Operational Guidelines .. GO Ji 1 7

P "'•• Blue Mountains Region Wollemi National Park Fire Management Strategy (Type 2) 2015 Th is strateg y s ho u ld be us ed in conJunction with a.em1 I photograph y ::i nd field reconnaissance during incidents and the development of incident action plans. These doto J"C n ot gu<1ru1:ccd to be ircc from error or omss. cn. The Office of Environme nt ond Heritage NS\1\1 ond its empcyees dsdai rro iab l ily 'c,r 811\1 act d::ne en the infom:11on n the data a;dery corsequences :if suer acts.er omissio1is . The Pa·ks a1 1d Y\filclife Group is pa 1i o' t he Offi ce of E1w wnment a1 1::l Hcni tage ~J S'.N. This document is coo· )" right. 1\:xirt fro11 any fair dea li ng far the i:;urpose of stl.dy, research criticism or review, as permi tted lnder the co,:;,y rignt A.ct w pa rt ma·t be re produced by any pro~ess . ...,, j ti" out wr itte n pe1niss 1on. P Jbj ishcd by the Office o f Envi ronmcn'. and f-cri t a~c NSW, Da t e: Contact Parks & Wi ljlife Group . Blue lv1cunt ains Regi on . Level 1, 3~ 'Nh ton St Katoo11ba MSW 2870 . •1 0ffi~o, NsW Emlr<:mmen """""'" &Her/ta Endorsed by: PoStion. OEH N umb er: Last Upd a ted: This strategy is a relev ant Plan under Seetion 38 14) and Section 44 (3) of the Rural Fires Act 1 997. Date : I Dat um : Geoce ntric Datum of Au str ali a (GDA) 1994 Proj ect ion: Map Grid of Austra li a (MGA) Zone 56 Aerial Ph otog raphy: F lo w n in 200 5. Lo ng Intervals In te rmed iate In tervals f ire shou ld be avo ided 20 - 50yrs 20 - 10 0 yrs 1 0-25yrs 10-30 yrs 10 -40 yrs 5- 20y rs 5-40y rs 5- 50y rs 8-20 'IS Vegetation Fire Regimes 10 250 00::im.E " ·' ; I I ' . ,. . " ' . 0 'I \ ' ' ,. - 'I •""' . ' _v'Jal leraw ng 1 1 _Lithg w L__aLU ; ., .,. ; .. ' ·-~- :,. . Not Ap p lica b le C le ared , agri cu lt ure, p ine ,,) ' " ' > ~' 1 l·,_7 . , ,. '(_.} \ -~ Unkn own Not R ecorded 00 Seal<: 1 :2 50 , 000 0 ' 10km ' 250 00::im.E ' .\i ' \ 260 / . .._· .. :\_, '. ' ' 270 00Ctn. E Current Vegetation Status (Fire Thresholds) Vulnerable No Fira Regime Un known s · Pro/'ad from fire as far as ossible . The area will be Overburnt if 1 t bu rns 1his year Protect from fire as far as ossible F ire hi story is Within the thresh:il d for 11egetation in t his area . · A turn 15 neither required nor should one necessarily be avoided. Fi re frequ e ncy is b e low fir e thr esholds 1n the area . - A proscribed b1.,m may be advantageous. Consider allowing un farmed fires to bum. No r egime has been p1 escr i bed , for t he area and t heref o re no t hresholds have b een set. Insuffi ci ent data to de te r min e fire thr eshold . Sca le 1: 250 ,000 0 !'i 10 km 250 000111. E ,,. z § = !/ 10 '00 I . I ,, . 25o ooom.E 260 Bushfire Management Zones 250 0:l:lm. E 260 250 00::im .E , .. Sc a le 1:150,00D o 5km . 27oooom ,E 27oooom. E 270 000m E ~ 70 000m .E 6310 6300 z § = !/ 03 10 63 00 ESBURY l ~H H .s ingleton Cep noc CESSNOCK 4 OSFORO r~ ~sn M,- . R N ei,, 'I'., Fire Season Information W il dfir es Presc ri bed Bu rn i ng The statutor,· wi ld fi re season occurs between 1 October and 31~ Meroh. This may be e~tended if weather conditions lea d to increase d ~ re dijng,;,r outside of this nenod. P1escribt: d burning in this ij!e<l 1s mrma l ly unde11aken in Spring through to Autum n. Related Documents Nationa l Parks and S~r,ic;i Fire Ma nag ement Manual 2014-15 Wo l lemi NP Plan OfManagemen1 Cudgegong Bushfi re Risk Managem~nt Plan L~hgow Bo.: shfire Risk Management Plan Muswcllbrook Bushfi re Risk Management Plan H ·1,kc9bury Bushfire: Risk Management Plan Operational Guidelines Ref er to 0£B Fi re M:m age mer1t Manual Brief ~11 perso nnd i nvo\ vt,J in sl.lpprcssion operntions on the:: fol l owing issocs: G1 mc r~ I Guidel ines Aerial Water B om bi ng The use of bombi ng ai rcraf' shou ld support containme nt cpen:ir1on,; hy ;:,ggmsslvfl l~ an;:,cklng hot!'.pots anrt ,::;pot - overs T he use of bombi ng .1 1rc r ~:I'! without the support of gr cund based suppression cr ews should b£i limited to ven1 sp~iflc cir cumstances \II/here practicable foc1m shou!d be u~ed to inorec1se the effecti veness of the water. Ground c rews must be alerted to water bombing Backtmrnlng Comma nd & Co ntrol Co n ta in ment Li ne s Earthmoving Eq uip ment Fi re Ad v antage Reccrdi ng . Fire Suppressio n Chemi cals Reha bili tation Smo k4:! Managem ent Vi s it or Mana gem eflt . c s erat1 ons Tem pe rat ure and nu m1d1ty t rends must be mon, to r ed ca re fu ll y to determ in e the safest times to implement back- burns Genera lly, w hen the FOi 1s Very Hist, or greater, ba ckb uming should commence when the hum1d1 ty begins to nse 1n the l ate a~ rn oon or early e•1en 1ng. With a lower FD I backb um 1ng may be safely undertaken du ring tiie da\'. \i\lhcrc practicable, c! car a 1 m radius aro u nd dead and fi brous bari<ed trees edJ acent to conta in ment r r. es pnor to b.:1ckb umin2, or wet down these t: ees as pert of the backbum ignitiOll. Avoid 1 gnit1 on of back burns at the bottom of slopes wh e1e a Ion and intense u s lo e burn is l1 kel The first combatant agency on site may asst1 me control of the fi re, but t he n must ensure the releva nt land man agement age nc:y is notiii ed promptly. On the orril'al of other ccmb at::int '3genc ies, the ini fo l in ci dent controller wi ll consult with regard to the ongoi ng commend, oontrol e nd i ncident mc1 nagement tec1m re uirements es er the r elavc1 nt BFMC Plan of O erations. Constr uctivn of 1 1ew c or1ta i n11 1 e11t l ines >o hould be avoi dtid. whe re pract icable, ex ce pt where U·,e~ can be constru ce- :;l with minimal en· ;iro nmental impact New containment lines re quire the prior consent of a sen:c r NPWS officer Where practicable, conta inment li nes should be stabilised an d rehabilitat ed as part ot lhe w 1l dt1re suppression cp9ration. All containment lines not requ red for other purposes shou ld be cl osed at the cessot io n oi the incide nt. All p:;-;,;onncl in·,olvcd in containment line cc;nstruction should be briefed on both natursl e nd cultural heritage sites 1n the location. Earth moving eQ.J1pment may onl~ be used wi ~i the prior conse nt of a senior NPWS officer. and then only if the probabi li ty of its success is hi gh Earth1T, oving equipme nt must be al ways guided .i nd supen .l!sed by an experienced officer, .ind accompa ni ed by a sup port veh i c: le . Vl.'hen enga ged in di rect or p, .ra ll el attack this vah icle must be a firefighting \'ehicla. Conb in ment lines ccnstrucfod by earthmoving equipment ea hculd conside r the protection of drainage featur es, cbser~e the Th reatened Species and C ul tural Heritage Operafonal Gu i delin es. and be surveyed, where possible , by a person w ith cul 1'.J ral knowled ge to identify unknown cullur:.il h,:, ril <l gi:! ::;ili:!::; . Earthmoving equipment should be washed down. where racticable, rior to it enterin NP\NS estate. A ll fi re advani ~ges used during wi ldfire suppression cp9rat1ons must be mapped and where re l evant added to tho database Wetti ng and foam ing age nts (surfactantal are permitted for u:::;e in wildfire suppre:::;sion. The use of firn retil rdant is onl~ pe rn 11 tt.-:d ·Nilh the pnor cense r. I of the senior NPWS officer. and should be a,cided w he re re asona ble a lternatives are ava ilabl e. Exclude the use of surfacta nts and r etard ants w ithin 50m of r.i i nfo rest, wate rco urses, dams. swamps and K;irst areas. Ar e.,s wh,a, re fi te Suppression c:hemi¢co lS are U!l:ed must b,:, mappe d and t he u~ed products name re corded The Threatened Speo:es Operational G:.ideli nes are to be cbsor~od \II/here pract ica ble, containment l ine:, should be stab ili sed a r. d re habilitated as part oftn e w il dfire suppress i on c ernl io11. The potential impacts of smoke ~nd possible m1tig:mcn tllctics must be consi dered when plannin [J tor wildfire suppression and prescribed D..lrning operations. If smc ke becomes a hazard on local roads or highways, the pc lice and relevont media must be not,fied. Smoke manageme nt must be in ecoordance with relel'ant RTA traffic mane ement uidelines. T h,:, 1!:l,;er\ll:! ,na y bi:! ::l osed tu lhi:! pub li ,; Ju ri1 1;,i p,:,r i u<.I,; vr extreme tre da nge r or during w ilc' fi r1:1 -s uppression c erations. VVhere possible property owners with ass ets at 11sk from a Thre a te ned v11 ldfire event shou ld be kept fl formed r egarding the Pro per ty progress of the fi re : and as' <ed for an assessme nt of their cur,ent lavel of asset rotecfon re a redness. W il d fir 11 s Presc r ib ed Bu rning Cu r re nt FDR Low - Mod Fo re cas t FDR Low• Mod Strategy In formation ri1't' S<: ~son l nfomrn tion Hove been known to start JS oerly as late August, but usuJllythe potential for a large fire eve11t is gr c"tcst bet ween October end D=cmbcr. This p eriod may extend into January in more ::,evere yea~. General season is Autumn m late W ,r. ter. Burning 1s possible 1n early Spring but not desirable on a regu lar basis irom an ecolog i cal or tou rism point of 11i ew. Supp ression Strategies Undertake d1rnot. para l le l or indirect attack alo ng exi sting containment linea. V'ilhe re pra ct icable cons'der maxi mi sin g the ;I re area in accordanCE witn the requireme nts of any ro osed rescnbed burns l ow - Mod " ,. High • In order to minimise the fire area and secure the fienks as soon as possible, mdertake dire c~ μ e1ril ll i:! I or i11 direc:l .:1ll.ld. <llvng l hi:! c! C>oi:!Sl cont.i 1nme nt lines. Hig h Al All Pay particuleratto ntion to t he: fiank on the: nc: xt predicted d o"'n wi nd side. Underto~e indirect atbck olong e~isting or newly constm ~ted containment lines. Secure and deepe n containment li nes a!ong the next predic,ed downwind side oflhe fire If app l:cab le con:,ider br oader tha n normal conta in me nt stratei:i:e5 to avoid wa5ted effort and high ns: <offailu1e. En sure the re is suffic:ent time to secu re conta in me nt line:, p ri or to the fire i mpactin9 upon lh,:,m, ol hi:!rwi,;,:, f.i ll Wck to IJ- 1,:, 11e xl pcle 11tiill lin,:,. Fire Man ageme nt Zones The objective of APZs is t he protec1ion o/ human li fe and proper! '{ . Th is vvi ll h.:ive precedence over guide li ne:. for the m~nagi:!ment of b: odi;err.ity. M~intain Ove r oill Fuel Hazard at lv" .oderate or below. The: objective of SFAZs is lo reduce fire: int-~nsity across largc:r areas. M-l intain Overa ll Fuel Haz:ird :it High or bc:l cw , howc:ver adherence to guide l' nes fo r biodiversijy will t:ikc preoedencc: wh~re practical. The obJeOt 1 ve of LMZs i:, te> con:.erve b1od1ver ~11y and protect cultural and historic heritage. Man a~e fi re co n~islent wi th fire th reshokJs MAP LE GEN D B US H FI R E MANAG EMENT ZON ES D \\hllemi ~I P Fi re Msne gem ent Zo nes Ass ~, Frot ec- t, cn z one - ;;1rn1e gc r11e Managem€ nt lone Land i,1a 1agement Zona MA P LEGEND STRATEGIES Uf'WS Est~lc Woll em, ll P fJPVVS Area 5ounj ary 10m CM lr ,ir Roa <ls and Trai ls "-' Cot1 ., •• Cat7 "-' Ement.al "- lmportar t "- Dorman t .,.• .._.,. Walkm;i Trac k "- Uncl ass1' 1 @d Trail Roo<I• o nd Troils ""--" Ca l 1 Essential .,,,. Ca t7 l mportart •• c;a1 oorma nt , • .._,. '/\'al~mo unc1 ass1'1 eo n an r, ack Recen 1 Fire History E:?:a 20J 4 ·2 ,J 14 s,t a M anagamont {soo g ui <1 el 1no tab 1 .... ) 0 Visit or Area / F ac ii1i es <$} Threatened FropH!y 0 l\bon gma l ;;1te (A1 . A,. AJ) Historic S1·c (HG1, HG?, Thr eat ened Fl ora <&, Threat eneo Faun ~ Other Fi re Control Ad va ma~es \l'lalerPo,nt \lehiole water Point Hel l COP!EH @ Helipad l!J Turnins Po hl -\. J p'"'"'"""' " "' 20 47 ~I I 48 I .... -..+ oNOLLeJI ! TIONAJ. PAR~ ,ill ~---+~°"· I I , 18 -- r - I, A. R T 0 17 Ji 1' 14 1J - ,, 08 07 " " 02 01 99 98 97 " " .. 9J 92 ,, 0 '90 89 98 " >471 •• ~ E 48 ' 49 -~ ,.,... " " 49 ' ,, ' ' ' '" " ' ..j_ _I_ '1 •/ " I' +~ 1 ·1 I " "' ,- . "' ,, ' " • 1 ··•'' , .. " 56 \ I 56 " " r ' l WO '. S7 " Bushfire Risk Mana ement Strate ies " •• ·, " ' ---+---- , " .,. . .. j '" ' 61 ,. C V I ,,., ... + ' 61 62 ., , 63 64 20091;) 2009 10 - ·~ - ., 20,0·,c 2coo10 ,oog,o 20J 010 LLE I f>AF; 2l'lkJ10 G V le. - r ~ LLEl,IJ NAi•:<AL 'ARK ·, ' f 7 I I -+ -- 1 I " 66 ' ·- ( ,. j 201314 200607 ,; , I I · I _, c::l:':t ....... - ,,_ 62 I "' -~-+ 1 I WOLL \' ,, ,, --+· --f-- · --t- i 63 I 1- f. ' •. I I I .. ' I I ... . 64 -- . 201213 .. ., .... , " 66 67 ,,, -'• 67 " ' ~- . GO " " 1 ,, .. , .. ······· - r .. . ' J I "'~ - -- ,-,, .,. \ ' " " ' 7C , ' . 7 71 1, t I I, , 72 <8> I ,- j l ., / __ <.;;:_ . .I •' I --+- , 73 I ' I f I 74 " ,. " " ,. " " "' 20 0 ---+-~- " 17 16 .i 14 ' 'I ,.,, r 12 ,, ---t-- •• 10 ' 33"20'0 '"S ~. 07 " +-· .:. 04 -11 ..... " r / o" ,\~~~ 201213 l t1 r 1 - 1 t ! V 02 33"24'0US ' . ! '. J: - !e OW i:..N , •• oo • I , I +s-<·• -~ c.,.h.~ f I .... \- "- ..., - - "• ',_ ;,' ~ -, . '-\ .r I ' 7C J l 71 72 1 j I d j I 73 C ' ' +- --r 92 -, 91 ' "' 90 89 " ""' ",..,~'""'c a0 3P2 •0 . RAAF jT rai1 " Sca le 1: 50 ,0 0 0 0.5 2km " 74 75 ,. Agency Pos i tion I Location Phone Mobil9 Fax National f>ar ks & Wildlife Service RFS SES Erner enc Servicei;; Forei;;ts NSW Pnl ic.e Ambulanc.e Hos pita l Council Servke Re giDn3 1 Dut~ Offi cer (24 hour)• ask for Blue Mou ntains Re ion Dut Officer Blue Mountains Re ional Office Mud ee F. rea Mana Er - Mud ee Mud ee F.re a office Hawkesbu Are3 Mana er - Richmond Hawkesbu Are3 office U er Mountains rvea Mana r - Blac~heath U er Mountains . 11.rea Ott1 ce Hunter R;;n Area Mana er - B\A a Hunter Ran Office FIMS Fli ht O er~tions Unit Pa rk A1rl Mud ee FCC li:h ow District FCC Sin lcton FCC Wilberforce FCC Blue Mountains FCC Slate Air Des~ Slate O eration Cent re En-er enc Police Ambulance and Fi re Dubbo Office West Pe nn ant Hills Mud ee LAC Hunter LAC Chifle I.AC Hawkesbu LAC Slue Mc,un tains LAC Bo ok1n s Mud ee District Hos lal lstone District Hos ital Blue Mountains Hos ital Westmead Hos ·ta l Mid Western Re i ona l Counci l Hawkesbu Cit co,Jncil Li:h ow Cit Council Chan nel 9845 5555 47870094 4784 730J 6370 9001 6370 9000 4588240 1 4588240] 47873109 4/87 88 i'7 657 45555 65745555 989 56 444 87134900 6372 4434 63531862 5571 1577 45751601 4784 7444 0741 54] 1 1300677737 132 500 000 0841 4288 987201 11 63728599 65426999 &13 2 8629 4587 4009 4751 0299 131 23 3 63786222 6357811 1 47846500 53782850 45604444 63549999 04282 1 80 19 0428 475 880 0418 617 704 04182180 17 Loc:a1ion and Comments B ocobl e repeater - covers Mu dgee, Rylstone 478261 00 637090 10 4588 5335 4/ i:l i' 8514 65745274 9 39 5 6465 87134999 63726874 63523077 65711293 4S751475 4784 7461 fl741 5301 68844771 9871 694 1 6372 8511 6542 6811 633 2 86 11 4587 40 11 4751 0225 45877740 6351 4259 NPWS - VI-I F {F<E peate r) Vote BMR North 100 101 102 103 Cool ah Tops repeater - co•e~ Merri,,,a, Coolah, Northern Wolle mi Cork u dgy repeater - co1·er3 Ry lstone, 'Ncll emi NP NPWS - Vllf (Fireg-ound Simple)() Vote BMR South 110 111 401 402 403 411 Mt Tom ah Oocoble Coolah Top:, Co ncudgy M1 Toma h NPV'IS Portable: re eater 21 -26 131 -3€ Duplex I Simpl ex. Based at Blackheath- a~a1lable for helicopter ineert1on UHF - CB Choose chonncl on firc:groun:I Not fo r c.tratcgic oommuni~t ion. Most RFS vehicles and helico te rs have UHF . RFS Mobile Phone 3G Sa tellite Pho r. e Reso urce Al Determined and ad~ised b· IMT Lim ited - oo d co,·era e from hiQh eeks TEA 0 Aborin i nal Cultural Heritane Site Mananement Gu i de lin es . As fa r as p ossi b le protect si te fr om fir e, . Do not cut d own t rees . As far as possib le prot ec t site fr om fir e, A voi d a ll groun d d i stur b ance i ncl udin g th e us e o f e arth mov in g A2 machin er y, h and li ne construct io n a nd d rivi ng over sites, . Avoi d w at er b om bin g w h ic h m ay cause ground d ist u rba n ce. . Avoi d a ll gr oun d di stur b ance, . Avoi d w ater b om bin g, A3 . Site may be bu rnt by bush fir e, back-burn or pres crib ed bu rn without damage His toric Heritaae Mananement Res ou rce G ui de lin es As fa r as po ssi ble prot ect si te from fi r e, Avoid all e ro u nd dis turb ance HS / HSl in cl ud ing the use of ear thmo vi ng machi ne r·y, h an d li ne cons tructio n and d ri vi ng over s it es . Avoid w ate r b om bin g, wh ich may damage sit e . . As fo r c1 s p os sib le prot e ct 5itc fr om fir e, A void c1 II g round d is tu rb c1n cc HS, in cl uding the use of earthmovi ng machine r y, h andli ne cons truct io n and driving o ver sit es. Threatened Flora Fire Ecoloav Spe,,l f! S ?re.s,,rlptlnn Sped<!~ l' rP~cri ptlon Acacia bynoeana (El PB,7;MO Leionema sympetalum (Y) P6,7;M,0 Leucopogon fl et che n subsp. fletc hed Ma<ia gordonii {E) PB,7;M,0 ( E) PB,10,M,0 Arana puhr,<;ren~ l'li') PB,lO;M,O M ela lf' IJ/'.a rl!'Cnf'i (V ) PB,,~;M,0 Aucphyl lum Justra le N) PB,lS;M,0 , \-liucmy rtus bl akely1 (V) PB,7 ; M,0 PB,12,PB/J, Feb A ll oc asuari na EIM ei cola (~I PH. l;M,0 Olearia cordata (VI to May:M,0 Astcrol.1sia c:lcgJ, 1> [E) PB,7;M,O i' c: rsoonia acc:ros.i (V) PB,10;M,O Cvnonc hum ,:legons (El PB,O;M,0 i' 1:r~oo 11i o hirsuta (El P6,10:M .O D.irwinia pr-dun ~ulari., (V) PB, 7;M,O i' 1m~l!'a curv1flora var rnrviflora (V) PB,7 : M.O Dil lw~·nia tenuifolia IV] PB, 7;M,O i' imelea spicata (El PB,S; M,O E ucal"~tu s 50. Howe5 Swamo Creek IE\ "" ?omaderri5 brunnea I'll PB,10,M,O ?rn sta m hera rry f) tan rt mrd es su hsp. Gr ammitis stenophylla (E) PB,O;M,0 cryptandroide; (VI PB,7 ; M,0 Gre,·i ll ea eva 1 niana ('1'1 PB,7;M,0 ?ro:ta m he re ma rifolia (El "" Gyrostemon thesloide, (E) PB,O;M,O i' ul te>n aea gl;i b ra {V) PB,7 ; M,O Halor a godendrcn luc~>ii (E) P8, 7;M,0 ?ult en aea parviflora {El PB,l ; M,0 Kenne dia retrcrsa (Y ) PO,lO;M,O Svi:vgium paniculatum IV) PO,D: M,O Keiaudrenia coroll at a var. denticulata PIJ, /, Sl,U.< l m;·1 )E P) PB, 7;M,O ktr;ithc:c~ glc1ndu lo~c1 (\I) r,O;TR,O PB ,7;51.0,<lm;T Kun.:ea rupestris (Y) PS,lO;M,O Tetrathec3 juncea {V) r,O;TR,O Lasiooet.i lum iovceac (Vl rs, 1;M,O Vclleia oerfoliat;i (V) PB,S; M,0 Lilsl.reuJ)sb hiw 1 1.id iE) PB,O:M,O Zi eria irwuluuol o IE) PB,12 :M .O Thr eatened Fauna Fire Ec oloov s....,.;es Prescriclion Soecies Prescri ...ion Mel ithreptus gularls iu larls, Black - Anthochaer~ phryg1a , Regent chinned Honeyeater (eastern Honeyeater ([ ) '" subs~ecies} (VI "" tlotauru, po1cllopt1 1us, Mustr alrna n Mendolum c omeovire ns. C umberland Bittern {V} PS,6;M,O Pla;n Land Snai l (E} M,O PB,2;PB,0 ,A ug - Apr·LR,O;Tr,O; T Burhinus grJl!;irius, Bush Stone-curlew R,O;S l,0,Spri r. g- Mi ni cpte rus australio, Litt le Bentwing- 1,1 Aulu l!l n bill Nl Om RS Cal locephalon flmbriatum, l:iane-eane Min 1opterus sch re:bern1 oceanensi >, Coc~atoo (V) NR Eastern Bentwi ng-bat (VI "' Calyp tor hynch us lathami , Glossy Blad- PB,0,<lOOm Cockatoo (V) PB,0,/\C ;M,0,AC Mjxo phyes balbus, St utte ring FroE (E} S;M,0 Cerca rt et •Js na 11us, Eastern Pn;my- Mormopt erus 110rfolkemis, Easte rn possum (VJ M,0 f. reeta1 l-bat {V) M,U Chalinc lobu s dwyer i, La rge - ea red Pied Bal (V) PB ,O, RS:M,O, NS Mvut1, ITlilU UJ)US, Suulhern Myctis (V) "' Chthonicol a sag1ttata, Speckled Warbler Neophema pulchello, Tur c; uoise Porrot M NR (\I) "' Clima:teris picumnus vic tonee, Bro"'n Trccc rec:per {caotern subsp) (V} M,O Ninox conn111ons, Barking Owl ('II NS;M,O,NS Daphoenosit ta chrvsoptera. Varied Sittella (V) NR Nincx strenua, Powerlul Ow l (V) NS;M,O,N S Dasvurus maculatus, Spotted-tailed Quol l{VI " Petalu ra giga,i ted, Giant Dragonfly {E) FB,17;M,0 Eullmp ru 5 lcurJ cns is, Blue Mountain,; PctJu r u5 .Justrali>, Ycllow-bcllic:d Glider Water ski11 k (E) PB .23;M,0 M "' Fa l1istre ll u1 to1man1 Ens 1 s, Eastern False Petaurus rie r1olcensi 1, Sq u ir r el Gli der Pipi>trelle I\ ') PB,0,H; TR,0 1\') M,0 Petrogale penicillata, Brush-tailed Roc k- Glossopsitta pusilla, Li tt le Lorikeet N) " wall~by (E } M,0 Grantiella picrn, Painted Honeyeater (V) "" Petroica boodang, Scarlet Robin (VJ "" Ha miroslrci melanosternon, ~lad - brms t cd BunJ rd (V) "" Petroic;, phoc:niceJ, FIJme Robin IV) "' Heleioporus australiaLU s, Giant Burrowing Frog (VJ PS,l;M,O Phascolarctos cinereus, Ko ala (V) "' Pomato,tomus ten1 por alis te mpor ol 1 s, Hl r>r~ae tu ,; morphnnlrlr-,, Litt le E~5lr> Grey-r rown~d Bahhler {i,a,;tem ,; 11b,;p_) (VI NR (V) M,O Huμ!uleμhalus bunl(oruid,:,, , Bi odd· P, emluphryn i:! au sl. roli~. R~d-lrUMii:! d PB,0 , dS;PB,D, oE headed ~nake IE) M,O Toadlet (V ,I ;M, lredipam, galli nacea, Com b-c restEd r, eropus pc li oce ph alus, Grev-headed J acana (VJ "" FMn~ -f o~ {\') PB. O,RS;M.O, RS Scoteanax rueppellii, Greater Broad- lxobryc hus flavicol l is, Bl ad Bittern IV) PB ,7; M,O nosed Ba t (Y) "" Staeonopletira guttata, Lliamond H relail Lothamus discolor, Swift Par rot (E) NR (V) M,0 Lltorla aurea, Green and Golden Bell P8,0,<50m Frog (E) Vl;M,O Stictonetta naevosa, Freckled Duck (V) "" Litoria booroolongerisis, Booroolong PB ,O, s;lOO m Frog(E) S:M,O rvrn nnvaeholl~nd1 ae, Ma ,; ked Owl (V) PB,O,NS;M,O Litoria l ittlejohn 1 , Llttlejohn's Tree Frog rs,0,<20Dm M L:M,O T'!W \eriebricosa, Sooty Owl (V) P6,0,N5;M,0 'Ja r ~n us rosenbe rgi, Rosenberg'! Lophoictinia isura, Square-tailed Ki te (V) NR Goa n na "' Melanodryas cucu llata cucullata. 'Jespadelus troughton 1 , Eastern Cave Hooded Robin (south- ea st ern form! (V} "" B;t (V) "' Pre$Criptian Code(Bus; ti l r11 E n1iron11111 rd llllA$$ eUmant CodeThre:IWMd Sp u:ie,Gu idelinu N SW Fl ~S 20U) COO e: XX.XX.XX Defi nil il m; A~tivitv , FreqJem:y, Restrin ior1s Exo m pl e, PB,10,>20mW; M,0,<50m RS ' Prrsn1 be d Burn. Minimum Pl.' ery 10 years >20m from watE'f ' Me::ha nica I work., Never. <SOm ot a roost iite O.rtiviti P~ i,r,:,,;tr irlinn<; Cod, D!!>cription '"'' De5Cr iplion '"'' .Des.:ript,On ee Prescribed Bum aln refixl Adjacent ' Eohemeral Water Course M Mech:l !l cal Reduc.tlo n L Kn ow Location R River $1 Sla,hini, RS Roo,t Sit~ w Water Bo d,. , T, f rittering NS Nesti ng Site Sw Swamp TIS Tr ee Removal H Hollows MGH Moist Gra s11, HablUts '" L og Remov;il ' Stre;im " Allnc;iouarina Th,cket Othe• "' Nct Rewrded { ~~ecies r mt include d in BEAC) I "' I Not Spe cified . no pre~riplic n~ defin ed in Bc.l\C

Transcript of Operational Guidelines .. GO Ji 1 7

Page 1: Operational Guidelines .. GO Ji 1 7



Blue Mountains Region Wollemi National Park

Fire Management Strategy (Type 2) 2015

This strategy s hould be used in conJunction with a.em1I photography ::ind field reconnaissance during incidents and the development of incident action plans.

These doto J"C not gu<1ru1:ccd to be ircc from error or omss.cn. The Office of Environme nt ond Heritage NS\1\1 ond its empcyees dsdairro iablily 'c,r 811\1 act d::ne en the info•m:11on n the data a;dery corsequences :if suer acts.er

omissio1is. The Pa·ks a11d Y\filclife Group is pa 1i o' the Office of E1w w nment a11::l Hcnitage ~JS'.N.

This document is coo·)"right. 1\:xirt fro11 any fa ir dealing far the i:;urpose of stl.dy , research cr iticism or review, as permitted lnder the co,:;,y rignt A.ct w pa rt ma·t be re produced by any pro~ess . ...,,jti" out writte n


P Jbjis hcd by t he Office o f Environmcn'. and f-crit a~c NSW, Date:

Contact Parks & W i ljlife Group . B lue lv1cunt ains Region . Level 1, 3~ 'Nh ton St Katoo11ba MSW 2870 .

• 10ffi~o, NsW Emlr<:mmen """""'" &Her/ta

Endorsed by:


OEH N umbe r: Last Updated:

This strategy is a relevant Plan under Seetion 38 14) and Section 44 (3) of the Rural Fires Act 1 997.

Date : I

Dat um : Geocentric Datum of Australi a (G DA) 1994 Projection : Map Grid of Australia (MGA) Zone 56

A erial P h otog ra p h y :

F lo w n in 2005.

L ong


Inter m e d iate

In tervals

f ire should be avoided

20 - 50yrs

20 - 100 yrs

10-25yrs 10-30 yrs 10 -40 yrs

5 - 20yrs 5-40yrs 5 - 50yrs 8-20 'IS

Vegetation Fire Regimes



" ·' ; I


' .

,. .· .

" ' .


'I \ '

• '

,. - ' I •""' .


_v'Jal leraw ng

1 1 _Lithg w


; .,

.,. ;

.. '

·-~- :,. .

Not App lica b le

C leared, ag ricu lture, p ine

,,) ' " ' > ~' 1 l·,_7 . , ,.

'(_.} \ -~

Unknown Not R ecorded 00

Seal<: 1 :250 ,000

0 ' 10km

' 25000::im.E

' .\i ' '· \



. .._· .. :\_, ' .

' '

270 00Ctn. E

Current Vegetation Status (Fire Thresholds)

Vu lnerable

No Fira Reg ime

Un known


· Pro/'ad from fire as far as ossible.

The a rea will be Overburnt if 1t bu rns 1his year • Protect from fire as far as ossible

F ire history is Within th e thresh:ild

for 11egetation in t his area. · A turn 15 neither required nor should one necessarily be avoided. Fi re frequ ency is b e low fire th resholds 1n the area . - A proscribed b1.,m may be advantageous. Consider allowing un fa rmed fires to bum.

No regime has been p1escr ibed , for t he area and t herefo re no

thresholds have been set.

Insuffi cient data t o d etermin e fire

th reshold .

S ca le 1:250 ,000

0 !'i 10 km

250 000111. E ,,. z

§ = !/



I . I ,,.

25oooom.E 260

Bushfire Management Zones

2500:l:lm. E 260

25000::im .E , .. Sca le 1 :150,00D

o 5km . •

27oooom ,E

27oooom. E

270000m E

~70000m .E




§ = !/

03 10



l~H H

.s ingleton



4 OSFOROr~~sn M,- .

R N ei,, 'I'.,

Fire Season Information

W ild f i res

P resc ri bed Burn i ng

The statutor,· wild fi re season occurs between 1 ~ October and 31~ Meroh. This may be e~tended if weather conditions lead to increase d ~re dijng,;,r outside of this nenod.

P1escribt:d burning in this ij!e<l 1s mrma lly unde11aken in Spring through to Autumn.

Related Documents

• Nationa l Parks and lf✓i d lifa S~r,ic;i Fire Ma nag ement Manual 2014-15

• Wo llemi NP Plan OfManagemen1 • Cudgegong Bushfire Risk

Managem~nt Plan • L~hgow Bo.: shfire Risk Management

Plan Muswcllbrook Bushfire Risk Management Plan H• ·1,kc9bury Bushfire: Risk Management Plan

Operational Guidelines Refer to 0£B Fire M:m agemer1t Manual

Brief ~11 personnd invo\vt,J in sl.lpprcssion operntions on the:: fol lowing issocs:

G1mcr~ I Guidelines

Ae rial Water • Bom bing

The use of bombi ng aircraf' should support containme nt cpen:ir1on,; hy ;:,ggmsslvfl l~ an;:,cklng hot!'.pots anrt ,::;pot­overs The use of bombing .11rcr~:I'! without the support of g rcund based suppression c rews should b£i limited to ven1 sp~iflc c ircumstances \II/here practicable foc1m shou!d be u~ed to inorec1se the effectiveness of the water.

• Ground c rews must be alerted to water bombing

Backtm rnlng

Command & Contro l

Co ntainment Lines

Earthmoving Equipment

Fire Advantage Reccrdi ng


Fire Suppression •

Chemi cals

Reha bi li tation

Smo k4:! Man agement

Vis ito r Managemeflt


c serat1ons Temperature and nu m1d1ty trends must be mon,tored ca refu lly to determ ine the safest times to implement back­burns Genera lly, w hen the FOi 1s Very Hist, or greater, backb uming should commence when the hum1d1ty begins to nse 1n the late a~ rnoon or early e•1en 1ng. With a lower FD I backb um1ng may be safely undertaken during tiie da\'. \i\lhcrc practica ble, c!car a 1 m radius around dead and fi brous bari<ed trees edJacent to conta inment r r.es pnor to b.:1ckb umin2 , or wet down these t:ees as pert of the backb um ignitiOll. Avoid 1gnit1on of backburns at the bottom of slopes whe1e a Ion and intense u s lo e burn is l1 kel The first combatant agency on site may asst1me control of the fi re, but the n must ensure the releva nt land management agenc:y is notiii ed promptly. On the orril'a l of othe r ccmbat::int '3genc ies, the inifo l incident control ler w ill consult w ith regard to the ongo ing commend, oontrol e nd incident mc1nagement tec1m re uirements es er the relavc1nt BFMC Plan of O erations. Constr uctivn of 11ew cor1ta in11 1e11t l ines >o hould be avo idtid. w he re practicable , ex ce pt w here U·,e~ can be construce-:;l w ith minimal en·;ironmental impact New contain ment lines require the prior co nsent of a sen:c r NPWS officer Where practica ble, conta inment lines should be stab ilised an d rehabil itat ed as part ot lhe w 1l dt1re suppression c p9ration. A ll co ntainment l ines not requ red for other purposes should be c losed at the cessotio n oi the incide nt. A ll p :;-;,;onncl in·,olvcd in containment line cc;nstruction should be briefed on both naturs l e nd cultural her itage sites 1n the location. Earthmoving eQ.J1pment may onl~ be used wi ~i th e prior conse nt of a senior NPWS office r. and then only if the probabilit y of its success is high Earth1T,oving equipment must be always guided .ind supen.l!sed by an experienced officer, .ind accompanied by a support veh ic:le . Vl.'hen engaged in direct or p,.ralle l attack this vahicle m ust be a firefighting \'ehicla. Conb inment lines ccnstrucfod by earthmoving equipment ea hculd consider the protection of drainage fea tures, cbser~e the Threate ned Species and Cultural Heritage Operafonal Guidelines. and be surveyed, where poss ible, by a person w ith cul1'.Jral knowledge to identify un known cullur:.i l h,:,ril<l gi:! ::;ili:!::;. Earthmoving equipment should be washed down. where

racticable, rior to it enterin NP\NS estate . A ll fi re advani ~ges used during wi ldfire suppression cp9rat1ons must be mapped and where re levant added to tho database Wetting and foaming age nts (surfactantal are permitted for u:::;e in wildfire suppre:::;sion. The use of firn retil rdant is onl~ pe rn11tt.-:d ·Nilh the pnor cense r.I of the senio r NPWS officer. and should be a,cided w here reasona ble a lternatives are avai lable. Exclude the use of surfactants and retard ants w ithin 50m of r.i inforest, wate rco urses, dams. swamps and K;irst areas. A re.,s wh,a,re fi te Suppression c:hemi¢co lS are U!l:ed must b,:, mapped and the u~ed products nam e re corded The Threa tened Speo:es Operational G:.i delines are to be cbsor~od \II/here practicable, containment line:, should be stab ili sed a r.d re habilitat ed as part oftne w il dfire suppression c ernlio11. The potential impacts of smoke ~nd possible m1tig:mcn tllctics must be cons idered when plannin[J tor w ildfire suppression and prescribed D..lrning operations. If smc ke becomes a hazard on local roa ds or highways, the pc lice and relevont media must be not,fied. Smoke manageme nt must be in ecoordance w ith re lel'ant RTA traffic mane ement uidelines. T h,:, 1!:l,;er\ll:! ,nay bi:! ::losed tu lhi:! publi ,; Juri11;,i p,:,r iu<.I,; vr extreme tre da nger or during w ilc'fi r1:1 -suppression c erations.

• VVhe re p ossible property owners with assets at 11sk from a Thre atened v11 ldfire event shou ld be kept flformed regarding the

Property progress of the fi re : and as'<ed fo r an assessment of their cur,ent lavel of asset rotecfon re a redness.

W il dfir11s

Prescr ibed Bu rning

Cur rent FDR

Low - Mod

Fo recast FDR Low• Mod

Strategy Information

ri1't' S<: ~son l nfomrn tion

• Hove been known to start JS oerly as late August , but usuJ llythe potentia l for a large fire eve11t is grc"tcst between October end D=cmbcr. This period may extend into January in more ::,evere yea~.

• General season is Autumn m late W ,r.ter. Burning 1s possible 1n early Spring but not desirable on a regular basis irom an ecological or tou rism point of 11iew.

Supp ression Strategies

Undertake d1rnot. para lle l or indirect attack along existing co ntainment linea.

• V'ilhere practicable cons'de r ma ximisin g the ;I re area in accordanCE witn the requireme nts of any

ro osed rescnbed burns

l ow - Mod " ,. High • In order to minimise the fire area and secure the fienks as soon as possible, mdertake direc~ µe1ril ll i:! I or i11direc:l .:1ll.ld. <llvng lhi:! c!C>oi:!Sl cont.i 1nme nt lines.

Hig h

Al All

• Pay particuleratto ntion to the: fiank on the: nc:xt predicted do"'n wi nd side.

• Underto~e ind irect atbck olong e~isting or newly constm~ted conta inment lines.

• Secure and deepen containment li nes a!ong the next predic,ed downwind side oflhe fi re

• If appl:cab le con:,ider broader tha n normal conta inme nt stratei:i :e5 to avoid wa5ted effort and high ns:<offailu1e.

• Ensure the re is suffic:ent t ime to secure conta inme nt line:, prior to the fire impactin9 upon lh,:,m, ol hi:!rwi,;,:, f.i ll Wck to IJ- 1,:, 11e xl pcle11tiill lin,:,.

Fire Ma nagement Zones

The object ive of APZs is the protec1ion o/ human life and proper! '{ . This vvi ll h.:ive precedence over guideli ne:. for the m~nagi:!ment of b:odi;err.ity. M~intain Ove roill Fuel Hazard at lv".oderate or below.

The: objective of SFAZs is lo reduce fire: int-~nsity across largc:r areas. M-lintain Overa ll Fuel Haz:ird :it High or bc:lcw, howc:ver

adherence to guidel'nes fo r biodiversijy will t:ikc preoedencc: wh~re practical.

The obJeOt 1ve of LMZs i:, te> con:.erve b1od1ver~11y and protect cultural and historic heritage.

Man a~e fi re co n~islent with fire th reshokJs


D \\hllemi ~I P

Fi re M s negem ent Zone s

• Ass ~, Frotec-t,cn z one

- ;;1rn1egc r11e Managem€ nt lone

• Land i,1a1agement Zona


Uf'WS Est~lc

• Wollem, ll P

fJPVVS Area 5ounjary

10m CM lr ,ir

Roa<ls and Trai ls

"-' Cot1

., •• Cat7

"-' Ement.al

"- lmportar t

"- Dormant

.,. • .._.,. Wa lkm;i Trac k

"- Uncl ass1' 1@d Trail

Roo<I• o nd Troi ls

""--" Ca l 1 ~ Essential

.,,,. Ca t7 ~ lmportart

• •• c;a1 ~ ~ oormant

, • .._,. '/\'al~mo ~ unc1ass1'1eo n an r,ack

Recen 1 Fire History

E:?:a 20J4 ·2,J 14

s ,t a M anagamont {soo g ui <1 el1no tab 1 .... )

0 Visitor Area / Facii1ies

<$} Threatened FropH!y

0 l\bongmal ;;1te (A1 . A,. AJ)

~ Historic S1·c (HG1, HG?,

~ Threatened Flora

<&, Threateneo Faun~

Other Fire Control Ad vama~es

~ \l'lalerPo,nt \lehiole

~ w ater Point Hel lCOP!EH

@ Helipad

l!J Turnins Pohl

-\. J p'"'"'"""'




~I I




~ oNOLLeJI ! TIONAJ. PAR~ ,ill



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r -I, A. R T 0


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S7 "

Bushfire Risk Mana ement Strate ies


•• ·,




• , " .,. . ..







I,,., ...







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2coo10 ,oog,o

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""'",..,~'""'ca03P2•0. RAAF jTrai1 "

Sca le 1 :50 ,0 00

0.5 2km


74 75 ,.

Agency Posi tion I Location Phone Mobi l9 Fax

National f>arks & Wildl ife Service


SES Erner enc Servicei;;

Forei;;ts NSW



Hospita l



RegiDn3 1 Dut~ Officer (24 hour)• ask for Blue Mountains Re ion Dut Officer Blue Mountains Re ional Office Mud ee F.rea Mana Er - Mud ee Mud ee F.rea office Hawkesbu Are3 Mana er - Richmond Hawkesbu Are3 office U er Mou ntains rvea Mana r - Blac~heath U er Mountains .11.rea Ott1ce Hunter R;;n Area Mana er - B\A a Hunter Ran Office FIMS Fli ht O er~tions Unit Pa rk A1rl Mud ee FCC li:h ow District FCC Sin lcton FCC Wilberforce FCC Blue Mountains FCC Slate Air Des~ Slate O eration Centre En-er enc Pol ice Ambulance and Fire Dubbo Office West Pe nnant Hills Mud ee LAC Hunter LAC Chifle I.AC

Hawkesbu LAC Slue Mc,un tains LAC Book1n s Mud ee District Hos lal R· lstone District Hos ital Blue Mountains Hos ital Westmead Hos ·tal Mid Western Re iona l Counci l Hawkesbu Cit co,Jncil Li:h ow Cit Council


9845 5555


4784 730J 6370 9001 6370 9000 45882401 4588240] 47873109 4 / 8 7 88i'7 65745555 65745555 98956444 87134900 6372 4434 63531862 5571 1577 45751601 4784 7444 0741 54]1 1300677737 132 500 000 0841 4288 987201 11 63728599 65426999 &132 8629 4587 4009 4751 0299 131 233 63786222 6357811 1 47846500

53782850 45604444 63549999


0428 475 880

0418 617 704


Loc:a1ion and Comments

Bocoble repea ter - covers Mudgee, Rylstone


637090 10

4588 5335

4/ i:l i' 8514

65745274 9395 6465 87134999 63726874 63523077 65711293 4S751475 4784 7461 fl741 5301

68844771 9871 6941 6372 8511 6542 6811 6332 8611 4587 4011 4751 0225

45877740 6351 4259

NPWS - VI-I F {F<E peate r)

Vote BMR North 100 101 102 103

Coo l ah T ops repeater - co•e~ Merri,,,a, Coolah , Northern Wolle mi Corkudgy repeater - co1·er3 Rylstone, 'Ncllemi NP

NPWS - Vllf (Fireg-ound Simple)()

Vote BMR South 110 111 401 402 403 411

Mt Tomah

Oocoble Coolah Top:, Concudgy M1 Toma h

NPV'IS Portable: re eater

21 -26 131 -3€ Duplex I Simplex. Based at Blackheath-a~a1lable for helicopter ineert1on

UHF - CB Choose chonncl on firc:groun:I Not fo r c.tratcgic oommuni~tion. Most RFS vehicles and helico ters have UHF .

RFS Mobile Phone 3G

Sa tel lite Phor.e



Determined and ad~ised b· IMT Limited - ood co,·era e from hiQh eeks TEA

0 Aborininal Cultural Heritane Site Mananement Gui delines

. As fa r a s p ossi b le protect si t e fro m fire, . Do not cut d own t rees . As far as possi b le protect site from f ire,

• Avoid a ll groun d d isturbance including the use o f eart h moving A2

machinery, h and l ine construct io n and d rivi n g over sites, . Avoid w at er bom bing w h ich may cause ground d ist u rba n ce. . Avoid a ll g r oun d disturbance, . Avoid w ater bom bing, A3 . Site may be b u rnt by bushf i re, back-burn o r pres cribe d bu rn w it h o ut


~ Historic Heritaae Mananement Resource G uidelines

• As fa r a s p o ssi ble protect si t e from fi re, Avoid a l l e rou nd d isturban ce

HS / HSl incl udin g the use of ea r thmo vi n g machi ner·y, hand line co n structio n

an d d ri v i ng over s ites . Avo id w ater b om b in g, which may damage

sit e .

. As fo r c1 s poss ib le protect 5i t c from fire, Avoid c1 II ground d istu r b c1ncc

HS, in cl u d in g the use o f earthmovin g machinery, handli n e constructio n

an d d r iv i n g o ver sit es.

Threatened Flora Fire Ecoloav Spe,,lf!S ?re.s,,rlptlnn Sped<!~ l' rP~criptlon

Acacia bynoeana (El PB,7;MO Leionema sympetalum (Y) P6,7;M,0

Leucopogon fl etche n subsp. fletc hed Ma<ia gordonii {E) PB,7;M,0 ( E) PB,10,M,0

Arana puhr,<;ren~ l'li') PB,lO;M,O M ela lf' IJ/'.a rl!'Cnf'i (V) PB,,~;M,0

Aucphyl lum Justra le N) PB,lS;M,0 ,\-liucmyrtus blakely1 (V) PB,7;M,0

PB,12,PB/J,Feb A ll ocasuarina EIMeicola (~I PH. l;M,0 Olearia cordata (VI to May:M,0

Astcrol.1sia c:lcgJ,1> [E) PB,7;M,O i'c:rsoonia acc:ros.i (V) PB,10;M,O

Cvnonchum ,: legons (El PB,O;M,0 i'1:r~oo11i o hirsuta (El P6,10:M.O

D.irwinia pr-dun ~ulari., (V) PB, 7;M,O i'1m~l!'a curv1flora var rnrviflora (V) PB,7:M.O

Dil lw~·nia tenuifolia IV] PB, 7;M,O i' ime lea spicata (El PB,S;M,O

Eucal"~tus 50. Howe5 Swamo Creek IE\ "" ?omaderri5 brunnea I'll PB,10,M,O ?rnstam hera rry f)tanrtmrdes suhsp.

Grammitis stenophylla (E) PB,O;M,0 cryptandroide; (VI PB,7;M,0

Gre,·i llea eva 1niana ('1'1 PB,7;M,0 ?ro:tam he re ma rifolia (El "" Gyrostemon thesloide, (E) PB,O;M,O i'u lte>n aea gl;i bra {V) PB,7;M,O

Halor agodendrcn luc~>ii (E) P8,7;M,0 ?u lt en aea parviflora {El PB,l;M,0

Kennedia retrcrsa (Y) PO,lO;M,O Svi:vgium paniculatum IV) PO,D:M,O

Keiaudrenia coroll ata var. denticulata PIJ, / ,Sl,U.<l m;·1

)EP) PB, 7;M,O ktr;ithc:c~ glc1ndu lo~c1 (\I) r,O;TR,O


Kun.:ea rupestris (Y) PS,lO;M,O Tet rathec3 juncea {V) r,O;TR,O

Lasiooet.i lum iovceac (Vl rs, 1;M,O Vclleia oerfoliat;i (V) PB,S;M,0

Lilsl.reuJ)sb hiw 11.id iE) PB,O:M,O Zieria irwuluuolo IE) PB,12 :M .O

Threatened Fauna Fire Ecoloov s....,.;es Prescriclion Soecies Prescri ... ion

Melith reptus gularls iularls, Black -Anthochaer~ phryg1a, Regent chinned Honeyeat er (eastern

Honeyeater ([ ) '" subs~ecies} (VI "" tlotauru, po1cllopt11us, Mustralrna n Mendolum comeovirens. Cumberland Bittern {V} PS,6;M,O Pla;n Land Snail (E} M,O

PB,2;PB,0,A ug-Apr ·LR,O;Tr,O;T

Burhinus grJ l!;irius, Bush Stone-curlew R,O;S l,0,Sprir.g- Mi nicpte rus austra lio, Litt le Bentwing- FB,0,RS; l✓.,0 , <5

1,1 Aulul!ln bill Nl Om RS

Cal locephalon flmbriatum, l:iane-eane Min 1opterus schre:bern1 oceanensi>,

Coc~atoo (V) NR Eastern Bentwing-bat (VI "' Calyp torhynch us lathami, Glossy Blad- PB,0,<lOOm Cockatoo (V) PB,0,/\C;M,0,AC Mjxo phyes balbus, St utte ring FroE (E} S;M,0

Cerca rt et •Js na11us, Eastern Pn;my- Mormopterus 110rfo lkemis, Easte rn

possum (VJ M,0 f. reeta1l-bat {V) M,U

Chalinc lobu s dwyeri, La rge-ea red Pied Bal (V) PB,O,RS:M,O,NS Mvut1, ITlilU UJ)US, Suulhern Myctis (V) "' Chthonicol a sag1ttata, Speckled Warbler Neophema pu lchello, Turc;uoise Porrot

M NR (\I) "' Clima:teris pic umnus victonee, Bro"'n

Trccc rec:per {caotern subsp) (V} M,O Ninox conn111ons, Barking Owl ('II NS;M,O,NS

Daphoenosit ta chrvsoptera. Varied Si ttella (V) NR Nincx strenua, Powerlul Ow l (V) NS;M,O,N S

Dasvurus maculatus, Spotted-tailed Quoll{VI " Petalu ra giga,i ted, Giant Dragonfly {E) FB,17;M,0

Eullmp ru 5 lcurJcns is, Blue Mountain,; PctJu ru5 .Justrali>, Ycl low-bcllic:d Glider

Wate r ski11 k (E) PB .23;M,0 M "' Fa l1istre ll u1 to1man1Ens 1s, Eastern False Petaurus rie r1olcensi1, Squirrel Gli der Pipi>trelle I\') PB,0,H;TR,0 1\') M,0

Petrogale penicillata, Brush-tailed Roc k-

Glossopsitta pusilla, Litt le Lorikeet N) " wall~by (E} M,0

Grantie lla picrn, Painted Honeyeater (V) "" Petroica boodang, Scarlet Robin (VJ "" Ha miroslrci melanosternon, ~lad-brmstcd BunJrd (V) "" Petroic;, phoc:niceJ, FIJme Robin IV) "' Heleiopor us australiaLU s, Giant

Burrowing Frog (VJ PS,l;M,O Phascolarctos cinereus, Koala (V) "' Pomato,tomus ten1poralis temporol1s, Hlr>r~ae tu,; morphnnlrlr-,, Litt le E~5lr> Grey-r rown~d Bahhler {i,a,;tem ,;11b,;p_)

(VI NR (V) M,O

Huµ!uleµhalus bunl(oruid,:,, , Bi odd· P, emluphryni:! ausl. roli~. R~d-lrUMii:! d PB,0,dS;PB,D,oE headed ~nake IE) M,O Toadlet (V,I ;M,• lredipam, galli nacea, Com b-c restEd r,eropus pclioce phalus, Grev-headed Jacana (VJ "" FMn~-fo~ {\') PB.O,RS;M.O,RS

Scoteanax rueppell ii , Greater Broad-

lxobrychus flavicol lis, Blad Bittern IV) PB,7;M,O nosed Bat (Y) "" Staeonopletira guttata, Lliamond H relail Lothamus disco lor, Swif t Parrot (E) NR (V) M,0

Lltorla aurea, Green and Golden Bell P8,0,<50m

Frog (E) Vl;M,O Stictonetta naevosa, Freckled Duck (V) "" Litoria boo roolongerisis, Booroolong PB,O,s;lOO m Frog(E) S:M,O rvrn nnvaeholl~nd1ae, Ma ,;ked Owl (V) PB,O,NS;M,O

Litoria littlejohn1, Lltt lejohn's Tree Frog rs,0,<20Dm

M L:M,O T'!W \eriebricosa, Sooty Owl (V) P6,0,N5;M,0

'Jar~nus rosenbe rgi, Rosenberg'!

Lophoictinia isura, Square-tai led Kite (V) NR Goa nna ('✓) "' Melanodryas cucu llata cucullata. 'Jespadelus troughton 1, Eastern Cave Hooded Robin (south-east ern form! (V} "" B;t (V) "' Pre$Cr ipti an Code(Bus; til r11 En1iron11111 rd llllA$$eUmant Code Thre:IWMd Spu:ie,Guidel inu NSW Fl~S 20U)

COO e: XX.XX.XX Defi nililm; A~tiv itv , FreqJem:y, Restri n io r1s

Exom ple , PB,10,>20mW; M,0,<50m RS

' Prrsn1 bed Burn. Minimum Pl.' ery 10 years >20m from watE'f

' Me::ha nica I work., Never. <SOm ot a roost iite

O.rtivitiP~ i,r,:,,;tr irlinn<;

Cod, D!!>cription '"'' De5Cr iplion '"'' .Des.:ript,On

ee Prescribed Bum alnrefixl Adjacent ' Eohemeral Water Course

M Mech:l !l cal Reduc.tlo n L Know Location R River

$1 Sla,hini, RS Roo, t Sit~ w Water Bod,.,

T, f rittering NS Nesti ng Site Sw Swamp

TIS Tree Removal H Hollows MGH Moist Gras11, HablUts

'" Log Remov;i l ' St re;im " Allnc;iouarina Th,cket


"' Nct Rewrded {~~ecies rmt include d in BEAC) I "' I Not Specified . no pre~riplic n~ defin ed in Bc.l\C