Orchestral Landmarks Baroque

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Transcript of Orchestral Landmarks Baroque

  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    The Renaissance

    (1450 1600)

    The Baroque (1600


    The Classical 1750


    The Romantic(1810


    Lesson 1

    What cam e bef ore Baroque

    The Twentieth


    To develop an underst anding of t hedevelopm ent of ear l y music and i t s

    inf luence on t he music t hat f o l lowed.

  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque








  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    s very ran u o our m o ern ears eharm ony is very st range. This is because t herel igious composers of t he renaissance t im e

    n n n our m a or an m nor sca es eyt hought in scales call ed m odes. Baroque m usicused new ideas of scales in m aj or and m inor

    eys. Now l ist en t o t his piece of church music by t he

    I l i n m r P l r in w r i n w h n r

    years lat er.

    It st i l l sounds very old, but i t s somehow m ore .t owards t he maj or and m inor scales w e uset oday. Also, t he rhyt hms are m uch sm oot her.

  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    IF YOU HAD t o choose one ar t f orm t hat sum s

    up t he baroque era, i t w ould be opera. Looka e mage o a aroque pa ace.

  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    In t he baroque era, societ y was changing.

    The Church and t he ar ist ocrat s w ere beingc a enge y e new m e c ass, so eyhad t o assert t heir aut hor i t y by creat ing


    s s w y aroque c urc m us c o t en

    sounds just as grand as baroque opera!

  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    e v o w as t row n out an rep ace y

    Viol ins, Cel los, Violas.Harpsichords w ere bui l t .

    Music used t hese inst rum ent s and devel opeda cont inuo st yle of pl aying. (Harpsichord and,

    t he chords) t his provides a cont inuous bass

    f or t he m el od t o be com osed over.

    Let s hear an exam le.

  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    e rass ns rum en s w e m e ot rumpet s and horns. At t his t im e neit her of t hese inst rum ent s had valves

    an so t e m us c w r t t en or t em w as never m e o c.It w ere used sim ply t o add harm ony t o t he music.

    The music is ol honic in t ext ure.

    Baroque composers l oved t o have lot s ofint erw eaving m usical l ines happening at t he

    Th h hm usic is baroque.

    The m usic has lot s of ornamentssuch as, , . Books on t he t heory of m usic w ere being pr int ed

    and music had ver l i t t le d ischords.

  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    Some import ant composers t hat w ere m aking

    changes in t he era w ere; Johann Sebastian Bach

    Antonio Vivaldi

    enry urce George Fredrick Handel

    ese u on eas an com poser s acame bef ore t hem, John Dowl and creat ed

    t he new baroque ideas.

  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    The Baroque orchest ra did not have

    standardizat ion. It w as composed m ainly of st r i ngs, w hil e

    w ind inst rum ent s and percussion inst rum ent s

    w er e use ess r equen y. e ass par ot he orchest ra played t he basso cont inuo.

    each par t as t here w as not m uch colour


  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    Brass where

    given no


  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque



    Ada io in G

    Descript ion tempo,

    texture st ructureminor t imbres, rhythm. Bass

    Rameau La




  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    The f i r st 9 bars of t he Canon in D: t he v iol ins play a t hree-voice canonover t he ground bass w hich provides t he harm onic st ruct ure. Colors are


  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    Wit h t he r ise of pur ely inst rum ent al music in t he Baroque

    Age, t here also arose a f l ower ing of inst rum ent al f orm s.

    I t al ian composer and viol i nist Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) pioneered t he f orm of t he concert o grosso, i n which

    independent groups. The larger group is called t he ripienoand usuall y consist ed of a

    body of st r i ngs w it h harpsichord continuo, w hi le a smal l ergroup or concer nocons s e o w o o our so o ns rum en s.The various sect ions of t he concert o would al t ernat e bet w eenf ast and slow t empos, or movements. Lat er composers of t he

    per iod such as Johann Sebastian Bach and Antonio Vivaldit rans orme t s genre nt o t e so o concert o, n w c t e

    solo inst rum ent is of equal im port ance as t he st r i ng orchest ra.

    Let s l ist en t o Corel l i s Concer t o Grosso.

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    In t he concerto grosso t he fu l l orchest ra

    ( t ut t i ) has t he r i t ornel l o; t he solo groupconcer no as e con ras ng ep so es.

    This w as a very import ant developm ent

    ecause s e o e eve opmen o econcert o. Tut t i and solo.

  • 7/31/2019 Orchestral Landmarks Baroque


    The Renaissance

    (1450 1600)

    The Baroque (1600


    The Classical 1750

    St yles of t he Baroque?


    The Romantic(1810


    development of baroque Music.The Twentiethcentury

    Homew ork Discover w hat w as

    baroque era.