Optimum reception pattern of the Beverage wave antenna at ... · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the...

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of t he Nati onal Bureau of Standards- D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67 D, No.4, July- August 1963 Optimum Reception Pattern of the Beverage Wave Antenna at Very Low Frequencies Elwin W. Seeley Contribution from U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Corona, Calif. (Re ceived November 8,1962; r ev ised Ja nuary 31, 1963) The theoret ical reception pattern character i st ics of t he wave a ntenna at VLF , plus an expe rime nt al st udy of the paramete rs that d ete rmine the p atte rns, arc prese nt ed. Wave antennas have optimum le ngth s xvh ere t he fron t -to-back ratio is greatest. Th e fir st o ptimum le ngth (high est front-t o- back r at io for th e shor test lengt h) is cons id ered in t hi s pa per. Th e p atte rns of t he wave an te nn a at t hese optimum lengt hs depend upon only two paramete rs which ca n eas il y be measured at the desired ante nn a lo cat ion. Th ese t wo param ete r ' a rc t he a nten na loss and the wave veloci ty along the antenna . When th ese two p ara meters are known, the p atte rns of a ll fir st optimum le ngt h wave antennas ca n be sketc hed from the curve s in th is pa pe r. 1. Introduction In recent years there has been a resur gence of inter est in very low radiofr equ encies. Very- low-frequ ency uses thnt were once regional nre now global, indicating a need for long rang e eo mmuni cntion and other long-range electr omagnetic syste ms. low frequ encies are parti cularly suit ed for these systems because of the low propagat ion losses. Th e disa dvanta ges in using these frequenci es are the high noise environment nnd the diffi culty of radiatin g pow er . Thi s m aIms it imp erat ive that receiving antennas with high dir ect i vity and large effe ct ive heights be used. At very low frequ encies wh ere wavelen gt hs nrc meas ur ed in kilometers it becomes extremely diffic ul t to ob tain high dir ectivi ty a nd great effe ctive heigh ts from low st ru ct ur es. Th e Beverage or wave antenna is one of the simpl est stru ctur e' capabl e of overcoming this cliffi clllty. In the simpl est form it co nsists of an insul ate d wire laid on the gro und a nd terminated at both ends by its characteri stic impedance. This pap er co nsists of an analyt ical st udy of the horizontal pa, LLeI'n char acteri stics of the wav e ant enn a plus an experiment al study of the param eters that determine the radiation patt ern. 2. Pattern Characteristics Th e reception patt ern of th e wave antenna has been derived by Beverag e, Ri ce, and Kellogg [1923], Bailey, Dean , and Wintringham [1929], W ait [1954], and Belous ov and Yam- polshii [1960], by summing up the increment al currents indu ced in a long horizontal wire by a tilted wave front of vertically polarized energy. These currents flow toward both ends of the long wire which is terminated in its char acter istic impedan ce, shown in figure 1. The power pattern equation is Po cos 2 8[cosl al -c os [/3l(l -n cos 8 )] ] 2Zo [(a l )2 +( /3l)2(l - n cos 8 )2] where Po= wave antenn a received power, Eo = horizontal component of el ectric field parallel to the wave antenna, 8= angle between direction of signal and direction of antenna, n='£, ratio of wave velocity along antenna to free space wave velocity, c 387 (1)

Transcript of Optimum reception pattern of the Beverage wave antenna at ... · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the...

Page 1: Optimum reception pattern of the Beverage wave antenna at ... · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.4, July-August 1963 Optimum

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.4, July- August 1963

Optimum Reception Pattern of the Beverage Wave Antenna at Very Low Frequencies

Elwin W. Seeley

Contribution from U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Corona, Calif.

(Received November 8,1962; revised J a nuary 31, 1963)

The theoretical reception pattern characteristics of t he wave a ntenna at VLF, plus a n experimental study of the parameters that determine the patte rns, a rc prese nted. Wave antennas have optimum lengths xvhere t he fron t-to-back ratio is greatest. The first optimum length (highest front-to-back ratio for th e shor test length) is considered in t his pa per. The patterns of t he wave antenn a at t hese optimum lengths depend upon only two pa ra mete rs which can easily be measured at t he desired ante nn a location. These t wo parameter ' a rc t he a nten na loss a nd the wave velocity along t he antenna. When these two paramete rs a re known, the patterns of a ll first optimum le ngt h wave a ntenn as can be s ketc hed from t he curves in th is pa pe r.

1. Introduction

In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in very low radiofrequ encies. Very­low-frequency uses thnt wer e once regional nre now global, indicating a need for lon g range eommunicntion and other long-range electromagnetic systems. Ver~r low frequ encies are particularly suited for these systems because of the low propagation losses. The disadvantages in using these frequen cies are the high noise environment nnd the d iffi culty of radiating power . This maIms it imperative that receiving antennas with h igh directivity and large effe ctive heights be used.

At very low frequ encies where wavelengths nrc measured in kilometers it becomes extremely difficul t to obtain high directivi ty and great effective heigh ts from low stru ctures. The Beverage or wave antenna is one of the simplest structure' capable of overcoming t his clifficlllty . In the simplest form it consists of an insulated wire la id on the ground a nd terminated at both ends by its characteristic impedance.

This paper consists of an analytical study of t he horizontal pa,LLeI'n characteristics of the wave antenna plus an experimental study of the parameters that determine the radiation pattern.

2. Pattern Characteristics

The reception pattern of the wave antenna has been derived by Beverage, Rice, and Kellogg [1923], Bailey, Dean, and Wintringham [1929], Wait [1954], and Belousov and Yam­polshii [1960], by summing up the incremental currents induced in a long horizontal wire by a tilted wave front of vertically polarized energy. These currents flow toward bo th ends of the long wire which is terminated in its characteristic impedance, shown in figure 1. The power pattern equation is

Po l 2E~e-al cos2 8[cosl al-cos [/3l(l -n cos 8)] ]

2Zo[(a l )2+(/3l)2(l - n cos 8)2]

where P o= wave antenna received power, Eo= horizontal component of electric field parallel to the wave antenna,

8= angle between direction of signal and direction of antenna,

n='£, ratio of wave velocity along antenna to free space wave velocity, c



Page 2: Optimum reception pattern of the Beverage wave antenna at ... · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.4, July-August 1963 Optimum

l 27rl d· (3 = nA , ra lans,

A= free space wavelengths, l= length of antenna,

al= attenuation along antenna in nepers, Zo= terminating impedance of wave antenna.


8~~~O_r 1-8~OOEG ~D 8 ~

FIGU RE 1. Wave antenna. u. Physical configuration.

b. Reception pattern 8"



-90 0E G

180 0EG - -E-:31-------------I1- OOEG 801


+ 90 0E G PATTERN (b)

2.1 . Front-to-Back Ratio

One of the most important characteristics of the wave antenna is the front-to-back power ratio , a measure of the directivity of the antenna. This is the ratio of peak power of front to the peak power of the back lobe. High front- to-back ratios are desirable to exclude un­wanted signals of atmospheric origin ·which are especially prevalent at VLF.

If (1) with 8= 0° is divided by the same equation with 8= 180° the front-to-back power ratio is

R = cosh al-cos [(3l(l - n )]. (al)2+ rf3l(1 + n))2 b cosh al -cos lf3l(l + n)] (al)2+[ f3l (l - n))2"


It should be pointed out that only a lossless antenna (al= O) will have a complete null at 8= 180°, unless some form of nulling network is used . In oth er words (2) could only be infinite, its denominator zero, if cosh al= cos [f3l(l + n )] . This can only be true when a or l is zero. As the antenna loss increases the back lobe will grow until it is as large as the front lobe. This trend is borne out in figure 2.

There are optimum lengths for greatest front-to-bf\,ck ratio . If (2) is differentiated 'with respect to antenna length and the differential set = 0 it can be easily shown that for a lossless antenna the front-to-back ratio is greatest when

where K = l, 2, 3, ....

K n A 17,+ 1


This is also a very good approximation for the optimum length of lossy wave antennas. This is shown in figure 2 where the front-to-back lobe ratio is plotted as a function of length, with constant values of n, and aA. Two different values of loss are used to show that even in the case of the very lossy antenna (aA = 9) t he maximum front-to-back ratio occurs at 1/A= 0.32 very near the optimum predicted by (3), which would be l/A =7~ for the first


Page 3: Optimum reception pattern of the Beverage wave antenna at ... · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.4, July-August 1963 Optimum



« o

• 0

aL. 40,---,,---,----,----,----,----,

1/\ •

/ \ V \1\ ~I ¥ u

" ~ / -

V. ~ <D 10

g I­Z

~ •


L~ 'I '


4 0 .1 0.2 0 .3 O. 0 ,5 O. • ANTENNA LEN GTH, )../'>.. ( WAVELENGTH)


0.7 0.8 0 .'

.. o

" U .. FIGURE 2. Wave antenna /Tont-to-back lobe ratio

n- O.5. '" I o l­I

I­Z o 0:

~ 10r_--~--~r_--4-~~~~4---~

n· o °O~---'---~I:----'------!2,-----'-----'.

FlGUlm 3.


Wave antenna fj'ont-to-back lobe ratio, firs t optimum length.

optimum length. A wave antenna with that much loss is rendered almost useless by low front-to-back ratio in any case.

It is essential in determining the usefulness of the wave antenna to know the greatest front-to-back ratio that can be achieved with given values of antenna loss and wave propaga­t ion velocity. Methods of measuring these two parameters for a land area will be given in a later section. If the first optimum antenna length , l/ 'A = n /n + 1, is substituted into (2) the greatest front-to-back ratio is obtained,

Rl = cosh al-cos [27r(~) ] (a l )2+ (2 71" )2

cosh al - l (a l )2+ (271" )2G + :Y (4)

Equation (4) gives the best front-to-back ratio for the shortest length antenna. These opti­mum front-to-back ratios are plotted as a function of antenna loss for several values of wave velocity ratios in figure 3. Very high front-to-back ratios are obtainable for low loss antennas, approaching infinity at zero loss. But as the antenna loss becomes greater the front-to-back ratio decreases rapidly. Typical measured losses for a wave antenna lying on the ground in the southern California desert region at VI,F frequencies is 0.4 nepers for the first opLimum length. The al product tends to remain constant over a wide frequency range for the first optimum length. The losses tend to increase with frequency but the optimum length decreases with frequency in a compensatory manner. Combined with a typical measured value of the wave velocity ratio of n = 0.48 for VLF, the maximum front-to-back raLio of a wave antenna laid on the California desert region is 22db. It appears from figure 3 that the antenna wave velocity should be high and losses should be low for greatest front-Lo-back ratio.

2.2. Side Lobes

In addition to the back lobe there is a pair of symmetrical side lobes as shown in the typical pattern in figure 1. These side lobe peaks and associated nulls change their positions over a wide range for differ ent values of wave velocity ratio and loss. The position and


Page 4: Optimum reception pattern of the Beverage wave antenna at ... · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.4, July-August 1963 Optimum

<tmplitude of the side lobes and nulls can be derived from (1). It is necessary to first locate the position of the side lobes and nulls and then the front-to-side lobe ratios and front lobe­to-side null ratio can be determined.

If the differential of (1) with respect to e is set equal to zero the results are

( 0'.1)2 Fl + (l-n cos e)2

( 0'.1)2 73z + I -ncos e

cosh aI-cos [t31 (l-n cos e) 1

1: cos e sin [t31 (l-n cos e) 1 (5)

Solutions of (5) for e gives the positions of the pattern nulls and lobe peaks. In order to obtain the greatest front-to-back ratio with the shortest length antenna only the first optimum length will be considered. If l/A= n/n + l is substituted into (5)

coshal-cos [~(l-ncos e) J. 71"n . [ 271" ] n+ l cosesm n + l (l-n cos e)


Equation (6) has been solved for various values of wave velocity ratio and loss along the antenna. These solutions result in side lobe peaks and nulls plotted in figure 4. One im­portant observation is that for certain values of nand 0'.1 the nulls and peaks occur at the same angle, which indicates that the side lobes disappear. Apparently the amplitude of the side lobe is below the back lobe amplitude at that angle. Another important observation is that the side lobes disappear completely regardless of the value of n when the loss, 0'.1, is greater than 1.376. If the values of 0'.1 and n which cause the peaks and nulls to coincide are plotted versus each other, a region of side lobes and a region of no side lobes is established as in figure 5. These curves may be used to determine the existence and position of the side lobes of a wave antenna after a site has been selected and at and n has been measured at the operating frequencies . A method of measuring 0'.1 and n is described in a later section.

Once the side lobe position is established the front· to-side lobe power ratio can be deter­mined by dividing (1) with e=oo by the same equation with e=ell . The result at the first optimum length is


where ell and Rll are the side lobe position and front-to-side lobe ratio respectively at the first optimum length. The depth of the side nulls can be obtained in a similar manner. By replacing ell with eOI in (7) the front-to-side null ratio is

1 I ( 2 I-n) (0'. 1)2+ (2~)2 (l - ln+cons eOI )2 cos 1 0'. -cos 71" 1 + 1]. " ROl = .

cos 2 eOI [ cosh aI-cos (271"1 -~~: eOI ) ] (0'. 1)2 + (271")2 G ~~y (8)

where eOI is the position of the null between back lobe and side lobe and R Ol is the ratio of front lobe peak to null between the back lobe and side lobe. Equations (7) and (8) are plotted versus 0'.1 in figure 6 for various values of wave velocity ratios. The front-to-side lobe ratio is reduced by antenna loss similarly to the front-to-back lobe ratio but not as severely. Unlike the front-to-back lobe ratio high antenna wave velocity tends to reduce the front-to­side lobe ratio . These side lobe levels are at the first optimum length which is the shortest length for the greatest front-to-back ratio . Although the position of the side lobes varies over a considerable angular range (22°), the amplitude varies only moderately (about 3 db).






" I


Page 5: Optimum reception pattern of the Beverage wave antenna at ... · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.4, July-August 1963 Optimum




I I \ ~ ai r 376 ,,' / "


I , I , ,

I I , I I I

PEAKS - r+" I , ,

NUL LS ---- - I I I

1'---·!·'9// "

I I \ I , I , i I ,


:\ \ ~3~-/ /

I I / I I

/ I I



1\"" ,I I

-' I / I 3:5--- /



.l'O~ .!;"'~ I T- -- ---a2-0-' __ __ --- -

0 +140 + 150 + 160 + 170 + I.


0 .6

;±. 90 ± Ioa ± II O ± 120 ± 130


FIG U RE 4. TVave antenna side lobe and null positions, fiTst optimum length.


"' a: '" .. '" z



:i l o ..J

., Z Z

'" I-Z .,


FIGURE .5. Wave antenna side lobe Tegion, fiT st optimum length.

2.3. Beomwidth

The beamwidth of the wave antenna is an important indication of its directivity. In a multisource field such as sferics it is particularly important that the main beam be as narrow as possible to exclude unwanted signals. The half-power beamwidth of the wave antenna is derived from (1). If (1) with 0 = OA is set equal to one-half (1) ,\lith 0 = 00 the resulting expression in terms of OA can be solved for the half-power beamwidth (20.4)' At the first optimum length this expression r educes to

[ ( I-n cos Oil)] 2 COS2 0A cosh ad-cos 271" 1 + n . (a l )2+ (2 7r)2 e-~~~ 0.4 y (a l)2+(27r)2 G+~Y . (9) ( 1-n) cosh ad - cos 271" l + n

Equation (9) has been solved for 20A with various values of antenna loss and wave velocity and the results are plotted in figure 7. There are two important conclusions that can be drawn : The beamwidth is not sensitive to antenna losses, and there is an optimum antenna wave velocity for narrowest beamwidth where the wave velocity ratio is 0.2.

., o

<; a: e z .,



" Z

e z ., '" ., g

o I-

I­Z o a: ...


\ \ ~\\ \ \ ~\~

\ \ \\~ " \ \ " \ , \ \


NULL S ---

n · l.o 100!;-------'-------+.,.OO;------~------;:!2.·0


FIG U RE 6. Wave antenna fTont-to-side lobe and nu ll ratios, fiTst optimum length .


~ 100

'" o

" 90 l­e ~ :>

'" '" '" a: 8 0

~ o .. ... -'

1\ '" :I: 700


I • a'£ . o o a -f' 0.1 o a ~=0. 5

b a t = 1.0

/ -----~ --A..--.

0 .4 0.6 0.8 1.0 WAV E - V EL OCI T Y RAT IO I n

FIGURE 7. TVave antenna beamwidth, fiTSt optimum length.

Page 6: Optimum reception pattern of the Beverage wave antenna at ... · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.4, July-August 1963 Optimum

3 . Experimental Measurements

The shape of the reception or radiation pattern of the optimum length wave antenna is dependent upon only two parameters, the total loss along the antenna, al, and the wave velocity ratio along the antenna, n. The latter is normalized to free space velocity.

These two parameters vary with the conductivity and dielectric constant of the soil under the antenna. Both parameters can easily be determined by measuring the input impedance of a portion of the antenna with the far end open circuited. Impedance maxima and minima will occur periodically if the antenna input impedance is measured over a range of frequencies. From transmission line theory, n can be calculated from the position of the impedance peaks by


where Ap is the wavelength at the frequency of the peak input impedance, and K = 1, 2,3, The expression for the antenna loss deduced from lossy transmission line equations is

[Beverage et al., 1923]

h l ~Zmln tan a = --. Zmax

(11 )

The correct antenna terminating impedance, Zo, can also be computed from the input impedance curves. It is


Impedance measurements were made on wave antennas at two different locations with a wide variety of soil characteristics. The firs t was located at EMDAR Oasis in the Johnson Valley region of the California desert and consisted of 20,500 ft of Rg 58 A/JJ- cable (only the shield used) lying on the ground in a straight line with termination ground planes at both ends. The input impedance was measured and plotted versus frequency in figure 8 for open termination on the far end. Using (10), (11 ), and (12) the parameters of the wave antenna are calculated and tabulated in table 1.


al CFlI'st J 7m:ll /mim 70 al 11 oplim um

length )

kc/s Neper Neper 11.3 ____ ____ 960 80 278 0.29 0. 472 0.405 17.5 ____ ____ 740 ] 20 300 .43 . 485 .386 23.0 . ___ ____ 620 185 338 • GO . 479 . 406 29.0 ____ ____ 535 230 351 . iI . 483 . 41 f, 34 .5 __ __ __ __ 470 260 3,;0 .96 .480 . 433

It can be concluded from these data that the wave velocity and loss do not vary greatly over the VLF spectrum for the optimum length wave antenna.

The second wave antenna was located at the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Corona, Calif. , and was similar to the first, except that it was shorter, 4,760 f t long. Initial input imped­ance curves are shown in figure 9. These data were taken before the seasonal r ains began. 110re impedance measurements were taken during and after the rains and figures 10, 11 , and 12 give some indication of the wide variation in wave antenna parameters affected by different am ounts of moisture in the soil. These are qualitative measurements inasmuch as the soil conductivit:,-- was not measured to correlate it with the change in wave antenna parameters. It began raining January 28 and continued off and on throughout the measurements. Gen­el'ally the more moisture in the soil the greater the antenna losses and the slower the antenna wave velocity becomes. One definite conclusion is that changes in soil moisture content will markedly change the back lobe structure of the wave antenna.






Page 7: Optimum reception pattern of the Beverage wave antenna at ... · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.4, July-August 1963 Optimum


i ?

100 0



I 0

I 200

- -- -- -

A" "" ANTENNA LENGTH : 20,500 FT



\ , ,,~ ma _

, , -

\ f --... -- --r ---\ I .~ ~-- --






15 20 25 FREOUENCY (kC /s)



150 0




100 0 ,

I r ..... Zrnox --- ----

500 / \ J \ L \ V \ II \ V 'X


I~ ~ FIGU RE 8, TVave antenna impedance, antenna located

at J oh nson Valley field site, ~ V

10 20

r-~~" ~;O""' -CONNECTIO N INP[O""C(

30 40 50 60 70 80 FREOUENC Y (kc/s)


;;; a: ~ 1.0 w z

""" 0 0 .8

"' "' o ...J 0 .6

<! z Z

~ 0.4 z <!





V /

7 FE1S I / I V

14 FEB/' 2 FEB

FE S ____ 1--------~ -------5

19 JAN

1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


FIG U RE 9. Wave antenna impedance, antenna located at Naval Ordnance Labomtory, Corona, Calif.


~ a: >-1-i) o ...J W > w


~ 0.2 ~


f----- 19 JAN -- --; I I I I ,

I ,

--;/ I -!-5 FEB f-- 2 FEB ,'--I , I I ,

I , , ,

I , , ,

14 FEiSt;:--..... , ,

7 FEB 102 ~ ,::,!,/ f----IOI 10 •




I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


F I GU RE 10. Wave antenna losses. FlGU HE ILWave antenna wave velocity.


IJJ 200 :> z o

o N



-----r--- 19 JAN I---

5 FES- r-------14 FEB __

I 2 FES-

7 F ES ..--l- ___ r-----I I I




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 FREQUENCY Ikc/s)

FIGURE1I2, Wave antenna characteristic impedance.

i 393

Page 8: Optimum reception pattern of the Beverage wave antenna at ... · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.4, July-August 1963 Optimum

The input impedance measuremen t must be corrected for the ground connection imp edance since t h e connection to the ground side of the antenna must be made by burying wires in the ear th rather than connecting to a discrete terminal which is the l'eal ground. This ground J connect jon impedance, Z g, must be sub tr acted from the measured input impedance. A method 1 of m easuring Z g has been devised by Bailey et al. [1929]. A short line must be laid down in the opposite direction from the wave an tenna as in th e figure below.

Circuit for measuring Zg.

2~---WA-V~E -A-N-T E-N-NA--~1 ~~-S-H-OR-T--Ll-NE--~2 Z, Z2

~ The inpu t impedance, Z2, is adjusted, by means of Zs, to the same value as the input impedance of the w ave antenna, ZI. ZI, and Z2 are then connected in parallel and the r esultan t impedance measured which shall be designated Zp. It can then easily be shown that


The ground-connection impedances have been measured and are tabulated!belowkin table 2.

T A B LE 2. Ground connection impedance

" rave antenna at Joh nson Valley

Frequen cy 7,

kc/s 10 15+jO 30 19+j2

\Yave antenna at Naval Ordnance Laborator y, Corona

10 lO+ jO 19 8+jO 40 9-j2 (;0 12-j4

4. Conclusion


I ·1

( )

The wave an tenna has certain optimum lengths where t he fron t-to-back lobe ratio is maximum. In this paper only the shortest or first op timum length is considered. The char acteristics of the op timum length wave an tenna depends only on antenna loss and an tenna wave velocity. High loss and slow wave velocity along the antenn a causes large back lobes. Antenna loss and wave velocity h ave moderate effec ts on side lobe position (22 0 cha nge) and small effects on ampli tude (3 db ch ange) . The side lobes become small and disappear within the back lobe for cer tain combin ations of an tenna loss and wave veloci ty values establishing J a region of side lobes and a region of no side lobes. The wave antenna main beamwidth is ~ affected very li ttle by an tenna loss and moderately by an tenn a wave velocity. The nar-rowest beamwidth occurs at a wave velocity ratio of 0.2.


Page 9: Optimum reception pattern of the Beverage wave antenna at ... · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- D. Radio Propagation Vol. 67D, No.4, July-August 1963 Optimum

1 ! j


FroUlm 13. 'Wave antenna reception pattern, antenna located at Johnson V alley fi eld site.

The patterns of fl,U wave anLennas whose lengths fl,r e the first optimu m length can be sketched from the curves above. Ten points on the pattern can be taken from the curves in this paper. For example the pfl,tLern of a wave antenna in the California desert where Lh e antennfl, loss al= 0.40 fl,nd the wave velocity ratio n = 0.4S is sketched in figure 13 . Starting at 8= 0 0 where the received signal is normalized to 0 db the n ext pair of points fLre at the half power beamwidth (- 3 db), 8= ± 3S.5° taken from figure 7. There will be co mplete nulls a t, 8= ± 90 0 as seen from (1). The third set of points (- 1S.2 db), 8= ± 120.5 0 at the peaks of the side lobes and the fourth set (- 22.5 db), 8= ± 167 0 at tbe null between the side lobes <'mel the back lobe are taken from figures 4 and 6. The last point (- 22.2 db), 8= 1S0° at the peak of the back lobe is taken from figure 3. Thus all the peaks and nulls in the pattern are loct.ted .

The pammeters that determine the rfl,diation pattern of the wave antenna ca n easily be measured. These para,meters remain reasonably constant for the first optimum length wave antenna over the VLF spectrum. This does not mean the wave antenna pattern is broad­band, for the first optimum length varies with frequency. The wave antenna pattern will change a great deal with the moisture content of the soil. For best pattern stability, the wave antenna should be used in either a VelY dry climate region or in a body of water w'here the soil conductivity does not change.

The author thanks Vernon K amp and Ivan Rainwater for their efforts in calculating the curves in the figures .

5 . References

Bailey, A. , S. IV. D ean , and VV. T . Wintringham (1929), The receiving system for long-wave transatlant ic radio telephony, Bell System T ech. J . 8, 309- 367.

Belousov, S. P., and V. G. Yampolshii (1960), Single wire medium traveling-wave r eceiver antenna, Rad iotekhn. 15 , No.1, 16- 25.

Beverage, H. H., C. W . Rice, and E. VV. K ellogg (1923), The wave antenna a new type of highly directive antenna, Trans. Am. Inst. Elect. Engrs. 42, 215- 263.

Wait, J. R. (1954), Radiation from a ground antenna, Can. J. Techno!. 34, No.1, 1- 9. (Paper 67D4-274)