Options booklet subject section 2013

Year 10 and 11 Courses 2013 - 2015


Options booklet Issued to Y9 students to advise them about the KS4 curriculum beginning in September 2013 and to support them in making their options choices.

Transcript of Options booklet subject section 2013

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Year 10 and 11 Courses 2013 - 2015

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English Language: Two papers English Literature: Two papers All coursework assignments will be completed within controlled conditions. Literature Unit 1 (‘Of Mice and Men’ and unseen poetry) will be sat at the end of Year 10. You will read a range of prose, drama and poetry. You will learn to write in a range of styles for a variety of audiences. Speaking and Listening assessments will represent 30% of the final Language grade. For further information, contact Mr Crocker

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BOARD: EDEXCEL Option A (1380) ASSESSMENT: This will be reported by means of grades ranging from G to A*. There are two written examination papers designed for different ability levels. The first of these papers will be a non-calculator paper. Coursework is no longer required.




The aims of the course in Mathematics are described in the following statements: To develop Mathematical knowledge and oral, written and practical skills in a manner that encourages confidence; To use Mathematics as a means of communication; To develop the abilities to think precisely, logically and creatively; To develop the skill to investigate mathematics; To develop a firm foundation for appropriate further study. For further details about the course, contact Mr Netto

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double science single science triple science

Core Science GCSE

Additional Science GCSE

Biology Chemistry Physics

3 module exams Case study &

3 module exams Investigation

3 module 3 module 3 module exams exams exams

Practical data analysis

Investigation Investigation Investigation

SINGLE SCIENCE (5 lessons per cycle – 1 GCSE)

Core science GCSE taught over years 10 and 11.

Practical assessment taught over years 10 and 11.

This option is aimed at students of any ability who wish to extend their study in areas other than science. Core science teaches ideas from physics, chemistry and biology through accessible real-world contexts and situations. It is not suitable for students who may wish to study science at AS/A2 or to follow a science-related career.

DOUBLE SCIENCE (OPTIONAL) (10 lessons per cycle – 2 separate GCSEs)

Core science taught in year 10. (content and approach as in single science)

Additional science in all three subject areas taught in year 11.

Practical assessment taught over years 10 and 11.

This option is aimed at those students who wish to extend the study of science. This award is necessary for those considering the study of AS/A2 sciences and is suitable preparation for those interested in science-based careers. TRIPLE SCIENCE (OPTIONAL) (15 lessons per cycle – 3 separate GCSEs)

Core science taught in year 10. (content and approach as in single science)

Additional science taught in year 10 & 11 with extended coverage in Biology, Physics and Chemistry to access a triple GCSE award.

Practical assessment taught over years 10 and 11.

This option is intended for those students who wish to gain a fuller understanding at GCSE to better prepare them for the study of AS/A2 sciences or for a career in science. The triple award represents study at greater conceptual depth and with additional content. It is envisaged that this option will only be available to students expected to gain at least level 6 in Science at the end of KS3. For further information on any of these options, please ask your Science teacher or Mr McCalmont, Head of Science

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Full (or short course for students taking the Vocational Studies option)

BOARD: EDEXCEL GCSE RELIGIOUS STUDIES A ASSESSMENT: You will be assessed by two written examinations. There are two parts to the course. You are expected to demonstrate knowledge and understanding and to be able to evaluate a range of points of view in each unit of the course.


Believing in God

Matters of Life and Death

Marriage and the Family



Religion: rights and responsibilities

Religion: environmental and medical issues

Religion: peace and conflict

Religion: crime and punishment

This course not only leads to a full or half GCSE qualification in RE, but also forms a very important part of the school’s exploration of Values and Citizenship. We are committed to studying the above issues in a mature and interesting way and look forward to you taking a real interest in the world around you and in how Christianity (and, in Year 11, another religion) shapes and responds to modern society. For further details about the course, please contact Mrs Dickinson.

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The school has a strong set of values, which it wishes you to explore and, hopefully, to adopt as your own. There are formal and informal opportunities to explore these values throughout the curriculum and in the wider life of the school. Our focus in ViP lessons includes elements of careers education and guidance; personal, social, health and economic education; and citizenship.

At Key Stage 4, we want you to prepare yourself to take decisions about life after compulsory schooling (Careers Education); to live healthy and socially responsible lives (PSHEE and Citizenship), to take opportunities for service to local and wider communities (PSHEE and Citizenship) and to explore what it means to be a citizen of heaven (PSHEE and Citizenship).

There are two ViP lessons per fortnight for most students. The RE GCSE course complements ViP in our approach to citizenship and values.

There will be formal inputs on the World of Work and preparation for the five days of Work Experience at the end of Year 10. There will be work around the area of career pathways and options, applications and interviews in Year 11 (Careers). We also intend to continue with ‘post-16 tasters’ in July for those Year 10 students who wish to try out some of the subjects offered by the Redcliffe Sixth Form that are not available at Key Stage 4. There will be continuing modules on Sex and Relationships Education and on Drugs education (PSHEE) and a chance to explore current issues from business, political and moral viewpoints (Citizenship).

Please contact Dr Taylor for any further information.

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Cambridge Nationals



The OCR Cambridge Nationals are vocationally related qualifications that take an engaging, practical and inspiring approach to learning and assessment. Cambridge Nationals are available as an Award, Certificate and Diploma, with the Certificate being the same size as a GCSE. They use both internal and external assessment and are recognised by the recently published DfE Performance Tables for 2014. There are two mandatory units: R001: Understanding computer systems. This is assessed by a written paper – 1 hour – 60 marks R002: Using ICT to create business solutions. This is a centre assessed task, OCR moderated (coursework) There are several different strands that students can then choose to do units from. These are the creative strand, the business strand, the technical strand and the student initiated project. All units from these strands are coursework assessed (the same as R002). It gives students flexibility and choice to complete work they are interested in. It is worth noting that all work completed in Year 9 can be put towards this qualification. For more information about this course, contact Mrs Murfin.

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GERMAN & FRENCH GCSE BOARD: OCR ASSESSMENT: At the end of Year 11 you will take exams in Reading and Listening. For each of these skills you may choose whether to take papers at Foundation or Higher Level. These skills are worth 20% each of the overall GCSE grade. Speaking and Writing controlled assessments will take place over the 2 year course. Speaking and Writing assessments are not tiered. Two controlled assessments for each of these skills must be completed for the exam board. These skills are worth 30% each of the overall GCSE grade. Homework tasks will consolidate and extend what you have learnt in class and will often involve learning new language. Homework is expected to be completed on time to the standard required. Regular vocabulary tests will check language learnt for homework. It is an essential part of the course.


The course covers the key areas:

Home and local Area Travel and the wider world

Health and Sport Education and work

Leisure and Entertainment

Communication skills are an essential part of being a European and World Citizen in the 21st century. Language skills significantly improve your career opportunities and open up a whole new world. We will develop your ability to communicate effectively in the foreign language, be it for work, leisure or tourism. You have regular access to foreign language assistants so as to improve your spoken proficiency and understanding of the language. You will be encouraged to participate in the exchange visits and trips on offer to give an insight into different ways of life and culture. Extra language sessions in the run up to exam time are offered to revise on core language, grammar and exam skills.

You can choose French or German (or both) as your GCSE language. As you only started French in Year 9 it is a slightly more intensive course, but if you’re prepared to work hard, you’ll have no difficulty reaching a high standard of proficiency.

In order to study any Language AS course, the relevant GCSE in that language must have been studied.

For more information or advice, see your language teacher or Miss McGreal.

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ASSESSMENT: There are 4 units in the Geography GCSE course, each one worth 25% of the overall grade. Three of these units are assessed by exams and one is a controlled assessment based on a fieldtrip to the River Holford in the summer term of Year 10. The first unit is based on physical geography with themes such as, ‘Earthquakes and volcanoes’, 'Managing Oceans, 'Conserving Biodiversity’ and ‘Mitigating Climate Change’. The second unit is based on human geography with themes such as, ‘Population Pressures’, ‘Globalisation’, ‘Sustainable Cities’ and ‘International Development’. Both units 1 and 2 are assessed by 2 separate 1hr 15 minute exams at the end of Yr 11. The third unit is a Decision Making Exercise where students will be given resources on a topic such as ‘Making the Olympics sustainable’ (2012 paper) and they will be required to make decisions based on those resources and justify them. This is assessed by a 1hr 30 min exam at the end of Year 11. Units 1-3 can all be entered at higher, foundation or entry level. The fourth unit is an investigation into processes and landforms of the River Holford in the Quantock Hills. A fieldtrip in the summer term of Year 10 will enable students to collect data on the river in groups with help from their teachers. Students will then analyse their data and write up their conclusions under controlled conditions in class. PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Numerous themes are studied and are delivered through 3 key areas. These are:

Understanding global issues

Making geographical enquiries

Justifying geographical decisions

This course aims to develop an understanding of people and the environment. It examines contrasts in culture and development and investigates issues at all scales. An inquiry approach is followed throughout, posing key questions and responding to these using relevant contemporary examples. Case studies range from local to global in scale and include focuses on sustainable living in Bristol, development in rural Malawi and sustainable tourism in Costa Rica. Current global issues in the news are also drawn into lessons.

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Students will acquire and apply skills and techniques and develop intellectual skills for geographical enquiry. These skills and techniques include map work and field work, the use of information technology (ICT), including GIS packages and the ability to observe, analyse and interpret data. Field work is compulsory and is included in the controlled assessment section to be set up in Year 10. This will involve a 2 day residential trip in the Quantock hills which costs approximately £75. The course builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in Yr 9 and prepares candidates for the approach taken at A-Level. It is a valuable qualification for students seeking to pursue Higher Education and is widely respected in many industries. For further details, please see Mr Morrice or see for yourself at http://www.edexcel.com/migrationdocuments/GCSE%20New%20GCSE/UG033202-GCSE-GeographyB-Spec-2012-Spagw.pdf

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Although the products of historical study may be less tangible and sometimes less immediate than those that stem from some other disciplines, History is in fact incredibly useful. Not only does History teach you about your own identities and the people and societies of the past, it also provides you with transferable skills valued both in further education and employment. It equips you with the ability to deal with complex information and use evidence; as well as developing your ability to assess different interpretations and analyze change. In short, History helps create well informed young people, who can communicate and think critically for themselves.


We follow the OCR GCSE ‘Schools History Project’ syllabus which is assessed as follows:

Paper 1: 2hrs 45% of final grade

o Section A: A Study in Development [Medicine Through Time]

o Section B: A Study in Depth [Germany 1919-194]

Paper 2: 1.5hrs 30% of final grade

o Developments in British Medicine 1200-1945 source questions

A Controlled Assessment: 25% of final grade

o Currently focused upon the period of ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland


The Study in Depth allows you to explore the reasons for the development of Nazi Germany. It encourages candidates to really get to grips with the features and characteristics of a period of huge significance to the recent past. It places emphasis on questions surrounding issues such as, how a totalitarian regime emerged and how the regime impacted upon, and provoked reaction amongst, the German people.

The Study in Development takes a single topic [medicine] and seeks to explore continuities and changes across human history. The unit focuses on what caused people to be healthy or unhealthy, from ancient ideas about bad spirits to modern understanding research into DNA. It looks at what caused diagnoses and treatments to remain the same or to change, how far new ideas and treatments affected the majority of the population and what ideas people had about the causes and treatment of illness and injuries.

The Controlled Assessment gives you the opportunity to unpick the ways in which recent events in Northern Ireland have been shaped by the past. The taught unit encourages students to get to the heart of History, by considering how and why events and ideas have been interpreted and represented in different ways.

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OUTCOMES The department prides itself on its reputation for empowering students to achieve their potential and has a track record of success at GCSE. We have developed a substantial revision programme, which includes significant online materials. Moreover, we are constantly seeking ways in which to make our subject as engaging as possible and use a range of teaching and learning styles, as well as offering enrichment opportunities including an overnight ‘Medicine Through Time’ trip to London. For further details about the course, please contact Mr. Thurston

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UNIT 1 Introduction to small business 25 45 min external exam at the end of Year 10

UNIT 2 Investigating a small business (CA)

25 Controlled Assessment taken in Year 10

UNIT 3 Building a Business * 50 90 min external exam at the end of Year 11

UNIT 5 Economic Understanding * 50 90 min external exam at the end of year 11

* In year 11, students can choose to specialise in a GCSE in Business Studies and Economics by undertaking Unit 5 instead of unit 3 (This will support students choosing between A level Business and A level Economics at KS5.) About the Course: The course helps develop a range of marketable skills and subject knowledge. The GCSE is designed to develop problem solvers and leaders and will support you in making informed decisions about further learning opportunities and career choices. If you’ve ever seen the Young Apprentice and thought you could do better, then this course gives you the knowledge and skills to succeed. Business Studies analyses and evaluates the decisions (business strategy) that firms have to make in order to achieve their objectives. It includes the use of Business tools like Marketing and Accounting. The course focuses on starting and running your own business in year 10 and moves on to managing larger businesses in year 11. A great course for those who want to be accountants or managers in large multinational organisations! Economics has wider applications than Business Studies. It includes a study of Business behaviour and strategy. It also includes a study of common economic problems and models used to understand them. Many problems we face in the world have their roots in Economics. Examples of Economics Issues (if you enjoy problem solving then you will enjoy Economics) Should the government help the poor in society? What is the effect of high oil prices on our economy (hence our lives)? Why has the housing market collapsed after many years of sustained rises in house prices? How are we affected by this? Why is there unemployment (3 million people out of 31 million)? Why is there extreme poverty in some parts of the world and the super rich (Bill Gates) in the other? Why do footballers earn more than Doctors or Nurses? Why isn’t education free at University (fees expected to increase to £9,000 per year)? How do we stop pollution (and CO2)? How do we stop global warming? How do we wipe out disease in the world? Should we build more roads or invest in public transport? How can we reduce consumption of harmful products like tobacco and alcohol? How can we stop people from consuming harmful hard drugs?

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You will be able to: Actively engage in the study of business and economics to develop as an

effective and independent student and as a critical and reflective thinker with an enquiring mind use an enquiring, critical approach to distinguish facts and opinions, to build arguments and make informed judgements.

Develop and apply your knowledge, understanding and skills to contemporary issues in a range of local, national and global contexts.

Appreciate the range of perspectives of different stakeholders in relation to business and economic activities consider the extent to which business and economic activity can be ethical and sustainable.

Explore your own ideas for starting a small business and understand the processes and decisions involved.

To appreciate the range of decisions, strategies, successes and failures that businesses are subject to in their everyday activities. Current events make up a huge part of the context and background to learning the subject.

For more information, see Mr Lyons-White

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The media play an important and influential role in society. The GCSE Media Studies course offers an opportunity to study the languages, messages and values of various media industries and aims to develop practical skills through photography, video and ICT work. ASSESSMENT: The course has 3 components:

1. INDIVIDUAL MEDIA PORTFOLIO coursework worth 30%

You will produce 3 pieces of linked work:

an essay; for example, ‘Compare the representations of ethnicity in two music videos’

planning and creating a media product; for example, a CD front and back cover for a new band from a musical genre of your choice

an evaluation of the fiished media product

2. TEXTUAL ANALYSIS – MOVING IMAGE examination worth 40%

This involves -

analysis of a previously unseen extract from an Action/Adventure film

an analysis of the effect of audience and institutional factors in relation to Television Comedy

3. PRODUCTION PORTFOLIO coursework worth 30%

This is a major practical production, for example, creating a new advertising campaign for a product of your choice. For further information about the course, please see Ms Davies.

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Board: AQA Assessment: 60% Design and Practical Coursework 40% Theory Exam Design and Technology is a challenge to all young people. It requires initiative, an enquiring mind, determination, the careful management of time and resources, and a sense of responsibility for making decisions and taking action.

The unique contribution of Design and Technology is apparent in that it is the only subject that calls for students to draw on skills and knowledge acquired from all other areas of the curriculum. It prepares students to participate in tomorrow’s rapidly changing technologies.

You learn to think and intervene creatively to improve quality of life. In a recent report published by the DFES it was predicted that 80% of Primary School children in the UK would end up in careers that do not currently exist.

Each specialist area involves a similar range of skills and disciplines including designing and making. The main difference between the courses is the materials that the students are working with.

With every specialism Year 10 is spent acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to pass the theory exam which students will sit at the end of Year 11. Year 11 is mainly spent undertaking coursework. The extended coursework projects are design and make activities and are worth 60% of the overall grade. The written exam is a design based paper and is worth the remaining 40%.

You will be expected to put in good effort throughout and good attendance is essential as well as putting in time outside of your normal lessons.

Product Design

You will work with a range of materials including modelling materials, woods and plastics to help manufacture practical outcomes. You will develop your graphical skills through a range of processes.

Product Design combines the skills and aspects from both Resistant Materials and Graphic Products. This allows you to further develop your skills and focus on your preferred areas.

We will encourage you to be imaginative and innovative. The course is a perfect platform for this. You will be constantly challenged to break the design rules set by society. Who says products have to look the way they do?

Within year 10 we teach a number of small projects that cover a range of materials, skills and processes including modeling foam, paper and card, manufactured board, timbers, plastics and metals. You will design and manufacture a number of concept and prototype ideas. Hand, machine, design and computer skills are developed throughout.

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You will complete your coursework at the end of year 10 and throughout most of year 11 (60% of the final grade) and then sit a theory exam at the end of Year 11 (40% of the final grade). Product Design is a great stepping stone into any of the courses or industries that link to any form of design and manufacture and also any of the practical industries.

Contact Teachers for Product Design – Mrs Jackson & Mrs Newall.

Textiles Technology

Textiles Technology covers a wide range of products. It looks at both fashion design and textiles products such as garments, bags, soft furnishings and accessories.

In Year 10 you will undertake separate manufacturing and design projects which include a variety of textiles processes. These projects will explore the use of CAD/CAM, Sewing Machine, Hand Manufacturing, New and Smart Materials, Fastenings, Decorative Techniques, Fabric manipulation and structure. From the outcome of these projects students will have a clear understanding of their strengths to move forward into the next year.

Year 11 is focused around the major piece of coursework worth 60% of the final grade awarded. You are encouraged to be as innovative and original as possible. Textiles Technology is a great stepping stone into any of the courses or industries that link to any form of design and manufacture, not necessarily those just related to Textiles. Contact Teachers for Textiles Technology – Mrs Jordan

Food Technology

Food Technology allows you to combine knowledge and understanding in order to design and make quality products for specific dietary requirements and in quantity. It will help you to develop an understanding of nutrition and healthy eating.

You will: Understand the functional and nutritional properties of foods

Undertake focused practical tasks to develop and demonstrate techniques Work out how to develop ideas, plan and produce products

Recognise the moral, cultural and environmental issues in design and technology situations

Use ICT Within Year 10, you will undertake a range of designs, experiments and practical explorations within Food Technology building up your skills and knowledge.

You will begin your coursework in the summer of Year 10, which is worth 60% of your overall grade and continue this until the spring of Year 11. You will then sit a theory exam at the end of Year 11 that is the remaining 40% of your final grade. Food Technology can lead to exciting and well paid opportunities in the food industry and outside such as providing knowledge to work in medicine, sport nutrition, dietetics or in the caring profession. Contact Teachers for Food Technology – Mrs Milling and Mrs Jackson. For further information about any of the courses, please see either your DT teacher, the given contact teacher or Mrs Jackson, Head of Design Technology.

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BOARD: AQA The Art & Design GCSE is an exciting course that will help you gain an appreciation of the process of Art & Design within a wide understanding of the principles that guide artists, designers and craftspeople who shape our visual world. This is an entirely practical course designed to allow students of all abilities to respond at different levels and produce works of quality. You will be set 3 coursework projects over the two years. At the end of the course in term five, the best of your work will be mounted and presented as your portfolio of work. This includes your sketchbook work. In addition, there is an Externally Set Task (the exam) set by AQA.

Assessment Overview: Unit 1: Portfolio of Work 60% of the total marks 80 marks Internally assessed and externally moderated.

You should select and present materials that exemplify work carried out during your course of study. Unit 1 comprises of the following projects: Unit 1 Year 10 Terms 1 - 4 Natural forms observation and recording: drawing, painting, printing, mixed media Year 10 Terms 5 - 6 Urban landscape / structure: 3D, cardboard construction Year 11 Terms 1 - 2 Culture: Mock exam Unit 2 Year 11 Terms 3 - 4: Externally Set Task: 10 hour examination 40% of the total marks 80 marks Internally assessed and externally moderated You are given 8 weeks preparatory time for your externally set task. You respond to your chosen starting point to produce a personal response, and work submitted can take any appropriate form. What will you learn? The GCSE covers a range of activities and in-depth assignments. You will have the opportunity to experiment with different media in order to explore your strengths and preferences; you will use a wide range of media and techniques in both 2D and 3D. Coursework will include projects carried out in school together with research and practical work continued at home. The main aim of the course is to develop visual language skills and to build a comprehensive portfolio of work to progress to further courses or employment. Art & Design GCSE is a necessary subject and important preparation for careers in Architecture, Advertising, Fashion, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Illustration, Industrial Design, Media, Film, Animation, Photography, Teaching, Product Design, Textiles and a wide range of crafts.

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In the event of over subscription for the Art option students will be selected by the following points:

A proven interest and enthusiasm for the subject in Y7, 8 and 9.

Demonstrated commitment to both classwork and homework. For further details about the course, please contact: Head of Department: Miss Riana Guttridge Head of Photography / 2nd in Department: Ms. Sharman Jupp

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PHOTOGRAPHY GCSE (OPTIONAL) – Priority will be given to students who are targeted for Level 1 qualifications at KS4

Board: AQA

The Photography GCSE course will help you gain an appreciation of the process of Photography and a wider understanding of the principles that guide photographers, artists, and graphic designers in shaping our visual world. This is an entirely practical course designed to allow students of all abilities to respond at different levels and produce works of quality. Priority will be given to those students whose achievement so far suggests that they are likely to achieve Level 1 qualifications at KS4 (equivalent to GCSE grades D-G). Any remaining places will be offered in the normal way (see Options Guidance Booklet. Assessment Overview: Unit 1: Portfolio of Work 60% of the total marks 80 marks Internally assessed and externally moderated. Areas of study Students will work in one or more areas of lens-based and light-based media such as those listed below. • Portraiture • Landscape photography (working from the built or natural environment). • Still Life photography, (working from natural or manufactured objects). • Documentary photography, photo journalism, narrative photography, reportage. • Fine Art photography, photographic installation • Photography involving a moving image, (television, film and animation). • New media practice such as computer manipulated photography and photographic projections, controlled assessment (Mock Exam). Unit 2: Externally Set Task 10 hour examination 40% of the total marks 80 marks Internally assessed and externally moderated You are given 8 weeks preparatory time for your externally set task. You respond to your chosen starting point to produce a personal response, and work submitted can take any appropriate form. What will you learn? The GCSE covers a range of activities and in-depth assignments. You will have the opportunity to experiment with different photographic formats in order to explore your strengths and preferences; you will use a wide range of photographic and lens based media, and learn: • the ability to explore formal elements of visual language; line, form, colour, tone, pattern, texture, in the context of lens-based and light-based media • investigate different ways of working as appropriate to your chosen area(s) of study • respond to an issue, theme, concept or idea, or working to a design brief • show in your work the use of viewpoint, composition, focus control, depth of field, movement and narrative

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• use appropriate techniques, technologies and equipment for recording images and lighting subjects within your chosen area • show an understanding of the developing, printing, manipulation and production qualities of still and moving images where appropriate In the event of over subscription for the Photography option students will be selected by the following points:

A Proven interest and enthusiasm for the subject in Y7, 8 and 9.

Demonstrated commitment to both classwork and homework. For further details about the course please contact: Head of Department: Miss Riana Guttridge Head of Photography / 2nd in Department: Ms. Sharman Jupp

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DRAMA GCSE (Optional)

BOARD: Edexcel ASSESSMENT: There are 3 units for this GCSE

Unit 1 Internally assessed - 30% of the GCSE Overview of content Application of the skills learned Application of devised topic/theme/issue Overview of assessment Six hour practical exploration Documentary response (recommended maximum 2000 words) Unit 2 Internally assessed – 30% of the GCSE Overview of content Application of the skills learned A full and substantial play text chosen by the centre Experience of live theatre as a member of the audience Overview of assessment Six hour practical exploration of the play text Documentary response to practical exploration (recommended maximum 1000 words) Documentary response to live theatre (recommended maximum 2000 words) Unit 3 Externally assessed – 40% of the GCSE Overview of content Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of practical drama skills through your application in a live performance Communicate to an audience Overview of assessment You will present your work as either a performer or performance support student in a single performance to an examiner appointed by Edexcel The course is designed to develop:

Knowledge, understanding and application of the practical skills of Drama and Theatre making

Theatrical knowledge of the theatre

Analysis of Play text for performance

Evaluate skills of self, peers and theatre in general

Increased self and group awareness

Imaginative, creative communication and social skills

To succeed in this course you will need:

A high level of commitment

Well-developed understanding of what you do or do not do affects others

To attend a number of theatre visits in the evening and during the day

To attend some rehearsals during lunch, break, after school and possible weekends should it be necessary

For further information about this course, please contact Miss Wilson

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MUSIC GCSE (Optional)

BOARD: OCR ASSESSMENT: The two year course is made up of four related areas of study:

For GCSE Music, you are required to perform (two performances required), compose (two compositions required), listen (an exam at the end of year 11) and appraise (written evaluations of both compositions.). You learn these skills through four Areas of Study. These Areas are:

1. My Music – which puts the spotlight on your own instrument or voice and the style of music you enjoy.

2. Shared Music – which highlights how musicians work together to make music.

3. Dance Music – in which you learn about dance styles from different times and cultures.

4. Descriptive Music – in which you learn how composers convey emotions, events and places.

All these areas link together and inform each other. The things you learn about the music of others will help you grow as a musician and be better skilled to compose and perform your own music. Further details about this course can be obtained from Mr. Davies.

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GCSE PE: This course is a combination of practical assessments and theory examinations. The practical work is worth 60% of the whole course and the theory components account for the remaining 40%.

For your practical assessment you will have to select your best 4 activities from all the activities during the course. You will have opportunities to adopt different roles during these activities, including performing, coaching and officiating.

The theory work covers a variety of components, including anatomy & physiology, current issues in sport, rules and regulations, social factors in sport, etc.

Students who are able to perform to a high standard in a variety of sports would do well on this course, as will those who enjoy science.


Core PE – All students will participate in the usual Year 10 PE Programme which will allow you to participate in several different activities throughout the year. Included in this programme will be some lessons in the pool, learning basic lifesaving skills, plus a variety of sports at school and at our sports fields. During these lessons you will develop your knowledge of skills, rules and tactics, and will be expected to lead warm-ups and cool downs for small groups. There will also be a strong focus on students coaching each other in the various activities covered. For further details about these courses, please see Mr Boddy or any member of the PE staff.

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HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE GCSE (A* - G grades achievable)

This well established GCSE course is offered as a single option and involves one examined unit and one coursework unit. The course is suitable for students who;

- have an interest in human development and working with people from all walks of life

- have an interest in how our lives are affected by a variety of different factors such as environment, diet, exercise and financial income

- may want to pursue a career working in environments which involve working with people in care settings such as teaching, children’s services, youth and public services and nursing

- May wish to try something new and different to widen their skill base in combination with other GCSE qualifications

- Enjoy class discussions and are willing to contribute ideas and thoughts about challenging topics

- Enjoy learning through a “hands on” practical approach involving visits to relevant organisations and workshops run by professional healthcare workers.

What can this course lead on to?

- study at AS and A level in Health and Social Care

- Level three BTEC courses in Health and Social Care

- Study in related subject areas such as Child Development, Nutrition and Health Promotion

- Improved job prospects in health and social care areas which have a shortage of qualified workers

This course involves study around the following topics

- Growth and development in different areas of health


- The study of factors which affect us as human beings, including our environment, diet, exercise and relationships


- An investigation of sources of support such as social and healthcare services, informal and formal care

- The study and investigation of a health or social care organisation on which to base the coursework option, ranging from youth services, primary and nursery organisations and hospitals

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- Investigations in particular areas of interest such as health promotion and developments and modern approaches to health.

Students who enjoy this course, often have an established interest in health and social care, or have had contact with others working in these environments but this does not exclude students who wish to take this course as a new and exciting addition to their studies. This GCSE works well in combination with other GCSE subjects such as Science, PE and Geography. Results achieved by students in this subject are in line with target minimum grades and students who enjoy the subject often achieve grades much higher than TMG prediction.

Childcare GCSE Do you have an interest in children? Do you want to find out how children learn? Are you interested in what is good parenting? Would you like to work with children? If the answer is YES to these questions, this is the course for you! By taking this course you will:

1. Learn about the stages of development in babies and young children. 2. Investigate the processes of caring for children, how they learn and the role of

parents and outside agencies in the care of children. 3. Learn about the physical and biological aspects of pregnancy and related issues.

The course provides a combination of short coursework tasks, a child study task and an external exam. A variety of teaching and learning styles are used, including classroom based activities, visits to nurseries and children centres and some visiting speakers. There are some short coursework tasks on a variety of topics including making a simple resource or toy for a young child and preparing an advice leaflet for an expected mother. The exam covers topics such as pregnancy, intellectual, social, physical development and the role of the wider community. Grades available are from A* - G and the qualification is an excellent stepping stone for study at Higher level, or as preparation for working with children. If you are interested in working with children in childcare settings, teaching or simply keen to learn about the subject, this is the course for you. Please see Mrs Pascoe for further details.

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Some students will have been guided to take this course to reduce the burden of taking so many GCSE courses and the large workload that goes with them. It will give them really useful life skills, such as home decorating and cooking, and will lead to a Level 1 qualification equivalent to a GCSE in the D-G grade range. The course may cover aspects of some or all of:

Motorbike Maintenance Catering & Hospitality (including home cooking) Hair & Beauty Construction (especially home decorating) Caring for Children Dance

Students will spend half a day per week on their Vocational College course This will take place at The Park.

Vocational Education

Vocational Education courses are offered at around 2000 schools and colleges throughout the country and are recognised by the Department for Children, Schools & Families as a way of developing and awarding key life skills. Gold and University level awards can be followed through Further and Higher Education and all levels are widely recognised by employers. ASSESSMENT Assessment is carried out through student and staff reports and witness statements which are then moderated and checked by ASDAN moderators and verifiers. We aim to deliver two ASDAN courses through year 10 and a combination of a third course with a study support programme in year 11.

THE COURSES A variety of courses are offered through the ASDAN scheme ranging from Community awards to Sport, Enterprise and Key Skills qualifications. Courses are chosen in conjunction with student interest and abilities which encourages a high level of commitment from those who undertake these courses. Many of the courses now delivered award GCSE accreditation through point accumulation and can be added to student results in their GCSEs. You will become really good at: Recognising and making the most of your personal qualities Making decisions and solving problems Working with others Developing key skills in ‘real life’ situations Planning and organising Setting personal targets and recognising progress

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Skills are learnt through a range of challenges where students select themselves, set their own targets and take responsibility for their own learning with help from their teacher. Course choices and qualifications include topics such as Information Handling World of Work Home Management Expressive Arts Health and Survival Sport and Leisure Wider World Number Handling The Community Technology The Environment Beliefs and Values

For more information about this course, please see Mrs Pascoe.