OpenStack Architecture and Use Cases

OpenStack Ahmad Tfaily Jalal Mostafa

Transcript of OpenStack Architecture and Use Cases

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OpenStack Ahmad TfailyJalal Mostafa

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Agenda1.Before Openstack2.Profile of Openstack3.OpenStack Architecture and Components4.OpenStack, SDN & NFV in Telco Environments5.CERN Cloud Architecture6.China Mobile7.AT&T


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CONVENTIONAL DATA CENTRE❖ Known for having a lot of hardware that is, by current standards at least, grossly underutilized

❖ All the hardware and their software are usually managed with relatively little automation.

❖ Very hard to find the right balance between capacity and utilization

❖ Variety of Applications


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Manual Intervention❖Problem: Network Integration, Monitoring, Setting up high

availability and Billing❖Not hard to automate❖Existing automation frameworks like Puppet, Chef, JuJu, Crowbar

or Ansible are sufficient to automate the whole process❖Virtualization:

• Deploying a new system is fairly easy via provisioning a new VM• Yet, many things need to be done manually


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Advantages of Automation

❖Cloud provider’s task: provide customers with resources and ensure it is enough any time

❖Cloud provider adds more resources when needed❖Automation can facilitate flexibility of the new resources in

terms of network integration, monitoring, etc…❖Users can start and stop VM in clicks


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Automation❖Authorization Scheme: that matches clients’ requirements

e.g. managers stop/start VM while Administrators can add/remove VMs

❖Image Management: upon creating new VMs, clouds need pre-made images so that users do not have to install OSs by themselves

❖Resources Management e.g. processing power, storage, and network

❖Existing cloud solutions: OpenNebula by NASA, OpenQRM, Eucalyptus and OpenStack


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Profile OpenStack


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❖An open source cloud platform.

❖Controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter.

❖All managed by a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface.


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OpenStack History


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OpenStack Architecture and Components OpenStack


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OpenStack Architecture


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OpenStack Releases


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OpenStack Modules


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Components of Release


Edition Release name

Release date component

1 Austin 21 October 2010 Nova, Swift

2 Bexar 3 February 2011 Nova, Glance, Swift

5 Essex 5 April 2012 Nova, Glance, Swift, Horizon, Keystone

6 Folsom 27 September 2012 Nova, Glance, Swift, Horizon, Keystone, Quantum, Cinder

7 Havana 17 October 2013 Nova, Glance, Swift, Horizon, Keystone, Neutron, Cinder, Heat, Ceilometer

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Component of Release


Edition Release name

Release date


8 Icehouse 17 April 2014

Nova, Glance, Swift, Horizon, Keystone, Neutron, Cinder, Heat, Ceilometer, Trove

9 Juno 16 October 2014

Nova, Glance, Swift, Horizon, Keystone, Neutron, Cinder, Heat, Ceilometer, Trove, Sahara

14 Newton 6 October 2016

Nova, Glance, Swift, Horizon, Keystone, Neutron, Cinder, Heat, Ceilometer, Trove, Sahara, Ironic, Zaqar, Manila, Designate, Barbican, Searchlight, Magnum, aodh, cloudkitty, congress, freezer, mistral, monasca-api, monasca-log-api, murano, panko, senlin, solum, tacker, vitrage, watcher

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High Level Architecture


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OpenStack Components❖ Compute (Nova)

❖ Networking (Neutron)

❖ Block Storage (Cinder)

❖ Identity (Keystone)

❖ Image (Glance)

❖ Object Storage (Swift)

❖ Dashboard (Horizon)

❖ Orchestration (Heat)

❖ Workflow (Mistral)17

❖ Telemetry (Ceilometer)❖ Database (Trove)❖ Elastic Map Reduce (Sahara)❖ Bare Metal (Ironic)❖ Messaging (Zaqar)❖ Shared File System (Manila)❖ DNS (Designate)❖ Search (Searchlight)❖ Key Manager (Barbican)

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❖A dashboard provides administrators and users a graphical interface to access.

❖such as billing, monitoring, and additional management tools for


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Nova❖Provides compute as a service

❖The main part of an IaaS system

❖It is designed to manage and automate pools of computer resources

❖Compute's architecture is designed to scale horizontally


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Nova - Components


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Nova - Components

❖nova-conductor: Provides database-access support for Compute nodes

❖nova-consoleauth: Handles console authentication❖nova-novncproxy: Provides a VNC proxy for browsers


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Nova API❖nova-api is responsible to provide an API for users and services

to interact with NOVA


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❖Using Filters dispatches requests for new virtual machines to the correct node.


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Keystone❖Keystone is the identity service used for Authentication❖Set of assigned user rights and privileges for performing a

specific set of operations❖A user token issued by Keystone includes a list of that user’s

roles. Services then determine how to interpret those roles


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Keystone sequence diagram


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Keystone: auth flow


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Glance❖The Glance project provides services for discovering,

registering, and retrieving virtual machine images. ❖Glance has a RESTful API that allows querying of VM image

metadata as well as retrieval of the actual image.


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Glance Architecture


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❖Architected to provide traditional block-level storage resources to other OpenStack services

❖Presents persistent block-level storage volumes for use with OpenStack Nova compute instances

❖Manages the creation, attaching and detaching of these volumes between a storage system and different host servers


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Cinder Architecture


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❖ A distributed object storage system designed to scale from a single machine to thousands of servers

❖ optimized for multi-tenancy and high concurrency

❖ •ideal for backups, web and mobile content, and any other unstructured data that can grow without bound.

❖ Swift provides a simple, REST-based API


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Swift Components


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Swift Architecture


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Ceilometer❖OpenStack Telemetry provides common infrastructure to collect

usage and performance measurements within an OpenStack cloud.

❖ Its primary initial targets are monitoring and metering❖collect data for other needs. ❖Ceilometer was promoted from incubation status to an

integrated component of OpenStack.


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Ceilometer Workflow


❖Collect from OpenStack components❖Transform meters into other meters if necessary❖Publish meters to any destination (including Ceilometer itself)❖Store received meters and read them via the Ceilometer REST API

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Ceilometer Architecture


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Trove❖OpenStack Database as a Service ❖high performance ,scalable and reliable❖relational and non-relational database engines❖Trove was promoted from incubation status to an

integrated component of OpenStack.


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Trove Architecture


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Sahara❖OpenStack Hadoop as a Service ❖Aims to provide users with simple means to provision a Hadoop

cluster by specifying several parameters❖ Sahara was promoted from incubation status to an integrated

component of OpenStack.


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Sahara Architecture


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Manila❖OpenStack File Share Service❖Provides coordinated access to shared or distributed file

systems.❖Manila was officially denoted as an incubated OpenStack

program during the Juno release cycle.


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Manila Architecture


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Manila Workflow


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Neutron❖Network as a Service (NaaS)❖Provides REST APIs to manage network connections for the

resources managed by other OpenStack Services ❖Complete control over the following network resources in

OpenStack(Networks, Ports and Subnets)❖Build complex network topologies❖Limited L3 functionality (IP tables rules at host level)


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Neutron Architecture


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Neutron Plug-Ins❖Modular Layer 2 (ML2)❖Linux Bridge❖Open vSwitch


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Neutron Services❖Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS)❖Virtual Private Network as a Service (VPNaaS)❖Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)


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Neutron Components


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Neutron Components❖Neutron Server

• Implement REST APIs • Enforce network model• Network, subnet, and port• IP addressing to each port (IPAM)

❖Plugin agent• Run on each compute node• Connect instances to network port

❖Queue• Enhance communication between each• components of neutron

❖Database• Persistent network model


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Neutron Components❖DHCP Agent (*)

• In multi-host mode, run on each compute node• Start/stop dhcp server• Maintain dhcp configuration

❖L3 Agent (*)• To implement floating Ips and other L3 features,such as NAT• One per network


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OpenStack Network ML2


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OpenStack Network ML2


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OpenStack, SDN & NFV in Telco Environments OpenStack


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Transformation of Carriers Business Model

❖Complex and expensive infrastructure• Challenging to operate and maintain• slow rolling out of new services

❖Cloud-based Model• Always-on services• Affordable• Reliable• First attempt: Cloud RAN


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Production Ready: NFV with OpenStack

❖Deployed on cost effective Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware

❖Based on Open Source Software• Can be easily adapted to any customization• Community Driven

❖Standard APIs❖Software-managed High Availability (HA)❖AUtomated Deployment❖Virtualized Infrastructure

• Scalable• Upgradable• Optimizable• Modular• Customizable 58

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Production Ready: NFV + SDN + OpenStackSoftware Defined ComponentsResilient and ReliableFlexible and ExtensionableOptimized for PerformanceSecure


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Carrier Benefits❖Network Operations Benefits

• Ease of automation• Increased Deployment Agility• Visibility with monitoring and alerting• Reliable• Self Healing• Highly Available

❖Cost Benefits• Multi-tenant• Flexible

❖Secure at Each Layer of the stack


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OPNFV + OpenStack❖OPNFV is a carrier-grade, integrated, open source platform for

NFV products and services• widespread collaboration across many telco• uses OpenStack as Virtualized Infrastructure Manager

❖Telco running NFV implementations includes AT&T, China Mobile, Orange, SK Telecom and Telecom Italia


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OPNFV + OpenStack


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OPNFV + OpenStack“We are fully committed to open networking and open source including our work with OPNFV and OpenStack” - Alex Zhang, Principal Architect, China Mobile

“To keep up with the exponential growth of its network, AT&T is deeply committed to using open source networking technologies in our software-centric network. As we work to virtualize more of our network and implement a common infrastructure for VNFs, OpenStack and OPNFV will become important parts of our technology stack” - Margaret Chiosi, Distinguished Technical Architect, AT&T


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Case Study: vCPE❖vCPE: Virtual Customer-

Premises Equipment❖Existing Solution:

• Edge networking devices are standalone nodes

• Provide advanced services (QoS, Dynamic Routing, NAT…)

• Complex software, prone to failure• Cheap Hardware, prone to failure• Cannot be easily Upgraded or



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Case Study: vCPE❖ Apply SDN, NFV and OpenStack

to the network❖Move Control Plane to core

network❖Keep Data Plane at customer

premises with additional microservices

❖Benefits• Reduce CAPEX and OPEX• Improve service agility• Deliver personalized services• Transition to SaaS-based business

model• Improve customer experience


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CERN Cloud Architecture OpenStack


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What is CERN?❖European Organization for Nuclear Research❖Founded in 1954

• 21 state member• other countries contribute to experiments

❖Situated in the Swiss-French border❖Do fundamental research


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CERN’s Large Hadron Collider❖Biggest machine in the world❖27km Tall - 175m

underground❖Accelerate 2 particle beams

traveling near speed of light❖Beams collide in 4 different

points of detectors❖Detectors are 100 MP digital

cameras 14000000 times in a second

❖Generates 25 PetaBytes per year

• Estimated 400 PB / year by 202368

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CERN Data Centers❖2 Data Centers; one in Geneva and another in Budapest❖Data Centers are managed by OpenStack❖190k+ cores on 5000+ compute nodes running KVM and

Hyper-V❖16000+ VMs❖~160 PetaBytes stored at CERN❖June-August 2016: recorded > 0.5 PB ❖2400+ Images, 2000+ Users, 2500+ Projects


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❖CERN deployed OpenStack in 2013❖Nova, Keystone, Glance, Heat, Horizon, Ceilometer, Rally❖26 Nova cells

• Single endpoint to users• Scale transparently between Data Centres• Availability and Resilience• Isolate different use-cases

❖HA only in the top cell❖2 Ceph instances

• A free-software storage platform, implements object storage on a single distributed computer cluster

OpenStack at CERN


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OpenStack at CERN


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Nova Deployment at CERN


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Nova - Cell Scheduling❖ Different Cells has different hardware, configuration, hardware,

Hypervisor type❖Cell Scheduling is the process to schedule operations according

to cell capabilities e.g. hardware, availability❖Schedulers filters to use these capabilities❖It enables mapping projects to cells and restrict cell usage

according to project type


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Nova-Network? in CERN❖CERN uses Nova-Network instead of Neutron

• An OpenStack networking module before Neutron• Deprecated• Better than Neutron in some use cases• Planned to migrate to Neutron

❖ Migration to Neutron, No Use of:• SDN or tunneling• Only provider networks• Flat networking. VMs directly connected to the real network• Floating IPs• DHCP or DNS Neutron services. Already have infrastructure


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Keystone in CERN❖Two different keystone

infrastructure• Exposed to users• Dedicated to Ceilometer

❖Keystone nodes are VMs❖Integrated with Active

Directory❖Project lifecycle

• ~200 arrivals/departures / month

• Users subscribe to the cloud service

• Limited Quota of personal projects

• Shared projects created by request


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Glance in CERN❖Uses Ceph backend in Geneva❖Glance Nodes are VMs❖Two sets of nodes: Exposed to user and Ceilometer❖No Glance image cache


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Cinder in CERN❖Ceph and NetApp backends❖Extended list of available volume types (QoS, Backend,

Location)❖Cinder nodes are VMs


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Ceilometer in CERN


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China Mobile OpenStack


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Who is China Mobile?❖One of the world’s largest telecommunication service providers

• Huge network scale• Huger customer base • Large market value

❖At end of 2014• 800M+ subscribers• 2.2M+ base stations• Covered more than 99% of the population of PRC


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NovoNet❖Vision for the next-

generation network by 2020❖High-quality intelligent

network❖Based SDN and NFV


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NovoNet❖Firstly deploy in Cloud Data

Centers and Packet Transport Networks (PTN)

❖Using OpenStack and OpenDayLight

❖Goal: Build out several enterprise service offerings under NovoDC including a virtual private cloud


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AT&T OpenStack


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Who is AT&T?❖American multinational telecommunications❖Already handling 114 PB a day of data❖By 2020, At&T network is expected to jump 10 folds❖Global Customers


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AT&T Future Network❖Move 75 percent of its network infrastructure to the cloud❖Make greater use of software-defined networking (SDN) with

OpenDaylight and Open vSwitch❖Goal: Reduce deployment times for cloud "zones" from months

to days❖Use OpenStack tools to develop an end-user "resource

manager"❖Working on AT&T Integrated Cloud (AIC)

• 74 AIC zones in 2015• 105 AIC zones in 2016• 1000+in 2020• All running OpenStack


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• Tokyo Summit 2015• Austin Summit 2016• Barcelona Summit 2016


• Linux Foundation Blog

