OOPERATOJl - greenbeltnewsreview.com · OOPERATOJl AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER I I . Published Every...

OOPERATOJl I AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER I . Published Every Friday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc., 8 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland fi' .: -:.--. · i Volume 12. Number 3 G recn lw It. .\1 a•·d and. Frida, .. September 12. 1947 . . Fl ve .(. enlll I Record-Breaking Slate Makes Run-Off Seem Ce Highest Registration In History! I . Improvement Assn. Offers Five Men Here w-e Stand Last Wednr)sday night, after a year·'s inaet.ivity, the Greenbelt Im- JH'ovemen t. Association met 1 o elect offlc(•rs and to draw up a slate of candidatr,s for the town council. Mr. Average Gn·enbeltt·J' may well feel confu:-:ed, at this point, amid the usual \H:ltf..·r ()f last minute flyers. which are not alw:tys intel!igibl•·. and the hubbub of charges and counter-charges lty the \·arious candidates and their backers. Averages One Voter Per Family! ·· ! I, lb t Local politicians agree that a run-?ff elecbonps a sure 1ue in view of the large number of candidates fort re fi C{ fun- The five comprbe incumbent mayor Ceorge Bauer, B•·n Gold- fadr!n, former· town recreation r!i- rector, assistant postmaster Ceorge Fz·ank .1. McConnell and Albert .J. Schaffer. The four-pr>int platform to which th<- nominees are pler!gerl, ac(;ord- ing to the Evening Star. includes: 1. Introduction of private enter- prise into the town to offer "fair competition" to the present "ex- clusive" cooperative set-up. 2. Giving Greenbelt residents "first consideration" when the town is disposed of by its present landlord, the Public Housing Ad- ministration. 3. Setting up a zoning ordinance to allow for new comm-ercial areas and "preserve the beauty of the community." New playground facilities, especially in the North End, should be provided. 4. A town budget permitting ex- panded recreation and public safety facilities. Newly elected officers of the GIA are Guy Moore, president; Thomas Freeman, vice president; Wil- ham F. Donahue, secretary-treas- urer. Originally ·.cheduled to meet in the Center Auditorium, the gather- n.oved to a smaller room when the expected crowd failed to materialize. Last week the Associ- , ation packed the auditorium at a . meeting called "to present the true facts about the current co-op con- troversy." Given over mostly to a reading of testimony taken at the hearing held by the House Small Business Committee, the meeting was terminated by Mayor Bauer, who acted as presiding officer, when objections were made to the "rowcJiness'' of several co-op repre- sentatives who were trying to get the floor for a discussion of Points raised in the testimony. - Absentee Voting Rules Announced Unanimous council action Mon- day g<.ve absentee balloting pri\'i- eges to focal citizens who might otherwise be debarrerl from voting because of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur restrictions. Tuesday, Septembf'r 16, which is Town Council election day, is also ttw second day of the two-day holi- day. \Ve recommend, both trJ H1ost: whu undecided and to those who think ha\ e made up their minds. that they attend the Citizen;,: Assr.ciatif•!l mel'ting to be held next Monday night, the 15th, at 8 ::1'), in the Center School Audi- torium. A brand-new tec.lniquP, fur Gn:enbelt, of qu(·stioning the candidates by notes written fro!n the tloor, i:; to be instituted at this meeting. Greenbelters who usually stay from town pow- wows because they dislike tights. can be assured that this meeting wi!l be orderly. At thoc.· same time, all factions will have a chance to ask the questirll1S they consider vital. Our assistant editor, in the la:-;t issue, committed us to a policy of !lOt recommenr1ing any especial candidates to your notice. We can at least outline our platform: 1. \Ve support the Greenbelt Mutual Rousing Association. whic'h calls for local ownership of the town through a mutual housing corpora- tion, at such time as the Government decides to sell this community. 2. Quick action to establish a zoning ordin- ance carrying out the pattern laid out by Hale-Walker, which protects yards, pa:rks, and recreational areas from commercial encroachment.-;. 3. Pubiic referendum to de- cide what private enterprises be allowed to enter the com- munity outl";de the radius established by the co-op's lease with the Guvernment. 4. A town budget providing for a more complete public health scn·ice, full-time social \Vorker, and expanded rPcrt•atir•nal kindPrga1·ten p--o- grams. We maintah that tl:e Impron:rr,ent Association plat- form's first pomt: "The introduction of private enterprise into the town to offer fair compdition to the present exclu- sive co-operative set-up" is h because the lease now in effect between the co-op and the Go,·ernment does pel'mit the introduction of private enterprises outside the half-mile limit. It will be interesting to see if local stockholders, who have $2:00,000 invested in Greenbelt Consurr.er Sen·ices, will respect the business .iudgoment of candidates who object to this arrangement. Similar contracts are in force in housing development:-: like ours throughout the country. You haven't seen statements from all the candidates in this newspaper. Some people still don't belie\·e the "Letters to the Editor" column is open to all shades cf opinion, re- gardless of the we take in 'ditorials. and the cartoons we publish. So, for tte whole s1 or_,-. urge you again to attend the Citizens Association mPeting night. The town has ne\·er oefore in it.-: been faced \\·ith so many important issues. It is (•;o;sential that the people of Greenbelt pick conscientious. intt·llig-ent. dignified council members that they will bt• proud b> ha\·e rerresent them in the difficult days that lie ahead. (Jhild Care Center cil positions in next Tuesday's election. · I A simple majority of one ver Candidates' Due half the total :1 wr be The names of the following required to elect a Cflndid lte ir '!the candidates, ar- first ballotting. 1 un-o1 if ranged, wili appear on the necessary, will be held ballots next Tuesday: September 23. Officrs no fille George Bauer the first vote will b alk :ted 1 n a John Cain run-off competition t Tom Canning receiving the high(lst V• te. Abe Chasanow number competing tt ru; Paul Dunbar will be twice the h.umb of re- Sherrod Ea!':t maining council George Eshbaugh An average of o e p1 rson 1per Vernon Fox eligible family is I ow ; egist•1red Ben Goldfaden and may vote ;n ttlis ye: lr's t Dave Granahan council election. Rtrsiden :s of bne Elizabeth Harrington year or more, total 1 1627 fami es; Herbert Hertz at press time vas 1 04. Francis I !lstner Almost as many peo:•le l ve Allen Lawrence registered this :Vere al- Adelbert Long ready eligib!e. to v te f:1 : re- Frank McConnell vious elections. T e lf 04 t tal Allen Mo.rrison (which does net allo for dupl a- Joseph Rogers tions> consists of 8!5 "le; t-ovf· s," AI Schaffer and 752. who registEired t tis Y a;. James Smith An estimate th• Pu he Housing office here p:laces 'he m Accordil.g to the election ber of adults in the l•p27 f8. milie:' at provisions in the Town Char- 3000. Th 1s •.. '.:1 ell ter, each candidate, or an al- over half of the num er o: Cltl7· ns ternate of his choosing, is who can register ave alre dy permitted to watch the done .so. \ counting of the ballots. Town Manager .Janles T The Cooperator wishes to in explaining that regi >trati ns ctraw thi-; pro,·ision to puhlic n.ay still be acceptEd UJ en I y- attention, as during the last ment of 50. cents, stre:;sed I 'lat e I e c t i o n candidates and late registrant mm;t be ace• ,_ watchers were not allowed panied by two eligible vo .. ers ' ho within the voting area by must swear that he is qu; lifie<i to election officials. Consider- register. He added ; .ny able crit:cism and imputa- son falsely swearing to SUI h qu' h- tions of bad faith resulted. fications will be guilty of perjt. y, GHS Alumni Meet The Alumni Asso<.:iation of Greenbelt High School will hold an important meeting on Wednesday, September 17, at 8 p. m. at the high school. New officers will be elected and plans will be made for an active social program during the coming year. All Greenbelt High alumni, and particularly the 19-17 graduates, are urged to at- tend. <' Local Girl Scouts Need Adult Help The first meeting of District Or- ganization :[';'o .. 1, Girl Scouts, will rneet at the Scout room, 14 Park- way on Tu(· ,day, September 15 at 8:00 p. m. Anyone interested in helping the Girl Scout organization either as leader. assistant leader or in any capacity is welcome to at- tend. and may be so prosecuted. Election officials, 'ap:Poi 1ted by the council, will be :>worn in a a meeting Monday nigl)t at i lie fi:;e- house-election center. T.l', a :·e: judge-at-large, George Ec mist! r: day group, Lou Mrs. Daniel Neff, Rudolf Danek Les rr Roach, and E. M. Hager; lirec' t>r of .the count, John Bflckhan ; group, Hilbert 0. Gu:'th, Jc hn (c- Wi!Iiams, Mrs. Jostfph l1 :acch:o, Leo Mullen, and WaYJr Community Annual M eeti.'ug Councilman Paul Dunbar entered thf' resolution in answer to a lettPr from f{nbhi M0.n·is Sandhaus, who poiil!cd out the dilemma and asked the council to attempt a solution. Sirwe State laws control PlPction days and hours and pro\'ide that wr·ittC'n balloting is the only mcthod to he Usf'd, thP town ordi- nancp pr·o,·iciin.£.;' for· absf'ntpe ballot in casp of absencC' from town or ill- nt:'ss was am<>nr!Pci to inclucie n·- ligious restr·ictions. :.'viembC'rs of thf' Ht:'hrew fv.ith at'f.' prohibited fr·om writing dur·ing either· of the holidays. Quiz Candidates At Monday Meet tion nt p_ m. nn ;.r rlay, S••ptemb•·r· 1."'i. in the er·nr•·1· auditorium will gin' all candiciates an oppo1·tunity to P<•- After· 1hrc'l'-minut s;>N•c·hps f:r eac·h <·andirla!P. the nurli•.:nr·e \'.ill by \\Ti1U.'ll nr,te . .; whic-h will fr.ol- warded to the pn•,;iding otfiu•:·. Rohpr·t Dan·npr•rt. 1hf.' As,codation·,; Star·ts Fall Term T1 ,, c;1 ... ·nhr·lt CL:IrJ Care Center. 1 i i':•t :..;·\ :.v annr·unce.- the •;· ·_·::ir.-.:: ,-.r !r. .... fa] and se.:-::- _-.:i1.n .')r, f1:r".·i r!.:t:.· or care ft-,r ,.· :•ill·n f: a;..;n (>f :2 to 10. • n ;, ;::• •:l'i. ba.>i.>. Th"' (·hildr·en p i--t:ri hy a ,-1[ .. .-s . ...;iona]Jy r:;ri.r··•l ,:aff. anr! ;;rf.' ;:;:i•:.:·n a well- rr:(•al. r:1•,z nin;:; and ;.fr._·:nf·!·n . ...:nar·J:.:-.. nnd r-est :\Irs. Dora ::\IcNeel, chairman of 1he oq:;-aniz<ttion, phone 6'183. states that there is a gr·eat need for help \\'ith the Scouts and Brownies this year because of so many changes in the community. In order to keep on with th1s program, the group must ha,-e help. The District Or- ganization is composed of leaders of Sc-out and Brownie tr·oops, their a,;sistants. committee member·s and parents oi others inter·ested in heiping 6il'ls through the Scout Jlrogram. The ladies of the Com nuni y Church will serve a nc1n-pn fit ft 1- lowship supper to s ar d members of th•e church! on 'I y evening, September 25.i It. vill i 'e served in the social n)oms of tl e Center School, buffet istyle fro. :1 6:00 p. m. to 7:30 p. rr!. Tl e SU!- per will be immediate·ly f< tlowe l , by the ann_ual I bus l ness meetmg of 1 cnu; :::h, < r which the pastor, R•(v. Eric '1 ', Braund, will ·preside. Report ; fror l all standing: committees:and .loard 1 of the church will be preser ted i: t mimeographed form, pia ts an• I goals for the coming Yf'!ar ' ·in discussed. It is th tt Dr . Frederick Reissig of tht \Va ;hing , ton' Fedez·ation of Churqhes ' ·ill bt present. All member!> of th, church are uz·ged to atttmd. Pnwedure for casting an sentee ballot, in accordance with t hp or·iginal ordinancp, is as fol- Io\\',;: Application shall be mane tn the Town Clerk not latt•r than thn>e nays hefor·p f'leetion. In or·der 1o facilitate register·ed \'OtC'rs who want to a,·ail 1hems(•l\·p,_; of this pri\·iiegP, !\fr·s. \Vintielct \Tc·Camey, Town Cler·k. will he at thp Town Administration o.tfice, next ciour to the bank, tomorTow from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. The application must b'? in \\Titing. The ballot must be placed in a sealed l'n\'elope which 1denti1io:>s the sender·, and must reach the Town C!er·k before the polls close at 7 p. m. on Tuesda;>·. )JI'(•sident. ::O.Ir. Uan•npo:-t will r•< d Pach question aloud to the caw'IJ .. datt> 1ilus aclrlre,.;ser!. Tt:p hnpe ·.·.a.·. exprest•d by :'.Ir·. D<t\·enr;oTt tl::'Jt the \\Tittf'n form uf quesL(Ir;:rc..: will a\·t·r·t the cc,nfusie>n !::,., at similar meetin;;s in thP past. Also sd1Pr!til•:d f,,r mel'ting- is t•leetion of ollicer.'. -·-------·----------·-·-· ----. ·------- - lat..-r than Saturday. Sept--rnb<.>r· 2.t. Applieatie>n must he made again n ,, 21. in thC' en:·nt one is neeess.:u·y. \'id(·d fr,r thp rc;n-off on SPpten:b•:t Ab,;entee ba11ot.s will also tie pre.- JJ.:r .. _ ._ .. tn Pnroll thei!· r 7.:id! f:liza- h··l c·;t:-rJ'•! ''r:. r!!l (1( the cen- 7 at .·\ t :r :: ...... ilL! ( ,f t h•· Ex,.r·ut C :r,· .I ·f r.·• C"h:Jrl Ca:p Cc•nt••r. .t r ... ·--day. ... !1 ft '.\·a.-.- rle- ,·Jrl· rl !•· ·::dtL':tin tt:•_· p:•_·.,, .. nt rates, l.... f' . !! t) ·•• •. : Pr .... ,f ;'"t:._:-::- P·-·r· . ...:. , · ,, ::.--:•· :":.'; pt·:· ·nth. "',IJ I ir. :.\·} n:f•nth. :'.rf•:·r.- , r. .:• I ·-S:22 pez .V••"r.<•,•:1 •::••·e <-·::ly-- S26 per T! .• ,·:: .- p. n:. <i<ciy. from 7 a. m. to 6 HEY! r---- INCT WITH 0

Transcript of OOPERATOJl - greenbeltnewsreview.com · OOPERATOJl AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER I I . Published Every...

Page 1: OOPERATOJl - greenbeltnewsreview.com · OOPERATOJl AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER I I . Published Every Friday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc., 8 Parkway, Greenbelt,


Published Every Friday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc., 8 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland fi' .: -:.--. · i Volume 12. Number 3 G recn lw It. .\1 a•·d and. Frida, .. September 12. 1947 . . Fl ve .(. enlll


Record-Breaking Slate Makes Run-Off Seem Ce Jli~~ Highest Registration In History! I .

Improvement Assn. Offers Five Men

Here w-e Stand

Last Wednr)sday night, after a year·'s inaet.ivity, the Greenbelt Im­JH'ovemen t. Association met 1 o elect offlc(•rs and to draw up a slate of candidatr,s for the town council.

Mr. Average Gn·enbeltt·J' may well feel confu:-:ed, at this point, amid the usual \H:ltf..·r ()f last minute flyers. which are not alw:tys intel!igibl•·. and the hubbub of charges and counter-charges le:~unched lty the \·arious candidates and their backers.

Averages One Voter Per Family! ·· !

• I, lb t Local politicians agree that a run-?ff elecbonps a sure 1ue in view of the large number of candidates fort re fi ~e C{ fun-

The five comprbe incumbent mayor Ceorge Bauer, B•·n Gold­fadr!n, former· town recreation r!i­rector, assistant postmaster Ceorge E~hbaugh, Fz·ank .1. McConnell and Albert .J. Schaffer.

The four-pr>int platform to which th<- nominees are pler!gerl, ac(;ord­ing to the Evening Star. includes:

1. Introduction of private enter­prise into the town to offer "fair competition" to the present "ex­clusive" cooperative set-up.

2. Giving Greenbelt residents "first consideration" when the town is disposed of by its present landlord, the Public Housing Ad­ministration.

3. Setting up a zoning ordinance to allow for new comm-ercial areas and "preserve the beauty of the community." New playground facilities, especially in the North End, should be provided.

4. A town budget permitting ex­panded recreation and public safety facilities.

Newly elected officers of the GIA are Guy Moore, president; Thomas ~- Freeman, vice president; Wil­ham F. Donahue, secretary-treas-urer.

Originally ·.cheduled to meet in the Center Auditorium, the gather­in~ n.oved to a smaller room when the expected crowd failed to materialize. Last week the Associ-

, ation packed the auditorium at a . meeting called "to present the true facts about the current co-op con­troversy." Given over mostly to a reading of testimony taken at the hearing held by the House Small Business Committee, the meeting was terminated by Mayor Bauer, who acted as presiding officer, when objections were made to the "rowcJiness'' of several co-op repre­sentatives who were trying to get the floor for a discussion of Points raised in the testimony. -

Absentee Voting

Rules Announced Unanimous council action Mon­

day g<.ve absentee balloting pri\'i­eges to focal citizens who might otherwise be debarrerl from voting because of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur holi~ay restrictions. Tuesday, Septembf'r 16, which is Town Council election day, is also ttw second day of the two-day holi­day.

\Ve recommend, both trJ H1ost: whu ~tre undecided and to those who think tht~y ha\ e made up their minds. that they attend the Citizen;,: Assr.ciatif•!l mel'ting to be held next Monday night, the 15th, at 8 ::1'), in the Center School Audi­torium.

A brand-new tec.lniquP, fur Gn:enbelt, of qu(·stioning the candidates by notes written fro!n the tloor, i:; to be instituted at this meeting.

Greenbelters who usually stay ~~way from town pow­wows because they dislike tights. can be assured that this meeting wi!l be orderly. At thoc.· same time, all factions will have a chance to ask the questirll1S they consider vital.

Our assistant editor, in the la:-;t issue, committed us to a policy of !lOt recommenr1ing any especial candidates to your notice.

We can at least outline our platform: 1. \Ve support the Greenbelt Mutual Rousing Association. whic'h calls for local ownership of the town through a mutual housing corpora­tion, at such time as the Government decides to sell this community. 2. Quick action to establish a zoning ordin­ance carrying out the pattern laid out by Hale-Walker, which protects yards, pa:rks, and recreational areas from commercial encroachment.-;. 3. Pubiic referendum to de­cide what private enterprises be allowed to enter the com­munity outl";de the radius established by the co-op's lease with the Guvernment. 4. A town budget providing for a more complete public health scn·ice, full-time social \Vorker, and expanded rPcrt•atir•nal ~lllrl kindPrga1·ten p--o­grams.

We maintah that tl:e Impron:rr,ent Association plat­form's first pomt: "The introduction of private enterprise into the town to offer fair compdition to the present exclu­sive co-operative set-up" is h phone~·. because the lease now in effect between the co-op and the Go,·ernment does pel'mit the introduction of private enterprises outside the half-mile limit. It will be interesting to see if local stockholders, who have $2:00,000 invested in Greenbelt Consurr.er Sen·ices, will respect the business .iudgoment of candidates who object to this arrangement. Similar exclusiv~ contracts are in force in housing development:-: like ours throughout the country.

You haven't seen statements from all the candidates in this newspaper. Some people still don't belie\·e the "Letters to the Editor" column is open to all shades cf opinion, re­gardless of the st~nd we take in 'ditorials. and the cartoons we publish. So, for tte whole s1 or_,-. \\'~' urge you again to attend the Citizens Association mPeting :\Ionda~· night. The town has ne\·er oefore in it.-: histor~· been faced \\·ith so many important issues. It is (•;o;sential that the people of Greenbelt pick conscientious. intt·llig-ent. dignified council members that they will bt• proud b> ha\·e rerresent them in the difficult days that lie ahead.

(Jhild Care Center

cil positions in next Tuesday's election. · I

A simple majority of one ver Candidates' Due half the total regis~rauc :1 wr be The names of the following required to elect a Cflndid lte ir '!the

candidates, alphab~tically ar- first ballotting. ~~he 1 un-o1 • if ranged, wili appear on the necessary, will be held Tue~ ~ay, ballots next Tuesday: September 23. Officrs no fille ~.by

George Bauer the first vote will b alk :ted • 1

n a John Cain run-off competition am~:ng t ~~se Tom Canning receiving the high(lst V• te. ~·he· Abe Chasanow number competing ~n tt ~ ru; ~-off Paul Dunbar will be twice the h.umb ~r of re-Sherrod Ea!':t maining council seal~. George Eshbaugh An average of o e p1 rson 1per Vernon Fox eligible family is I ow ; egist•1red Ben Goldfaden and may vote ;n ttlis ye: lr's t ~wn Dave Granahan council election. Rtrsiden :s of bne Elizabeth Harrington year or more, total


1627 fami es; Herbert Hertz regi~tration at press time vas 1 04. Francis I !lstner Almost as many peo:•le l ve Allen Lawrence registered this yea1~as :Vere al-Adelbert Long ready eligib!e. to v te f:1 o~ : re-Frank McConnell vious elections. T e lf 04 t tal Allen Mo.rrison (which does net allo for dupl a-Joseph Rogers tions> consists of 8!5 "le; t-ovf· s," AI Schaffer and 752. who registEired t tis Y a;. James Smith An estimate fror.~ th• Pu he

Housing office here p:laces 'he m m~ Accordil.g to the election ber of adults in the l•p27 f8. milie:' at

provisions in the Town Char- approx~mately 3000. ~ Th 1s •.. '.:1 ell ter, each candidate, or an al- over half of the num er o: Cltl7· ns ternate of his choosing, is who can register ave alre dy permitted to watch the done .so. \ counting of the ballots. Town Manager .Janles T Gob·~el,

The Cooperator wishes to in explaining that regi >trati ns ctraw thi-; pro,·ision to puhlic n.ay still be acceptEd UJ en I y-attention, as during the last ment of 50. cents, stre:;sed I 'lat e··~h e I e c t i o n candidates and late registrant mm;t be ace• ,_ watchers were not allowed panied by two eligible vo .. ers ' ho within the voting area by must swear that he is qu; lifie<i to election officials. Consider- register. He added ~hat ; .ny Ir~-able crit:cism and imputa- son falsely swearing to SUI h qu' h-tions of bad faith resulted. fications will be guilty of perjt. y,

GHS Alumni Meet The Alumni Asso<.:iation of

Greenbelt High School will hold an important meeting on Wednesday, September 17, at 8 p. m. at the high school. New officers will be elected and plans will be made for an active social program during the coming year. All Greenbelt High alumni, and particularly the 19-17 graduates, are urged to at­tend. <'

Local Girl Scouts Need Adult Help

The first meeting of District Or­ganization :[';'o .. 1, Girl Scouts, will rneet at the Scout room, 14 Park­way on Tu(· ,day, September 15 at 8:00 p. m. Anyone interested in helping the Girl Scout organization either as leader. assistant leader or in any capacity is welcome to at­tend.

and may be so prosecuted. Election officials, 'ap:Poi 1ted by

the council, will be :>worn in a a meeting Monday nigl)t at i lie fi:;e­house-election center. T.l', ~Y a :·e: judge-at-large, George Ec mist! r: day group, Lou t~erste, Mrs. Daniel Neff, Rudolf Danek Les rr Roach, and E. M. Hager; lirec' t>r of .the count, John Bflckhan ; ni~ ~t group, Hilbert 0. Gu:'th, Jc hn ~ (c­Wi!Iiams, Mrs. Jostfph l1 :acch:o, Leo Mullen, and WaYJr Rol~rts.

Community c'~Ulch Annual M eeti.'ug

Councilman Paul Dunbar entered thf' resolution in answer to a lettPr from f{nbhi M0.n·is Sandhaus, who poiil!cd out the dilemma and asked the council to attempt a solution. Sirwe State laws control PlPction days and hours and pro\'ide that wr·ittC'n balloting is the only mcthod to he Usf'd, thP town ordi­nancp pr·o,·iciin.£.;' for· absf'ntpe ballot in casp of absencC' from town or ill­nt:'ss was am<>nr!Pci to inclucie n·­ligious restr·ictions. :.'viembC'rs of thf' Ht:'hrew fv.ith at'f.' prohibited fr·om writing dur·ing either· of the holidays.

Quiz Candidates At Monday Meet

tion rneetii~:..,: nt .~::;r, p_ m. nn ;.r ~~·~­rlay, S••ptemb•·r· 1."'i. in the er·nr•·1· auditorium will gin' all candiciates an oppo1·tunity to P<•-

After· 1hrc'l'-minut s;>N•c·hps f:r ~:1 eac·h <·andirla!P. the nurli•.:nr·e \'.ill

by \\Ti1U.'ll nr,te . .; whic-h will b,~ fr.ol­

warded to the pn•,;iding otfiu•:·. Rohpr·t Dan·npr•rt. 1hf.' As,codation·,;

Star·ts Fall Term T1 ,, c;1 ... ·nhr·lt CL:IrJ Care Center.

1 i i':•t :..;·\ :.v r~oarl. annr·unce.- the •;· ·_·::ir.-.:: ,-.r !r. .... fa] and \.\·int~r se.:-::­_-.:i1.n .')r, ~~···t~·:::b.:),~ 1~. Tht~ c~~nter f1:r".·i ~ ~dl r!.:t:.· or balf-da~· care ft-,r ,.· :•ill·n f: •::~ lh·~ a;..;n (>f :2 to 10. • n ;, ;::• •:l'i. ~· ba.>i.>. Th"' (·hildr·en ,~,. p <t;,~·!·\ i--t:ri hy a p~ ,-1[ .. .-s . ...;iona]Jy r:;ri.r··•l ,:aff. anr! ;;rf.' ;:;:i•:.:·n a well­r~~1l:· :~t'j•rl :-.·~t·:~ rr:(•al. r:1•,z nin;:; and ;.fr._·:nf·!·n . ...:nar·J:.:-.. nnd tt.~Aular r-est

:\Irs. Dora ::\IcNeel, chairman of 1he oq:;-aniz<ttion, phone 6'183. states that there is a gr·eat need for help \\'ith the Scouts and Brownies this year because of so many changes in the community. In order to keep on with th1s program, the group must ha,-e help. The District Or­ganization is composed of leaders of Sc-out and Brownie tr·oops, their a,;sistants. committee member·s and parents oi others inter·ested in heiping 6il'ls through the Scout Jlrogram.

The ladies of the Com nuni y Church will serve a nc1n-pn fit ft 1-lowship supper to f.~mili• s ar d members of th•e church! on 'I ..1esd~ y evening, September 25.i It. vill i 'e served in the social n)oms of tl e Center School, buffet istyle fro. :1

6:00 p. m. to 7:30 p. rr!. Tl e SU!­per will be immediate·ly f< tlowe l , by the ann_ual congreg~fti?m I bus l ness meetmg of \h~ 1 cnu; :::h, < r which the pastor, R•(v. Eric '1 ', Braund, will ·preside. Report ; fror l all standing: committees:and .loard 1

of the church will be preser ted i: t mimeographed form, an~ pia ts an• I goals for the coming Yf'!ar ' ·in b· ~ discussed. It is expectt~d th tt Dr . Frederick Reissig of tht \Va ;hing , ton' Fedez·ation of Churqhes ' ·ill bt present. All member!> of th, church are uz·ged to atttmd. Pnwedure for casting an r~h­

sentee ballot, in accordance with t hp or·iginal ordinancp, is as fol­Io\\',;:

Application shall be mane tn the Town Clerk not latt•r than thn>e nays hefor·p f'leetion. In or·der 1o facilitate register·ed \'OtC'rs who want to a,·ail 1hems(•l\·p,_; of this pri\·iiegP, !\fr·s. \Vintielct \Tc·Camey, Town Cler·k. will he at thp Town Administration o.tfice, next ciour to the bank, tomorTow from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. The application must b'? in \\Titing. The ballot must be placed in a sealed l'n\'elope which 1denti1io:>s the sender·, and must reach the Town C!er·k before the polls close at 7 p. m. on Tuesda;>·.

)JI'(•sident. ::O.Ir. Uan•npo:-t will r•< d

Pach question aloud to the caw'IJ .. datt> 1ilus aclrlre,.;ser!. Tt:p hnpe ·.·.a.·. exprest•d by :'.Ir·. D<t\·enr;oTt tl::'Jt

the \\Tittf'n form uf quesL(Ir;:rc..: will a\·t·r·t the cc,nfusie>n t~1at !::,., pn~\·ailed at similar meetin;;s in thP past.

Also sd1Pr!til•:d f,,r ~Ionciay':; mel'ting- is t•leetion of ollicer.'. -·-------·----------·-·-· ----. ·------- -

lat..-r than Saturday. Sept--rnb<.>r· 2.t. Applieatie>n must he made again n ,,

21. in thC' en:·nt one is neeess.:u·y. \'id(·d fr,r thp rc;n-off on SPpten:b•:t Ab,;entee ba11ot.s will also tie pre.-

JJ.:r .. _ ~··-~ ._ .. -~'!) \\·l~h tn Pnroll thei!· r 7.:id! ~·n n.·~y c~'Jntaf't ~·Ti.-._..: f:liza­h··l r~ c·;t:-rJ'•! ''r:. r!!l t.~ctur (1( the cen-7 t· ~-. at -~'"'--)•1.

.·\ t :r :: ...... ilL! ( ,f t h•· Ex,.r·ut in~ C :r,· .I ·f • r.·• C"h:Jrl Ca:p Cc•nt••r.

.t r ... ·--day. ~ ... f··r.~h·~r !1 ft '.\·a.-.- rle­,·Jrl· rl !•· ·::dtL':tin tt:•_· p:•_·.,, .. nt rates, ~ l.... f' . !! t) ·•• •. • :

Pr ~-- .... ·~~~~~ ,f ;'"t:._:-::- ~1~ P·-·r· ~J,onth. . ...:. ~ , · ,, ::.--:•· :":.'; pt·:· r~--.~ ·nth.

"',IJ I ir. frr.~

L:~~:. :.\·} ~~~~·.:--~·~ i»~_·r n:f•nth. :'.rf•:·r.-:~~ , r. ~:t! .:• I ·r-.l~-- ·-S:22 pez r:-:t,nth~ .V••"r.<•,•:1 •::••·e <-·::ly-- S26 per

T! .• ~·, ,·:: .­p. n:. <i<ciy.

~t:·~ from 7 a. m. to 6

HEY! ----------------~------- r----


YO~ M~Bii~ER ~


Page 2: OOPERATOJl - greenbeltnewsreview.com · OOPERATOJl AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER I I . Published Every Friday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc., 8 Parkway, Greenbelt,

------------------~--.................... ,~ .. !

GREENBELT COOPERATOR A:-1' I:-.;DEPI:.:::-.;u£:'-:T :-.:E\\'SPAI 'EP..

8 Parkway, Greenbelt, ·Maryland $1.:->(J fJ(_-r Y'-·ar hy rrJ::t:l

Published weekly since :'-:rJV(·mt.r:r 2~. 1~37 hy a n.lur.t<.:<:r ~t;,ff. Ownr,rj and ''}H:raU•d by tt.r:

Greenbelt Cor,j;eratiw: l'ubli~hing A~''>Ciat.r;n, ]r.r:., a nrJn-pr(Jfjt ()rgarJ~?..a'i<Jn d':rLcaff::·d f(J

1. S(:rvin~ th<: best intr,rr:st-; r,[ th•· r:<J''i'"r<~tiv<, rn••\·r .. rrJ·nt. 2. Covering Gn:-<.•nbelt n(:V.'s a.~ fully, fairly. and au:•J~a~•:ly a:, V>'.';Ue.

J'h()nP (;n·•·nbPlt .;~:;:~ t<J :-ub::,;t n•·w:-Phrme Greenbelt :H:n ''n ;\!ond'ly and Tu•,.•;day nights

tr1 subrni:. <Hh·r:rti~ing. Editorial office open ;\Irmdny anti Tuesday nJghts f.<•:":1 ~=~;r; p. n-:. News items may be submitted o:it!wr thn>ugh th•:, rr.a:l, VHl tt".'! b•)X

In the tobnr·ro store, or thu,ugh the sl(Jt in thr: vHwe d<J<,r. Last pick-up of nr,ws itPrns <tnd ads frorn til<:• t.c;bar·c<J ~tr.rr, rv•x r:.ade

at 8 p. m. :'>IfJnday and Tur·sday. ---·------- - --~----·--·-·- -- -~~-----·- ---····---~·--·-- ·-----·- --··----

Editor-in-Chief --------------------------- Anne Hull Assistant Editor ---------------------- Eleanor Ritchie News Editor------------------------ B<ubara :\Icf'lary Monday ::-.:ight Editor ------------------ Edith :\icholas Sport~.; Editor---------------------------- ,John Co~ta Staff Photographer ------------------- Beverley Fonda

STAFF Geraldinr! Bar:k>.trnm, Margaret Brown, Eli~a Eaq, DN• Fairchild,

Luelle Fondn, \Veils Harrington, Annr· :\Iazlr·n. J)()r"t hy :\Ir·r;,."· '.Jr,Ji~a Meyer, Carolyn and Ralph G. ::'\Iillc-r. Eile('n :\Iurlrl, .Junr• Hing<·l, Llrmna Romer, FrancPs Rosenthal, Ethel Rosenzweig, E\·p I~u!'~. Ainwp Sl.}e, Bobbie Solet, Lil Stutz, Bess Vog(•l, .June Wilbur, Pr•ggy \\'ineganlr•n.

BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager ---------------------- Ruth 'Vatson Circulation Manager .................................................................. Charlotte \Valsh

Vol. 12 Friday, September 12, 1947

To The Editor: Candidates Speak

1. Who shall own Greenbelt? I strongly advocate that a. When disposed of, the com­

munity be kept. intact, not. divided between nEw and old Greenblet, nor split up into. !;mall areas under different ownership.

b. T!le community not be sold to speculative real estate dealers whose only interest, nat urAily, will be to maximize the profit they can obtain from it.

c. The communi('\' be sold to its residents, and that the organiza­tion negotiating the sale be broadly representative of the entire com­munity and have in its member­ship a large majority of the pres­ent residents who desire to con­tinu·2 to live her('.

d. Thnt Pl'<'sr•nt o<·c:upnnts h<' guaranteed th 1·ighl to live in thr·ir· present units, and that those desir­ing to move be gh·en first priority on other units in Greenbelt.

2. Cc>cJperntives vs. Individaul Enterprise.

I believe that a. Cooper·ative principles are

sound because they benefit thE" con­sume,· group as a whole instead of a few enterprising individuals s<>ek­ing to make STH:cuJative profits off of the consumer group.

b. The lease betwE'en the Federvl Government and Greenbelt Con­sumer Services should be main­tained. It is inconceivab!e to me that the Federal Government should be encouraged to fail to re­spect its legal agreements. . c. G.C.S. has earned the right to 1ts present position in the Center by virtue of ten y('ars of Ntrnest effort durinp; which time it has !ierved Gr('enbelt well under very ditrlcult circumstances and war­time conditions.

d: Thp question of what forms of busmess ent('rprise shall bE" al­lowed to enter Gree.nblt and what locations they shall be allowed to use for building should be decided by all of th(' J'Psirlents of the com­munity !n a town referendum.

e. New .shoping fa(·iJities should bE" located in the North End.

3. Zoning. I think that a. The new Council should im­

:~ediately push action on the estab­Jits~ment of zoning regulations Which will take into account the welfare of the entire community.

b. The zoning r<'gulations should preserw' the character of Green­belt as a beautiful community with adequate park space, recreation areas, playgrounrls for children llthletic facilities, and parking space.

c. The zoning regulations should uot d_iscriminate against any group now ITl Greenbelt.

4. Town Sen·ices. I believe that

. a. ~resent services, including ath athletic and recreation program, ~mderg:lrtE"n, adult PdU<'ation, li­brary, public health, and social St>rvices should he maintained and wherever feasible expanded.

b. ':fhe public health program. especially, should be studied and aided in m·der to make it more (•f­fective in its sp1·vice to the com­munity.

5. Town Government. J think that a. The City l\Ianager form of

g.Jvernment which we now have should be adhered to, and that the

TrJV;n CfJtlncil should rl<'f'idP pfllicy but not infpr·ferf' with th<.' To\\11 ?\Tanager and ot hPr err. :,Jnyees in thr• ('X<!eution (>f thr•ir rluliPs.


To the Editor: I arn a car.didat<> fm· the Town

Council of Greenbdt and desire to solicit the support of thP pE'ople of Greenbelt towarr!s my election. I have been a r~>sident of Greenhelt over nine ypars during whi('h tim1? I have been active in se\·eral m·­ganizations and in the gen.::•ral community life of which my record speaks for itself. I have bE'en President of the Men's Community Chm·ch Sunday School Class, Treasurer of the Greenbelt Athletie Club. anrt at present sen·ing as President of the GreenbPlt ?\Yen's Bowling League I am a veterar11 ann a m('mb('r of the G!·eenbelt American Lef.!'ion Post 'Ko. 1::16. I arn Prnplnypci hy 1 hP 'frPn~l.'l'Y J)t.>· l'''·t·tn11·nt ~1-...: A:-'-i'-t;ln1 P•·J .... qnn.·1 Oflicer of the Bur·f·au of thP .Public Debt and reeeiYed hy ::'\Taste1·'s D~·­gree in Accounting from C"lumbus llniversit\ in 1!Hfl. I feci well qualified ·to sen·e the pc·ople of GrE>enbelt in 1 hE>ir Tow;1 Council.

?\1y primary mntiw• in SN:kin;:; ('lection to the Town Counr·i~ is to further the cause nf thE> Anwriean way of life ht:•re in GrPPnbP!t. In onier to achit•n• this Pnrt it is my belief that the \'el-y principle on which our great country wn;:; fnnnded is thE' right of e\·ery indi­vidual to pu1·sue his ambitions and :'lopes based upon personal initia­ti\·e rath('r than to he dictated to hy any indiYidual or group of indi·· \·iduals. The Town of GreE'n belt should not bE' helct out a-< a "guinea pig" of the Federal Puhlic Housing­Administration ami neithPr should the people hP rlictated tn anrl monopoliz<>d hy any one commer­cial enterpr-ise sueh as thp Gt·een­belt Consumer Services. I believe unequi\·ocahly in that part of our Constitution which pro\·irles for free trade anrl to this end I will, if elected, sen·(' the pent·le of GreeP.b(']t in the Town Council.


To the Editor: Vote for me because? Because for tPn years of re~iding

here I belong to the many organi­zations in Greenbelt. :-.;o! BPcause I am a vet('ran of \\'orld \\"ar II with three years sPrvP<i o\·erspas. NO! Because I pl·omi-<e to <io this or that fm· the good of our Town, NO!

Vote for me onl~· if you fP(•l that I am the onP you want to sen·e on th£> Town Council for your repre­sentati\·e.

One nP\·er knows from onf' month to another thf' situation" that ma:v arise anrl lah>lv thev have bee'n tu1·ning up that wa):. how can I. or anyone eh€" for that matter. promi>-e what they are going to do in the coming two yenrs .

I will, hm,·en'r. if I am •·lected. do my hest to hPlp hr·ing about tl-:<! many things that thp pPoplp in Greenbplt want, ne('d, and are striving for.

I still intE'nd to wnrk with the Coundl and the peoplE' f,,r th .. gooo of our Town ns I have in th<> p<bt wlwther 1 am PlPcted to sen·e on t lw Council or not.

This YE"Ill' I hPliP\'(' will bE:" one of Greenbelt's strongf'st \'Oting; years. May the PPnpiE' gpt who they want and need and the best n1en win.

- VERNO:--; T. FOX



Conznzunit y Clzurch /)rot (-.o.;lant

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ll~·d ~r;.:) t;:· ... r !'>all. -:.

.\:· . r.' ~ .f 1:t.-t y..-·a:··...: , l ~1 I~··:..: .1 •n :--.:' >. 1.

• : : ~·•.' -:.::• :-:: .. _.•_....:, b :..t t was the

.• ~·:. · :~1 t' ... I~<,._:i...i..:_•, :...:rFJtt~: f>ines. 1'.-··· .·.:·- p !··:t f.n t···p '.\·ith three ~·~ TL·· } .. _·tt_;...:·.:~· i:~ r.Jtf to a fly-;:....: ... ·~ 1 ••• ·.'-·1·:, ,.,;._·r 16,-; !lV:n par-t,

Wh1te Elephant .. t •" ·~\·· •:--=lt:n'_..; s~..)f"i('~\.· r::f the


. I Holiday Servzce~i The Jewish Communit~l ,..,."!r:t€ ;

of Gr·~enbelt will hold 1~s H1g • Holirlay Services. at the (Iowa! . '.Iemorial :'\<Iethod~st Churcl":r \Vooc · lane! \\'ay. Rabbt ::\Iorns J,. Sand · haus will conduct the serv \ces, a: · -:sterl by Cantor SamueliGotte: ·

I n1an. '\

Schedule of Sen·ice; Rosh Ha;;honah <New Year;\-·

Sundav September 1-l <It 1;0 1

p. m. ::-.ionday. Septemberi 15 a. R:30 a. m. and 7:00 p.m. Tfe~daj September 16 at 8:30 a. m.


Ymn Kippur <Day of Atonement)-· Tuesday, September 23 at 7 p. rr ,

\\'ednesday, September 24 ;lt 8:3 I a.m. . . I

Yizkor (1\'Iemonal Sernce~ 1 ) at 1 ,

t ... ·r '·· ! ~ f-: • ' : .. . ·. 1 t t 1 _"'.: r -.:. ~ ~. :: -'·~~--.\uf• ~.:p:-::ntill.1 :'>Ie.thndist cr. .::• l· ·.•. ill h•old a white elPphant .-.t!•.· •.. :: F: :ria;:. ;:.:r,pte:-!1ber 19. from

a.m. , The Jewish Community ~1Cente ·

d Gr~e~belt takes gr~at J ea~ur : ·:\n r .. ~ n~ r. r _,_

! ; ... •· I:-.. . I · .• ··lu;,. ·:' : t: • r' •. · ... .... hir h h· :.:, · :J

~. • ~ 1 . r.1. in t hP hurne eco-r·,' :·:·:, -~ : ',,. :~1 < •f the cen t(·r· ~chool.

..\ \ ·'' :•·! ., ... ,f u,o:•ful art iclE•;,: will r ~ ·1·. n.:l;tr!!~- f\_)t· tJT .. U chase. E\·ery­.f !"":... ;_...; ._, (·1 ('1 • !1-.e.

m WJ>-hmg ever ybcdy J "er. happy and prosperous new y ar."


.... ~ . . . .. in Ct . : • it Guild ~.\pron Sale

Hebrew Services / Sabbath Sen-ices wm t1e con ,

ducted bv Rabbi Sandhaus. friday at 8:30 p. m., September 12. in th; soc:al room of the center i school All are cordially invited to jatten~

~rr:.~ :- t •• l~~-r :··.··~·tinL: f·: rt .. _. cr ;,:r :~.::r: ('}jff.: d \\'unrf· .. -.·a: d ~Jnri

r: .• r;·tb--··t s ·••• t--. _ .... ,_ t'·! r: ..... J···:;·.r•· :-.• .'. "'f i 1•. · .- rJ; I ~--, :~ ~ ; • t •. ; :"". I,~· : } f) -- -

:... [r n~.-· E-..•·r:.r.,...: (;uilrl r.:t·~,t~ nt t r... .~)( ~n·J· ( f ~.:: .'. .:'·I~:rt(Jn Tr <.~· 1'1-K T:1<!;.Y

.·\n\"11'' wh<.> n1J:-;,;t.·d the sale of ;J;,r:,;l, f•.•t· kinrlerganen children n~.d wr,ulrl like to order one or ~n<·:" may d<' ,;o by calling :\Irs. \\·,,.,rJwarrl. 6-126 or :\Irs. Shannon, :'1<>L::. The ,-ale was sponsored by the E\·Pning Guild of the Com­:-:-:unity Chu:-eh.

+111-''1-•-n-n-JIII ______ lll_.,_•":•

I 4:&5 PHOTOS I ' l Three for $2.00 \\"t·dr.•·.-.da::. ·"'··;J1f·r·· tJt·r 17-·-·· I Yates Dameron "-:. m Ci:u·r·L Ch(li:· n·l:<·<ti-al.

:--.f·r_·,·rJfl n~~···:-. <·· :·,·~o·r ... (·ho<.•l .. "fhU! .--d:-ty ::.:f~JJt• :--:dj• r lS~

'-:J-, ,.. C' .:rch \\'r:-:·:<·:-J·,

LJi~cus~ion Group holds its first m.-(·t i ng of the spason at the home <•:' '.I:·s. \\'ells Harrington, 4-C Plateau PlacP.

l Bob MoCiary j Call Greenbelt 3553 or 41~52 .,

+-·-~-~---~-"'-"-~=::r-• •II!.


I A Message To Greenbelt

• At the recent Congressional hearings before the House Small ~u_si­

:ie:,;,:. C1•mmittee. Greenbelt Consumer Services, Inc. \vas made the victim ,,fa political inquisi'.:ion. The hearings seem to 'have been primarily an <:tt~·m;Jt of the Committee to force the Governm~nt to sell Greenbelt, <t JHl G·.c .S. wa" caught in the backwash. The publicity that followed !l<ts ca cl:-'.ed a certain amount of confusion. To avoid any possible mis­U!Hiu·;-;tanding we wish to state the position of G.C.S. in this matter.

Greenbelt, A Town to be Proud of .-\·. thl· it•.;"::.)->. '.':it!l•·"'"' ." fCJr th(· C0mmittee and witnesses for

r ;_(·.~. all ga\·e <m ent}HJ!"ia!"tic recital of life in Greenbelt. G.C.S. and Gn:t.nlwlt came through with flying colors. \Ve are indeed proud.

What Will Happen Now? Th •. · resolution r•f the Committee urging Public Housing Administra­

: i. ·~1 ttl break its lea~:,• \Yith G.C.S. seems to haYe been primarily a pub­lil·.t:: !"tunt. P.H.A. has ~aid publicly that they have no reason to even c"n:-;idt·r the mattt'l' unle":-; Congress takes action. Action of Congress '.'::]] J>l'<Jbably lw concerned with :-;el1ing Greenbelt. Even this will no~ ;dft·r:t the present G.C.S. lea:-::es. If Greenbelt is sold it will simply mean a ::e\\' landlord.

What about :';,.1onopoly? (; .C.S. was accused at the hearings of being a monopoly. The

·.\·11r·rl itself i:-: mil"k·ading-. Some people consider the post office ~. c1••?l<•ptdy; huwe\'t.:r, it i:-; clearly in the public inter~st.

C.\.S. is no monopoly in the way t~1e Committee tried to prove. < ;_( ·.:-:. has a lea"e in a situation similar in many ways to the new shop­l<:w c•·nh·r.s now being- built by priYate enterprise. The lease does not : C:'tr;d othc·r kinds of businesses coming in. It simply prevents more 'han (JJ1e store of a kind in the Center. It protects the Cooperative in­'-., :-tm••:Jts of two-thirds of the people of Greenbelt, and it protects the Lt. <l ~~t.\· and etticient layout of the Center Area. Samuel F. Ashelman, .Jr .. G.C.S. Genl·ral :\Ianag-er, stated at the hearings that he would wel­c•.J~W compdition from pri\·ate businesses in Greenbelt if established in ;,l'CI•rrbnce with !"ound town planning.

It : . ..:. well kno\\'n that cooperati\·es are one of the best instruments for ;,rt·:,king monopolie:". The Small Business Committee itself stated last .·.-, ar that ''Thc·re i" sub~tantial eyidence to show that the Cooperative !"!'":·emvnt opera~es as a Yery success~ul means of combating monopo­~1-tic crmcentratwns and, as such, 1s a very healthy addition to the American economy."

What is the Big Issue? \\.(· belieYe the big i:'sue is-,YILL THE GOVERNMENT SELL

t d-!F.E:\'BELT. \\"HE:\. TO \YHO::\L AND UNDER 'VHAT CONDI­T.IO:\':-: '! Th>:.' attemp~ of a ~mall group in Greenbelt to distract atten­:io:1 fr11m thi" all-important matter is malicious. Greenbelt has re­lE-in,d a challt-nJ!C'. Greenbelt can meet it if we all remain alert and ·s, r,: t< •g-et her ttJ Jil'otect our homes and our community.

The Election An.': chaq.:e th<tt the ConperatiYe is running a slate in the Town

( ·, ·ll~:l·: I •·lectirm i, false. Political action by any of our members is their ~~v~ ·1 !~~·t,·.ne~s as cit:zt..~n~. Tht~~7 are not representing G.C.S.


~!ffiENBELT9Consumcr Sen'ices, ,N.: '



•·r . -~.'rl I

Page 3: OOPERATOJl - greenbeltnewsreview.com · OOPERATOJl AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER I I . Published Every Friday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc., 8 Parkway, Greenbelt,

St. Hugh's Catholic Church

Mowatt Memorial Methodist Church

Daily Mass: 7 a. m. at St. Hugh's Chapf?l, 58-A Crescr'nt Road.

Sunday ~·Tass: 7:3() and 9:30 in the theater.

\\~cr .. dlanrl\\·ay and F'•,r• , ... ,-._. F'a .... t ·I. :~f·\·. H.a;. rrP,fld v·:. Cr_q ,.;.•

F.-X Platt:•<tu Pla• •; Tt·l~·;,h(Jnl· 3~J ;6

Sundi•:·. Si:fJ1('ITlb(·r· 1; ~1; ;:} n. r:1. -·Church St::.<,rl

Clas~r·- foJ· all a:.;•·- •

7:30 a. m. :\Tass: Cor·porate CrJm­munion Sunday for all members of the Hol~r Nttme Society and all rw:n of the parish. The ..'\'Iass will be offered for their Special Intentions.

11 a. !"':"1.- ;-.I(~rnir~~ \\'(J! --~.::_:. · ( .l

rl!<• C<•Lr!ially invitpr] tr· ·;.r,·,r.,rJ

1 p. m.-Baptisms. Confess!or.s: 7:3fJ-9:3(l p. m. this

Saturdr y only.

··c·! t·a t(~ in rn~! a (_·J~a!1 :-.... ar •. () witr li,C.

(;()d. anrl rf:·n•·'\' a r lgLt --pir lt ·s:!.tl­in P.Jr·. Ps. Sl :F1.


The circus comes to town Cln the packages



.59 eac:h plut. tax



SERVICE STATION We h'\ve purchased an assortment of good quality

SEAT COVERS at a close-out sale.

They will be sold at an extra-special price o..f

$3.50 to $10.50 Come in and see if we can fit YOUR car. They won't last.

We have only 10 sets!

A Reminder on Anti-Freeze


I )

'I I' ') ) ) I

I) I) )

i) ~ ( I


Only a few gallons of permanent type left.

until Fall. You may be


Don't delay buy~r-:g (, \ (

Too Late! ('


PREENBELT<ff§CunaumcrScrvic;:_:~ l · n======~~=====~~========~= ~ . ._........_,

To t'h~"Vot~;~~- Pdn'ed ., paid admti .. m::==r The next few years will be crit;cal and decisive ones for I

Greenbelt. Whether or not our dream of a town for the people and by the people comes true, depends in great par·t on the kind of a Council we elect. It is more important than ever, therefore, that the voters look over their candidates carefully, and vote intelligenty and without group pressures for the five

• who will help develop Greenbelt best for all Greenbelters. Perhaps the most sincere approval of my candidacy was that

of a friend who has often disagreed with me in the past. "I'm glad you are running," he said, "because you can be such an ornery cuss in fighting for what you think is right." Before I outline some of the "right" issues as I see them, here are some pertinent personal facts: I am a member of St. Hugh's Catholic Church, belong to the Knights of Columbus, the American Le­gion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. I was the first presi­dent of the Greenbelt Mutual Housing Association, , director of Greenbelt Consumer Services, and a committee chairman of the Greenbelt Citizens Association.

In this limited space, I can comment "nly bri~fly on three important topics:

ONE. MUTUAL HOUSING. favor the purchase of Greenbelt, at the appropriate tirt'le and at a fair cost, under a well- thought out mutual housing plan. If the Government can sell war plants to big business for twenty-five c~nts on the dollar, it seems consistent with my idea of good government to dispose of Greenbelt to the residents at a reasonable price.

TWO. THE CO-OP. I believe in well-administered co-ops as yardsticks to control unbridled exploitatior, by unprincipled so-called "free enterprises." I find such a belief in ;.·">-ops con­sistent with accepted sound economic theories and in harmony wi1.n the teachings and practices of my religion. The Catholic Rural Life Conference, for example, encourages and promotes farm and consumer co-ops throughout the country. Co-?ps are not socialistic. They are 11ot communistic.

However. I seriously question the management policies of GCS. Services have not improved sufficiently. Overhead costs are too high and patronage returns are too low. The present policy of hiring new key personnel is open to criticism. These <Jnd many other points require the immediate attention of the Co-op Board and all interested members but they are not the direct concern of the Coun-::il.

I believe in fair competiUon and should welcome other busi­nesses into Greenbelt in properly zoned commercial areas. If possible, I would either restrict chain stores or provide scme protection against unfair competition. I also b'!!lieve that GCS has some vested rights in their present store sites.

THREE. THE NORTH END. I believe the North End has been seriously neglected by the town. by FPHA and by GCS. I am bitterly opposed to the "Do!.tble standard" policies which prevent the North End from getting :tny of the many improve­ments that are so badly needed.

Limited space prevents me from discussing othe,. it~ms such as "white collar" industry for Greenbelt; metropolitan teleph"·'e service for Greenbelt: an adequate budget: semi-annual ~epor~3 by the town manager and the Council to the people in a., oJ:;en town meeting; and other similar issues.

' Sincerely,

- . .\.C. LONG i

I: ~==============================

· '··· Erlitr·;: a:-·. a nntl\·~· (•f ~"'·ance County,

:~.:1r. Carolina. erlucated in the r '.it'J!: · ~et.ools in Henderson. and .IJ {; ·• arlou:.: _,,._·rY:ce schooJ.g in ::: .. r:• Island a:;d \'irginia, while .· :r.·· :-,;-a\·y.

l-' 1 r.ine year.~ inde;_.endently en­:.:,.,·. d ;n t<•bflccn bu!<iness in ,;, ... ,:;~:a. :-,;-cuth and South Carolina, .,., r.r,• --ee. Kntucky and Virginia. :r·1 t•'l 192S to 19.'30 Tax Lister for \'""' •; County. compiling and as­'' ··.r _. real anrl personal property ;·r··r:~ which city and county tax ! ;,t •. • :-n e (':--tahli~h(·d. Have :served ~t;~~~r····,irr.~atf._.l:.~ nineteen year,; in }~•-ri,_.: ;·ll S()r\·iee. At IJresent er.1-f·l<•:":ri a> Engineer in :-,;-aval Ord­!i<.~n· •· Lahor·aton:. Since moving ''l • ;, •·•-·nb('lt about ten years ago : .. :. r·i':jpf r·i\·ic intere.-ts have been: B· ·Y :-:cout Committeeman and Cub L•·;,rJ..:·: Chair·man Greenbelt Citi­;n·r> A.-sociation·~ \'.:ay-; and :\leans c .. ,, :<ttee 19.'38 to 19-10: member ';! ,..·nbdl. Def(·nse Council during ln>! ·.•. i:r: member Gr·eenbelt Ath-1'-fi<: A~;;ociation.

~.J~· position on two of perhaps lL!! :-::r.q important problems fac­ir.g Creenbelt tuday is unmistak­ably ( h·ar:

1. \\';th respect to pending legis­Jati;,n in'.·oh·ing change of owner­~hip ,,f Greenbelt properties:

I ad\·ocate. and if elected, wqz .-U!JJ,c·r t wholeheartedly either priv­at<·ly rJr publicly any plan or und•!rtaking that will permit the penr•!"=' of Greenbelt to purchase their· homes, whether through ::\Iu­tu:Jl Housing or some other similar c·r;::ar..ization.

I am emphatically opposed to nny plan or scheme designed to di~po-.e of Gr·:enbelt to any person or persons. finn. company o:c cor­r,oration that may use our town im purposes of exploitation.

:::?. I am not a candidate .~'or the r,ur pr.~!'e of aiding or abetting in the liquiclatio~ of Greenbelt Consume1 Sen·ices. \Vhether private enter­pr·i,>" ~hould be permitted to en­g:Jge in business and compete with Cr '-E-n belt Consumer Sen·ices is a matt•:r· which the people them­,..,.J n-,.. .i'hould decide. It is our re­~:·(•r•,ibility. howe\·er, as citizens. to fur !f;p:· the will of the people and 1 h '' •Ugh democratic procedures de­cide the issues thus raised by POIJU­lar J+. ierendum.

If r-1'-'cted I will do mY utmost to .-•·r ·. ,. th: intere::-ts of the people of t~1 ~·· r:l:•·lt in a .iurlicious:: and ,: : ;_lj~~-T :·IJ! v.-;:u d n.ann(·r it·I t:;::,IJt:C­

Ln· ,,f race ot· creed. with equal c:\ili•y and fairne.-;s to all. -

-J. C. S:\IITH

Choral Group lloJds First Sing

Jl:·. Harlan Randall of the L'ni­\ +.< .-i r:; of :\laryland. director of the Ct·epnbelt Communitv Chorus, con­ductc·d the fii·st singi.ng meeting of O~e .s.:rnup ~londay night. About -.i.-..:1;: ~inge.·s ranging ft·om high .-•·l;r•<'l age up participated.

'Th• chorus will meet each ::\lon­d;ly ni>:ht at 8:30. promptly. in the Hu:-:1e Economics room of the C•·nl(·r· School. Dr. Randall em­pha,izt·d that the singing would -1art promptly at 8:30, and that ~Yerynne should be in place and n:ad:.· To sing at that time. :".lem­h>:·! .-hip in the cloorus is open to an~ body in Greenbelt and vicinit:v wtco likes to sing. It is hoped the Cr.c.ru" will grow to two hundred rn· mr,re members. :\!ale voices ar •' ! •articularly needed.

Freel Pfeiffer, chairman of the br,ard nf directors. presided o\·er the m(·eting. He announced that the mE·mbership fee for the first h:Jlf of the program year is one :I•J!lar. \\'eeklv dues are fiftv cents to be :J>ed to co\·er expenses- of the gn.up. ~uch as director, pianist an~ P.~U:-:.IC'.

Other officer·s of the group are :\!r;o. Charles Cormack, member­~hip chairman: Tom Freeman, \·ice-cLairmar,; :\lr:<. :\Jarv Jane Kir.z•·r·. advisor: :\li:-.s Fay· Fried­n;,n, ~er-retary; Samuel Gottesman, tr •·u,t:r •·r : :\lr;;. 0. :\L Slve, li· h1 a1 :;•n and publicity. These com­r•<·--·-· th· Board of Directors which v. ill .-• ne ur.til the first of the ~ t•:J;. '-' !wn nl!icet·~ will be elected. P:a!l q ior· the Chorus is :\Irs. Gor­<J, ·n A. Finlay.

111 TA~H ·xy 11

SUBURBAN CAB. co. I 3407 Perry St.,

Mt. Rainier, Md. OJ:;erating under official ~ county rates .


September 12, 1947 GREENBELT COOPE~Al_OR }'hree

~:t~~~ ;E,~ !,.s.,p !.! !.~.~ 50 cents pazoabl~ in <iclvance:!B1't71g

INSURANCE to base,;,ent of.~ Par cway '1 iuls~y PROTECnON night. For inJermo :ion cc rz. 11-'1

· on Tuesday e'L"e(dngt: betwe:ln ll:30 and 11 p. m. ' I i

-That extra margin of DRIVING SAFETY

There is no substitute for "fliiJ. eovera~<e" protection as offered by the Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. Partial pro­tectio7l is false economy - an un­fortunate accident could eause you to lose your savings ; your home z.nd earnings for years to come. - ea11 for complete information about Farm Bureau•s economieaJ. user-owned mutua· ins:Irance pro­tection.


Anthony M. Madden 17-E Ridge Road

Greenbelt 4111 FARM BUREAU '-UTUAL


+----------------- ·----· + i GREENBELT l • I Theatre Program 1 Phone 2222

: ------------------1 SATURDAY SEPT. 13

10:00 a. m.- One show only Mickey Rooney

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Continuous from 1 :00 p. m. William Elliott

Vera Hruba Ralston The Plainsman and

the Lady Plus 3 Stooges, 2 Cartoons

Last complete show 9:00

SUN., MON. SEPT. 14, 15 Esther Williams "

Ricardo Montalban j • .i Fiesta I I s • (Technicolor) I I Sunday feature at: 1:15, 3:15, j i 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 " I j 1 Monday 7:15 and 9:15 ~

TUES., WED. . SEPT. 16, 17 James Dunn - Mona Freeman

That Brennan Girl 7:00 and 9:00

THURS .• FRI. SEPT. 18, 19 Ray Milland - Teresa Wright

Imperfect Lady

,l. _____ : :~m~:nd••~~~----•-•+

WASHING M.ACHll: 'ES & .jl V 4C­UUM CLEA~Em~Salei ~~d' service. PickL~p md d•!~i-;Eiry. James T. Che1~ault, 4806 E·:!Jnons­tonAve., Hyattsville· Md. V\'~.400Z

SEWING MAC~NE·:;- Ii~Jit~ sold and re1:.aired. Call ltrret;,n­belt. 6399. Pi·~k up and d lliv1~ry serv1ce. I · ·

LoCAL WASI:IN•; MA(~NE SERVICE-A,utoma ;ic ar·!. con­ventional m pdels expert.. re­paired. Re;~sonab e. G 1 aran­teed. Water conect ons foz:1 auto­matic instaUied, f1 ?e esti:.pates. GR. 6707. i

BROOKS WNTCH 'A:iifJ:)'~EW­ELRY REPAIR - - Eng:·: ving, pearls res.tnlng, Q "ick a< [ u:n­cient servic• . Pho 1e Gn: nbelt 6622. 12-A I illside

PIANO TUNHJG AI\·D--R~E~I;~IR­by an expert! Rec 1mmenJed by Greenbelt te~ chers md re~:!fden.ts. All work gm: rantef' d. Fn esti-mates. TOw r 591: ;, , Shop in Gr enbell store·: and

save yourself reoney. ____ .. ARTISTIC PICrrURE FRAM NG­

Everything i1~ frarr. :ng .. , lV' rro:rs, watercolors, •r,ils, et :hings, oqd- . cuts. Beau·riful, hard- 1. - get m o u I d i n g ~· A: .:ists f 1 am~s. Diplomas an•' docu:nents t' pert­ly mounted./ Woe :l and metal photographic fram !S. Pf• sonal collection off prinu: and 0' 1'ginal oil paintings No ob too ~mall. Highest quelity- airest Pz:it~ !S The Americ1an W ;ty. SttVI!ll,.S and satisf~iction . guanthtet~d. Henry G. M:~len, · :. -D Noz !hway Road, Green~elt 56::8. .L.._l_

LOST -Small fed tri 1 ycle, r•: and black seat, 'fide ri 111med ,., heels. Sold by H. Elatterm ~n prin 1 d on front. Rew:~rd. Jl [rs. S. hart, 50-C Crescen1t Road Phon: 2508.

GLEN C 0 f:!OMES'riC Ri; B.T MEAT-is alf exce1 lionall) Cl_e~n meat. Glenco rabl its art? a1sed in sanitary ihutch s and ever touch the gn~und. fry one today from Greent 1rlt Co 1sumer exTi-ces, Inc. ~~ . :

CHRISTMAS fARr [.SPEc:!ALI . 50 for $1.()(. Er gravinf free. Call Greenbeft 548.: after 1: p. m.

BROKEN LENSES : >UPLIC TI~D , -Prescriptior~s fill• d. Call ; reen­belt 4897 !orj appc ntment. Mr. L. Ellis, optician, vith 15 years experience is off 'ring p· mpt, high quality dervic< to. the 1 eople of Greenbelt ~t rea :onable ! rices.


• PAPifR • FiiLMS



PITTM1 N 51 UD10 3207 Rhode h land A· e., Mt. R · 1riler'

If Greenbelt is sold your l't nt anti mine \till go up from 30o/o to 50%, cos of u :i!ities ''1ill increase and we will be burd~ned v1th he:1vy taxes. 1 l

Can you aJford to live in 'Freen )elt if t:l is happens. I c ~rtainly cannot. ·

A united Town Council wh,:ich i~ concert•~d With the welfare of all the pec\ple a 11d n.ot j 1~st a few may be able to prever•t such a dJSClS1 ~r.

Your vote in Tuesday's tllectic·n will e appreciated. I


-ALLEN D. MOl~R £SOl\ Paid Advertisemet~t

~------------------------------.u----Vote for


! I for Town Council /

I earnestly solicit your s.fLPP•>rt i ~ the election to be held TuesdaJJf, Se{Jten.l-.­ber 16, 1947. If elected I will,~o trty u.[­

m_o~t to serve the ,inter~sts (tf ~ 1!l th[ cztzzens of Greenbelt, zrrespectz !'e tlr class, race, or creed, with equt~l ci'vilitr and fairness to all. 1 I

Paid Advertisement I 1 I I


Page 4: OOPERATOJl - greenbeltnewsreview.com · OOPERATOJl AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER I I . Published Every Friday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc., 8 Parkway, Greenbelt,

Four C:tti~1~NHJi:I,T C'OOI'EllATOH ;;, pi• ""'', 1:,_:, ~~~~~

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Hofstetter Cleaners /•'or l·'ttH/ ,....,.,.,.in·

SIIOE llEI•.\IHS B\'1-:li\C~ B\'

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1\tndt·r·n Studio of Bntu·t· .. )11,'9 llltod" 1"1"'"' Ave'"'" I

"" rlr ''"' hvlllo> r ;:trllllr> I' I N II 0 I I_ N 0 W

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t\BUAIIAM (~IIARANOW l';tlol Adv,.rll~f!tnf"llt

I ''"' ,.,u,,;,n for· ,.,,_,.,,,, llo ,, lo 1'ou'll ( 'otltlf'il lu•t'tfli,H(' I ,.,,, lo t'ollllllllt' lo tlt)l m 'I ,,,., ;, (,'rt•t}ttlu·ll. (;'''r. out tutd r•olt• "" 1'11t'Hf'lnu. :~t'l'''· u;. /!J,/7.' ,.,,. ,,,, ,,.., of if'"";-,.,,;,.,.. '

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