Opening sequence analysis 3

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Opening sequence analysis

Opening sequence analysis

V for Vendetta (2006)

Image result for v for vendetta castIntroduction

The thriller film that I will be analyzing the opening sequence is V for Vendetta released in 2006 by director James McTeigue and written by The Wachoswki Brothers. The story is about Britain in which a corrupt and abusive government has risen to complete power. A young women named Evey is rescued by a vigilante named V. V wants to rebel over the authoritarian state using a mask vilified terrorist of British history guy Fawkes, V is trying to lead a revolution by assassination and destruction.

I think that the target audience is for any person who is interested in rebellion and governments. Teenagers and adults will probably be the target audience since they will have knowledge of the history of guy Fawkes since this movie links to him.

How the narrative is introduced/set up

The narrative is introduced by having a history flashback on Guy Fawkes seen trying to blow up the parliament while a women is narrating the scene.

The character known as Guy Fawkes is seen getting captured, I know this because there is a narrator in this scene talking about who he is and what he was doing.

This creates an effect on the audience because the women narrating on this scene will most likely get the attention of the audience because of the explanation. The audience wants to know what is happening so narrating grabs the audiences attention in he opening sequence.

This links to Todorovs theory, it helps start the equilibrium of the narrative because it gives the audience a guide and most likely purpose on the idea.

How the characters are introduced

Within the opening sequence two characters are introduced by them getting dressed, the lady is preparing normal while the character with the mask is mysterious and abnormal.

For example, the difference between these two characters are that they are doing the same thing, dressing up, but the person with the mask is more unusual and mysterious. The mise en scene is that the outfit for the mask man is very different and abnormal.

This shows that the character with the mask may be mysterious and abnormal because of what he is wearing compared to the lady. The outfit the mask man is wearing is mostly black giving off a dark theme within the character.

This links to Levis Binary opposite theory because this opening sequence shows the difference, most likely the opposite of them both

How the genre and themes are established/communicated

The thriller genre and theme is being presented by the facial expressions of the character and also the lighting effect.

For example the character in this scene has a angry and revengeful facial expression, this gives the audience the theme of anger and revenge. The lighting is very dark with only a little source of light giving the facial expression more detail.

This shows to the audience that the theme and genre is related to anger or revenge due to the facial expression. Also the lighting gives the effect of shadows and darkness also hinting the theme to be dark and suspenseful.

Another example of how the genre and theme is presented is in this scene showing logo with flames on a dark background giving off an evil feel to it.

The logo is clearly on fire with a pitch black background behind it, this gives the theme to be dark because of how the logo is presented.

This shows that the genre and theme includes darkness and fire, fire gives off a evil sinister feel to it. The logo greatly expresses the theme and genre of the film.

How people/places/events are represented.

Within the opening sequence the place is represented by the camera work and mise en scene.

For example this shot shows the room clearly and also shows the character sitting in the middle. The props and objects are placed there to give an effect on the room because a room would be boring without props and such inside it.

This gives the audience a detailed visual perspective on what the setting looks like and how the character is presented inside this setting. This is done by the camera angle shot of long shot to show the entire room.

In conclusion there are many theories that link to the opening sequence such as the binary opposite theory and the Todorov theory. A person narrating a scene might be useful in opening sequences since it makes it easier for the audience to understand rather than trying to figure out what is happening. Also lighting can present a genre or theme greatly because of the color and how it links to different themes and genres, such as dark for thrillers. This information I gathered will help me create my own opening sequence because there is many techniques and features that I can use in my own work


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