Open Science, Open Innovation/John Wood

Open Science, Open Innovation An EU-SA Dialgue for Policy Professor John Wood Member of the Open Science Policy Platform, RTD, EC Chair of ATTRACT Advisory Board, a trans-European initiative to exploit Open Science and Open Innovation

Transcript of Open Science, Open Innovation/John Wood

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Open Science, Open Innovation

An EU-SA Dialgue for Policy

Professor John Wood

Member of the Open Science Policy Platform, RTD, EC

Chair of ATTRACT Advisory Board, a trans-European initiative to exploit Open Science and Open Innovation

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What is it, myth or reality?

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Data gathering

Open access

Scientific blogs Collaborative


Alternative Reputation


Citizens science

Open code

Open workflows

Open annotation

Open data







Impact Story

An emerging ecosystem of services and


It's real!

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Global collaboratories

• They can engage in whole new forms ofscientific inquiry and treat informationat a scale we are only beginning to see.

• … and help us solving today’s GrandChallenges such as climate change andenergy supply.

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The Data Harvest, December 2014 © RDA Europe

The benefits of open data

• The Citizen: All people will benefit from the products and services that are developed around open data and sharing –directly or indirectly.

• The Entrepreneur: Open data is a source of inspiration for entrepreneurs and provides the raw material for new products and services.

• The Scientist: Freely exchanging data will transform the nature of what it means to be researchers.

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Three pillars of GO FAIRGO FAIR consists of three interconnected pillars:GO CHANGE aims to instigate cultural change to make the FAIR principles a working standard in science and to reform reward systems to incorporate open science activities.GO TRAIN is about locating, creating, maintaining, and sustaining the required data expertise in Europe through training and education. The aim is to have core certified data experts and to have at least one certified institute in each Member State and for each discipline to support implementation of data stewardship.GO BUILD deals with the need for interoperable and federated data infrastructures. In addition, it is about the harmonisation of standards, protocols, and services, which enable all researchers to deposit, access, and analyse scientific data across disciplines.

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The Guru behind this movement

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Philips Eindhoven Innovation Campus

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Philips’ Eindhoven Campus

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• There are 5 key elements in the new Open Innovation process:

• Networking;

• Collaboration: involving partners, competitors, universities, and users;

• Corporate Entrepreneurship: enhancing corporate venturing, start-ups and spin-offs;

• Proactive Intellectual Property Management: creating new markets for technology;

• Research and Development (R&D): achieving competitive advantages in the market.

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Initially the ATTRACT story: 6 of Europe’s top public labs + 2 leading universities join forces to spin their technologies to market

• CERN – the Higgs Boson

• European Molecular Biology Lab

• European Southern Observatory

• European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

• European XFEL (X-Ray Free Electron Laser)

• Institut Laue-Langevin (neutron science)

• Aalto University, Helsinki

• ESADE Business School, Barcelona

• European Industrial Research Management Association

ATTRACT Goal – move from open science to open innovation


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MSc-Student Projects in InnovationIdeaSquare

Benefiting from the technical knowledge of the researchers and engineers working in experiments and in other parts of CERN, a dedicated MSc-level program has been started in IdeaSquare targeted to multidisciplinary student teams, complementary to the domain of physics.

This program is called Challenge Based Innovation (CBI), and it is organized and coordinated in collaboration with universities and business schools. It is open to participation and has currently participants from six countries Currently, some 100 students are working together in IdeaSquare - and remotely from their home institutions - on concrete prototypes addressing challenges faced by society.

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Challenge based innovation

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Speech of Oettinger“We are in the middle of a true revolution — the fourth industrial revolution. It will change our industries, it will change our economy. And it will have a profound impact on our lives.

We are now in the midst of the next digital revolution which is precisely based on interconnection and communication: Any object, any machine, are now starting to be equipped with sensors in this "internet of things" - sensors able to communicate and to feed in real time into processes.

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EDISON Project Overview:

Building the Data Science Profession for Research and Industry

EDISON – Education for Data Intensive Science to Open New science frontiers

Grant 675419 (INFRASUPP-4-2015: CSA)

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EDISON Objectives, Impact and Actions

Increase the number of Data Scientists and

Market for establishing Data Science Profession

Data Science Competence Framework and Body of Knowledge

Engage stakeholder communities

Sustain platforms of communities of practice

Create community of “champion” universities

Interact with Expert Liaison Groups

Define Model Curriculum and design tools

Support for accreditation and certification

Collaborating and sharing expertise and materials

Services to education and


Create a Data Science profession

Data Science professional profiles

Interact with demand and supply sides

Career path building and skills transferability


Objectivesand Actions

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Visionaries and Drivers:

Seminal works, High level reports, Activities

The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery.

By Jim Gray, Microsoft, 2009. Edited by Tony Hey, Kristin Tolle, et al.

DSci Champions March 2017 EDISON Data Science Framework 26

Riding the wave: How Europe can gain from the rising tide of scientific data.

Final report of the High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data. October 2010.

The Data Harvest: How sharing research data can yield knowledge, jobs and growth.

An RDA Europe Report. December 2014

HLEG report on European Open Science Cloud

(October 2016) Emergence of Cognitive Technologies

(IBM Watson and others)