OPERATOR QUALIFICATION RULE - Veriforce Training Program/Evaluator... · attended the...

E VALUATOR T RAINING P ROGRAM R EVISION 14 The following document describes proprietary policies and procedures of Veriforce, LLC and is recognized and offered by the company to individuals conditioned on their acceptance without disclosure, duplication, modification of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein unless otherwise noted through contractual agreement(s) or unless otherwise provided in writing. Reading or otherwise accepting this document constitutes an agreement to all such terms, conditions, and notices. Any use of this document may also be subject to additional terms outlined elsewhere in associated agreements. In the event that any of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein conflict with the additional agreement terms or other terms and guidelines contained within any particular Veriforce system component, then the terms reflected herein, shall control. This document may not be reproduced in any fashion without the expressed written consent of Veriforce, LLC.

Transcript of OPERATOR QUALIFICATION RULE - Veriforce Training Program/Evaluator... · attended the...

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The following document describes proprietary policies and procedures of Veriforce, LLC and is recognized and offered by the company to individuals conditioned on their acceptance without disclosure, duplication, modification of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein unless otherwise noted through contractual agreement(s) or unless otherwise provided in writing. Reading or otherwise accepting this document constitutes an agreement to all such terms, conditions, and notices. Any use of this document may also be subject to additional terms outlined elsewhere in associated agreements. In the event that any of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein conflict with the additional agreement terms or other terms and guidelines contained within any particular Veriforce system component, then the terms reflected herein, shall control. This document may not be reproduced in any fashion without the expressed written consent of Veriforce, LLC.

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• Describe an authorized evaluator’s responsibilities. • Describe how to download ROEs and prepare for an evaluation. • Describe the steps to take prior to conducting an evaluation. • Describe the evaluator’s role during an evaluation. • Describe the conclusion of an evaluation. • Describe evaluator audits and why ROEs may be rejected. • Describe evaluation protocols.


Authorized evaluators have the responsibility of evaluating a candidate, to determine whether that candidate is qualified to perform a specific covered task, and to adequately document the evaluation. The authorized evaluator is responsible for conducting evaluations in strict accordance with the Veriforce procedures, and follow operator defined evaluation methods and criteria.

An evaluator may also conduct On the Job Training (OJT) with the use of Training Guides and/or Records of Training (ROTs) specifically created for covered tasks provided by Veriforce. Evaluators must be reauthorized every year. Every year they must:

Successfully complete the refresher training program and pass the online exam with a 100%.

o Veriforce pipeline operators have limited the number of exam attempts allowed by each evaluator. Once an evaluator goes over the limit he/she will need to attend the 8-hour Evaluator Training Class to become re-authorized.

Pay associated annual registration fees. Remember, pipeline operator personnel may have different requirements. Check with your OQ Administrator.


Q: I am currently an evaluator in Veriforce and my authorization is about to expire. If I take the online refresher course early, will my authorization date change to the date of the test? A: If you attend the refresher course within thirty (30) days prior to your expiration date you will retain the same authorization date. Q: If I let my Evaluator Authorization expire, will I have to attend the instructor-led course? A: It depends, if your Evaluator’s authorization has lapsed for more than one year and you have never attended the Instructor-led Evaluator Training Course, then you will be required to attend it in order to become reauthorized. However, if your Evaluator’s authorization has lapsed for more than two years

To access Veriforce Policies and Procedures, log into

VeriSource and click on the Resources tab. From the

drop down menu, click on “Veriforce Policies and


To access ROTs and Training Guides, log into

VeriSource and click on the INTERNAL EVALUATORS tab. Click on "ROTs and

Training Guides" from the drop down menu. Select an

operator from the drop down menu and click

submit. Select a task and click the "Download ROT

Form" button.

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and you have previously attended the Instructor-led Evaluator Training Course, then the Evaluator will be required to attend the Instructor-led Evaluator Training Course in order to become reauthorized. Q: How many times can I take the online Evaluator Refresher? A: You will be given two attempts to pass the online exam. Each attempt will have an immediate re-test, if a score of 90% or better is achieved. If the Evaluator does not score a 100% on the online exam after two full attempts (which includes two immediate retests), he/she must attend and successfully pass the instructor-led Evaluator Training Course to remain Authorized. Q: Will I get some kind of confirmation that I passed the exam? A: Yes, you will receive an email as soon as you have passed the exam with 100%.


The evaluator should prepare for the evaluation by reviewing the materials that will be used during the session to ensure the facilities and equipment are adequate. For example: If the task involves the use of a line locator and requires the candidate to locate a buried pipeline; the evaluator must ensure the candidate has access to a line locator and a pipe to locate. Each candidate must be given the evaluation criteria, or a Veriforce Training Guide, prior to the evaluation.

Sections on an ROE (Page 1)

Instructions – Read and follow instructions completely.

Training Requirements - Ask the candidate all of the training requirement questions. If the answer is "Yes" to any of the questions, you must submit training documentation when you fax in the ROE.

Employer Information - Fill in the candidate's company name.

Candidate Information - Fill in the candidate's first, middle, and last name and obtain the date of birth from a government issued ID. Evaluator Information - Your name will be listed here. If it is not listed here, log out of VeriSource and log back in using your Evaluator user name and password. Supporting Documentation - If the qualification of this covered task requires supporting documentation, it will be listed here. Results - Check the appropriate box. If successful, immediately congratulate the candidate, inform the candidate of the span of control limits and submit evaluation data in VeriSource

To access ROEs, you must be logged into VeriSource using an Evaluator user name

and password. Once you are authorized as an Evaluator, your user name will be

updated allowing you access to ROEs. The process will not work properly if you use someone else's user name. To download ROEs, click on the Internal Evaluators tab.

Then click on "Online ROE" on the drop down menu. Then click on the "I want to

download an ROE" box. You may choose to download a blank or pre-printed ROE. The

tasks on which you are authorized to evaluate will show up on screen. these ROEs.

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If the evaluation was unsuccessful, inform the candidate that he/she must attend training related to the covered task before a subsequent evaluation may take place. Once training has been completed and documented, the candidate may again be evaluated and, if successful, fax/email the training documentation in with the ROE. Candidate Acknowledgement - Read the candidate the statement, then obtain his/her signature and date. Evaluator Acknowledgement - Sign and date the ROE. The date on the ROE should be the date the evaluation took place. Make sure the date you put and the candidate's dates are the same. Revisions - Make sure you have the most current revision. The most current revisions will be posted in VeriSource. It is recommended that you not "save" ROEs on your computer since they may be updated without your knowledge.

Sections on an ROE (Page 2)

Top Left Side - This area of the ROE will include:

Applicable federal regulations,

Re-qualification interval, and

Span of Control Evaluation Method - look here to identify the proper evaluation method required. Evaluation Criteria – This area includes the criteria Evaluators use to evaluate a candidate

K/S - If the criteria has a "K" in front of it, it is a "Knowledge" task. If it has an "S" in front of it, it is a "Skill" task.

K - Knowledge criteria requires the Evaluator to ask the question, as presented on the ROE, and evaluate the candidate's response.

S - Skill criteria requires the Evaluator to "observe" the candidate perform the required skill. Observations may be done during performance on the job and during simulations.

Abnormal Operating Conditions - The candidate must RECOGNIZE AND REACT to the AOCs listed in this section of the ROE. Documentation Submission Instructions - Follow the directions when submitting a qualification and fax it to Veriforce.

Abnormal Operating Conditions (AOCs) Abnormal Operating Conditions (AOCs) are evaluated by Oral Examination. Evaluators must assure that the candidate(s) demonstrate the ability to recognize and react to the listed AOC’s.

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Evaluators must assure that the candidate(s) demonstrate the ability to recognize and react to the listed AOC’s. You are allowed to cover additional AOC’s, where appropriate. If the candidate cannot identify applicable AOC’s, nor provide appropriate responses, the evaluation should be deemed a failure. Evaluators have the flexibility to address AOC’s in any appropriate manner. This includes asking questions about the AOC’s during the knowledge or skill portion of the evaluation. They can ask probing questions to get the candidate to identify the AOC’s and then provide the appropriate response(s).

How can you identify a leak? How would you respond?

If you see bubbling water, what is this an indication of? What would you do? You should not just list the AOC’s and then ask for the response. The candidate must demonstrate the ability to recognize and react. However, the candidate is not expected to memorize the responses. They must provide answers that demonstrate their knowledge of how to properly react/respond to an AOC. Special Provisions - Whenever needed, the evaluator should assist in providing for special needs to be met during the evaluation. These may include language barriers, handicaps, or other issues that may require special provisions for conducting an evaluation. Evaluators may use an interpreter to conduct the evaluation. However, the evaluator must be the one to obtain the interpreter. It is the responsibility of the evaluator to ensure that the interpreter is someone who will act with good judgment to preserve the integrity of the evaluation process. Do not use an interpreter that has been acquired by the candidate. Unbeknownst to the evaluator, the interpreter may be the one answering the questions.


Q: What if I can’t acquire all of the needed equipment for the evaluation? A: It is the evaluator’s responsibility to ensure the facilities and equipment are adequate and available during the evaluation. It is acceptable for the candidate to supply his/her own tools if the evaluator cannot provide them. However, if the necessary equipment cannot be obtained for the evaluation, the evaluation must be rescheduled to a time/date when all necessary equipment is available. OBJECTIVE 3 – DESCRIBE THE STEPS TO TAKE PRIOR TO CONDUCTING AN EVALUATION

Follow these 7 steps during each evaluation.

1. GREET Greet the candidate Introduce yourself and offer a handshake. 2. CONFIRM

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Confirm the candidate’s identify from government issued ID. Look at the picture and confirm the candidate is the person on the ID. 3. RECORD Record on the ROE:

The candidate’s first, middle, and last name, and date of birth from the government issued ID; and

The candidate’s company name (or employer) o The candidate’s company may or may not be the same as the evaluator’s. o The candidate’s company must have a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) on file

with Veriforce.

It is recommended that the evaluator record the information on the ROE. The name and date of birth must be legible and not left blank, or the ROE will be rejected.

4. DESCRIBE Describe the purpose of the evaluation in your own words. Example: “I am evaluating you today because the DOT requires each pipeline operator that we work for, to have qualified individuals performing covered tasks.” 5. DETERMINE Determine training requirements. Evaluators are required to ask each candidate the training requirement questions listed on the Record of Evaluation (ROE). The appropriate boxes must be checked or the ROE will be rejected.

Answer training requirement questions as shown above. If the answer is “yes” to any of the required training questions, the candidate is required to have task specific training prior to the evaluation. Training documentation must be submitted to Veriforce along with the ROE. Required training documentation must be provided by a method outlined in the Veriforce procedures.

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Documentation can be in the form of:

Records of Training (ROT) used to document On-The-Job Training (OJT). For each covered task identified by Veriforce pipeline operators, evaluators may download ROTs that they can use to document on-the-job-training.

Or you may use Sign in sheets, certificates of completion, etc., if the candidate attends training courses or programs offered through other organizations.

6. REVIEW Review the task and evaluation criteria. Explain exactly what you want the candidate to do by outlining for the candidate your expectations for a successful evaluation. 7. EXPLAIN Explain the rules of the evaluation. Describe to the candidate that:

There is no time limit (within reason).

You cannot help or assist them with the performance of the covered task.

You will stop the evaluation for any safety violation (such as danger to personnel or equipment).

You will review their performance with them at the conclusion of the evaluation session.


During the evaluation, the evaluator will judge whether or not the candidate is able to obtain the materials, tools, or references needed to properly perform the task. This includes standard operating procedures (SOP), manufacturer guidelines, and/or the tools needed to perform the task. The evaluator cannot suggest to the candidate that he should reference a SOP, guideline, or use a certain tool because that would be considered training. It is the evaluator’s role to make sure that all necessary equipment is on site and available, but it is up the candidate to use it properly. The evaluator must make sure the candidate observes all safety rules and manipulates equipment adequately. Candidates that do not exhibit safe acts should be stopped immediately and not allowed to continue. Evaluators need to immediately suspend the operation of equipment during unanticipated or abnormal events, accident conditions, or whenever they feel it is necessary to ensure safe and reliable operation. Evaluators must evaluate each candidate according to the method outlined by the pipeline operator. The method of evaluation will be identified on the covered task list and the ROE. Evaluation methods are found on the 2nd page of the ROE. Evaluation methods may include:

Oral Examinations

Oral Examinations and Observations

Or Other Methods Identified by the Operator

Covered Task Lists can be found VeriSource under the OQ tab then the COVERED TASK LISTS link.

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Oral Examinations During an oral examination, the evaluator questions the candidate in a one-on-one setting. One-on-one settings may include areas such as:

In an office

In a vehicle

In a classroom

On the right-of-way (As long as no one else can hear the conversation.) Candidates tend to feel more comfortable if no one else is around to watch or hear them being tested. Observations During an “observation,” the evaluator observes or watches the candidate perform the skills portion of the covered task. During the observation the evaluator CAN NOT:

Assist the candidate with the performance of the task

Advise the candidate on correct procedures

Train the candidate Observations may occur during:

Performance on-the-job

Through simulation The OQ regulations allow an evaluator to ask a candidate to “simulate” the observation portion of a covered task. Ideally, the evaluator will ask the candidate to perform the function, on an active jurisdictional pipeline facility, described by the particular covered task. However, if it is not possible or feasible, then simulation can be used. Simulations should reflect the actual work setting sufficiently to reflect work performance. This could include the use of equipment or equipment replicas in a shop or at a yard. Simulations must require the candidate to perform some type of “hands-on” activity that imitates the actual skill to be measured (e.g. walking through the task and simulating all actual manipulations of valves, switches, tools, etc., with the use of visual aids, models and/or replicas). An example of an acceptable simulation would include setting up a piece of scrap pipe and asking the candidate to clean, coat, and inspect the pipe. Simulation cannot be limited to or defined as any of the following:

Oral “talk-through” or “walk-through” of the steps of a task;

Using hand gestures;

“Imagining” there are tools/equipment present to aid verbal descriptions;

Observing other individuals perform a task while describing their activities.

Other Evaluation Methods Other evaluation methods may include:

Written or online exams

Manufacturer/Industry certifications

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Work Performance History Review Pipeline operator procedures DO NOT ALLOW work performance history review as a method of evaluation. No matter how long an individual has performed the covered task, or how often an evaluator has observed the individual perform the task in the past, the evaluation must be conducted in accordance with Veriforce procedures, and all task criteria must be followed. Evaluate Each Candidate Individually During evaluations (regardless if it is an oral examination or observation), each candidate must be evaluated individually. Candidates cannot be evaluated two at a time or in a group. Most candidates prefer to be tested in private, but if that is not possible, ensure that the candidate feels comfortable with his/her surroundings. If both methods are required by the pipeline operator: the evaluator must “observe” the candidate perform the skill portions of the covered task; and “orally examine” the candidate on the knowledge portions of the covered task. In cases where actual performance on the job is used as a means to observe the candidate on an active jurisdictional pipeline facility, and if the candidate is not currently “qualified” to perform this covered task, the evaluator must ensure that appropriate span of control requirements are followed.

Span of Control Span of Control (SOC) is the maximum number of non-qualified individuals that a qualified individual can direct and observe, for the conditions under which the task is being performed. The qualified individual must be in:

Control of the task

Communication with the non-qualified individual(s) If the qualified person walks away, the non-qualified individual(s) must stop performing that task. SOC must be enforced anytime a covered task is performed on an active jurisdictional pipeline facility, whether it’s during an evaluation, training, or actual task performance.

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SOC limits are outlined on the pipeline operator’s covered task list, as shown above, and on the 2nd page of the ROE.

For example:

A SOC of 1:3 indicates that one qualified individual may direct and observe no more than three non-qualified individuals during the performance of the covered task. A SOC of 1:1 indicates that one qualified individual may direct and observe no more than one non-qualified individual during the performance of the covered task. A SOC of 1:0 indicates that only qualified personnel may perform the task, and that performance of the task by a non-qualified person is not allowed. There may be occasions when the authorized evaluator may need to be qualified on a covered task while performing an evaluation on an active jurisdictional pipeline, so the non-qualified candidate can perform the task under the evaluator’s SOC. However, if the covered task does not have a span of control, all evaluations and/or training must be simulated.

Common Covered Tasks (CCTs) Contractors qualified for a common task would be qualified for all pipeline operators who had adopted the Common Covered Task List or operators that grant qualifications from it (e.g. Sinclair, etc.). Common Covered Tasks are designated by the letters CCT preceding the task number.


Q: We evaluated our guys in a group setting for another qualification company, do we have to re-do their qualifications for Veriforce? A: Yes, each evaluation must be performed in a one-on-one setting (individual evaluations). Also, evaluations must be conducted according to the Veriforce operator’s criteria that the tasks will be performed for. Q: Are we allowed to do the evaluation in the shop? A: Yes, if you are referring to an observation (skill) task, it may be simulated in the shop, or anywhere for that matter, as long as the skill reflects the actual work setting. For example, if you are evaluating someone on a valve task you must have a valve present for the candidate to manipulate. If it’s a coating task there must be a piece of pipe available and the tools needed to perform the required skill.

Examples of Span of Control Limits

Span of Control of 1:3

An SOC of 1:3 indicates that one qualified individual may direct and observe no more than three non-qualified

individuals during the performance of the covered task.

Span of Control of 1:1

An SOC of 1:1 indicates that one qualified individual may direct and observe no more than one non-qualified

individual during the performance of the covered task.

Span of Control of 1:0

An SOC of 1:0 indicates that only qualified personnel may perform the task and that performance of the task

by a non-qualified person is not allowed.

The list of pipeline operators who have adopted the Common

Covered Task List can be found in VeriSource under the INTERNAL

EVALUATORS tab. Follow the process to download a blank

ROE; the list of common operators is to the right of the Evaluator’s authorized task list.

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Q: Can others be present during an evaluation? A: It depends, if by others you mean other candidates waiting to be evaluated then NO. Each evaluation must be one-on-one. If by others you mean other individuals that are not future candidates, then YES, as long as it doesn’t make the candidate nervous. If others are present during a candidate’s evaluation, they are not allowed to help or assist the candidate pass the evaluation. Q: Can we still use pictures during evaluations? A: Pictures are still permitted, but must not be used in lieu of an oral exam or observation task. Pictures cannot be solely used to complete an evaluation. If the task requires observation as a part of the task criteria, then some kind of performance or simulation reflecting the actual work setting will need to occur.

OBJECTIVE 5 – DESCRIBE THE CONCLUSION OF THE EVALUATION Once the evaluation is over, immediately conduct a review of the candidate's performance. Let the candidate know whether they were successful or not. Check the appropriate (successful or unsuccessful) box on the front of the ROE. Both the candidate and evaluator must sign and date the Record of Evaluation (ROE). The appropriate box must be checked and signatures must be obtained. The dates must be the same and legible. If anything is left blank or illegible, the ROE will be rejected. Check appropriate box and sign and date ROE If Successful, immediately:

Congratulate the candidate.

Inform the candidate of the span of control limits.

Submit evaluation data to Veriforce. If Unsuccessful, immediately:

Inform the candidate that he/she was unsuccessful.

Inform the candidate that he/she must complete training on the knowledge and/or skill areas that he/she failed before attempting a subsequent evaluation.

Inform the candidate that he/she is only allowed to perform the covered task if directed and observed by a qualified person, as allowed by the operator in accordance with established “span of control” limits.

Submit evaluation data to Veriforce. Candidates are required to successfully complete 100% of criteria found on the ROE. Do not qualify someone (for any reason) on a task they do not know. Doing this would violate regulatory requirements and jeopardize the safety of that individual, everyone around him/her, and the integrity of the pipeline.

Listed below are a few examples of why some evaluators may be compelled to pass a candidate after an unsuccessful evaluation.

They are friends with the candidate.

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They think the candidate will improve with time.

The evaluator, or the candidate, doesn’t have time for additional training or another evaluation.

They think the candidate is having a bad day.

The company really needs this person to be qualified.

They believe the candidate will not make the same mistake again.

The candidate almost passed. (Remember, successful requires 100% of the evaluation criteria.)

The evaluator wasn’t really paying attention and hated to admit that they didn't see the candidate perform a step in the task.


Q: I have worked with several of our employees for many years and trust their work completely; do I really have to re-evaluate them? A: Yes, the Veriforce pipeline operators do not allow work performance history review as a means of evaluations. No matter how long you have worked with or for someone, or how recently you have witnessed their work, they must be evaluated according to Veriforce procedures and operator-specific criteria. Q: How will I know if Veriforce rejects the evaluation paperwork I send in? A: Whenever evaluation paperwork is rejected, an email will be sent to the email address supplied by the evaluator when the QSF was created. Therefore, it is very important to list an email address that is checked regularly. Please note that until the qualification shows up in VeriSource, the candidate is not qualified on the task in question. The company administrator and evaluator of record can view rejected records in VeriSource by going to the Rejected ROEs page under the Internal Evaluators tab. Q: What do I do if the candidate fails the evaluation? A: Complete the required information and mark the Unsuccessful box on the ROE. Then submit the evaluation record as you would for any other evaluation. Create and print the QSF as you normally would and submit to Veriforce. The record will be recorded by Veriforce as an unsuccessful evaluation and the appropriate training will be required before the candidate can be qualified in the future. Q: How soon after someone fails an evaluation can he be re-evaluated? A: As soon as he completes the required training. Q: Can I, as the evaluator, train a candidate after a failed evaluation then re-evaluate him/her? A: Yes, that is allowed. It is the pipeline operator’s belief that evaluators will have first hand knowledge on how soon someone should be re-evaluated after failing an evaluation. Some candidates need more experience as well as additional training. Each individual and incident is unique so instead of putting a set time for re-evaluations after a failure, it is left up to the evaluator. Q: If I evaluated my employee and have the ROE does that prove he/she is qualified even though their name is not in VeriSource yet? A: No, the evaluator first inputs the evaluation online in VeriSource then faxes/emails the ROE to Veriforce. Once the ROE is received by Veriforce, it will be checked for completeness and accuracy. The candidate’s qualification history will also be checked to ensure that he/she does not require training prior to becoming qualified on the task in question. After that has taken place, the qualification will show up in VeriSource proving he/she is qualified. VeriSource qualifications are visible to your pipeline operators as well as your company.

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Q: If I conduct an evaluation over the course of two days – oral examination one day and observation the next day – which date do I put on the ROE? A: You should date the ROE with the date you completed all of the criteria. So, in the example above, that would be day two. Q: If I am evaluating someone on a task that they are already qualified on, do I have to make them do everything on the ROE criteria page or just orally review it with them? A: Regardless of whether a candidate is being evaluated for the first time or it is a subsequent evaluation, an evaluator MUST follow the task method and all criteria for each evaluation. Failure to do so is a violation of Veriforce procedures. Q: Can I evaluate candidates that do not work for my company? A: Yes. You can evaluate candidates that work for other companies by selecting the Other Contractor when you go to submit a qualification in VeriSource. Normally, the company will default to your company, but if you select Other Contractor then Continue, you will be given the option to select the appropriate company from a list of all contractors. Q: How do I know which tasks fit into each task category? A: The Covered Task Category Matrix shows each task category; when you click on a task category folder it will display all tasks that fit into the category. The matrix is available under the INTERNAL EVALUATORS tab in VeriSource.


Veriforce will regularly review evaluator performance as a quality assurance measure to validate the evaluator’s suitability and conformance with applicable procedures and operator requirements. If Veriforce discovers evidence suggesting that an evaluator did not:

Follow the mandated evaluation method for the task.

Include all of the evaluation criteria in the evaluation.

Conduct evaluations in a one-on-one setting. Veriforce will immediately launch an audit to determine if, or to what extent, the evaluator failed to follow procedures. An evaluator may also be audited if:

The evaluator submits more ROEs (evaluations) than can reasonably be performed in a 24 hour period.

The evaluator’s signature on an ROE doesn’t match the one on file.

A pipeline operator or contractor requests an audit.

If the evaluator name printed on the ROE is different than the evaluator signature’s name.

If the evaluator name printed on the ROE is marked out and another name hand written in. Each evaluator audit can result in the following outcomes:

No further action required; audit closed.

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Revoke selected qualifications.

Revoke all active qualifications put in-place by the evaluator,

Revoke the evaluator’s authorized status.

As the ROEs are received, they are checked for accuracy. The following are examples of why a ROE may be rejected or an evaluator audited, or both:

Qualification Submittal Form (QSF) and ROE have different covered tasks.

Training Requirement questions left blank.

Candidate Company Name left blank.

QSF and ROE have different qualification dates.

Evaluator and candidate evaluation dates are different.

Illegible names, dates, candidate ID or date of birth (DOB)

All numbers must be clearly identifiable and names must be legible Some rejected ROEs will be returned to the evaluator to correct. Evaluators are the only individuals authorized to make corrections (with the exception of candidate signatures which must be done by the candidate).


Q: What is the number one reason evaluators get into trouble during an audit? A: Evaluators not following the evaluation method outlined on the ROE - especially when the method is oral examination and observation. Audit findings uncover that the evaluation was conducted by oral examination only even though observation was also required as part of the method. Q: What if I make a mistake on the ROE? A: Corrections to evaluation paperwork must be made by the evaluator of record. If a QSF is incorrect, you must login to VeriSource and create a new one. Delete the incorrect record. If a ROE is incorrect, draw one-line through the incorrect data and initial the change or fill in missing information. The only exception is that any changes or corrections to the candidate signature must be made by the candidate. Q: What is the number of evaluations completed in a 24hr period that causes an audit? A: There is no magic number. The auditor receives a report everyday showing how many evaluations were submitted by each evaluator. The auditor will take into account if the tasks were oral examination only or tasks that required observations as well. The time required for a candidate to perform an observation task varies with each task. Each task and/or combination of tasks will be reviewed individually. Q: How will I know if Veriforce rejects the evaluation paperwork I send in? A: Whenever evaluation paperwork is rejected, an email will be sent to the email address supplied by the evaluator when the QSF was created. Therefore, it is very important to list an email address that is checked regularly. Please note that until the qualification shows up in VeriSource, the candidate is not qualified on the task in question. The company administrator and evaluator of record can view rejected records in VeriSource by going to the Rejected ROEs page under the Internal Evaluators tab. Q: What is the auditor really looking for?

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A: Primarily three things: 1. Was the evaluation done in a one-on-one setting? 2. Did the evaluator follow the method of evaluation (particularly checking to make sure the

candidate actually performed the observation portion of the task)? 3. Did the evaluator include all of the evaluation criteria in the evaluation?


The integrity of the Veriforce process, and ultimately the Operator Qualification Program, depends on the quality and integrity of the individuals who function as Veriforce Evaluators.

Each evaluation should be conducted professionally. Evaluators should be courteous, conscientious, and generally friendly, but businesslike each time they conduct an evaluation.

Schedule each evaluation and be on time.

Speak clearly and only to the candidate.

Don’t discuss results of the evaluation with anyone not needing to know.

Eliminate any distractions to yourself or your candidate.

Never embarrass or humiliate the candidate. During the evaluation:

Turn off the cell phone and pay close attention to every move the candidate makes.

Do not visit with others.

Do not use body language that suggests you are in a hurry or bored, like tapping your foot or checking your watch for the time.

Sit if the candidate is sitting - stand if they are standing (if applicable). If you recognize that the candidate is extremely nervous:

Explain that everyone performing a covered task must be evaluated

Take a few minutes to visit with the candidate about something that interests him/her

Offer coffee or soda and a 10 minute break You can relieve a candidate’s anxiety if every evaluation is conducted objectively and consistently. Evaluators should be friendly yet steadfast in their role.


The Veriforce pipeline operators entrust you with the responsibility of determining if someone is qualified for a covered task.

The task of actually evaluating someone is not a difficult one but must be performed according to Veriforce policy and procedures. Primarily, all you have to do is:

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Perform each evaluation in a one-on-one setting

Follow the evaluation method located on the ROE

Use the criteria on the ROE

Submit the data in VeriSource

Fax or email the ROE to Veriforce If you have any questions about any part of the process, we encourage you to call us anytime at (800) 426-1604. You can ask to speak directly to the auditor or anyone here at Veriforce. We want to make evaluation as flawless as possible.