Oracle Interview Question Forgson

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Transcript of Oracle Interview Question Forgson

1:What is difference between OPP(object oriented Language) language and structure language with example.2:What is polymorphism ,inheritance ,composition with example.3:What is difference between ERD and FRD.4:What is SLDC(software Development life cycle) and its model name.5:What is database level trigger with example.6:What is foreign key and primary key.7:How many types of commit.8:Is commit command need after create a new Table.9:What is DDL,DML,DCL10:Name of 3 table which is exist in data dictionary.11:Sql(query) create Total Salary Department wise and salary must be 0 on specific department.12:Can we update a view?13:What is view?14:Can we remove specific record from the table through TRUNCATE command.?ANSWER: select D.DNAME,decode(D.dname,'ACCOUNTING',SUM(E.SAL),'RESEARCH',SUM(E.SAL),'SALES',0) FROM DEPT D,EMP EWHERE D.DEPTNO=E.DEPTNOGROUP BY D.DNAME;