Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of...

Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London

Transcript of Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of...

Page 1: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Oral Assessment in Creative Practice

Heather SymondsLondon College of Communication

University of the Arts London

Page 2: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Origins in searching for accommodation ending in


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Page 3: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Current HESA stats 2009www.hesa.ac.uk

• Rise in undergraduates 30,415 with spLD dyslexia

• Approximately one fifth chose creative arts

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Page 4: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Viva Voce- Living Voice

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Learning Outcomes

Mapping across to orality Rubric of assessmentExemplars


Page 5: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Altering the DiscourseFdA Digital Media Production

Learning outcomes:• Analyse and evaluate the critical and historical influences on

the development of digital media production and assess their impact upon contemporary communication media.

• Research and write structured reports containing rigorous argument and theoretical models which underpin practical work.

• Use a variety of communication, interpersonal and enterprise skills required for effective practice in the digital media industry.

• Effectively engage in visual communication and technological research processes.

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Page 6: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Guides• Contents of the Viva Guide (Symonds 2006)•• What is a viva?• Who will be present at the viva?• Why are dyslexic students allowed to undertake a viva?• Suitability of a viva and consent• Process of a viva • Consent form exemplar• Liaison with Study Support staff- structure • Performance Assessment • Narration versus analysis• Building Blocks to a viva• References extract from Viva Voce Guide


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Page 7: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

The Living Voice

• http://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/536/• Kontas, Costas (2006) A critical analysis of Keiji

Haino. Other thesis, London College of Communication, University of the Arts

• London. [Creative Arts and Design > Music]• WritingPAD Goldsmiths 2005 Discourse on


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Page 8: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Pitching and Performing

Vocational VariedVibrant • BA Sound Arts Design• BA Fine Art• BA Fashion• BA Graphic Design• FdA Photojournalism

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Page 9: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.


• Patsy Rodenburg- Vocal Imperialism• Youtube- Presentations• Vimeo uploads

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Page 10: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.


• Traditional- Objectivist- Knower & Known• 'learners arrive at meaning by actively

selecting, and cumulatively constructing, their own knowledge, through both individual and social activity' (Biggs, 1996)

• Constructivist

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Page 11: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Assessment Variety• Thinking • Solving • Performing • Managing and developing oneself • Accessing • Demonstrating • Designing• Communicating • Variety • Rust- Oxford Brooks

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Page 12: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.


• Real time • Oral Presentation skills in curriculum • Examiner Training and supervisor• The resistant • Short term time consuming- long term –

cheaper and immediate

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Page 13: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

The Professional Conversation

• MA Inclusive Learning South Bank University • Orality as professional competence • Portfolio• Guided learning/orality – Supervisor• Recorded

• Assessment practice

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Page 14: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Impact assessment

• Greater feedback

• Better monitoring

• Develop other models

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Page 15: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Successful orality for all ?

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Page 16: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Dave Crabtree – Independent consultant/SBU tutor and Adviser

• Incurriculum at House of Commons

• Enthusiasm for deep learning and pragmatism• Collaborative partner

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Page 17: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

Activity • Supporting a student through orality

• Analyse and evaluate the critical and historical influences on the development of digital media production and assess their impact upon contemporary communication media.

• How might you assist a student with • The above learning outcome for an

assignment or project ?• What supportive portfolio might be required• How might these outcomes manifest

themselves in a Professional Conversation• What are professional competences?

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Page 18: Oral Assessment in Creative Practice Heather Symonds London College of Communication University of the Arts London.

References• Lottes, J. (ed) (1973) Development and Assessment of Professional Competence in Teaching (Austin) Texas Pubns.• McMillan, M. (2010) The Front Room, Black Dog Publishing

• Riddick, B (2001) Dyslexia and Inclusion : Time for a social model of disability perspective in: International Studies Sociology of Education Vol 11, No.3

• Symonds, H. (2009) Teaching, Learning and Assessment: It’s Not Like You Think, In: Pollak, D. (ed) Neurodiversity in Higher Education (London) Wiley

• • Symonds, H. Introducing oral assessment within creative practice: ‘I can write but it's like walking against the wind’

Journal of Creative Writing Vol.1 Issue 3 pp: 227-236- 2009• • Thilakaratne, R. Competence –Based Assessment in Professional Education Validation in: Quality in Higher

Education Routledge Volume 12 Issue No 3 (DATE??)• RMIT/La Trobe, (20007) Doing It Better: A Learning Forum on Learning Difficulties in Education, Storey Hall, RMIT

University, Melbourne, Australia, 14th and 15th May 2007 • http://prospectus.lsbu.ac.uk/courses/course.php South Bank University prospectus {accessed: 06.06.2010} • http://www.commongroundpublishing.com/ conference organisers and publishers {accessed: 06.06.2010} • Symonds, H (2006) ‘Structured vivas as accommodated assessment for dyslexic students’ University of the Arts,

Teaching and Learning Report 2005/06. Available from: http://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/516/1/devt_heathersymonds1.pdf. [Accessed: 02.05.2010]

• WritingPAD Writing Purposefully in Art & Design. www.writing-pad.ac.uk

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