OpenCV Tutorial

1 1 OpenCV Tutorial Omri Perez Adapted from: Gary Bradski Senior Scientist, Willow Garage Consulting Professor: Stanford CS Dept.


OpenCV Tutorial. Omri Perez Adapted from: Gary Bradski Senior Scientist, Willow Garage Consulting Professor: Stanford CS Dept. 1. Vision is Hard Camera Model, Lens, Problems and Corrections OpenCV OpenCV Tour. Vision is Hard. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of OpenCV Tutorial

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OpenCV Tutorial

Omri Perez

Adapted from: Gary Bradski

Senior Scientist, Willow GarageConsulting Professor: Stanford CS Dept.

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• Vision is Hard• Camera Model, Lens, Problems and Corrections• OpenCV• OpenCV Tour


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• What is it?– Turning sensor readings into perception.

• Why is it hard?– It’s just numbers.

Maybe try gradients to find edges?

Vision is Hard


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• Depth discontinuity• Surface orientation

discontinuity• Reflectance

discontinuity (i.e., change in surface material properties)

• Illumination discontinuity (e.g., shadow) Slide credit: Christopher Rasmussen

Use Edges? … It’s not so simple


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Must deal with Lighting Changes …


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Lighting is also a Strong Cue

6Gary Bradski (c) 2008 6

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The Brain Assumes 3D Geometry


Perception is ambiguous … depending on your point of view!


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Geometrical aberrations

spherical distortion


tangential distortion


aberrations are reduced by combining lenses

Marc Pollefeys

Non-Geometrical aberrations



These are typically what are corrected for in camera Calibration

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Distortion Correction so that Lenscan Approximate a Pinhole Camera

• Distortions are corrected mathematically– We use a calibration pattern

• We find where the points ended up• We know where the points hould be

• OpenCV 2.2 Function:double calibrateCamera(

const vector<vector<Point3f> >& objectPoints, const vector<vector<Point2f> >& imagePoints, Size imageSize, Mat& cameraMatrix, Mat& distCoeffs, vector<Mat>& rvecs, vector<Mat>& tvecs, int flags=0);

CS324 9

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• Vision is Hard• Camera Model, Lens, Problems and Corrections• OpenCV• OpenCV Tour


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OpenCV Overview: OpenCV Overview: General Image Processing Functions

Machine Learning:• Detection,• Recognition



Matrix Math

Utilities and Data Structures


Image Pyramids

Camera calibration,Stereo, 3D



Geometric descriptors

Robot support > 2000 algorithms

11Gary Bradski

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OpenCV Tends Towards Real Time

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Where is OpenCV Used?


• Well over 2M downloads

Screen shots by Gary Bradski, 2005

• Google Maps, Google street view, Google Earth, Books• Academic and Industry Research• Safety monitoring (Dam sites, mines, swimming pools)

• Security systems• Image retrieval• Video search• Structure from motion in movies• Machine vision factory production inspection systems• Robotics

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OpenCV Modules• Calib3d

– Calibration, stereo, homography, rectify, projection, solvePNP

• Contrib– Octree, self-similar feature, sparse L-M, bundle adj, chamfer match

• Core– Data structures, access, matrix ops, basic image operations

• features2D– Feature detectors, descriptors and matchers in one architecture

• Flann (Fast library for approximate nearest neighbors)• Gpu – CUDA speedups • Highgui

– Gui to read, write, draw, print and interact with images

• Imgproc – image processing functions• Ml – statistical machine learning, boosting, clustering• Objdetect – PASCAL VOC latent SVM and data reading• Traincascade – boosted rejection cascade

CS324 14

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Software Engineering• Works on:

– Linux, Windows, Mac OS (+ Android since open CV 2.2)

• Languages: – C++, Python, C

• Online documentation:– Online reference manuals: C++, C and Python.

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• Vision is Hard• Camera Model, Lens, Problems and Corrections• OpenCV• OpenCV Tour


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Gradients: Scharr instead of Sobel

• Sobel has been the traditional 3x3 gradient finder.

• Use the 3x3 Scharr operator instead since it is just as fast but has more accurate response on diagonals.

CS324 17

void Scharr(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int ddepth, int xorder, int yorder, double scale=1, double delta=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT)

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Canny Edge DetectorCanny Edge Detector

18OpenCV team, Gary Bradski


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Hough Transform

Gary Bradski (c) 2008 19

HoughCircles(), HoughLines(), HoughLinesP() (probabilistic Hough)

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Scale Space

void cvPyrDown(IplImage* src, IplImage* dst, IplFilter filter =


void cvPyrUp(IplImage* src, IplImage* dst, IplFilter filter =

IPL_GAUSSIAN_5x5);20Gary Bradski (c) 2008

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Space Variant vision: Log-Polar Transform

21Gary Bradski (c) 2008

cvLogPolar(src,dst,center,size, CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS)

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Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Tessellation

Gary Bradski (c) 2008 22

CvSubdiv2D* cvCreateSubdivDelaunay2D(CvRect rect, CvMemStorage* storage)

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Gary Bradski (c) 2008 23

void findContours()

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Histogram Equalization

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void equalizeHist(const Mat& src, Mat& dst)

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Image textures• Inpainting:• Removes damage to images, in this case, it removes the text.

25Gary Bradski (c) 2008

void inpaint(const Mat& src, const Mat& inpaintMask, Mat& dst, double inpaintRadius, int flags);

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Morphological Operations ExamplesMorphological Operations Examples• Morphology - applying Min-Max. Filters and its combinations

Opening IoB= (IB)BDilatation IBErosion IBImage I

Closing I•B= (IB)B TopHat(I)= I - (IB) BlackHat(I)= (IB) - IGrad(I)= (IB)-(IB)

26Gary Bradski (c) 2008

Void morphologyEx() createMorphologyFilter()

erode() dilate()

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Distance TransformDistance Transform• Distance field from edges of objects

Flood FillingFlood Filling

27Gary Bradski (c) 2008

void distanceTransform(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int distanceType, int maskSize)

int floodFill(Mat& image, Point seed, Scalar newVal, Rect* rect=0, Scalar loDiff=Scalar(), Scalar upDiff=Scalar(), int flags=4)

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Gary Bradski (c) 2008 28

void adaptiveThreshold()

double threshold()

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• Pyramid, mean-shift, graph-cut

• Here: Watershed

Gary Bradski (c) 2008 29

void watershed(const Mat& image, Mat& markers)

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Background SubtractionBackground Subtraction

30Gary Bradski (c) 2008

BackgroundSubtractorMOG2(), see samples/cpp/bgfg_segm.cpp

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Image Segmentation & Minimum Cut


Pixel Neighborhood




* From Khurram Hassan-Shafique CAP5415 Computer Vision 2003

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• Graph Cut based segmentation

Gary Bradski 32

GrabCutvoid grabCut(const Mat& image, Mat& mask, Rect rect, Mat& bgdModel, Mat& fgdModel, int iterCount, int mode)

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Motion Templates Motion Templates (My work with James Davies)

• Object silhouette• Motion history images• Motion history gradients• Motion segmentation algorithm

silhouette MHI MHG

33Gary Bradski (c) 2008

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Segmentation, Motion Tracking





34Gary Bradski (c) 2008

void updateMotionHistory(); void calcMotionGradient(); double calcGlobalOrientation();

James Davies, Gary Bradski

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Tracking with CAMSHIFT• Control game with head

RotatedRect CamShift(const Mat& probImage, Rect& window, TermCriteria criteria)

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3D tracking3D tracking• Camera Calibration• View Morphing• POSIT

void POSIT()A more general technique for solving pose issolving the Percpective N Point problem:

void solvePnP(…)

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Mean-Shift for Tracking

Gary Bradski (c) 2008 37


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Optical Flow// opencv/samples/c/lkdemo.cint main(…){…CvCapture* capture = <…> ?

cvCaptureFromCAM(camera_id) : cvCaptureFromFile(path);

if( !capture ) return -1;for(;;) { IplImage* frame=cvQueryFrame(capture); if(!frame) break; // … copy and process imagecvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( …) …) cvShowImage( “LkDemo”, result ); c=cvWaitKey(30); // run at ~20-30fps

speed if(c >= 0) { // process key }}cvReleaseCapture(&capture);}



















calcOpticalFlowPyrLK()Also see dense optical flow:calcOpticalFlowFarneback()

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Features 2D

CS324 39

Read two input images:

Mat img1 = imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);

Detect keypoints in both images:

// detecting keypointsFastFeatureDetector detector(15);vector<KeyPoint> keypoints1;detector.detect(img1, keypoints1);

Compute descriptors for each of the keypoints:

// computing descriptorsSurfDescriptorExtractor extractor;Mat descriptors1;extractor.compute(img1, keypoints1, descriptors1);

Now, find the closest matches between descriptors from the first image to the second:

// matching descriptorsBruteForceMatcher<L2<float> > matcher;vector<DMatch> matches;matcher.match(descriptors1, descriptors2, matches);

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Features 2D continued …

CS324 40

Viusalize the results

namedWindow("matches", 1);Mat img_matches;drawMatches(img1, keypoints1, img2, keypoints2, matches, img_matches);imshow("matches", img_matches);waitKey(0);

Find the homography transformation between two sets of points:

vector<Point2f> points1, points2;// fill the arrays with the points....Mat H = findHomography(Mat(points1), Mat(points2), CV_RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold);

Create a set of inlier matches and draw them. Use perspectiveTransform function to map points with homography:

Mat points1Projected;perspectiveTransform(Mat(points1), points1Projected, H);

Use drawMatches() again for drawing inliers.

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Features2d contents

Detectors available• SIFT• SURF• FAST• STAR• MSER• GFTT (Good Features To Track)

Descriptors available• SIFT• SURF• One way• Calonder (under construction)


Detection: Description:

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Kalman Filter, Partical Filter for Tracking

Gary Bradski (c) 200842

Kalman Condensation or Particle Filter

::KalmanFilter class ConDensation

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Mat getAffineTransform()

Mat getPerspectiveTransform()

void warpAffine()

void warpPerspective()

Find: Warp:

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Homography• Maps one plane to another

– In our case: A plane in the world to the camera plane– Great notes on this: Robert Collins CSE486

•– Derivation details: Learning OpenCV 384-387

Gary Bradski, CS223A, Into to Robotics 44

Gary Bradski and Adrian Kaehler: Learning OpenCV




















Perspective Matrix Equation(camera coords Pt in world to pt on image)

CPMp int

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• We often use the chessboard detector to find 4 non-colinear points – (X,Y * 4 = 8 constraints)– To solve for the 8 homography parmeters.

• Code: Once again, OpenCV makes this easy– findHomography(…) or:– getPerspectiveTransform(…)

Gary Bradski, CS223A, Into to Robotics 45

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Single Camera CalibrationSingle Camera Calibration

Now, camera calibration can be done by holding checkerboard in front of the camera for a few seconds.

And after that you’ll get:

3D view of checkerboard3D view of checkerboard Un-distorted imageUn-distorted image

46Gary Bradski (c) 2008

See samples/cpp/calibration.cpp

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Stereo … Depth from Triangulation

• Involved topic, here we will just skim the basic geometry.

• Imagine two perfectly aligned image planes:


Depth “Z” and disparity “d” are inversly related:

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Stereo• In aligned stereo, depth is from similar triangles:

• Problem: Cameras are almost impossible to align• Solution: Mathematically align them:











All: Gary Bradski and Adrian Kaehler: Learning OpenCV

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Stereo Rectification• Algorithm steps are shown at right:• Goal:

– Each row of the image contains the same world points– “Epipolar constraint”


Result: Epipolar alignment of features:

All: Gary Bradski and Adrian Kaehler: Learning OpenCV

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In ...\opencv_incomp\samples\c

bgfg_codebook.cpp - Use of a image value codebook for background detection for collecting objects

bgfg_segm.cpp - Use of a background learning engineblobtrack.cpp - Engine for blob tracking in imagescalibration.cpp - Camera Calibrationcamshiftdemo.c - Use of meanshift in simple color trackingcontours.c - Demonstrates how to compute and use

object contoursconvert_cascade.c - Change the window size in a recognition cascadeconvexhull.c - Find the convex hull of an objectdelaunay.c - Triangulate a 2D point clouddemhist.c - Show how to use histograms for recognitiondft.c - Discrete fourier transformdistrans.c - distance map from edges in an imagedrawing.c - Various drawing functionsedge.c - Edge detectionfacedetect.c - Face detection by classifier cascadeffilldemo.c - Flood filling demofind_obj.cpp - Demo use of SURF featuresfitellipse.c - Robust elipse fittinghoughlines.c - Line detectionimage.cpp - Shows use of new image class, CvImage();inpaint.cpp - Texture infill to repair imagerykalman.c - Kalman filter for trackignkmeans.c - K-Meanslaplace.c - Convolve image with laplacian.

letter_recog.cpp - Example of using machine learning Boosting, Backpropagation (MLP) and Random forestslkdemo.c - Lukas-Canada optical flowminarea.c - For a cloud of points in 2D, find min

bounding box and circle. Shows use of Cv_SEQ

morphology.c - Demonstrates Erode, Dilate, Open, Closemotempl.c - Demonstrates motion templates

(orthogonal optical flow given silhouettes)mushroom.cpp - Demonstrates use of decision trees (CART)

for recognitionpyramid_segmentation.c - Color segmentation in pyramidsquares.c - Uses contour processing to find squares

in an imagestereo_calib.cpp - Stereo calibration, recognition and disparity map computationwatershed.cpp - Watershed transform demo.

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samples/cpp Code of Possible use for Projects• Brief_match_test

– Use of fast det., brief descrp. ORB will replace. See video_homography.cpp

• Calibration (single camera)• Chamfer (2D edge matching)• Connected_components

– Using contours to clean up regions in images.

• Contours2 (finding and drawing)• Convexhull (finding in 2D)• Cout_mat – (print out Mat)• Demhist using calcHist()

– histograms and histogram normalization

• Descriptor_extractor_matcher– Use of features 2D detector descriptor– Also see matcher_simple.cpp

• Distrans – Use of the distanceTransform on edge

images and voroni tessel.

• Edge (Canny edge detection) CS324 51

• Ffilldemo (flood fill methods)• Filestorage (I/O of data structs)• Fitellipse (find contours, fit ellispe)• Grabcut (energy based segmentation)• Imagelist_creator (yaml or xml lists)

• Read using: starter_imagelist.cpp

• Kalman (Using the kalman filter)• Kinect_maps (using kinect in OpenCV) • Kmeans (using kmeans clustering)• Laplace (finding points/edges)• Letter_recog (machine learning)

• Use of Random trees, boosting, MLP

• Lkdemo (Lukas Kanada optical flow)• Morphology2 (erosion, dilation etc)• Multicascadeclassifier (rejection cascade)• Peopledetect (use of HOG)• Select3dobj (calc R and t from calib)• Stereo_* (stereo calib. and matching)• Watersed (segmentation algorithm)

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ML for Recognition

52Gary Bradski (c) 2008

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CLASSIFICATION / REGRESSIONCLASSIFICATION / REGRESSION(new) Fast Approximate NN (FLANN)(new) Extremely Random Trees(coming) LSHCARTNaïve BayesMLP (Back propagation)Statistical Boosting, 4 flavorsRandom ForestsSVMFace Detector(Histogram matching)(Correlation)

CLUSTERINGCLUSTERINGK-MeansEM(Mahalanobis distance)

TUNING/VALIDATIONTUNING/VALIDATIONCross validationBootstrappingVariable importanceSampling methods

Machine Learning Library (MLL)










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K-Means, Mahalanobis

Gary Bradski (c) 2008 54

double kmeans() double Mahalanobis()

K-Means: •Choose K data points as cluster centers• While cluster centers change:

• Assign each data point to the closest center• If a cluster has no points, chose a random point from points far away from other cluster centers• Move the centers to the mean position of points in their cluster

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Patch Matching

Gary Bradski (c) 2008 55

void matchTemplate()

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Gesture Recognition

Up R L Stop OKGestures:

Meanshift Algorithm used to track, histogram intersection with gradient used to recognize.

Gesture via:Gesture via: Gradient h histogram* based gesture recognition with Tracking.

56Gary Bradski (c) 2008

*Bill Freeman

double compareHist()

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Boosting: Face Detection withBoosting: Face Detection withViola-Jones Rejection CascadeViola-Jones Rejection Cascade

57Gary Bradski (c) 2008

In samples/cpp, see:Multicascadeclassifier.cpp

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Machine learning• Good features often beat good algorithms

• Choose an operating point that trades off accuracy vs. cost

Gary Bradski (c) 2008 58





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Some project ideas: (feel free to steal, modify or ignore)1. Identify faces in (cellphone) pictures using facebook as database.

2. Use the (cellphone) camera to detect dangerous road events and or detect when someone is awake or sleeping (even with sunglasses on?) also in low light conditions.

3. Use webcam/cellphone to take pictures or videos of a room and then generate the floor plan.

4. Photograph or video a Jenga tower, and advise the player which is the safest block to remove.

5. Make a multiplayer game (if possible more than one computers/ cameras) based on CV.

6. Make an intuitive two handed UI for the OS (extra points for adding the use of facial gestures).

7. Do something with kinect (e.g. a golf game)

8. For engineers: make a paintball turret (e.g.

9. Make a security system with multiple cameras that records high quality portrait images and low quality video and alerts the presence suspicious people in real time (e.g. covered faces).

10. Use the camera to cheat/gain an advantage in real life interactions (sports, gambling)

11. Make a system (on the cellphone) that identifies/ classifies photographed objects (for example mushrooms)

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Useful OpenCV Links


OpenCV Wiki:

OpenCV Code Repository:svn co

New Book on OpenCV:

Or, direct from Amazon:

Code examples from the book:


User Group (44700 members 4/2011):