Opracowały: Małgorzata Macior Martyna Owoc. What is a prime number ? DEFINITION: A natural number...

Prime Numbers Opracowały: Małgorzata Macior Martyna Owoc

Transcript of Opracowały: Małgorzata Macior Martyna Owoc. What is a prime number ? DEFINITION: A natural number...

Prime Numbers

Opracowały:Małgorzata MaciorMartyna Owoc

What is a prime number ?

DEFINITION:A natural number p ≥2 is called prime if and only if the only natural numbers which divide p are 1 and p. A natural number n>1 which is not prime is called composite. Thus, n>1 is composite if n=ab where a and b are natural numbers with 1<a,b<n.

Some first prime numbers : 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, …

Euklides, about 365-300 B.C.

Euklides proved, that the set of prime numbers is infinite. He used a proof by contradiction.

THE SIEVE OF ERATOSTHENESTo find all the prime numbers less than or equal to a

given natural number n,

• Continue until all numbers less than or equal to √n have been circled or crossed out.

• list all the integers from 2 to n,

• Circle 2 and then cross out all multiples of 2 in the list,

• Circle 3, the first number not yet crossed out or circled , and then cross out all multiples of 3,

• Circle 5, the first number not yet crossed out or circled , and then cross out all multiples of 5,

• At the general stage, circle the first number which is neither

crossed out nor circled and cross out its multiples,

Properties of Prime Numbers

THE N2 + 1 CONJECTUREThere are infinitely many primes of the form N2 +1.

INFINITELY MANY PRIMES THEOREMThere are infinitely many prime numbers.

THE TWIN PRIMES CONJECTUREThere are infinitely many prime numbers p such that p+2 is also prime.

GOLDBACH’S CONJECTUREEvery even number n≥4 is a sum of two primes.

Given any natural number n>1, there exists prime p such that p|n.

If a natural number n>1 is not prime, then n is divisible by some prime number p≤√n .


Mersenne Primes Twin Primes Quadruple Primes Isolated Primes Mirror Primes Sophie Germain Primes Fermat Primes

TYPES OF PRIMESMersenne Primes If an-1 is prime for some numbers a≥2 and n≥2,

then a must equal 2 and n must be a prime. Primes of the form 2p-1 are called Mersenne primes.

The first few Mersenne primes are:22-1 =3, 23-1=7, 25-1=31.

Twin Primes Two prime numbers the difference of which is two, are called twin primes.Examples of pairs of twin primes:

(3, 5) (5, 7) (59, 61)


Prime quadruplet A prime quadruplet is a set of four primes of the form {p, p+2, p+6, p+8} .For instance:5, 7, 11, 13821, 823, 827, 829

Isolated Primes A prime number is called isolated when the nearest prime number differentiates by at leat 4.

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Mirror Primes Two prime numbers are called mirror primes if one is obtained from the other by reversing its digits.Examples:13 and 3117 and 71


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Sophie Germain PrimesA prime number p is a Sophie Germain prime if 2p + 1 is also prime. The number 2p + 1 associated with a Sophie Germain prime is called a safe prime. For example, 29 is a Sophie Germain prime and 2 × 29 + 1 = 59 is its associated safe prime.

Fermat primes Another interesting class of prime numbers is the set of so-called Fermat primes, this being prime numbers of the form 22n + 1. For n=0,1,2,3,4, indeed 22n + 1 is prime.F0 = 21 + 1 = 3F1 = 22 + 1 = 5 F2 = 24 + 1 = 17 F3 = 28 + 1 = 257

Counting Primes

The Prime Number Theorem When x is large, the number of primes less than x is approximately equal to x/ln(x). In other words,





Where π(x)=#{primes p with p≤x}

Curosity 1In 1914, American mathematician , Derrick Norman Lehmer published for the first time a list of all 664,579 primes less than 10 million . He created this list using the sieve of Eratosthenes .

Curosity 211111111111111111111111- number consisting of 23 ones is a prime number .

Curosity 3The number31415926535897932384626433832795028841formed from the first 38 digits of the decimal expansion of the number ∏ is prime.

Bibliography Edgar G. Goodaire, Michael M. Parmenter, Discrete

Mathematics with graph Theory, Memorial University of Newfoundland Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River

Joseph H. Silverman, A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, Brown University, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River



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