Opportunities and challenges of disease biomarkers: a new ... · biomarkers: a new section in the...

Opportunities and challenges of disease biomarkers: a new section in the journal of translational medicine Wang, Xiangdong; Ward, Peter A. Published in: Journal of Translational Medicine DOI: 10.1186/1479-5876-10-220 2012 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Wang, X., & Ward, P. A. (2012). Opportunities and challenges of disease biomarkers: a new section in the journal of translational medicine. Journal of Translational Medicine, 10. https://doi.org/10.1186/1479-5876-10- 220 Total number of authors: 2 General rights Unless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply: Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal Read more about Creative commons licenses: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.

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Opportunities and challenges of disease biomarkers: a new section in the journal oftranslational medicine

Wang, Xiangdong; Ward, Peter A.

Published in:Journal of Translational Medicine



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Citation for published version (APA):Wang, X., & Ward, P. A. (2012). Opportunities and challenges of disease biomarkers: a new section in thejournal of translational medicine. Journal of Translational Medicine, 10. https://doi.org/10.1186/1479-5876-10-220

Total number of authors:2

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Wang and Ward Journal of Translational Medicine 2012, 10:240http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/10/1/240

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Opportunities and challenges of diseasebiomarkers: a new section in the journal oftranslational medicineXiangdong Wang1,2* and Peter A Ward3


Disease biomarkers are defined to diagnose various phases of diseases, monitor severities of diseases and responsesto therapies, or predict prognosis of patients. Disease-specific biomarkers should benefit drug discovery anddevelopment, integrate multidisciplinary sciences, be validated by molecular imaging. The opportunities andchallenges in biomarker development are emphasized and considered. The Journal of Translational Medicine opensa new Section of Disease Biomarkers to bridge identification and validation of gene or protein-based biomarkers,network biomarkers, dynamic network biomarkers in human diseases, patient phenotypes, and clinical applications.Disease biomarkers are also important for determining drug effects, target specificities and binding, dynamicmetabolism and pharmacological kinetics, or toxicity profiles.

The word “biomarker” describes a traceable and charac-terized substance that is an indicator of biologicalmorphology, processes and function. Disease biomarkersare used to diagnose various phases of diseases, monitorseverities of diseases and responses to therapies, and arepredictors of prognosis of patients and likely responsesto therapy. One of criteria to evaluate the value ofdisease biomarkers is the disease-associated specificity,sensitivity, traceability, stability, repeatability and reli-ability. Increasing numbers of biomarkers are being dis-covered and identified from preclinical research, butonly a few have been found to be useful clinically. TheJournal of Translational Medicine opens a new Sectionof Disease Biomarkers to bridge identification and valid-ation of gene or protein-based biomarkers, network bio-markers, dynamic network biomarkers in humandiseases, patient phenotypes, and clinical applications.The Section intends to accelerate the discovery and de-velopment of human disease-specific biomarkers for theearly diagnosis, evaluation of diseases and predictions ofresponses to therapy. The Section will be an importantand critical platform to underscore the significance and

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Respiratory Medicine, Biomedical Research Center,Zhongshan Hospital Qing-Pu Branch, Fudan University, Shanghai, China2Clinical Bioinformatics, Lund University Hospital, Lund, SwedenFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2012 Wang; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. ThCommons Attribution License (http://creativecreproduction in any medium, provided the or

value of Disease Biomarkers and promote innovationand development of disease-specific biomarkers byintegrating multidisciplinary aspects of science. Thefollowing are aspects of the planned biomarker studies:

a) Benefitting drug development: Disease biomarkers canplay critical roles not only in clinical applications butalso in drug discovery and development as related todrug efficacy or toxicity, allowing selection of “theright drugs and the right patients” [1]. For example,more than 90% of new anti-cancer drugs in clinicaltrials have failed marketing approval, often due topoor efficacies and efficiencies, high toxicities, drugresistance or unexpected safety issues. The lack ofdisease-specific biomarkers is one of majorchallenges, often making it difficult to predict drugefficacy. The Section of Disease Biomarkers willaccelerate the procedure of biomarker identificationand validation for determining drug effects, targetspecificities and binding, dynamic metabolism andpharmacological kinetics, toxicity profiles, or side-effects. In addition, Disease Biomarkers willemphasize the importance of molecular and cellularresponses to drugs under pathophysiologicalconditions, creating a new concept of “the rightbiomarker, the right drug and the right patient”. This

is is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creativeommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andiginal work is properly cited.

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will benefit our understanding of molecularmechanisms of interactions between biomarkers,drugs and diseases. Optimal biomarkers should allowmonitoring drug efficacy and safety and individualresponses to specific treatments. Patients evaluatedand treated at the early stage of disease may enhancebusiness decisions related to drug development,facilitating regulatory approval for new therapies [2].Quantification and safety of biomarkers are necessaryfor final decisions related to new drug developmentand applications.

b) Integration of multidisciplinary sciences:Identification, validation, development and marketingof disease-specific biomarkers need to integrateprocesses in molecular biology, new biotechnologies,clinical sciences, regulatory policies, and clinicalapplications. “Omic” science and technology playimportant roles in the identification and discovery ofbiomarkers. The Omic scope includes genomics,proteomics, metabolomics, pharmacogenomics,transcriptomics, and other high-throughputmethodologies. Selected biomarker candidates can bevalidated using computational biology, high-throughput image analysis, molecular genetics,specimens from human tissue banks, mathematicalmedicine and biology, protein expression andprofiling, and systems biology. Clinical bioinformaticshave been suggested as a new way to combineclinical measurements and signs with human tissue-generated bioinformatics, helping to understand therole of selected biomarker candidates in clinicalsettings, disease development and progression, andtherapeutic strategies, and mapping relationships ofdrug and biomarker candidates with clinicalexaminations, pathology data, biochemical analysis,imaging, and therapies [3]. For example, locations oftargeted biomarkers are validated in human istissues, using imaging data of tumor regions invarious lung compartments. Selectivity and precisionof proteomic analyses were performed in patientswith chronic lung diseases and cancer [4]. Panels ofdisease-specific protein biomarkers that define thedisease stage were selected in chronic obstructivepulmonary disease. By targeted proteomic analysis, adigital evaluation score system was developed forassessing the severity of the disease, clinicalinformation, and lung function [5,6]. A number ofnew integrated scientific areas have been createdduring the identification and development of disease-specific biomarkers. Genomic medicine wasproposed to bring biomarkers into the mainstream ofclinical practice and improve therapies and quality ofpatient life, although such strategies are in the veryearly stages. Systems clinical medicine has been

defined as one of new strategic areas fordevelopment of disease biomarkers, involvingintegration of systems biology, clinical phenotypes,high-throughout technologies, bioinformatics andcomputational science in order to improve diagnosis,prognosis and therapies of diseases [7]. Nextgeneration sequencing for genomic analysis ofindividual genomes has been used for singlenucleotide polymorphism discovery and estimates ofallele frequency, gene ontology analysis of the targetgenes, analysis of the microRNAs expression,sequencing platforms for mRNA biomarker analysis,genome-wide analysis, and the exploration of theproteome, all of which should lead to theidentification of useful protein biomarkers.

c) Significance of molecular imaging in validation ofbiomarkers: It has been suggested that selectedbiomarker candidates need to be validated in humantissues, (e.g. measuring the expression of targetedmRNA and proteins in pathological tissues ofpatients) as well as correlating the over-expression oftargeted candidates with dysfunction of organs ortissues. Tissue microarray analysis is a powerful toolfor validation of biomarker candidates, especiallywith an algorithm-tissue array co-occurrence matrixanalysis for quantifying cellular phenotypes based ontextural regularity by local inter-pixel configurations[8]. In addition, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging is used forspatial distribution and relative abundance ofmolecules directly in tissues in order to improve thequality of molecular images and differentiate tissueregions that cannot be morphologically defined. Ithas been suggested that such imaging may bebeneficial for disease diagnosis and prognosis,biomarker discovery and drug therapy, even thoughthere are still many barriers. As an example, clinicalphenotypes and severities of chronic obstructivepulmonary disease were measured by the parametricresponse map, a voxel-wise image analysis techniqueof whole-lung using computed tomography thatresults in more accurate diagnosis of individualpatients, together with integration of clinicalinformation [9]. Numerous imaging technologieshave been applied for biomarker validation anddevelopment, including near infrared imaging,neuronuclear imaging, whole-body diffusionmagnetic resonance imaging, specific biomarkerdetection on the cell surface in real time, positronemission tomography, molecular contrast-enhancedultrasound imaging, and acceptor fluorescenceanisotropy that measures variations in hetero-fluorescence resonance energy transfer deriving fromprotein-protein interactions.

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d)Network biomarkers and dynamic networkbiomarkers: Multiple biomarkers were found toimprove the prediction of death from cardiovascularcauses during a more than 10 year follow-up ofpatients, suggesting that simultaneous presence ofbiomarkers in cardiovascular disease as well aspresence of established risk factors substantiallyimproves the risk stratification for death fromcardiovascular disease in elderly men [10]. Networkbiomarkers and dynamic network biomarkersrepresent new types of biomarkers with interactionsbetween proteins or genes that can be monitoredand evaluated at different stages and time pointsduring development of disease [11]. The amount ofhigh-throughput genomic and proteomic data frompatients has been rapidly increasing and is expectedto correlate with clinical phenotypes, diseaseseverities, therapeutic responses, and prognoses.Gene regulatory networks or protein interactionnetworks may describe functions for the panel ofrelevant network biomarkers. Dynamic networkbiomarkers can demonstrate changes at variousstages in diseases and seem to have diseasespecificity. Disease biomarkers need to be validatedby integration with clinical informatics, whichtranslates clinical descriptive information on signs,symptoms, biochemical analyses, imaging andtherapies into digital data [5,6]. Clinicalbioinformatics may be helpful in discovering disease-specific, stage-specific, severity-specific and/ortherapy-predictive biomarkers.

e) Challenges in development: As one of majortechnologies for biomarker identification anddiscovery, genomics and proteomics as well assequencing still face a large number of challenges,(e.g., analysis of the individual’s genome in thecontext of extensive population-based data,phenotypic significance and specificity, duration andseverity, of disease, genomic or proteomic variation,combinations of genomic, expression-based,metabolomic, and proteomic data, and the value ofdisease biomarkers for making clinical decision).Some tissue microarrays have been questioned dueto study sizes, reduced throughput, variability, andexpenses related to the observations. A recent studycombined genome-wide association with forcedexpiratory volume in 1 second and the ratio offorced expiratory volume in 1 second to forced vitalcapacity, identified 16 new genomic regions showingassociation with pulmonary function [12]. Thosebiomarkers were selected from 48,201 individuals ofEuropean ancestry, with follow up of top associationsin an additional 46,411 individuals. However, there isfurther need to better understand the biomarkers

associated with molecular mechanisms involvingpulmonary function and validate selected targets inorder to reduce lung dysfunction.

ConclusionsThe Section of Disease Biomarkers is expected to accel-erate the process from identification to validation, re-search to development, resulting in improved design ofclinical trials. There should also be positive impacts ongovernmental approval, and clinical applications topolicy and regulation, and relevance to “personalized”medicine and to public health. The Section will publisharticles related to development of advanced biotechnolo-gies for biomarker discovery, the biomarkers associatedwith the early detection of diseases, and monitoring ofdisease severity and duration as well as patient responsesto therapies, predictions of patient outcomes and lifequalities, the clinical trial and evaluation of biomarkers,and regulation and ethics of disease biomarkers.

Competing interestsThe authors declare no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsXDW and PW have the equal contributions to the preparation of manuscript.All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Author details1Department of Respiratory Medicine, Biomedical Research Center,Zhongshan Hospital Qing-Pu Branch, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.2Clinical Bioinformatics, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden.3Department of Pathology, University of Michigan Medical School, AnnArbor, MI, USA.

Received: 29 August 2012 Accepted: 1 November 2012Published: 5 December 2012

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doi:10.1186/1479-5876-10-240Cite this article as: Wang and Ward: Opportunities and challenges ofdisease biomarkers: a new section in the journal of translationalmedicine. Journal of Translational Medicine 2012 10:240.

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