Oracle Magazine - Next Gen Architect

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Transcript of Oracle Magazine - Next Gen Architect

  • 8/10/2019 Oracle Magazine - Next Gen Architect





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    Technological evolution is the business

    of architects at the enterprise, solution,

    and application levels. People in those roles

    bear responsibility for getting their organiza-

    tions from their current technological state

    to some predetermined yet always moving

    target state in order to meet ever-changing

    business demands. Failure to hit that

    targetor to recognize that the target even

    existscan have dire consequences. Just ask

    anyone who used to run a video rental store.

    Or a mall. Or the music business.

    Cloud computing, mobility, the Internet

    of Things, and other disruptions present new

    challenges and portend changes not just for

    the what, why,and howof IT, but also for the

    whoincluding architects. This reality raises

    important questions: What skills will be crit-

    ical to the success of the next generation of

    architects? How will those skills differ from

    the skills that have served the current gen-

    eration of architects? I put those questions

    to members of the architect community.

    Architects are often focused on prin-

    ciples and rules to keep IT in line with

    policies, says Oracle ACE Director Lonneke

    Dikmans, managing partner at eProseed.

    But for the next generation to succeed in a

    fast-moving world, Dikmans says, being

    able to innovate and come up with new

    solutions will be more and more important.

    Openness and the ability to learn and

    adapt are essential to architects respon-

    sible for helping to move their businesses

    forward, according to Oracle ACE Director

    Lucas Jellema, CTO at AMIS Services.

    Architects themselves have to become

    agile, says Jellema. Rules that were abso-

    lutely sensible five years ago may have to be

    revised or even completely rewritten.

    Oracle ACE Director and Veriton LTD

    Founder Simon Haslam adds that the move

    toward cloud-delivered applications will

    place even greater importance on the ability

    to quickly absorb new concepts. Cloud

    service provisioning will shorten procure-

    ment time, driving architects to deliver

    production-ready, innovative solutions

    much more quickly than today, in weeks

    rather than months, he says.

    Cloud computing will drive a change in

    mind-set, according to Haslam. Future

    architects will have to think much more

    laterally about failure modes and potential

    performance bottlenecks, since many of

    those things will be out of their control.

    They will also have to understand how their

    operations teams will monitor complex

    interdependent SLAs [service-level agree-

    ments] and mitigate risk, he says.

    Oracle Enterprise Architect Eric Stephens

    asserts that basic problem-solving skills

    and business fundamentals, while always

    important, will be even more so in the

    future. The next generation of architects

    will do well to spend more time consuming

    business literature and emphasizing the

    business planning aspect of architecture,

    he says.

    Those all-important soft skills, too, will

    take on even greater significance for the

    next generation of architects. The ability

    to explain ideas and the consequences of

    choices is key, says Dikmans.

    Toward that end, Jellema recommends

    taking advantage of conferences, wikis, and

    other community-style platforms where

    architects from various organizations meet

    and exchange experiences and ideas. Get

    out of the ivory tower to get more in touch

    with the rest of the world, he advises.

    There is a payoff to that kind of outreach.

    As more and more reference architectures

    and best practices become available, the

    focus will shift from thinking about the the-

    oretical solution to executing architecture

    in a controlled manner, says Dikmans. That

    should make it easier for the next genera-

    tion of architects to avoid entering the ivory

    tower in the first place.

    For the architects to come, perhaps

    images of sleek, nimble starshipsrather

    than ivory towerswill inform the techno-

    logical and organizational sensibilities they

    will bring to the task of steering the com-

    panies they work for toward that always-

    elusive to-be state.

    Bob Rhubart

    ([email protected])

    is manager of the

    architect community

    on Oracle Technology

    Network, the host of theOracle Technology Network ArchBeat podcast

    series, and the author of the ArchBeat blog


    The ability to

    explain ideas and

    the consequences

    of choices is key.Lonneke Dikmans, Oracle ACE Director

    Architect: The NextGenerationThe need for agility, adaptation, and transformation also

    applies to arbiters of change.

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