 ." ) years.
per annum be expended thereon in development work.
5.' None of the said ground is occupied by free miners, except (g).
whose written consent is attached hereto.
6. None of the said ground is available for agricultural purposes.
7. Such ground has been marked out by placing a legal post at each corner, and on one of the said posts
I posted a notice on the / - day of , 190 . ., which notice reads as
follows: /" c%•-•-?"' 07 p Os 1,4,-).9
141 2 it 4,44,e 4, 4 ice. 9. .i .
. 3 3 3 "zr/
and that a copy thereof was posted on the Mining Recorder's office at
on the /if day of 4-.1 190 2,
, of
(a) Here insert full Christian and surnames. (b.) If marked out by Agent so st4f ., and al to and place of tiling Power of Attorney. (e.) "Hydraulic," "Creek" or " Dredging," as the case may be. (d.I Here insert short description of locality, giving adjoining leases, if any. (e.) If hydraulic lease, state acreage : if creek, average width and length; if dredging, length. v.) Must not exceed twenty. (y.) If 'coupled by free miners give names.
N this plan the locality must be shown with sufficient distinctness to enable the Gold Commissioner to locate the same. The location of posts must also be given, together with the distance between each. Adjoining leases, if any, must be marked. If the (loll Commissioner so instructs, the ground shall be surveyed by a Provincial Land Surveyor, and plans thereof furnished before transmission of application to Department of Mines.
plan on the back hereof.
-a 71. The locality of the said ground is (d) Olt Ai -)f gtle. Ji e2eed ea
/€4,/ < etz6e ',Iv/ c fi Pei dee C ICA /.//'"/ / eft fiA.e Xe•e'll ef-e- r --e.e..
‘e A )t.c.a tir it/ /GU -74 .4)4011. .
N.B.—This form most be forahhed, In dupil- BRITISH COLUMBIA . catch to the Mining Recorder, together with plan Is triplicate.
1 0:
(b cc, iffirie7sfret.: a 4 (,‘,/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/,‘" de-4,,,,..ild. Zes, ///fia 3,. 1 i z? 2
t older of Free Miner's Certificate No. 'c , ,',.., 4/ /.1 , issued at ..79//e e, ij (6' . __ -Th
hereby apply for a (c) ( ) „:1( e'e . A: .Lasso of PLACER MINING GROUND as shewn on the
and is situate in .-/eieete. .Mining Division. • •
2. The quantity of ground is ( e)gAI /1//lte../1 relefeez, et/ON<D.
:3. I desire the said lease for the term of (/)/0., years.
4. I propose that the annual rental therefor shall be S 7:11- ‘..‘"` , and that a sum of not less than
S per annum be expended thereon in development work.
, 5. None of the said ground is occupied by free miners, except ( g)
whose written consent is attached hereto.
6. None of the said ground is available for agricultural purpcscs.
7. Such ground has been marked out by placing as legal post at each corner, and on one of the said posts

4.,ed •aore 9„.;„, I ,, tgt, 0'14 al9fril A (.;94.

on the /.;// 4< day of Ott 2":
Dated at a; t 42j, , tidal , (74 . .
10 day of ie, etzeee--k-- , 190 2---- 1 Signature of Applictethae Agent.
(a.) Here insert full Christian and surnames. (1).) If marked out by Agent no state, and also date and place of tiling Power of Attorney. (e.) "Hydraulic," "Creek" or "Dredging," as the cue may be. (d.1 Here insert short description of loutity, giving adjoining leases, if any. (e.) If hydraulic lease, state acreage; if creek, average Width and length; if dredging, length. V.) Must not exceed twenty. W.) If accupied by free miners gine names.
N B.—Ou this plan the locality must be shown with sufficient distinct td1enable the Gold Commissioner to
locate the same. The location of posts must also be given, getb witki the distance between each. Adjoining leases, if any, must be marked. If the Gold Conant 'onet° instructs, the ground shall be surveyed by a Provincial Land Surveyor, and plans thereof fu nisi{ before transmission of application
to Department of Mines.
he said ground is (d) It
( iteeie ae..e..
I. The locality of t
form must be furnished, In dupti- BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ate, tow. Mining Recorder, tovether with pier In triplimte.
:0: --
„4) -77 _ _ _ a ite , of 1 le eCi /6.7 ,G'?_,
plan on the back hereof.
%/tit. . / 4
l? lee edtect ..04,tea..e. / I
-4 /1/ ep et el,• 4 f )/ 17,44.€
Mining Division.
2. The quantity of ground is (e)ek Agerzili.'4 e /./0 Are) ale•Wa17.7479
3. I desire the said lease for the term of (f) 0/7.) . ( )AAe. (77,,•
4. I propose that the annual rental therefor shall be $ n.r , and that a sum of not leas than
g. per annum be expended thereon in develoPment work.
5. None of the said ground is occupied by free miners, except (g)
whose written consent is attached hereto.
O. None of the said ground is available for agricultural purposes.
7. Such ground has been marked out by placing a legal post at each corner, and on one of the said posts ,4
I posted a notice on the( ee e.1 ete 7t, day of •'/ /4 et e e ( 4, , 190 7 , which notice reads as
follows del 0.1eVea 11,06,4t7 /4...f.jA 444 9_710, a .707,—. 44 /30/c,
rd.es ter e444 et" 4461r4..41,,,74 'hit; .•,:4 y/444/ 444 p ei•t4r, at • .• ' I ,
Cf.,14,14, 4/ .1 liZz„.. /6",crw.,4 A Z dace. .e e4.04 334 ? 7
and 1.1..it a copy thereof was posted on the Mining Recorder's office at( /0 ,
48‘ . •
on the / /i( day of ('1/111,1t ttk CC t K." , 190K
, Dated at( . , . thimi
,0 day of. A..44-q..44.4--e_., .190 PI'
(a.) Here insert full Christian and surnames. (k.) If marked out by Agent so state, and also date and place of tiling Power of Attorney. (r.) "Hydraulic," "CmcF' or "Dredging," as the case may be. Kt Here insert short description of locality, giving adjoining leases, if any. (e.) It hydraulic lease, state acreage; if creek, average width and length; if dredging, length. V.) Must not exceed twenty. (y.) If 'coupled by free miners give moues.
Signature of 34priiame‘or Agent.
N B.—On this plan the locality must be shown with sufficient distinctness to enable the Gold Commissioner to locate the same. The location of posts must also be given, together with the distance between each. Adjoining leases, if any, must be marked. If the Gold Conuniggioner so instructs, the ground shall be Honeyed by a Provincial Land Surveyor, and plans thereof furnished before transmission of application to Department of Mines.
if _„
.21 said ground is (d) /it e / e,/
• ((. di;ei.c.:
N.13.—This form must he funtiehed, In Ilupli• BRIT 1SH COLU M BI A. tate, to the Wining Recorder, together with plan Is triplicate.

, of , 9/(4.u.
the holder of Free Miner's Certificate N.. d3 a 2 is I , issued at viefe.“ 4, ,
hereby apply for a (c) Y(e.e.. „AZ_ Lease of PLACER MINING GROUND as ehewn OR the
plan on the back hereof.
1. The locality of the
0 Z',/ftee../C
and is situate in jiif et.. /3 ( 3 -Mining Division. . c "4 ,
7 2. The quantity of ground is (e)d .fif 4. a. I .' (€ (1.: It le' a it &., , wo e)64-f/.7477 3. I desire the said lease for the term of (/) .?1. ki/1.11//71::./..e) years.
4. I propose that the annual rental therefor she!! be ;.1 .7;. \--Lt... , and that a sum of not leas than
$. per annum be expended thereon in development work.
5. None of the said ground is occupied by free miners, except (g)
whose written consent is attached hereto.
6. None of the said ground is available for agricultural purposes. s-
7. Such ground has been marked out by placing as legal post at each corner, and on one of the said posts /1)
I posted a notice on the( ect//_. day of /(fi fe / - , 190 7, which notice reads as
follows : err,t1d. ./e4 .9ktet 91/4, de` 1(../.;,,e)(AL --a-Ztr 117 po 1,4 Am.* id el•fulo......,e)
dti 1/411L4+y,giVece-f M "(it Je/e4ree a4.) ' , /
72,A•C4. .Yry I(‘ ese•-u ” x al; et AP /i /Iff0 I . %iv°, and that a copy thereof was posted on the Mining Recorder's office at .49
on the d day of 9-lifx a r 190
Dated at - , this
/0 day of.Ge) 190 2./
(a.) Here insert full Christian and surnames. (b.) If marked out by Agent so state, and also elate and place of tiling Power of Attorney. (e.) "Hydraulic," "Creek" or "Dredging," as the case may be. (4.1 Here insert short description of locality, giving adjoining leases, if any. (e.) If hydraulic lease, state acreage; if creek, average width and length; if dredging, length. V. ) Meat not exceed twenty. (fr.) If 'coupled by free miners give names.
N —On this plan the locality must be shown with sufficient distinctness to enable the Gold Commissioner to locate the ramie. The location of posts must also be given, together with the distance between each. Adjoining leases, if any, must be marked. If the Gold Commissioner so instructs, the ground shall be surveyed by a Provincial Land Surveyor, and plaus thereof furnished before transmission of applkation to Department of Min c.:.
Dated at g41.4-4-•- -
, 190 of I lgnoture of Agent.
N.11—This tom most he furnished, In duph BRITISH COLUMBIA. eats, to the Minim Recorder, together with plan In trIplkeete.
(b) /g aVecte- ief"'17010- g"-4/ 17 f-.
the holder of Free Miner's Certificate No. /3334'9 3 , issued at agf-er-e--.---7"471C..
hereby apply for a (e) 7/t(f.-A/. Lease of PLACER MINING GROUND as shewn on the
plan on the back hereof.
1. The locality of the said ground is (d) a."/
.42 -
2. The quantity of ground is (e)
:3. I desire the said lease for the term of (f) c•-•-‘4. years.
4. I propose that the annual rental therefor shall be f3 Yor-a.
per annum be expended thereon in development work.
5. None of the said ground is occupied by free miners, except (g)
, and that a sum of not less than
whose written consent is attached hereto.
6. None of the said ground is available for agricultural purposes.
7. Such ground has been marked out by placing a legal post at each corner, and on one of the said posts
I posted a notice on the liP-4 (lay of -4-4"-ve(-^,-..- -"' , 190 2., which notice reads as
follows: Jo (010•701A4u,,,,... 6repAz-47
4 Lacs
r4-14,1 E-
4.40. et- /2-4 . / /v //LI-sir
and that a copy thereof was posted-on the Milling Recorder's office at
on the /./1 day of -74-1/—Yli-c4.---/a-‘-e- , 190 A,
/ (
(a.) Here insert full Christian and surnames. (b.) If marked out by Agent state, and also date and of tiling Power of Attorney. (r.) "Hydraulic," "Creek" or "Dredging," as the case may be. I( Here insert short description of locality, giving adjoining leases, if any. (e.) If hydraulic lease, state acreage ; if creek, average width and length; if dredging, length. (t) Most not exceed twenty. (g.) If sceupied by free miners give names.
N B.—On thin plan the locality must be shown with sufficient distinctness to enable the Gold Commissioner to locate the same. The location of posts must also bo given, together with the distance between each. Adjoining leases, if any, must be marked. If the Gold Commissioner so instructs, the ground shall be surveyed by a Provincial lAntl Surveyor, and plans thereof furnished before transmission of application to Department of Mines,
and is situate in
Mining Division.
/F1.11.-Thia force mod be furnished, In that'll. BRITISH COLUMBIA. one, to the Mining Recorder, together with pine io tripliceta :0:
(a) 4-&e, of
the holder of Free Miner's Certificate No. /S J.5 , issued at
hereby apply for a (c)
lease of PLACER MINING GROUND as shown on the
plan on the back hereof.
1. The locality of the said ground is (ii) 6`74- 4-4/02c,ir
.1/2-0-z4" ec-p—ge rair-o-c
04A . N ("" C.
3. I desire the said lease for the term of (f) years.
4. I propose that the annual rental therefor shall he 8 /*- 4/7
, and that a sum of not less than
8 per annum be expended thereon in development work.
5. None of the said ground is occupied by free miners, except (y)
whose written consent is attached hereto.
6. None of the said ground is available for agricultural purposes.
7. Such ground has been marked out by placing a legal post at each corner, and on one of the said posts
I posted a notice on the /...7 day of 7:4--v-vr-c•e...--'*.- , 190 / , which notice reads as
follows: 690 Ge.10.--t 4.2(.. a-,47,Q..€ 4474-
4, ai.4A..ie 40-4 f 7.e.e.
4,41164 • e444,1/ Le t' au-, 4,0C le-c-c2,-44.01 CC-c/a ra4 -€ e" 2
-s9t.e, 1-7-pste• J " s...41
and that a copy thereof was posted on the Mining Recorder's office at 4:"4-:;-
on the /44 day of 71--t/-vre-e4.,--.6..., l90/,,
Dated at this
dfday of aGee&A/A• • 1 , 190 . Signature of A pplicant,atzhtent.
(a.) Here insert full Christian and surnames. (k ) If marked out by Agent to state, and also date and place of tiling Power of Attorney. (r.) "Hydraulic," "Creek" or "Dredging," as the case way be. 01.1 Hero insert short description of locality, giving adjoining leases, if any. (e.) It hydraulic lease, state acreage: if creek, average width and length; if dredging, length. (f.) Must 7.1 not exceed twthty. (y.) If 'caplet by free mitten give wiles.
N B.—On this plan the locality must be shown with sufficient distinctnItas t9Nnable the Gold Commissioner to locate the same. The location of posts must also be given, t4getluV%with the distance between each. Adjoining leases, if any, must be marked. if the (bold Commisitionekso instructs, the ground shall be surveyed by it Provincial Land Surveyor, and plans thereof furnishee3ofore transmission of applitstion to DeFtrtnwnt Min.,.
NA—This form must be furnished, In dupli. BRITISH COLUMBIA. at., to the Yining Recorder. together with plea la triplicate.
(b) r
the holder of Free Miner's Certificate No. fi33•V , issued at 42-',ter--,r--Z--/ () 3/4r,
hereby apply for a (c) Lease of PLACER MINING GROUND as shewn on the
plan on the back hereof.
1. The locality of the said ground is (d)
and is situate in 6') Mining Division.
2. The quantity of ground is (c)
a I desire the said lease for the term of (f)
62-) years.
4. I propose that the annual rental therefor shall be $ 7("22
iI per annum be expended thereon in development work.
5. None of the said ground is occupied by free miners, except (g)
whose written consent is attached hereto.
6. None of the said ground is available for agricultural purposes.
7. Such ground has been marked out by placing alegal post at each corner, aid on one of the said posts
I posted a notice on the 4 C.4. day of , 190.4 , which notice reads an
follows: /4-0-7•• at,
44e.; 7?.f. /2u-eez."
e and that a copy thereof was posted on the Mining Recorder's office at P'/3 33
on the /4e day of /...-ceP7--/-&-4---e,--,/, . 1902,. 4 • tr7
Dated at 6-1‘,4z---
190Z. Signature of iintiortribut Agent.
(a.) Hers insert full Christian and surnames. it.) If marked out by Agent so state, and also date and place of riling Power of Attorney. (r.) "Hydraulic," "Creek" or "Dredging," as the case may lw. 0/.1 Here insert short description of lozality, giving adjoining lessee. if any. (e.) If hydraulic lease, state acreage; if creek, average width and length; if dredging, length. (f.) Must not exceed twenty. (y.) If occupied by free miner. give names.
, and that a sum of not leas than
• N B.—On this plan the locality must be showr distinct4sa `enahl: the Gold Commissioner to locate the same. The location of prits must also be given, gethN1/4witl the distance between each. Adjoining leases, if any, must be ma ••ked. If the Gold Commi ionekiso in tructa, the ground shall be surveyed by a Provincial Land Sur,vyor, and plans thereof fu transmission of application to Department of Mines.
14.11—Thle term me" he "61'4 In ""p"- BRITISH COLUMBIA. eats, to the Mining Scooter, together with plan In trIplieste.
(a)...0 CY 411 / ,
(0‘,18 felVeg-7.;.1-6 1.1 f t /1, orr red a A /I / -6,;...de, OAP r‘if
th(h(older of Free Miner's Certificate No.45t3 Si 0 , issued at :192.(4 €4. Ai
hereby apply for a(c) 6Aet Lease of PLACER Milani GROUND as she= on the
plan on the back hereof.

. .......
and is situate in V.V(.4...Z../. (-3 /,‘ ' / •
2. The quantity of ground is (e)Ulf! X411 2; u. CG add',
3. I desire the said lease for the terni of (1)7 0)(17 47-1/ years. (/
4. I propose that the annual rental therefor shall be $ f-42— , and that a sum of not less than
per annum be expended thereon in development work.
5. None of the said ground is occupied by free miners, except (g).
whose written consent is attached hereto.
6. None of the said ground is available for agricultural purixkses.
7. Such ground has been marked out by placing a legal post at each corner, and on one of the said posts
I posted a notice on the /.-2 day of 7/0 (.1 v, 190 ,7-;--Which notice reads as
follows:JD dery 0/, :44 <44 Xecefol,, i?../X, .207(..... .:771 ela,f(
44f. 44/, Judi< ii)loz; soLey; L.a.D. "Ziee... t.jc
.:1Lfe 01140,44 16•1•14a. 9///:44Weli Wa.t4. fArAvir — 11).47:- 674 (338/0
and that a copy thereof was poste,: on the Mining Recorder's office at (1 .1 4/fre411/Cer I 1
on the /,/,/ /A day of %Wade. , 190 1—
Dated at. • 7777it thisl 7)
p day of. 4.-/„F etc et, 4-e , 190 *k_ Signature of sippli=ker Agent.
(a.) Here insert full Christian and sornantes. (b.) If marked out by Agent so state, end alto date and place of filing Power of Attorney. (r.) "Hydraulic," "Creek" nr "Dredging," as the case may be. NA Here insert short description of locality, giving adjoining leases, if any. (e.) If hydraulic lease, state acreage; if creek, average width and length; if dredging, length. (1) Must not exceed twenty. (y.) If accupied by free miners give names.
N 11.—On this plan the locality must be shown with sufficient distinctness t\nahle the Gold Commissioner to locate the same. The location of posts must also be given, t.geth with the distance between each. Adjoining leases, if any, must be marked. If the Gold Commispione so instructs, the ground shall be surveyed by a Provincial Land Surveyor, and plans thereof futinislatbefore transmission of application to Depart merit of Mines.
4Pi s B-1."1"'"'"d befunfl"ed' an "P" BRITISH COLUMBIA. • mu, to the Inning Recorder, together with plan Is triplicate.
:0: --
the holler of Free Miner's Certificate No.d,33 era 6 , issued at (/ iis:1„
hereby apply for a (c) /l ce Lease of PLACER MINING GROUND as shewn on the
Ate kr a ,,_' , e 'er 4. 4e ./1"; ( (4, a. ' /14. .7a /37,e.e.
plan on the back hereof.
1,1. The locality of the said ground is (d) (I A Yea at/ 61((e/ isle! e) n(4/f1 ier/tt
71l(i)4 ("co l'eaf ,et • te/ c7e4zZA.
and is situate in /( (( 7/ 6 . .Mining Division.
2. The quantity of ground is (e) if/t/ (/67/ e1 ei 7414 ie 1.4<e€A1 Wreetj
3. I desire the said lease for the term of (1) 4)0 °'/Itt-e (77 . years.
4. I propose that the annual rental therefor shall be $ , and that a sum of not less than
per annum be expended thereon in development work.
5. None of the said ground is occupied by free miners, except (y)
whose written consent is attached hereto.
0. None of the said ground is available for agricultural purposes.
7. Such ground has been marked out by placing a legal post at each corner, and on one of the said posts
I posted a notice on the / .day of .1/a t(e (€44..t17 , 190 Akwhich notice reads as
follow/riot:44)/ns. dad' /4(); 44Iva 1-1'?/ 4'r Zo,!us• ://kteeei‘den41(sta,e •
elf la; ',IA adp, 4. Wl;g..(IVI/e nd //a gdifet; eh. v liltrafi57
.-110.147, Cush Y,;/ g o 74. 414. ie iga el 1114/ Air /1 4. /10 if iefitma A),53,r3G
and that a copy thereof was posted on the Milling Recorder's office at /(i;4.9.. 4/.6 ,
, ,/ A on the f/r day of 0/let lrc r e
Dated at (iriet(. , . this) ,
//i day of P-e ee at, e , 190 2 1
, 190 7 .
Signature of Applicant elickpal
(a.) Here insert full Christian and surnames. (h.) If marked out by Agent so state, and also date and place of tiling Power of Attorney. (a) "Hydraulic," "Creek" or "Dredging," as the case may he. (d.) Here insert short description of locality, giving adjoining leases, if any. (e.) If hydraulic lease, state acreage; if creek, average width nod length; if dredging, length. (f.) Must not exceed twenty. (g.) If &coupled by free miners give names.
e the Gold Commissioner to the distance between each.
structs, the ground shall be w transmission of application
N D.--On this plan the locality must be shown with sufficient distinctness tisktenab locate the same. The location of posts must also be given, tgetlik wit Adjoining leases, if any, must be marked. If the Gold Conuni ionv so it surveyed by a Provincial Land Surveyor, and plans thereof fu nishok befo
41110 Department of Mines.
fon' mu""'"I•h". in 'I"P". BRITISH COLUMBIA. age, to the Mining Recorder, together with plan In triplicate. :0:
:0: • (b)
hereby apply for a (c) .Lease of PLACER YINING GROUND as shown on the
plan on the hack hereof.
1. The locality of the said ground is (d) (1,),/ete Ae.,
'f.'keix .( 4.e.c. 1.1ea.g.t. t?.4. ... (1( 4€1 defe el/ .4V--44.V..e...4c) ace e
and is situate in r? ( ( J ,( , , Mining Division. 1.../
2. The quantity of ground is (e) It ll )6iiiiii1e (doe< ,e, tae d Kr?, tt:a4r.r. 7 ,
S. I desire the said lease for the term of (1).( .agt.a." (--) ti ) years. ef .. dso
4. I propose that the annual rental therefor shall be $ /e - , and that a sum of not leas than
$ per annum be expended thereon in development work.
5. None of the said ground is occupied by free miners, except (g) -
whose written consent is attached hereto.
6. None of the said ground is available for agricultural purposes. _
7. Such ground has been marked out by placing a legal post at each corner, and on one of the said posts
I posted a notice on the -/,1 .day of //it (A e lee 11,1"--, 190 .2',-(vnich notice reads as
follows:4oe6,714pu. Ai 4 4.; to ape/ /41;a1d. °:.:./s 4 .Pot/s.,,
( /-.4.4"/ ./Aeu rit fraer' g/p ;//1;ste.apfieC4 eza i
" 4/ v. C.,. ow, 41/..nr4:14, e<Ciltyn't lo /le,...,rw 4.7 t ii33.244f1
and that a copy thereof was posted on the Mining Recorder's office at ./Vrei..,. ,j
on the 47 day of /el , 190
6. 4 te. 0 si 41 4 je,4 a. 47-it
et .A1 /4 et Sit.
Dated at
Signature of Applicuntmaigatt
(a.) Here insert full Christian and surnames. It.) If marked out by Agent so state, and alai date and place of tiling Power of Attorney. (e.) "Hydraulic," "Creek" or "Dred ging," an the case may be. i d.) Here insert 'bort description of locality, giving row, state a ad joining leames, if any. (e. ) If hydraulic lease, if creek, average width and length ; if dredging, length. V) blast not exceed twtnty. (;i.) If occupied by free miner. give nano". !SEE BACK.]
N II.—On this plan the locality must be shown with sufficient distinctness to enable the (told Commissioner to
locate the same. The location of posts must also be given, together with the distance between each. Adjoining leases, if any, must be marked. If the Gold Commissioner so instructs, the ground shall be surveyed by a Provincial dam] gurveyor, and plans thereof furnished before transmission of application to Department Mines.
4111. 4111iWes.—Thee form moot be furnInbril, dopll. BRITISH COLUMBIA. rate, to the Mining Hewnler, together
with plan In triplicato.
:0: •
Miner's /
thi olde Free Miner's Certificate No.A1 i3 6' 09 , issued a:..-/O-e..e.4. Ai,..6,
hereby apply for a (0. ..--(),/1( (e. ,,,c,' plan on the back hereof. a.
1. The locality of the said ground is (d) et o o doe trw. 7‘,.0.44, . .*a.-e.e, 0.44-,
lel_ek. 4/.41e.a7:71/ ate te let /60 t Zt.., (ee t r fe f 1610, er et /- ,ritt -4; "Iv • 4 e . 4. ., , &‘.e..t,etitt ay. 4. kiL:tet € s ‘,,,,/, «. * -7, a 4? .e.."
and is situate in LA l/ .,. 1/O, Mining Division.
2. The quantity of ground is (e) I e .4( etc; 1 (V 4 44 /4,,, 4-( €5 ( f •
3. I desire the said lease for the tern, of (1) ) ') years.
4. I propose that the annual rental therefor shall be $A5 — , and that a sum of not less than
per annum be expended thereon in devel4ment work.
5. None of the said ground is occupied by free miners, except (y)
whosewritten consent is attached hereto.
6. None of the said ground is available for agricultural purposes.
Lease Of PLACER MINING GROUND as (shown on the
and that a copy thereof was posted on the Mining Recorder's office at ae/c;
on the /I/ day of 3(4 (lee te , 190
, fere
( ility of ,O er eee 190 J
7. Such ground has been marked out by placing a legal post at each corner, and on one of the said posts I
I posted a notice on the rd a em (/.. day of 2//t ei e e < e ..-f -7' , 190 -2; which notice reads as follows), io it/i • /lit , • ee 4" 1.4e-t:ei 4/1/1 f I /.44,:tid„ ....-/, a .2, „, „, „ 4 , p Z,,, „K, ,,,,) ei.,,, ,,, i -I
, , „ aeir..."/ „, ,h, d4- (7....i lit lit...est.t.7' 41/ 41 fit etz••• /g. 7I.;.ife 14 € 4, /4 •Z: 444 ..j. 47 ./c, 4_4( ,e ta.., 444 4.,,,,,, A • .4"er ef,...,,,, 'nem/ 4. . .').,z;) ZudAr/f,.., -1-42tel#714....,,, ;//6411.58o
/ 4 *he r7 17`
(a.) Here insert full Christian and surnames. lb.) If marked out by Agent so state, and Alen date and place of tiling Power of Attorney. (r.) "Hydraulic," "Creek" or "Dredging," an the case may be. Di.) Here insert bhort description of locality, giving adjoining leases, if any. (e.) If hydraulic lease, state acreage; if creek, average width and length; if dredging, length. (f.) Must not exceed twenty. (y.) If occupied by free miners give names.