Onward Christian Soldiers: Bible Prophecy Teacher Dr. Jack Van Impe


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One of the greatest preachers of modern times preaching the coming of the LORD and Gospel of Jesus Christ is Dr. Jack Van Impe. For years, the LORD has lead me to tune in to Dr. Jack Van Impe Ministries to be edified by THE WORD OF GOD as the Holy Spirit works in and through Dr. Jack Van Impe to teach me the mysteries of GOD'S WORD. I cannot thank my GOD enough for raising up such a devout man of GOD as Dr. Jack Van Impe to preach, to teach and to stand up for the truth as it is taught in THE WORD OF GOD --- in this particular time in human history.

Transcript of Onward Christian Soldiers: Bible Prophecy Teacher Dr. Jack Van Impe

Page 1: Onward Christian Soldiers: Bible Prophecy Teacher Dr. Jack Van Impe

Onward Christian Soldiers: Bible Prophecy Teacher Dr. Jack Van Impe

One of the greatest preachers of modern times preaching the coming of the LORD and Gospel of Jesus Christ is Dr. Jack Van Impe. For years, the LORD has lead me to tune in to Dr. Jack Van Impe Ministries to be edified by THE WORD OF GOD as the Holy Spirit works in and through Dr. Jack Van Impe to teach me the mysteries of GOD'S WORD. I cannot thank my GOD enough for raising up such a devout man of GOD as Dr. Jack Van Impe to preach, to teach and to stand up for the truth as it is taught in THE WORD OF GOD --- in this particular time in human history.

The world needs more believers and pastors who are willing to lay down this their present life in this world to preach and to teach THE WORD OF GOD in season and out of season to reach the lost (unbelievers) with the Truth, in this political correct world that is headed for destruction. The LORD JESUS CHRIST is coming soon to catch up all born-again believers in Jesus Christ alone to be with HIM in Heaven.

Dr. Jack Van Impe Ministries broadcasts a weekly television program called "Jack Van Impe Presents" on DSTR (DayStar) on Friday nights at 9:00 PM Central Standard Time and 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, and on other Christian stations throughout the rest of the week. Jack Van Impe Ministries International operates an awesome website where visitors can find newsletters, devotionals, listen to Global News, make prayer requests and so much more at the following address: www.jvim.com .

Jack Van Impe Ministries has produced countless videos and published many books teaching THE WORD OF GOD and Bible Prophecy in-depth over the past 40 plus years. Many of the videos can be located on YouTube and one of these video teachings I would like to share with you today. The teaching is called "The Truth About Heaven" and this particular teaching is about one topic that is often not taught enough about in so many church assemblies around the world, and is one that every born-again believer (Christian) and every non-believer need to hear.

The Truth About Heaven --- www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU8OlyqVGUA

The video teaching runs for one hour and forty-four minutes and is chalk full of valuable information about Heaven according to THE WORD OF GOD.