Optimal Taxation Old Riddles Neoclassical Answers Copyright 2008 by Peter Berck.

Optimal Taxation Old Riddles Neoclassical Answers Copyright 2008 by Peter Berck

Transcript of Optimal Taxation Old Riddles Neoclassical Answers Copyright 2008 by Peter Berck.

Page 1: Optimal Taxation Old Riddles Neoclassical Answers Copyright 2008 by Peter Berck.

Optimal Taxation

Old Riddles

Neoclassical Answers

Copyright 2008 by Peter Berck

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• Optimal Tax• Deadweight Loss• Tax the Rich• A compromise formula

• Government Efficiency• Social Discount Rate• Border Pricing

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Review of

Graphical Robinson Crusoe

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Graphical Derivation: Offer




Offer CurveE is the consumer’s endowment of time. It is allocated to leisure or sold, called work.

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Profit Maximization

• Stuff = F(L) (work is L; we measure inputs as negative quantities; -F’ is marginal product!)

• w = 1 (wage)

• P is price of stuff

• Profit Max• -P F’ = w• P = -1/F’

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L* + xx

•P S* = L* + profit •(def. of profit)

•slope of the tangent line is• -S*/ (L* +x)• = F’ = -1/P

•F.O.C. for a profit max•P*S* = L + x

•x = profit

x is Profit

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L* + profitprofit

Profit Max Choice of a Firm

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Robinson Crusoe: A Firm



•The price is P = 1/-F’•Pareto Optimal•Competitive Equilibrium


Consumer spends endowmentplus all profits

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On to

Graphical Diamond and Mirrlees

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D-M Graphic Setup

• Consumer owns only labor

• Sells labor; buys stuff at price q

• Firm receives p for stuff

• Gov’t collects tax on Stuff, q-p

• Gov’t gets profits from firm

• Gov’t buys labor and builds project with tax and profits

• No or separable utility from project

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Work for firm, L*

Work on project


•Gov’t buys labor to build project•There is a price line for any point on f

PPF with Project

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Optimal Outcome with Project

Offer Curve

•Price Lines and Indifference Curves are used to find Offer Curve•PPF and Offer intersect at best allocation consumer can get using prices•But, that is not a P.O.!


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Consumer Prices

Offer Curve


The slope of this budget line is -1/q, q is the price charged to consumers.


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Producer Prices

Offer Curve


The slope of this tangent line is -1/p, p is the price charged to producers.


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Optimal Tax


Tangent to PPF: -Slope is 1/P

Intersects Offer Curve-Slope is consumerprice, 1/q.



Consumer’s Labor supply at q

Firm’s Labor Demand at PL(q) - L* = Gov’t Labor Demand =Project

As drawn, q > p

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Adding Up

• Gov’t gets (q - p) S* (the tax take)• q S* = L* + government labor = E (budget

constraint)• P S* = L* + profit• Taxes = government labor - profit• Government budget constraint requires:

• profits to go to government

• no profits (constant returns to scale)

• inframarginal taxes to raise extra money

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Conclusion From Graph

• Production is on PPF

• Tax induced equilibrium is not P.O.

• Optimal tax can be found

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D-M Algebra

• V(q) = U(X(q))• x(q) is demand

• indirect utility

• Welfare(V1(q),..Vm(q))

• Also any other function of q

• y1=f(y2,…yn)• private output

• p’y = profit = 0

• by assumption of CRTS

• z1=g(z2,…zn)• public output

• x(q) = y + z• market clearing

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• Since p’y = 0 so does any multiple of p and there is a normalization of p1=1.

• The budget constraint is q’x = 0 and so one can normalize on q1=1.

• This makes the tax on good 1 zero.

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Firms Foc

• pn=- p1 fn

• price times marginal product = wage

• 1 = p1

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DM Maximization Problem

• Maxz,q V(q)

• s.t. x1(q) = f(x2(q)-z2,…xn(q)-zn) + g(z2…zn)

• Derivs wrt q lead to optimal tax rule

• Deriv wrt z

• fk = gk

• Government and Private have same MP!

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G and Trade

• Instead of G being government, let it be an international trade sector. (Or add a new sector)• Let w be the vector of exogenous international


• suppose g(z2,…zn) is given by

• w’z= 0 or z1 =-(w2 z2 +…+wn zn)/w1

• Then domestic producer prices are world prices

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Optimal Tax

• Maxz,q V(q)• s.t. x1(q) = f(x2(q)-z2,

…xn(q)-zn) + g(z2…zn)• Lambda is the utility

value of a free unit of good 1 which is also $

• Vk could include an externality

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2 2 2 1( ) ( ( ( ) ,... ( ) ) ( ,... ) ( ))n n nL V q f x q z x q z g z z x q


ik i

i n k

xV p


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• One consumer (or representative consumer) with externality caused by consumption.

• V = U(x) – D(x)

• Consumer max’s only U(x); D(x) external

• Vk = -xk a +Dk

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Tax Rule

1, 1,


/ / the latter with p held constant!

since ' 0 Using Roy's identity V


k i i i ii n i nk k


x q x t

V p x t xt t

q x x

t xx


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Tax Rule with Extern..

• V=U – D

• Vk = -axk - Dk

' kk


t x Dx


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Efficiency Consequences

• Gov’t and Private Use Same Prices to guide decisions

• If g() is opportunities from trade, algebra and conclusion is same: economy operates efficiently w.r.t. border prices

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Social Rate of Discount

• No “social rate of discount”: MRP of gov’t investment = MRP of private investment

• Yes “social rate:” investments that favor poor (possible future generations) could have subsidy (p>q) over projects that favor rich (us.) But, it is true for both gov’t and private projects!