Oral Revision - Mid-Primary

Reading Aloud Primary 4

Transcript of Oral Revision - Mid-Primary

Reading Aloud

Reading AloudPrimary 4

MarkCriteria6Clear and consistently good pronunciationFluent, expressive reading, varying tone, pace and volume as requiredAppropriate stress and intonation to convey meaning according to the purpose, audience and context4/5Generally clear pronunciation, with a few errorsGenerally fluent reading with few hesitation, and with some variation in tone, pace and volume Appropriate use of stress and intonation in most instances to convey meaning according to the purpose, audience and context2/3Clear pronunciation in very few instancesSlow and hesitant reading with many words skipped or unread and very little variation in tone, pace and volumeInappropriate use of stress and intonation with very little awareness of the purpose, audience and context1Mispronunciation or skipping of most wordsVery slow and jerky reading of words, syllable by syllable, with no variation in tone, pace and volume Inappropriate use of stress and intonation with no awareness of the purpose, audience and context

Lets listen and evaluate together

Sue was on her way to the supermarket. She was running an errand for her mother. She had to buy three packets of vegetables and a tin of baked beans.As Sue was walking past a row of shops, she heard a voice say, Hello! Hello!Sue stopped in her tracks. She looked around her. Nobody seemed to be saying hello. Thinking that she must be imagining things, Sue started to walk away. Suddenly, the same voice cried, How are you? How are you?This time, Sue looked more carefully. She saw a creature perched on a rod. Good morning! Good morning! the creature said. Sue laughed. What a talented parrot!

Sue was on her way to the supermarket. She was running an errand for her mother. She had to buy three packets of vegetables and a tin of baked beans.As Sue was walking past a row of shops, she heard a voice say, Hello! Hello!Sue stopped in her tracks. She looked around her. Nobody seemed to be saying hello. Thinking that she must be imagining things, Sue started to walk away. Suddenly, the same voice cried, How are you? How are you?This time, Sue looked more carefully. She saw a creature perched on a rod. Good morning! Good morning! the creature said. Sue laughed. What a talented parrot!

Stimulus-based Conversation

MarkDescriptors9 10Gives personal responses which are developedExpresses oneself clearly and with confidence, using a range of appropriate vocabulary and structures, supported by correct pronunciationInteracts well7 8Gives personal responses with some developmentExpresses oneself generally clearly, using a range of largely appropriate vocabulary and structures, supported by mostly correct pronunciationInteracts fairly well5 6Gives personal responses with little developmentExpresses oneself unclearly at times, with some attempts to use appropriate vocabulary and structures, with fairly correct pronunciationInteracts reasonably well3 4Gives a few personal responses with hardly any developmentExpresses oneself a number of hesitations and/ or false starts, often with inappropriate vocabulary and structures, with poor but comprehensible pronunciationIs able to interact but requires much encouragement1 2Gives almost no coherent responsesHas a number of long and awkward pauses and often gives single word responses, with pronunciation that impedes communicationIs unable to interact even with constant encouragement

What would you do to show that you love and care for your pet?(a) Look at the picture. These children love their pets. Which pet do you have or would like to have?

These are sample questions from past years

Prompts for Stimulus-Based Conversation(a) Look at the picture. These children love their pets. Which pet do you have or would like to have?What would you do to show that you love and care for your pet?There are some people who do not want their pets after some time. They get rid of their pets by abandoning them. What could happen to pets that are abandoned? How do you feel about people who abandon their pets?People must understand that when they have pets, they have to be responsible pet owners.A Pet is for Life. What do you think this means?

Look at the picture. These are special days for us to remember special people.Which of these special days do you celebrate and how do you celebrate them?

Look at the picture. These are special days for us to remember special people.Which of these special days do you celebrate and how do you celebrate them?There are many other people besides parents, teachers and nurses who are special.Who are the special people in your life and how do you show them that you appreciate them?Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Teachers Day allow you to show your appreciation to important people in your life on a special day, for the good things they do for you.

Should you be thankful only on that special day or do you think you should remember to be thankful every day? Why?

Look at the picture. These fruits can be found in Singapore and many other countries in Asia. Which of these fruits do you like to eat and why do you prefer them?

Look at the picture. These fruits can be found in Singapore and many other countries in Asia. Which of these fruits do you like to eat and why do you prefer them?

Doctors, nurses, teachers and parents often tell people to eat more fruit and vegetables every day. Why do you think they give this advice?There are many children who do not like eating vegetables. Why is this so?Name the vegetables you like to eat and those you do not quite like.

Peter looked at the time on the clock. The hour hand was pointing to three. Oh, no! I must hurry! I cannot be late! Peter cried. Peter grabbed his clothes and rushed into the toilet. He took a quick shower and got dressed. He ran to the kitchen and hastily made himself a peanut butter sandwich. After he had put on his shoes, he left the house. Phew! I think I can reach the tuition centre in time! Peter said to himself. When Peter got home after his tuition class, he was surprised to see his parents glowering at him. It turned out that in his hurry, he had forgotten to switch off the kitchen light. The water supply in the toilet had not been properly turned off as well. Peter was sorry. He apologised to his parents for wasting electricity and water.

Have you done any of these acts? Would you take part in the fundraising event?Why/ Why not?Why is it important to save resources?

Which CCA do you prefer? What is the reason for your choice?

Why is it important for pupils to participate in CCA?

Look at the picture.

Have you done any of these acts?Would you take part in the fundraising event?Why/ Why not?

Do you make efforts to save the earths resources? Tell me about it.

Why do you think it is important to save the earths resources?