Opening sequence analysis x3

Scene Description There is a lot of space around the character, the single person in the frame suggest that this person could be significant to the film. Iconography of the characters clothes and surroundings signifies a low economic status. The character is in the middle of the frame looking out across the estate from an internal view. The source of lighting is natural so because of this the lighting is low key. The character is in a old scruffy vest top and trackies, this suggests she is from a low economic background, her hair and appearance also suggest this because it looks like minimal effort has been taken on her appearance. The iconography of the clothing and the run down estate is iconic for low economic poverty affected people. The character is slightly off centre (centre left) this could signify that she is going to be less important in this scene than she was in previous scenes. The hoody, scruffy appearance and estate surroundings are iconic for poor, low economic and poverty affected people. The scenes have gone from being internal to external this suggests the teen is from a family that does not really care what the children are doing as none of the opening scenes feature a parent or internal family setting. The character has been moved to the left of the frame and three new people are added to the story. The people laying on the floor are in the middle of the frame which suggests they are important to this scene. The children are laying around near a park sunbathing which is unusual behaviour for younger children. Straight cuts are used to switch from scene to scene in this opening sequence.

Transcript of Opening sequence analysis x3

Scene Description There is a lot of space around the character, the single person in the frame suggest that this person could be significant to the film. Iconography of the characters clothes and surroundings signifies a low economic status.

The character is in the middle of the frame looking out across the estate from an internal view. The source of lighting is natural so because of this the lighting is low key. The character is in a old scruffy vest top and trackies, this suggests she is from a low economic background, her hair and appearance also suggest this because it looks like minimal effort has been taken on her appearance. The iconography of the clothing and the run down estate is iconic for low economic poverty affected people.

The character is slightly off centre (centre left) this could signify that she is going to be less important in this scene than she was in previous scenes. The hoody, scruffy appearance and estate surroundings are iconic for poor, low economic and poverty affected people. The scenes have gone from being internal to external this suggests the teen is from a family that does not really care what the children are doing as none of the opening scenes feature a parent or internal family setting.

The character has been moved to the left of the frame and three new people are added to the story. The people laying on the floor are in the middle of the frame which suggests they are important to this scene. The children are laying around near a park sunbathing which is unusual behaviour for younger children.

Straight cuts are used to switch from scene to scene in this opening sequence.

Straight cuts are used in this opening sequence.

The frame has lots of space around the boy in the right hand side of the frame, so the frame is well composed. It is dark which could foreshadow bad things happening to the boy

The character is imprisoned with minimal props used and a lot of empty space around him. The scruffy trackies and hoody are iconic to imprisonment or wrong choice making as they have more than likely come from a poverty affected low economic background.

This is a close up of what appears to be a cracked window. The shot is dimly lit creating an eerie setting which is added to by the condensation of the window creating a misty look.

The shot is a medium shot showing a women in uniform in the foreground and in the background a man in a grey tracksuit which suggests he is of a lower status than the woman the scene has high key lighting.

The shot is a medium close up of the main character with small children surrounding. There is lots of space around the characters and the colours are of a dull dark colour palette. The clothing and low key lighting external scene suggests something suspicious is happening. The iconography of the clothing and children giving the teenage boys money suggest a low economic status.

Straight cuts are used in this sequence to switch from scene to scene.

This is a medium shot of people doing suspicious stuff in the dark. The main character is in the foreground with a small child behind. There is low key lighting with a spotlight touching the main characters face highlighting him and creating shadows to give the illusion of night time. Both actors are dressed in clothes of low economic status.

This shot is a close up of money being exchanged between what appears to be male hands. All the furniture with in the scene is dark and this connotes that the deal being done is not strictly legal. Two of the men appear to be in suits connoting a high economic status whereas the man in the foreground appears to be in clothes of low economic status.

This shot is a wide shot of two mean who are suspiciously dressed in clo0thes of a low economic status. In the background there are rows of people who appear to be observing the men which suggests these men are in control of the situation which is at hand.