Open Business and P2P Venture applications

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Transcript of Open Business and P2P Venture applications

Boundary Spanning:

Richard L. Daft in 1989, in "Organizational Theory and Design"

a person who's role is linking people in organizations, across the "boundaries" of departments, and across the boundaries of companies themselves.

Open Business

Peer ProductionNetworks

Market Economies

Create Connections

Open Business:Transparency, and working in the open

Open Business:

Devolve Power

Co-governed, Co-ownership

Community/Customer Driven

People over Profits

Open Business:

Sharing Revenue

Systematically Pooling Resources

Work to increase carrying capacity

of contributors to commons

(positive externalities)

Open Business Models Wiki Hivehttp:/

Goals of Open Business ModelsWiki Hive:

Testing Theory Through Action

Pooling Knowledge and ExperienceTo Accelerate Growth of Projects

Creating Knowledge Commons of Open Business Building Blocks

Open Business Building Blocks:

Open Business Building Blocks:

Open Web Standards

Open Business Building Blocks:Open Source Software

Open Business Building Blocks:Resource Pooling for Independents

...chairs and sofas, wireless internet, and interesting people to talk to, collaborate with, and bounce ideas off of.

Pooling costs

Pooling leads

Partnering work

Pooling knowledge

Extending networks

Open Business Building Blocks:Network Sharing

Open Business Building Blocks:Network Sharing

Open Business Building Blocks:Network Sharing

Open Business Building Blocks:P2P Venture

An international initiative that seeks to create an open,

reproducible process.

a physical camp where entrepreneurs meet

and spend a couple of intense days working with mentors

to improve their business documents and presentations.

Projects are evaluated on many dimensions.

At the end of the camp, investors choose to fund projects

Advantages of the model

Valuation is taken out of the process

Entrepreneurs know what they will be offered

Decision to invest or not is taken out

We select the 5+ best presented projects

The time investment is pre-defined and limited

Advantages doing it today

A vast tank of projects

Influential networks

BarCamp, OpenCoffee, BarCampBank,..


A potentially strong relay by conventional medias

Current Evolution:

From platform for venture capitalto platform for Peer investing

Time line may be longer.

Community drives focus of processes

Open Business Building Blocks:Revenue Sharing and User-Ownership

Sharing revenue with people who were traditionally the customer/user/consumer.

Giving them a stake in the ownership

Open Business Building Blocks:Revenue Sharing Example:XTIN Project Points System

Open Business Building Blocks:Revenue Sharing Example:XTIN Project Points System

All phases of production, distribution, marketing of project are opento participation by community. Participants earn points, whichtranslate into revenue shares (sales of movie, posters, merchandiseweb comic).

XTIN teams up with other open projects in other mediums, to createprocess network, pool resources, and spread awareness through enthusiast communities.

Project shares revenue/advances back to open source software communities.

Open Business Building Blocks:Revenue Sharing Example:XTIN Project Points System

Many participants NOT motivatedby money.

Project is therefore not organizedaround money alone:

Parallel processes

Open Marketing:Clue Train Manifesto

There's a new conversation(between those inside and outsideof your business).

Marketing (un) Commons:Hugh MaCleodThe Hughtrain manifesto

Open Marketing Example:

Peer Production of Physical Goods:

Applying the many of the same principles as other open business models

Sharing knowledge/ Open Design

Recovering materials for re-use to create technical cycle

Simple machines can be used to make more complex machines

Simple Machines:


Simple Machines:

rep rap

Used to make....

Sustainable Energy


More complexmachines

Coworking Model Can Be Applied To:

Share cost of machinery

Share costs of working space

Share Open Designs

Share ideas and experience