oral health and mineral

By Dentist janvier habumugisha 1


Do the best whenever you have the opportunity for doing something"

Transcript of oral health and mineral

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By Dentist janvier habumugisha


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Minerals play important role in our life especially in bone and tooth formation

Calcium which is more abundant at 99% in bone and teeth

Phosphorus occupy 80-90% in bone and tooth and magnesium 60% in bone and teeth, other mineral such as fluoride, zinc,copper,iron are also available in bone and teeth as well as in other tissues

And they have different sources

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Important minerals that provide benefits to your oral health are:

1.Calcium—Your teeth and jaw are mostly made out of calcium so consuming calcium on a regular basis helps keep your teeth enamel and jaw strong and healthy. Sources of Calcium: Milk, yogurt, cheese, beans and


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2.Iron—Consuming too little of iron can cause tongue inflammation or mouth sores. The main role of iron is to transport oxygen throughout your body so a lack of iron can also contribute to infections and bacteria build up in the mouth due to lack of oxygen flow in your body. Sources of Iron: Liver and red meat

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3.Zinc—Zinc helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and the build-up of plaque along your gum line. Sources of Zinc: Wheat, cereal, wild rice, cheese, and

beef4.Magnesium—Magnesium helps to build strong enamel for your teeth and helps prevent the formation of cavities. Sources of Magnesium: Spinach, kale, dark chocolate

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Calcium Needed for tooth Milk, cheese, yogurt,

Phosphorous Magnesium

development, prevents loss of jaw bone and teeth, rebuilds hard surface of the teeth (enamel)

seafood, dark green leafy vegetables

Fluoride Prevents tooth decay, helps repair enamel

Fluoridated water, black tea, sardines

Zinc Needed for digestion, healing cold and canker sores

Liver, various meats, eggs, seafood, whole-grain cereals

Iodine Needed for tooth development

Iodized salt, seafood, kelp, saltwater fish

Copper Absorbs iron. Helps produce blood and nerve fibers

Liver, kidney, seafood, nuts, seeds, tap water

Iron Protects against oral cancer and helps the immune system

Liver, eggs, fish, seafood, various other meats, enriched breads & cereals, green leafy vegetables

Potassium Needed for nerve function and muscle contractions

Vegetables, legumes, fruits, milk, cheese, various meats, whole grains

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Mineral deficiencies

iron.,zinc and copper play the following roles: Aid in collagen formation Wound healing Regulate inflammation Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, decreased

immunity, angular chelitis, glossitis ,pallor of lip and mucosa

Zinc deficiency cause loss of taste and smell,xerostomia,candidiasis,Periodontal diseases,caries

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Calcium deficiency lead to osteopenia, osteoporosis, succeptibility to dental caries,increased tooth mobility, convulsion

Phosphorus w/c favour vit D absorption and bone &teeth formation,acid base balance

Phosphorus deficiency cause bone demineralization, calcium loss,succeptibility to caries

Copper deficiencies may lead to:osteoporosis, arthritits, lesion with connective tissues

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Fluoride is the ionic form of the element fluorine.

Fluoride is a mineral found throughout the earth's crust and widely distributed in nature.

Found in soils rich in fluorspar,cryolite,and other minerals.

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Small amounts:fruits,vegetables,cereals.

Rich amounts:sea foods and tea leaves.

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Chief Source of Flouride.

Water Topical agents (toothpaste).

According to WHO

Flouridated Salt / Milk

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Distribution of Flourides.

Teeth and skeleton have the highest concentrations of fluoride.

--Due to the affinity of fluoride to calcium.

Fluoride content of teeth increases rapidly during early mineralization periods and continues to increase with age,but at as lower rate.

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Prevention of cavities by Flouride.

Two different ways: Fluoride concentrates in the growing bones and

developing teeth of children, helping to harden the enamel on baby and adult teeth before they emerge.

Fluoride helps to harden the enamel on adult teeth that have already emerged.

APPLICATIONS Topically (On the surface). Systematically (Throughout the body).

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Topical Flouride Sources.

Toothpaste. Mouthrinses. Professionally applied gels, foams, rinses. Our own saliva.

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Topical Applications.

Helps to Prevent.

Cavities by strengthening the surface of the teeth (the enamel).

Reducing the ability of bacteria contained in dental plaque to produce acid.

Re-mineralizing existing dental cavities.

Fluoride can actually heal small cavities in some cases, and prevent the need for dental fillings. 

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Systemically Flouride Sources.

Water and other beverages. Foods Drops Tablets Etc.

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Application of Systemically Flouride.

Strengthening of developing teeth from infancy to adolescence.

Strengthens teeth by the formation of harder enamel by converting HYDROXYAPATITE CRYSTALS to FLUORAPATITE.

Flourapatite is less vulnerable to damage from plaque acids

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Dental fluorosis?

Dental fluorosis is a developmental disturbance of dental enamel caused by excessive exposure to high concentrations of fluoride during tooth development.

 Due to Inappropriate use of fluoride-containing dental products.

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Types of Dental Flourosis.

Mild Dental Flourosis (common). Sever Dental Flourosis.

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Mild Dental Flourosis

Unnoticeable, tiny white streaks or specks in the enamel of the tooth.

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Sever Dental Flourosis.

Tooth appearance is marred by discoloration or brown markings.

Pitted Enamel, Rough and Hard to Clean.

The spots and stains left by fluorosis are permanent and may darken over time.

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Severe Dental Flourosis. (Case 1)

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Severe Dental Flourosis. (Case 2)

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Water Fluoridation.

Addition of Flouride to Public water Supply.

Community water fluoridation is safe and effective in preventing dental caries in both children and adults.

Water fluoridation benefits all residents served by community water supplies regardless of their social or economic status.

Fluoridation does not affect the appearance, taste or smell of drinking water.

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- See more at: http://oralhealth.deltadental.com/22,HD8#sthash.YllvRdD8.dpuf

Bohn T, et al. Phytic acid added to white-wheat bread inhibits fractional apparent magnesium absorption in humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004 79:418 –23.