Opening credit fonts

OPENING CREDITS. Jessika Bloomfield.

Transcript of Opening credit fonts

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Jessika Bloomfield.

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This is the first font I looked at. It fits with my theme as the story behind my film is a house fire. However, I was unsure whether it looked too ‘cheesy’ and obvious.

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This was the second font that caught my attention for no reason other than I thought it looked quite cool. However, It could fit with my film a little bit as a feature in the opening is news paper cuttings on the wall and this could pass as cut outs.

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Again, this one caught my attention purely because I liked it. This doesn’treally fit with the theme of my film. Although, it doesn’t necessarily have to. It is different and I haven’t seen a font like this used in a film before.

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This font seems like it would be better usedin an war style film. However, again, I liked it so thought I’d add it to my list of fonts. The white bits in the letters couldpass for flames, which would then help itto fit in with the story line of my film.

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I’m not sure why but this font really Caught my eye. It doesn’t look fantasticBeing used with the word ‘title’ but itLooks really good with other words. I think it could work being used forA thriller film.