OOl Collaborative Document

Collaborative Work Processes between the Office of Online Learning and Instructional Technology Office of Online Learning Instructional Technology Manager of Instructional Design Course Audit Process (start date not yet determined) Director and divisional deans will choose two full-time faculty from 2 disciplines to begin this project Director alerts the Manager of IT when the project is scheduled to begin OOL Assistant drafts all letters of agreement. Secretary helps faculty teams with their textbook review quests, if any. OOL Assistant processes payment after ID indicates reviews and revision work, if recommended, are completed. Director schedules faculty to participate in Quality Matter training Director discusses review teams’ recommendations with divisional deans and obtain final approval from VP of Academic Affairs Director works with faculty to schedule a presentation during a cluster meeting to showcase revision work. Director obtains final approval of revision work by cluster leader and divisional dean OOL Assistant processes revision payments Blackboard administrator grants each faculty team and the ID access to master course shells or copies of recently taught online sections of courses to be reviewed Bb Admin provides each faculty team access to a blank shell that will become a course resource shell for faculty teams to post any new content for each revised course. Bb Admin gives all instructors of a revised course access to the course resource shell upon its completion Schedules meetings with faculty teams to discuss final review findings and recommendations of the group for revisions Shares revision narrative with OOL director for approvals Assists faculty teams in their revision work; Review s final revision products in each course resource shell. Notifies OOL director when revision work is completed. Updates OOL’s revision database Alerts online instructors of the availability of each course resource shell


Collaborative Document

Transcript of OOl Collaborative Document

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Collaborative Work Processes between the Office of Online Learning and Instructional Technology

Office of Online Learning Instructional Technology Manager of Instructional Design

Course Audit Process (start date not yet determined)

Director and divisional deans will choose two full-time faculty from 2 disciplines to begin this project Director alerts the Manager of IT when the project is scheduled to begin OOL Assistant drafts all letters of agreement. Secretary helps faculty teams with their textbook review quests, if any. OOL Assistant processes payment after ID indicates reviews and revision work, if recommended, are completed. Director schedules faculty to participate in Quality Matter training Director discusses review teams’ recommendations with divisional deans and obtain final approval from VP of Academic Affairs Director works with faculty to schedule a presentation during a cluster meeting to showcase revision work. Director obtains final approval of revision work by cluster leader and divisional dean OOL Assistant processes revision payments

Blackboard administrator grants each faculty team and the ID access to master course shells or copies of recently taught online sections of courses to be reviewed Bb Admin provides each faculty team access to a blank shell that will become a course resource shell for faculty teams to post any new content for each revised course. Bb Admin gives all instructors of a revised course access to the course resource shell upon its completion

Schedules meetings with faculty teams to discuss final review findings and recommendations of the group for revisions Shares revision narrative with OOL director for approvals Assists faculty teams in their revision work; Review s final revision products in each course resource shell. Notifies OOL director when revision work is completed. Updates OOL’s revision database Alerts online instructors of the availability of each course resource shell

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Office of Online Learning Instructional Technology Manager of Instructional Design

Course Revision Process based upon Textbook Changes

Secretary alerts the director , the Manager of Instructional Technology, and the ID when a new edition or textbook becomes available for an online course OOL Assistant sends revision work contracts to faculty chosen by ID and OOL Director OOL Assistant processes payment for completed course revision work

Bb Admin gives reviser a shell to use to post new content and instructional suggestions that reflect the new textbook. This becomes the course resource shell. Bb Admin gives other instructors instructor-access to this course resource shell upon its completion. Instructors can move content from this shell over to the shell they will use to teach their courses.

Collaborates with OOL Director to choose course reviser. Sends course revision form to selected course reviser. Reviews revision work in course resource shell for accuracy and completeness. Updates OOL’s course revision database upon completion of each revision project. Disseminates course revision form to faculty teaching the revised course; Alerts faculty of updates to the course resource shell when a new textbook (not an edition) is available

Existing Online Instructors

Assistant Director and OOL Assistant schedules instructors OOL Assistant sends and processes completed letters of agreement Secretary provides textbooks and publisher-created instructional resources, if needed Assistant Director conducts adjunct evaluations

Bb Admin provides instructors with timely access to their Blackboard course shells prior to the start of the semester IT Manager and staff share any important technology-related updates during bi-monthly online instructor meetings IT Manager schedules on-campus and online

Serves as a resource for faculty when needed Provides professional development opportunities on topics related to online pedagogy and assessment of learning

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Office of Online Learning Instructional Technology Manager of Instructional Design

Director schedules and co-facilitates bi-monthly online faculty meetings with the Assistant Director Promotes professional development opportunities provided by IT staff

professional development opportunities

New Course Development

Director collaborates with faculty and divisional deans to choose new courses to offer online or in a hybrid format OOL Assistant sends developer a letter of agreement which includes deliverable due dates as communicated by the ID OOL Assistant processes payment for completed course development work Director ensures cluster and/or divisional dean has reviewed the final course and have approved it.

Bb Admin gives developer access to a copy of the existing Bb template to build their course Bb Admin gives divisional dean and/or cluster leader access to the course upon its completion.

Schedule an initial meeting with faculty to discuss deliverables and their due dates; Shares dates with OOL Assistant Reviews course to determine it has met QM standards; Contacts OOL and cluster leader when course is completed

New Online Instructors Assistant Director completes and submits hiring paperwork, if needed Assistant Director notifies Manager of IT of any new online instructors OOL Assistant sends and process letter of agreement Assistant Director co-facilitates 6-week training

Manager of IT or her designate sends new online instructors instructions to access Blackboard tutorials and additional training opportunities Bb Admin creates a blank course shell for each new instructor and gives them access to available course resource shells

Works with Assistant Director to help facilitate the OOL online teaching course and regularly update its content Sends new instructors recent course revision documentation, encourages them to contact other instructors of the

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Office of Online Learning Instructional Technology Manager of Instructional Design

in online pedagogy ; Co –facilitates with the Assistant Director of ECE for ECE cohorts.

same course and to use course resource shells

Online Course Evaluations

OOL Assistant creates import files Director creates and assigns surveys to courses; Send email reminders to students (Kelvin) Assistant Director sends the results of non-tenured, FT faculty to divisional deans

Bb Admin posts system admin survey reminder in Blackboard; IT staff develops and promotes availability of tutorials to help students and faculty access the CourseEval site (proposed)

Student Issues with an Online Instructor

OOL Assistant and Secretary handle incoming student issues; Forwards them to Assistant Director and when necessary, to the Director

Syllabi Checks Director, Assistant Director, and OOL Assistant review course syllabi for their availability and basic content prior to start of the semester; Contact faculty to share constructive feedback

Help OOL staff review course syllabi for their availability and basic content prior to the start of each semester