operating support system

Management Information System Operating Support System

Transcript of operating support system

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Management Information System

Operating Support System

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Management Information System

TOPIC:Operating Support System

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Presented to: Ma’am Maria Shahid

Presented by: Aqsa NawabRabia yahyaIram shahzadiFarhatIqra

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Is a set of programs that help a communications service provider for monitor, control, analyze and manage a telephone or computer network.

Network planners, service designers, operations, architects and engineering teams in the service provider.


Used By

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Basic objective of these systems is to improve the operational efficiency of the enterprise. As these systems are concerned primarily with operations, they use internal data primarily for managers at the lower levels.

Digital Subscriber Line Technologies (xDSL), Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), 3G mobile communication systems, Next Generation Network (NGN) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), has brought telecommunications operators with new business opportunities as well as challenges of network reform. In the process of network reform, the Operations Support Systems (OSS) of the telecommunications operators is facing structure adjustment and construction of new systems. A new OSS adaptable to the new network cannot be built without the guidance of related specifications and standards.

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Before about 1970, many OSS activities were performed by manual administrative processes. However, it became obvious that much of this activity could be replaced by computers. In the next 5 years or so, the telephone companies created a number of computer systems (or software applications) which automated much of this activity. This was one of the driving factors for the development of the Unix operating system and the C programming language. The Bell System purchased their own product line of PDP-11 computers from Digital Equipment Corporation for a variety of OSS applications. Due to change in technology, the focus for the next few years is to create automated, cheap and simple OSS integration.

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Functions of OSS

An OSS covers at least the following five functions: Network management systems Service delivery Service fulfillment, including the network inventory, activation and provisioning Service assurance Customer care

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Advantages of OSS

Support communications Support Collaborations. Control industrial processes. Savings through processes redesign Savings through processes integration Maintenance cost reduction implementing an integrated solution instead of multiple not integrated tools. Efficiently process business transactions. Update corporate data base. Centralized data repository for strategic decisions Competitive advantage through the ability of adapt business easier and faster.

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Types of OSS

Classified into the following categories: a. Transaction Processing Systems b. Process control system c. Enterprise collaboration system d. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems.

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Transaction Processing Systems


A transaction process system (TPS) is an information processing system for business transactions involving the collection, modification and retrieval of all transaction data.


Receipts, Payments, Invoices, and Pur chase bills Journal transactions


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Features of TPS

a) Large volume of data:TPS is transaction oriented, it, gen erally, contains large volumes of data. Require greater storage capacity Data regarding the economic events in the organizations are captured quickly and correctly. b) Automation of basic operations: Any TPS aims at automat ing the basic operations of a business enterprise and plays a criti cal role in the day-to-day functioning of the enterprise. TPS links the enterprise TPS is an important source of up-to-date information regard ing the operations in the enterprise.S c) Benefits are easily measurable:TPS reduces the work load of the people associated with the operations and improves their effi ciency by automating some of the operations. Most of the benefits of TPS are tangible and easily measurable.

a) Large volume of data:a) Large volume of data:

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Easy and best solution for online shoppers. These systems are most efficient and have excellent response times. Very easy to use; as simple as fill a form and the rest will be taken care of by the web and database servers. Online banking is completely based on online transaction processing systems. Credit cards are also well-handled by these systems.

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At times, there occur millions and millions of requests at a time which gets difficult to handle. During purchases even if the servers hang for few seconds a large number of transactions get affected, in turn effecting the organizations reputation. Databases store all user data and account information, if these servers are hacked, it could lead to financial and personal problems. Electricity problem is another issue, i.e. if there is shortage in electric supply additional backup facilities like generators and related hardware is a must. Online transaction processing involves lot of staff working in groups to maintain inventory. These online transaction systems impose processing costs on the buyers and sellers as well.


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Process Control Systems

Is a type of operating support system.

“Is refers to the application of technology to monitor & control physical processes”.

Types 1-Discrete



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1- Discrete process Individual, Separate, Found / use in many manufacturing, motion and packaging applications. Manufacturing involves the production of discrete pieces of product, such

as metal stamping.

2- Batch process A amount produce in one operation / data process in one program.

Example of batch are production of food, beverages and medicine. This processes are generally used to produce a relatively low to

intermediate quantity of product per year (a few pounds to millions of pounds).

3- Continuous process without break Example of continuous process are production of fuels, chemicals and

plastics. Continuous processes in manufacturing are used to produce very large

quantities of product per year (millions to billions of pounds).

Types of process control system

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Enterprise Collaboration System:

“Is a combination of groupware(software), tools, Internet, and other networks needed to support enterprise-wide communications, such as the sharing of documents and knowledge to specific teams and individuals within the enterprise”.

Is another type of operating support



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Objective of ECS

Provide each user documents and other information that individuals need to manage their own tasks efficiently in their department. Enables employees to share information with one another and work together on projects from different geographic locations through a combination of software technologies, networking capabilities and collaborative processes.

E-mail, videoconferencing, collaborative document sharing, project management tools and


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Enterprise Resource planning System:

Is integrates(make a part) all the processes of the organization with customer satisfaction & plans the management of the resources of an enterprise. Help in focusing on production capacities, managing logistics, working out financial consequences of each decision rather than just computing costs. Recognizing that the customer needs keep changing. Also improve speed of response.

Is another type of operating support



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Current Trends in Operations Support Systems:

1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)2. Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is business-management software—typically a suite of integrated applications—that an organization can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities, including: Product planning, cost Manufacturing or service delivery Marketing and sales Inventory management Shipping and payment

Enterprise Resources Planning

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ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems typically include the following characteristics: An integrated system that operates in (or near) real time without relying on periodic updates A common database that supports all applications A consistent look and feel across modules Installation of the system with elaborate application/data integration by the Information Technology (IT) department provided the implementation is not done in small steps.

Characteristics of ERP

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Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company’s interaction with current and future customers. The CRM approach tries to analyze data about customers' history with a company, in order to better improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on retaining customers, in order to drive sales growth. One important aspect of the CRM approach is the systems of CRM that compile information from a range of different channels, including a company’s website, telephone, email, live chat, marketing materials, social media, and more.

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CRM Adoption Challenges:

Companies face large challenges when trying to implement CRM systems. Consumer companies frequently manage their customer relationships haphazardly and unprofitably Many times, they may not effectively or adequately use their connections with their customers, due to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of a CRM system's analysis. Clients who want to be treated more like a friend may be treated like just a party for exchange, rather than a unique individual, due to, occasionally, a lack of a bridge between the inputted data in a CRM system's analysis and the analysis output.

Market research regarding consumers' preferences may increase the adoption of CRM among the developing countries' consumers.

CRM Adoption


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Similar Software In Use:\

Is a group of business elements used in networking to help service providers gain customer insight, compile real-time subscriptions and introduce new revenue generating services.Business support systems are used by all service providers, including mobile, fixed and cable networks. A good BSS provides system control and tailored scheduling to service providers, which facilitates the implementation of required changes without impacting customer satisfaction.BSS activities typically include customer order management, customer data management, billing and rating and business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) services.

Business support system (BSS)

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Primary BSS areas Product management Customer management Revenue management Fulfillment management

Role of BSS

1. Product management:Product management supports product development, the sales

and management of products, offers and bundles to businesses and mass-market customers. Product management regularly includes offering cross-product discounts, appropriate pricing and managing how products relate to one another.

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Role cont..

2 . Customer management:Service providers require a single view of the customer and regularly need to support complex hierarchies across customer-facing applications (customer relationship management). Customer management also covers requirements for partner management and 24x7 web-based customers self-service. Customer management can also be thought of as full-fledged customer relationship management systems implemented to help customer care agents handle the customers in a better and more informed manner.3. Revenue management:Revenue management focuses on billing, charging and settlement. It can handle any combination of OSS services, products and offers. BSS revenue management supports OSS order provisioning and often partner settlement. Billing is an integral function offered by BSS systems and is not under the

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